. . . .Save Time - Save Money far Ike lest IWeoeleaal bntoM ,v Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! AMINO MACIItNEI W Mil, mi A service all mki Boon, 444 Court. EM 3-4773. atllLTl0INO BULLDOZING TD EM 4-311 or Dllii MA Bulldosinc Roads, Dam. DI D Carryall 'Huskey, tM 1114 CRANK 4EBV1CE t TON Lorain moto rrana. la lam Sand Crawl. EM 1-S44I. fUXla fOTHMfl frORRiS WAXkiH Paint Co. Floor envering Dtv. Quality installations Linn, carpets. As phalt 4- Runner Til. Wan tlla. Free Estimates. EM 4-117. INCOME TAX SKBVICE STAN'I AeeouMmf MrvlM. NO ITAN'S Accountmi S. MU. EM t-ua. 500 Bus. & Finance S12 Loom Wotito 4 WISH 4a Borrow K.SM to 13401 an heavy eonetructloai equip, for II moo. or will borrow from I to I yra. A will pay bark quarterly plue Interest. Reason for loan, need working capital. Write lUtesmaa-Jeur-aal Box 114. 31 5 IwvoirmoRrs DEAL elt contract 44.401 4401 discount payable $50 mo. Inc. Interest Ph. MA 4-3771. Dallea. isl IND mortgagee to nigh at bidder. Pb. EM 44633 600 Employment 01 Help Wonted CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ricialitts ai office personnel Cottaia It. IE EM 14431 606 Help Wowrad, LooSy CAR hop 4i experienced waitreas. Apply in person I to II If No phone calla. JB Drive In. 1131 ralrgrounda Rd. 60t Ctxtimliitow Work EXCEPTIONAL . OPPORTUNITY A At NATION'S LARGEST MANUF ACTUHEII ot . nncee ally maintenance p r a d u e I a twixe. detergents, floor fin lahee. Insecticides, eoapa, dia iniectanta. power equip., etc. aold direct to commercial, ed ucational. tnitiluUonal. muni capal and lood processing aceouata, ncadi aalaaman lata 14-341 for Salem and wrround tag ceuattaa territory. tbtor nationally advertised tin of aver 404 Itema REPEAT!. Your ordere ahlpptd Immedl-tely.-Cr Necessary. All established accounts" in the PROTECTED TERRITORY become your account. TWT Tl A PERMANENT PO- mON. Selected applleanl trained at company cxpanae. Our employee! know about tbia ad. for Interview call R. F, i Iwaitn, Senator Hotel, Salem. Bunaay. Monday and Tuaaday. CONSULTANTS FOR htcrattva grewmg bualnaaa to Salem It aurrounding area. Pravleua aalca axpertanca un nacaaaary. For appointment , call , M 4 M0, 130 4jn. 4 pdn. 610 Soli Halp WTtUd MALE HELP One man from tola county. Hard work and good pay. Away from home 4 alghta a wee. A-l reputation mint; strict Investigation. ale or public contact exper ience helpful but unneceesary aa apecial training given. Over I3M monthly aalary plus, beau to man selected. Must be available ftfr ImmedJ at employment. WRITE TO Personnel Director. Ill Laurel. Salem. Oregon give full name, address, and '" . A large International or-, ganUatton offers a career po ' aitioa locally witb above av erage income . and benefit. Muat be ever 30. married and a local resident with aueeessful background In personnel, public relatione or eales work. For personal in , torviaw call EM i 040. IALES AND MERCHANDISING With maior eigarette manu facturer. Working Salem area. Age B-34. Career opportunity. Good starling salary and as sured merit Increases. Excel lent employee benefits. Auto furnished. All expenses paid. Write full particulars to L G. Haglund. In care nf Rudle Wll helm Warehouse Company, 1133 N.W. 11th. Portland. Ore, lino WEEKLY guar to start, fuller Brush Co. tM 1-4381 MAlT for sales aervice. Elec tro lux Corp. 1071 Broadway EM 44134. . 612 Work Wontati, Mm YOUNG married man wanta farm job. I yrs. axper. EM ORD trac tota. It Pj'-.2 Weed row cropa. XM 4-1B84. IhARPENING ft filing Moat kind of saws. tad. i ft t-man aawa. Carpenter, garden ft household fools. Drills ft bar ber abeam. Open Mon.. Tuej., Wed. Haaa ChrUtenaen, 364 N. II St. Carpenter werb j? new or rwpair. a.m WILL graft your fruit trees, for next an pays. m.m i-nw XAVE your walls cleaned bv "Madern Wall Cleaners." Call collect Albany, ore . FAMILY 1 type. IK "mah ' wanta work, any tru A. ms CD cutting with chata aaw EM 1-0744. LOU'I tree aervice. removal Family man. n, ?3rlSi 'needs work any kind. EMljlOW L SPRAYING ft PRUNING L W. Csudle EM 4-I4M BOTOVATINO. AH kind of lawn wora. won js. s-oisa. liasite d.w(iii rirlMeift Parking loU. Columbia Blver raving -o. aai sae., "ritSTOM TB b"EF! R VICE apraylng ft Pruning- EM aVQM CHERRY TREE GRAFTING EM 44924 Painting; Papering. Tcxturtaf ' Nelaon. EM 444B4. free Eat. EXP. cat akrnaaaor truck arrver want work. EM 4-4144. SMALL earpentor toba, geei arera, raa Ji 4-1444. D nTTm. vary raat. 11M . 141a It. EM .434 altar I. Ch S Tm'ltryici, EM 4-431. Raa. rataa. 4041 Gleawoed Dr. TAX RETURN prepared till Bruce It NE. EM I-MS4, Leon's accounting rvtaa. liot 4m H E. EM 14381. Lfwaat Ural Tax Guarantee Use 4i up. Exper, Tax Auditor Free pickup dUv,lM 4Uot fonkkeeplag, payroll- report-A Ineoml iaa aervle. E. Church ft Ca. all N CotU(. Salem. Ora. EM 4 4241 roe pick-up and delivery, tar wa service, lm i-mi. PAIMTINOlk PAPKRRAMGINO Painting A Pauorhengmi, I re Eat. IM 4-4411, 11(9 Shipping 600 Employment 612 Wark Warf4l, Mt INCOME TAX PlckT ft del. EM 4-4421 614 Work Waiwaal, Udy HOUSE work. Baby silting ft ironing py nr. IM J-um EM 3-4SM Dreasmaking ft Alterations HOUSEWORK by hr. Eipari- enceq. neiiaoie. a.at i iuut. I BONING In my home. 434 N uoerty, IM t-otas. CURTAINJ laundered ft stretch- en, rees. EM 3-08M. . Howard Myotic Ra-aartra t a Bummer CM t MIMtOGRAPHlNO lyptni Ura imariunnr aa a m it V'lim aaati 1 Poe. MS N lath EM 1 4441 UDY'I dresamaking ft Hon. . Work guar. EM 61S-A tawyittHwj BABY sitting la your home. EM S-IUDV. CHILD care my home daya, neeion urive, X.M s-iwi. BABY ait daya or evenings your nome, a-aa a nw. BABYSITTING, middle aged y, your noma, nights. EM 4-410. CHILD, care my borne, refer, anceel EM 4-W14. 