800 Real Eatate S06 Hautti For Sal THRIFTY COTTAGE NEAT AND CLEAN. cIom to neighborhood grocery store, cloae to city bug., Nlr in appearance and attractively lncatad In a good neighbor hood In South Salem. This home ha two bad room down a id a ipara up. Tha yard li am all but appaallng. with a Dig im in ironi. a coxy little lirw lor iwo or inree. 911730. CALL EM 4-7M Eva: Ktlth Laymon, EM 41307 Ted Morrison, Realtor 800 ft. HIGH PH. EM 4-7M 7.BM. Buys dandy 1 bdrm home. Hdwd. (In. Van. bllnda. overalzad garage, Mo aq. ft. fir. apara. Auto oU (urnace. Clos to achool It (hopping Lu in liK-iitg norm, For particulars rail KM l-HM eve: neuy uwene EM J5M P. E. Hicks EM 44u:l J r Short EM 4 1067, Ed Schreder Oregon Developmen Company (Realtors) Sl CHfjRCH ST. U Z. EM 1 MM ONCE IN A LIFETIME Do you get a chance Ilka thla SO mln. from Salem. It would coat 71 to 80 thouaand to re place II poailble. Park-lilte grounas, creek, erustlc bridge, hundreds of shrubs, two lire- placea, flasa walled living room ana nuge playroom over looking creek and falle. auoerb Interior finishes, beamed cell ing!, Marvalr beating. Due to nrcumitancet $40.00 eath Shown to diecriminattng buy- w. only ey .appi. tlU E. C. RUSSELL AGENCY 8tlvertoa.TR 1-M34 Eve. TR 1-1S41 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR LET ui solve your home needs To buy aell or rent call EM -97u. izi i tdgewater. . EM 4-7874. 1711 So. Commercial. o 1 ACRE o WE recommend thla propert; neat ana clean 1 bedroom home. Living-dining combined. ss.suu. icrms to auit. 190 EAST OWENS DRIVE by thla 1-bed room horn in III gone. Double plumbing. Corner lot TO x 100. Sua at aoor. 110,900. nrmu MAY TRADE DOWN OWNER of thla good 1-bed room hone with fireplace may take tat smaller. 1230 aqutre leet or i.euu. iirmi. ON PARK LANE SINE 3-bedroom horn. Living room u a 21. uining room ' is x li. nook. easement. Dandv lot. 113 KM. FHA Itimi. RAMSEY REALTY 427 FERRY EM 4-1381 Era. EM I-otM EM Milt EM 1-773 EM 4-OOat iTon haven't aeaa thla on yet ana aoa i paaa n up a norm, large living rm. llxll pan led family room, beautiful kitchen with paaa thro cabinet, hk oaut nest to master oarm., nice full bath, full vr. guaran tee by rasponilble builder, only Ml. mo. pymta. Call O n PMwelj. eve. pk. EM 1-777. bdrm. horn Extra If rg store g ft plenty of apace, I fireplace, 1800 q. ft. main floor plus basement. Beautiful lot of , acre. Priced right at 111S0O, good Urms, Call Daisy Gamble, eve. ph. EM 1-1483. 4 nic acre Good older horn good chicken house with IM batteries good brooder house, ainall barn, city water. Ex cellent eoll near school. North Only $7890. 1500. dn. Call Clyde foulk. REALTOR 111 N. Church St. Ph. EM 4-M71 WORKSHOP 10X10. Juat right to putter around with. And something you sel dom find In the new house. Thla home I lust Sa years eld. ha 1 bedroom and a double garage. The owner have apent many hours de veloping a fin lawn and an all fenced back yard with berries, fruit trees, garden apace and a little of every, thing, (It's a BIG lot). We re proud to show this Im maculate horn. $11,990. CALL EM 4-6766 Cv: Dean Klarr, EM 1-70M, Ted Morrison, Realtor W N. HIGH PH. EM 4-(7M IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE Lg 1 bdrm. home, bsmt. Poo flbl 3rd bdrm. 4, pet. loss. Low dowa payment. EM 1-7071 iY OWNER 1 bedrm. dining rm., liv. rm. at utii.. garage. 1390 down, full price atav. $90 month, em 4 -431 SOLD OUT Meed farm and town listing. CaU Walter Kost. EM 2-9184. Relmsnn Real Estate HORTH location. Only M250" Located 1180 N. Front. Low down payment. 