10-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem. Ore., Fri.. Feb. 28, '58 At Oregon Plans Made For Junior Weekend By LINDA STEELE Slatrsmaa Correspondent EUGENE One of the largest innual affairs at the University is Junior Weekend which is coming ip spring term. Already extensive jlans are being made to insure a jucccssful weekend as this feature jsually attracts thousands of wsi ors. Wade Bentson of Silverton las been named co-chairman of he Junior Weekend Queen corona- ion committee. Pamela Lindholm las been appointed voting chair- man. and Marlis DeGroote has seen named ta this committee Always ' thinking up something 2 new. the latest campus contest lor a "grubby" king and queen. This contest is a little more ifsT' to - tir han it mav seem as it i Mred t the rally hoerd in c.-mru- so rit and bac'jinq lor l hletic cvems. :neia tni n-s ominated Larr Mew some as heir king ccniiidate. and Hen- The past week at Willamette has Simpson, Cal Curtz. Stanley B' Hricks Hall has chosen Ju'ie Anne haa more than the average amount Wolcoit. Glmn Pat on Jr Ted Smith as their queen candidate of acihity. AWS elections held the Cusick, Clarence Gilmer. Harlan Nancy Denton. Delta Gamma spo;light during the first few days Hollas. Gordon White and Sam iophemore from Salem, will repre- of the school week and the back- Schiff. ent the University at a forensic state hum that accompanies the .Progress on the forthcoming ournament at Lewis and Clark nearing opening night of the I ni- Easter Bonnett Bridge was re college this week. Visual aid veriity Theatre production of Ten- ported by chairman Mrs. Robert eches will be made at th meet ncssee Williams' "Summer and Stevens. The event, highlights of -!ch will be at'endd by nine Smoke." has k?ot.the lights of the which will be showing of hats fol- ils of the InterccMesiale For- Fine Arts building glowing until lowed by card playing, is sched , ,ic .---i-m, r' r-e-n. "c" Isle hours. The play opens tonight uled for March 28 at the YWCA. .'II us sli'1' ilUi'tre'e her with curtain time at B: 15 p.m. pnd Mn. John Humphrey is ticket r -silt. "A Re Trip Through will also run Saturday evening. As chairman. Italy.' a preview of what is to be s;en atu. i. r.m.nt Fveaii in ,ne Production, at convocation .rtlve la Campus Event. Tu(,sday KtMS was prfsented The rally board has named Julie from ' Summer and Smoke" and Kmi Smith as a new member of from various other Williams' he promotions committee-. Connie plays. The public is invited to at Thorne. a South Salem graduate, tend. as chosen to represent Carson Thursdav Klton Trueblood. noted Hall in the annual contest for 011,h,r t-inrr nrf nhiincnnh.r uuie toionei oi in .,irj a. it M " . . . . The Order of the 0 an athletic rvice honorarv will hold n, first nnual Sag Variety Show featur- ng the talent of the campv, ..h- letei. Bob Prall of Salem w.ll be among those participatuif. . . The social calender for the week-j end is filled as usual. Attendingr desserts will be Judy Keller, Mary Jane Waite, Nancy Denton, Jenni fer Se ream be, Judie Templeton, r i , I., tl.ll - - Cairo nounuui. -o n.. mary Rhoten. Phoebe Lou Braun. i j c ii uin. H v.,l,M 0,.itd Sandi Hills ill be atteWing the CW Omega 1 1m, 1 date dinner. At Alha Tau Omega's house dance mi" he Jeff S-rcom'y li-Ti Allen. John Holmes and Da'e Jones will be at the Beta Thcta Pi house dance. Speakers on Panel Tell Of Careers Tareer Advancement" was the theme selected for the monthly dinner meeting of the Salem Busi- neu and Professional Women's Club held at the Golden Pheasant Tuesday night. The program con- listed of a panel discussion in which local business and profes- sional men participated. The speakers, who were intra-1 duced b- Miss Nell McCue. w-j eluded Miss Margaret Maddox, . caseworker for the Marion County Public Welfare: Gene Huntlev. oer - tonne! manager