1M4 Lea at. GOOD CAR! for email laaant la CUILO care my heme days. Or chard Helghto Plat. EM 4-4311 . RELIABLE babysitter by hr. ay or aim, my noma m Hi MiKBtU EINDXRaartea Relist er NOW aatom Car t a ScbT EM 1-foM 620 Pay and) Contract 4.J . YD. ahavel crane hoe org. line za-ion mooue cranea D i, D-T cats carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL 1404 N. front St. Efct 1-141 700 Rental 702' Sleap. Roofrii, laaral WtEKXY rates. Area Hotat 141 Chemeketa. New Management TV, clean, nice fara. aleeping rm. 44.7 wb. men. em g tsm. COME away from heme, men back lunches 1061 N Ith CLEAN quiet, near State Bldgs, Kitcnen pnv. cm 1-144. CLEAN comfortable rm., good oeo 74 . cottage. a-atni. REAS. Attrae. Ig., warm rm. Close In, pvt. ent. EM 4-74H7. NICE warm room a for men. The Alexandria. 1130 Chemeketa. NICELY' f urn. rma.. ale asm! apt. 43 H Winter. CLEAN, h-g. front light hskp g. m. TV Ant. ?aH. tnurcn ELDERLY gentleman, board ft rm. - imo uiemeaeta t. Tbi 'Apartmanti roe tort FURN. court llv. rm., bdrm.. kitchenette & bain. w piua util. Laundry furn. 1445 Trade. EM 4-7471 f?e. 1 JM, Close in, mod., Adulta. Ltlrla pfd. m N. Winter. NICE, clean furs. 4 rm. an Keirer anopping. m e-mai ROSEWOOD APTS. Redecorated 1 bdrm. apta.. new furniture, ceramic tile baths. M to ISO. 1310 Madison, EM 4-eeJl. eve. em d-ien. BACHELOR FURN. APTS. Rest, elect heat, bus ft store. TV Ant' Auto, wasnar, SJO 44. 11 S. W. 13th. EM 1-084. NICE 4 rm. apt Util. paid. EM 1-1394. 304 H. tammerciai. I RM. furn. apt. newly decor. 124 w. winter. 1-047. FURN. bachelor apt, utlL Incl 134. KM 4-1MI. I BDRM. fura. or ttofura. Waal Salem, cat i-zisi eve. an 1 RM. baehwlor ant. turn eioaa m n. toq. apt. a rear aae N. Liberty. 1 RM. 4.PT. FURN. 0 N. FRONT 1 BDRM. re-dee., unfurn. apt., 443. 1123 Crosa St. 4 RM. furn. apt., pvt. ent. part Util. 134 Uak. EM 1-S77. CLOSE in, grnd. fir., well turn.. auto, nt., um. uci. laea t-enier FURN. Semi basement apt., util" furn. 1114 Oak. EM 1434. FURN. 1 rm. Court Apt. 131 mo. EM 3-743. CLEAN, furn. 1 rma. all util. incl. ISO Stat. EM 1-H44. ELAINE APTS " 1 RM. furnished ant.. Ilvtng rm.. kit., oinette, nearoom, nam. 7 wo. uperty no, FURN. adulu only a block city nail, m a-ossa. . 144 N. LIBERTY. Front 1 rm. furn. apt. AU util. IS. M 1-7124. 1 RM., bemt, prhr. bath. Ill til is. lain, xjn e-isei. CLOSE In ground floor bdrm. lariiearaior ai ranae. aieam heat, free automatic washer ft rear, a warm quici disc you will like. Adulta. S3 Oak at LGE clean, furn. 1 rm. apt. with frpl. Nr. penitentiary ft lUte Hospital. KM MM). fTlBN 1 Imlrm. nriv. bath. sar. adulta. T71 S. flat, EM 1-43M. UNFURN. Apt. 1 bedrra, adulta, EM 1-7104. . oris nlMlv furn. aimoat new. tiny apt. Ideal for 1. 1 Near C-on, Hoop. PM Breyman. I RMTfura. Apt. prtr baUi ft ant. EM 4-434, tll tM IMALL fura. bsmt," apt Man pro. aae mp. ww,. CLEAN coay,prt. bato , utO. furn. 4 jo a. capron. a.w a-ja. OMS. furn. 1st Or. priv. batb ft ant does to. EM 44374 AMBASSADOR APTS. Nicely fcro. touiidry facllMIe. BOO r. Rummer. . 1 RM. opt., prlv. batb ftjinuv close to bus. , XM e-4447 or EM t n iH4 CHEMrKETA-i rm . tjm f RMS- rum, attt. axaept beet, aaath, aai, IM 7 14th, BOTOV4TINO BOTOVATINO Orchard. lani gardens, EM 1-111. IAWD A CiBAVEL WALLING I AND AND GRAVEL 1421 McOllchrlit Crrthed quarry rocka and trav el. All alxe for roads, drive wevj and parkin lott. READY MIXED CONCRETE Cardan aand. bull-doglng, (hovel and dragline work. KM l2'. SALEM IAND ft GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, cruehed round frivol, aand ftitnp aoll. 1401 N. front. EM 1,441. IEPTIC IERVICE MTkrs Septic larv. D'ftootor. claan tanka. eewor EM 1-4408. HOWARD! Roto-Rooter eewert. Septic laaka r loaned. EM 1-4321 700 Rental 70S Apartmanti jar Rant COURT apta. Newly dec., 1 rma. m nam iurn.. x.v., laundry, parking available. Ina. after I or wk. end. 1441 sTllth. CLOSE, claan. well furn. 1 rm. oain, aauiia. bo (-enter. CLOSE In claan I rm. pt, prlv. uan. in a), uaiiage. t RM. APT ! Prlv. bath. Lady". necai i7 N. winur. cm 4 42M after 4 p m. I RMS. fura, prlv. bath, nr. BUt bldgs., B40 Mill. MOD. furn. I rm. court 44140. 1044 Madison. EM 4-1011. CaRGE 1 bdrm. unfura. Apt FtTRN. I'j. rm. apt., parking. toTiMTooo5-1Hi c'p' THE LEE t I bedrm. apta 047. M ft 0. Bachelor Apia. 444.40 ft 17140 444 N. Winter EM 4-1441. VERY bk4 furn Apt. eomfort able. elee. heat., I avail, al 444 mo. I at IM. oa quiet street Call Rawlins Realty EM 4-4174 or EM 1743 eve t HSKPG.. furn. utile fOrn. n N. Uberty. XM 1-74M. M frBf V - - ... - vim., vein. adulta. 130 8. 