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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1958)
8-(Sec 1) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Feb. 26, '5f Ktl-7M- 16 OA AM II MAT )l 1- 4-13-14 36-54 MAT 23 ilB-36-34-41 57-65-797t 7- S-3S-M uo IIA.T 1 K,1-16-19 29 4i--56 WOO AUC 1 ?v SWT a Si-7o-9u fas -Bi CLAW. POLLAN- H )oa OoiJt Actmr, Cu.d M Accarsfiag la Mi Slori To develop message tot Wednesday, read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodiac birrh jign I ThM 31 Th i SKI. JJ S. 3 Your 33 4 You 34 5 0x" 3S Poet SNSuM Jo N 7 Orhcn 37 An, 1 w.ll is f 9 Vow n) 3 Ga' 10 f .nl 40 Son. I I A 4 ) Whxh . I J IlKKn 42 A US. 43 Snol 14 VomH 4 Mory 15 -n. 45 mom 16 ft 4a Nor 17 AM, 4' In tg Art 6 t l A 4 F.nd JO Thn1 50 And 21 Could 51 I.. 22 vj 52 Bt 23, 5J Moy 24 A-r $4 Today 25 To 55 D.cujin 26 On 5a Mjtfni 27 Kew 57 nwwi 28 Cno'mj 54 A, 2 Vfnrwnj 59, JO Loo 60 R.O"! Good ()Advcr )Nni'tnl OCT Dfw, pj-r-to-Soj 1 61 f.nonce 62 Un,xpKTd 63 Co" 64 Prtr,nc 65 IrwproTW 66 Sn.D 67 Influmcr 64 For 69 Block 70 Cou d 71 For 72 A, 73 AtcrQ 74 Wo, 75 Ontl 76 T.ov 77 Th, 78 Anwnj 79 0 K) TSrr I Th.,. 2 To 93 B 84 Problem, 85 Voo. So Inre'rsr, 87 F.noncn 83 A(Tini 89 Sm 90 Prc'.tObl 0.17 It.jO- J p7 7H244VS' SAftlTTAtlUt NOV 3 n c ii 2, 4-21-30441 M7-62-74 CAf9(CON jas 20 tyt; 3-10-12-24C pi 40-75 V5 2- 53511 CO-3240-5IA1 b7-7Mi-MI School Reporter oo o o o o o Sacred Heart Names Girl Of Month i Dorothy Hitlner, decoration: Doro thy Tharlson and Mary Jo Ron land, effects; and Monica Fenton, lighting. Parrish Picks Spellers By LOl'ISE SCHR0EDER Februarys Girl of the Month at Sacred Heart Academy was an- aouoced as tuzaoeui u nrrn. pamsh junior High cftose six dauebter ol Mr. Um.jini;i. in h Qiatocman.' fland Mrs. John VSLM Mid - Waillamette spelline By NANCY COLBL'RN Parrish Junior High chose r r- i LMt h e contests. Compe tition was con ducted Monday and Tuesday for the seventh and' eighth grade. Winners in the seventh grade were Marilvn Bloch, BUI Zen. and Katherine Haines. For the eighth grade Al- Namey CJurm fred ( B U X X) Blogg, Jim Kelley and Linda Tur ner. The Parrish champion will be chosen from among these six at an assembly on March 3. Others participating were Rich ard Yage, Tom Watkins, Alan Tresirlder, Mervin Tlobe's, Caro line Schroder, Bin Ritchie. Janet Peterson. Terri Ness. Aiia Magone. Maira Leading, Ramona Kewayge- shik. Nancy Jenny. Vin Fichter, Sandra Evernardt and Sondra Car roll. . - Diana Remington. Marilyn Old- nberf, Heidi Roesnick, Sharon Fisher, Shirley Wilson, Linda Bates, Leron Beavens, Jo Ellen' Kaster, Nancy Andreu. Carol vn Schmidt. Nancy Curtis. Donna Wright and Diarma Carter. Leslie Pupils Visit Parrish G. 0"Brien. 230 f 18th St. NE. Lis is a senior i " and was chosen (.