, Save rr CALL' Make lite Easier - Read & Use Want ADDING MACHINES INCOMB YAK 8KEV1CB W hU, ml A service all malm D A R. Tax, very reas. 1250 Bow, 468 Court. EM 84771. N. 84th St EM 44630 after 6, tfllLLUOglNO LAI Tax Service. CM 4438. BULLDOZING TD M...ty. 4086 6 Pr: EM 4-3143 or Dillii HA inil. TAX RETURN Prapared. 2128 -- ,, Bruc St. NE, EM 1-WM. Rullduring Road. Dama, Dt-tM Carryall Hushoy, EM 1-3146 Leon's accounting aervlce. ISM flUNiIEVICE 4th W E EM SUHi. II TON Lorata moto crane. 8a- Lowest Local Tax Guarantee km Sand A CravoL EM l-MI. 13 Ju A up Exper Tax Auditor - ; Froo pickup A detlv. CM 4-HOl. FUMR COVERING nu,v,T. ;vlfrrt. fcORhirrwAUCER Paint C. nT., j Floor covering Dlv. Quality Church A C. 871 N Cottago. installations. Una. carpeta. As- Salem. Or. EM 4-8341 rhalt Rubber Til. Wall til. , ,--.,., - , ' Tree Eatlmaf a. EM 4-2276. iVVom?' INCOME TAX SERVICE " ., . . . iTg,AccoUnt,nbrvU. 60. T I 4th. EM 2-6284. Call EM 4-6811 450 Merchandise 414 MUolUitoous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR ' S-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES OR. HARRY SEMLER, Dentist Adolph Bldg. State A Com'L Sts. Salem. Ph. EM l-llll. 416 Maxhlnary a T Is CONTRACTORS AND LOGGERS SPECIAL UP TO 500 MILES FREE HA ON USED TRACTORS H ALTON Tractor, your Cater- pillar Dealer oner ronum and Certified Buys with 90 and to da sruaranteea . . . th best uaod equipment gusran Im m can aet. W have good eelection of Vow priced iraciora so ujwn USED VALUES $8,500 or UNDER Dt. LeT blade, control. DSN wncn. . , PT. laaaeaoa hrd. angle blade, control. D7N, top,, (uarda. t, LeT dour, . control, DTN wmen, logging niarai, a Mwra. IM. laaaeaoa hyd dozar, control, Careo T winch, top. Salem. DA. 4S Wade, 44 hyd control, top drawbar, guards. CERTl- D4. LaPlant hyd blade, guards. Ptld. " Dl I'M) S doaer. 44 hyd con trol, DIN winch, log guards. BONDED. Astoria. Dl, is blade, 44 by control HDM'fa Caroo blade. I-drum rear control. EPCV. A la. Ptld. RTJ14C, blade and strum. Aa to. Salem, BD10W, Carce wtoch only. Port land. TDltA, laaaeaoa doxar and con trol. Care winch. Portland. TD1I with angle doaer only, ptld. TD14A, Icaacsca hjrd doaer and control. Care winch, log guards. Salem. . TDI4, laaaeaoa hyd angle blade, control, guards, no winch. Longvlew. TD14, laaaeaoa hyd Mad, con trol. Care winch, log guards. Salem. . , , , TD. B E doaer and hyd control, Carco winch, lata modal. Sa lem. . T. Hyd deter, which, log guards. Astoria. IM Traxcavator, cable operated. Ptld. D4 with HT4 Traxcaeator, 44 hyd control, top, guards. Port land. MO. IS Motor Grader with cab, good tire. Portland. At ADJ grader with cab, acarl- Iter, 14 blade, lights. 11x84 tires. Salem. . ADAMS MO grader, hyd Ftm. cab, ecarUier, 14xS4 tires. Portland. ADAMS SIS grader, lighting aya- tm, ecarirler. Salem. BALTON TRACTOR hai many other fine buys. Drop In and max your aelectlcai thai wert and get m on our FREE HAUL OFFER. HALTON TRACTOR Your Caterpillar Dealer SALEM EM Sihwrtoa Rd. EM An PORTLAND ASTORIA LONGVIEW Caterpillar. Cat are re, trade marks el Caterpillar Tractor Co. tn, '13 MODEL, angle doaer, DTN Which, new. Medford top, logging guard. Excellent corid Cene Ramadee, EM 1-1107.- , FOR SALE garden tractor at tach., aieo Ball -saw. EM 1-X730 fjSED welder, acetrlene aeU.' UmHw .kareera. EM 4-1004. lEvtRAL r1..w'w8r..r TP atewaro m. rn. . rim I7SED weld era, all makes, reaa. ta nilnoia. a-JS t ajee. ejfj, Watitodl MacH. Tools tMaMWFts taffuhatlU WMPslM. Falrrai-7-M. Gay la GUmour 500 Bug, & Finance 510 Mowery tt Loon 1M4 BD1CX 4 door hardtop. Trad for real eatate Mrf r-M.,.M ui differ. ince. B. At. Maaon. Ml Cbe- meketa. ' DEB1 CoaaolidaUoav-Oirwtmaa Cah-EmTgency NeedsUia count Buying With Caah-Tax-ea Berrow new en FurnHur. Ante, Houaa Trailer. Equip ment from Salem J ' oldeet Home Owned Loan Com pa ay than snake an eament, OVER M yean Salem and 4 Tears ot expenenceo mww A friendly office that caa recognise and ear any prob lem. Borrowing M often cav ing. See CORPORATION , W S. Coral St Phoot EM MlU .... MllV'i'i'tvl CONSOLIDATE Your Bills 2(1 3.000 FAOFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS II n biovny EM 4-2203 DIAMOND LOANS M TO M.000 Cash Immediately STAR EXCHANGE LOAN 'lli 111 tt. CcsasxcUL ; Time - Save Money Um Beat lotaal AN 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Mow Ay to Loi WE LOAN MONEY ON ALL ARTICLES OF VALUE RIFLES SHOTGUNS - RE VOLVERS U1AMUNUS JEWELRY MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS TYPEWRIT ERS ETC. Star Exchange Loan 111 H. Commercial, Salem CASH for Mtga. Contracts. private money la man. n. as Mason. W. B. M inter, S4I Chemeketa. EM S-eMl. We buy discount paper, mort- fagea el coniracia. a i a i e inane Co. 17 8. High St. MORTGAGE LOANS I buy. build, refinance. tVi pet. con struction loana. No service fee. C. V. Kent Co.. tM Cot tage NE. EM 4-073. LOANS $50.00 to f 1.500 00 Buy What You Need Conaolldat Your Bills, Finance Through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY in S. Church St. EM 1 1457 RESIDENTIAL COMMER CIAL MORTGAGE LOANS. CALL EM 4-8764 COLONIAL Investment Co. Real property uoana. uanraci t-ur-chaaed. 