1 pet. int. Look It over. EM 1-7811 or EM 4-147. $500 DOWN li ACRE I room house; att. ga rage; cherry It apple trees. Best of soli. Near shopping center ft achool. Price $6,890. $900 down, bal. like rent. CENTER STREET REALTY 174$ Center St EM 4 -06.1 1 Eve. EM t-7$12 CALIFORNIA tTYLINO are th exact wards to describe this new horn. In fact, th buildar want t Cali fornia to get sometiitng new and d I f f r a t. And sure enough, in thi $22,900 horn you a t p Into a flagston floored entranc hall and see th living room aa th right. the famOy room leading on Into the kltqhm en th left. Thla Rom ha th most beau tlful , mapl finish throughout you ever w. If you hv tra ditional type furnishings and .wish to liv In South Salem, thla horn will please you mightily. CALL EM 4-47M V Ev: Mr. Fanning. EM 4108 Ted Morrison, Realtor f N. HIGH PH. EM 4-S7M (I) 800 Real Estate 106 Houses Pr Salt IF IT EVER STOPS RAINING 1 i YflU WILL WANT TO BUILD 1. City lot Mar - Hoover School 1 Beautiful view lot an Wert Sid t. Large aoenie lota. South 4. !4 men creek lot within STOP LOOKING 1 bedroom home two bathrooms city water ft aewcr. Excellent buy. full price (lJ.SSO. Your choice of three 1 Bdrm. hooses. utility mil ft garages. These Houses sre well worth the price asked. Small down payment, balance paid as rent. Location- 1 North $1,100, 1 $770 'ld 1 "UU Abrams & Skinner REALTORS 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS EM 1217, EVES: EM 1-73M or EM 1-3077 20 YEAR CONSTRUCTION LOANS VACATION CABIN: In the heart or vacation land on the South Umpqua River. Good 1 room cabin with barn, 10 acres of (river frontage, all cleared and ready lor additional develoo ment. Watch the deer play in your back yard. Tor details n i Agan, em 4-0S79. Eve. M 1 tin. ACREAGES, urgently needed we have buyers for 1 to 10 acre plots within commuting m oswni. several city and suburban homes are avail able for trade. Call Al Agan EM 4-4871. Eve. EM 1 1183. WILL SELL OR TRADE, for smsn acreage this 4 bdrm., plastered home located 1 blks. from St. Vincents School, with bus by door. An exceptional buy at $1,000. with easy terms available. Call D. J. Van Or man. XM 4-$$7$, Eve. EM 4-J447. v TRADE: Owner want bom la unrestricted area and will trad his like new bom center of town. Thi home la only 1 vr. eld and ha 1 lrf bedroom and room for 1 mora on th second floor. Owner would like to trad and haa priced his home low. Call Jim Smith EM 47, Eve. EM 4-7171. RAWUNS 09 CHEMEKXTA KEIZER ' 2 beV) rooms, large Irving room. narawooa uoors, uto. oil nt. lot M m 12$ ft. Only $8900. TRADE S BEDROOM modem bom with possible third to trad for 11 or mora acre, pout Co. . pr other nrrea but will consider location. Call. EM 4-080. REALTY 4020 N. River Rd. EM 4-0M CLOSE IW SOUTH On edge or c-3 Zone on a, Com I. Fine 4 bdrm. home with full baamt., new furnace. Lovely liv. rm. with fireplace and adjoining music room, din. rm., kitchen, nook. Beautiful grounds with oak trees. For particular CALL 1. E. LAW Eva. Ph. EM 3-1111 MUST BE SOLD TO CLOSE ES TATE M2 Ion on paved treef. Lot 11$ x 402. 2 homes, on worthless. Th other has 2 bdrms. alt close to aid line. Could be retained and (till have plenty of ground for de velopment. Price $8000. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY Eve. Pa. EM S-M31 m m WVrlmmXFT -. i ..ai aaaaaii a. m., f GRABENHDRST BROS.. REALTORS ISO S. LIBERTY ST. TODAY'S BARGAIN fl.f. Fr old 2 bedroom home located In desirable Salem Village. Hardwood floors, fireplace, forced air heat and a fenced back yard. Ne busy streets to cross for school and a playground within t blocks. Ideal for small children. Priced at omy iiv.ikw.od I or quick sale. Eves. a. cs a-fsvt. APARTMENT HOUSE A on bedroom apartment upstairs uuuitj entrance, nenia ror 3a oo. i Deo rooms downstairs, party furnished. Rents for $90.00. Waking distance to down town. A good buy. Cal Beulah Woelke, EM 2-1628; Eves. EM 4-2862. QUALITY AND VIEW All wrapped tip In on. You can muiu wiv living room wuiaow. im 9 years oiq ana was custom built. Ww carpet in living room and dining room. 3 bed rooms, breakfast area inside utility, double garage, boalhouse and a work ahop. Might take 1 bedroom or small 3 bedroom in iraoe J-ricea at $17,890.00. Ives. CM 4-95M HIGHLAND Otdr typ 1 bedroom horn (on " nwni, -i ii it xiicnen. uots oi living ror a little money. Total prlc only $SJO0.M. Good financing to qualified party. CaU Helen Lewi EM 3-8638; Eve EM 3-7904. A. A. LARSEN. 