500 Bus. & Finance 10 Money to loon WE LOAN MONEY ON ALL ARTICLES OK VALUE RIFLES - SHOTGUNS RE VOLVERS DIAMONDS -JEWELRY - MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS - TYPEWRIT ERS ETC. Star Exchange Loan 111 N. Cawnmtrcial, Belem LOANS ISO 00 In II loo no Buy What You Need Consolidate Vnur Hills. Finance Through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 1M 8 Church II EMI-1417 tfORTGAGE LOANS to buy. build,, refinance. 14 pet. con triMtloa loans. No Mrvlra fee. C V. Kent Co., (OS Cot tag NEEMJ-4739. Colonial investment o neil Property Loam. Contract Pur chased 487 Court EM 4-228.1 CONSOLIDATE Your Bills $30 $3,000 fAcinc industrial loans IIS S Liberty EM4-2203 vVe buy discount paper, mort- fages ft Contracts. State inance Co. in S. High St. ClAMOND LOANSMTr$o7ooO Caih Immediately STAR EXCHANGE LOAN OFFICE Jll N. Commercial. fH A. SO yr. I", ptt. rntg" Inane to buy. bull, refinance your home. Low loan costs Stale Finance Co. iff? High St. 8.E., Salem. Pa EM 1 3151 515 Investment! 1S1 2ND mortgages In high est bidder Pa EM 4-533 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists m .office! personnel 174 Cotl.se St. SE EM 2-OS3S Placement Agency Since IMS - Specialist In Office Placements S4 Stale St 1411 "Ore Bid! I Phone CM 4-UM 60 help Wantai, Cody CAPABLE woman tor Gen. hsewk. Rm, board, wage. EM 4-SMf. 609 Commission Work LADY with car for eneclal work Not hout to house. EM S-1SH J; EAT fppearlng lady to assist manager of local firm In con tacting business men. Pleasant profitable work. EM HS13 610 Silos Help Wanted Sue to recent promotions and tn creased demand for our serv ices. We prefer men SI to IS year of age. with neat appearance, who ean meet the public. A cer is necessary. ttust be able tn be sway from home 4 nights esch week rrkmr tn Western Oregon. This position provides perma nency, opportunity and guaran teed minimum Income nf $329 I -r month, nase salary be , ns with training. A I LY TO: Mr. Jsck Place. ' ridiv. Feb. 21th. 10 a m. to 4 :i p.m. at the Marion Hotel, ' iem. Oregon. A' ON cosmetics has openings in Salem and Marion County for reprasentativan. Ph. EM 3-gl.U er EM 4-2241. If'io WEEKLY guar to start. Fuller Brush Co. EM S-SI97 WAN for sale A service. Elec trons Corp. 1071 Broadway FM 4-222S. STS Work Wonted, Men K(IV I time to cVsn un varrii I . lSCAPE GARDENER for 1 "all Joe the Gard ener EJu j-s.::, Ill Cheme- r U'NG k lawn mewing. EM 3-J021. )'r (lining with chain aaw. EM 2-07GU CARPENTER work ft painting. New or repair. EM 31421. LOU'S tree-" service removal I'limnt orune FM 4 gfldl FAMILY man, 21. desperate, naeds work any kind. EM 5-2891 ASHALT Paving. Driveways, Parking lot. Columbia River Paving Co. EM J-Msl. "SPRAYING PRUNING L W Caudl EM 4 141 EM 2 KM Carpenter k Repair Work EXP cat skinner or truck driver wants work. EM 4 4143. MALL carpenter fibs, fond work reas EM 4 1424 "custom tree" service Sins vint ft Pruning-EM 3-Q8M Painting, Papering. Texturing Nelson, EM 3-8403. j re Est, rAM!LY-men want! work, any type. EM 4-211. I 4 Werk"Wanted, lady WOUSEWOnK by hr. Expert, enced. Reliable EM 2 1007. Practical nursing, is yn. exp. Will live In. EM 2-4454 DAY werk. SI hour, cer tare. Wash wood work. EM 