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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1958)
-4 Pair Makes Second Attempt to Prevent Oregon Tax Survey Marion County Public Records Multnomah County Assessor k'ilev Smith and Del Rruckman, 'ortland apartment house owner, re making a second attempt in larion County Circuit Court to irevent the Hale from upending LIS.OM for a private survey of the tate tax structure. The pair filed an amended com tlaint Thursday which is essential y the same a the original com ilaint thrown out of court by Cir ruit Court Judge Val D. Sloper larlier in the month. Si Unander, state treasurer, Julius Jenen, director of state Manning, and Boyd Ovorhulse, penate president, were named de fendants in the complaint which Will probably come Monday before Judge Sloper. The tax survey was approved by Gov. Robert D. Holmes last fall The money was appropriated by the Stat Emergency Board last month. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri.. Feb. 28, "58 (Sec. IV7 Competition for Scholarships Set Saturday at WU I Northwest high school students fwill compete Saturday at Willam ette University for 10. $300 Collins scholarships for freshmen entering !tbe college neat fall. ! Competition will begin at 9 a.m. and include interviews with facul ty members and testing. About 100 high school seniors an nally try nut for the awards which were established by Portland busi nessman Truman w. Collins in honor of his mother, Mary L. Collins. Prof. Samuel P. Bayard of Penn sylvania State University, ha. mare than 275 unusuaf snuff boxes in his collection, including one with an attached grater which per mitted its thrifty user to grind his own snuff from tobacco. Assistant Chief For County's Schools Named The newly formed position of Marion County Assistant Superin tendent of Schools has been filled by Walter O. Shold. present super visor of elementary education of the Oregon State Department of Kducation. The announcement was made Thursday by Mrs. Agnes C. Booth, school superintendent. The S7..VM)-per-year position becomes effec tive July 1. Shold has a B.A. Education de gree from Eastern Oregon College of Kducation at LaGrande and a master's degree from the Univer sity of Oregon at Eugene in School Administration and Supervision. He presently is completing a thesis for a doctor's degree of education in administration and supervision on the county level. Shold has been a teacher and principal both in Baker and Union counties and has been county su perintendent of Jefferson County. He has worked for the state de partment ef education for the past five years. He also served in the European theater with the U.S. Army during World War 1L CIRCUIT COURT Zellfrances Rickard vi. Glenn O. Rickard: Divorce complaint charges cruelty, asks custody of minor child and $40 per month support. Married Nov. 4, 1954, at Las Vegas, Nev. Jcanctte G. Butler vs. Everett Vernon Butler: Divorce complaint charges cruelty, asks custody of (our minor children and $25 per month support each. Married Nov, 28. 19V). at Stevenson, Wash. Ava Jean Carothers vs. James H Carothers: Divorce complaint charges cruelly, asks custody of minor child and $7$ per month support'.' Married May 2, 1956, at Salem. Mary Jane Howell vs. Charles Augustus Howell: Divorce com plaint charges cruelty, asks cus tody of minor child. Married Feb. 1, 1926, at Sioux Falls, S.D. i State vs. Charles Harms: Pre liminary examination set for March 3 at in a.m. on charge of 'desertion of wife and children, i Norman l.ind vs. Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Co. and E. K Settergren and Ivan L. Sletla: Salem Man Held In Montana on .Delinquency Count I James E. Medley. Salem, is be ing held at Kalispell. Mont., on a Marion County District Court war rant charging contributing to the ; delinquency of a minor, deputies 'report. j Medley is charged with inducing a 14 year-old Salem girl to disobey family discipline and accompany him to Montana, they said. The girl and a 17-year-old Salem boy are also being held at Kalispell. They will be returned sometime i next week, tha sheriff's office re- I ported. Complaint seeks $520 judgment for masonry work allegedly done be tween Dec. 24 and Dec. 31. 