191 SOUTH HIGH GET READY For th spring and summar fish ing at ucirou uu. two house on this lot In wooded area. Short walk to stores or boat, landing. Building need torn work, but real good value at $3,100. Term. Call M 1-401$ day r ev. 17 rant St Salem. E. J. Zwaschka, Rltr. OPEN HOUSE Dally at Fairway Park Addition. out Silverton Rd., right on Lansing, right an Chester. Low down payment. Ph. EM 4-3631 or EM 4-4211. NEW I bdrm. home, birch kitch en, built in range, frpl., ma hogany paneling, No. I oak floors, large plastrd garage. $8,700. EM 4-uas. 800 Real Estate , 806 Houses For Solo ON ONE OF OUR GOOD LOTS! $1,00 -12.710 -12.00 city limit . . . AND THINK fenced yard paved street REALTY 139 S. LIBERTY EM 1-S091 p.. EM 1-eOii CROWDED OUT Of thla neat and attractive bedroom home. 19 a II living room, Kitchen. Dinette, lota of built-lns. Utility. Extra fin ished room over attached ga rage. Walking distance la riaie mags, l oi. to dus. Need larger home North east, Price $1,750. Bldgs. 1 blk to bus. Need larger home Northeast. Price $1,790. E. J. Zwaschka, Rltr 1745 GRANT . ST. EM 3-4035 NORTH East Suburban well built 1 bedrm , 1 baths, dble aarage. 1433 Brenner CLOSE IN. My client has a real cturay 4 norm. (I up 1 downi home with lovely living room with flreolace. dintne mom large kitchen with nook plus run ary casement I or storage, ahop, play area etc. Economi cal, healthy wood furnace. Keauy clean and priced at only . Will trade for 1 bdrm. home in 4 corners to 11 1,000. Call LeRoy L a a c k. EM 4-4B7J, Eve. EM 4 M44, $30. DOWN, move you Into thla 1 yr. old 1 bdrm. plait red home, located on a 119 x ISO n. lot m a nice neighborhood. Only I blk. from school and transportation. Thla home has an FHA appraisal of $8,000. A well kept home In good con dition. Priced $0,000. easy terms available. Call D. . Van Orman. EM 4-087I. Eva. EM 4-1447. DESPERATE, Must sell this better than average (you ehould aao th inside) I bdrm. hem with full basement. Lovely oek floor in comfort able living room with fireplace 4k planter. Forced air oil heat A lot of Uveabtlity for only $7,SM. Consider car. M or even cash aa part payment. Call LeRoy Laack, EM 44t7S. ere. EM 4 1344. REALITY Omci PHONE EM 4-471 EQUITY In older Indeoendnr home, S rm. corner lot, fruit eV nut trees wiu trad. Box MO, Tipton Rd., Boaeburg. S BEDROOM CLOSE IN Large living. Fireplace, Dining ' room. Can be handled on very good term. S Bathroom. Call George Reed. Eve. EM 1-0608. Don Doughton REALTORS 320 COURT PH. EM 4-6484 1 BEDRM, N.E. immed. poaa. 1I3JO0. EM 2-88J. a3Wwr -r?ir siir: WOBKI WORK! WORK! - Lot of work In redecorating thi 1 bdrm. horn south. Fireplsc. attached garige. close to store and bus. Look this horn over and make offer. Terms. CALL O. V. HUME Eve. Ph., EM 1530 OWNER WILL CONSIDER CON TRACT SALE Englewood. Large lot with aprlnkllng sys tem 1 bdrm. home, approx. IMS aq. ft. floor apace en trance hall, liv. rm. 11 x 24 din. rm. 11 x 14. Big pleasant kitchen with brief, nook, l'i baths, dble. garage. A tine home in good district. Priced below market value. $17,890. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON Eve. Ph. EM 4-1MS. PH. EM 2-2471 Call Tom Tagan. EM 1-86211 completely furnished with an see 4 mountains and the city Call Alice Smith EM 2-0628; ST. VINCENTS floor) ww carpet In living REALTOR EM 1-8629 NO. on Stark St. 2'i bdrm. plastered hue. on a 69' x 170' Lot. Well loc. ft landscaped with garden space hdwd. flra. eea thi an now. $8710. term. C. W. Reeve Rltr. I860 Mission St. EM 3-4 5 W, Eve. EM S-1222 or EM S-OOM. K SMALL ' PAYMENT DOWN ON J bdrm home ' A. NE . 110.290 bdrm horn f lot NE tio.900 3 bdrm horn dbl. gar SE $11,890 I bdrm horn Mtnbrln ... 111.900 1 bdrm horn Ilk new $11,290 SALEM PROPERTIES JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 271 N. High EM 4 3482 BY owner In Stayton. 2 bdrm. horn on Mill Race. Frplc. lac. ht. Brick front, patio. I 1-raa cabin. I 2-rm. cabin, fruit tnfi All for S$,7S0. 1U1 W. Whiiiton SU 1800 Real Estate 106 Hoiisoi For Solo ta NORTH CHURCH ST. LUXURY HOME With aU th desired feature. Bam't w-lg. party rm. 1 Irpli. 