4- Ml ADDWQ MACHINES We Mil. rtnt 4s service all makes Row. 488 Court. EM 1-8773. CONDITIONING EWER COLDS, CondanaiUoa Control, Co. EM S-7S3S. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Allison Appliance Service, EM -m( lor last service. BUILDING A REMODELING Brickwork, siding, roofing. ABC mmney acmes. J.M 4-MU, B- LDC-ZINQ Bulldozing roads, dams, D4-D3. l-arryau. nuanay. caa. J-114S. BULLDOZING $5 par hr. EM 1-0833 or EM 3-8T31 Cat ANK SERVICE , 14-TON Loraine moto erana. 8a 7 lam Sand Oraval. EM 3-3481. VLOOR COVERING MORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor : eovarlnf Oly. Quality uHMJiiuwu. um. carpets, vi Dhalt at Rubber ms, wall til. Free Estimates, in fan. INCOME TAX SERVICE DON'T ovarpay Tax aervice at your bom or mine. EM 4-2301. 700 Rentals 70S Apartmenta for Rent 1 RM. turn. Close, $31 bid. heat at waier. irpi. rti. em 3-8333. tlLTRA. modflrn 1 rm. furn, nu a tauisesse iivaa. iui UWT, - S04 S. 18th. EM 4-8883, or XM if EAR Cap't'L furn. 3 run: A bath, adults. 330 S. 14th. EM e-iiav. . .liaise in modern furn. 3 rm. apt, ass s-s-iw except sat. , R RM. turn. apts. $3$ N. Winter at 70S . LADerty. IM a-0847, TURN. bam, apt. Water. Hint. arueee mci. ell mo. lOie XL EM 3-3508. Now Ready for Rental NEW FILANE APARTMENTS IMS Highway Avenue, NX. 3-758S. EM fur- nished or unfurnished. $70 to $100 per month. . Swimming privileges. AMBASSADOR APTS. Nicely furn. laundry facilities aw N. summer, em 3-9300. 1ST FLOOR furn. part util, car , pon, saa. em s-wj. . - 4 RM. turn. Apt 1410 Ferry Mum ior appoingnom. 1 a 3 Bdrra. unfurn. Children welcome. Close to bus. diet South. EM 4-833T after S p-m. RMS. bath $30, children O.K. 77 B. cornmorciai. em 4-1pt, FURN. apt util. od. $1$, close In South.XM 3-3727.' RM. turn. 1st fir. prtv, A ent gar. 883 8. lith. , bath FURN. 3 rm., pvt bath, W. 8a lem, utiL $45. EM 4-S073- MICE clean 3 rm upstairs apt, pnv. oain. usr. im s-aoos.. NEWLY remodeled apts. 1 A bdrms.. tSQ A 3.Xai( 3-1177, 5520 Portland ftd. 8 RM. furn. apt., private. Beauti . ful lawn on creak. ISO S. 18th vsi. or week ends, f OR rant 3 rm. turn. Apt Wast Salem. XM 4-8573. FURN. Apt Cap ShopCntr. util. rurn. pq a. inn, mm i-vu, FURN. court apts., large liv, rm., tile bath, newer furni ture. $55 A $59 per mo. Cli cade .Plaza, 743 Garth, XM 3-1743. CLEAN comfortable small ""apt Close in, Lady. $48 Ferry. SPARKING Clean 4 rm. furs. - : 605 8. Summer. ' COURT apt l'bdrm. furn, $45. ee7 ceuevue. s,m s-sii. IfURN. court liv. rm.. bdrm.. kitchenette A bath, $40 plus mu. uunary rurn. zaa iTaae, EM 4-7473 eve. CLKAN furn. Apt near Hospital 1 university. w a. gummer FURN. 3 rm. pvt bath, W. Sa. lem. TJti $50. EM 4-5073. lem, uti iCELY furn. 3 rm. A bath, tel. TV V ,..11 J niln, newly dec, air cond cpl. 145 Mrlon. EM 3-4K0. 1UDRM. aU turn, in trl-plex, aaults only, util. except elec. s5. 1720 Mill st uwner rn. 11341 McMlnnvilla COURT apt newly dec. 3 rms. parking available. Inq. after 8 or weekend, 134 s. iztn RF.ASONABLK very nice A nice 1 furn. t'Jiv aot Ideal for 1 near Gen. Hosp- 3281 Breyman 3, 1 M. turn redec. util. pd. close in. a.m s-woao, w n . tt uivwr JNSSEN COURT FVAN. 3 rm. apt $80. Neat A clean. ISth A E. Rural. 4 RM. FURN. APT. SOUTH, EM 4-7800 FURN. Apt down town. util, ine'l. raaa. em i ib7. in SZ9 mo. inq. Apt. rear, RM. lit fir. furn. Ant. liahti. water A util rm. furn. $45. IS2 ferry st em i-jiui. SPARKLING clean i bdrm. apt nicely furn. ideal for cpL or bachelor 745 B. commercial. S RM. apt. upstairs, S0 N. 10th, . N.K. EM 3-5933. a BDRM. apt, clean, close to schl., hosp., bus, tOO N. ISth, n.E. -em t-ona. CLEA, A Cozy. util. furn.. bath 450 8. Capital. EM 3-53M. SPACIOUS 4 rm. bath, wall-wall carpet, frpi. esr aownwwn. Km 4-7351, EM 4-3733. HKMT. turn. Bachelor, util.. pvt bath. $35. 430 S. 30th after ; P-re- FURN. 3 rm. A bsth $45. Ml N. Cottage, no imokipg drinking, em 3-4828. CLEAN 3 rm. furn. apt. Util. od. Priv. bath. 419 S. IS. LINWOOD Apts. Attrsc. ct 1 bdrm. turn. 007 8. 13th St. DEVEREAUX Apts. Nice 1 bd- rm. furnished A unfurn. 148$ , State 8t EM 3-2834. FURN. Gr. fir. 3 rmi. priv. bsth A ent. Gar. close in EM 3-8378 V LARGE 3 rm. furn. ground fir. Close In, bus. stores A bank 1055 Edgewater N.W. FURN. 1 ,RM. $80. UTTL" PD. cl. in g. priv. bsth. EM 3-3737. THE LEE ' NOW available, bachelor 1 bd rm. A 3 bdrm. Apt. BBS N. Wlntsr EM 4-iwi. CLOSE, clean 3 rm, furn. bsmt, $38, utn. 7a Msnon. I DESIRABLE-ipapious well furn. , apts. Hollywood Dlst UtU. pd. EM 4-948S. JUST " completed, Unfurn. 3 bdrm. court-apti. Combined kitchen ft family rm. Lots of buUt-ins. W. Salem. 370, Mo. Bet. . required. EM 4-8128 or EM 1-8633. f RM. furn. apt. on" buy line. 1935 Canter, EM 3-3114. FURN. 3 bedrm. priv bath. JT. adults. 771 8. Slit EM 3-3351. NICELY turn. 3 rms., bathj priv. entr. 1140 N. 5th. EM 3-4814 or EM 3-824$. . $To Place I'ltssiNed AOs CaU EM. 4-68U Save Time - Save Money For the Best PnteMteu! ferrlcM II Make Life Easier.