14th. EM 4-711 WEI! Balem. S rm. furn,Apt yn um. ptj. a. aeia. CLEAN TTUm furn. Aot. aaar Moanltal ynraersny. aa a. Bummer, i RM. fyra. 1st Cr. priv. bath I ' ft ent gar. Wa S. 13th. NICE I RM. UNFURN. Near Capitol ft W U. EM 1-4414 FURN. 1 rm.. pvt. bath, W. Sa- lem, uiu. EM 4-9071. MOD. 1 rm. apt., pvt. bath. no. EM 3-714 or EM I &.EAN, t rm. ground fir. apt wioae in. uay, u sarry 4 RM. fura. apt. 1410 Ferry- 7U6 Puptaiias" CLEAN 1 rm. turn, full bim't. EM 3-4034. XM 1-444. LIKE new apt, sparkling clean, 4 blks. Ladd ft Bush Bank. SO ft 144. PLaia 44431 ar 44 adlaon, Corvnllls. I RM. duplex unfurn Irpl, ga rage, bas t. 1074 a. Liberty. Ph. EM S-737 eves. 1284 COURT" St.. unfurnrf bed rm. Extra bed. TV ant... M. llv. rm. Car, -basin L 444. EM S-T114. I BDRM mod. nr. echl. ft itoras. 433 W. Madrona. EM 44401. LG. unfurn. I bdrm. lower 4 plex. 401 Ferry. Pv March 1. 1 BDRM., range refrig. 457 M ins aaginaw, em z-4oo. ATTRACTIVE furn. 1 rm. Car port. Near etty library ft heap EM 1-41 M ovea NICE fnrn I bedrm. couple only. IMS N. 4th EM 4-1407 707 Hausas For Rant I Bdrm. furn. IMJ Barm, unrurn. 1.15 1 Bdrm. rsnge, refrig. :5 I Bdrm. range, refrig. 464 1 Bdrm, Eaat. furn 04 1 Bdrm. beautiful eottage on creek MS I Bdrm. Hollywood 481 1 uarrn. apts., new furniture. we oaine. wi(- su-oso CENTER ST. REALTY 174 Center St. EM 4-4631 Eve. EM 1-7111 1 BDRM. house. Ideal for new- lywads or older couple. Rob ertB. Ramage. EM 1-074. CLEAN, I bdrm.. auto, heat. wirja for- waaner ar orver. 155 7a Jefferson St. XM 4.707 4 BDRM. houee lor alc or rent, Corners Schl! EM 4-3341. SUBURBAN 3 bdrms., bith. wired for washer ft dryer, nice EM 1-4341 m" CLEAN l' bdrm. baa, itova ft reirig. em 3 041. I RM. house. aU mod. 1310 N. oiunmeT ai SEE THIS VERY NICE 1 bdrm, elac. heat, hdw. lira., art. gar., refrig. ft range. Water ft Garbage pd. 153. mo. 110 Kenwood. EM 4 2590. 1 BDRM. furn. hse. 11, ft 1 bdrm. hses. EM l-iaao, em 1-407. I BDRM. unfurn. duplex with garage, close In. EM 4-1307. 1 BDRM. mod. hse.. hwd. firs.. 1330 Claude E. ao. 1 BDRM home W. Salem Heights. 404. EM 3-1411. 1 BEDRM. hdw'd firs attch. Iar. fencrd-ln yd. 3347 Beacon M 3-065. UNFURN. I bdrm hse. st (01 Cottar St . N.K. 44 per me Pb CM 1-ilS I BDRM nse 4 blka" from etty ctr. Auto heat. Frple ft bamt 444 me. EM 1-4760. 4 RM. HSI wiuT gar , rang and refrlg. furn. 454 EM 4-401 CLEAN, remodeled 1 bdrm. at- tached gar., water ft garbage aerv. fuituanea, sao. i un caster Dr. NX. Ph. XM 41311 3 BDRM. unfurn. mod. ha, la country 13. EN 1-S134. 1 BDRM. homo unfurn. Close In. 434. EM 4-TOIS. 433. I'J bdrm. home In Kelxer. em -aoM or em a-siis. iRDRM. mod. baa. In country la exchange for labor, atete age, wnere empwyea. rerer ences. Box 113 8U teaman Journal, 1110 Market 1 bdrm.. flrepU auto, oil furnace la bamt. gar.. 17. EM 3-7SVO. NEW unfurn. 1 bdrm., TV ant. garage, nr. Gen. Heap, IM Adulta. H31 Bremen. MOD. 1 bdrm. home, 40 a mo. Adulta only. Eve. EM 1-1744 I BDRM. All alee., near school ft mkt lag. 150 S 13th. IDRM. home, bem't. oil heat orth, 154 ma. EM 34333. 4 BDRM. house, ar. St Vincent ft Highland Schl. Available Marcn tn. em a-ss. MOD. I bdrm. house, nr. schl., partly fura. EM M174. rM- at mTPttlBal asa toaawaaaal 1 a pinaii aaBi n ft oil stove. 477.90 mo. 1041 3rd. St. EM I-M3I after a. 1 BDRM to et Range ft rafrtg Inq. Archen tail f Lea my tuna. After. j p.m. EM 41114. OR aetl: I bdrm. borne, oil turn., I fir. No. EM 4-144. I BDRM. he. Hoover achX dlst tea pa asev ava eesn 700 Rental 707-a) Furnlihad. Hauiaa LITTLE old house, prefer older couple, no doga ft na drink ers. 14M Court. VERY nice I bdrm. yr. old furn. duplex, hdwd. floors, draw drape aula, washer, TV antenna, water Ar gerbaae. 171 Inquire 4133 Portland Rd. 1 BDRM. all alec. Hollywood "1. pus. waier a garDage, no pete. 141. EM 4-441. FOR" rent I bdrm. furn. house Inq at frank' Cafe. 3431 Port land Rd. CLEAN 1 bdrm., frpl. Suburban, N. 154. KM 1423 1 BDRM. furn. housa, nr. buT, ail eiee. em i-odo. t BDRM. home. Esquire Plaza Cuurt. Eve. EM 1-2145. FURN. I bdrm., autoheat. gar. 71 McGUchriat XM 4-443 FURN. I ft Tbdrm. house, nr bus. sin, on. k state Ifosp. Inq 1001 park Ave. IM, I BDRM. all eler., nice. water a garb. pa. em 4 joa 714 lutincu Rtntoli WILL LEASE 1300 SQ FT. MODERN OF FICE SPACE CENTRALLY LOCATED ON PROUNO FLOOR. SUITABLE FOR IN SURANCE, SAVINGS AND LOAN OR SIMILAR BUSI NESS. ATTRACTIVE RENTAL AVAILABLE APRIL 1. CALL OR SEE. Oregon State Employees Asn axe ynurcnijt.. em 4-13ZS SMALL-newly decorated cafe. tuiiy equipped Inq. 7444 N. Com'l after 4 30. SOU SQ. FEET, store or office apace in westgate anopping Center. IM mo. EM 3-743J. STUCCO building 40 by ar IF ooora, concrete floor, raved (treat. Inq. lMi 13th St., SE 760 Moving fc StorafO LarmcT Transfer ft Stoma COMPLETE moving service. Also agents for BEKINS ' Na tionwld Mover. EM 1-313L 800 Real EsUte tOI tuiinan Opport uo, DEALER must tU Service Sta tion business, have finance deal. Will sell equity for 7M net. Good location. Maior pro ducU. EM 4444. BICYCLE ft hobby shop. I to 1 A AAA Ml.,, .... ev,vw yr, wpwBiini sail. BEAUTY-aaloa paying gross of nw jr, wwqouni .sail RENT FREE Service EUtlon With Shoo facllltiea located in Aumevllle. Suitable for older man. f none em 1-41M Eva. and Sunday EM 3-696. FOR aale. trade or terms. Very busy country cash grocery on main hwy. Attractive 1 1 v 1 a e quarters. 