1 bdrm. aep. DR, wall-to-wall carpeting. Located on a beau tifully landscaped 100 M lot. Trees. Drapes incl. lor $21,900. Call Arnold Krueger (eve. ph. EM 1-4230). CLEVER NEW HOME That' a wonderful buy at $11,890 Has a family rm, aep. DR too. 1 Bdrm. frpl, 1','. baths, F.A. ell heating pisnt. Built-in book , caaea. Lots of storage area. EZ terms. Csll Edna Morgan, (ave. ph. EM 4-W3S). UNIQUE DESIGN New split-level home. Family rm, 2 frpli, 1 lovely bdrms, auto, oil heal, HW floors, att. garage. Nicely arranged kitch en with built In appliances. A dandy home for 118, 900. Call Bernard Stewart, (eve. ph. EM 4-81111. CHOICE LOCATION Owner transferred and must dis pose of mi nice yr old home. Sep. DR. nook. 1 bdrms (could be 1 upstairs), F.A. oil heat, garage. Bu by door. It's a buy for $800. Call Edna Morgan (eve. ph. EM 4-0J8). WE NEED MORE LISTINGS licensed also In Washington and Idaho Ph. EM 4-3311 AL ISAAK k STATE FINANCE 167 S. HIGH ST. F.H.A. - G.I. OR LONG TERM CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS ARTESIAN WELL 13 acre near Hubbard on pave ment, jnooern a Dearoom. lull basement, furnace, fireplace, double garage. This area has wonderful future. All thi for only $13,900. 12300 dowa. Con alder trad for Salem prop erty. Call Mr. Stevaly. COTTON PICKER You don't have to be cotton .picker to get tha best cotton ticken home for the money in lanbrin Garden. Thi 1 bed room home has a very nice living room with a fireplace. Dining room, kitchen with cabinet. Very attractive plant ar at tha front entrance. Fenced back yard with several young fruit trees. Bargain price of $11,900. With $200 down pay up to 4'i pet. loan Or $700 down and 199 mo. aa contract. Call Mr. McGulre CALL ONE OF OUR SALESMEN FOR FULL INFORMATION AND SHOWING W. I.. Stevaly, EM 4-S317 L. R. Periman, EM 4-7(83 OHMART & CALABA REALTORS 477 Court St. EM 2-411J, EM 2-411$ SALEM, OREGON La Oaaurt LARGE NEW HOME BEAUTIFUL HOME In "Hlllendale" basement party room 2 bedrooms 1 bath den with fireplace spacious kitchen with nook built-in apliances separate dining-room big living room with excellent view. Very well built home and a REAL oux ai aH,(w-vau ixmu axtrcna cv em 1-u. TRADE TRADE TRADE HAVE YOU a 2 bedroom with a bedroom and den home with nonnan nogenaen cv. cat THE VIEW OF NOTHING will beat thla view. room home with wall to wall can ait and look at the city room u 19 x 24. large basement with party room ft extra plumbing. If you want a bargain call for Ralph Maddy Uvae thi horn all for $22.000. Ev. EM 3-3488. I LIKE iuu wiu, ioo ajicepuonaiiy clean a bedroom home )uat 3 years old. 4th bedroom may be used as den. Fireplace, nice Inside utility & oil furnace. Located close in with convenient but eervlc. A good buy for $12,290. Ask for Adrtenne Sercombe a.v. jn s-sub2. FARMS FOR SALE 1 240 Acres. 100 A. Irrigated. 2 180 Acres, grass or stock farm 2-6 Acres, beautiful setting, 2 houses. Irrigation wall. 432 Acres, good home, farm equip. $ A. be nice. 940 Acres, all tillable, 2 micw r sny oiner xarma. STOP. LOOK ft READ More house for the money than any you have aeen large Uv. ft family rooms. 3 beautiful bed rms. a woman's dream for a kitchen nook, built-in stove ft oven, 2 fireplaces. 2 baths, 2 car plastered garage. Only $19,790. Good terms. Call Andy Halvoraen Eve. EM 3-7163. START FARMING 133 ACRES Beautiful 3 bedrm. new mod ern home, 1890 ft, floor apace, all outbuildings, tractor, ft some farm mach. 80 head of awes. 4 acres cherries. Trade on amall horn In Salem. Call G. B. Leavens Eva. EM 3-4731 134 LIBERTY, SE H k 812 Exert. Rtol Estoto & WEDNESDAY TRADE DAY AT NELSON'S TRADE YOUR 1 BEDROOM TRAILER for thla smaller, neat horn witn i nea rooms ana basement, near all grade of achool. Extra nice big kitchen. Haa rood back vard. Will sell for a."). tu oorotny Dtoi, cv. EM 4-K32. TRADE SMALLER HOME for thi big 9 bedroom home with all large rooms, full basement, oil furnace. Home haa 100x190 lot ana could houac big family. Bus by door, cloae to aU gradea of school. Home In good condition. Only $11,000. Term. CaU Dal Rayburn, Eva EM 1-204$, TRADE .CONTRACTS OR MORTGAGE for thta 4 bedroom horn with full basement. Home haa carpeting. Lot 70x120. in $19,890, Call Edith Andrtwa, TRADE CONTRACTS OR MORTGAGE for thta 1 unit apartment house with separate horn on same lot. Valuable business v f location. Income 1400 per month. Priced at $40,000. Call Chet Nelson, tve. EM 2-1390. ft 1590 S. COMMERCIAL TRADE WEEK AT JACOBSEN & KEENE, REALTORS EASTMOft ELAND 3 bedroom home with lull basement, par ty room, work hop, counties other features. Price $18,710. Trade for 2 bedroom