4-MM. EM 2-H3I Dressmaking Jt sllrratlnns fpONING In iriy home. 133 M Liberty, EM 4-M44. CURTAINS laundered ft stretcb ed. ress. EM J-0SM. Howards Mystic Re Weavers S43H 8 Summer EM I-S4M filMEOORAPHINO typ'ng Mr Po. Ml N ISth EM S-JS4S EM MSM Ironing, my noma. Hollyw'd diet. JUDY'S dressmaking ft altera tions. Work guar., IM 2-2044 6IS-A tabysrtrlna TKACTICAL nun will baby (It fnr you. I child It 23. $1 . addltionsi child, 3701 Sunny view, EM I-MU9 Men. through rrl.tsjt fc.SY litlng. my home. . Perk Ave EM CHILD CARE young mother practical nun. Wonderful rsr far child m home. Inq. IMI I. Church. 2-1 m. FX BY sitting my h"m.Children tn S yra. W Browning XM 41731. . PAGENSTECHER'S JOB OPENINGS 3 MEN" 600 Employment (It Education KINDERtarta Register NOW Mm ChrVa Sea l EM t-IM JUT Pay ond Contract e. H. II YD. eheW) ereiu hoe drg. line 2toa m nolle cranes D-4. D 1 esta carry all cJssr ln( blade. ftciMaJ emu-act or unit prices. SALEM SAND GRAVEL 1401 . Freaf St. EM S-S4SI 700 Rentals 701 Stat. K wis, 800 ri SLEEPING room for rent, pvt nt. W0 Center. EM 4-7732 BOARD A rm. bus stop al'door. EM 4-0(174. ELDcTtl.Y gentleman, board ft rm.1290 Chemckct St. NICE warm rooms tor menTThe Alexandria 1130 Chemeketa. NICELY furn mis . lsobmT apt S39 H Winter. WrjEKLYrales. ArgHoUI. 141 Chemeketa. New Management TV c!ean. nice turn sleeping rm 4.7I wk. jmen EM 2-7620 HOME awsv front home, men park lunches 10SS N II h 705 Aoartments far Rant T 1 RMS. furn.. priv. bath. nr. Slat bld . 40 Mill. NICE 4 rnl aot Utll. paid. EM 1-MB. 365$ S. Commercial. 2 RM., bsmt.. prlv. bath. 121. till n. 18UI. EM 3-7841. k CLOSE In ground floor bdrm. refrigerator ft range, steam heat, free automatic washer ft dryer, a warm quiet place you will like. Adults. 23 Oak it. MOD. furn. I rm. court 1420. lues Madison, EM3-1912. 2ND FLR. I rm. Apt partly furn. MO Garage 5. Close n, EM Uti. r.tl 4-4 716 Eve. FURN. 1 rms. batn. most, utll. turn. 40. 991 N. Cottage,, CIXSE. clean furn. AptV. utll. 127 $M. !5 MarKMM l-SMS TURN. ! rm. bsm't Apt. prlvT hath ent. MO Union. EM 2-1241. NOW SHOWING ALL NEW FIR LANE COURT APTS. Ready for occupancy March I. 1 bdrm. apts. furn. or unfurn. 1843 Highway Ave. LARGE I bdrm. unfur. Apt. close in. EM 3-M7S. 2 RMS. turn., utll. except heat, pvt. bath, ent 124 N. 14th. THE LEE 21 bedrm. apts. 117.90 ft SM. Bachelor Apts. Isl.tO k 172 90. 9M N. Winter EM 4-141. VERY nice turn Apt. comfort able, elec. heat.. 1 avail, at I.U mo. 1 at I5S. on quiet street. Call Rawlins Realty. EM 4 (879 or EM 2-1743 eve. NICELY furn. apt. Ambassador Apia. 190 N. Summer. SMALL furnished apartment, adults, no peta. Workmr courtle R referred. Sheldon Apia., 110 Liberty. IHSKPG.. furn. utlls. turn. 197 N. Liberty. EM 3-7095. FURN. pullman Apt. utll. pd . parking. EM 2-1001. 194 N. Cap! tor NEW I ft 2 bdrm. spts. fur nished or unfurnished. 1920 Portland Rd. EM 2-OM7. NICELY Furn. I rms., bath, adults. 230 S. 14th. EM 4-7141 2 RMS., prlv. bath, 3S. EM 2-4U70, iem n. com i WEST Salem. I rm. turn. Apt, tor rent, em 4-ntz Lge. clean J rm. turn. Gar. $10. . Ml N. Liberty EM 2-2890. CLEAN furn. Apt. near Hospital at university, en a. summer 2 RM. turn. 1st fir. prlv. ft ent. gar. 95 S. 12th. bath NEW management, dec. I ft 2 rm., uiu. met. lain n uam Spacious Acacia Apartment FURNISHED 1140 So. 13th SL EM 2-TOO CYPRESS COURT I bdrm. ws- turn. apt. MO EM 4-bMO. NICE J RM. UNFUEN. Near Capitol ft W.U. EM I MM FURN. 2 rm.. pvt. bath. W. Sa lem, util. Mi. EM 4-9072. CLEAN, close tn S rm.