1', Acre. Inq. North Santiam Croc., AumaviUa, Rta. 1, 0OX in. . ' TRUCK DRIVERS Make More Money CALL MR. MEANS Aero Msyflower Transit Com- pany representative WIU (how you bow you can Increase your Income through contract operation si long dlstonce furniture mover. Applicants muat be over IS years nf age. free to travel, have good references and muat ewa or make own arrange ment t buy let model trac tor. Phone I 1. It I p.m.. Mr. Charles Means, for personal interview March 3 thru March I at MULTNOMAH HOTEL. 8061 Homes Foi Solo BY OWNER. Rsnch type 4 Dorm, nome. eav amnnyview Ave. 1 BDRMS.. plus 1 in bsmt.. lovely back yard. 110,650. 1170 Saginaw. EM 1-4430. MIRTH East Suburban well built I bedrm.. I baths, dble garage, 1433 Brenner BY OWNER KEIZER AREA Mod. 1 bdrm. home with 1 down St i aver alt. gar. Plastered, hdwd. fir., tile bath, cedar closets, insulated. Fenced yard with hedge, garden, fruit trees. 46.000. EM 4-4791. SELL: 4 rm. home, mod., clean," z vaiuanie ion. .Price. 43.400. EM 1-136 eves. BY owner Well built new 3 norm, nome, dbl. gar., lf baths, family rm. Built-in ap pliances, close to grade and new jr. high. EM f 780. BY Owner. 1 bdrm. home. N E ' Wall to wall carpet, drapes. irpi., aisnwasner. u1 ahruba In. EM 2-0362. x uwner 4 bdrm. cape i full basement hdwd. firs., tile bath, oil furnace, 1003 N. 10th. 111.000. 100 dnj 194 mo. to qualified buyer. EM 1-4411. WILL aell ' lovely home South near uoen a juason schjs. 1 bdrm, 1 bsthi. 1 fireplaces, family rm., dbl. gar, fir trees. EM 4-4103. BY OWNER 4 bdrm, F.A. beat, frpl, lge. lamuy Kitcnen. nr. g r a a e echool ft Waldo Jr. High, PHA approved. Price 113.000. 1211 Jelden St. EM 4-4304. MR. OWNERI Glen Woodry wiU pay top price for your turn, ft eppliancea. EM 3-3110. FOR Sale, lease, or trade. By owner. 3 bdrms. So. Will con aider trailer hse., lata model car. or what have you. Up to 1100 clear as dn. EM 1-03S3. WELL kepi 1 bdrm. hse. Good Ine. Nr. store ft hue, nice yd. Cheerful rooms. EM 1-7923. ONCE IN A LIFETIME Do yea get a chance like this: Ultra-fine high bracket home. M mm. from Salem. It would coat 71 to M thouaand to re place If possible. Park-like grounds, creek, rustic bridge, hundreds ot ahruba, two fire places, glass walled living room and huge playroom over looking creek end (alia, superb interior finishes, beamed ceil ings, Marvair heating. Due to circumatances 440.004 cash. Shown to discriminating buy er only by appt Call E, C. RUSSELL AGENCY Silverton. TR 1-MM Eve. TR 1 3651 . STOP DREAMING IT ART LIVING. Every time I can me owner or inie almost new, deluxe home where do I find him? In the big family room with the beamed ceil ing and nverslie fireplace? Nope. He'-ALWAYS piddling around down oa the river bank either with his boat or hia fishing outfit (the river Roe right across the barlvfif la lot I. But you will slwavs find hia wife INSIDE the house becuase it's so beauti ful. There ar 1 furl baths, lust lots and to'. ot warm wood paneling snd the kitch en Is a dream. We're aura you wilt be nrnnerlv impress t-d bv U alt 434.700. CALL KM 4-4766 Eve I Mr. Stephenson, EM 4-4141 Ted Morrison, Realtor MS St. HlGBt PkV XM 4-4701 800 Real EtUate 106 Hauiaa Far Sal SLIGHTLY MODERN BE DIFFERENT, llv a liferent From the outside, in is nome looks like It might be differ ent on the inside. And from the Inside. It la. In the living area, where ISere are usual, ly walla and doors, there Is larg brick column, with sort of an openeM around It and the fireplaces. One wall of the living room and on into the dining ares Is all gtoaa. In all. this lis yesr old 1 bedroom home packs a lot of appeal, and aa we said, It' DIFFER ENT, iiiooo. CALL EM 4-4704 Eve tors. Ftnning. EM 4-40M Ted Morrison, Realtor 11 N HIGH PH. EM 4-4744 LOTS Choice Laurel Springs ll.oue up Choice Laurel Spring Heights W-OM n kurta Acre II. 0 EXCLUSIVE AT REALTOR! 134 I. Liberty CM 4-447 $50011 Here ia a chanc to gel Into new 4 bedroom bom with minimum move-in coat. It has a large living room with nice flreilace. dining room, huge kitchen, bath and half, double garage, good area of new homes. See this today at only 114.750. C. V. KENT CO. REALTORS SM Cottage NE Phone XM 4-473 nr EM 4-7444 4 BEDROOMS I Bdrm. new home, llv. rm., fire p., family rm. ft fire p.. kitchen with builtln oven ft range, utility rm., I'j baths finished with ceramic tile also tile on drain boards la kit. plsstered, double garage, over 1400 so. ft Price 14,T. -terms. Income Property A very nice 1 rm. apt. for owner plus I rentals, income of 1141 per mo. This la an older house with basement ft new furnace. All In good ehan. Just no vacancies. Price 11100. Win take trade up to 17,000. Abrams & Skinner ill Ma.onic Building REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS TELEPHONE EM 3.0217 EVES: EM 3-734 or EM 1-3077 By Owner. Sell or Trade I Bdrm a. So. for I bdrm, car, trailer hse. EM 4-4325. 4 Bdrm. Home N.E. Near Englewood sen. Lsrge llv. rm. 4c 4 nice bdrms. New er home dist. A sute G. I. home ft very well built. 111. 