home to $11,000. W. SALEM VIEW HOME with 3 . bedrooms, wall to wall carpet ing, double garage and well planned kitchen. Price $11,900. Trad for 2 bedroom house. OFFICE PH. EM 4-2293 Eva. Ph. Jaoobaen, EM Wood, EM 800 Real Estate 06 Hoiisos For Solo mwm PH. EM 4-ll Oil EM 2-7120 LOW DOWN PAYMENT A nice 2 bdrm horn with LR. kitchen, brk. ak. Sep. utility rm. Haa extra large 8D ga rage. Situated on large lot close to a through St. The yard Is fenced. A real buy for only $89o. Call Troy Harry berry (eve. ph. EM 4-7M4). "MIGHTY NEAT" Cute suburban home. 1 Extra Ig. bdrms, big DR. HW floors, att. garage. Covered patio and completely fenced yard. Near achool ft transp. Only $8900. Call Seth Williams (eve. ph. EM 12728). TREE SHADED SETTING Top quality home on pvd st. North. 1 Bdrms. l'i baths, sep. DR. entry hall, attractive LR, fine birch kitchen with atove ft oven, inside utility, dble garage. Price is lull 113.290. Call Gordon Crawford (eve. ph. EM 4-9OJ0). MONEY MAKING Real Estate. 2 Sep. home rent als. Good close-in location. Each unit haa range ft refrig. $100 per mo. Income. Owner will trade for homo. Priced at 14 960. CaU N. G. "Dan" lsaak (eve. ph. EM 2-27,. CO.. Realtors Ph. EM 3-7820 CO., REALTORS PH. EM S-J151 LARGE FISH POND View property with lots of trees This 10 acree located south nas aeverai springs and beautiful bas pond. 2 t rooms, living room with fire place, dining room, and kitch en. The Meal place to retlr or live Ilk a retired plutocrat. van ssr. sxurgeaa i or mora in formation. DOCTORS ATTENTION Beautiful bom overlooking the park Just a stone throw from hospitals and medical canter. Philippine Mahogany paneling throughout the house. Two Bedrooms and bath first floor, one bedroom, den and '4 bath in Dasement. wall to wall car peting, fireplace, nH lawa, outside barbecue grill under beautiful covered patio. Call aar. feriman. Harold Burgess. EM 1-8071 X H. McGulre. EM 1-6272 Bady Calaba double garage to trade for a 2 a full basement??? If so call g-oso. CAXDALARIA We are eellina this Urea 1 hxt. carnet and hi windows an vnn and mountains. The master bed IT bedroom homo. Call Henry on RILL TOP There-1 a wonder ful view tram thi older 3 bed rm home with bsmt.. In South Salem. AU knotty Dine kit built-in range, lg, liv. rm. with fireplace. Bcauttful tread lot worth almost as much a ask Ing price for house ft lot. Lota of living for $1,890 $M0 down to qualified buyer, call H. Feck Ev. EM 1-1413. ENGLEWOOD DIST 4 beifrm. lg. liv. ft din. rm. kit. with nook, bath, inside utility, new rumace. uarage, nice yarn, near school. All for 17.70 Call Mr. Leavan Eva. EM 3-473. F PHONE EM 4-4478 812 Eich. Rool Estoto party room, 2 fireplace, den. ilacea, den. List price Kingwood neignts. Ev. EM 2-7148. PH. EM. J-3669 LARGE WELL-PLANNED 2 bed room home in suburbs of W. Salem with 2 full baths and double garage. Price $19,000. Trade for smaller 2 bedrm. house suitable for rental. ENGLEWOOD 2 bedroom Eng lish style home. Price 111 95iV Trade for a Portland home to $19.0OH. 12SS STATE 4-8628: Klggln. EM 4-8484; a-0671 T ' aa. e1 800 Real Estate 806 Howsos For Solo Gardener's Paradise 13140 Lot Excellent lor retired couple, close to bus. 2 bdrms, neat as a pin, gar., carport, oub door fireplace, lota of fruit trees, owner moving out of etatl! Call Luca. Eva. EM 2-83M. 4 CORNERS NEW Did you 4y all this for only $11. H00? That's right. Dining rm. Birch kitchen with nook. 1', baths. DM Garage. Deico furnace. Pvd. St. City Water, ll's newer than brand new can still pick the colors. Call Johnson, Eve. EM 1-3B94. General & State HOSPITALS Close. 2 bdrm. home only $8990. $300 dn. A5 per month. Lsu Rich L. Relmann. Eve. EM 2-3204. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 103 High Street M I. EM 1-8203 BY OWNER KEIZER AREA Mod. 2 bdrm. home with 2 down I ft 1 over att. gar. Plastered, hdwd. firs., tile bath, cedar closets. Insulated. Fenced yard with hedge, garden, fruit trees. $4,800. EM 4-4781. 4 Bedrooms 2 up and 2 down. Living room, dining room, fireplace. See this lovely home only $8,850 00. Call Fred Brennan Eve. EM 4-7331. Joe Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol EM 3-1211 I BEDRM No. In Lake Labish VUlage, a good hse in a quiet dial. need fixing Inside full price $4790. Make offer on dn. pymt. C. W. Reeve Rltr. I860 Million St. EM 3-4500. Eve. EM 3-1222 or EM 1-0(9. 