of the State High-1 v,c, Teague She Ha Vanderw way Department: Bernard C.rrd.'K, fmoloyer relations representative , Ann chambers. Fred Chambers. of the State hmptoyment service; , iwt Prxinn rvMivhtnn hood of ihe i business department of (he North ' Salem Hiffh School. I Following the presentation of the panel, Mr. Doughton introduced Mist Sharon McKinney and Willis Holscher, 1 1 u d e a t s in business cleave, courses at North Salem High: School. The students presented!, , , , rjuestions to the panel pertaining j L OUple Betrothed to the interests of students in con- ,, . sidering prospective jobs, con- h fc oonortuBihe. foThrture!ww" ement of their T: ..f. daughter Zti to CordeU Tittle, business people, and salaries were discussed. Mrs. Julia Query Inglis, accom panied by Mis Gladys Edgar , ,;' Tlertlon. MtollMr. Tittle u a student at George sang a group of selections. At wei , m,k., v. a.,. business meeting with club presi dent Miss Constance Weinman pre- siding. Mrs. Harley DePeeL Silver ton, district chairman for Central Willamette, announced that the spring conference for the district will be held at Staytoo. March , I with Silverton assisting the hostess . club. Miss Luella Schwering of the recreation committee announced mat Marcn u wouio De tne ontm oL a progressive dinner for the iJ Salem club, with Mrs. Helen Per-'l rin in charge of arrangements. AMITY - Rerlslea of the merit system of the Amity Assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls was approved during a Thursday even ing session of the Rainbow advisory Board at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Law. The proposed revision, compiled by a Rainbow committee, will be presented to the assembly at its next regular session. . RHEUMATIC REMEDY For the relief ef seek pains, shoal der aalata, arts palas, hack pal, leg a- ' fjaJa aid BisuKttlar pains. $150 PIICI SCIIAEFER'S DRUG STORE Opea Daily t:St ( ' taadsri, t a. am. U S p, aa. tUH. Ceaanereial CLUB CALENDAR Friday Willamette Valley ranhrllenic ith Mrs William 1.. Phillips. 393 Lcftlle St.. S. 9.4.i a m Merry Time Club with Mrs. G. G. I'raig. 3443 Abrams Axe , 1 p m dessert. I.abish Center Parents Club at school. p m. Marion County Democrat butfet dinner, Marion Hotel, S:30 p.m. Salem Woman's Club at clubhouse, 2pm, board meeting, 12:30 P m Salem Daughters of the Nile pat prendenl s dinner, Senator Hotel. 6 30 p.m. Saturday Willamette Shrine. White Shr:ne ol Jerusalem. Maionic Temple, 7 30 p m. Chemekrto Chapter. PAR. Meier and Frank's auditorium, 2 p.m. Friendship Shrine, White Shrine o( Jerusalem, Scottish Rite Temple. 8 p.m. A a Willamette Ml "inameue ir slITnTTIPT w UUliilCl Smoke' Play Tonight - ' Bv BARRARA BONIFACE Slalesmad Cairespoadeat ec.ure() Mart Willamette stu- . . . ... . , , dents and trie public. An inlorma hour fcoMrrt Dr Trueblood nmtar aft,rPoon , wbWl ,im. wiIUmet ftudenti. acult ,nd were iM t0 & wih rt s- m, rvi , . ."i" " -TV" T"::" iiwi.itKii.M and Daryl Litchfield step out of pledgeship and into membership in the fraternity. Other new Sig mem- Ders are Wayne Feller, Turner: , -n,,lrh ju,v.rt. fte... . lnu''. derson. Pete a ........ j n . - , : t . t . ' ''"' .'"" Jnws, Tom Turn'r- Portl: rm D"" Ios "s- Bil1 Mor'- DelveHere. ("alii., a eie mc- r. i i , Dowfil. Ala.ka. Alpha CWs InKiate The Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega. was pinned on new members tin,herg ere Richard Don. Robert Saturday, They include Sue Jen kins. Salem: Gail Larsen, Silver wardi Pat Holcomb. Sheila Tom toa; Alice Fsutman, Mary Ed lin, Mary Zeller, Portland; Ann Laird. Sherwood: Jane Eagleson, iiguu, moil oai uri , uukciic. cessones Loretta Ray. Forest Grove. Terry, A region ,t the church fol Boyd. Burlingame; Ann Harper. Um,a h, wrmnnv with Mr Pasadena: Bev Krough and Mart- lyn MacKenzie. San Mateo: Ann Stambauch. Bremerton. Wash. and Kayla Henry. Seattle. rive Salem seniors turned in straight "A" semester grades this (all. They are Allan Bartlett, L E. Crecelius. Jeanette Fulmer. Jean- jne Mercer and Don Hodges. top stm students include Gerald Ackerson. Pete Blewett. William Bullard. Bill Kanoff. Bill Ilooj. Daniel Newberry, Kay Ru- 1 w... n ew., c.w c , rthr niriinn t. r n.v rv u r i w..i: Hofstetter. Marcia Humphrrv. Sue i.