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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1958)
Dayton Farmers Reject Plan for Water District IUUwur N ttrrtr DAYTON, Feb. 27-Farmers who use the waters or Palmer Creek, near Dayton, (or irrigattonal pur pose have voted against an offer by Dayton businessmen to finance organisational costs of forming an irrigation district for the area. Majority of water users ex pressed satisfaction with the pres ent system and rejected pleas of two farmers to form a district as Insurance for critical water prob lems which, they said, are likely to develop in the future. Dayton business and farm lead ers have already spent several thousand dollars (or tnglneerinf studies on possible construction of a dam on the creek. Best wav to develop the Palmer Creek area! has been under discussion here for ' several years. I Valley News Stittsmin News Servict Aircraft Wretked in Flight By Wind Gust at Sheridan IUUwui Ntwi larvle SHERIDAN, Feb. M-Louis Miah ler, m, Wlllamlna, operator of Mlshler Auto Wreckers at Willa mlaa, and the Bellevue store, es caped Injury about 7:4S a.m. Sun day, when his light plane crashed Aurora Sets Antique Sale On Week End and was demolished in a field near Bellevue. He was flying low to inspect a field between the Bellevue store and the old Bellevue tchoolhouse when his plane was caught by a gust of wind and whipped into a telephone pole. The plane, an Aerona Champion, was a total wreck, according to Delmar Hamilton, Miahler'i neph ew who is now working at the store. Hubbard Science Air IStayfon .Cancels " c spring vacation, Term Ends Early lutauaaa srvir. ,,jon. , i,ost .rhool students HUBBARD. Feb. 26 A model ' Michael Mortensen't elements ol Vanguard, rocket launchers, a radio won top spot In senior com Sputnik, and a solar system are petition in physical science, and among 12S science exhibits at Hub-j Delores Hill, in biological science, bard Grade school. They were was winner with her reproduction made by students of Hubbard, of shrimp. Broadacret, and Aurora schools, intermediate division ana win oe displayed to me pun lie until close of school Friday afternoon. All winners in the three divi- Statttmaa Ntwt Strvlrt AURORA. Feb. -Antique col I lectors will be offered a host of pioneer era items this weekend at the sale ot household arucits owned by the late Tlllle Webert at Aurora. Among the Items are blankets made in the early day Aurora New Member on Polk Fair Board Mt. Angel Gets Third Precinct lliltinu Ntwi Srrvlra MT. ANGEL, Feb. 27-A third voting precinct has been estab lished within the city, with the Mt. Angel Hotel designated for t h e nltace for rasirlanU In unia The railrnari lrark anri nwii, aiuuns six cnimren oorn 10 ncr iair ana ine Dauas amueroo. as Main street divide the citv vinto i Prenls' Christian and Katherine well as the Polk. County Sports fast and west units with Collie Zimmerman. Her parents were 'men's club, which he was Instru- Vacation at Dallas Set March 17-21 tuutaua Ni Smlrt DALLAS, Feb. 27-Dallas schools will be closed March 17-21 for spring vacation, said Ellis H. Neal, superintendent of schools. Neal said people had asked him the dates in order that they could i make plans for the time that the ! schools would be closed. The Dallas Dragons will be play ing in the state A-2 basketball tour nament at South Salem High gym the first part of the week. The A-l schools wilt hold their tourney in Eugene during the last part. Statesman, Salem, Org, Fri., Feb. 28, '58 (Sec.II)13 MacLaren Chaplain Charges Public Uninformed on School suttMua Newt strvtc i Carson, Jr . Roy Wilcox and Ro- and made good because he was) SILVERTON, Feb. 27 Errol bert Epencter, directors. given a second Chanct." ! hiffh schiwil atiifinia will rriv Ross was elected president at this ? Dr. Willard Stone of the Marion Chaplain Gotta listed among the were Duane Schmidt evolution of ; nn Pri" vacation this year. In-! weck' meeting of the Silverton' County Department of Health, will services and