0S7 Court. EM 4-X2S3. PRIVATE money to loan, I pet. Interest. Ph. EM z-ovw. Loans 150 to 11. to Hnllvwood Finance Co. 1M0 Fairground Rd. EM I-T03S Near oanx, iree parama PETER Geraer FHA and eoa venuoaai oaaa, a.as eivi. IM Loons WdnuT WISH to borrow M OM to 50.0O on heavy construction equip, for It mo, or will borrow from S to I yrs. A wlU pay hark ouarterlv olua Interest. Reason for loan, need working capital, write ataieamasxour- pal aiex zi. 515 IfivostmofiH REAL estate contract M HO 1500 discount peyaoie sae mo. Inc. Interest. Ph. MA 1 3771, Dallas. 181 A SND mortgage ta high- est bidder, ra. a. as sua 600 Employment 602 Help WontfJ CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Snedallata In office eersonnel 174 Cottage St. 8E EM 1-OtM 604 Help WottrfJ, Mow EXPERIENCED I ear primers t uaa creat rarma. on wauace Rd. naadad at once. 608 Picker, Wonted E EARLY! HoumwIvmI Sinfl mtnl Any- ww not iom to scnooiT REGISTER NOW! Picking (tart around May 10 to 15. Bua traneportaiioa pro vided or arrve-ouu wticom. TO Acres. ALAN WIESNER v CALL EM 3-2901 609 Commission CONSULTANTS FOR lucrative growing business in aaiem at aurrounouig area. Prevloua aalea experience un- cneceaaarv. For appointment caU Eld 4-390, 0:30 a.m.- p.m. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY AA A! NATTOrTS, LARGEST MAnuraLiUHn ox nacea sity maintenance predict (waxes, detergent, floor fin ishes, insecticide, eoaps. dia- In.u-tanl. fwnvep eoulo.. etc.) aoM direct to commercial.' ed- .M.lnnl faifltitntlonaL muni clpal and food proesmnf ccounts, needs salesman (age 15-15) lor saiem ana muTouna- Ing epunue territory. This national! advertised line Of over eve sterna- nftrmia v.. mbn ahhaiad Immedl ateiv. Car Necessary. All established accounts In the PROTECTED TERRITORY become your accounts. me ve a arauAMVtfe PA. BITION. neieciea appucam trained at company expense. Our employee know about thti Sw'alm, Senator Hotel, Salem, sunoay, asomay ana 610 Soli Help Wanted1 ' A large International or ganization often a career pe tition locally with above sv rag Inoom and benellti. Muat be over V married and a local resident with uccMeful background In personnel, public relation or tale work. For personal bv tervlcw eaU EM f-0400. SALES AND MERCHANDISING uii.h . In, ..laaretta maau- IBCiurer. w wi - Age M-. Career opportunity. lent employe benefit. Auto furnished. All expense para. Writ full particular to L. O. Haglunri. In care of Rudl WU helm Warehoua Ce m a y, UU ll.W. Uth, Portland, Or. EKE HI Ads Daily! PAWTTNO A PAf EARANOINO Painting A Paperhanging. Free Cat ll t-Ml! ' l't Shipping AND A GRAVEL WALLINO SAND AND GRAVEL 16U McGUchrlat . Crushed quarry rock and grav I. All tlx for roads, drive ways and parkin lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden aand. bull-dosing, hovel and draglln work. EM I-934, SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO. Rudy mix concrete, cruahad, round (ravel, aand A top anil. 140a N. Front. EM 1441. Erne SERVICE MIKE'S Septic Serv. D' Rooter, clean tonka, aewera EM 3-94S. HOWARDS Rote-Rooter aewera. Septic tanks cleaned. EM 1 6327 600 Employment ,10 Soles Help WonUd MALE HELP On man from thla county. Hard worx ana gooa pay. aw ay from horn 4, nights week. A-t reputation a must; etrict investigauon. Sale or public contact exper ience neipiui nut unnecessary as special training given. Over 130ft monthly salary plua Don us io man acrecura. Must be available for immedi ate employment. WRITE TO Personnel Director. 181 Lourei, aaiem, uregon give full name, address, and age. 1100 WEEKLY ruar to start. fuller brush Co.. EM x-3aT. MAN for aalea A service. Eleo- trolux Corp. 1070 Broadway EM 4-323. 612 Work Wonteti, Mon CARPENTER work A painting. new or repair, a. at a-iw. WILL graft your fruit trees, for next 30 days. EM 3-jiW. HAVE your wall cleaned by "Modern wail Cleaners, call collect Albany, Ore. FAMILY man wanta work, any type. aM -si. NOW 1 time to clean no varda. LANDSCAPE QAKDENEH TOT 11 yrs. Jo th Gardener. EM 3-5033. ill cnemeketa. PRUNING A lawn mowing. EM 3-arai. WOOD cutting with chaia saw cat a-urs. LOU'S tree service, removal toooing onin FM 4-8501 INCOME TAX Pick-up A del. EM 4-M2S FAMILY man. 38. desecrate. need work any hind. EMJ-zsos SPRAYING k PRUNING L. W. Caudl EM 4-141 EXP. cat akrnner or truck driver wanta work, em 4-413. SMALL carpenter toba, good work, reaa em -mm ROTOVATTNO. AU kinds of lawn worn, uoa jods. em unm. ASPHALT Paving. Driveways, rarxing loia. voiumuia nivvr 'Custom tree service" Spraying A Pruning EM 3-08M CHERRY TREE GRAFTING EM 4-3924 Painting. Papering. Texturing; Nelson. EM mm. rra Eat. WANT sharpening lawnmowers. pick up, for montn of aiarcn handmowen. 83. power mow en, 14. Also any type motor repair, saw filing, general fix It shop. EM 1-0149 or bring to 1930 Lewie. EXPER. diesel mechanic. Ill 1-4053. 614 Work Wonf d, lady HOUSE work. Babe sitting At ironing oy nr. aw e-vm. EM 1-S52S Drcaamaklng A Alterations HOUSEWORK by hr. Experi enced, itenapie. a. as i-mi. PRACTICAL nursing. 15 yrs. cxd. Will live in. EM 14454. IRONING. In my horn. 831 N Lineny, cm e-osos. CURTAINS laundered A (tntcb- q, reaa. a,Ja a-vojo. Howards MviUc Re-Weavers 1430 S Summer EM 1340 MIMEOGRAPHING, typmg Mr Poa. ana H itn. caa f7JDYr8 dressmaking A altera tion. Work guar. EM 1-108. 615-A ftabytirHng CHILD ear my horn day. lon trrw. a.m -vi. BABY ait days or evenings your nome. a.aa -ww BABYSITTING, middle - aged lady, your nome, ninta. am 4-1108. CHILD can my bom, reler ence. EM 4 7014. 