Hair Test Battles Cancer lmtrsm. iu.w.1 rim heir tost to eetpmg sectors TSX MM (MMf SIMietl bs Hair rests ar anttd by anif. in rnstssrsB, 4 hi tnj WmU. By peUtog Ml BAITS BA4 M UM roots M- af mtCTMWM. telwa CM MM BlgM Cf BO wa the drag wwrsjaf i wether dwi cm TIm drug tMM chengee la aaar w km omm Iran sias-jro i rwftatssa. The mm kMtfwr teat aafbt be awtpfut ia learning m much radUttoa a mm had MM MP0M4 to la M eternal ao- cfchoL The Mir studtos r dsscrftss' Monday by Dn. E. J. Vm InO M H r. MaertoM ef the Na tional Cancer Institute at the be ginning ef m AmorteM Cancer Soctoty tour lor actoace writers ef cancer rassorca caatora ae- arou the country. Hair Is mm of the fastest grow ing tissues af your batty. Dr. Vm Scott explain! It la affected by lavar, some drugs, aoma ulassies, by X rays sm ether radiation. Hair rsoU arc withered aad dam acad ia proportiM to ths amount W radlatioa they got. SimUar withering is rsused by mcthaptaria. cm af ths potent aittileukernia aruga.' Changes ia ths hair roots Indicate bow much damaging effect ths drug Is pro ducing ia combating ths disease, and whether ths dosage should bs lacrsaatd or docrooaod. Such effects areasually tnees arod by using a assdls to Uka aut a sampis af bona marrow. At praaaat ths hair test is being need la coaJuarttM with ths boM marrow analysis. Young Slaying Suspects Read Magazines I 1 A. ''- J ''A VT00DWA1O, OUtw-DavU Baalta, It, m brother, iobrrt, 12, m augtxtaes la rosary Jail where (kcr ar arid ta fatal sheeting af tP-yesr-eld grocer Jloyi Blair. Ceeaty At torac7 H. B. King said charges are yet fllsd la Sea day ibeoUag gam. (AT) Cuban Rebels Preparing for New Offensive HAVANA OV-lUbet Leader Fid el Castro Moaday aight was re ported prapariag aa oflsestve la Orients Province ta back a his declaration af total war against the Bstlsta governrnont Recidenta around Saeua da Ta. mama aa tha northern man aatd ! ths Univarstty of Texas. about MO rebels had encamped at I The child grows up too fast. Rural Children Better Adjusted Mentally in U.S.' DALLAS. Tea. (A - Dr. Goarge A. Constant, a doctor special! rlag rural ia child psychology, says chddraa are bettor adjusted tally bscaass they bars boM aa dor care af a family physidM all their lives. This reasoning was edranced by Dr. Constant Moaday ia a panel discussion before ths AmericM Academy of General Practice. Dr. Constant Is associate pro of pediatric psychiatry af Brothers Held in Shying Pose Prosecution Problem WOODWARD, OUa. IA - Coun ty Atty. H, B. King, whs hM to prssscuta two young brothers for killing a grocer, said Monday "It's hard to know what ta da that will be right." Ths boys are Robert and David Smith, aged U and IS. They wailed sate a small gro cery Sunday latent M robbery, thM begM firing, fiord Bellr. eg, was shot to death. Aa employe, AdrUa WB- aoa. zx, was crttaeally wounded bat is Improring. Ed Kimtey, 47. a the foot of Sierra Cristal under command of Raul Castro, brother of ths rebel chief. A smaller columa beaded by MaJ. Juan Almeida was moving la the eastera part of the pror ince. Apparently both columns were awaiting Castro s orders to attack army posts aad possibly tome towns, Labor Union Group Urges Quick Tax Cut WASHINGTON IB The AFL CIO Eiecutlve Committee urged Monday aight an 'Immediate tax cut of six to .eight billioa dollars as one wsy to reverse the econom ic recession. The Union statement said bust ness investment and sales have continued declining, along with employment, and more than to per cent of the nation's productive capacity is idle. It said the tax cut should bs concentrated among taxpayers with lets than 13.000 annual in come, on sharply reducing excise