facllitlea provided for a chicken in biological science ! stead they will end the school Rolsry Club. Other officers named be guest speaker Monday noon at the boys, an eleven-bed hospital and Denny Sydow with a motor' ! on May 27, rather than June re Ted Rutherford, vice presl- the Rotary Luncheon at the Metho- for the mildly ill, dental cart prt and Spencer Waite's radar station 2 as originally scheduled. The an- dt; Willard Hayne, secretary; dist Church. Willard Benson la ar- vided by a full-time dentist. Tall in physical science dual winners ' nountement todav was made by Richard Hartley, treasurer; Harry ranging the, program, gioua education with services each lUUiiua Ntwi Srlc STAYTON, Feb. 24 - Stayton Primary winners were Pamela ! Merun Mor'y Superintendent . of Brack with a weatherprophets dis-lth school. play, and Rebert Edwards with Morcy said a possible early plants started from roots, stems, seeds, bulbs, and leaves. sir., .err.' crop effected the change. Students will be able to get into fields a week earlier Should berries ripen before 27, special permits will to students who dcsn farmers with early pickings, he luilinu Ntwt Strvlrt DALLAS, Feb. 26-Ray Kliever. SlM millMr lot Intflia Mnlnr co ony mills, furniture made in the Motor Co., In Dallas, waa appoint colony furniture factory, some led to the Polk County fair board p eces of furniture that crossed the;or a thret year term, it was an plains In covered wagons, three nounced by County Judge Cal M. leggeo iron aemcs, and old nat-, Barnhart. Kliever succeeds John ", ...I nL-irons- ;Pfaff of Independence, who re V-enirai TICKS Mrs. Webert died Nov. 18. at the signed the post. ! r I r i I .L aje of 82. She was the only girl Kliever has been active in Ihe.UIN Ol YlOrUn Odd Fellows to Host Convention lUUimia Nrwi Srrvlrr JEFFERSON, Feb. 2 Local permit teachers toattend the Ore- War Nurse at ek earlier. I 1 J legion Meeting re to aid s IUUhui Newi Snit At this week's luncheon meeting Sunday for 'both Protestant and E. C. Goetz. chaplain at MacLaren Catholic faiths, special cart for School for Boys, Woodburn. told boys placed in segregation oa the the group that the public as a- campus, and Instruction counts of- whole was "misinformed" on the ft red In many subjects. He added status of the school. .that visitors are always welcome) a,i-.ii. rat MacLaren. Tht Rtv. Alvja Solid Actually school wm pnvm cn,irman this week. "It is actually a school rather VmrmMrm Mrttl M than a penal institution." Chaplain NIBI Goeu pointed out. "Too often com- March 31 ia to be th animal said. mt Avr.rr t'.h r? i.n. . . .7 . - ... . ... ,. . . . . . ,,, . , V. . munmes leei mat ooys are sent farmers uay wiin tuner jt Spring vacation had beet sched- Doyle War I Nurse and one of there for punishrnent. the obiec- as program chairman am) I r ii I. . I. J .7 a T ',rs,.nursei lotM. n"104 Uve is to provide the boys wlih L. Riches as chairman of oLwf tually wUl stall not attend clasps of the Andean Legion was a M tht, th arran2emenU. March 20 and 21. Thursday and cuest at Mt. Angel Post Tuesday. n.u 1 .... T . m k FrMsv cinr ftrhriAl will rlAKP In M kr Mav U ! daw r iAmnt mt .... .. . .X ity. It is one of the bigxes. re- March, all Rotary meetings will Odd Fallows will host the semi annual district convention Satur day. March 15. The session con venes at 1:30 p.m. and includes election of officers. Dinner will be served by Three Links Club. The evening meeting and enter tainment will be open to the public. Lodges participate! include Stayton, Mill City, Silverton, Mon itor Chemeket son. gon Educational Association meet ing in Portland. Sheridan Councilman Moves to Washington M-atast and ut units uiih PaIIa street dividing st Mt An, among mcmom ot we original 1 meniai in sumng. " . w A . . .. r' 1 . , . . . J - J . . - J ti ; . i . n, : j l . . , nuioti uHuny lounaeu unucr nil- ruil sma ne was lorcea 10 re- liam Kail, who came from -Bethel, j sign after serving a year of his Missouri in covered wagons in second term, because of other 1883. business. She married Quia . Webert in ! ! 