1305 Lea gt. GOOD CARE for email Infant In my nom. Eat -ijj. CHILD care my home day. Or- chard Might inn, turn whi. WILL do baby aittlng m my home. 881 Calne EM 4-9140. RELIABLE babysitter by hr. Day or nlt. my bom. EM 1-KA BABY anting, my horn. Park Av. EM 034. CHILD CARfJyoung mother pracucai nura. aonui car for child my home. Inq. IMS S. Church. 1-8 pjn. 617 Job InformotloR ACTUAL JOBS OPEN tn U.S.. So. Am., Europe, is sis wpo. Writ only Employment Info. Center, Room 718, 470 Stuart St., Boston 11 61 Education KINDERgarten - Register NOW Salem Chr't a SchT EM I-95M 620 Poy ond Controct 4. H, s YD. shovel cram ho org. line aa-ioa mouui crwin D4. D-7 cats carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND It GRAVEL 1408 N. Front Bt EM 1-2481 700 Rentals 702 Sloop, tootws, toord KICt lge. Deeping rm. Hskp. privileges 1B inciuoing utu. era 8. 18th. WKEKLY rates, Argo Hotel. 148 Chemeketa New Management TV. clean, nlc fum sleepmg rm. 84JB k.jnen EM l7tao. sTOMI away from "horn man, pack lunen, 1088 M. Ita, 700 Rentals 702 Skip. Koomi, Wmti CLEAN quiet. Dear Sfat Bldga, EHcnen priv. .as a-iseo. CLEAN comfortable rm good bod. 734 N. Cottage, EM S-BVil, BOARD A rm. bu atop at door. EM 4-074. RE AS. Altrac. lg, warm run. Cloa la. pvt. nt. EM 4-7M7, NICE warm reoma Inr mm. Th Alexandria, 113 Chime keta. NICELY fur, rroe . ala bunt. apt, ua h winter. CLEAN, lr(. front Mrhl hakp'g. rm. it mi. 7a n. cnurcn LIGHT houMkaepIng rm. front, tea. lady. 846 Ferry. ELDERLY gentleman, board A rm. unt Chemeketa SI. fb$ Apartment to Root NICE, clean furn. 4 rm. apt., Kclxor shopping. EM 4-208. ROSEWOOD APTS. Redecorated 1 bdrm. apt, new furniture, ceramic tile baths. 150 to 590. UI0 Madison, EM e-eaji. eve. B.M j-iiiz. BACHELOR FURN. APTS. Reaa. clec. heat, bus A atore. TV Ant. Auto, washer, fao 541. Ill . W. Z5th. EM J-O504. NICE 4 rm. apt. Utll. paid. EM aaa. w w. commercial. 1 RM. (urn. apt. newly decor. aaa n. winter. n.as a-av7. FURN. bachelor apt, utll. loci. 3. EM 4-ID07. 1 BDRM. furn. or unfurn. Wast balcm. EM 3-3131 eve. MOD. 1 bdrrns., full hunt., wood furnace, nice yard, gar. 4153 Center, Inq. at office. 125. I RM. bachelor apt. turn. cieae in n. inq. apt. I rear ea N. Uberty. S RM. JT, FURN. M N. FRONT SMALL Apt. lor 1. prlv. bath A ant. neatea, ijt n. eta. 1 BDRM. re-dec., unfurn. apt.. tt. iixi croa m. 4 PM. furn. apt., pvt. ent. part util. (31 Oak. EM 1-4774. CLEAN 1 rm. A kitchenette. util. fum., close In. Ladle prof. 3M Union. EM 3-3448. CLOSE in, grnd. fir., well furn.. auto, nt., utu. inci. ua center NEW Riviera Apt. I A 1 bdrm. unrum. apt. Hang, reirig.. Washing (acuities. 2M1 River Rd. NE. EM 4-fJOM. FURN. 1 rm. Prlv. bath, ent. let fir. TV ant., good beat, gar. 41. N. Liberty. EM 2-2WO. FURN. Semi basement apt., utlL furn. 1111 Oak. EM 15834. FURN. 1 rm. Court Apt. 831 mo. EM 17493. CLEAN, furn. I rm. all utlL incl. 15M State. EM 17759. ELAINE APTS. 3 RM. furnished apt., living rm.. aux., oinstie, peqroom, uta. 179 No. liberty Rd. FURN. adults only U block city naxi, mm s-aeea. UO N. LIBERTY. Front 1 rm. furn. apt. AU utu. ISO. EM 3-113. 8 RM., bsmt, prtv. bath. $38. ins n. inn. mm -7ti CL06E In ground floor bdrm. refrigerator a range, (team heat, Irs automatic waaher At dryer, a warm quiet olace you will like. Adult. SM Oak at. LGE.. clean, furn. 1 rm. aol with frpl. Nr. penitentiary A state Hospital, cm 3-omo. FURN. 1 bedim, oriv. bath. ear. adult. 771 S. 31st. EM 3-8318, UNFURN. Apt. 1 bedrro. adult, EM 3-1 104. RE AS. nicely furn, Imost ne Uny apt Ideal for 1. Nea Gen. Hosp. 2351 Breyman. 8 RM. fun. Apt., prtv. bath A ent. EM M308. EM 13523. SMALL ruin. bemt. apt Men pro. n xi. rra Jatraei. CLEAN cosy, prlv. bath. utU. furn. 450 j. Capitol. EM 8-8350. 1 RM". Ant. 1st fir. lady 821, cojumo, soa. eb a-xrrw. 8 RMS. fura. 1st Or. prlv. bath A ent. Cloa in. EM 3-C37S. AMBASSADOR APTS. Nicely furn. laundry faellitte. MO N. Bummer. EM 2-93M. 2 RM. ot. orlv. bath A entr.. cicee to nia. x.m a-seai or EM 4-9401. FURN. lib rm. apt, parking. aauit. utu. pa. iti n. Capi tol. EM I 800. 1148 CHEMEKETA 1 rm.. bath A nook. EM 3-4B43. EM 4-3O02. COURT apta. Newly dec.. 1 rm. or oatn rern. x. v., launory, parking available. Inq. after 8 or wi. ana. id a. ism CLOSE, clean, well furn. 1 rma. Data, aauits. so center. CLOSE in clesn 8 rm. apt, prlv. Dam. in a. collage. I RM. APT. Priv. bath. Lady. See at 1M7 N. Winter. EM 3 4264 after 4 pjn. 3 RMS. turn, prlv. bath, nr. state oiagi, o miu. MOD. furn. 1 rm. court 848.00. 109 MMiton, EM 3113. 2ND FLR. I rm. Apt. partly turn. see. uarage Close in, EM 1-8813. EM 4-479I Eve. NOW SHOWING ALL NEW FIR LANE COURT APTS. Ready for occupancy March 1. 1 Darin, apis. turn, or uniurn. 1843 Highway Ave. LARGE 1 bdrm. unfurn. Apt dose an, em 3-V47B. S RMS. fun, utll. except heat. pvt. nam, ant. in w. mm. THE LEE 11 bedrm. apta 887.M A SM. Bachelor Apt. 15.50 AI71M. 886 N. Winter EM 4-1841. VERY nic (urn. Apt. comfort- bi. ewe. Beat, 1 avau. at 855 mo. 1 at 899. on quiet tret. Call Rawlins Realty EM 4-8871 or EM 1-8743 eve 1 HSKPG . fum. util. furn. 5S7 N. Uberty. IM 3-705. NICELY Furn. 8 rmi, bath, adult. 234 8. J4th EM 4-7148 WEST Salem, Trm. fura. Apt. part Utll. pd. EM 4-1571. CLEAN fum. Apt. near Hoeprtal A university, en a. summer. i RM. fura. 1st fir. priv. bath A ent. gar. 5g B. uth NICE S RM. UNFURN. Wear Cpltol A W U. EM 1-86J4 FURN. 8 rm., pvt. bath. W. Sa lem, utll. W. EM 4-5071. MOD. i rm. apt, pvt. bath. No. EMVJ-7144 or EM 10V44. CLEAN, 8 rm. ground fir. apt. Cloa In. Lady. 848 Ferry. 