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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1958)
ILONDII ly CHIC YOUNO Oregon Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., Feb. 25, '58-71 , ):M p.m. ArmckaJ FTfcaetre A socialite allows a defendant to be found guilty in order to bring about a quick verdict. Anita Louise, John War burton tar in "The Juror." 7:M a.m. Hl(k Adveature Color Special-Lowell Thomas Journeys across the Himalaya to Lhasa, the Shangri-La of Hilton's "Lost Horizon." I:M .!. To TeU the Troth-Comedian Robert Q Lewis Joins the panel of Polly Bergen, Hy Gard ner and Kitty Carlisle. John Cameron Swayze will sub as host. 1:M a.m.-Star aae Story Teresa Wfight ctars in "Her Crowning Glory. p.m. Showtime 8iz-"Thirty Nine Steps," starring Robert Donat. Madeleine CSrroll. A gov ernment engineer is' framed for murder by a spy organization. KGW-TV (Channel 8): 10:M a.Bu-"Our Wife" An accidental fire has startling results when Ruth Hussey and Melvyn Douglas Join forces in a rollicking comedy romance. 1Z:M Booa-Waada Wuada-A funny folk tale of France. l:ta a.m. Telerama Movie "She Married Her Boss." Glamor out Claud ette Colbert faces a new Situation when she almost fails to get her man (Melwn Douglas). l:M a.m. Telephone Time Boris Karloff and Rita Lynn appear in a story of a mysterious incident of "ghost messages" that save the lives of four people adrift -on ice-filled waters. M:M a.m. West Point A cadet breaks up a New yotk street fight and teaches a city urchin the vra mm stun wT" fi,J stARNEY COOOll y FRED LASWHL WJ. AW ONE OP TU' I I AN' THEN TW ' 1 I -- B0Y5 WUZ RJNGIN' VARMINT WENT ON AIRTH I V- v fri -A fcv cm M-vifY -mm h-" UCK ROGERS I a- m,rw mj . nvH I I HOW KA&AWAV rS M XTT'TT' TT'LL 7lMSUrtrTW ( u-11 1 irrs N -J TH UDSIIf 2 . J N. (C(fOS6 CX 1 AMCISJMT SATKLLrTY -L C O90S.' lOOA f- STZS 1-2&?X.1. 40OHtS WkRTOPA WIWKKEDH Sw V IS MfrtrN(a MM TUB MICKet MOUSE v ly WAIT OISNEY I k toaupwq Twt irsiiA. w okay, into xouk tUTSTT. 11 i wh thc varships V. Alii rARtWAITIN6F0H V' ' ; f. Affirm i ttS P-1 1 1 CTiuoiNa wrrta sua sidoen iy twc dmkness. buz I fzfil I JI "2?s ArrCStfid GASOIINI AUE1 ( tf artNO I V?W I f A snuFf box and a fWiatwT. Still firvjing 1 1 Here's a homo guard j "', It beats all whatVT-; penny-probably .tha first ooing.l junk' in Pcrts badM -from tha --S . ; - Unda Pert hid I Hf J ha cvar earned. -V or Pixfi clock. Hares a first World War and No , XXM S ' r agtctirddinJ JUOD a AXON ty KEN RAID and JERRY BRONDFIELO V-f WCOMC, (TMB MAN VKMOUI 5fEK NO RKOTOS, M'5U jl I WH I COUIP J X WU. SHOW OU JL. I t '' l v -aA atmAQN. Jmaki mb an (p only a solution to AxPFNSve Ji tace TiMe parisonvour CkawJ ' AT3T I AM HENRI ysjk eXPERT IN J PUZZL6! WHO IS JfOfARDiziNft TO S THe RETURN. X FRIENft..' J VJ ' Ml? V MOU3SAKP.) JiQ KO I OOH CONrACT5 WITH : sftt 3KyfT5, BUTX ' -J ' ' 1 PAWS V- TlMe IK INFERIOR STONES.