- Read & Use Want Ads Daily! INCOME TAX SERVICE STAN'S Accounting Service. $80 8. Hth St. EM 3-8384. Leon's aceounting service. IMS 4th NX. EM 3-S3SS. Wa help you ssve Days r evei. through Sat. Bollingar, 3480 Z.lm St., EM 3-3438. rraa pick-up and dalivary. Bar ton Sarvtca. EM 3-8887. Ntad Ralpt ' Expariancad a rtu. EM S-SON. LAWNMOWER SMARPENINQ Eellpsa mowera rototillari. C A 8 Equip. Co. EM 4-1641. ED'S Sharpening. Lawn mowen ground at your horn EM3-0802 PA1MTINO PAPERRAMQ1NO Painting A Paperhsnging, rrat Eat EM 8-8813 1'W Shipping EXTERIOR, tntaiior. brush A . spray. Remodeling, roofing. rraa t. EM 4-0231, EM S-J877. ROTO-TATtNO rORD trie, rotavating. Reas. Weed row crops, EM 4-1884. CUSTOM rotovating to Kaizar territory. EM 4-3400. 700 Rentals 705 Apirtnrnts for lUnt 1 BDRM. turn., apt, $35, ant 1133 Cross St. TV 3 RM. turn, ct apt,, shower, bus mo. . km a-Twa. CYPRESS COURT 1 bdrm. Apt lurn. aoo g.JS a-ooMV. FURN. bachelor apt North $30. ' Inq. 3380 Broadway. EM 3-3844 3 RM. A bath, furn. 2nd floor. Redecorated, nice yd. to re lax SB.. 380 N. lath EM 3-0187, txos 1 BDRM. unfurn. Duolax. aar. stove A refrlg. Adults, no pets. rarceo air neai. aM s-xvm. FURN. 3 rms. A bath, ideal for newiyweas or emp. cpl., auto, laundry, TV ant $4$ Marion. ' EM 3-4W30. 1384 COURT Large unfurn. 1 oarm., i v am., ou ni., ear., bsmt. $88. EM 3-7134. ATTRACTIVE furn. 3 rm. Car- SHI Near city library hosp n creek. EM 3-8133 eves. DON'T judge a book by its cover. Spacious rms., Ideal Capitol location, beautiful view gOOO llVUlg. EM J-W71. i RM. unfum. duplex, like new. stove, refrlg., util. rm., close in. EM 3-4450. low Bellevue. LG. unfurn. 3 bdrm lower 4- plex. downtown. 883 rerry. UPPER 3 rm. - duplex, stove, refrigerator, heat .A water furnished, $5$. EM 4-040S. CLEAN nicely furn. 3 bdrm, du plex, i am., mum -mv. 707, House for lUnt 3 BDRM. house. Liberty dlst EM 3-3103. 3 BDRM. Home In Englewood llll. aov per mo, . uu . ju. ISAAK A CO., Realtora, ph. EM 4-3311 or KM 3-7830. RE-DEC. 1 lg. bdrm., 30 ft. liv. rm., gar., $40. EM 3-1033. - ATTRACTIVE H bdrms., auto. heat atucn. gar., garden, $48. 5085 N. Lancaster. EM 3-1838. 3 BDRM. mod. hse.. 1 blk. Gen. Hosp. A mis, stove m refrlg. rurn. sosbm vason si. 1 BDRM". elec. heat 3381 Bth St $40. em z-qou. - 1 BDR Range, refrlg. . I nun uupiex 1 BDR' Range, refrig. 3 BDR South C-L-E-A N 3 BDR South east 1BDH rsynlshed apt $47.50 CENTER STREET REALTY 174$ Center Stt EM 4-8631 Eve. EM 3-7811 NELSONS RENTALS Nicely furn. 3 bdrm. home for lease $80 mo. Small homes ft larger homes $30 to 90 Furn. bachelor apts from 30 up DuDlexea from 50 up Lovely furn. apts. $43.80 to 58 Call Mrs. Nelson, Nelson A Nelson Rtlrs. 1500 Commercial I.E. EM 2-8888. eve. EM 3-1380 3 BDRM. 423 8. 33rd. $80. Bsmt., sawdust. EM 3-07 b4. BDRM., new garage ft rm. $48. 1345 Cross St util 3 BDRM. has. at 4837 Thorman Ave., $oa. em e-us7s. NEARLY new suburban bdrm. house, ou furnace, iirepi.. eiec. range, $70. 3 blocks East of Totem Pols, EM 4-9387. CLEAN 3 bd.rm. with bsmt $8$. eooo oiaie oi. s,t rooai. SOUTH, don in, 3 rms. $33.50. Near dus.em e-ann. BEDROOM house, 4 blocks from city center. Auto. hest. fireplace ft basment $63.00 per month, em 3-47a. CLEAN, close in, 3 bdrm. hse. immediate noesession. a. m, Hsnsen. EM 3-9413. 583 Mil) 1 - BDRM. cottage, clean, mod ern, stove or reing. suKaoie l person. $88. em i-hu. BEDRM.' stoves, garage, water turn. $40. 947 Mill. EM 4-4008. ATTRACTIVE 1 bdrm.. stove. refrig. A garage, em a-oe7V 1809 Evergreen. . 3 BDRM. house, attach, far. SOS. 188$ E. rata Ave, em a-aaes. MOD. 3 rm. house. Stove, re frig. Aaum, inquire isa n. 4. $80 MO. Clean $ bdrrrf. horn NE. XM 4-8741 week days 9 8. BDRM. hse. Oil hest, 4 blks. to 'Stave hse. Adults. - Right price to 'right psrty. . KM VI wi, eh i-ssea eyas. 1 BDRM in ct. Range A refrig Inq. Arcners un aay- time. After S p.m. EM 4-1138 BDRM All elec., near school A mkt Inq 1800 8 13th ' PARTLY furn. 1 bdrm. house, flrepl., ou hi., gar., easement. No dogs. 350. Avail. Apru 14th. EM X-WV4. BDRM. HSE. GARAGE. $85. Inquire 1290 fir. BDRM. hse. $40. AvaU. April . tEgoo o. iztn. a-rn i-uw. BDRM. eottoTOE attack, gar., I some furn. EM 3-8841. 1 . . S"i , Good garden spot. Some fruit $45. EM 3-7923. ATTRACTIVE 4 rm. cottage. 1 bdrm. p a r 1 1 1 1 y rurmanea, water ft garb. pd. clean. Inq. rl? 858 Belmont N BDRM. hie., clean, lg. liv. rm. ft din. rm., kit, pantry. Lota of built-lns, elec. heat, attach, far.. $05 mo. 901 Cas cade Dr. EM 4-479S. BEDRM. hH-. oil heat garage lrg . lawn, kelier dlst; EM 4-9108. between 1 ft. 8 p-m. BDRM. unfum. "South. EM 3-3087 aftef f A week ends. BDRM. house, unfurn. except elec. range, washer A dryer, oil furn sea, far. 3374 Hazel. EM 4-S909. ' BDRM. house, Hi. bsth, stove A range, turn It v room $135 mo. EM 3-1304. 3230 Camellia Dr. BEDRM. hse. 3574 Evergreen, ajo pets, $58 mo. KM 3-4543. 07-a Furnishod Housos NICELY furn. 1 bedrm. elec. heat far. w. suo. sw. em 4-3943. 4990 N. Lancaster Dr. ROOM furnished house $45. XM 4-359$, . - KOTOVATlNO Howard rotovating. Wayne Stur- gaaa. M jlm x-saja. No call Saturday. Rotovatine. n 1 o w 1 a. a. disc In ( Disc sharpened on your farm EM 4-3830 ava. L, A.. TunneU. ROTOVATINO Orcharda, lawns garacna. mm i idii. SAND GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1S29 McGllchrlst Cruahad quarry rocks and grav el. All size for 'roads, drive way! ana parking lots. READY MDCED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dozing, shovel ana dragline work, em s-wmb. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO Ready mix 'Concrete, cruahad round gravel, sand A top soil. two n. aront. jlh j-zsei. SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARDS Roto-Rooter sawara. Septic tanks cleaned. EM 3-8337 FREE Septic Tank inspection. A A B Septic Serv. EM 3-0781 OPHOLSTEBINO SAVE IS en UDholstarlna. covering, repair!. 30 yn. Exp, tiex, sua ciuh anytime. 700 Rentals 707-A. Furnish1 Housos 1 BEDROOM furnished house, , foo. em -oaw. " DESIRABLE 1 bdrm, furn. close in, adults, 300 X; Bush. XM 4-1BT3. CLEAN 1 bdrm. cottage, part -um., inq. uiRHs y wmier. 1 BDRM Rugs, bailt-ins. Esquire Plaza Crt. Eve. EM 3-3788. 3 BDRM., gar.. N.E., aduHa. em 3-7841 after 13 noon. FURN. cottage. Bsm't. t Blks from town. 84$. Mornings EM a-aiea, or jus a-ama. . - 710 Wantaxi to Rant Hsow, LET US HANDLE YOUR RENT. AL PROPERTY. Waiting list of depend able clientele. Month' ly collection service. Call Mrs. Neiaon. Nelson A Nelson Real' tora. VI SAO Commercial. 8.K. Ph. EM 3-3008 eve. EM 3-1350. OR lease with option newer 4 bdrm. home, good dlst N. or w. osrai. aoi. pium. aauit fam ily, excel, ret. up to $135.. Statesman-Journal Box 38. 714 Business Rentals 133S STATE, 1.300 sq. ft, near oana. em a-4Kna. STUCCO building 40' by 80V IX doors, concrete floor. Paved streets. Inq. 154 Uth St, SS. 780 Moving I Storage" Larmer Transfer k Storage COMPLETE moving service. Al so agents ror beeins Nation wide Movers., em Mill. . 800 Real Estate 801 Busltr s Opportunities CORNER GROCERY STORE with living Quarters. In excel lent neighborhood. Building could be used for purposes other than groceries. Owner wui traaa ror 'nome or con tract, etc. Call Dorothy Deal, Eve. EM 4-8833. NELSON A NELSON, RLTRS. 1590 8. Com' merciai, em s-3M. , Small Hardware Stock GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT PARTY PRICED RIGHT H. ShusterwiU 355 N Coml, BEVERAGE distributorship for saie, ui neaiui reason jor seu big. Contact Dr. Pepper nouiing i-o. em win Ti WeO located modern cafe doing good business. AU equipment in gooa snspe. laeai lor nus band and wife. Take over now and enjoy the summer bus! neas. Only $8,000,00. Terms. - mC. V. Kent Co. Realtor 098 Cottage NE. Phone "UNION'OlfCO. Hak modern stations for leasa, S&cH Green E tamps. Pd. Com- pany training. EM 3-7873. FOR sale, restaurant A fixtures, residence A cabins, lecstea at Jefferson. Ore Pioneer Trust co. Executor. Jtasa or terms EM 3-3134 ' 80 3. Suburban MAKE offer on dn. pymt. for home. 4791 Arizona. EM 4-3709. 8 OA Houses For Sal COUNTRY LIVING In the beautiful West Salam hills. All the conveniences of the city, yet this spacious con toured lot affords the privacy ana expansiveness oi a coun try estate. This is a three bed' room (Doasiblv fourl custom- built home with a place tor everyone as well as every thing. The 13x38 foot living room, oreaxiasK nooa ana sun. . deck overlook the city. The finished party room has trench doors a.id kitchen outlets in addition to the fireplace. A full oam, extra , large oearoom, utility and storage room com' plate the basement living area To aee this Is to appreciate it Call Alice Smith EM 3-8629, Evea. EM 4-8464. A. A. REALTOR 191 8. HIGH am it nrran n vntt t iVB 1 . J. 1. rL . a, via-w or me mountains on e sunny davt Excellent drain age on a wet dayf 3 bedrooms and a family room? Fire place? Very good neighbor hood and a dead end street? All these under $14,0007 .'CALL EM 4-6766 Eve: Dean Klarr EM 3-7090 TED MORRISON, Realtor 388 N. HIGH PHO. XM 4-8788 1 BDRM. home. 33500. Idaho St. Contact owner 383$ Midway Dr. XM jl-1331. ' BY OWNER, 1 bdrm. home, $$,750. 546 Electric. EM $ 8811. $900 DN. on this lovely 3 bdrm. home. Has city water A sew er. 344$ Weoddsle XM 4-3450. BY OWNER: 4 bdrm. Englewood -home, lg. liv., din., kit, oil heat Income from bsm't apt Outside frpl., nice fenced yd. Close to Englewood. Psrrish A N. Hi.. $13,500. 111$ lvth NX. KM 3-7641 or KM 3-3000. ENGLEWOOD Dist 3 lrg. bdrms. birch kit, .near shop, center, schL 1420" Olive St. m., nse. 1 Creek, close In. EM 3-4843 aft ernoon or eve. 800 Real Estate - 806 Houses For Salo BUSINESS SITES Close-in North. ONE 82 'I by 165 ft. with paved alley I in rear, the A corner with 133 ft. frontage. , ' , CALL WALT 8OC0L0FSKY Eve. Ph.' EM 3-8838. FAIRMOUNT HILL Older nome in fine location, uv. rm. 13 x 35. Din., rm. 11 x 13, 3 bdrms, 1, baths. IV blks. from Baker School! Oil fur nace. Owner will consider sell ing on contract, or miirht take smaller' house in trade. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON Eve. Ph. KM 4-89M GRABENHORST 180 LIBERTY ST. S.E. REIMANN & LUCAS REAL ESTATE OUTSTANDING (NEW S BDRMS.) BUY1 You have been looking for a deal like this. Sep. din . rm. Birch xitcnen wnooK. Built-in closet dble. garsie. Pvd. st, appraisal impossible to go wrong at gu.sao. Tiny on. pymt to qualified buyers. Calf Johnson, Eva XM 3-3858. ! LIVE IN AREA Lovely 3 bdrm. lg. kitchen. It's pieces, I'M oatnt, ouin-in oven ana range, rteautirui onisn, curbs, pvd., city water Consider soma trade. Call Lucas, Eve. MM a-KWO... , ( ' - SPRING Kit-ma AlhaV. .v4ln Umita. fine condition, pvd. it., good -..esqa; uveuvM asviw txirm. in ieuit am. cau Kiuott, v. am dVinii. WANTED . Farm listings. Sec Rich L. Reimann, Eve. XM 3-3384. 105 HIGH STREET N.E. A CHEAPIE In good shape for tha shape It's wi. a Dearooma, living room, dininf room and kitchen. Bus by tha door.; Total price 33,760 wiia su on. or maxe oner for cash. Call Bill Woelke XM 3-8039, Evea. EM 4-3883. REALTOR 101 SOUTH HIGH PLUS FHA closing costs. Pos sible 4-bedroom. home (3 down) ' Big lot. Fruit S car garage. $0,500. Low payments. CHOICE FARM ONLY 10 milea from Salem. 