4 RM. turn. apt. 1410 Ferry. EM 3-82W for appointment 706 Ptiphttos CLEAN 8 rm. fum. full bsm't. EM 3-8034, EM 8-8844. LIKE new apta, sparkling clean, 4 blka. Ladd A Bush Bank, ea A 865. PLeza 3-5831 or 404) adtaon, Corvallla. I RM. duplex unfurn, frpl, ga rage, bast. 107 R. Liberty. Ph. EM 2-7171 eve. 12X4 COURT St, unfurn. 1 bed rm. Extra bed, TV ant, lg. liv. rm. Gar, baem't l. KM 1-7124. 2 BDRM mod. nr. schl. A store, 423 W. Madron. EM 4-3403. NICELY furnished 1 bdrm. apt. with garage, M0 N. Com'l. 1X1 unfurn. 1 bdrm. plex. 082 Ferry. Pv March 1. CLEAN 8 Bdrm, lntrul. all elee. bu oy ooor, bom, em a-nis. 1 BDRM, rang, refrlg. 157 80 1171 Saginaw, EM 8-4800. ATTRACTIVE him S rm. Car port Near city library a aoao EM 3-8128 vea NICE furn 1 only, 2591 N. hedrm. couple Ith. EM 4-1401 707 House for Ren 2 BDRM. tmfura. , duplex with garage, aloes ta. KM 4-130T, 700 Rental 707 House fmr tm I BDRM. mod. ha., bwa. Or., 1330 Claud BE. tfaT. 1 BDRM. horn. W. 8 lam Height. M. EM 3-0411. 1 BEDRM. hdw'd. firs, attch. (sr. fenced-in yd. 3317 Beacon L -6ti UN FURN I bdrm. hsa. at 80S CotUge St . H E. 150 per mo Pb JEM 1J1M I BDRM' has 4 blka from city rtr. Auto haat. Frpl A Demi M mo y! 4 RM. HSE with gar., rang anj refrtg.furn. 5i. EM 4-401. CLEAN. rmodld 1 bdrm. mC tached gar., water A garbage aerv. furnished, M. 41 Ln caster Dr. NE. Ph. EM 4-1317. 1 BDRM. unfurn. mod. hse. aa country M. EM 31114. I RM. houaa, cloa In. P0. Some furniture. EM 1-8104. LARGE houaa, 1433 SUte, will be available for rent June I. Her la an opportunity for re tired couple io have ire rent plua Income. Present tenant report everything full, mostly rented to Willamette students who care for their own room. I sleeping room in heated basement, large bedroom upetalra and elegant living Quarter ea mala floor. Also I garage. For complete lr formation phone EM 1-15M, 3 BDRM Kelzer S37.M E. A. McGUtuflin Agent UI N. High EM 3-0(11 EM 1 Mil ) BDRM. horn unfurn. Cloa in. 139. EM 3-7002. Eli, l'i bdrm. horn In Ketier. EM 2-0021 or EM 2-811 A 2 BDRM. mod. ha. In country m exenang for laoor, state age. when employed, refer ence. Box 213 Statesman Journal. 1110 Market-1 bdrm.. flrepl. auio. on furnace in oami. gar 170. EM 3-7574. NEW unfurn. 1 bdrm., TV ant.. Jarage, nr. cen. Hasp. eo. dulU. 2251 Bremen. MOD. 1 bdrm. home, 980 a mo. Adult only. Eve. EM 1-Z7. I BDRM. All elee.. near school A mkt, Inq. 150 A. 13th. FOR sale, or rent 2 bdrm. he. Close In. N. E. EM 2-749. 2 BDRM. horn, bsm't, oil hut. North, 5S ma. EM 3-eua. 1 BDRM. hs. unfurn. garage. EM 2-6545. CLEAN 3 bdrrns.. N. Portland Kd gar., reirig, oil at em 2-5M2. 4 BDRM. bous. nr. St. Vincent A Highland Schl. Available March 8th. EM 3-4329. MOD. 2 bdrm. house, nr. chl. partly furn. EM 8-7170. 1 BDRM.. hwd. fir., EM 4-2398 or em x-7w after . 1 BDRM. hs. 3328 Harold Av. Salem, 111. Ph. S-1721 Wood bum. SMALL unfurn. cottage, clean, 140. 800 Morgan Av. EM 2-0437 IAS BDRM. he, gaa range, A oil atovs. 1271 me. 1042 Ird. St. EM 2-238 after 8. CLEAN X bed rra. home, maa. rent Inq. 1704 Broadway. LEASE t yrs. old. 8 bdrm, dbL gsr. 1, baths, FA heat Swed ish frpl. Family rm. Hoover sen. Mar. 1 poa. 8100 mo. EM 2-3252 or EM 4-8824 after 8. 1 BDRM. tn ct Rang A refrlg Inn. Archer 138 Le day. timt. After 8 p.m. EM 4-1 128. OR sell: 2 bdrm. home, oil funk,' 1 fir. No. EM 3-7488. AVAILABLE MARCH 1ST 2 bdrm. nous, cloeeea, range, fireplace. Water peMV. 889. per mo. ' GRABENRORST BROS. REALTORS 180 Liberty St. I I. Ph. Eat 8-2471 I BDRM. ha. Hoover aehX dial 851 per me. EM 4383. 2 A 2 bdrm. close in. full Demi, u neat ex a-saa. 707- Furnished Houses 1 BDRM furnished. South Salem 8W.M E. A. McGlaunin Agent 331 N. High EM 18811 EM XOtlS 1 BDRM. fum. house. 140 mo. Inq. at 1351 Franklin St, West Salem. 1 BDRM. furn. cottage. Inq. 1210 H. tin. NO children. 2 RM. furn. ha. Yard fenced. EM 2-8018. 1MI Highway Av. CLEAN 1 bdrm, frpL Suburban, H. ISO. EM 1-8423. ( 1 BDRM. fum. house, nr. bus, all lec. EM 2-0088. 1 BDRM. home, Esqulr Plata Court. Eve. EM X-37M. FURN. S bdrm, auto, heat gar. 171 McGilchrist EM 4-0483. FURN. I A I bdrm. house, nr. but, to. Gn. A Stat Hosp. Inq. 1002 Park Ave. 890, 1 BDRM, aU elee, nice. water gars. pa. em -m. 7TTT usinoii Rontols 5000 Sf Feet New Warehous space siw aacanui. wui lease, loou avauaoi E. A. McGlauflin Agent 331 N. High EM 1-8811 EM3-M12 ECONOMICAL downtown office space for rent, steam Mat parking. B. M. Mason, 341 Chemeketa. WILL LEASE 1200 SO. FT. MODERN OF. F1CE SPACE CENTRALLY LOCATED ON GROUND FLOOR, SUITABLE FOR IN SURANCE, SAVINGS AND LOAN OR SIMILAR BUSI NESS. ATTRACTIVE RENTAL AVAILABLE APRIL 1. CALL OR SEE. Oreeon State Emnlovees Assn. aze cnurcn n.E. em e-aaz SMALL newlv decorated efe. fully equipped, inq. lao n. com i aiier :n. 900 SQ. FEET, (tor or efflc spac ni wvsigai onopping center, an mo. em a-iaja. STUCCO bulldln 40 b 80. IF ooor. concrete ooor. ravea streets. Inq. 15M 13th St, BE. 780 Movino Storojie" MAYFLOWER Moving & Storage FUEL OILS CAPITOL CITY TRANSiFKH Latrner Transfer k Storage COMPLETE mavlng aervlce. Ala a rente tor Bl.iuns ra- Uoawlde Movers. EM 1-3121, 800 Real Estate 801 lu8!ioti OpportMR. (COULD BE YOUR ADnADnruTrvl 1 urrumviuiir riot IM ft. frontage on Liberty Road and older bom, laeai location for oalnt A rooting (hop, barber, beauty parlor or almllar bualtwss. Main floor 1300 so. ft Living quarters above. Prle M.950. Call Murl f ranis am. em x-em. JiH H'l. Hi 320 COURT PH. EM 4484 FOR sal restaurant A fixture, residence A cabin, located at Jefferson. Or Pioneer Trust Co. Executor, Cash at terma. , EM t-313. 