taxes on appliances, automobiles, and transportation, and on small business. v Sen. Long D-La said in a CBS radio interview, "Capitol Cloak room," he is drafting a bill . to give everybody an Income tax cut of V per cent. He would accomplish this by one month's tax forgiveness. The first month after the bill was enacted, no taxes would be withheld from paychecks. I He is allowed to make decisions for hlmaelf ia many Instances when he wsnts a decision made for him. He wants to be told what to do ia areas where he lacks self confidence," Dr. Constant em phasized. Another panelist. Dr. John 0. Young, dlnkal professor of psdi- atrtcs. Southwestern Mediesi School. Dallas, said parents must know how to approach problems. what attitudes tataks, bow to help. The doctor should bs consulted. for he can help with the physical problems," Dr. Young said. "No teen-ager suffering from acne or overweight will turn away from this kid of aid." Polish Girl Learns MONTREAL (A - Angela de Vreeie. 'lS, couldn't speak a word of English when she arrived In Canada from her native Poland eight years age. Ths other day she won a public speaking contest for youngsters. Juvenile delinquency charges were filed againet ths boys. Coun ty Judge James C. Young will determine whether criminal charges should be filed. Tha delin quency hearing is set for Tues day. King said the charge Is mere ly a recital af the facts Including the robbery of another store for the guns. The boys came from a broken home. Officials said they have aa 11-year-old sister. The mother works at aight la a cafe. The fa ther Is u itinerant plumber. The childrM were left Sunday in the care of their maternal grandpar- Markets Business Reports Entire Grain Market Dips New York Closing Stocks Mama LrmK hm. ra m4 Shm A Aomlral Cmrt Ore Al ChMI AI1W4 Skra JklM Smut ASdw .V C wheat. One trade report "J t(lmyrX? S'j Pllliajl gum aauavr w nsaajt pe wvsn- J veaeasf 9 9 TTaM . . f: CHICAGO t-Wheet. Cera and e were under Increasing pres sure near the dose of the Board of Trade Monday aad all fiakhed wkh losses ef around a cent er a aihum kere a buaheL IV . .. - Tka aolira erala markat was ""' lower but eats and soybeans were off mieor fractions mostly. Wheat doeed 1-1 coats a bush el lower, cora V1H lower, eato anchaaged to W lower, rye S IS soybeans unchanged to 1 cent lower, lard B to e cents s ssdred pounds higher. . A lag M export sad ether com mercial buying Irft wheat without amch demand and It slipped well below Ftiday's closes ia all con- trecte. Rye followed the trend ia rerS Umm Cm D. SL;iSai!r e 9-"" u rr i; izrr'' lk( . pklkc Ca ... Ifcir. r m k Ks H . Statftman. SiWra. Ore Tun.. Kfaf. S3 (See. II)-U Professor'Rapstef;-.;- Admiral's Ideas, B.,je.NS! Bi" i aAWiitbius Hn At irilt rn UN LUUWQNUII NV.TM J as ale MUM I hi U grew el ietoat lanaers creaH lar thatf taata9 ftCfMaM 9VM OmWj VBTs last tu tor ass pearl -BS1 n actea ay voice veto. rtr aH Cn w mi Su ou rtULADfXPMU lf - teens dm. at. C. RtrBeeer-s Mr. .ea saanris soucaliM are a ! Mat cw tt perversMi ef nomocracy" thai C series late last year paeseg at ! tl!'...M - m cwastry. 'a ail to prwvtds that fawners whs n;i CSa, im . : , Ceeumbta t'ateraay arelesMr owroUsted laser tses S k.,td. T-e . ws'iatd Moaday. lege illliwa wwaai a . ZZZrTLZ. - !f?! lr A. Marry Psaaew toak par- soty tor laeer aOeiad acres as ee S Uruiar awue wan lucaever s pre- uriiMnaf I4k Atrhaaaa Toa ! m ...... ' Bmdia Bwut 1(1 Air STU - ai' M I ln4 IUrMI trwr in ft Poeel thai eUU high U L. aliMIAJ ifui Ik - -- SJ. " mpmriMuy wnmami appear to have acquirM large stocks of ths grata and may be out ef the market for .some Portland Grain Policeman Fined For