- KCkSii SUE5S WE'P D" 'I H 1 "SkTi iH! BCTTCRSET f WU V. - MLlJMVm. Ike Returns RIP KIRBY . By MIX RAYMOND 1 i armr 1111 1 i i i ' i win rr 19 ANOTMEK r , , think owefuiiy, princess, all your L K I, OUIKK Of ttKTun - HOPES MAY PEPENP UPONJir!i YOU rlV ON A NEAR9Y Wj ,5 T ' S9?"- I'SLfti THE ANSWER TO TMC AtVVaV 5T THE 'SPIRE VM VlSte, MR. KIRBY. V mV-' 1 QUfSTIONIAM OS IAM0 IS T yZKJhs ,rTT!t "1' - - 'r ABOUT TO ASK... j . "CT ' By CHESTER OOUID frwh. fluy .ome f ZTl lV-, COMING It lV' VH ' WtLLP 1 ( TUB J ( NO LOC-JUST NOW HAVE KEN ON gOflOJV. - mim ClfC v . 1 i ' u 1 i1 jy Tuesday Television Highlights KOIN-TV (Channel 6): defensive tactics taught at the Academy. IS: 40 p.m. "Faithful la My Fashioa" "Donna Reed and Tom Drake. 'A girl plays a pre-war role lor a returning soldier but her deception is misunderstood. Tuesday's Television Log KPTV (Channel 12): 10:M a.m. Stage It-"Mason-Dixon Line." star ring Peter Lawford and Joanne Gilbert. Jerry Mason and Mary Jo Dixon draw a chalk line to divide the house. 1Z:M aoaa NBC Matiaee Theater (la Color) "Angel Street." A young woman's troubles are blamed by her husband on the fact that her mother was mentally ill. 1:M p.m. Yaar Afteraooa Theater "Penrod and Sam," starring Leon Janney and Zasu Pitts. 1: 30 p.m. Sasprase tallmllei "The Innocent and the Guilty," starring Alan Wells and Grandon Rhodes. A young hoodlum finds himself caught in the conflict between easy living through crime and a life of self-respecting jwerty. (:M p.m. My Little MargleV'Vern's Mother-In-. Law." Vern tells Margie all about his mother- m-iaw. 7:M p.m. Ma Behlad the Badge "The Unknown Man." starring George Wallace. A plainclothes man becomes a customer in a crooked gambling room. I:M p. m George Gabel Show (la Color) Presents the comedy, team of Noonan and Pete Marshall. Peter Lawford, Phyllis Kirk and Eddie Fisher. p.m.-Tbe Calltornians "Sorley Boy," star ring Adam Kennedy, with John Alderson and Charles Horvath. Promoters rig a fight between a coward and an alleged British boxing champion. HOUR KOIN-TV. I: KGW-TV. I: KPTV. t KVAL-TV, 11 00: IS 00:30 00:00 00:43 9 niN k,fTV Capt Ktnuroo Ctpt Kngroo Cpl Kanxaroo Crint Holromk PTV Ldin Tut Today I Ladle Tan Pravcr-Hyma 'Today (Cartoon Tlma partooo Club Today Cartoon Time Cartoon Club I 'Today I KOIN Hotel Coimop. Lova of Utt K(.w reici,copa Ttlaicopo Kr 1 V l ie 1 c Dougn TIC Tac iSaareh Tomorr lOutduif Light Ttlaicoo Talaacoo Doufh Could Ba Yon iTelaicoo It Could Bo Tno I KOIN f KPTV Hi NcKhnor Hi Nairn bor ,Aa World Tumi Am World Tana. Mornlnt Movia IMomma MovM Morning Movw .Mornmg Movl Staga 11 Suit 