- for her cheerful- ness. The traditional Girl of the . Month corsage. (decorated along patriotic Laatn Sckneter vein, and brace let, were presented to her at the Tuesday assembly. Lix is an honor student and sec retary of the National Honor So ciety, Junior CDA court president, member of Saint Joseph's choir for four years, and is on the Hi-dub Council, representing Sacred Heart. She has been president of the junior class and past prefect oi the Sodality. Next fall, Liz plans to enter llarylhurst College. Upon gradua tion from college, she plant on one year of poet-graduate work at Gal ladet College in Washington. D C, to enable her to teach deaf chil dren. After a speech on enthusiasm necessary for everyday life by Kathy Fischer, student body presi dent, committees gave their re ports. Jan Suing, chairman of the civic committee, announced a ""Neatness in Uniform" project, in which all girls will be checked daily on the correctness of their uniform. A musical welcome was given by the students to a new member f the faculty, Sister Marilvn Ana Also at this meeting, the main portion of a new Sacred Heart con stitution was ratified and a two- thirds majority vote decided against a proposed Kangaroo Court. Marie Steiner and Cathy Auch gave a short sketch pertaining to the coming Talent Snow at Sacred Heart on March 13. After the skit. rules of the contest were read by Marie O'Connor, student body vi-c president Patriotic Fragrant Set In relation to the past birthdays of George Washington and Abra ham Lincoln this month, the! United States history classes are presenting to the students a patri otic program Wednesday morning. Speaking parts in the program "are: Dorothy Tharlson, narrator, and Maurine Copple, Joanne Gray, Louise Schroeder. Cathy Lechten berg, Darlene Micbels. Pat Jones, Mary Jo O'Brien, Liz O'Brien, Janice Suing. Mary Jo le Amsmmmmmm jury Jo Koniana. lwroiny iseig ler, Marianne Murray, Laveda Johnson, Mary Alice Weiss beck, Marilynn Ripp, Emma Carey, Ro berta Schlotthauer, Helen Kelsh, and Clovalea Rohr. Committees for this program are: Maruyna Ripp, Mary Alice I Weissbeck. Rosemary Sprang, and WlaiiB!MMtaBB I SJSSSl" 'TTTTTirM ''WS 'W 'lfh. .11 I W keep pat with ill nO bit diy-by-dir mwdkcai td wncementj to luurt you com potont kindling ol your pro scriptions ind to havo in stock tho newest drugs and antibi otics your doctor may pro scribe. See us for Insulin and other diabetic supplies. - Fast-Friendly Servle Always Phone EM 1-3654 . THE ALL NEW SCHICK VARSITY" ELECTRIC SHAVER W YMf Mm WKo Wmn Shm rlw Morf- ra Th rVrMt Uf h Mi inm PtiW Carry Mf PwKk. Regular 17.S0 Value While They Ust! No Trade-in Needed! mwew SHAVEMASTER Electric Shaver Sale Dales fab. 2 Through March 2nd la Dki Ziaor CImh Carrybif Cw WASHABLE-TERRY CLOTH AUTO SEAT COVERS Firs All Cars-Solid or Split Back Seat Slif On Off k fee W Wfi Uio TwJ CfwW fM Via W TIm Swmhm aiMkvtkKirk Type Shaver WMt Kom CxttWii Htllw Orawa SUaW- 1 ELECTRIC SHAVER rVlfft tto) Itf. 11 $g77 FOUR CYCLE ini BIO 19-INCH tawkl IfS SfMMr AalvitaUtj OffMt WW Svr Grip Tirw W I My Rett Nya loorkit W CJirwM lMn KhmDm W StrMa riirtjrri Cfrmi officers visited High, Tuesday. By PATRICIA LEE Leslie Junior High's student body Pamsh Junior Gaining a bet ter understand ing between the junior Highs is the purpose of these trips. After arriving at Parrish, pic tures were taken of the Leslie of ficers before they began their tour of Parrish. 