Scalping State Basketball Tickets CHICAGO W The police com missioner suspended Monday a Chicago patrolman who was fined la Champaign for scalping tickets to the Ifiinols high school basket ball tournament last week. He is Thomas Bresa. attached to ths Gresham District station. The suspension by Commissioner Timothy J. O'Connor was lor aa Indefinite period pending a study by the depsrtmest. A Champaign County deputy sheriff arretted Breen la a hotel after buying nine tickets for $45. Bresa was fined 173 and ordered to pay costs of $30. U.S. Tables Indonesian Arms Request WASHINGTON - U. S. offi cials Mid Monday they have halt ted consideration ef an Indonesian government request for U. 8 arms. These officials said the request will not be considered until the Indonesian dvU war hM settled down. The request was made several weeks before rebels launched military offensive against the Cen tral government. State Department press chief Lincoln White fe jetted as entirely without foundation published re ports ia Asia that U. S. arms were being delivered to the rebels Indonesia. PORTLAND lit -Coarss grains. U-day shipment, balk, coast delivery: Oats. Net, It-lb white e JO Barley. Ns.Z. 4Ub B.W. 47.M Cora, NeX E.Yjhp't M.75-MJS Wheat (bid) to arrive market. basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White . 1JB Soft White (excluding Rex) LH White Club x.J4Vi Hard Red Winter: Ordinary IS IS per cent 133 11 per cent IM U per cent IK Hard White Baart: Unquoted. Monday's car receipts: Wheat ; barley S; flour M; cora T; eats 1; mill feed 14. rtirvslvr TUInmJ ss iw s o St so i ' - pi r i i rw . . ts u ay . si'i SS'k . anal Core CMa . . 111 Caiealt slk V". - rvaii p Comw tduoa Can Ixllmi mS Conialnar . las Coat Caa . 41 L Conl Oil 4, Crmna Co ... t'i Crown ZJ nil CurUaa Wr. Sl4 D Daare m Ca. Dta Matrli Dong Air I Sana UK, I 'ansa 4 M SU , t Hat r Alum KMMMI Llbbf MrM Sam kmm tn mHmA I HvaU Oil . .. etw, it at s penariasa I'l's-. . ma ; -"Foreign Aid s sf aWec-i w lae ss Masnavm SS Mann rurM M'k Man Co Moot Ctvaaa Slt Man, -.1, Motorola St NaU aiamut .. . tu NaU Dtatill tl I aaari SI i'k sui ou eij IS'dStaaraf CM -- T7. 1 luMMrtt IS sin r. w ' Bjrtvaau SI T . i so, a a fc-T- 2cerury rllloH Kll lUrisf rrTrJsr - u "1- iuu,,wu uihuii awl on cat s an apart as m ete greup ef s in Hard Tirrtes - f serloty. it goM against ths bsstc I Don Cham M'k 9 a Ne .... . ITt Portland Produce Musical Comedy Writer Succumbs NEW YORK Iff Herbert Fields, musics! comedy librettist. died Monday of a heart attack. He was as. Fields, who was not married. Is survived by his sister. Dorothy. Their father was Lew Fields of the old Weber and Fields vaude ville team. Unsavory Elements Found in Labor, Management, Racket Probers Report WASHINGTON faft-Tne Senate Rackets Committee reported Mon day its hearings have uncovered "much that Is shameful and un savory about certain elements in V.4L 1-U I I inw uiwr auiu iiMUMgviiioiit. The eight-man group said Its year-long bearings so far have showed "incredibly loose handl ing and misuse of union funds as wsll as dictatorship and terrorism over union members It said employers have used DAILY CROSSWORD 1. Wurttrm- 32. Dane- berg measure 4. Flowerless plant I. Frane fabbr.) $. Serious febrile disease T. Finnish seaport .Sheltered inlet .River (Oer.) II. Blbnca! name 14. Sentry's act 17. Like SO. Ireland Acmoss 1. Rigid I. City in , Georgia 11. Ear shell 12. Dwelling 13. Promising 14. Valuable forsgs IB. Actinium sym.) II. Okinawa, seaport la. Assam Ukworns II. Tellurium fsym.) 31. Girl's nsme 31. Tunes 18. Fair a a lily SI. Swindler (oolloa.) SI. Right of . holding SS. Man's nickname tl. Far example (sbbr.) M. Auditory organ II. Shield (Or. an tie;) 41. Radium faym.) 4X Oraameat. ing giH (Bgypt) 23. Astern S4. Highly self- Mtls. fled 2a. Cord. age fiber (Bras.) ST. Marine plant St. Arid SO. SolidifiM by cold S4.Eaat Indies (sbbr.) 11 Newts A Ut fZb H an mo g Tratrriaj'l Aaawee 37. Region St. Coin (Pars.) 40. Fly aloft 43. Toward the tee ' 44. East southeast (abbr.) 41. By way of 41. Musts note bulkUng 4S, CllpUeal 7. Flague 4S.Llft a,AactioM -aO.Rui ewt LCSXh &TSBBUW l jl 4 l I I 3 TOS" W W middlemen to dodge their legal responsibilities and avoid union relation! and have bribed union leaders to obtain "sweetheart" contracts, containing few if any benefits for the workers. It found prosecutors lax In en forcing the laws and Mid other attorneys In the labor-manage ment field have engaged in "un ethical practices debasing to the Standards of their profession." Ths committee headed by Sen. McClellaa (D-Ark- said an Inves tigation of only five unions showed some 10 million dollars in union funds have been either stolen, em bezzled or misused ia 15 years by top union officers. It said this averaged about 15 for each member of the five un ions the Teamsters, Bakery Workers, United Textile Workers, Operating Engineers and Allied Industrial Workers. tm commutes said its conciu- skms were not to be taken as a wholesale Indictment of labor un ions and employers, most of whom it termed undoubtedly honest. But it said others should view the find ings ss a danger signal. The report recommended that Congress quickly legislate safe guards over union funds and in ternal procedures, the latter step to Insure members of a voice in running their organizations. It recommended legislation, too, to prevent employer interference in union organising and contract ne gotiation. Ths committee recommended the Natleaal Labor Relations Board exercise its Jurisdiction to the greatest extent practicable and that states be authorized to assert Jurisdiction over any cases not taken by the NLRB. I said some major abuses have devel oped la -industries outside both state and federal scope. McClellan s commutes ex pressed "deep satisfaction" at AFL-CIO diecipllne of its errant unions. Including expulsion of the Teamsters and Bakery Workers unions from AFL-CIO ranks on corruption chartes. The committee said equally ef fective measures to clean bouse must be taken by managemest and by bar associations against representatives from t bese seg meats of American life whose ac tivities have been to say the least. questionable." Three GOP Solons Said Unfair in Kohler Probe WASHINGTON Iff - Three Re publican members of the Senate Rackets committee were accused Monday by a union attorney of being unfair fat their investigation ef the Kohler Co. etrike. Joseph I Rsuh Jr.. counsel for the United Auto Workers, named Sens. Curtis ef Nebraska. Mundt of South Dakota and Goldwster of Arixona. Curtis, the only one ef the three fat the bearing room at the time. flushed end called Rsuh's charge untrue. He said the lawyer was trying to crests a diversion and make headline!, 1 suppoM well have to endure this," he added. Rank's atatement fallowed testJ- profit. mony by Kohler lawyers that they consider the company has won the four-year-old strike and survived an economic boycott of almost equal length. Lyman C. Conger, Kohler attor ney and labor relations chief, told the committee the firm is willing to settle the strike but wont write a new labor contract with the UAW until the union is shown to represent a majority of the workers. Kohler makes plumbing fixtures et Kohler, Wis. The UAW struck the plant April a, 1154, and kept It closed for 14 days. The plant hM been operating ever since. rer'and company officials have testified ft - b making a PORTLAND ID - Butierfat Tentative, subject ta Immediate change Prenaum quality, deliv ered ia Portland. 