1957 Jamea Harris and Colonial Insur ance Co. vs. Young and Morgan Timber Co. and Idanha Lumber Co.: Court awards plaintiff $1,132 judgment concerning logging acci dent May 2, 1958, on Mary's Creek Bridge over Santiam River. Wiley Smith and Del Brucknum vs. Sig Unander, Boyd Overhulse and Julius Jensen: Amended com plaint seeks to restrain defendants from disbursing state funds (or in dependent survey of Oregon Lax structure. PROBATE COURT Stanley Eugene Zimmerman: Order sets March 17 at I: IS a.m. for hearing of petition for change of name. Gary Lee Pishl:, Order sets March 17 at 1:15 a.m. for hearing on petition for charge of name. Thomas Edward Norton Estate: Order closes estate. Carl Smolnisky Estate: Order sets April 14 at 9:15 a.m. for hear ing on final account. DISTRICT COURT Oscar Nelson, Dallas, held to answer to grand jury on charge of larceny. David Gale Porter, 361S Pleasant View Dr. NE, preliminary exami nation set for Feb. 2S at 1:30 p.m. on charge of larceny from a dwell ing. Rose Teresa Nyhus. Albany, trial set for April IS at 10 a.m. on charge of drunk on a public high way. Charles Raymond Nyhus, Albany, trial set (or April IS at 10 a m. on charge of driving while intoxicated. David Minish, Brooks' case dis missed on charge of obtaining money by false pretenses. Donald George Van Cleave, 303 Winter St. SE, preliminary exami nation set for Feb. 2S at 2 p.m. on charge of larceny. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Ralph .Marine Maseng. 53, labor er, and Augusta Elizabeth Scharff, 45, house worker, both of Silver ton. Reuben Arnold Worsler, 23, salesman, Seattle, Wash., and Carolyn Marshall. 24, at home, 725 Winding Way SE. Salem. Rear-end Collisions Most Costly, New Report States The present U.S. trust territory el the Marshall Islands, ia the South Pacific, was first occupied by Spain and Germany. After World War I, the islands ceded te the Japanese. a land to slow i the American Cancer Society, Permit Issued Under County Building Code Marion County's first building permit under the new builder's code, has been issued to R. L. ; Forster and concerns a $15,000 extension of Vista Market, 3045 Commercial St. S. It has been recorder by Kenneth Griber, county building inspector. The permit carried a $32 fee. The county building code became effective Feb. 15. A plumbing oermit has also been prepared for Edward H. iiaf afNA -1 IS 1 i 14 i.iaiiimif HO MONEY DOWN 'TERMS LOW AS 25 WEEK 1 ' How ... Bring Tour Prutnt Diamond 4, Up f Deft With A NEW 1958 DESIGN E 14-KARAT COLD a? r DIAMOND MOUNTING L $99S - fj IOW IASY TERMS VV MJlUk illtisAL. Solitare Style, from With 2 Side Diamonds, from NO MONEY DOWN i5ja If i J 1 RECORD CHANGES. Rl lUILT-IN RADIO LJIlWl H I,.,..,, ill U'l iikm usisrya?ii. 1 1 1 i MIl2I T II IIFffsV ULkW mam. m m m mm ssst mm a a mM $ mt mm a am aasi am a m ' tmt- m-MVtLIIT 11-TUBE AM-FM 'V RADIO-PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION i aSCOSS CHANOIt. Saw-iMad aatamatlt caanaw with fwa Mpphira-tiap.a' ...dla. in c.r.mic turnover c.rtrida. Itcard plav.r taut, all aataiwtlcally after ta r.t.ra 1, ttiraiaa allying. TONS COMrtOl. S..rl. a.ii ..4 Iraki, caatralt My a adjuttaa1 w tan. ina'.aaa,..tly. tmsii trusses. Ura. tu waai.r twa aii SFM tw..Uft mttaj la all-hardwaad chamaar. aaai Iran H IS.SM cytlai. JjM IUIIMM SAHO. It. V Am.n amaliliar, kaill-la Ui7 U 0)95 l.ka AM-SM wltk S- A watt amalifiar, feuilt-ta AM aa4 SM antaiwaa. ana1 2.50 A WEEK M atMN raacy aaatral aa SM Mr Miy " w a-m w w X Ntw Ir9nll caoa SL FOLDING. F-OHTAIU CLOTHES HANGER NO MONEY DOWM-4U WEEK Ma. itiiy TaWtf $ e tt,m4, S4" f to I S" 11 I" Use as IrMiao ak . . . Drytse Raek .. Stere tw vis. mm X 1 M It j iMa BAMT ; I ' MMaT cant tact M I Bolf of S7 Wheatland Rd , which had no estimate, but carried a $6 50 fee. Warren Schuh, 4665 Thorman St. NE, applied for a $4 permit to cover an estimated $1,001 extension of two rooms on his dwelling. Permits were also issued to Belle Passl Cemetery near Wood burn of a $4 plumbing fee and a $4 building fee for public rest rooms estimated to cost $963. A $3$ per mit was also prepared for