'They attended a rtftiMi student council meeting after being conducted on the tour and then had lunch be fore returning to Leslie. Officers who visited Parrish are Steve Stewart, president: Terrie Gustafson, vice president: Mary Clark, secretary: Sally Jochimsen, treasurer. Leon Scott, sergeant-at- arms; Terri Blum and Mickey Pfouti. song queens and John Saf ron, yell king. Ji' J J , " ' r I mm ' V it " ' 1 ' .V - i I ' , i u r V, , I 4 t y Ht-if ' v 1 One of the thousands of North weucrnert ho enjor the mod ern living convenience of natural gai it Mrs. Doris MrKeen of ' Portland. She agrees with all nitural gai customers thai ii's wonderful to be sure of always having a constant supply of fuel without having to worry about ordering and re-ordering. Find out for yosirtclf about all th extra conveniences of low cost natural gas, Coo tact the Portland Gas and Coke Com- ' fssr.rJfhtawsy. SUPERIOR PLASTIC TOILETS SEATS Okxnwif Whil. Ftafek : iHnS; Regnlar 7 5.45 Value HV CANNON -? BATH TOWELS - Thkk aad TMnry " 3 i WiAtHlAV r 1 'SPUTNIK' BANK See - This ;: Now ' Toy f Bank J( flew i, Only ' 4 f9f at NORTHWEST GROWN w IS DiffwvMf Vadpftae ef Fbmwm Pavf iNs Wans) Tcpt-WrafsHtJ ImH Every Plant Guaranteed to Bloom This Year if Planted Now-Bry l Now Whila Solodioii la Complota EACH Sm. -NO FINER mm Roejular 7.M MOWER MADE sja d mi Tormo 0A.C GLADIOLUS BULBS No), 1 umd JoMtb srfrtt MaWt Mojojot foM KaWf Reg. f" tv 1.N Doz." Valaes a dex. FAB-U-LAWN GRASS SEED Printod Instruc Hem on tho Bag For Boat Planting and Growing Results lbs. T 99 Unconditionally Guaranteed to Grow or Your Money Will Be Refunded PREPARED 19-1NCH-2 H.P. POWER MOWER CtaPrTOiai BsilVXi? Lty-H-Away Today THI NEW ISODEHES FANCY WEAVE 5. RATTAN CHAIRS w. - m L.. I - m KM w mm n...... m n - - CMrfartakl 4 Dfrativa far iMC OxaWat Um 4 95 Volue Each VMVfy'WrAr" All METAL 2 GALVANIZED PAILS 2 Ur 10 Pt. Sin O SrllltaM Calan 0 (S 14 Valaa 77 2 Wtila They Uat COLDEKE (HOT RU3 98c Retlrm piiii fasti Kills sore throttoermsl DRI5TAN COLP.TABLCTS .. . 98c PERTUSSIN COUGH SYRUP 69c GREASELESS BEN-GAY ,89c Skylark DUSTING POWDER 5TAINIB5 V1CKJ RU3 MENTHOUTUM Deep Heet 44c 89c BACTIKiANTlSEPIlC. ..Set. 83c FraraM ynlie' ae. .MjQwfil'&S cexom KESSAMIM TABLETS 3.00 I . . CLOSEOUT SALE! V HUGHES HAIRBRUSH CCOJVIB SET ATA 2 aOaluao VyVfV'Nyf'Vr- BAMBOO $ PLACE MATS SET OF FOUR Regular 69t Value Natural a r Colored DECORATED VITRIFIED CHINA SNACK SET CAPITOL LAWN MIX w Spdal sMmkJ Pot sWot Par Qm. Iaariln bm Qvafirr Tar Ciaipii'iall Sa taad tal far $1 00 Ik J WHEELBARROWS tiff bay ladaafl 10" Whaal WH a lSAnVKhflro TsHWlar HarWha Wirk BaMar Orifa . w LijnTwinjKt Iwy HaaaKa T Reg. 12.95 Value MATCHING Kitchen Tinware NOW DfSIONS AND DKOtATtVl coiots ma. pink timouoiu CANISTER SET 4 rlacaa Oaf. 1 31 DUST PANS GARBAGE CAN jrO TirH-ae. ' WASTE BASKET Urya Ovat tae. r CAKE PANS Canarad iae- 1.1 .... 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TEA POT Regular AQ 50e Value afSaf o Blue Willow PaHet, cup And ..9. .0 SAUCER a9 Vw fJdJtfa'ijH HA. j:iVi ilAV JA', ijjLj-i iJ;jHSEiMiWi(VtirAV-Mvii mom<nt D D D D D D D