607 AprV Courts for Solo 4-FLEX with extra lot. Excel lent return. EM 2-7928. 10 Farms For Sal LOCATED ON THE PUDDING 22 Acre ideal place to raise tnat lamuy. uooa eon, j Bed room home, full basement. barn, machine shed, 2 chick en housed. Price on ay $11,890. For mora Information, caU Murl Franta Eve. EM 1-S842 aar A v arrtsaiaa ' 320 COURT PH. EM 44484 ACREAGE SALE OR TRADE 13 ACRES: Rich black WIBam ette sUt aoil. Excellent for berries or general farming. 2 Bdrm. home. Separate dining room. Hardwood floor. Insu lated. Home 1 yr. old. Land in excellent condition. Owner will trade for home in town. Thi IS your opportunity, $13, 840. f 11 ACRES: On LIVE CREEK, Eaat Ideal for amall beef herd or berry farm. Sound bam. Battered house. Operate thi farm from the city or build your new home eat It. Owner wlU trad for suburban horn cloae la. Jll.aoo. CaU DON BELLINGER: Office EM 4-1384, Eva. EM 4-048. 1890 FAIRGROUNDS RD. SMALL cow ranch in Burn are with deer, ducks, upland bird bunting. S40 A. on creek. 100 cow grazing permit, large new name, uniuuenca. Aaapteo non resident ownership. Bar- gala at $39,10. Call Or god Development Co. EM 3-9234. F. Short EM 4-1667 19S ACRES 103 water, level ft rock-tree, good market for hay, seed potatoes ft grain. Las Crane,. Star Rt. Redmond. Ph. LincouT 8-3240. 0JO6 Acres.o LOW dowa payment take this urm. House peoty out beauti ful buUding alte. Build your own dream house. Good oat buUdings. About SO acre till able. Mora can ba cleared. $12,100, but look at' It and make offer. Term a. Trade. Business forces move. Ramsey Realty. EM 4-3381. Ev. EM 1-7731; EM S-OMS; EM 1-9218 EM 4-008. -' 1 12 ikchorico Kool Eststo TRADE Dallaa new S bdrm. houa, or email, Bockaway beach houa, for Salem house. aj evn aiirr ev. llg Wortrod, Kool Esroro 30 50 ACRE farm within 10 ml. Salem. Prefer creek. Please Include location, price ft term. Reliable party In car of Statesman-Journal Box 112. HOUSE bv couola with tens rau uv. quarter lor eraeriy person on sm property. statesman-journal, box 111. Buy From Owner duality home. $20,000 to $38,000. not over 1 yr. 01a. rrerer Candalarla. Salem Heights, Morningside, Hillendai areas, 1 bdrm., 2 bath, family rm., ft or play rm. Financing no problem. CaU EM 3-8531. No realtors. 850 Automotive SSI Now Cars OPEN for bid. New unlicensed 1807 Chrysler New Yorker 4 dr. hardtop ft 4 dr. Call EM 3-4161. ft? Hied Cor For Solo STARCHIEF eultom catallna hardtop 2 dr.. If you want a car that la in like new condi tion and we realy mean like new this la the car for you. It haa genuine all leather Inter ior In lu tone Green ft White with matching exterior. This car la equipped with radio, heater, dual range hydramatic. white walla, wlndshiald wash er, back up lit. It i a on owner local cr with only 28. 47$ mil and th full price I $1,986. , WILSON'S Commercial at Chemektta EM 4-5711 51 CHEV. delux 4 dr. Radio, neater, wnite walls, excel cond. Stick shift. 1410. Paul Taylor, EM 4-4481. $7 FORD Erin, sport cpe. , ford omatic. Lota extras. Before 1 or after 4, em 1-874S. 41 TON Chev. pickup. Excel. cona. 3vs. cm i-sid. 37 MERCURY, will take older car In trade. EM 1-0139. fsil BUICK Special. 4-dnor hardtop. Ilk new. S14BL XM 1-40J. 850 Automotive IS2 Usod Cors For Solo 'W MERCURY club coupe, radio, heater, original paint, int. like new. S-1Z3. JLM 2 4438. '47 PLYMOUTH convert. Radio, etc. A-I eond. Dir. EM 4-8128 BY OWNER '12 Chev. nanaL '97 Ford Station wagon, excel. cona.. bargains, km 1-8343. 7S So. 12th EM 2-aoil '97 Ford V I, Falrlane 4 dr $229S '97 Ford V I, cunt 300, 2 dr I20US i Lnev ziu. 2 dr iiaus $7 Ford Del-Rio Sta. Wgn. $3089 if w don't have It WE CAN GET IT '52 BUICK convertible take over payments. EM 2-S078 after p.m. tl FORD Victoria, radio, heat er. O'dr. etright stick, excel. cond. CM t-1363 after p.m 93 PLYMOUTH Savoy 4 dr., ra dlo ft heater. V I Auto, trans low mi., cheap, take aider car in trade. e at Sprousa-BaiU variety store, silverton. from 8 to 9:30 Monday thru Thura. io a rnaay. '37 FORD Sta. Wgn. $108$. Fi nance aiowi, excel, cond. prtv party, must sen. U 7-1921, N. MainaUClty. '43 OLDS conv. hydramatic new paint, radio, heater, duala. $229 or take ever payments cag a-iiia, Church. or sec al 2469 N THIS WEEK BARGAINS '17 Ford I Vic. Loaded. Like new. 1.000 Ml. Price $188$ N t-nev. son. Music Beater, iffuarameea SEVERAL OTHERS 240 Center St. EM 2-2734 II Nothing over $481 We trade for anything 54 Ctiev 1 dr. adn. 1409 ;52 Nash Rambler stat wgn $441 W I-IIW. C1D. CP. Immaculate . ' '98 Nash Amb adn. . 