13 Traatura Hunt 'Trauura Hunt KOIS rVat thi ClockiBaat th Clock Houm Party Houm Party K(iH Morning Movia Morning Movw Workihoo IWorkahop KPTV Prica U Right iPrlea U Right Kitty royla I Kitty Foylo . KVAt Kitty royla I Kitty Toyf 1KOIN Kw 2 KPTV KVAL Big Payoff Town -Country NBC Malinea VBC Malinea Big Payoff Noon Cartooa NBC Matine NBC Matinat I Your Verdict Your Verdiet iWunda Wunda Inunda Wunda INBC Matinea NBC Matinaa NBC afaUnea I NBC Matta Slaying Suspects Held os Mil x :.. aaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1ML-- i. i .aaiAa ..ariall IKOtN KOW KPTV KVAt 2KOl KG KPTV KVAL Brighter Day Secret Storm iKOIN Kttcbea iKOTN Telerama Telerama Telerama Telerama Queen for DayiOueen (or Day Queen for Day' Mod. Roma jueen (or Da vaueen (or Day' Queen for Day Mod. Roraancaa Garry Moore Garry Moor Arthur Godfravt Arthur God I ray Telerama ITelerama travorlte Story Pa vorlto Story Comedy Time Comedy Tlma ! Truth or Cons. (Truth or Con a, ComedT Time Comedy Tun 'Truth or Cona.lTruUi or Cons. 3 KOIH KGW KPTV KVAL Arthur Godfrey Arthur CodtreyEdge of Night Edge of Night Stu Erwln Sts Erwlo Trst Your WlfelTruat Your WHO Afternoon fhea1 Afternoon Thea' Aftrnoon Thoa. .Afternoon Thea. Coffee Break Zolltt Break 'rum Fatr rum rair KOIN I KGW FKPTV KVAL Dollar Dotto Bandstand Aftmoon Thoa. rtlm rir (Dollar Dotto Mr Moon Bandstand Pioneer Clua Atmoon Thaa. iHlgh Ttmo Turn fair Turn faur Rad Dunning IPtonaer Club High Tune 'ilig 5 KOIN KGW KPTV KVAL Cartoon Tlma Sir Lancelot High Time Big Roundup Cartooa ttmo 'Sir Lancelot .High Tim 'Big Roundup ,Armehair Thaa. Armchair Tha. IMlekay Mouse iMiekey Mowa Isuacene UnltdlBuapana UnluL Cartooa rest Cartooa Foot. 6 ion KGW KPTV KVAL Voather-Spta Motueana News-Central Nowa-Westaar Mohtcana NBC News NBC News NT iNewsbeat I Little MarrM 'Star Perform. (T INewsbeat lUttl Margto Star Pel for aa. 7 KOIN KGW KPTV KVAL Lowell ThomaslLowell ThormulLowell ThonuuilLowaQ Thomao Stat Trooper Stat Trooper Chcycnn IChoyenno Behind Badge , Behind Badra Traaaur Runt Treasure Hunt Annapolis Maa lAanapoUs Mea Silent Service Silent 0 KOIN KG) KPTV KVAL Tell the Truth Cheyenne Caorge Gobel George Gobel TcD th Truth ICheyenue jGeorga Gobel rCeorge Gobel i Red Skelton iWyatt Earp George Gobel iGaorge Gobat Jtad Skcltoai Wyatt Ear) I Caorge Gobel fOoorg Gobel 9 KOIN KGW KPTV KVAL: QintttonftM.OOt 9iMtlonHad An ui Broken Arrow Mwt MrGraw Meet Mi-Graw Hen UcGraw Meet McGraw a Million i Had a Million Teleph'ne Timet relephon Tuna Bob Cummin gal Bob Cummtnga Boo cummuigei boo NEWHALL, Califs Feb. 24 Ruben Ramos, left, 20, and Lorenzo Castro, 18, tit in police station early today after they were arrested In connection with fatal shooting of 14-year-bld Gerald R. Delso and wounding of 13-year-old