404 worth more. A Nice Cheaper Home 15 50 t bedrm. " Good aired llv. rm. with frpl. Nice kitch en with dinette. Bouth. Art Madseh Realty " 1334 State EM 3-5340, KM 1-4811, KM 44443 Young or Older couple attention, clean neat home on email lot near Grant echool la top con dition, owner wanta to go to Aritona. priced at only 1450. terms to suit buyer, call Gene PedweU, eve. ph. KM 1-777. Country living with an Income- is acres, iruiiiana aistnct, wonderful aoll, I acres cane berries, tractor with attach . menu, good truck. 1 reg. Jer sey cows, excellent 1 bdrm. home with basement, only 10 year nld approx. 1 miles from downtown, lota of fruit trees, etc. Will trade for 1 acre, call Eastrldge, eve. ph. EM 3 6521. REALTOR 311 N. Church SI. Ph. EM 4-4471 ONION FARM 144 acres of the finest lake Labish soil all under Irriga tion, very good II yr. oM 1 bdrm. home, price ot 124,750 incl. Irrig. equip. Call Geo. J. Patrny EM 4-14M EM 4-44M. COZY ft CUTE And owner will trad for 1 bdrm. house in Salem, in Englewood, Just like new inside with 1 semi finished rms. oa 2nd fir. ft 1 bdrms. dn., bath, tile kit., hdwd. firs., beautiful yd. ft wonderful neighborhood near echool. bua and ahopping, call Mrs. Miller to reo EM 4-4494 Eves. EM 1-0441. . ALLEN C. JONES REALTORS 417 Court EM 4-4494 TRADE My equity in this lovely 1 bed room borne, living room 13x37 dining room 11x14. 1 baths. Economical aawdust heat for 1 to 1 acre with some fruit and nuts, nreferablv South nr East. CaU Shirley, tM 4-0964. We also have aeveral building lots and acreage for aale from 11000 and up. TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 4020 NJIiver Jtd. EM 4-0444 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR LET ui solve your home needs. To buy aell or rent, call EM 4-3711. 1211 Edgewatcr. EM 4-H14. , 1710 So. Commercial. BY Owner. 3 bdrm. Llv. rat., din. rm.. kit., play rm., util. rm, 4 Comers Area. EM 4-1037 NEW 1 bdrm.. att gar., many extras. So. on pvmt 110.000 Convenient terms. EM 1-0104 FOR SALE by owner. I bedrm. home with gar. 42M down, full price 15.150. 4M mo. EM 4-4311 MAKE Cash offer on 1 bdrm" home. 444 Illinola off Center St EM 1-2355. IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE. Lae 1 bdrm. home. Bsmt. Poe alble 3rd bdrm. , pet. teas. Low down payment. EM 1-7071 BY OWNER - 3 bedrm. dining rm.. llv. rm ft util. (urate 2M down, full price 1430. IM month. CM 4-4511 BRAND new 3 bdrm. home, fml, FA heat, cki-e ui So. 119 sq ft 110.980 EM 4107 MOD. 1 bdrm. home. Indepen dence or trade small ha, trail- or, car or anything of value oa equity, lt.100, EM 4-1M1. FOR sale, reauurant ft fixtures residence ft cabtna located at Jefferson Or Plnnset Trust - Co Exeruter. Cask at tor an KM M1M. 800 Real Estate 106 Homos For Solo BOMB ARE BIGGER NONE ar nicer than this Im maculate Englewood heme with a full dry basalt, with spare bedrm. Lg. separate dining rm.. entry halt flreplc. lovely kitchen. 1 nice bed rm. Seeing li believing, it' priced at Jll.300. CANDALARIA View, full besmt. with apsre bedrm. ft pert bath, t'bed rms. Lg. separata dlniag rm., flreplc ft full III bath- en main floor, lg. lot. 111.400. HOLLYWOOD DISIR1CT ON CAPITOL ST. bueineie tone with good, clean 1 hedrm. home dining rm., basmt.. flreplc. only 17.10, 11 a bet ter than it sounds at this price. Evenings Mr. Cuahing. EM I - nn. i-ieiijcr us ifwi . 433 N. HIGH Xcroas from Meier f I Bnabaw - -naeae-1 1 TOP LOCATION Older 1-B.R. komt. A little on the rough side, hot water heal. 41x104 corner lot. Drive by 130 Court St. Price 112.950 00. lood term. ' HOME PLUS THREE RENTALS One B. R. horn and 1 rentals on one lot Will trade oa small clear bom. What have you. Price H 950 00. TRADE FOR I BEDROOM A amatl t bedroom horn on 1 acre thl bouse k 4 year old and owner will trade for aa acreage or 3 B. R. suburban. Price 47400.00. EVE. ft SUN. Ph. KIGGINR, EM 4-544 J ACOBSIN 4-9624-WOOD, 1-071 KIENE. 1-4074. 125 STATE ST. PH. EM 4-2293 20 YEAR CONSTRUCTION LOANS CLOIE TO ST. VINCENTS SCHOOL. wiU trad, thia 4 bedrm. horn with etUched garage, for email acreage The home la on paved street, cUy aewer ft water, good location with 70 X 140 foot lot with beautiful back yard for children to play in. Easy terms. Call D. J. Van Orman, KM 4-447, Eve. EM 4-3447. IDEAL' PLACE TO RAISE CHICKENS. ETC,, to cut the cost of living this I bdrm. horn with lrg close to town situated on a" ' acre lot Price only S4.7M. I4M down. Call D. J. Van Orman, KM 4-4474 Evas. KM 4-3447. IM ACRES, located in the Bethel Dtetrtct I A. of straw berries, all Irrigation equip ment Included. Large barn Meal lor dairy or stock pur- ' pose. S bdrm. home and ether bldge. Call Ted Rohde, KM 4-4414. Ev. MA 3-tiU. HAVE SEVERAL GOOD BUSI NESS properties at reasonable RAWUNS OM CHEMEKETA HMtsviarsoir a s I in t . I . J iZSi. L VtAn. J-i , S i aATeWAVTO'STAtreAHK.T J 0000 PLACE .TO 4.iwfc f- I rm. and bath, wired tor range, part basement plastered, con tinuous foundation, email lot Livable but needs eome re pair. 1171 down -atJM i acre Inside city, nice location. T rm. nd bath, basement, fur- MAM -I-. SirAHlAAA 1-P IivIa AIMfl . AMlhlS A . lSofl I acres aloae in. all curt. Good I I daady. Term ia irrM all cull aood vallev house and outbuildings St acres, na bldgs, ail cult, near M acres ' cult drilled well. elec. water heater, a i w etc. Term ..j. M acres.' nearly all cult. Good t nished. II acres sirawoerriee, aieo oiacx cape, larm aeua luuy equipped. Move in and start farming. 