47 Chev. sdn. i go 41 thev. sdn. i 780 No. High EM 4-760 across from Up-Town Drlva-ln FOR Sale '90 Chev. 4 dr. EM 3-4990. lllOShady Lane HAVE motor, will travel. 10S2 Henry J, 4 cylinder, radio, heater, overdrive, clean. $171 1856 FORD 4 dr. Customltne. 1200 cssh for equity. You take over pymta. on bal. EM 4-7177 oeys, cm 4-zso eves. '10 OLDS. Black 2-door coup. new engine, rebuilt transmis sion, lots of extras, $429 cash. cm 4-04 after I p.m. CUSTOM I 4 Dr. Sdn. with over. drive, well eauiDoed ft mileage. Terms ft trad can be arranged. $174. EM 3-447 eve, (dir.) '46 NASH Ambassador, clean ISO. EM 2-2844 or EM 2-4925 55 FORD VICTORIA Dual xh.. solid black, good condition, reai em 4-BI04. 189 MERCURY Montclair hard top, EM 4-8937 after 1:30. 189.1 BUICK super 4 dr. sedan. . rn. cm 3-941. 53 Auto Parti I Hapoirs BALES ft Brady Uaed Auto art. AU make at car, at Bargain price, see bod or Kane at Yard. 397$ Cherry Ave. cat -u2b. 854 Trucks, Troil. tot solo US INTL. with van. A l ah ape. zw roniana 110. cm 4-407. WHEEL 11 In. utility traUer, metal box. EM 3-K8S. 51 CHEV. sedan deUvery. Good anape. em 4-aeoB. 'S3 CHEV. pick up deluxe cab, low ml., excel, cond. 1, Owner Uaed as passenger car only XM j-uzis. T. CHEV. pickup, 4 spd . very gnoa booy a nock rack. 1200. em 2-2332 alter 9:30 p.m 1890 FORD ',, ton pickup. Churchdala Av. Bl 156 Warrtod, Car, Truck FOR Sale or trad, houa ft lot In Salem for rood truck. Ph after $ P.M. week days Salem i-r. Anytime weekend. 837 Auto tossing I Rantali AUTO LEASING MOST $1 MODELS AVAILABLE NOW. CALL US TODAY AND DRIVE A NEW CAR TOMOR ROW YOU SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU LEASE FROM WORLD WIDE AVIS-RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM 920 N. COM L PH. EM 4-4333 958 Moro'rcyclos NO D0,WN PAYMENT on approved credit 'SJHarlev 129 $13 mo '90 Harley 43 $16 mo '56 Harlev KHK $48 mo SHROCK S CYCLE ft MARINE 1375 Highland EM 2-1423 WANTED Used scooter. We will buy for cash or aell on - consignment. S H R O C K ' 8 CYCLE ft MARINE 1375 High land EM 2-1423. 862 Hou f rollers JUST ARRIVED The AU new 1851 Norseman, 10' wide, 50' long. A truly fine home. Earl Malm Trailer Sales 4030 Silverton Rd. EM 4-7127 'S TRAILER SALES Pre-Inventory Sale Your Best buys m Mobile Homee. We will trade for anything. Low down payment, 1 year fi nancing The Finest Names to Mobile Homes VENT0URA HOMETTE ' NASHUA .TERRY SOONER OPEN T DAYS A WEEK OPEN EVES. TIL 8PM 404 No. Church EM 1-6808 acre from Meier ft Frank TRAVEL TRAILERS Trailer Homes We have it IS TO 50 FEET 8' AND 10' WIDE V. down $ vara to pay EARL MALM iroiii ro c a t ire alsAllaC-II iMaUC'aV IOO SUvvrtoa M. M 4-717 ANDERSON'S 850 Automotive 862 House Trailers TRAILER TOWING Ore., Wash., Calif. JAYHAWK TRAILER CONVOY 2640 Portland Rd EM 4484 Used Trailer Buys 13 1851 Aloha 14' 1854 Aloha ir 1852 Terry IF 195$ Tranaa Traveler 22V 18M Eensklll (twia beds) 23',' ISM Kenskill 24' 1851 Travelcxe 23' 1841 Prairie Schooner IT 1951 Kit 27 1852 Colombia 20' 1850 RoU Away 25' 1857 Plymouth 42 1851 Columbia Earl Malm Trailer Sales 4030 Silverton Rd. EM 4-7127 , , 1958 GEM IS FT. Built by Jewel, th outstanding vacation trailer. Completely insulated, including double floor, water tank, butaae lighta, even range, $895 Compare thi trailer with tts otner Del or? you buy. , SECURITY MOTORS The Best Deal Always 4160 PORTLAND RD. WILL trad my rah. home for tat mooei trailer nee. CM x-auea. EQUITY cheap 1957 21 ft t norm, town ft Country van' ex. 4040 Stele St 900 Display Oagg. ONE YEAR -Factory Warranty ltt MILES PER GALLON NEW MORRIS "1( 2 dr. sedan $1726 IT'S TERRIFIC more for your money than any wwr economy car can oner. TEST DRIVE ONE TO-DAY British Car Sales and Service Where Foreign Cars are our Business NOT A SIDE LINE" 219S Fturgrounds Rd. EM twn SIMCA AMERICA'S NEW FAVORITE! 