0-U cents per ft); first quality, l7-s; second quality, i3-6a. Butter-Wholesale, f.e.b. balk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA. S3 score, Ht: A grade. score S84: B grade. Mr score, S7 C grade, t score, S3. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles. 41-41 lb; Oregon S-lb loaf. 434-134. Eggs Te retailers Grade AA, large. 4Mt; A large. 45-16: AA medium. 44-45: A medium, 43-44: AA small S4-S7. Cartons, 1-3 cents Xaat Air U Eaat Kodak XI Pea Gaa Ex CaUe - . r ruauMio . Sa 44 NaU Cpaum nan uaad NaU Supply NY Cantral . . Na A Arka . Na far y AlrUaa . 1 ST', OUa MaUk ... 1 mOSII tH a T T l Paa Aaa Air MS rtumri. C s', "a TSy ... ... .. is Pepal Cola SS Ptailps Dadea 47", Ta Cm . ... er. taaaa Cwtf la'. Trilraa lt Trail awn S1' Trana Wa Air it( Twaa Cea Fee at I 'akaa Cai OU aa. uiu Akrrran ta- Un Air Lkaaa ... SS vm corp Vnl Vrukl IS Ptrwtkad i 'a hum VS Btaal .rrBt MHs Waaa WaWr P' aat AST . 10 w P sen Br si Wtlnstiniaai Baa " et I4U CawMh Portland Livestock Eggs To producers AA large, 40-UVs; A large, 33-104; AA me diums, 33-174: AA small. 37-314. Live poultry No. 1 fryers. 34-4 lbs. S3 at farm: light hens, 14-13 at farm: heavy hens, 31-33 at farm; old roosters, 7-f. Rabbits-Average ta growers Uve whites, 14-44 lb, 23-23; col ored pelts, 4 cents less; fresh killed fryers to retailers. 59-61; cut up. 63-63. Wool Nominal, dean basis. 4 blood, SS-1.00; blood, 1.07-10; 4 blood, 1.13-15; fine, 1.11-39. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice. 500-700 lb. 47.OOtt.00: good. 49.00- 43.00; standard, 41.00-46.00; com mercial cows. 41.0M3.00; utility, 4O.OO-U.00; canners sad cutters, 3S.0O-41.00. Beef cuts (choice steers! Hind quarters. S3.l0-S3.00; rounds 53.00- 36.00; full loins, trimmed, 67.00 72.00: forequarters, 43.00-44.00; chucks, 43.0030.00; ribs, 53.00-51.0. Lambs-Choice 4t.00-50.00; good afl Wts. 4S.00-49.00. Pork carcasses Shipper style. 130-170 lb. 34.00-35.50. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 3-13 B, 53.00-58.00; shoulders, II lb,' down. 37.00-41.00; spareribs, H.00-56.50 fresh bams. 13-10 lb. 55.0O-5B.00. Slab bacon All wts. 59.00-5S.OO. Veal and calves Good-choice all wts, 44.00-57.00; standard 41.00- 51.00. Produce PotatoesOre. Deschutes Rus sets. 100-lb, 5.501.75: bakers. 100 lb, I os min. 5.754.25; Idaho Rus sets. No. 1. 100 lb, 5.504.00. Onions Ore. west district Dan- vers, 50 lb, med, 3.354.50; 3-ln or larger, 4.50-5.00. Hay New crop, No. S gnsen alfalfa, baled, f.o.b. Portland. 34.00-25.00 ton. Apples Oregon-Washington De licious, extra fancy, large, 3.50 kt.OO; Red Delicious extra fancy 4.00; Red Delicious extra fancy fancy 'tray pack 4.004.50; few lower; fancy 3.75-4.00; WinsMps medium and large 4.004.50; few 094.73: Newtowns extra fancy 4.00-4.25; fancy 3.504.75; various variety C grade loose pack low as 1.50. PORTLAND UWUSDAi Csttle salable 1.100: rndndes so loads fed steers and heUsrs; trade active: fed steers strong with late last week, or U above week ago; heifers fully M higher: cows strong to M higher; track sots and 11 head sorted average te high 2 25: track lot choice 1,171 lb 33.00; few loads low to overage choice 23.00-21 JO; good steers 3SJ0-S7J0; standard 23.00-31.00; utility 21.00-84.00; load and few head choice heifers 87.00, a new recent high; several lots mostly good heifers 2S.00-2S.00; utility and commercial cows 13.00-22.00; canners and cutters 17.10-11.50; utility bulls SXOMSJI. Calves salable 150; slow; steady with late last week; choice