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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1958)
-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore.," Frlf FebY 2& '58 ami ml. : - w Russ Envoy Urges Joint U.S.-Soviet Economic Aid WASHINGTON, frb. V Soviet Ambassador Mikhail Mm ahikev. pressinf hit frlendlier-than-UMM campaifn in an Associ ated Press interview, urge more visit, more trade and evea joint U.S.-Soviet economic aid pro frsms. "I came here with the sole purpose to help improve the reia tions of our countries." he told harm to our country and. sec the AP In a red-arid-gold parlor jond. your country didn't gain any-: at the Soviet Embassy. thing." he said. ' Certain business As a No. 1 target he singled out I circles in this country lost the .trade as a result. And o( course Detroit Lake State Park Wor.; Okehedi. 0.rI.r!'"V"!! t-u. Slate Hiehway Commission today approved a bid to construct a util ity building, latrine, sewer line and septic tanks in Detroit Lake State Park east of Mill City on the North Santiam Highway. Frank and Harry s Power Ditch ing Co. of Salem was awarded the his arrival three weeks ago. But job with its bid of $20.61i. he served notice he is available. Other prorc's by counties ap- Pitm. JmeMt Speeca proved by the commission in cluded: He said his plans include a uiMMlk r.raH and navi Tfl sDeech. with nuestinns nftrwarri mile of Ti;ard interchange unit of Harbor Drive-W ashington Coun- ty line section of Baldock Free- . j " rA i i T j 1 1 J . I -I ruuui"f.-i , . i Portland and build two concrete Interchange structures; Central Paving Co . Independence, $481, 333 Realm aid Lisa Counties Re- deck drawspan over the Willam - etta River on the Corvallis - East - mA Uiffhurav at Cnrvmlh .lama T. Turner. Corvallis. ttl.Ml Turner. Corvallis. SC1.S41. Carry Craaty Pave J 5 miles and lay stone shoulder on rlH "Ola Beach-Bagnell Ferry Road about one mile east of Gold Beach, J. C. Comptoo. Co., McMinnville. $71. 71S. Graas aad Wkeeler Furnish 17.150 cubic yards of crushed ma- terial in stockpile for mamten - anc of John Day Highway b tween Spray and Mount Vernon, E. H. Itachner Co.. Molalla. $42.- Lake Grade and oil M miles of Fort Rock Road about 31 miles eie'n,to" southeast of Lapine: A. L. Hardin Honolulu lnc . Stayton. $103,940 ' City Laae Install sprinkler systim. ; jJ Anji." and landscaping along McKenzie ! Miami Highway about t .1 mile e.s of Eu fenc; Knight-Pcarcy, Saln $8f- New York 111 Omaha Patt Construct 170-foot bridge : r,7 aver Little Luckiamute River at ' Sacramento Fans City; Henry G. Stach, Oak lidge, $J5,477. GAS BEPOBTED TAKEN r u n.n. """"V ",r,, . .. f""un lend o, canpiainea mat live gallons of gas and gas tank cap ware taken from his car sometime Wednesday night while the vehicle Was parked ia a garage at the residence, city police reported Thursday. DOOBS OPEN TM. AIM MURPHY wucuic " am mm ir WETTEX C&HIT "THE RIDE BACK" it Aathsay Qniaa me rLYINO MONSTER TECHNICOLOR k ACTION CO-HIT "HELL IN KOREA" TOMORROW DOORS OPEN 12:45 P.M. IIO FUN MATINEE Om Hasv ( Carta aa sad ExclUag -Caaga feUl" laAdditloa la tegoiar Shawl l ! 'a -1 - OPEN jsft- the V S. embargo on certain trade with Russia. The purpose of the embargo is to withhold Items which might further the Soviet war potential. Menshikov said it has failed, serving only to w- crease tensions. N't Harm Caused All of this didn't cause any the whole thing added a little bit to the tensions between the two countries. That is all it produced " Menshtkov's words illuminated whv he was rhnsen In renlare gruff, black-browed Georgi Zaru-1 bin as ambassador He is blond nd easy-going, with a toothpaste aH mii u. create Amr.n I rather than English, accented just i , cr n . : i is ai.-.u, iii ai, a luijrgr-iraiiiru economist and student of inter- national trade. The private interview, with no questions barred, was one of the first Menshikov has granted since before the National Press Club next Thursday. Thereafter, he said he wilMravel within the next ............ . . . , v. v . v The Weather Mas. Mln. Prr ! g4 1 Btna-Kwimond ! EuEenf so 34 22 22 .T 15 Jll M 41 34 II 1,8 r.c' 42 51 3 SS 52 SO I Mmttam no ! Newport no ' i form Etna ! p.-u-, oi , .00 ! Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mai. Mia. Prcl Anchorage i Albuquerque A"'", 33 42 7 4 3a 31 43 40 42 2S 31 M in M 2 SO 57 13 24 a 2S 31 33 34 24 14 1 39 47 57 23 71 47 34 44 33 4 34 41 39 34 24 47 41 94 1 boi'imi T .07 .10 Chicago Cleveland Denver Detroit Fairbanks Fargo Fort Worth ;. 44 72 3S 4 45 M J7 17 54 44 sail Lax city San Diego San Pranciaco Wtihingtoa .43 .70 Today'i foreca.t (from US Wawth-i rr Bureau. McNarr F.eld. Salem,: I ' er Bureau. McNarr Field. Salem i: rir todey and tonight, except for earlr mornm, ntng og: partly cloudy s'"r,1J; high today u. low to- (jit a. Willamette River' 111 feet Temp. 1141 am. today: 31. Salrai PrerlpltaUea Since atari of weehr year Sept ! To Date Laet Year Normal 1104 14 44 14 Tide Table (Tift, Ore.) y detir Survey. Portland. Ore i High Waters Low Waters reb. Time Height Time Height 14 4 54 a m. 4 1 1 04 a m. 17 4.23 p.m. 4 4 S 40 p m. 01 March Time Ht. ft. Time Ht ft I 7 44 am 4 4 111 am. 14 :44 pm. 9 0 3 43 pro -4jfr0m P0k 1D(j Silver Falls dis- ion p'm.' si 4 30 p'm. -o j PIUSE VAMSHE5 Mrs. Harriett Gemmeli, 490 24th St. NE. said her Durse. containing about S3, was taken Thursday night while she was attending a meeting at the American Legion Club, city police reported. Ex-Sheriff Says He Was Bounced From GOP for Not Using Guns Against Pickets By WILMOT HERCHER WASuiMr.-rnv r.h rr ,m 4 "IliJIlli'VIl VII, M a. a n a a former sheriff testified today he was "absolutely bounced" out of the Republican party for refusing! to use guns against pickets out - side the Kohler Co. plant in Koh-'1 jer i Theodore J. Mosch told the story to the Senate Rackets Com- mittee. which is investigating vio- lence in the 4-year-old strike of .k- t i.t a,.. wnrk.r. .in.t the Wuconsin plumbing fixtures fjrm r L'nder questioning by Sen Mundt -R-SDi. Mosch conceded there could have been some con- nection between his getting bounced and his accepting a $.100 campaign contribution from the LAW in the fall of 1954. Mosch 'Said be was sheriff of Sheboygan County, Wis., when the strike began in 1954 and mass picketing kept the Kohler plant shut down fnr 54 days. He testified he got a letter from Robert W. Haynes, chairman of the Sheboygan Couaty Republican Committee, demanding a "prompt reply" as to what he planned ta do to halt mass picketing. He never answered the 'letter, Mosch said, and later Haynes visited him at the sheriffs office and told him: "You have the authority to use firearms. Use Adulu 50c Childrea 20 Ends Tamorraw Opes :4J "LES GIRLS" Cinemascope Metricelar Geae Kelly, Mild Gayaor TOP CO-HIT "LOVING YOU" VistsVisioa Techaicoler Elvis Presley, Wendell Carey Llubelh SeeU (land, Philadelphia and Chicago for more public appearancet and 'sightseeing, : Menshikov said all this is in line with his argument, which re- curred throughout the interview that everything would be all right between the I'nited Slates and the Soviet I'nion ll everybody got to know each other better. School Famed In Experiment Nearly Ruined IMor? ' " p PINEY WOODS. Miss . Feb. 27 -Ptney woods country Lite School, one of Americas famous experiments in education. lay largely devastated today bv a tor- nnrlA ' " Roofs were torn from most of the large buildings at the school for underprivileged Negro children which Dr. I-aurence C. Jones founded in 1008 The twister struck just as stu dents were leaving the dining hall last night. Even before they could run. some were caught by flying boards and pieces of buildings. Dr. Jones, the famed "little Professor of Pmey Woods, is 73 'n now but he was on hand lal Ist nlsht ho Dr Jones was 24 years old, had $1 65 in cash, a Bible and copies of how-to-farm magazines when he came to Mississippi in 1909 from Iowa. A I'niversity of Iowa graduate, he had resolved to devote his life to the impoverished Negroes of Missippi's "piney woods." "Pin'y woods" was