George, Rodri gues. Deputy Al Edsel said Castro and Ramos were booked on suspicion of murder, kidnaping and attempted murder. (AP) 4 J WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 President Eisenhower walks down ramp from Presidential plane Columbine III as he arrives at National Airport early today. President flew back to Washington after 10-day southern vacation in Georgia and 3,000 mile side trip to escort wife to Phoenix, Ariz. AP) l Mreshl Yourself While You Work Chew Writ-ley's SpearmlnL Helps keep your mouth and throat cool, moist, fresh. Buy some today. EXCLUSIVE FEATURES It Seems la Me Charlrs A Serague Tomes the Oawa Conrad Prams portllfchtnrr Al Llahtntr Around Towa Jeryme English Ooa't Look Now Mazlne Bursa Oa the Brighter Side John grlrksea II I . - I I A 1 . ... ' . H r-r- . . .a o V9 l I w I KOIN Star Story .Star at Story KGW West Point ... I West Point KPTV Callfomiaanv " CallfonsUna KVAL Califanuaaa Califonuaiia (Night Beat rights U' wranea iShearUmo en S Chan. S alrtaa. Iff lgnia WalklLawraneo Wall J KOIN KGW KPTV I KVAL Showtime aa Showtime i on Showtime on a wwrn on S Chan. I Plyhao lChan. S FlybM.IChan. t Plyhaa (Chaiu 8 Ptyha. righU IBowung Bowling IBowunf Lawrence Walk Lawrenc Walk! Jack Paar Mack Pear (EHora aaU: fa Statssaaaa pnkhsaa ha ge4 ral aad tune aa prerMesI ky rai and TV atatiena, hat tha ataman are changed wtthoeM aatltteaarea thaa m be rsspsnsabl 1st th acearacy bereta.) Tuesday's Radio Log nil Megacycle - KOIN ItlJl KOW IMJ KhLM IM KGAT IU0 KMT IPSO KOW tT KGW SW KOOII ttSt HOUI 00:00 00: : 5 00:30 003' KSLM Vail rarmeaat Val. Farmeast IVal rarmeaat Now. KOAV rarm New Roger CarroU Roger CarroU Vote ot China KBZV RTD Bauer RTD Bauer Tarm Tour AJ. .Bauer . KOW News America KOIN Kloek KOIN KJock KOUf Uoa) KGW Dtck Novak Dick Novak News-Novak Novak-Nrsr SOON Torgelson Torgeaon Toraloa Torgelaon KSLM Hemingway (Mu. ' Tlmekpr;Mus. TlmekperlNewa KOAT Local New , As mbly of doiwrejvc Walk Roger CarraAl KBIT News-Bauer RTD-Kl Bauer jRay WUIca News Til KOIN KOIN Klork Headlin News Gosa Newa Babhtt Show KGW Dick Novak Dick Novak Wthr.-New Dick Novak KOOW Torgelaon Torgelaon I Torgelaon Targets KSLM CUH Engl IFamUy Altar Haven of Ret Have at KGAV Local New. lLarry Bos Roger OjfroU Borla Kuha KBZT News-Slsva UTncl Star New-WIUa Ray WUksa KOIN Consum'r N"w Veil New Shelly Sera. Shlr-ar. KGW Cecil Brora IDick Novak Dick Novak News-Novak KOOW Torgrlsoe' iTorgaavm ToTglaon Torgelaon KSLM Wow lAranwrMan IPaator's Call Matino 9 KGAV Roger CirroO Roger Carroll Jimmy ridk KOAT Wowa KBZT Nowa-WUlea tRay Will R.y WlUea Ray WUkta KOIN Peter Mary Howard Millar Helen Trent Midtnora New KGW- Bruklast QuO Brakfat Oub BrcakTaat clu Brwast Ch KGON My True StorylMy True Story NBC B ndatand