800 Real Estate 101 QlltMfMrlS OpOOft8tU RENT FREE Senrlc SteUon with Shop facilltle localed in Aumaville. Suitable for older maa. Phone EM 2-418 Eve. and Sunday EM 8-e0M. UNION'OIL CO. Has aerv Ice station for Mass. Small investment, good poten tial. Earn while you team at company training aehool. Day EM 3-37. Evaa EM 3-0324. FOR sale, trad or terms. Very busy country cash grocery on main hwy . Attractive living 2uartcr. l'i Acre. Inq. North antiam Gtc, Aumaville, At. 1. Box 123. STEADY EMPLOYMENT EXTRA GOOD Utile busaiesa. grossing 111 On per year. Th wife can make a good aalary. Floral ahop. Best of locations. In Salem, low down payment. LUNCH SHORT ORDER CLOSE TO BIO PAYROLL la West Salem. Good equipment, long lea on building. Should pay out k 8 month. Term. CALL EM 44764 Evs: Oliver Willis EM 3-40M Ben Griffith EM 8-4401 Ted Morrison, Realtor 200 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-8701 TRUCK DRIVERS re CALL MR. MEANS Aero Mayflower Transit Com pany Representative will show you how you can inereas your Income through contract operation as long distance furniture mover. Applicant must be ever IS year or age. free to travel, nave good refereneee and must own or maa own arrange ment to buy lata model Use tor. Phone t a.m. to I p.m., Mr. cnarie saeana, for personal Interview March 3 thru March 8 at MULTNOMAH HOTEL. 806 Housos For Solo OPEN HOUSE 4588 VERBA LANE SUNDAY 8-8 P-M. LTVTNO) AT ITS DEUCHTFUL BEST I 4 Bedrooms, 2 FULL tiled baths. Full daylight base- .ment Paneled living room VH.ltl. WW A MW Mlllu IffT.T TTY GE built in aonlianc. New and Crammed full of modern Idea 7Sxla lot En joy your afternoon dreaming wirougn an lb oaiigntrui nom. HoneaUy priced at 818J00. DIRECTIONS: North on River Road to Kelzer Sctiool. Turn East on Chemawa Road to Vrda Lane. South on Verd Lane Follow th Signs. Salesman. DON BELLINGER. Off. EM 4-3394. Home EM 4-4492 ilUBB 1890 FAIRGROUNDS RD. OR Trad: No, 2 bdrm, 4 yr. oia, lis. no. 344 wooaaie av. 1 BEDRM. N.E. immed. pass. fu.juo. CM s-stue. NO GIMMICKS Wen built 1100 sq. ft comfortable nom wlin circulator nreplace, full aet dm rm, eating area in ancnen ana bssm vnuty, Yea. lust 88000.M. 90. sows Including costs will mov you In. Call Al. watts. Realtor, EM 4-0081 eve. EM S-72M. BRAND new 2 bdrm. horn. frpl, FA heat close ta So, 1190 ea. ft 210.950. EM 44107. MOD. 2 bdrm. home. Indepen dence or trad small hoc. trail er, car or anything of value on quite, 88.700, IM 4-123. Money ROY TODD REAL ESTATES INSURANCE TRADE, t Bdrm. with possible Din. rm, ait, nice pauo. rise, is insuiaiea tt in gooa repair. Paved street. Close to Wash. ch. It new Jr. Hi. Owner out of SUte. Asking 85900. Would take car ha, trailer or what have you for dn. payment CaU Mrs. Graham, eve. 447M. OWN A HOME WITH AN INCOME 8 acre cloae in. 4 ac. of caneberrtea, family orchard of grapes, blueberries; aniieo wen a casing, nice i norm, houaa. 12 yrs. old, dble garaurc A ahop. Cement patio with fireplace. All thla for only 813.769 and ready for aub dlvlslon toe. Consider trad on small farm or hse. In city. Call Mr. Beer, eve. EM 3835s. CLOSE IN SOUTH. Liv. rmDin. rm. Kit 1 bdrm. Hsrdwood fir. oil furnace, tnaid uty, bldga. Price 85000. CaU Mr. 198 ACRES DIVERSIFIED. 151 ture, a ac. cherrt l ac. prune, una A mux m, wnn 230 ton silo. 60 ac. can be Irrigated Water from streem avail able 2 bdrm. older home, tractor A other machinery goes. 18000 down will handle. 132100. CaU Mr. Todd, eve. EM 21731. BUILDERS ATTENTION: Attractive 1 bdrm. home on four lota, good location in west opportunity for builder: liv Price at 88600 on terms. 2319 STATE STREET OHMART & CALABA REALTORS 477 Court St. EM 1-4115, EM 2-4114 SALEM, OREGON . i Lee Okamart COUNTRY A new listing and a dandy setting on one-half acre. Modem 3 bedroom home wim tamiiy room, a urepiacea, u double gang plua work shop. This horn i In top condi tion. Price at Just 3 13. W0. Call Balph Maddy Eve EM-234M. NO MUMBO J Oat plain facte. New llatlng neat, ineia utility room ana . AK Aarisnn aercomoe so so u. a uiw. FARMS FOR SALE 20 A. East of Brook. 11 cultivated, neat 2 bedroom home. B11 MA (anna available. 2. 3 A. North Howell, air crop All equipment Inc. at 823.600. On them or any other farms call IT'S DIFFERENT Thl brand new home la "Hlliendale' la planned to please. Th larfv wha wants a oirrerenl wtvm thia home that wanted house 1 fireplace keeping beautiful Mungi roor. roc lM-ena Eva IM-IWUB, NEW Excellent 3 bedroom home with arate dlnine-room. Well 810.960. See Norman Hogenson Ev EM -20806. ICTORHX 1 TZ. 1049 EDGEWATER STREET This will be a Chens of pace In your houa hunting I It's an older horn with all modern facilities. 