'Import Buy of the Year" MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED 'World's Best Economy Buy" SPORTS CAR ILLUSTRATED Beautifully Engineered, Handles Magnificently, a Winner in Every Way" CAVALIER MAGAZINE "Simca 1st 2nd, , ... Wagon Srd" CONSUMERS REPORTS SEE WHY SEE SIMCA STATION WAGONS HARDTOPS 4 DOOR SEDANS SPORTS MODELS COMMERCIAL UNITS rOver 80 M.P.H. and UP to 40 M.P.G. $1695 base prlc on Deluxe 4 dr. ada. Stan Baker Mtrs. FOREIGN CAR DEPT. 340 No. High EM 3-540 100 FINANCE ON APPROVED CREDIT 53 Pont. Catalina cpe. . $995 radio, heater, hydra. 54 Pontiac Sdn. $995 radio, heater ft hydra. 53 Ford Victoria . . $895 radio, heater, overdrive. 53 Pontiac Sdn. . . . $795 radio, heater ft hydra. 52 Olds clb. cpe $595 radio, heater ft hydra. 52 Buick Sdn. . $595 radio, heater, dynaflow. 53 Chev. clb. cpe $495 heater. 52 Buick clb. cpe $495 radio, heater. 51 Mercury tedan $395 radio, heater, overdrive. 51 Hudson Sedan . .. $295 radio, heater ft hydra. They're all TAGGED-T0-SELL AT Taggesell PONTIAC CO. lnPntr -fa 4 f. 1 1 U. UOLnii xiu -raw Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed, 900 Display Gam. WSflWaaSt' , Headouarters FOR ' New k Used Trucks & Pickups LOWEST PRICES Valley Motor Co. Liberty ft Center EM 2-2147 BHf. 1953 Dodee 4 Dr. Equipped with radio, heater, au tomatic tran., all ready to go. Stan Baker Mtrs. Used Cars Me. High at TJnioa EM 3-348 QUALITY & VALUE For th ear buyer who want ometning extra nice nere la a real nice 1851 Cadillac adn. DeVni. 4 dr. hardtop. Cad's finest and moat popular body style of '54, i equipped with power steering to make driv ing effortless and comfortable plus power window, brakes, seat, etc., ftnlahed In gleam ing light Creen ft Whit, with beautiful matching interior. You will have to aee thi car, full prlc S378S. Loder Bros., Co. 441 No. High EM 3-773 TO PLACE AD call EM 4-6811 $495 Fits Every Garage - Every Parking Space EVERY BUDGE? IN AMERICA SAVE 3 WAYS THE NEW '58 RAMBLER Prices starting on the New economy t, full size 4 dr. sedan at $1965 ALSO SEE THE FABULOUS NEW METROPOLITAN Ob display here, now, the car with hardtop atyllng. and MulpoeeL just the thing for your lady of the houee to do her abopplfaf In, don't leave her home atranded without a ear. Phone for a demonstration Woodburn 1-2141 . SEE ALI THESE CARS NOW AT, ; Woodburn Rambler 350 Pacific Highway Where you can deal for lew and save money ' v Good Value Used Cars ' Priced Down For Quick Turn Over Take Advantage of These Special "MOVE EM OUT" PRICES '51 Rambler Convertible :. $495 '55 Chevrolet V-8, Station Wagon .... ..$1595 '57 Ford Custom 300 sedan $2095 '56 Ford V-8, tudor $1345 '56 Chevrolet V-8, clb. sedan $995 '51 Oldsmobile 98 sedan .$295 '57 Chevrolet V-8, Bel-Air Hardtp. cpe. ..$2295 '56 Cheyrolet V-8, Bel-Air Hardtp. cpe. ..$1895 '55 Chevrolet V-8, Del-Ray cpe. ...... .$1245 '57 Chevrolet 6 cyl. Station Wagon . . , $1940 '53 Pontiac Chieftain Sedn, 8 cyl $ 595 '54 Cadillac Coupe DeVille $2695 '50 Cadillac 62 sedan ....J 495 '50 Studebaker sedan $225 '55 Buick Super Hardtop cpe. ...... .$1495 THESE ARE PREMIUM CARS AT MONEY SAVING PRICES CAPITOL CHEVROLET UNION k COMMERCIAL Feb. 26, '58 (Sec. ID-IS TO ''LACE AD DIAL EM 4-6811 900 Display CUm. (to follzvj, Drive a M Ain! 51 OLDS SUPER 88 ... $29$ Clb. cpe., radio, beater. Sua Visor, new white walla, tu tor paint, a good running car. SO BUICK 2 DR $395 Radio, heater. New paint, A 1 motor. 52 HDS0N HARDTOP CPE SMI Hornet, radio, beater, hydras tu-ton paint, whit walla. S3 FORD V-8 4 DR. ... 874 Radio, heater. If clean. S3 OLDS "98" 4 DR. . $1091 Radio, heater, hydra, power leering ft brakes, white walls, clean. '52 CHEV. 4 DR $591 Radio, heater, td. trana. t tone paint. A nice eleaa car. REMEMBER! No Down Payment On Approved Credit Loder Bros. Co. 461 NO. HIGH EM 1-7971 $1595 1956 Plymouth 2 Dr. Has radio, heater, automat Iran. Beautiful He white, I a aae evaar. Stan Baker Mtrs. Used Cars Mo. High a Cnioa EM S-S4S8 E 1. When you buy 2. When you drive 3. WlWyou Trade EM 2-177