veai- ers 30.00-33.00: good 37.00-30.00: good and choice slaughter calves 34.00-27.00; small lot choice stock steer calvM 32.00; accompenytag netfers 30.00. Hogs salabte 700; trade, active; butchers strong to 85 higher, sows 50 higher with some 1.00 up; sorted U J. No. 1-3 butchers 3430 25.00; mixed No. 14 grades 34.00 34.50; mixed grade lota 160-180 lb 2150-34.00; sows 300-500 lb 30.00- 21 J. Individually 22.00; mixed grade sows 400450 lb 17.00-20 Ja. Sheep salable 1.100; slaughter lambs steady with last week: choice wooled end shorn slaugh ter lambs 32.50-32.75; good slaugh ter lambs 21.50-22 00; cull to good slaughter ewes 5.00-10. 00; part deck mostly choice 11.00. Copper Paces Stock Climb ef AsnerkM which Is to give all chudraa equal enxrhantty lor the bast pee- KL. aAm.Ua WASH IN TON Rkkever. father ef the atomic. State Darks ef ateaday critic that fsreiga aid Is a ailxVy aai ef so-called arsgrsaeive educe-1 work agasaal hard limes at asms. , suggested la Waanlagtoe In afnaaflu mi suaoay that Ajnanca take a goM chs I rests Peretga at turepeaa irasels. There. I Cammttlaa mUeti nn aim a hs said, the atx-day aches! week Ifrteexfiy beating. Dulks said: Te T1? J1 hmwwT " dally, are givtog terse im chiHgrtpleynioat here at bane m a anscB better education M i. thM Is pass Ibis SB AmertCM DuAaa kaal Nad rwUioa La - - Vanguard's Medal Draws Complaints WASHINGTON IH The Nsvy said Monday the 9L Christopher medal new srosting wtth the Vea guard aatollito was placed there by ernpioyss ef the Marua Co, prime contract on far the pre- grsm. The medal aonsrs ths petraa urn et trsveisTs and as ence est tha antoufce aas some rnmplamts trans Preteatant derrymen. The idea for attaching the esedal to the eetoQito erlgmeted with P. Paul Uptaskt. a Martin employe, ths Navy said. R reported that NEW YORK (eV-Copper shame agafa paced aa advance as the stock market Monday audged dose to ks 1SBS recovery high. Leading stocks added tracuoan te about S points. Losses went from fractions to around a paint Coppers were straw from the start, continuing their raw ef last week as there were renewed re ports of higher prices for the matal ami mrwi AmmmA Ifarka aiulvata . mM vwinaij wm iaii at vaoo- concera with inflation to inrfn,lTru. . sae ef tne March 17 demands for ails, coppers and u"drn. tttm other minsrala. traditional hfLa-lu untasu a feuow workers re- tioa hedges. Ia a reversal ef re- P?" J"? IVotostant and cent history, "defenatre' LoluunoUc falUis, said they liked ths such m tobacco, foods aad aruo did not do m well I Oas Navy efflear la norida else TM Aseodsted prass average ef lwent along with the Idea, the serv es sucks rose so cents ta 1164-aa. I ice sakL TJ!?JTZL?i2 Chartos D. Kan, fatF. tfcUIr mwrtn' lstrector ef Epfphany Xptocopel - --. luiurcn nam. said ta nia Volume totaled 15S0J0I shares I c. av. 'aCiCJ rjZT7Z nmiinis I aieU 41 Jka SWkan tas-U I aaawwaa Mian km MtmmmmA UmmAm Ui. I Mwt rir V HHIIPII tiout Stocks and Bonds Ceaaaeai By ne Simians Praaal baantantte supsratt- K...IU. stock Avaaacas ss Chicago Livestock Chicago Grain CHICAGO III Grata: Oeaa Cfcwe WRXAT May S.IS-U IWi-IT July l.S0- Siuimber l.3'i . l.M-ta Daccmber l.Mta- 1STH CORN May LITIS l.ln-t jiy un-i i"'i- Sapiamber MXk 1.1SH December MS< 1.14t-a OATS May SS 644 July l1-t Sl. Sepirmbn J'i- 3i Deramber SS-M 61 STB May 1M! 1 July 1.1T 1.1S Saplambar I.S0 1.11 Dacambar 1-U I Si SO Y BX AN s May StSH-SS 3BH-H July S.SSH-'i ' SapumibOT I S3", '4 t C, Nomnbcr tt2', la January lH'i SJS Chicago Butter-Eggs CtTlCAOO VrWTJXDAV BaUar aX (TeM)M IswMIIJOmmI. Eft, M tm : wtintosiMW ariljnt SrtctM I wa 9 aafOaUJ; fl) MT eMlH bataar anOa A wnnae S-U: aiajlal extra