NBC BanaatanS . KSLM Now I KGAT Roger Carroll KBZT Nowa-WUIe KOIN Nora Drak KGW Anderson Sh - KGON NBC I Wing of Song (Wings of I Boris Karloff KGAY T1U T null new i R Wllaa Ray Will lAndmon Show Dr. Ma lone IRoad ot Ufa INBC Bandst'nd Anderson Show lAnd rs'n-Newa . Baadat'nd Ma Parkins INBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandstand aj KSLM Newt-Xat KaU Smith I ii:it nuiiwi winnar iDuinei Vtuu 1 KBZT News Wil'es IRay Willea . KOIN ' Wendy Warren IMrs. Burton 1 KGW Kotuue Worth iKonnl Worth KGON Ncws-SpotUte Spotlrte Racda Qun tor Day IJunmy r wier Ray Wi tiles Strike It Rich Konnl Worth iSpotUt Reeds for Day Roger CarroU Ray WUkt Next Door Konnl Worth Spotlit Roots 1KSLM Chron. of Air INews KGAT Roger CarroU 13:15 News KBZV Now Wheal INews Tile 2 KOIN Noon Newa IWthr.-C-et It KGW Paul Harvey IHank Henry KGON News Spotlit ISpotllt Reeds Top Trade I Roger Carrol RFD-Baur Com Get B IHank Henry I Local New Val rarmeaat KGAV Now Smorf Aatbortl Coma Got B Henrv-Newa Spotlit Recde 1 KSLM Music KGAV Rollw Smith KBZT Nows-Brody KOIN Godfrey Tlma KGW Hank Henry KGON News-Spotlit Music Rollt Smith Steve Brody Godfrey Tim Hank Hcnrv I Spotlit Reeds Music Jimmy Ftdler Stave Brody Godfrey Tim I Jim Reeves ISpotlitc Reed 2 3 4 KSLM Music KGAY Roilie Smith KBZV Nows-Brody KOIN Godfrey Tuna KGW Backus Show KGON True Conies. I Musi RoUi Smith Steve Brody IGodfray Tim IBackus Show ITru Confess. Music Roilie Smith Steve Brody j House Party Backus Show I Mans Family Music KGAY Newa Steve Brody Godfrey Tun Jim Reeve ISportlit Reed Music KGAY New Steve Brody Hous Party Backus-Newt Dr. Gentry KSLM Muse Music KGAV Rolli Smith 'Roilie Smith KBZV News-Mstlne IMatine KOIN Backstage Wtfe'Gal Sunday KGW News-Novak IDick Novak KGON News-Mstlne IS-SUr Matinee Matinee Jimmy ftdler Uncle Stev Newspaper Dick Novak Matin KGAY Unci Stevo Newspaper uic novaa KSLM New KGAV Rolli Smith KBZT Ncws-Bnditnd KOIN Art Klrkham KGW Naws-Novak Woman m Hs Pepper Young I Story Princes illie Smith KGON rash Rhythm Fsih Rythms KSLM S P.M rrolie 4 P.M. Froll KGAV Rolhr Smith I Roilie Smith KBZV News-Police S PM. Rush KOIN Ed R Murrow'News Weather KGW Dick Novak Novak-News KGON News-Inbound llnbound Hemingway I Story Princes IStory prtncvsa I Roilie Smith mollis smitn ikuai new IBandstand I Steve Brody l Stev drody I Show Business lArthr Godfrey (Arthur Godfrey IDick Novak iNews-Novak IDick Novak ' a . HhinHiM 'Fash Rhythm I Fash News 'Nun Jimmy Tidier S PJ1. Rush .Torn Harmon I News-Novak Unbound KGAY News News Ftl Frark Go O Inbound VlrgU Ptnklcy II Man's family i u irimfirt iNewa v Ma., u.tmrii a I.. rirMf IMoraaa Beattvll KOIN Carpenter Lowell Thomas' Amos V Andy Amo Jn' Andy KGW Ed P Morgan Wthr.