a derisiv term then. It meant the almost in- fttf-aeiKI inn uharn Vhmim and poor whites lived an existence of painful poverty. Missilemeri Fire Redstone CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla .. Feb. 27 ,P An Army Redstone missile ! streaked upward for more than .in two minutes today, vanishing after a puff of white smoke as a silver ' - pinprick in the blue Florida sky. i The 200-mile - range missile. .,4 aimed at a preselected impact i jarea down the Atlantic Ocean, M T"'!5 lau"ch'' I p m , - after standing all night m the rain emu w 1 1 j.j ; The same w ind and rain had forced postponement of the firing of the more delicate Vanguard ! satellite launcher until next week. T . It was not announced whether 1 the Redstone had hit its tareet area. The Redstone is In production and in. the hands of U.S. Army troops. A modified Redstone forms the first stage of the satellite- .,,. i-T, c- ...ui-i. launching Jupiter-C Vehicle . 1 . Grand Ronde Scouts Tops Stateaanaa News Service DALLAS? Feb 27-Grand Ronde Troop 44 took first place in com , petition with nine other troops j tricts tonight in an assortment of: Boy Scout sKUIs such as knot-tying : pack: 0f cigarettes and a pen and ,cnase came 10 n oruPl ,na rta and Morse code. ; j faced end. Independence Troop 27 took sec- - ' ... Police said he admitted break- ond place and Falls City Troop 73 1 DetectlVM ald th' 4fter arrest ing int0 a school earlier and tak won third About 115 Scouts parti-10' Pir in lh 0 block ofjing two books: "Old Yeller" and cinated and several dozen oarents Capitol St. NE. the stolen items "The Electrical Brain." were spectator! at the annual ral-1 ly in Dallas Junior High School ithem." 1 "Ar y Republican?" Com mittee Chairman McClellaa (D- A, lnqulr".- ... , I was until they bounced rne," Mo4ch replied. I had no choice. M Trfnb"fd- . ,fc Sen. fcrvin iD-NO asked the "'V r. y me.ra that he was thrown out Of the ! ' to use guns! "f' ,.ne , . , ' believe that is true y- MC1Mid "e fMed that "if the Republicans don t want me, may- I J?e,mocrU1 "h w, , 0fe,ted for """ '' X"r. Bo"" h Lawrence Schmiti, his undersheriff in 1954. said they thought it would have been unwise t e lorct and possibly create MOTOR-VU Dallas, Oregon Ext. 1-3841 Gates Open 6:43, Show st 7:00 Robett Wsgner, Joan Collins "Stopovtr Tokyo" Cinemascope Second Feature Scott Brady, Mala Powers in "The Storm Rider" Another season of joyful en tertainment at your favorite drive-la theatre. KIDS SATURDAY a FUNHOUSE Tasaarraw 1 la 4 P. M. Adalta ar Childrea 20c Special Cesaedy Feature ; "FIREMAN SAVE MY CHILD" " Spike Jeaes, Baddy Haekett and Hagh (Wyatt Earp) O'Briea PLUS "CARTOON CAINIVAl" m- PLUS Nest Chapter ef "THE QUEEN ARCHER Center of Convent Issue i III If II J "Jr ! HIM-SBORO, Ore., Feb. 27 Ivaa Miller ku gone to court In an effort to have his daughter, Alice, II (above), re moved from Roman Catholic convent of Sisters of St. Mary at nearby Beaverton. Alice said she would return to the convent If forced to leave. The Judge has case under ad visement. (AP) Nominations On Knife, Fork ''Board Made Nominations for positions on the board of the Salem Knife and Fork Club were announced at the organ- nation's Thursday night meeting at Hotel Senator. Nominated for one board posi tion representing communities out side Salem were Maurice Dalton, Dallas, and Floyd T. Fox, Silver ton. Jour nominated for two open positions representing Salem were Vinil T Golden Douelas L. Hav. Cornelius Lofiren and Howard F Miller. ' The positions will be open June M upon expjrat.on of terms of Harrv L Riehes Dr Kinley Adams and Lvman McDonald, BaMoU to elect board members will be mailed to club members and rult, wi announced at the next meeting in March. Featured speaker at the meeting was Dr. D. Elton Trueblood, philo sopher and lecturer from Rich- mond, Ind. Auto Stolen; 2 Boys Held Two Portland boys, ages 13 and 14. were arrested Thursday eve ning in Salem following recovery of a stolen car near Brooks, city police said. Officers said the boys admitted