James A. Wilcox, M7 Meadowlawn Dr. SE for a proposed $12,000 dwelling. Additional new dwelling permits were issued to Sidney L. Llambias for a $32 permit concerning a proposed $17,000 construction on Saxon Dr S. Gene Britt has also applied for a-$35 permit concern ing construction of a $21,000 dwel ling at 406 Ewald Ave. SE. Justin Joyce has also applied for a $24 permit for construction of a $10,800 dwelling oa Neelon Dr. 8, said Graber. Rear-end type collisions continue whenever possible give to be the most costly element in . signal of your intention ; Oregon s traffic accidents from down or stop. I the standpoint of actual expense! , to 0 motorists, the Oregon State1 In spite of the many new facts Motor Association states in a new being learned about the nature of report. cancer, the only known effective Based on actual cost figures, the W4 lre1i!n il now re ? uocfation Disced ih, mi, W ana racial energy, repons cost of rear-end accidents in Ore gon traffic at $6,259 M0 in 1957. There were 13,041 collisions of this type in 1957, compared to 13.545 in 195$. The motor association said rear end crashes constituted about 22 iper cent of all accidents reported i last year. However, only 13 of jthe&e resulted in fatalities but 21 per cent caused personal injuries. "While other types of accidents, such as head-on collisions, auto pedestrian and many non-collision accidents have a much higher fa tality ratio, the rear-end accident by virtue of the large number takes the highest economic toll each year," safety officials said.. One of the most dangerous types of injuries occurring in traffic ac- cioeni in recent years in me whip lash, which often results in serious after-effects, they said. Safety personnel listed four methods of avoiding this type ac cident: avoid following too close ly; watch several cars ahead, not just the one immediately in front; keep brakes in top condition; c?j2irr-ta.iir.f: "t Imourf-- - " j C0,N0 WMN0 T LC t WDINO APPAIUl ' : mcQW4 F,uows : LAUNDRY WIN MCIffi The perfect clothes washing and drying partners. The Laundromat "weigh-to-iave" door and the look-in loading door of the dryer open at the same Itvel . . . serve as shelvts. You naver lift or stoop to transfer things from washer to dryer. No other washer and dryer are so convenient to load and unload. And they're so completely automatic it takes just 3 minutes of your time to wash and dry a wholt load. buy the pair for ft isjei mmm M ..'. ' I 4) I S Si : ' ' V m AS LOW AS U25 A WEti . law if you hat trade-in. So down payment on ap proved credit. the deluxe styling and construction that would normally be priced over $590,001 the model no. L-100-m washer e ta ward aaaaa . , ardinary wuhart hava no whan lidi lift up. Tha Laundromat givat ampla work ipaca alwaysl e cmaplatah antamatk , , . mm tat, tha laundromat goat through tha complata cycla with no furthaf aftantion. Sat It and forgat it. O laimdroaMt . . . axcluaiva with laundromat, lightad laundro guida tall, at glanca aiactly how to tat tha machina for ait fabrics. you can be sure If Ifs Westinghousa . . . , doubly sure If it's from Meier A Frank's Mail and phone orders APPLIANCE HEADQUARTERS - SECOND FLOOR a $339.00 value for $90.95 I i ii-Sr- r . m ti r" i. WHERE you buy is often more importent than WHAT you buy, particularly when it comes to MAJOR APPLIANCES. Wouldn't you rather have MEIER & FRANK'S guarantee backed by 100 years of SERVICE and INTEGRITY? the model no. D-100-m dryer H4t MHKtsK sfol . . . eHo.tS) ef 3 ht tonmt for EMtt drying ef all ftbncs. Juit tot del at rcommndad in tfw Laundroguidt. ismsVfsjiia , . . built into top of dryar and lllumlnataaj for aay raading. (Vying diractioni for all fabrics at glanca. aVy dial . . . NOT uif a fimar. Automatically thutt off whin clothai ara dry or right dampntta for ironing. Ends guosswork. a $239.00 vilue for 199 .95 STORI HOURS MONDAY AND FRIDAY: 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS! 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. V;r. s. ,- V' . tjlltvi ,:' vv. " v 1 ' " " I 305 N. Liberty. SaUm Shop Friday 'Til 9 P.M. SSSrtaSStaa9jSta4ssVs4Jfsd bjahsis4aaaWsarfata kaA(flsk)astsMSWa) J III slllll S