42.404 down Bel. an nual paymenu III.0M We have other listings. Can or write for listing bulletin and picture foioer. H0MESEEKERS AGENCY MASONIC BUILDING Phone XRinity 3-711 i SILVERTON. OREGON ' o RAMSEY REALTOR o 145 E STREET ORIVE by thl fin family horn, but don't bother occupants. 4 bedrooms. Den. Double plumb tag. Dining room 14x14. Base ment' Fireplace. Oil beet Trees. 117.400. Terms. MAKE AN OFFER ON thl . good 1-bedroom with forced' aiV ail heat and iniK utility room. Nice aiaed living room. Bua at door. Not far ' frm school. Ml Consider all after. 427 Ferrv CList With Ev. Marian, Lehmann EM 1-MM James OewaN EM 1-1734 STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 167 S. HIGH ST. . PH. EM 3-3151 - fM A. - G.I. OR LONG TERM CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS IRRIGATED ROW CROPS 14 acres a irrigsted 11 acres bean ysrd 1 acre red raspberries 1 acre c strawberries 4 acres black- James Unfinished aous-. am bean camp Full price 11.0M. Term or consider email place near Salem. For mora detail call Mr. Stavtly KrSlZER CUTIS Thldady 1 i bedroom hem waa rul lis sad for sal. New paint last aummer. Vary nicely' arranged interior. All the furniture can be pur chased for IMS. Out of town owner anxious to aell. Call 'Mr. Burgoo to see thia 14500 bargaia, v CALL ONE OK OUR SALESMEN FOR FULL INFORMATION AND SHOWING W. 8. atevely. EM 4-4311 Harold Burgess. EM 1-4011 U . Perlmaa, EM 4-1441 THE HOMX YOU WANT FROM - SALEM PROPERTIES JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 171 N. High EM 4-34M FEAR ORCHARD located South. JO Acrea, 14 Acres in pears. Bal. pasture. Good 1 bdrnf. (houe. Price 111.500. Terms. CALL R. E. GRABEv"OHST Grabenhorst Bros. v REALTORS '" if Uberty It. I E. , Ph. XM 1-1471 I BEDRMJ.X-lmmed. poa. 800 Real Estate 106 Hoojsoe Fo Solo COMPARE With other homes st the same price ft you will readily see the difference in value. 1 bedrm. rambler with I frnlo . fsmily rm.. dbl. plumbing, special built-in kitchen ap pliances, dining rm.. pvd. st. ft walks, patio, lovely lawn ft landscaping, excl. drainage, all for 111.30(1. by appt. CLOSE-IN Canter St. near State HosniUI I ft Dr clinic 3 hedrme . sll on one floor, clesn older nome. only l,oo. . 17 ACRES 11400 .CLEAN 1 Bedrm. Hse. (ood brn. fruit etc. 11 A cultivsted. 43.400 equity, trsd for small acreage cioae in. M41: Mrs Wootten, EM MOM: nr. name, mm a-i'ia ft Frank's OFFICE EM 1-44 price. Railroad aiding and in industrial tone and close la locations make these desir able for many typos af busi ness. What are your needs? Call Jim Smith. EM 4-4174 or EM 4-7171 Eve. ' QUITE NICE I only one way to describe thia lovely 1 bdrm. home located close in Eaat suburban In the Berra Catholic High area. Oil heat cute fireplace, large kitchen dining aaa combination and only I year old. Thl horn shows good cir. Owner will take food tot as part pay ment Priced at only SUM. Call LRoy Laack to see, EM 4474, Eve. EM 4-3144. TRADE, TRADE. TRADE. Well located 1 bdrm. only 3 yrs. old with oil heat hardwood floors, fully plastered on alee lot with patM and loU of atorage over attached single gsrage. Will trade for older home on up to 1 acre ia un restricted are close In. Priced at 110.300. To are call LeRoy Laack. EM 4-4471, Ives. EM 4-3144. REALTY OFFICK PHONE EM 44171 ...... , . rm. and bath, other bldgs. This - 41.S0O aoil. weat of Silverton. Old 4 rm , 44.0M Sllvtrtoe. Seeded to grass IS 300 7 rm.' house, wired for range, new chicken house, small barn. e u .. . 46450 bedrm. home 11 year old, fur 1 BEDROOMS IN business tone. Living room. Dining room. Eating area in kitchen. Part basement 17.940. Term a. May trade this prop rty and an apartment house for ale horn. LOTS WEST Salem view, MxIM. II 4M. Salem Helghto. MxIM. 4945. 13 tots oa Fisher Road. M.9M. 1 acres on hilltop, with tree. 43,500. 1 acres north. 41.500. Us) Office EM 3-3381 Osrar Beoerairom em j-bzi Jim Rameey EM 4-004 BIG HOUSE BIG BARGAIN Three bedroom older home new root and asbestos siding large. lot BUtntrnan variety iruu Price 4500 and wilt take 43M down and 171 per month on contract. Call Mr. McGuir. 1600 MONTHLY INCOME Here ia a fine retirement - in vestment. 10 furnished rentals, about on year old. Very good locatton. never a vacancy. Lew operataig expenies. good conitruction, nardwood floors. Individual heating unite, large utility room with two acta of automatic laundry equipment off street parking. Price 440.. 000. - good terms. Don't be sorry, call Mr. Pcriman today. t. H. McGuir. EM 1-4171 Would consider trailer house ai part payment on beautiful 1 hdrm. home., toceted Eaat. Lg. living rm.- with fireplace. Porch patio. Utility rm. Good garden Emit. Call EM 31.16. Eve: Schroder F.M 1 7SS. Ov ens EM 3 6T34, Hlrka EM 4-4930. Short EM 4-1P01. Oregon Development Comnanv (Realtors) 311 CHURCH ST. N.E, EM 3-9236 NORTH location. Only 1.4250. Located 210 N Front Low down payment. I pet tot. Look It over. KM 47911 ar XM 4-347. 800 Real Estate 106 Homioi Foe Solo ' BY OWNER Lovely suburban home In New , Farmers Ins. dist. Beautiful view, 1 bdrm., dbl. betn. Ex tra large llv. rm. with flrepl. dining rm. ft kitchen. wlth birch built-ins. Wired for with er ft dryer. 