-Sport Starr Tim istarr nm KGON News-Music IMusic I Morgan BeattylUf A World 7 KSLM Gab Heater ' KBZY City Council KOIN News-Melody KGW Starr Tim KGON Gildersleeve Silver Scren'da IRadio Rosary ICity Council ICity council I Melody Rom o. Starr Time Starr Til IGildersleeve iNlghUln Band Conocrt City Concil Lewis Root W Lewis Starr-New Nightltn KSLM Whistlln Tune IWhistlin Tune rwhistlln Tunes IWhlstlin Tun 'mgnuwe I KBZV ' KOIN ' KGW KGON N.w..r.lM Oildaralaeva Nlehtlin News-Drsper IRusty Draper Port. SymphnylPort Symphny Starr Time Starr Tim Starr Tim iStrr-Nw H.S. Basketball H S. Basketball H S. BaaketballlH.S. Basketball KSLM News iFulton Lewis Sweet At Swing Sweet at awtng KBZV Nightllne INlghUln INightllne INIghtline KOIN Port. SvmphnylPort. SymphnyiGt. Decision IGt. Decision Mr.w 6i. Tlma Ctar Tlm irianea Tuna Dance Ttmo KGON H S. Basketball H S. Basketball; H S. Basketbsll H S. Basketball KSLM Muslr Miftlc KKZt Pacific News Life & World KOIN News Flsshes Sports Desk KGW roi MrCsll IJanre Time KGON N.W. News Music "KSLM Trieas Asent Treas Agent KBZT Newa-Lste ShwILat Show KOIN Lato Show ILate Show KGW Dance Time 'Dane Time KGON Lee on Lin I Lee on Line Music iNewi f.t RkAM I .ta Show1 The Last Word I The Last Word Dane Time Mostly Must I Lee on Lin ILcc on Una 1 Melody Melody ILate Show Late Show ILate Show INews (Dance Tim IDanc Tlma I Lee on Lin ILe on Lino Radio Station KOAC, 550 kilocycles The World at Your Door Each Morning Oregon Satcjmaa fn Cenfer New York, Feb. 24 Herbert . Kohler is chair man and president of Kohl er C6T, Kohler, Wis., where four-year-old strike by Unit ed Auto Workers union still continues. (AP) KOAC (Tuesday)! 1: a.m. Th News and Weather; !: gipeeially for Women "Doors t Understanding," Dr. Clara siBBmerviiie; gon Sthool ot the Air News Watch; ll:lS-The Concert Hall; 1I0 The News and Weather; 1Z:15 m Neen Farm Hour; I:aMeledy Lan: 1:IS Oregon School ef th Air Let's Find Oat. - Hew caa we " . :rr . at . aa .sla a..ulISai aaai aY &aBai at aa Tffl as nW anar larJ Goesl star : s :aa neaeina ir run; : f- " ' Is Our Affair, Leilslatioa"; l:JO Menery Book of Masse; School of th Air K run Tnai warar; j:awwreio -'? --7T 7, of Us Masters; 4:H-FsM Fatterna; :1S-Jia the Navy: :M-Ol I otJ heat; 5 Chlldrea i Theater; I Ja-JUdl ShHlsaad tant: roa-Th News and Weather; ItlS-Laadaa Celsuna; S:JO-Dlnner M.sie ; 7 atorv: 7:IS Bnlns Farna Moor; S:Mai at csechesknrakla; S:M Orart Decisions; t:00 Muik That Radar; S: gvsnlnf Meltau l artauaa House; H: Slf" Off. ' ' - Educational TV (KOAC-TV, Channel 7) TLESDAT. F.aruary 2S; :H lat. ly OiVaCJaln- -Human D.v.l.pi..t; S:M-V.rle- fc?fin'ZlVESZv ty; lt:M Espenaiiy ror ""; wHls t rl: t-ti Hrsl lu. Make Maslc; ie:J-Mag- mkm; ':,t-""?:121?r I Dcarways, M aaiThe Frieai- icaamaalaaUa BaUeUaj S:H-rSIm . L TP