1 bedrooms basement, kitch en 1 full and 2 half baths large lot and fenced) If you are just out for a drive, drop SUNDAY 2 ' VICTOR H. SWORD, REALTY 13S S. LIBERTY . EVES.XM 2-4048 800 Real Estate 806 Hetisos For Solo CANDALARIA LIKE TO ENTERTAIN? Thla larg home hes sixteen foot wide by twenty-six foot long sunken living room. There's a snug Uttle family room off the altenen. with old brick and warm natural wood. There big basement for the kids and a large 103x191 lot with privacy for all. This la on of Camtalaria's distinc tive home, often admired but seldom for eel. CALL EM 4-47M Eve: Mrs. Stephenson EM 4-014 Ted Morrison, Realtor N. HIGH PH. EM 4-878 DESIRABLE MANRRIN GARDENS FULL DRY BASEMENT wall to wall carpeting, forced air heat, fireplace In 14x21 ft living room ladle drssm f I o r plea. You will aay It 1 priced right at 113.000. Call Al. Watts. Realtor, EM 4-4041 eve. EM 2-73M. 1470 Marshall Drive 2 TO 5 P.M. Tttla neat 8 bdrm. bom, lg. kitchen, birch bullt-lna, pic ture window faces north, only 4 blka. from grade school, lg. lot, will trade approx. S2000 equity on good 2 bdrm. home In city, close to bus line. Geo. J. Pslrny will show. ALLEN C. JONES REALTOR " BIT Court EM 4-4494 FAIRMONT HILL THIS home Is strategically lo cated in one of the htlla beat neighborhoods. Then ere 2 bedrooms, a sewing room and a full basement. With Urge living room end dining room this make a dandy family horn for only HO.lot. CALL EM 4-6764 Eve: Mrs. Fanning EM 4-808 Ted Morrison, Realtor 288 N. HIGH PH. EM 4-8788 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR LET us solve your home needs. To buy Mil or rent call EM 4-5743. 1311 Edgewater. EM 4-7874. 271 So. Commercial. PH. owner EM 4-1713. New 2 bdrm. home. l bath. Din. rm, birch kit with eating area, F H A, liv. rm. with frpl, 2-car gar. Paved St Terms. Price 111.750. TRADE this mod. sub. home, 4 bdrrns. -for anything that I might use. Terms. EM 2-5098. BY Owner. 3 bdrm. Liv. rm, dsn, rm, kit, play rm, util. rm, 4 Comers An. EM 4-6037 NEW 2 bdrm, att gar, many extra. So. on prmt. 110,000. Convenient term. EM 2-010. FOR BALE by owner. I bedrm. home with gar. 83M down, full price 11,760. 868 mo. EM 4-411. MAKE Cash offer ea 1 bdrm. bom. Ml nilnol ag Ceotan St EM 12666. MEW I bdrm. borne, birch kitch ens, ouui m rang, irpi, ma hogany paneling. Hs. ( oak floors, lrg plastered garage. 89.700. Eaf 4-3BS8. IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE LT. 2 bdrm. borne, bsmt Poe ' aibke ltd bdrm. 4', pet loss. Low down payment EM 2-7071 BY OWNER -8 bedrm. dining rm, Mv. rm. A atil, garage. 1254 down, full) price 84,250. 86 month. EM 4-4511. 3rd. (11 on one floor. Liv. rm. of fruit at nuta, several Kinds garage, lanced yard. Nr state Doyle, eve. EM 2791. ac. cultivated. 40 ac. brush pas aaiem near scnooie. wonaenui in present hse. It build 2 mora. Call Mr. McPherson. OFF. PHONE: EM Z-8591 Raey Calebs LIVING JUMBO In a 2 bedroom horn with -oil pauo. i iei arain j land. 8 A. berries, good home. , ,, . Henry Torvend Ev EM -33632. nome lota of extra ininsa u look. Llvinf-room on back of kitchen circular driveway- very rigni ai ,ieu. can wuia LISTING large living-room, fireplace ep- landacaDCd lot. big patio. Only in. I ll De ga to see you. 'TIL 5 P.M. i EM 2-8058 800 Real Estate 806 Housos Foi Solt NORTH East Suburban well built I bedrm, 2 beta, dble garage. 1433 Brenner. BY OWNER KEIZER AREA Mod. 3 bdrm. home with 2 down A 1 over att. gar. Plaatered. hdwd. fin, tile bath, cedar closets, insulated. Fenced yard with hedge, garden, fruit trees. M.000. EM 4-4791. SELL: 4 rm. horn, mod, clean, I valuable lot,. Price. 11,800. EM 2-2M9 eve. MUST sell, by owner. Clean 2 bdrm. home, hdwd. lira, wired for dryer. Gar. A car port. Shade A fruit trees. 79M. 1115 Lee Bt. EM 4-0M5. BY owner Well built new 2 bdrm. horn, dbl. gar, 1', hatha, family rm. Built-in ap pliance, close to grade and new jr. high. EM 2-7909. SEE today. Excellent location, 2 bdrm. utility, flrepl, dbl. gar age plua workshop ana. paved street 12.7O0. 338 Willam ette Dr. EM 4-7287. 4 CORNERS By owner-Builder, New 2 bdrm, liv. rm. with frplc, din. rm, kit with nook. util. dble. gar, forced air heat Insulated, lge. lot. Low dn. pmt, full price, 112.600. See ai 438 Munken St EM 2-611. EQUITY In older Independence home, 8 rm. corner lot fruit A nut tree Will trad. Box 80. Tipton Rd, Roeeburg. BY Owner. 2 bdrm. home. N.E. Wail to wall carpet, drape, frpl, dishwasher. Lawn A shrub in. EM 2-0382. BY OWNER. North 1 bdrm. hs, 12,900, Furn. New rang. Bua st door. Nlc diet, lg. lot, 8100 dn. EM 3-4711. BY Owner 4 bdrm. Cape Cod. full basement, hdwd. fin, til bath, oil furnace. 386 N. 19th. 111.900. 100 dn. 194 mo. to qualified buyer. EM 24411 WILL aell lovely home South near Liberty A Judson Schis. 2 bdrm, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, family rm, dbL gar, fir trees. EM 44103. NORTH location. Only 8.426. Located 210 N. Front Low down payment, pet lot Look It over. EM 1-7918 r EM 4-347. ' MY equity 8800. 2 yrs. eld, 3 rjearm. pet. wan. em 3-0441. 2348 E. Hoyt Av. MR. OWNER I Glen Woodry will Say top price for your fura. appliances. EM Mil. BALE or trade 2 bdrm. dbl. gar. 643 St. Croix. EM 4-4221 be fore 1:38 or Inq. 14k Larkspur Lane. By Owner. FOR Sale, lease, or trad. By owner. 2 bdrm. So. Will eon alder trailer he, late model car, or what have you. Up to 110 clear aa dn. EM 24382. WELL kept 1 bdrm. hse. Good loe. Nr. store A bus, nice yd. Cbeerful room. EM 2-7921 BY OWNER Lovely suburban home as New Farmer In, diet Beautiful view, 3 bdrma, dot both. Ex tra large lhr. rm. with flrepl. dining- rm., A kitchen, with birch bulrt-tn. Wired for waah er A dryer. 