111.404. Excel terms. 4550 Verd Lane. EM 4-314. 668 Lot. Fo, Solo LGE. W. Salem view tot. EM 1-1720. 110 Farmi for $ ale BELL TRADE CASH TERMS I Acre subdivided tract, nesr Keirer. beet of anil, money maker fo, right person. 48, to. Trade for good home. IJ Acre tract. North Suburban, fine la-d. rapid developing com mA0 n 1 1 y, small older nous, piece in nee a or wors. 1350 down, take trade. M Acre North Marlon Coupty farm. Good land, late built 4 B.R. home, modern. 1-car ga rage, barn, beautiful eettin. paved highway. 111.400. Please Note: This office can handle any reasonable finan cing on the above properties. B. M. MASON Real Estate Mortgage Loans 341 Chemeketa Ph. EM 1-6411 ', A. on Lucsamute I A. culti vated, Bal. la brush and trees. Older type 1 bdrm. heme. Bern, family fruit, good hunt ing ft fishing Approx. M Ml. from Salem. If you are looking for a good little retreat close this could be f. Price only 44.504. On good rd. and close to Stores. Call EM 1-9234 Eva: Ed Schroder EM 3-7421. M ACRES more or lesa. W ',. law at tae nw section 17. Towaahfp I. South rang I Eaat of the Willamette Meri dian. Marion Co, State of Or. Approximately IS aero under cultivation now In fescue graas. The remainder la timber re production with some aaw timber. Submit bidi to Albert Harrla. Box 443. Galea. Or, on or before March 13th. I3M. Reserve the right to reject any or all bids. A, am. 1 bdrm. hae, ahop, deep weB. 1314 Brown Rd. m A. CHOICE VIEW Orchard Hie. Rd. New r well, can be Irrigated, small barn. Beat offer lakes. EM 15149. IS ACRES 103 water, level 4 reck-free, good market for hay. eed potatoes ft gram. Leu Crone. Star Rt Ream ood. ph. Unco in a-334. ft! a Exchange Heal ietate PORTLAND TRADE WANTED Owner e( 1 year old borne oa S. Cottage wanta 1 bedroom home in S.W. Portland to 111.. '- 400. Has I bedrooms down with room tor 1 up, fireplace, oil heat fenced yard. Well located for school and bua. Ask for Adrienne Sercomb Ev. phone XM 4-4063. . (tart & Calaba REALTORS 47T Court 8t Phone EM 1-4115 NORTH SUBURBAN. Cory 1 BR. home. 14 fruit tree. range, refrigerator, heater In-1 ciuaeo. H.4I. Tax car or boat In trade. B. M. Maaon, Rlt.. MI Chemeketa. Ph. EM 3-4441. TRADE home to growing cen tral California, for borne with acreage in Salem, SUaesmaa Journal Box IM. WILL trade Mt Horn ft Guest house. I lota. Detroit. Ore. All Elec., fireplace, close to Lake, for Salem prop. 44300. EM 11344. Ill Wonted!. fceaTlitoTa ACREAGE winter, 10 ml. of Sa lem, good hae. Priv. party. Statesman-Journal Box 117, 850 Automotive 851 New Cora OPfN for bids. New unlicensed 1961 Chrysler New Yorker 4 dr. hardtop ft 4 dr. sedan. Call EM 3-4144. m Used! Cora fo Sole 471 So. 12th EM 1-4441 137 Ford V-l pickup . .. 11795 4 spd, custom cab. canopy, radio, heater, many ether ex tra. 1956 Ford V-l Pickup 11393 Heater, 4 spd, in top condi tion. If w don't neve It WE CAN GET IT. SACRIFICE '55 VI Panel Sedan, radio, heater. . excel, ahape. May be seen at G. L Surplua 1961 N. CapltoL '56 Chevrolet V-8 $1095 Caoitol Chevrolet Union ft Com'l KM 3-3173 41 FORD Country Sdn. Wgn. I eyl.. o'drtve, stand, shift. Less than 1.000 ml A-l cond. 12,430. EM 4-4131. 11 FORD club cou anion, km l' Across from Uo-towa Drive-in 'S3 Hudson Jet. Sdn. 3!S 'M Stud 1 dr. sdn. S19S '30 Buk-k Sdnl I1M '49 Ford Clb. rpe I1M '.vi Chev Bel-Air cpe. IIM '47 DeSuto Sdn. 473 All cara 44M or under 790 N. High EM 4-7403 '55 STARCHIXF en Item catalina hardtop 1 dr, tf you want a car that l in like new condi lion end we really mean like new thia la the car for you. It has genuine ail leather inter ior in tu-tona Green ft White with matching exterior. Thl car Is equipped with radio, heater, dual range hydramatie, white walla, windshitld wash ers, back up lltes. It is a one owner local car with only 34,414 mtlee and the full price ia 11,391. WILSON'S Commercial at Chemeketa EM 4-1111 FOR SALE 1941 DeSoto 2-door aedan 1123. Dal Us Mayfair 3-273L 19&3 CHEV. 4 dr. heater. De luxe radio, good rubber 1494. EM 4 2013. '67 FORD 300 Fairlane, 4 dr. Victoria, willow green ft ivory. Spec. Thunderbird engine, loaded. EM 4-4293. IP37 BUICX. Estate Wagon, pow er steering. 7. M0 miles, origi nal owner. Like new. Muat aacrlflce. 41.750. IM 4-4444. '13 FORD I door. I pass. clb. cp. 423. XM 4-090. liSl VICTORIA Ford, good cond' all clean. EM 4-4444. FREE equity, 11 Butck euper, hardtop. Clean. XM 1-0343. pc, good con- -024. "500" MOTORS Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Monday, March 3, 193S-11' ' 830 Automotive IS2 Usee) Cora Pot Solo II FORD Victoria, radio, heat er. O'dr. alright (tick, excel, cond. EM 1-1343. UM MERCURY Montclair hard top. EM 4-9511 after 1:30. EQUITY '55 Chev 1-dr for old er make car. Ph. EM I40M after 4 p.m. SAVE on beautiful 'M Ford sta tion wagon. EM 4-1M7. REDUCED to sell. '5( Mercury 1 dr. 2-tone. white aide walls, 17.000 true ml. All extras, ex cel, cond. Call before 10 a.m. or after I p.m. or weekends. EM 2 904. MUST sell one 19M Ford Coun try Sedan. passenger. 