33 acres. Irrigated. Beautiful 3 bedroom. Good outbuildings. 37,800. Terms. May trade. CAFE APARTMENTS CAFE grossing $45 to ISO a day. v lumuncu apanmenis. a;asy walking distance to downtown. $17,000. Terma. FARM TERMS ABOUT 10 minutes from down- ww oaiem. a-oearoom noma. Dandy outbuildings, 3 acres pears. Irrigation well. $30,000. RAMSEY REALTY 427 FERRY EM 4-3381 Eve. EM 1-6688 XM 3-7735 EM 3-6318 f M 4.008, FAIRMOUNT Dis. 3 bdrm bsmt iiv rm firpia cusnwasher excel, neighborhood, close to 4 achls. bus, A dn. town. Owner ask ing SS.34S. 160 Superior South, EM 3-4587. KM 4-0141. ' SACRIFICE LRG. 3 bdrm. lots of closets A bum ins, ideal arrangement 3 baths, bsmt, dbl. gar., Engle wood Dist., tmmed. possession. EM 3-993$. V JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR LET us solve your home needs. 10 ouy seu or rent, call CM 4-5743. 1311 Edgewater. - EM 4-7874, 3710 So. Commercial. 3 BDRM. hie., pallet. Frpl.. fuU bsmt, hdwd. 'firs., Tile drain Doara. uuuiaa irpi. fcxe. loc. Financing avail, at 5 pet Ph. Dallas MA 3-4465 Eves. MA 3-we days. Lost Phone Number .Will the party who Wanted an oiaer type 3 bedroom home close In near schooli, bus and shopping and had only $500 to pay down please call me. Fred nrennan ive. em 4-1328. Joe Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol EM 3-8318 " BY OWNER 3 bedrm. party rm. A bsm't. 3 Dams, aouDte nrepis. aoi. ga rage, F.A. heat, on paved street, r un price it,90O. $1,000 down. 3 Jedrm. home, built-in oven A "range, bath ,, dbl. garage, r a. neat, 101s 01 Dircn cup boards, psved st. full price 314.000. $1,000 down. 4445 Bar- oara way. 0 nu. norm on w& Helton Tracts. EM 4-4518. W0W-WHATTA VIEW FOR $13,500 Dead end West Salem Street with 16 yr. old spsclous rustic home. Living room 30 x 30 with stone fireplace, 13x13, Dining room, forced air fur nace In part bsmt., 3 bedrms on main floor A stairway to semi-finished up. Call Mrs. Wells for showing. Home XM 3-3738 or Office EM 4-0157. TICKLED PINK am tickled pink to present you this lovely new home ' with many extras such as a pink Built-in OVEN A RANGE, cor ner sink and dreamy birch kitchen. Extra large patio doors that makes the Family room a dream .with a used brick fireplace. 1 full baths, one with stall ahower A glass brick and are they ever dif ferent, ceramic tils galore to make your bath the talk of the town. Center entry Into the Living room that you see only in Storybooks, a HUGE PINK STONE fireplace tnd space alore. 3 bedrms. with aocoial new windows f or loti for loti of light Lota ot storage Mrs. Jones EM Day. 1850 DN. SALEM HEIGHTS Nice corner lot with trees. Ideal location. 1 bedrms. cute bath A kitchen, extra lane living & dining rm. utility. Only $8980. Call Henry Gregerson EM 4-0187 or Xves. IM 4-0784. u ACRE CLOSE IN Nestled under the Giant oak Is this ' Immaculate 3 bedrm. home with full bsmt. A aaw dust furnace. Oak floors,' fire place, variety of fruit A nut trees, Choice soil, Excellent for gsrden. $9900. Call Don Bellenger. EM 4-0157 or Eves. EM 4-0493. 250 N. HIGH ST. EM 4-0157 SOLD! SOLD! Property Listings Needed 134 S. Liberty EM 44478 Eves. a;in x-suiu, a.at i-aizz FE REALTORS 4 RM. house, modem, clean, on 3 valuable lota, EM 3 3-336t Price $3,800. A. A. LARSEN 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Salo nice to come homx To Comfortable A homey. Con- venient to schools A transnor- tatlon. 3 fine bdrms., liv. rm. with fireplace, lge. din. rm., bath,, full basement oil heat Nicely landscaped lot with fruit trees. CALL J. E. LAW Eve. Ph. EM 3-5113. , 30 ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF SALEM -All In bearing orchard, lust off naved road. Nice view. A beautiful dace to build. Bargain at $5800. CALL G- H. GRABENHORST, JK. BBlOS., REALTORS PH. EM 2-2471 ranae. oven, l'.w oatns. wauc-in curbs, and walks. $1,500 under OF DISTINCTION . different I Nice family rm.. t fire' ' ' SPECIAL All- 4iiMtaa lanlana . a.aaasaasvt a wmasw, a. mu, location. 111,000. Will trada lor 3 EM 3-9203 EXCITINGLY LtTICURIOUS Outstanding Brick home with many features that make for line living, family rm. King size LR. 3 frols. seo. DR. 3 bdrms, built-in appliances, abundant storage area A clos ets. Big landscaped lot 833,500. ror spp t to see, call Troy Derry berry, eve. ph. EM 1-7385 AL ISAAK ft CO., REALTORS 999 nWiiKatk 404 UW O.Um PH. EM, 4-3311 or EM 3-7820 IN SOUTH SALEM NEAR HIGH SCHOOL this lovely home - is use new, n naa a lg. oca rms. A a den, lg. dining rm., aeugntrui xitcnen, only $11,000, . wui go a oa. Geo. Walters, Realtor vou a. commercial EM" 2-6714 OR EM 4-6363 ONE OF THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE, a . Owning your' own home' living in this beautiful tree setting. 4 bedrooms. Itt baths. 