Si-4S; ataadaros JSU-a; CHICAOO UWUSDAV-Salabla ke aMk. .II... ia . hisba'r ea butchers t-1 1SS-I7S lb butch ers; l-i im-iz ins XtJS; S-S Bkoatly Sf SSO-S10 lb tl Ja il. 71; mbcai (rada 42S-SSS lb aow II K lS.Sa: moatly SS-SSS Bis 1S.I0- S0.SS. Salable cattle 1S.0OO: calves 100: siausnur steers ana nura acuv itaadr to so blarjar than Uit weak'i blch cloa: bull aUadr ta is hlahar: moatly prim 1.X3S lb alauaTitar atears 17.15; mixed to high choice and prim .vu-7.w; aoea to aisn enow sraa SS.0S-St.S0: choice moatly 19.00 up; utility and standard Meer ll.Sa-SS.SO; most food aad choice beifm SS.00 10.00; utility and commercial cowi U BO-U .00; eanners and cutter II 00 II M; utility and commercial built S0.00-tt.80; food and choice vealera 2M.uu-u.ou; cuua aown to lu.go; fooa mm u leeainf strt, Salable (heap l.BOOj slaufhttt lamb and slaufhter ahaep steady; small Sackas prim SS lb weoled slaurh ir lamb M.SO; bulk choice 13 50- S4.00; food to lew choke Sl.SS-S 90; rood ta low choice No. 1 Kelt to fad horn XtOO-at.SO; food aad choice 1.50-11.00: cull aad UtUll Wet Chanf Moaday Previoua Dav Week Afo Month Af Year Asa less Hies, 1SS Low 1SST Hlfh 1SS7 Low U.N. Official. wsftft Nikita Confer MOSCOW III UJf. Secretary tS.J r i T4.6 1S4.S m i sss mj ista Sli S:i r!:i!S:S te- JS S"S?!l5- ' " J iM siMoodsy. Hamniankjold Ister de imlml nsists cuaed to discuss the rtnrnour . IB J laughter ewe ty 6.SS4.M. Salem Quotations BUTTOITAT (Andrwen's) Premium No. 1 .. Sill MM EGGS (Orefoa Iff Producer) Price to farmer! ar S te S cants under the wnolasal prices: A Extra trf AA Al Lars AA , .. Lara A Medium AA Small AA Jl fOULTKT (North wart Poultry C.l Lechorn Ran 41 Colored Hens Jl Colored rryers 33 Old Roostera Markets at a Glance NEW YORK U Stocks Hliher; couuers hi demand. Bonda Mixed: corpora lea off. cotton Hisner: waoe house demand. CBTJCAOO Wheat Lower; UeuMatiea. Cora Lower; UouktaUaa. Oats Lower with corn. Soybean Lower; liquidation. Horn Steady to St .cents hlaher: top 121 30 Cattle Slaufhter steer ataady to SS cent hlfher; top ISTJS. Chicago Onions CHICAGO If) Oakana: ssj im.s I meeting. Prssumably, the two dis cussed disarmament and a sun ss is is is I nut conference. " ma RunmanklnliT. flfet Am im rW. a e s si t at iiooTKx capuai was a nosy one. ne uT z: I "JlcaJied ea roreiga Minister Andrei a ts s a si s Gromyko in the mornlnr. lunched il l 5 ! ! si s i wiui Deputy Foreign Minister V.v. si.s u ! Si ni KuzaetsoT and other Soviet ofO- sr.! ss.4 m i n ilcialt. He visited Khrusbcbev after w r ss s si t W4 hunch end turned up later at the I Pakistani Fmhaaev fna m mmiw InVfiSriTienf Triicfe uo honoring rakistans national . me"r ,rUSl I day. He went to the Bolshoi ballet a. amiiaar a W, m. MondsraiBhL BONO A VX BACKS Hat Chanf Monday Praviou Day Week Kto Month Af Year Afo 1S51 Hlfh IK IjOW 1957 Hlfh 1SST Low Affiliated fund Canadian fund Century Shares Trust . Chemical fund Delaware fund Diver. Invest, fuml Dividend Shares Eaton a H. BaL fund . Gas. Ind Group Common Incorp. Investors , Key Cast, full; B-S . B-4 K-l MS 63S - IS 11 17.41 n il aw . 1SS1 1TJ1 .. SAS 10 41 Russell Says Red & lit Conquest Better US Than H-Bomb War IM 1.73 LONDON -Brtrsnd Russell Man. Bond fund Mass. Invest. Trust . NaU. See. Series: Income aeries ,,. , Stork. Scries Pref. Stock S NaU. Div. Series . Natl. Growth noaeer fund Tel. Bee. fund Value Una Inc. fund 4 M 1ST 1IM M - sis s iT said Monday night be would rath "aa ,! Ji ler see the Communists conquer 7ji f og I the world than have aa H-bornb .. sjs sjt war. The M - year - old philosopher. - J JJ leading a campaign for abolition Z ixt tss of the hydrogen bomb; said in a - ! "! recorded television