1898, and although they never had lUKunn Ntwi Strvtc INDEPENDENCE, Feb. 26- IUUiui Newt.Sfrvlr SHERIDAN. Feb. 27 - Council. Wrlodbum. fiervais. ButteviUe I" Dvid Jewe11 has Purchased short of quota. Commander Gene rceketa of Salem, an Jeffer- cookie route at Olympia. Wa.h Goldsby reported he had sent let- Wnere niA wlie anq IWO SUUS will io iv iviiin;) umnimm aaiMIlf move this week. hem to pay dues. Jewell has been employed by the Risberg truck line the past seven wf ?n?'ct,ne Nu",n Hom in wards in working with the boys, to be at the Methodist church until L. . hear from a former student who the March 31 meeting, when The Boy Scout troop sponsored has gone back to his" community Toney's will be re-opened. "7 me LA-giuti rcifucsieu coopera tion in two coming 'vents, a break fast on Sunday, March 16, and a paper drive Saturday. Legionnaires with trucks and pickups will help load and haul papers Saturday. Legion mcmberehip is ill. S DAILY CROSSWORD i TWO TAKE TL'MBLE BUTTEVILLE. Feb. 27-Mrs. J a northeast and southeast precinct The report was made at this week's meeting of the city's Busi ness Men's Club. Representatives ot the newly formed Junior Chamber of Com merce attended the meeting. "y children, sne was known lor Spokesmen outlined aims of the j 'mothering' all the children of the junior civic group. colony. Manv of the simple hand made toys from her day remain among the items. She has two brothers still liv ing, Ralph Zimmerman, Canby at torney, and Ally Zimmerman, Au rora mayor. Banquet Set For Saturday StlltimiB Mai gcplrt Ye Olden Days Plan Promoted a Marcia Stewart has been named , unii.. ,m! .i. f.i. J;... ; years and prior to serving in f llKr I 11 nit At ..rl-nUh month at Central Union """ "T .,cu I World War II and ie Korean War. aillllfil High School for February. She illtnSb wti he " emP1" Sheridan president of the Girl's League. imusciel. Mrs. t. Glenn (Eliza-Creamery. Her selection was made by the bet hi Yergen fell at her home lautt j Mayor Fred Bozeman says the Girl's League, and included pre-'week, but did not go to the hos-'city council will appoint another sentatinn of a white carnation from pital until Saturday. She learned councilman to serve Jewell's un Janet Ruggles, last month's honor she had broken a bone in her exnired term at Monday's meet girl, upper arm. ing. Friday Night lUUimu Ntwi Servlc( SILVERTON, Feb. I7-"Ye Ol den Days" will be observed at Silverton this fall, according to plana now underway by the Silver T Club, an organisation composed of old car owners. Valley News Told in Brief North Marion Skill Winner lUUiaua Ntwi aervlce NORTH MARION. Feb. 27 Eight FFA chapters comnrised of 74 boys participated in the Capi tol District Vocational Skills con test at North Marion Union High Nnrih u.rUn vv i rk.i. ... . . . ' . . further clans for the celebration its i k. u. p.ti. Tirk will mw! Wtnosftav at i n m :l fealtn Lonierrnce the Urol r-iam h.nn.r .t,i. e, i . "' w. ' ' t0: . members oroDose. ! in c.i.m the hnm of Mrr. Flovd Dominick. Tuesday at the Eugene , ; gion s rati commanoers oanquci . . ... --- --- ouf. hnm- Paul second, and Woodburn third, i. Saturdav March 1.1 at 6:30 Invitations have been sent to ; , , J. ;L1 Cfln -'armen of.Po-tlenrt wi! show jcnooi irom nour Others competing were r.efvais. D m all Silverton clubs and service ' . J n o T. f p nlm on the world 01 bu,b, aii c:i . r. i. j y"'- i ........ , ... mt al the Or van Prenovtenan . . ' r linx mr ine inniv nisnr mMrwe.' Bracks The Coy FUnnery and Richard Bieberdorf families have moved Into the community. Mr. and Mrs. Flannery, and sons Son ny and Mike of Salem, have leased a home from Harry Stur- Bis. Flannery is correctional of- two members. There will be en- I firer al (he tnt nriuin Mr and ierfatnment. and tie eake walk. The club is meeting Friday night jMra. Bieberdorf and five children i at Toney's Restaurant to make have purchased a home southst Hubbard The Woman's Club Gervato Kampflre Kookers and Fireflies 4-H. clubt of Brooks are sponsoring a cake walk Monday, at 8 p.m. at Pioneer school Pro ceeds will help pay for a summer school 4-H scholarship for one or Utttaua Kawi Strvlrt FOUR CORNERS, Feb. 27-The annual Blue and Gold dinner (or the Cub Scouts will be sponsored by the Mother's dub Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose room of the Four Corners school. There are six dens with a total membership of 42. The Cuba will SherMaa Sunday Heart Fund , bt hoeta to their families. Follow- collection here amouated to $152.36. reported Mrs. Fred Wirfs. drive chairman. Coffee Days are being conducted this week to swell the total, and coin cards will re main in business houses until the end of the month. . j tv- , r , : dames Vera Simmons ,:Z"..7"" . . V u'S Koehler. Ralph Calkins. vi be heW Field ing the dinner hour tht scouts will present a program oa American ism. Cub Maater ia Vera Simmons, committeemen are Eugene Ted well, Dave Wheelesa and Albert Koehler. Den mothers are Mrs- Albert Harold Albany, Silverton. Cascade and The Junior Conference will be tienerson. The banner is awarded to the chapter scoring most point in various contests, including rope working, soldering, arc welding and teed identification. Firsts were scored by Tom Gil ligan in ropeworking, John Piper in soldering. Allen Weathers in arc welding, and Erric Ross in seeo loeniiiicauon. Jonn Faviecek Uonal president of the Legion F!T . . rPewo": " Auxiliary v to be held at Salem ert Netter placed third in solder- j April 20. . ing ana Vermont oianeux third ini Voted by the unit was $5 for w.Ci- i,rin manon Doya com-, in Mt. Angel, to be planted peting were Don Dougherty and ; Boy Scouts. iouuic uouurava in agricultural mathematics, Ron Cooper in cut ting and Ernest Coleman In gas welding. held in Salem with Unit 1M on April 12. The Auxiliary voted to use Me morial Poppies left from last year's drive to make Poppy wrist lets, to be worn by the Girl Staters rilirin ttutlr Annual cinn ml Wil. JSST&n urged ,o .t- Bond Awarded to tend the reception honoring the na- rarvaic SttlflPnr in hopes of getting "the ball roll Ing" for the celebration, officers of the Silver T, reported Thursday. A three-day community celebration is hoped for. 3n n.u.. 'o 3:30 p.m. Mrs. John Middlemiss. Silverton is in charge of appoint- church Friday at 2:30. Leader is Hubbard Mrs. Elvin Pitney la ments for the day. Mrs. Neal Miller. (hostess for Mary Martha circle .. ,, mi. .v.nin. a -vww Mr. Nortli HowrU - North Howell Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Charles !, Miiler wiu revieW the' grange Saturday night will stage Davis, Keith Layman. Morris Jones. M. Smith said their grandson is recovering 'from burns received Feb. 15 when his clothes caught fire. The boy is 17-montha-old Donnie Lea at New Orleans. La. "The Herdsman.' a pie and cake social for the pub lic at the North Howell Grange Hall. Sale of pastry commences at 8 o'clock, and will be followed by auUimaa Nwi Strvlrt GERVAIS. Feb. Stayton Representatives at tending the NEA Northwest Re-, Valley Obituaries NEWTON OSS PHILLIPS SHERlDANFeb. 27 - Newton Ross PhiUips, 51. died Sunday at the Veterans Hospital In Portland following a lingering illness. He Ogan Festival At Dallas Sunday SUItunia Ntwt Strvlrt Talent Show On April 19 SUUimta Kcwi strvtc AMITY. Feb. 27 Tentative plans for participation in a U'nt Brooks. Aarora Miss Elaine Denman, X-ray technician for the State In dustrial Accident Commission, fell a program of entertainment. He received second and third de- Feb. 24. when entering her office gree burns. building in Salem. She suffered a c. - u . , head laceration which needed six " ,aTZ Zt "ad resided in the Bueil area for Silverton The Minon County s,;rhe anrl Ka hmke her siae 10M Instructional Conference at . .. . , . Bloodmobile will be in Silverton ' StUche ,nd Sh broke Portland. Feb. 19-22. were Mrs. n,"y yMr ,"1-sP?nt ,hU boyhood 27 - Juadta on Monday March 10 at the Eu-! Moameul. - Kueen. Gleemen Mayme UVoy of the SUyton UrH,0" "Pr'" nooi. ana mn. n-umi - , r . . . Cascade Union high!Rollle nd E1": thre trs: i Blanche OsKorne. Beuie Rosen group will sing n. ! .t nu. b-. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday. Feb. 26. 10:30 a.m. ia the Conservatory Chapel of A. J. i Rose and Son. in Portland. In- t Dark Hawley' Senior ' Gerv,ig Unlon gene Field school. The appearance will present a free concert at Ore-iton hi8n Khool. an bv the Hijh Schoo, wa" a8"1" a S25 this time is being sporsored by gon College of Education Monday. Riches of Cascade ' savings bond for being one of two the Silverton Veterans of Foreign The 65-voice vocal group will sing! Khool, Turner. second place Winners in the Elks Wan anxiliarv Mr Rnhert F.rl- In r.mnke!1 u.ll .1 a "Youth Leadership Contest." Berton will serve as chairman for p.m. Lyaas Garry IntVeld. who is She is editor of school annual the bloodmobile visit,- , with the U.S. Navy and stationed "Willoria." vice president of Ger-! 1 PrlBgleNext meeting of Tea , AIamwla rlif ... i-aic irif,fir u,mJmii-Ar0 ni inur. ! Wlllamla The AmeT can Wart.ittir f ooter. . i.u H,,h j,, at Alameda. Lam , has spent sev- ica, state editor of FHA's Beaver Mothers, Willamina Chapter, will be Monday at the Ed Adams !eral da at the home 01 "w'terment was in the Willamette Bulletin, and a National Honor meet at th? VF'V hall Friday. homr i i Eoorc Road. ! parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben IntVold. I ationr' Crmetrry. jviaat v mamruar - and Mrs. Leo Hawley of Route 1. ansL.?.tF Ju'' oci.tion can festival at the First. Meth-1 ji11m(M h winine wrk. era 4-H Livestock Club. The event is April 19 at the 4-H auditorium in McMinnville. Plant were also discussed this week for the 4-H Community Dance, March IS at Amity high school. Proceeds from the affair will go to finance club projects. Club members will meet next. March I, u the home economics room of the high Khool. orcan rhurrh will he Sunriav al I 4:30 p.m., according to Ernest Jacobson, choir director. Lauren B. Sykes. professor of organ and choral .director In the Pacific Bible college, wffl bt guest organist. i The church choir will presenfi several numbers. Other selections will include vocal solos by Mrs. Curtis Lamb and Melvin Gilson, a ladies' trio, the male ouartet. the junior choir and a women's Births At Valley Hospitals AT SILVERTON HOSPITAL To Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Gordon. Salem, a daughter. Feb. 24. To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haworth, Colton, a son, Feb. 24. chorus. .wi i-.a.. a . I""- I JL,a Attention rocusea will be taken. A nursery will be provided (or pre school children. Illness Strikes Teacher, Pupils Suttimaa Ntwt Strvlr HAZE1. GRKEN. Felt. 27-Mrs. Marguerite Burton, third and Saturday. fourth grade teacher at Hazel 1 Gervais chapter is having mem Green School, has been absent FFA JackeU placing teveral days due to illness. Mrs. jl.'A. n-n1, Cora Clark., a former teacher in Scho1ff?2ln tv.. u u..i rr ch.i ,;,i businesses, and sending announce- MIC WIU BSalaeVB VII -VU Ukinnri, win , - a - Maaamaaai ttnif taaHlA Upon Future Farmers Group suitunaa Ntwt strvlrt ' i Garry Jebousek: Vice-President, GERVAIS, Feb. 27 Future Gerald Tracy; Secretary. Lynn Farmers of America throughout, Schaap: Treasurer, Gerald LaMar: the nation are having special ac i Reporter, Ted Hillyer; and Sen tivities to focus public attention tinel, Alan Miller. Mr. Rmgo. vo on the work of their organization cational agriculture instructor in rinrina National FFA Week endina : Gervais High School, serves as menta to press and radio stations. Membership in the fTA is maae continue to substitute until Mrs. Burton returns to qui es. - , wno ,r, itudcnU 0, Also abiient from tchool are sev-v,n,f .gricuiturt in high erai cnuurrn wno nave im ciiicftcn gcjiool poxexThe present cases are con fined to Mrs. Grace Katka't pri mary room. JUDGE ANIMAL POSTERS GERVAIS. Feb. 27-Parkersvfll Livestock 4-H Club Judged live stock from printed posters. Posters were sent to the Marion