stealing the 1953 Ford in Portland and driving until the vehicle ran 001 01 " Mar B"""0"- "e P""- reiateo Ttitcmng a ride into Salem after takine some articles from the car including two raincoats, a! were recovered, The boys were turned over to Portland police. a situation which could not have been controlled with the manpow er they had available. Mosch said he was advised by Walter Kohler, then governor of Wisconsin, not to use firearms and "to exhaust local resources" before looking to the slate for as sistance. Walter Kohler ia a n.r,h. Herbert V. Kohler. president of the Kohler Co , but is not active in the manasement of the firm TONITE, FRIDAY, NORTH SALEM HIGH PREMIER! Northwest Showing Vasv" ' IN PERSON JOSE And his COMPANY SPANISH DANCERS Baacisf Star ( "AROUND THE WOULD IN ID Dm" FRIDAY, It FEB 28th t Good Seats Available fl Jsnaaa's, " .Stevens I h Kchaol " I ft C P.M. I . T M Meier a Frank, 4 San. at High Rat Office after r- - - '. . i. - I aaa SJ . :' .;.- Theater Time Table KLSINORK THE QUIET AMERICAN": 4:44 "THE RIDE BACK": 7:00. 10:40 CAPITOL HODAN" 1:10. 10:11 -HELL IN KOREA" 4:3t HOLLYWOOD "LES GIRLS': 7:00. 11:04 -LOVING YOU": 2) Paralytic Polio Attacks Girl, 1 OREGON CITi'. Feb. 27 h A one-year-old girl has contract polio, the Clackamas County Health Department said today. The department said the case was the first reported in the coun ty this year. The child was stricken with paralytic polio, and It has affected one of her limbs, the department said. The girl's home is in the Mil waukie area. She was not identi fied further. Poce Scare Pants Off Man LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Feb. 27 on (Police scared the pants off Charles . Donald Weber, ' " emerged from a tavern tnev Pk,ge underuhi ; arm at rwi timftAmA Ia niisMllAn him Weber. 23, bolted down an alley ilMj the two officers each fired a 'warning shot over his bead. Weber's pants fell down and the Weber was charged with larceny from a public building. "DON'T" Throw Your Watch Away wa fix them when thars can'tl "Expert Diamond Setting and'Jewelry Re-Styling" i nan v: w kuim. eat, "Oldest Jewelers la Salem Under Same Ownership" Hours f- 5:31 FEB. 28, 8:30 P. M. 8 p aso red ky Saless Jr. Ckasaber af Caataierea ,a- ij -v of 7 1 J '- ' . " - , f j C.t ' ' " i 1 ' - - - ' Engineer Union Faces Pickets At New Quarters WASHINGTON. Feb. V -The International Union of Operating Engineers, facing a corruption in dictment from the AFL-CI0. to day was picketed at its fancy new headquarters by reformists seek ing relief from "dictatorship." The picketing group was led by William Wilkins, who participated in a radio broadcast on union cor ruption with labor writer Victor Riesel the night Riesel was blinded by a mysterious acid thrower in April 19S. "We're trade unionists trying to get a clean and democratic un ion," Wilkens said. "It looks like we're getting a run-around by our union and by the AFL-CIO." Wilkens and his four fellow pickets complained particularly about conditions in their local No. 131. Long Island, N.Y., where they've been waging a four-year fight for reforms. The local's president is William De Koning Jr. He and his father, the local's for mer president, once were convicted of extortion. The reformists have been either expelled by the local or forbidden to attend union meetings. For that reason and because thay claimed De Koning Jr., controls the jobs and votes of Local 13t members, the Wilkens grouo said they will boycott a special local meeting to morrow night on Long Island. The session was called to consider whether the Wilkens group should be reinstated. Radio Man to Seek Seat In Legislature tuuMVE, Feb. 27 i Carl ford Veneer and Plywood, employ 0. Fisher, 33-year-old E u g e n e ing ISO, and Oregon Veneer, em radio station operator, announced ' ploying 80, both at Medford, will today he will run for the Legis- j close tomorrow night, lature from Lane County. Medford Veneer's plant at Cres- Fisher. a Republican, will seek one of the five House seats which Lane County