811.800. . Excel, terms. 4650 Verd Lane. EM 4-381. Yell Only, a stone's throw from S. Salem fti-School. Dandy 2 bdrm. home for only 1,509. Term. Owner ordered to re port to Bay Area for work and must sacrifice hla newly ac quired horn. For particulars call EM 1-9238. Eve: Ed Schro der EM 1-728. P. E. Hicks EM 44930, Kelly Owen EM 16984, J. F. Short EM 4-1817. Oregon Development Company. (Realtors) 111 CHURCH ST. NE. EM 2-9238 Choice Lots $850 k op "Brick Home" One of the few la Salem. 2 bed room a. Living Room with fireplace, dining room, Full basement Nice yard. Good location Cloae in to SUte Building. Neat a a pin. Terms. Only 111.800. Thiesen Realty Martha E. Thiesen, broker 4920 Coloma Dr. S.E. EM 3-5497 ' ONCE IN A LIFETIME Do yoa get a chance Ilk thla: Ultra-line nign oracxet nome. 20 mln. from Salem. It would coat 71 to 80 tjanusand to re place if poetible. Park-like grounds, creek, rustic bride, hundred of shrubs, two fire place, glasa walled living room and huge playroom ever looking creek and falla. euperb Interior finishes, beamed ceil ings, Marvatr beating. Due to circumatance aeo.oo cam. Shown to diaertminating buy er only by appt. Call E. C. RUSSELL AGENCY ' Silvertoo. TR 8-634 Ev. TR 2-2852 3 BEDROOM HOME 7 OR 12 EXTRA LOTS NICE 2 bedroom bous about 18 years old. Double gang also building about 12x30. Fruit room, good welt Located wher new homes are being built all around. Several wal nut trees, some fruit Priced to sell. Nearlv New 3 Bdrm. APPROX. 2V A. OR ( OR 8 LOTS LOCATED at Gerval. Living room, 11X31 dining room, a fireplace, I r g xuenen, breakfast nook, lota of built lna. Attached double gang. Mlk Donaho. EM 4-9704. DePUY & JONES REALTORS 1968 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 4-4454 A LITTLE ELBOW ROOM Hera 1 nice 4 bedroom home for you. on about l-3rd Acre of land, only aoout x oiacxa irom Eola School. CaU George Reed Ev. EM 2-Oes. Von Dounkion f.TalBlA..F 320 COURT PH. EM 4-8484 TRADE Mv eauitv In thla lovely 2 bed. room nome. uvin room ioxji dining room 12x14, 2 batha. Economical sawdust heat lor 1 to 5 acres with some fruit and nuts, preferably South or East. Call Shirley. EM 4-098. W also have several building lota and acreage for sale from 11000 and up. TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 4020 N. River Rd. EM 4-09M BY OWNER 4 bdrm;, F.A. ' beat frpl. lg. family kitchen. Nr. grade school A Waldo Jr. High. FHA t approved. Price 813.000. 2215 daldao At KM 443UA Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., March 2, "58 (Sec IV)-27 800 Real EsUte 806 Hows! For Solo STATE FINANCE 167 S. HIGH ST. F.H.A. - G.I. OR LONG TERM CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS ' ' " IRRIGATED ROW CROPS 14 acre M Irrigated IB acre bean yard 3 sere red raspberries 1 acre strawberries 4 acres black berries Unfinished house bam bean camp Full price 112.000. Terms or consider email place near Salem. For more detail call Mr. Stevely. KEIZER CUTIE Thl dandy 2 bedroom k a m was just listed for mm, new paint last eummer. Very nicely arranged Interior. All the furniture can be pur chased for 1500. Out of town owner anxious to cell. Call Mr. Burgee to see thla 88600 bargain. CALL ONE OF OUR SALESMEN FOR FULL INFORMATION AND SHOWING . 8. Stevely, KM 4-8317 Harold Bur, EM 24071 H. Pertman. EM 4-7883 I. H. McGuira, EM 24271 JACOBSEN & KEENE REALTORS , TOP LOCATION Older 1-B R. home. A little) on 91x10 corner lot Driv by 1309 Court St. Frio LM6.a. good terms. HOME PLUS THREE RENTALS One B. R. home and 2 rentals on clear borne. What have you. TRADE FOR 1 A (mall S bedroom home en 1 and owner will trade for an Price 87600.00. EVE. At BUN. Ph. KIGGINS, swu, -vef 1255 STATE ST. 30 YEAR CONSTRUCTION LOANS WANTS ACREAGE: Owner of this neat 2 bdrm. home lo cated close to all ahopptng want to trad for 2 to I ere and a 3 bdrm. home within 8 mile of town. Thl home la worth seeing. What have you to trader Call Jim Smith EM 44871. Eve, EM 4-779 FIRST TIME OFFERED. This I a better the average 1 year old home. Extra tin kitchen, unfinished attic that could be 8 more bedroom. Thl all plastered home I Ilk new in every way. Centrally located with city bu by front door, cloa to schools and all shopping. Lew price and term or owner will trade for S bdrm bora an business or unrestrict ed area. Call Jim Smith, EM 44878, Eve, EM 4-7878. ROOM FOR EXPANSION. Al ready allowing good income for several years this could be a real money maker. Ideal hom-buames combination in good location on mala arterlaL Over 200 ft under glaaa thla greenhoue can be developed Into easy 10,0OI a year busi ness. Owner may take clean bom to 8S.S0. and carry bal ance on easy terms. No drtv by Information. Call LeRoy Laack, EM 44871, Ere. EM RAWLINS 808 CHEMEKETA 322 N. CHURCH ST. . SELL FINANCED I BDRM. approx. 