-n- i u.i- c.. Moor, Tom Moore. Bill Richter. Bob Trelstad. Larrv Willin-ham. .iim vuenri .nd M.rv Rih v.n i uniuAiAi. atr. aim airs. Howard B. Steingrube are an-1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Clive Tittle of Albany. The bride-to-be is a senior at Salem Academy while Fox College in Newberg. No dste had been set for the wedding. 1 it I t OtWMMl9flSt I fl I ' a kwt I Jwi inNt fl J coffee H Hwry . . -fjjj-j vry O AT MOMCt M 1 ccMcui j ' J",',',JI)J H 'Juniors Prepare Seals for Nailing I Salem Junior Women's Club members piepared F.aster Seals for sulisequent mailing Mondav nijht at the Salem Women's Club house as part of their Faster Seal protect. 1 t hainnan of the protect is Mrs. Bernard Grindle, assisted by Mes- tiames Kenneth Burnett. Me'un F Miss Diane Don Bride Of Sunday ., , . , , m .,- At a 4 o deck ceremony Min- ,. t-k,..., -n . r,. . F' a J 7 iti. thureh Miat Diane C. f: Jry L- GUImmr of Mr and IM. (-?? Dr- n ?"ra,ra- . . irte Dnae wore a noor lengin tiered iace gowni long veil caught by a sequin tiara and short lace mitls Her bouquet was a white orchid surrounded by white hya : J.L cimns. .... . . Miss Janet Don was maid of honor for her sister and Mrs Roger Morse Jr. and Miss Marge arge oison were hrid"smaids They wnre similar sheath gowns of blue polished cotton and earned fans nf u-htt rmlinn and friac M. w ht m. nd Kipper, aod Robert Jantze. Mother of the bride wore a French blue crepe dress with blue accessories and the groom's moth er wore a champagne brocaded sheath dress with champagne ae- Rjchard Don. Mrs R. F. O'son, Mrl Rjmsey Miller. Jr.. Miss Miki McCartney, Miss Marilyn Swanson. Miss Pat Eariywine and Miss Annabelle Edwards assisting. Mr. Oillming will return to his Strategic Air Command Base near Columbus. Ohio and Mrs. Gillming will remain in Salem until early summer then join her husband in Ohio. For going away the brida re a whiw sheath dress, and powder blue coat. WILLAMIVA The Berea. gnj-p f " LMSsV !r VPLKTJ? cJf! 7?. mn- """ . names were revealed and new r?meudr,At.,h' f?rty.Ter! Mrs. Harold Fowler. Mrs. Lloyd Andersn- M"- Emery Dentel "r' ,y?.te tf6' ,rs' u,. 0 ReiUy. Mrs. Glen Magers. Mrs B A. Temple, Mrs. Orval Kiper. Mrs. Lawrence Baker, Mrs. Paul Yoder, Mrs. Eldon Fendall. Mrs. Clarence Park. Mrs. Ray Barber and Mrs. Ethel Ray. LINCOLN - Uacela-Sprlag Val- l'T Home Extension unit will meet at 10-30 at the home of Mrs. Avalt Miller at Lincoln on Friday, Feb. 2a. Mrs. N. J. Nelke and Mrs. R G. Hampton, project leaders, will demonstrate yeast breads, which n h. rv-t .i ih- fhi i will be served at the no-host 12 o clock luncheon At Lewis and Clark Sororities Announce Pledges By RA.MONA SAL.MINEN Maleimaa rat-respondent PORTLAND Tuesday was the most exciting day of the week, with sorority bids announced and much rejoicing of the members in welcoming the new pledges. Wearing the navy and light blue . L pledje ribbon of Delta Phi Gam ma is Mary tlien McCleaiy ol Dallas. Joyce Nelson, Newber; Irefehman, and Karen Taylor. Mc Minnvillc. are aUo wearing the i Delta Phi ribbon along with 13 i other pledge sitters. Salem freshman Betty Axley is ! wearing the blu and Karlet oi, I Alpha Gamma, joining another 1 Salem girl, Lin Hunt who pledged Ust fall. The college choir will leave Sat urday for their tenth annual spring concert tour. They will start north along the Columbia Gorgt. then turn south towards Salt Lake City, uiu-re they