holds. He said he ad vocates a program of "encourag ing business and industrial devel opment in the state of Oregon ! which would result in better liv ing standards for all its resi dents." Active in the Ore jon Broadcast ers Assn., Fisher has been vice president of that group for the past year. 225 Rebels Killed In Algerian Battle ALGIERS, Feb. 27 Ut - The French said today 225 rebela were killed in eastern Algeria in one of the heaviest battles of the Algerian nationalists' spripg offensive. The battle, often hand-to-hand, eddied around Duvivier. The French put their losses at 20 killed. Military sources In the border area of Constantine said that since Feb. 1 the rebels have lost 1.500 killed and 22 captured in eastern Algeria alone. Moving Day At Maxwell Mouse This Weekend Only At 355 Center St., Salem We're Moving But We Don't Want to Move These Items . . . You Move Them ... You Save $ $ $ Deluxe 2-04ar P " Refrigerator Double-Oven Range 2Btr $2! Automatic Automatic WASHERS DRYERS fla on g oh More Moving Day Specialsl Pushbutton Range Television Super Deluxe Refrigerator Deluxe Refrigerator Maxwell House Appliances 355 CENTER ST. Monday,-Marsh 3rd, Our New Ucetion Will la 4SS Canter St., 1 Ilk. East -EM 1-2113 Envoy Named To Work for Disarmament WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 0PThe I'nited States today named a new disarmament negotiator, backed up by four citizen-advisers, and called on Russia to meet with him in "urgent" new talks. James J. Wadsworth, deputy I'nited Nations ambassador, was designated for the post of succes sor to Harold Stassen who quit two weeks ago as disarmament specialist. President Eisenhower approved his appointment and also named a four-man panel of distinguished citizens to "advise and consult" on disarmament policy. Members will be Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther. former Allied, com mander in Lurope who is now American Red Cross president; investment banker Robert A. Lov- ett, former underecretanr of state; banker John J. McCloy, for mer high commissioner to Ger many, and Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, ex-undersecretary of state. Wadsworth, deputy American representative at the United Na tions, is to "participate in the preparation of positions" which the United States will seek to have adopted in any new round of talks with the Soviets. Stassen resigned to seek the governorship of Pennsylvania. 3 Plywood Plants Close; 310 Jobless GRANTS PASS, Ore., Feb. JD Three plywood plants in Josephine and Jackson County are being closed because of the poor market and 310 men are los ing their Jobs. Custom Plywood, Inc., at Grants Pass, employing M men on three shifts, was 'to close tonilht. Med- cent City. Calif., which employs SO, also is being closed. Rep. Porter To Run Again PORTLAND. Feb. 27 Rep Charles Porter (D-Orei today said he again will seek the Democratic nomination for the I S. House in Oregon's Fourth Congressional District. Porter now is serving his first term. Porter said he will nin on the reArl nf wriai he termer) "the ef- , . u,ni-k fnr thai rtconle nf the I Fourth District." This work has included efforts to enhance the area's economy, be said. Portland Tot Drowns PORTLAND, Feb. 27 UP James Sauer, 4, drowned today in a bath tub at his home here, Portland police said. Firemen's efforts to revive the child were not successful. Save Up 40 Fresh Bunch CARROTS CELERY 2 Texas Pink Grapefruit Oranges Lettuce Salem's Own Dutch Maid MARGARINE Swift's 12-oz- Jar PEANUT BUTTER Swift's JEWEL OIL Pillibury's riAIIIA 45) rLUUK & r Gortons Pra-Cookod I FISH STICKS Rupert BrandFrozen OCEAN PERCH FILLETS Switt's-2-Ib. Loaf ff- CHEESE Folger's COFFEE BOLOGNA By the Piece Cascade Sliced BACON sr . POLISH RINGS 3 Lean Boneless STEW BEEF , Wo Rasarvo tho Right to Limit-No Salas to Daalars Prlcos Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday Portland Road " SALEM 2 (or Stalks I f., . 2 Heads Quart .., $1179 r,0 U x 39 1 lb. lb. lor (Q Edgewater St. WEST SALEM 5 1 T 0 fly 39 c TV T