2 yrs ctd, lg yard. 1 Blka to Cumminga School. Here'a a good buy for 811.600 aarame exist, mtg of approx 89.828. and aave loan cost. Call Bernard Stewart, eve. ph. EM 4-1131. ITS TRUE 87998 WILL buy this cute sub urban home, nice lg yard, wen for plenty of water for gar den A yd. Well financed, or will trad. You can't miaa otf thla one. Call Troy Deny berry, eve. ph. EM 4-726. GETTING OLDER BUT aren't w all Hera' older type home, low taxes and a low, low price of 1360. Why not grow old together? Call Arnold Krueger, eve pta EM 24228. lOtt ACRES LOCATED close-ta NE of Salem. Beautiful cherry rchaM A fir trees, excellent well. Modem A very comfortable S bdrm horn with Youngstown kitch en. All for 812.4M. Call Gor don Crawford, eve. ph. EM V9WB. WE NEED MORE LISTINGS. Licensed also la Washington and Idaho Ph. EM 4-3311 AL ISAAK k CO., Realtor Ph. EM 2-7828 REALTCHS START FARMING 43 acre an under cult. A 1-2 of crop to buyer, nic lg. 4 bdrm home, II outbuildings, close to busy town. Only 1S,M0. Best of term. Call G. B. Leavena Ev A Sun EM 3-4735 WONDERFUL HOME on beautiful street of late built well kept horn, lawn, trees. 2 lg. bdrrns, lg. liv. rm. with fireplace, good; W to W car- Est, entrance hall, beautiful Irch kit. utility rm, lg. gar age with fine workshop. W cannot aay enough bt thla add about tnia wonaerrui ouy. umy 14.730. can is. rca Eva a un EM 1-8411 134 LIBERTY STREET SE . s t ."w " inw !", v r"sM r7 a 2f SELL AT FHA APPRAISAL OF 17250. Loan Commitment 7009. 2 bdrm. horn near bu. Ground area 82 '? 810 ft, CALL WALT SOCOLOrSKY Ev. Ph. EM 3-au OUTSTANDING 2 BDRM HOME with full burnt, auto, forced air furnace. Homey liv. rm. ' with fireplace, lge. bdrm. A bath. See thl for sura. 111,800. CALL J. K. LAW-Ev. Fa. EM 2-1113, 4 ACRES CLOSE-IN SOUTH Haa 4 bdrm. home. Garage Larg barn or machln shed. Fruit tree. Wonderful horn for familv. Pringl School diet Price lf.500. Terms. CALL O. V. HUME-Eve. Ph. EM 1-630 1 ACRES NORTHWEST Thl la th perfect place for thee GRABENH0RST 180 LIBERTY ST. SS ' - 800 Real Estate I 806 Hombos For Solo CO., REALTORS X . PH. EM 14181 BIG HOUSE BIG BARGAIN Three bedroom elder home new . roof and asbeetee aiding larg lot uburbaa variety fruit Price 850 and will take toS down and 175 per month a contract CaU Mr. McGuira, 8600 MONTHLY INCOME Here I a fin retirement a vestment 18 furnished rentals, boat one year ld. Very goo4 location, never a vacancy. Low operating arpanao. good construction, hardwood Boors, Individual heating units, large utility room with two acta oi automatic Jaanory equtvosnt, off (treat parking, price M0. 800. good terms. Deal bo sorry, call Mr. Pertmaa today, . th rough aid, hot water heat one lot. Will trad oat Price 89.600.08. y BEDROOM aers thl house H 4 ys acreage Kill suburb. EM 4-544 J ACO BEEN sisAita, a-evf. PH. EM 4-2291 INDUSTRIAL SITE. Out of th way spot adaptable to variety of tsae M andiiatrliT an. CaB LeRoy Laack. Eat 44971. Eve. EM 4-3344. . . TRADE WANTED. Not eeMugh work en thl nice M acre ja. tenaive farm My owner. Went to trad for Grade A Dairy, preferably atoeked A equipped. An kwal opportune tty to get away from th f day work week and will mov into a profitable eaiterprla, , Eat 34153. f '1K INCOME PROPERTY. ShM a good tovasUneait Lovely wen kept 2 bdrm. bom with full basement Also 2 two bedrooia duplex with 898. per month Income plua l's acre with highway frontage aurtable for business locations. Will trad for horn. Priced 119.000 easy term. Available. Call D. J. Van Oman. EM 44878, Eva, EM 4-3447 SHELTERED AMONG the Wtr fin with nice view I this I bdrm. heme- with attached "jarag altuated oa a ale large tot Owner baa moved A must aacrlflea at 17,80) with aay harm. Call D. J. Vaa Ormaa. BM 44878. Eve, Eli 4-8447. ' ' REALTY : ' ' ! OFFICE PHONE EM 447 mi PH. EM 4-3311 OR EM 3-7(28 SRING'S COMING HERE'S a buy. lg lot-room 99 really dig. hae good S bdrm houaa. Cummin as School dist, ' can be handled for approx. 81508, bal aasum existing mtg. Call Edna Morgan, ev. ph. EM 44038, , $11,000 - ' FOR thla compact, modem horn tn Englewood, I bdrm, plua leveled 2 lg unfinished rooms tor hobble, aewtng. etc. Shaded backyard for summer afternoon. Call Setk William, era. ph. EM 2-2718. , IT'S A BEAUTY LOVELY new family rm bom. 2 Bdrrns, IK batha, frpl. built in even, range A dishwasher, att garage A pa tie. Priced ai th unbelievably low price of 213.960. Call Troy Dnryberry, ev. ph. EM 4-726. ' GOOD MOM A POP OPERATION. Ice Cream, Feast tola A Lunch. Well equipped. Good lease. Ha shown good net profit fat the past. Full price 111.800. Owner will con sider trade. Call N. G. "Daa uaak. ve. ph. EM 3427. WAIJCtNa DISTANCE of da dawn. South, spacious 4 bdrm, lg. liv. rra. with fireplace, awn, din. rm, kH with brk. nook, bunt Load of atorage. Love ly yard, all for 110,760. Call Mrs. Leaven Eve A Sua Eat SEC THIS HOME FOR SURE 2 lg. bdrma. ltv. din. A cosy family kit with fireplace. 8 baths, maid utility. Large lot with fruit trees, lawn A hrubs. Let m show you thla dream place 915.500. Call An dy HaJvorsaa Ev A Sua EM 1711-. H 4 F PHONE EM 4-4471 who want a little acreage x the country. Ha dwelling, Kaet houaa, machln shed, ra, chicken house end brood er house, 114' deep well. Some nut and fruit tree. Thl prop erty eaa be aubdlrided. Fog additional details . CALL WINTON J- HUNT BUILT BY GLENN KELLY SEE THIS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHINO YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN. Larg attractive W, rm. A din. rm. 18 ft. tiled kitchen thai Is a wonder, with -built-in atove, even A dish washer, firaplsce and barbe cue. 1 full batha, mala floor utility. bdrma., full baernt, ' with beautiful party room, plus Ire. playroom for chit dren. Nlc town A shrub. CALL MRS. RICHARDSOf Ev. PH. EM 4498 , BROS. REALTORS 2-2471