3 fire places, party room In baser) ment, spacious living rm., large kitchen, lots of privacy, Also double garage. Price ui.uoo. Mun rrantx will be happy to show you through. Phone Evea. KM 3-8943. . ajij, 1 - r"V f an U J '-lb 320 COURT PH. EM 4-54M AN APRIL FOOL Is what you will be if you don't come out ana see mu new s oearoom ana family home. Built-in appliances and double garage, iwu sq. n. ror oni; $13,900. Call Lee Isham. Ka 3-8838, Evea. KM 3-8454. REALTOR 191 SOUTH HIGH ESTATE SALE 7805 Wheatland Rd. neer Hear Lake store attractive 3 bdrm. house A spprox. ft A. Cash or terms. Mske offer to Pioneer iTust co. km a-iise. 100 X 180 DON'T BE ALL aouaahed un. Get out where the lota are big, and - there's room to breathe. Would you like to see a 3 bedroom home, just H4 years old, very neat and clean In such a placet There's a birch kitchen, full dining room, breakfast nook, good forced air turnace. Can be bought .nw eit.vvu, si.uw HOWS, CALL EM 4-8766 Eve: Keith Laymon KM 4-3507 TED.MORRISON, Realtor 380 N. HIGH PHO. KM 4-8788 EASTM0RELAND DREAM 3 Lg. bdrms,. lovely kit., nook, uv. rm. with frpl.. dbl. sa- rage, beautiful lawn, call at once, mis kind of a buy is scarce. Ask for Mr. Vender vort EM .4-4404, XVKS. XM LITTLE BUT OH SO NICE Near Parks, stores, bus, perfect ior coupie, mia is a iresn new listing on this little charmer. $4000 full price for 1 bdrm. Liv. rm.. Din. rm.. kit. A bath, small yd. See this one now, Jrith Jim Preult. Call KM -4494, EVES. XM 3-2828. ALLEN C. JONES REALTOR ' $17 COURT PHONE EM 4-4494 ic it ir k APPRAISED VALUE 3 BDRMS., full finished bsmt, 3 fireplaces. Englewood Sen. Wal! to wall carpet. Many shnlbs A trees. E-Z for Mrs. Housekeeper to keep. $13,800. 3385 Market St EM 3-8019. MR. OWNER! Glen Woodry will pay ton price for your furn. A appliances. EM 3-5110. SM. 3 bdrm. hse.. Gar?, $4,300, $300 dn. EM 3-0800. EM 4-3! 113. LOW DOWN PAYMENT New 3 bdrm. hse. close to 3 So. - Salem schools, bus A mkt. Payments less than rent, Buildef'A owner will sell on contract move rt. In. See at 860 Kumler St. SI. 3 BDRM. hse. W. Salem, Make offer on dn. pay less for cash- EM 3-8838 or EM 3-8088. IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE Lge t odrm home, rsmt Poa aible 3rd bdrm ' 4 ',, pet loss Low down payment EM 3-7071 A. A. LARSEN 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estal ' T !806 Howsos For ale 90 Houses for aio JACOBSENi KEENE, REALTORS GRAB THE CAR KEYS And see this 3 bedroom and family room home located south k block from city bus. It haa 1,200 sq. ft, FHA appraised for aia aaa m a jiaiiM, raaa Mriur Wtt. knottv nine kltch" en 'and much more. This Call today. ., r ,t r v A VHiKr Bara Is another bargain in an home located rlou to Richmond School and bus service. There la a nice living room, dining room, kitchen and eating space. - good corner lot with shade trees and the puce has lust been drastically reduced to $$,600 for a quick sale. 1255 STATE ST. PH. EM 4-2293 Eve. Ph. Bright EM 3:6883; Jacobean, KM '4-S833; Keene, XM 3-6078; Wood. EM 3-0671 or 0HMART& v CALABA : REALTORS ' 477 COURT ST." . SALEM, OREGON EM 3-4115, KM 3-411$ (a j.J Lee Ohaaart EXTRA THIS new home in "Hillendale" la painted a beautiful pink with white trim. Handsome shingle roof - wide eaves - ntrence hall keeping kitchen - $ spacious bed room 1 . Itt hatha. The living-room Is at the back of the house for seclusion Total price 816.870. A real good buy Call Louis Lorens - Eve EM . 3-6590. . . - KITCHEN SINK INCLUDED IN THIS cioae-ln 3 bedroom by door. Why wait 1 1 $SOO.ao ; your ouagev oee XM 3-090$. , Norman . WHERE CAN A HOMX in a better location or better condition than this lovely 3 bedroom home? The landscapplng Is dona, the carpets are down, aidewalka, curbs A paved streets, lots of shrubs. This won't laat so make an appointment to, see this home, double plumbing, - spacious living-room, separate dining-room. Call Ralph Maddy today - Xvg WHAT I KNOW I KNOW they like convenience room nome in ssanonn uaraen. a anow uiey wani w nw Eride in their surroundings - this has a very attractive in rior A wall landacaoed yard. Raaaor.ablv Diiced at $11,950. Make an appointment with - KM 4-9083. , STOCK AND 340 ACRES, 100 A. Irrigated, 00 ground, g large name at outer aneaa. iwo ion pit siio. a oea room home (would consider leasing) - Call Henry Torvend Em 3-3633. STATE FINANCE 167 S. HIGH ST. F.H.A. G.I. OR LONG TERM CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS SALEM HEADQUARTERS FOR MONBY IS IMHEUIAIILI AVAILABU,. STUf in 1ULIAX AND LET ONE OF OUR SALESMEN EXPLAIN THIS PRO- GRAM TO VOU. YOU CAN HAVE THE HOME OF YOUR ..CHOICE WITHOUT WAITING FOR THE STATE MONEY TO.Bl SECURED- v : GOTTA GREEN THUMB. MAW? . This dandy 3 bedroom home-in uie place xor you. roe uowere neeo your care. lie a snow Blace corner-lot that Is real homey and pretty. Also haa large vlng room with fireplace dining room kitchen with eating apace. This ya gotta see, so call Hal Burgess for a showing ot this $13400 cutis. ,. , TIRED OF THE WEATHER Well, you won't have to depend luuv lanoscanea lot mat naa already In. It's located North asm eieveiey ior more uuormauon v .. HANDY RETIREMENT HOME . Few blocks from new shopping ; room wiut wau to wau carpet ana nrepiace. urge lot witn workshop In back for Pa to putter in. Several fruit trees. , And Venetian blinds yet-All this for only $11460 FHA low down payment terms. Call Micky MeGuire. v - - DREAMING Now Is the time to cat aettled In ing aooui. lounsi season is on 11s way ana tnat is tne time to make the money. Call Llnsy Peri man for a showing of rnomm 01 uie nner motesi in uua area. - BUILDERS. THIS IS FOR YOU Choice lota In beautiful Sunny