will sing in the fa mous Salt Lake City Mormon tabernacle. Tne choir will drive along the shore of Lake Tahoe' and present concerts in several of the cities throughout southern and cential Oregon. T Accampaay Choir j Barbara Mouser, Waodburn sophomore, will make the 13-day tour with the SO voice choir, di ! reeled by L. StanleyGlarum. Visiting on campus this . week has been Dr. Karl Sax, professor of botany at Harvard University Dr. Sax lectured on the popula tion problem while here, spon sored by the American Institute of Biological Science. Recently compiled is the fall honor roll, with twelve students receiving a 4.00 and M a 3.30. Mary Ellen McCleary of Dallas received a 3.30 as did Donald Pink stun of Albany. Sigma Phi Fpsilon will again present their an.iual Honky Tonk tor the twelfth year. Frencn quar ter costumes are in order lor Sat urday evening, garters for the girls and beards and berets for the fellows. Faiare plan were oatliaed at the meeting of St. Joseph's Junior CDA group held at the home of Miss Norma Jean Rupp. The club will make cookies for the Chance llor's club to earn money for a trip and make a center piece for the father-daughter breakfast at China City. Plans were also told for a weekend trip later in the sprinu "punched. pig 1. 'Round in natural 2. 'Rustic heel in Duplicate Bridge Winners Named At the regular Duplicate Bridge party held at the Knights of Colum bus Hall winners in the senior group were: Mrs. Arthur Binegar, Florence Burris, Mrs. W. E. Kim sey, Mrs. Eugene S. Kelly. Al Cramer, Henry Kropp. Jerry Wil liams and William M. Harris. I Winning in the Junior division were Mrs. A L Elvin. Mrs. W. G. I Rogers, Mrs Earl Rohland, Mrs. Anneite lmluh. Mrs. John Coughell and Mrs. Martha Harrington. Betrothals of Two Couples Announced The engagement of Miss Judith Anderson and James Fiske was revealed at a band party follow ing the Willamette University band concert Sunday evening, February 23. The members of the band were presented with a jigsaw puzzle which, when reconstructed, formed a heart and contained a message revealing the engagement. The party was at the home of Prof, and Mrs. Maurice W Brennen. Miss Anderson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Anderson of Coquille and Mr. Fiske's par ents are Mr. and Mrs A. R. Fiske of Salem. Both are students in the music school at Willamette University. A September wedding is planned. Mits Miller I Wed Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miller art arnouncing the engagement of their daughter, Maurine to Ernest Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rader Johnson of Tacoma. The wedding is planned for August. Miss Miller and her fiance arc student at Seattle Pacific Col lege. The bride-elect is a senior and will be teaching near Seattle next year. She is a graduate of North Salem High School. Mr. .Johnson is a graduate of Lincoln High School in Tacoma. The Splinters voted ta eaacel their spring fashion show due to conflicting dates at Monday's meeting held at the home of Miss Kathy Buskk. Plans are now un derway to present a fall show. Later in the spring the Spinsters will entertain their patronesses at a brunch and bridge party. Misa Ly aerie Cox was reseated in her first piano recital Saturday night at the home oi her instruc tor, Mrs. Edwin J. Swartz of Jef ferson. Mrs Cox i. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert E. Cox of Jefferson. k COBBIES by Red Cross America's lop casual shoes in cool, com fortable, toft 'punched pi$'. Sizes 4V 10, 4A-B widths. Towner' wedge heel tie color. $ 11.95 slip - on wedge natural color. M0.95 Thit product Km no tovtfion whilivtr with th Amorictii National ld Crow. Mail end plibne ordcrt WOMIM1 SHOES STREfT FIOOR ii ikcd Miss Songer Will Head Rotanas ? Miss Helen Songer was elected president ol the Salem Rotanna Club for the ensuing year at Mon day's meeting at the home of Miss Marjorie Walterv Other officers serving with Miss Songer will be THIss Mayetta Sut- ter, first vice-president; Mrs. Vir gil Six. second vicl-president; Miss Irena Humphrey, secretary; and Miss Vada Hill, treasurer. Mrs.' Alfred Laue, Miss Alice Mathey and Mrs. Virgil Six were appolnt- 1.79 y& printed polished cottons Luxurious satin-finished cottons in striking array of florals, stripes and geometric prints. All wash beautifully, are crease resistant, 36-" wide. Favorites for dresses to for- meis. STORI HOURS MONDAY I FRIDAY: 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS: 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 F. M. !l,l.:l""":,r-",' Weekend Visitors STAYTON-W'eekend guests at the Raleigh Harold home were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jaquet, Mike and Jeannie Marie of Reijlon, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harold, Vertene and Rosana of Lacomb and Mrs. Bill Poster, Lynda and Cyndn of Salem. The occasion was to we1- 'some Jeannie Marie Jaquet. S weeks old. on her first visit to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Harold. ed on the Installation banquet com mittee slated for April 9. ' Plans wera made for1 the benefit dessert social to be given on March 10 at Mayflower Hall. Bridge, canasta, pinochle and bin go will be played. Proceeds will go to the club project, milk for needy school children. SPRING FABRIC SALE! Mi. ' Uvtf jv' )'(,' ," LS vd lJ' .' I uK u . I I s A I vl i a I $1.69 yd. Mallinson's easy-care prints Decron end rayon, Arnel end cotton, acetate, rsyon and, silk blends in florals and geometric de signs for casual sports wear. Hand washable, crease resistant; 45" wide. ' FABRIC CENTER - - V.T. P..X 1 Sojourners Plan Dinner Spring flowers and yellow can dles decorated (he Salem Woman's Club on Thursday for the Salem Sojtfurncrs dessert bridge party. Mrs. Joe Ronawitz was chairman, assisted by Mrs. P. C. Anderson, Mrs. Orlando l Schocning, Mrs. Krank Bishop and Mrs. Lane Brennan. Plans were announced for the club's covered dish dinner on March II at the American I -eg ion Club. Husbands and guests of members will attend the :3o din ner, which will be followed by bridge and pinochle. The dinner committee includes Mrs. Philip A. Johnson, Mrs. R. ('. i Caccia. Mrs. Kenneth Cole. Mis.1 M.95 to 7.95 mill ends woolens Mill ends of fashionable spring woolens from the famous Stevens Mills. These are basket weaves and textured weaves ... f II in spring's latest tones. Both suiting and coating weights in the assortment. 54 inches wide. Your fingers will be eager to sew a new spring outfit. reg. $1-$1.19 yard Everfast cottons Washable, fast-color, create-re-sistant cottons in textured weaves, border prints, florals and unusual types. Gay inspira tions for dresses, skirts. 36" w,ide. .i reg. $1.95 yard printed sand crepes Hand-screened floral al andtfi nbotrJ) i a c k- tailored designs on I light and dark b i grounds for those im portant "first spring print sheaths." Textured weave; 45" wide. SECOND FLOOR - '.r . W. P. Highley. Mrs. Jack LurmV j Icy, Mrs. Gilmore L. Decker, Mrs. G T. Danen. Mrs. A. L. Leo naitia and Mrs. M. A. Titus, the latter two in charge of reserva tions. 1 Guests and prospective members attending Thursday's party were I Mrs. K. W. Hurlbutt, Mrs. T. Sed lock. Mrs. K. E. Roberson, Mrs. S. R. Medley. Mrs. R. C. I.lnd 'grin. Mrs. W. C. Weigers. Mrs. Neil RasmuMon, Mrs. Charles A uck, Mrs. W. E. Purnell and Mrs. Catherine Ely. New members welcomed were Mrs. W. C. Andrews, Mrs. Ken neth Prouty, Mrs. I. B. Cate. Mrs. A. H. Grant, Mrs. Fred Zeler, and Mrs. Lawrence Richardson, 1 m '1.95 yd. Burlington bengaline faille Heavy 6-ply bengaline faille In popular spring shades. A fashion favorite for suits, coats, . dusters. 45" wide. IF - -