County 4-H office Jo compete with other 4-H entries.. Prizes are to bt awarded winning posters. The dub leader is Mrs. Tom Doty. Activities are designed to help develop rural leadership and good citisenship, and to stimulate boys to better achievement in study and work toward successful establish ment In farming. The Gervais FFA chapter has 64 members. Officers are, President, advisor of the FFA chapter. "THEY TEACH TRAFFIC SAFETY" by Phil Hntch rr BUSINESS MEN'S ASSURANCE CO. . Irf HWmshi BtbiWISaM UFI ACCIDENT HEALTH INSURANCE ESTATE PLANNING IUSINESS INSURANCE 1 scHAirirs Diuretic Tonic A eemllnatlea of approved remedies which Influence the secretion of the kidneys, hence useful la cases where tht ar ise It scanty, high colored, turbid ar aaduly caaeeatrated: so as te produce Irrltatieas ef the urinary pasaages. If sympteaaa persist tea ytur Doctor. , SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily 1:31 a.aa. U I Sundays, t a. at. la I p. as. IU S. Cammertlal 7' Ip1 mil Mara than 100 cities, coun ties, and stoles hava solved their traffic problems by sanding their affUlolt to a anlajwa school which teaches them how to prevent occl tttntt btforo they happen. MARCH 2 Family TVoGJcJy Exclusive in :Ms erat with Hfl mm mm than the best of the Low-Price 3 for tvtry Window of ttory Panlim Combine the Pontiac Chieftain's king-size 122' wheelbase . , . its revolutionary Aero-Frame design . . . and its completely new suspension system and you get a ride the smaller cars can't even app.-'wch! In addition, only Pontiac offers the iiurtant, jeweled action response of Tempest 395 performance . . . plus New Direction Styling! So why buy a car with a low-price name? Get a Pontiac for less! IB) ftp) o) SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER mm TAGGESELL PONTIAC CO. 660 North Liberty Salem, Oregon ACROSS I. was wafer i. Insipid $. Suits capital (var.i 10. Treated, as hidft 12. Elliptical 13. Place ef worship 14. Man a nickname 13. Order under seal IT. Italian river 11. Biblical name It Liang (Chin.) 10. Distress call 11. Correct 23. Decaya It. Town (Mats.) It. Chant 21. Scolded 11. Half emt S3. Capital (Nor.) S3. Prounoun St. Whether S3. Excuse 38. Playing card ST. Famed 8. KnVUt II. Appsring as if fSten 42. Weeps 43. Early In vader of Spain 44. Organs of hearing DOWN I. Extreme 2. Agtt 3. Emmet 4. To the sheltered aide 9. Grsln. threshing implement t. Chferful ong T. Territorial division i Den. ) I. Spouted veaael 1 Clayey 11. Refute ef ore 14. Repentent regret It. Chinese society 20. Classi fy 22. Enthu siastic follow, ere 23. City (Ntv.) 28. W. dow EL'JlM-'JiAllllI MimB , 15:1 PK3 Pit fc' m1aWi' Taf Tetltrtar't Atf top drapery S3. Mtxseaa) dollar . i 31 Meham. medan noble 31 Alaa 40.ConateJ. UUosi 24. Paris' river 27. Notify 2t. Masters of ceremony 30. PetU 32. Of gretter g WTTTWT1TM lt"j iic Jfcl ffTi FT if II a OUR GREATEST TV VALU0I mukv th NEW 1958 jr r r a I , , t-i tt-i WWW wmmi WE CHAUINCE TOU to ctxnptro the value I rhit Zenith TV with ethert catting much YX-xXaC mara lafare Tail luyl s- rf MORE OPERATING DEPENDABILITY, NEW SUPER "SERVICI-SAVER" HORIZONTAL CHASSIS handcrafted chassis, uses long lift precision engi neered circuitry ot complicated printed circuits. LESS SERVICE HEADACHES TV chttsia hat at printed wiring which may require costly repairs teeaata they art difficult to service. 11,000 VOLTS Of PICTURE, POWER for brighter, erlsper pictures with life like rtalissa. SUNSHINE PICTURE TUIES with sensational Zenith high speed electron gem that drivet tleetrent against screen hard and fast IpjajMBjapaw JlTSWIYIlS it Lanata TV UH AMP MORI OPIRATINC Bt PINPABILITV tkat ekalteatst atterlaoa THI tUTUDOa, Ma I A2144, It" mil tn ' .ctnn44a pw tare traa. hi Compare this Valve Price , Only 477 SlifKlrf Wfr EXTRA VAIUI ZENITH FUTURES a 1 SPEAKIRS PUSHUU "N101 suaTJN swrvit onoff YJiI BASE CONTSOl ANTENNA a TOP TUNtNO CINIlEN$a a IASY OUT 83 X sponrrt dial , Sea Zanlth't Camplott New line for 'SI at I SALEM - 0IEG0M CITY J 260 Stat St. Ph. EM 9414