ravaa streets euros wster ' OFFICE PHONE EM 3-3151 ' For evening or Sundaytall one of our Salesmen W. H. STXVELY, XM 4-331? L. H. PERIMAN, EM 4-7883 ' 70 YEAR CONSTRUCTION LOANS VERY NEAT PACKAGE I In this 3 bdrm. home, with full basement fireplace, sawdust furnace, double garage, nice landscaped lot in a real nice neighborhood. Paved street and sidewalks, close to school and bus service at door. A real nice home, a real buy at S7.SO0 with, easy terms. CsU D. J. Van Orman, EM 4-8876 or EM 4-3447 Eves. MAYBE WE'RE CRAZY I I But we think this Is a darn good buy. Spacious living room with fireplace, nifty kitchen, semi separate ' dining area, 3 cozy bedrooms, nlca bath, easy cleaning lino-tile floor!, oil heat attached garage, large lot and only $9,360. Call Le Roy Laack, EM 4-4875 or KM 4-3344 Xvea. DON'T CRAMP YOUR STYLE in this 4 bdrm. home or one room can be used as. den or Slav room larae llvlne room with fireplace, f'i baths, large kitchen, with dining area, util tty room, attached plastered garage. Priced at only $13,500, easy terms. Call D. J. Van Or man, EM 4-0876 or KM 4-3447 Xves. FOR A ME. FIX-IT. This home neeuj attention but where could you buy a livable home lust ',i block from shopping with a corner lot- 100 x 80 for only 84300 and only $300 down and $50 per month? This la a RAWLINS 005 CHEMEKETA ATTRACTIVE 8 Nicely furnished, excellent condition, nice oak trees on 3 good crea. iuet mepiace ior aemi hunting area. On one of main $28,000, far below construction NICE a UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE $ furnished, partly furnished. ana exterior in very une conaition, race $44,000, Terma May consider good first mortgage aa down payment 5 UNIT-RESIDENTIAL COURT " 5f5rm- 11 bedroom, very e 4 1 1 14 1 a lfnant Alt ssSUl MfsiivasESI .AVVlfl v as tci , ssls,,OtV. A VI II13J. - GOOD PAYING OLD APARTMENT HOUSE CLOSE IN CORNER S. HIGH AND MILL ONLY $14,000 TERMS SALEM PROPERTIES 370 N. High S4. Frank, EM 3-9435; Leach. EM 3-7440; FINER HOMES 3 bedrms. 3 baths, family rm. A a nrcDiaces. oesutuuiiy land scaped, comer lot near Jr. A Sr. Hlt-h Sch'ls. Ph. Dr. Shum way 8081 McMlnnvilla for ap pointment BY OWNER. Sacrifice $1,000 equity on 3 bdrm. home, hdwd. firs., $ yrs. old on 3-3 A., for $600. or best offer lakes. Rt. 4Box 103 or ph. XM 4-3488 BDRM. plastered hse.. lg. liv. rm., din. rm., Insulated, ,ven, blinds, storm windows; F.A. heat on 'i A. North $380 dn. $8,700 full pi price. XM 3-0777. MnMirmwilln'p . I JVIUVilllllVIIICO week's price -la a bargain $lU5o.i . a' n v r wr ' ' KAKJCi DU I . extra clean, late built t bedroom Klgglns. EM 4-5484. V" ,' I Raay Caiaka FEATURES home, separate utility room, bus down mommy paymenia w sun Hogensen right away - Eve YOU FIND , - EM 1-3488. ABOUT WOMEN It's here in this charming 3 bed Adrlenne Bar com be to aee EvaJ r GRASS FARM ' A. aeeded to grass, baX open CO, REALTORS PH. EM 3-3151 STATE V. A. INTERIM LOANS. the Eastmoreland district is Just on It In order to build on this tne wen and tne scone system and priced low at $1,900 Call! center. 3 big bedrooms living OF A MOTEL? that motel vou have been dream slope acres FHA approved scneou ana . transportation call HAL BURGESS, EM 3-3071 E. H. McGUIRE, EM 3-8373 chance to make a real deal For more information CaU Jim smith .KM 4-8878 or EM 4-7BTV tvas. LUXURIOUS- BETTING. Nearly 4e acre with a velvety green lawn, garden space, flowers and fruit A 4 bdrm. home with full basement. Partly sealed. Double plumbing. Fire nlace. Wall to Wall caraeL Concrete driveway leading to the double garage. Total price 13,800. Call Al Agan, EM 4-8878 or EM 3-8183 Xves. CRAB THIS I I Here is the chsnce of a lifetime. Owner can't handle this 8 unit fur nished apartment house, Monthly Income 8383 plus own ers quarters with excellent rent record mske this a real Jackpotprlie. You can TRADE your present home on this money maker and move right in. ror obvious reasons this can be shown only by appoint ment but all Information is available. Call Jim Smith KM 4-8876 or KM 4-7879 Eves. ARE YOU A LIFERf Sentenced to a lifetime of rent paying? Here's a chance for parole, nice 3 bdrm., basement home with forced air hett. all re decorated and ready to move in ior only $7,950. Better yet let me show you thru and then you make an offer. Call LeRoy Laack, EM 4-8873 or EM 4-3344 Eves. REALTY OFFICE PHONE XM 4-0875 UNIT MOTEL retireo couple, uood fishing, traveled Hl-ways. Price only cost. Terms, Very low operating cost. Interior good condition. Tenants pay aU JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR . EM 4-3483 Eve. Mike, XM 3-7401 Keith. XM 4-8838; Andy. XM- K3744; Leonard, EM 4-3330; Ed. EM 3-9733 IF YOU AIN'T : Got much money and you need 3 bedrooms 'and you like the Highland-St. Vincent district call Immediately, I've got Just the bouse. Total price $7,950 with only $950 down and $65 per month. CaU Helen Lewis KM 3-8639 Xves. EM 3-7504. REALTOR 181 SOUTH HIGH 3 BDRM. home. South, lrg. liv. ' rm. family rm. 3 fireplaces, 3 full bsths, all brick front, no calls Sat please, EM 4-1348. A. A: LARSEN 800 Real Estate 806 Housot For Salo TOrma to euit buyer 'on this ex tra clean, newly painted ranch ' style 3 bdrm. home on extrs. ' large lot close to school, bus shopping on paved St Nice lawn A shrubs A loads of gar den area. This