interview: "If uiu loslthe Communists conquered the skf to CetTaroUt rageslerla, Itod aatouae retoai, aad art India. He aald Yatoslavta Is stIB ssadaat ef asos, aa4 ralaaal He said Indui Is M ahaial ferae aad If she were waabto la wwald be a blew Is freedeca every. Oa the borne treat DuBes teat aete et the enrrant ea mere Mads, mU projects of pubua warts injects varssna rypaa. - wa will gala BUIa aad lass aT la esa ertve ssr theca wa reeUeaab tear dswa the very strwetaro ef the trM werld which makes ft peeelbaf for m to enjoy we aew surva," be American Oil Firm Re-Opens In Sumatra KNGAPORT m - Caltax. tm inerlcaa aO eornpeay. reeaaMi operations ta Central faaaatra Moaday. aparaotly aatlsfiad tha Iadoaeetoa fwreranasnt was to flrrn eoatrol there. . Tha rnrnpany shut dowa apera tioM two weeks age bscaose el Indonesia's dvU war. Ceieiuussut pwatreopers have since pied Pnlunbara. the oQ ay's heed to art era aad as coastal shJpptng teranaals at Pak aing and DifrnaL The first ef Caltex IS river tank- en m the Siak River took m of! cargoM. .Company art4slWisal were reported andarnaged. Besides grabbing Caltax from rebel bands, the Jakarta gevera- rnent occupied the oil fields and ' Instillations of another Ainericsei Staavac. at Lirik aad Rengat oa Saturday. The field ts IB. bums i southeast ec Pakanbara. ' The two steps arajMrenftar gnar- anteed the spveranient a cxntias tog now ef aa and royalties ta bolster Its finances. ' , aris Museum lans, Todd Room PARIS HI The Jules Verne Museum said Monday It win have "Mike Todd room- la honor ac the producer of "Around tha World ta to Days." based ea Verne's novel. The museum sua wired condolences to actress Elizabeth Taylor. Todd's widow. M40 Mj world, it would be very unpleaa- weiunatiii finid rtii? uTi ant for a while, but not forever. oui o me numan race is wipea out. that Is the end.'' Western Securities Thee bkd and ask Quota tiona reo-l I Y.Ka TlOnrC IilVO reaant nrkMa whM ma mr J n wa, dealers, members ef the National V) f . f . . -os. Blood to Doctor Hi. t.K. Ik. mMtma ...k. ered at 1 p.m. yestarday: I PITTSBURGH UTi For years. nid a.m Dr. C W. Weiiser has treated na- r IZVZLl??? ;I "fluents st the Western rennsyrrania Cor rrVif ht ..ZZZI Isit u4 pcboal for the Blind. Iron Fireman - 14U 111 1 rw ut-i j u4 - Jantsen inc. Com ZZ IS 11 I, ""T" ,"T i ""S-7 Meier r rank . n I iwi aaiuraay I or suHnacn uicerB. MOmSOn - JUkUOSeai ' SI M I a an mm mul. Km hLfWWf AWM Ore.-Port. Cement T4 " pc. p u com 'k ii im oonors were lour teen-ags mw M. Ikw. i a. mill I m ww .saw. . ii W-m Artlaiwt tiM A Coka 14 1 Pert. Gen. -a. as Lf bood to this eye specialist who BANKS Banks of America Bank ef California . Chae Manhattan . rtrst NsUonal rirat Nat City NT . U. S. NatlMial . 33", 14", . 4S4 M4 . 44 44'k . eavt March V OVMT btkT SS Rati I utiiitkea Schools 'Harm' Health Orm Birh tcieae TAIPEI uB A sweeping re- let tss iia im 'or of the educational system ta ' Formosa hM been recorrurteaded by e government control agency. R said a study showed that some text books -are full of mis takes. R also said something must Birh Lew cteael" Jao" . T""" 7T. w a so as 4H ts ! suny ivuu-refiiesKS uwcauew w me 1M.M ULw drea t nramv Dow Jones Averages NX W TOKK U Dew Jens ks akaca averafea: once bad treated them. -SUPPORTS SURGICAL Of Ail sUaaU, Trasses, AMemlaal Saaarts. Elastic Hoejery F.rpert Fitters Trlvste rtttiag stMSSS "Ask Year Doctor Ccpitcl Drug Stcrt 4eS State Street Corner ef Liberty 3W Creea Staxsas CallOUGG rwavswraa,TsaarM MlwtJseief feet 0 I'm 77 1 IW mm. W-mmtdri l KecpCleanVnrm Ne eeJsar solid laal will aseet row stoeda a asSdaafry. CAPITOL LUMBER CO. , Tm. IM 14t2 ar IM 1-4411 '