41 4U4 or 1947 Ford 4-door hardtop 12.103. Ph. Aumsvllle 1443. Ji PLYMOUTH Savor 4 drTri" dlo ft heater. V I Auto, trans, tow mi., cheap, take older cai In trade. See at Sprouio-Relu Variety Store. Silverton. from to SO Monday thru Thur. to I Friday. '42 DESOTO Deluxe. Good tires, radio, heater, excel, motor. Good work car. Ill Draper EM 4-412S. 4 BUICX Spec. 4 dr . good tire, cxc. inech. cond. Ph. Aumevill 714. 153 Amto Parr ft Repair BALFS ft Bradv Used Auto Part. All makes af car, at bargain prices lee Bob nr Ranee at Yarn. Ml Cherry Ave. EM 4-1334. ISTTrwcki, Trail. rer"ia!e '47 CHEV. I toa l, x 6x refrig. van. Excel, cond. Radio ft heater, bydrovac brakes. S'l S. Warren. Monmouth SK 1-1144. '44 STUDEBAXER truck, flat bed with tomber roils, excel cond. new tire. EM 4-7321. TRAILER vaa or trade for rota, tutor. 3240 N. Laneester Dr. L1M INTL. with vaa, A l shaoe. SIM Portland Rd. EM 4-4074 156 Wanted, Car, frock. WHAT Plymouth or Chev. do you neve to trade for a nice 31 Dodge club coupe and 1300 cash? EM 4-8251 after Sunday. Cash for your car paid for or not, older ran for equities iaoumlu, run 1 1 to. W No. Liberty EM S-41U 15? Avto Uaalnt ft Rentals, MUSI SB MODELS AVAILABLE NOW CALL US, TODAY AND DRIVE A NEW CAR rOMOR ROW YOU SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU LEASE FROM WORLD WIDE AVIS RENT A CAR SYSTEM M N. COM'L PB EM 4-4933 'ft Mororcyctoi NO DOWN PAYMENT on approved credit '17 Cuahman Trackator. cab, elec. starter . 441 mo. '91 Royal Enfield . 120 mo. SHROCfe'S CYCLE ft MARINE 1371 Highland KM 1-1423 NO DOWN PAYMENT on approved credit '97 Veto Scooter IM ma '43 Cuahman Truckster 424 me '11 Indian. New - 432 mo SHROCX'S CYCLX ft MARINE 1311 Highland XM 1-14X3 861 rjotiee Trailers TRAVEL TRAILERS Trailer Homes W aave H II TO SO FEET AND 10 WIDE U etowa I vear to aay EARL MALM TRAILER SALES MM Silverton Rd. EM 4-7117 TRAILER TOWING Ore, Wash.. Calif. JAWHAWX TRAILER CONVOY MM Portland Rd. EM 4-4S34 11 KENSKILX at, ft. used 1 mo. priv. party. EM 1-431 WANTED: Best used 11' to 17 vacation trailer for S3M. J"hn A. Dawaon. Rt I. Box Ml, Turner. Ore. Ph. 405, . 11 FT. vacation trailer 119S down. Jayhawk MM Portland. Rd. TRAILER SALES Last Week For Low Winter Prices four Beat buys m Mobile Home W will trade for anything Low dnwa oavment 4 vear n aenrtng Tbe rinexl Names Is Mobile Homes Ventoura Hometle Naihua Terry Sooner Biltmore OPEN T DAYS A WEEK OPEN EVES TIL P M 44 No Church EM 2 60 croaa from Meier ft Frank 21 FT. metal modern trailer with comoiet bath. 1293 down. Jay hawk. MOBILE HOIS Travel Trailers r AND 10' WIDE 15 TO 50 FEET Bank Terms Take Trades THE PRICE IS RIGHT! LANA LANE TRAILER PLAZA 1540 Una Ave. EM 4-4258 900 Display Class. IT'S MAGIC THE WAY A NEW ENGLISH-FORD LINE DRIVES. RIDES AND PARKS? THERE'S A LOW-COST MODEL JUST RIGHT FOR YOUR FAMILY i Up to 34 mile per gallon. Starting with the emarf famlly siia Analla, you'll enjoy exceptional gaa economy la aa English-Forr) Lin. , A FORD PRODUCT Sold and serviced In the United Stole by ae toe ted dealer of the Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Michigan. In Salem British Car Sales And Service' "WHERE ECONOMY CARS ARE OUR BUSINESS NOT A SIDE LINE" 1195 FAIRGROUNDS RD. EM -orj 900 Display Gu. NEW ARRIVALS " at' LODER'S '57, Olds Station Wgn : Super M. radio, heater, Jet-Ae Wsy, air condition, elect rid window ft seel, tinted llesa, .-' power steering, power brake, tow mttoag. the beat xt Sta uoa Wagon, I3MS '57 Chev Bel-Air 4 dr. sdn , radio, heater, powe er steeling, power brake, power glide, big motor, white walls, 'TIf Sharp." f Ztf4 '56 Chev Bel Air 4 dr. sdn.. radio, heater, pew . ergiide. white walla. Red ft White flniih. low mileage, ver 1 clean. IIbM. '55 Chev 2 dr cyl, Del Ray sdn, radio V heeler, powergllde, to-tana ; paint done, ll. '53 Olds 98 Sdn ... Radio, heeler, hydra, pewap steering, power brake, one owner, clean, a alee famllp car, 11194. '51 Olds Super 88 4 dr.. radio, heater, hydra, ba ton paint 4304. REMEMBER! , You can have confidence ta the car you buy and your dealer, when ymt deal with LODFR'B .CO. Your Quality- Olds Dealer ' 81 NO. HIGH EM lim ' During the month af Feb. ruary we have offered a daily apecial ta the - eer buyer, la keeping with thia practice wl have thia weekend special '58 Chevrolet 4 dr. I beat. Station Wagon, factory warranty to af fect thl car may be purchaasd for . $277.Dn and weekly payments at $17.77 If you are In the market for a car you can't af. ford is mlaa thia buy. Ask for No. Ml. For the finest la , Used Cars SHOP Capitol Chevrolet Union ft Cocnl XM S-sm No Down Pa' i PUBLIC NOTICE 1 vment 0 ON APPROVED CREDIT !0. PYMT. S3 FORD HARDTOP W.03 Radio, heater, overdriv. 53 PONTIAC SDN. $3.IT 1 . Redio, heater, hydra. '53 FORD SDN. $3(11 I Rsdio, heater, Ferdomatic 53 PONTIAC HDTP 431 IT ' Radio, hooter, kydra. '53 BU1CK SDN. $3411 Radio, heater, dynaflow. 51 PONTIAC H'DTT 134.11 . Radio, heater, hydra. '52 CHEV. SDN. $31JS Radio, heater, powtergUde. SI BUICK HARDTOP 533.31 .", Radjo, heater, dynaflow. '61 MERCURY SDN. 120.5s Radio, heater, overdrive. '51 HUDSON SDN. $17.77 Radio, heater, hydra. ' "50 BUICK SDN. $14 St " " Radio ft heater. ' Taggesell 660 NO. LIBERTY EM 2-4114 850 Automotive (62 Houto Iroilora M ir KENSKTLL. comb. gaS ft elec. light. 4044 State. TRAILER AWNINGS , CANVAS OR ALUMINUM Salem Tent ft Awning Ca. 72 N. LIBERTY EM MTM. I ! I