home haa large bdrma., living rm., kitchen A dlnlna rm. A 1100 an. ft. Own' or wanta offer on price A terms. Call Gene, eve. ph. EM - s-7rT. , , , Possible Income SOS per month on a $7500 Investment smaller nome rente ior aw lumisneo, , large home 855 unfurnished, close to deaf school. These are nice neat homes North, Csll Clyde Foulk, eve, ph. EM ; a-3B. Better than new lawn nlanted. trees corner lot 3 nice alxed bdrms., kitchen with lots of Dircn canineta, lovely pa pered A paneled family room with fireplace, large living room with fireplace, central entry, utility room, 3 full ce ramic tile baths, large dble. i erase, this home Is spacious comfortable. $10,600. CaU Geo. or Ron Kraua, eve. ph. . a,as s-toua. REALTOR 31$ N. CHURCH ST. EM 4-8871 SOME BIRDS HAVE FANCIER NESTS than others. This little nest started out by being lust another two bedroom house. BUT then a real swanky mahogany den got aoaeo, ana an overeneo uuiity room. Then the aardenlne aot 'Out of hand. The rolling lawn and shrubs and fruit trees etc, -ot clear over on the neigh 1 oorin lot until they had to I buy at Now there's a regu lar putterren paradise, with 7 pear treea, an apple tree, boy Sen berries, Just everything! And then the street got paved, with curbs and all and so we've 'gotten' built up Into a REALLY NICK place to live. $11,860. South. CALL EM 4-8768 Evs: Mrs. Stephenson EM 4-6149 TED MORRISON; Realtor 360 N. HIGH , PHO. XM 4-8788 REAL FAMILY HOME 4 BEDROOMS ' All the space you need to raise - large family, this Brand new home has everything; . 4 bedrooms, 'a family room, a aeparata dining room, built-in appliancea, 3 complete baths, Inside utility, a nice lot with a magnificent view to the east. What more could you ask for? Sail Tom Fassn EM 3-8088, ves. EM 3-7604. A. A. LARSEN REALTOR 101 SOUTH HIGH i BDRM. 1 blk. to. Highland: acm. neaec. Vi pet. loan can be assumed. $7500. EM 3-7794. 808 Lots For Sole LOTS tor sale $1,000 up. new ad dition, build to suit. KM 4-451$. ACRE FINE GARDEN SOIL-2 B.R. House; att. garage; fruit trees; nesr shopping center A school. Price $4950. $600 'down, bal. like rent CENTER STREET REALTY 1748 Center St. KM 4-8831 Eve. KM 3-7813 VIEW lot Paved, curbs, trees, wster. Nr. Morntngside schl. Restricted. IM 3-4438. 810 Farms For Sale SMALL cow. ranch In Bums area withdeer ducks, uplsnd bird hunting. 840 A. on creek. 100 cow graxlng permit, large new home, unfinished. Adapted non resident ownership. Bargain at $35,000. Call Oregon Develop- ' ment Co. KM 3-9330 Eve: J. F. Short EM 4-1867. BY Owner: 1$ A. good Willam ette soU, 13 A. wood A pas ture, 10 yr. old hse., 7 rms. A bsth, enclosed util. porch, gar. bam, deep weU, family fruit, sch. bus by door. 13 mi. N. ot Sslsm, $8,760. EM 4-7000. $10X00-THREE ACRES GOOD SOIL eaat of Salem, very neat $ bedrm. modern home, on pavement near school, barn, chick house, fruit A nuts, Geo. Welters, Realtor, KM 3-8714 or EM 4-8386. SUNNYVIEW Ave. Middle Grove oist. ', Acre with .modern home, lovely view. $750 down, 840 per month, cm 3-nis, 5 aIcres north 3 bedroom" 'older home, double garage partly finished, only S5Z0O. rake car or trailer in trade or low down payment. Call Ross MUler, Xves. KM 4-8006. 10 ' ACRES HOPEWELL Bare acreage. Only $3500. Terms tan aar. vicsry, avvst. a.as 4-6988. LOTS -LOTS LOTS In Town and Countrv Subdivl- aion, irom siivs up. vau aaei Anytime, e-wso. REALTY 4030 N. River Rd. EM 4-0908 'J ACREAGE TRADE Clean 3 bdrm. home living rm iirepiace, micnen, noo, bath. 1 acre good garden aoU. Fruit J89950. Will trade on du plex. Evea. EM 3-373. t , C,R. HUDKINS, Realtor 334 High 8t. NE EM 3-1033 FOR sale. trada or lease 78 A. farm. 3 bdrm. hse., barn, out bldgs., fruit ' trees, 14 semi cleared, 1-3 timber. Loc. nr. MiU City. EM 3-3981. 339 Charles Ave. . 812 Exch. Real E store Have 3 bdrm. home in Bend, will trade for Salem 3 bdrm. or duplex. Price range 8 to 10.000. Call EM 3-9338. Eve: Pb. J. T. Short EM 41667. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318' CHURCH ST. NE EM 3-9238 BEND for Salem or vicinity. 3 Dorm., oiaer nome so x lie corner lot, paved ats., nice neighborhood, close in. Trade for duplex or 3 bdrm., pay difference. 804 Church St., Dallas. MA 3-4438. Statesman, Salem, Ore.', Tues., 800 Real Estate 818 Wonted, Real Estate ATTENTION VALLEY ' FARM OWNKRS. I have buyer for 40 acre farm witn good 3 bed room homer Will trade Salem income oroperty as down pay ment. CaU Chet Nelson. Eve, EM 3-1350. Neiaon A Neiaon Rltrs. 1590,8. Commercial, ph. EM 3-3088. WANTED' t once best home $$,000 cash will buy. Private party, confidential. writ Box 373 Statesman-Journal. 850 Automotive 152 Used Cars for Sole $$ DODGE Custom Royal Lan cer hardtop, 33,000 actual miles. Rsdlo, heater, excel, cond. EM f-seoi after 5:30. 54 Buick Wagon Century 4 dr. model with rsdlo. neater, oynaiiow, untea gisss, white walla, finished in Cam eo Beige A White with Green interior, we sold new serv Iced, full price $1588 . WILSON'S . Chemeketa at Commercial KM 4-5711 EQUITY In Borgward Stn. Wgn, sow or peat car oxisrea. in 3-6431. WE want someone to take over payments 57 Mercury Mont erey. Equity Free. 3495 Adams. EQUITY In '53 Station Wagon. pest oner, or oiaer car. ti EM 4-8038. 43 FORD coupe, 3nd owner. new tires. $78. EM 4-47$$. MY LOSS YOUR GAIN, '57 Mercury Montciair Mara too, All power, loaded Incl. air cond. Low ml., excel, cond. Trade for clear family ear or Truat ueea for my equity, rurman, box 403 wuiamina, Ph. TR S-3404. II PLYM. eedsn. radio, htr good cond. $336, EM 3-443$, 38 PICX-Up. Sell or trade $135. kss t-suia sveu wui Ave. 87$ So: 13th KM 3-8881 r-u m A Mm aima '54 Ford V-S Rsnch Wgn ...8996 as ronuae 1 or. son. .. saw 31 Mercury 4 dr. sdn. ....i34 If we don't hsve it WK CAN GET IT 1954 CHEV. 4 dr. 1 owner csr. Low mileage. Good condition, $995. EM 3-8883. 43 PONTIAC. excel, ensine. oood work car. 3100. M 3-lasi I960 CHEV. Power glide $27$ Casn. MM S-V774. WILL take $400 for $1800 equity in 0; uias as nouaay cps, 18.000 ml. KM 3-830$, ext. 11. 48 CHEV. Aero 3 dr., Rsdlo; heater. W-Wa. extras. Excel. Cond. Very dean. KM 3-4468, law jsnsrson. Center A Liberty EM 4-4031 uids ss Holiday cpe. 11793 55 Ply. Hardtp. cpe. 11495 '53 Olds. 98 Holidy. cpe. $1195 52 Ford. Like new 695 Plenty of others '87 FORD Falrlane sdn. white, 9 auto, trans. 16 000 ml. 8196 1385 Hansen Ave, EM 8-1638, "500" MOTORS Wholesale cash specials' for Fools day '51 Kaiser sdn . $148 60 Buick sdnt .i $98 '80 Pontlsc tudor '60 Hudson sdn. -.... 'sscnev sdn 48 Nash sdn 48 Plym. sdn. '48 Dodge clb. cpe .... '48 Chrysler sdn . '48Chev clb. cpe .... '48DeSoto sdn .$38 Next to Untown Drive In ' 790 No. High EM 4-7808 '53 . Cadillac Coupe Very nice finished in Blue snd White, has hydra, tinted glass, radio, heater, turn alanals. windshield wsshsrs, backup mes, very , nice ana iuu price only flew. Capitol Chevrolet Union A Com'l EM 3-3178 BLACK BEAUTY (1 CadlUac 4 dr., 81 series, blk. with white wsU tires, price e'o. a,os s-sias. 153 Auto Parts Repairs BALES A Brady Auto Parts. good mtrs., up to I960, 850 aa. exenange. uooa mtrs. rrom 1980 to '54. 8100 es. exchsnxe. Car doors, all makea, $13.60 ea. Trans.. 3 aoeeda. 828. Trans., 3 speed, o'drive, $38. EM 4-6335, EM 3-4513. MOTOROLA car" radios. Rsar speakers. Custom fit foreign cars. Al low as $39.96. Msster service stations, sob n. uom merclsl. EM 3-4183. GUARANTEED MOTORS 84 Buick Special V-S 37 Ford T-BIrd M shaaimtlst 'SI Plvmmtfh Salem Auto Wreckers EM 3-1843 854 Trucks, Trail, for Sale '48 CHEV PICKUP 4 Ton heat er 4 speed runs perfect. An derson's 340 Center EM 34734 SPECIAL New 34 ft. Trailer with Bath and Tandom Wheels. 3998 Down, Jsyhawk Trailer Sales 3840 Portland Rd. . 856 Wanted, Cars, Truck's WANTED, to buy clean used cars. Moen Motors. 888 S. 13th EM 4-8373. B58 Motorcycles VESPA- motor scooterS. 110 m.p.g. $00 S. Coml. EM 3-0000. (T60 Auro Miscellaneous WANTED Ford S or V-S motor, Good cond. EM 4-3941 eves or gun. 862 House trailers WANT good 30-50 ft. hse frailer 1 up lO SA.UUU. S.JS 4-W0SL MAKE OFFER.' S3500 equity In 48 ft. '80 Greet Lakes trailer hse. Vary good cond. Carl Al leman, 4155 Center. EM 3-3031. TRAILER . AWNINGS -CANVAS OR ALUMINUM Salem Tent Awning Co. 7 N. LIBERTY EM 3-4788 36' TRAVELMASTER. 7 sleeper. 93 moo. eastern anaae. gooa cond., nerfect tow hitch op tional, 3500 Portland Rd. TRAILER TOWING Ore.. Wash . Calif. JAYHAWK TRAILER CONVOY 3840 Portland Rd. EM 4-8934 TO PLACE AO PHONE EM 4 6811 April 1, '58 (Sec. H)-13 ' 900 Display Oaai. A BETTER BUY AT.- LODER'S '57 Olds Wgn... $3195 Hardtop station wagon, full white ails, low mllelga. A real tine' Station "Wagon. '67Chev. Bel-Air. .$2395 4 or, sdn. v-8, full power. powergllde, radio, heater, white walla, tow mileage, real sharp. 53 Olds 98 Sdn. $1195 run power, radio, neater, low milesge, real nice family ear. , ' '52 Chev. 34 ton $695 ticaup, new motor, no naa. lsh, 4 speed trans. WORK CARS 47 BUICK DR. $7$ '50 FORD 8 DR. $178 '50 BUICK 4 DR. $398 '51 DODGE -4-T5R CALL OR SEE PAUL, BERGIE OR JII LODER'S USED CAR DEPT. Ml N. HIGH, EM 17173 4SjWl rsyiisagwe wisiiihiiTfyixtrnVii Headnnarters FOR New A Used Trucks & Pickups AT LOWEST PRICES Valley Motor Co. Liberty Center - EM 3-3147 For Economy-Safety And s lot of fun in a Foreign Car BUY A LLOYDWAGON : For only $1191 : And et your savings est gas pes .for tne. car. SEE THEM NOW AT Lincoln-Mercury Center at Commercial Salem EM 4-0171 SIMCA AMERICA'S NEW, FAVORITE! 'Import Buy of the Year" MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED 'World's Best Economy Buy" SPORTS CAR ILLUSTRATED 'Beautifully Engineered. Handles Magnificently, a Winner In Every Way" CAVALIER MAOAimS Simca 1st tnd. Wagon 3rd" CONSUMERS RSPOltTS- 3EE WHY SEE SIMCA STATION WAGONS HARDTOP! 4 DOOR SEDANS SPORTS MODELS COMMERCIAL UNITS OVER 80 M.P.H. AND UP TO 40 M.P.G. $1695 base price on Deluxe 4 dr. sda. Stan .Baker Mtrs. FOREIGN CAR DEPT. 340 No. High XM 13403 850 Automotive 62 House Traitors TRAVEL TRAILERS Trailer Homes ' We have rl II TO 60 FEET r AND 10' WIDE to down $ veers so pay EARL MALM, TRAILER SALES 1030 Sllrsrton Rd. EM 0-T13T IBM TRAVEL Trailer 33 T useo on s or s snort tiipe equipped for camping or tra vel, lots of extrss such as T.V. antenna ext. Save $1008, over new price. 180S Highway' Ave, at Highway Ave. Tr. Park Ron's Trailer Sales SPRING SALES. Now III Progress. Low Down Payment. ' . The Finest Named to , Mobile Homes "Ventoura HomettV Terry . BOtmore Nashua Sooner OPEM 1 DAYS A WEEK ; OPEN EVES Ttt P M 804 No Church CM 3-SMe across from Meter ft rrans '80 MpL 4f Easteni built traO. or 'ouse. g Odrm. soe avow. I I J 2 it - 1 .J,