- font., all util. pd. llM SUM. MOD. 2 rm. apt., pvt bath, No. EM 3-7144-or EM 2-4444. COZY clean, all utii. prbr. bath. EM 3-4243. 940 Leslie. FURN. 4 rms.. gr. fir., pvt. bath, ent. Close. EM 2-4774 CLEAN, 2 rm. ground fir. apt. cioae in. iaay. e3 terry. 4 RM. furn. apt. 1410 Ferry. EM 3 1290 for appointment. 2 RM. nicely furnished apt. 770 o. com I. EM 4-10D7. FURN. bachelor apt., util.- inel. . M 4-1 97. CLEAN turn. 1 ft 1 rm. apt. 833 Ferry. 1 BDRM. furn. or unfurn. West Salem. EM 1-2131 eve. 2 BDRM apt., clean, close to schl., hosp. bus. 980 N. 19th. N.E. EM 2-10W. 1 RM apt. upstairs, N N. 19th n.c. cm j-iuu FURN. bachelor. Apt. prlv. ent. TV Ant. carport $30 EM 2-9839 FURNISHED 2 rm. court apt. Inq. 13M Lee St. 8.E. CLEAN rm, heated fua. apt., cioe in. r. m a-ojiv. 2 RMS. furn. let fir. prlv. bath ft ent. close In. EM 3-8371. 3 SMALL rm. apt., heated, prlv. bath ft entrance. i7 n. 4tn. 706 Duplosos NICELY furnished 1 bdrm. apt. witn. garage, aw n. com i. REDEC. nicely furn. 2 odrma. util. $51.90. EM 3-Q44I. LG. unfurn. 2 bdrm. lower 4- pjx. 442 Jrerry Jv March JL 2 BDRM., duplex furnT MS. I BDRM., duplex turn. M5. 1 Pdrm furn apt. heat Incl. IM. F. L. Knapp. Brke.EM 2-82M. LGE. 2 bdrm. fum., heated, gar. 73 5. commercial at. CLEAN 2 Bdrm.. insul. all elec , bus by door, 90. EM 2-7411. 1 RDRM upper dunlex. walk. dlst. M2 90. EM 1-1042 unfurn. 1 RDRM., rersge, refrig. 117.10 1179 Saginaw, EM 1-4104. ALL elec. Furn. mod. elean 1 bdrm. Laundry. Leslie ft Bush School. Inq. 2210 Breyman. ATTRACTIVE turn. 1 rm. Car port Near city library ft beep EM S-S12S eves. NICE turn I bedrm. couple N Mb. EM 4-1407 only. $884 707 Houses For font 2 BDRM.. hwd. fir.. EM 4-1384 or EM 2-791 after a. ATTRAC. I bdrm. mod. unfurn. ns. n. wa cancasir n. . Gerald Andreaen EM 4-171. 1 BDR. Range, re trig. . M1M 1 BDR. South .. S40.M 1 BDR. Partly furnished .,4MM 1 BDR. Rang, beautiful location, on the creek .. MS 00 1 BDR. Range, refrig MS 00 3 BDR. East, furnished .. MS 00 I BDR. Basement, furnace 185 00 1 BDR. Apia. New furniture til baths, nice aos, an CENTER STREET REALTY 111S ranter Street Ph. KM 4-4121. Eve. EM 1-7111 1 BDRM. horn, full basmtT, auto, nil neat, svo staieoman SL. EM 4-4031 I BDR MS., full concret bamL Family home witn piay yarn fnr children. Nr. schl. slat office.. $M I-7M4. I BDRM. mod. hse. In Turner. 13 mo en. t urner 2 BDRM. unfurn. duplex with garage, cios m. i-ih 700 Rentals 707 Houses Far Rent SKYLINE Rd. 1 bdrm., garden - PC' ? f E -3. UN FURN.' 1 bdrm;' he. M0E St. Adults. EM 2-4111. CLEAN 1 bdrm., ha. About March 1. Close In. EM j-1422. 1 BDRM. hse., doe Bt N.E. EM 1-741 1 BDRMTuburban N. East' clean, modera MS mo. EM 1 004. , NEARLY new 2 bdrm, washer ft dryer, large garden spot, rent 17 or wUI sell with yr. equity for MOO. located In Kei- r Heights. EM 2-OMI. t BDRM. mod. unfurnTna. at 1150 S. 22nd. 147 50 mo. EM 3- 3424or EM 1-4194. CtTE I bdrm. crt. apt. Rang refrig. ft laundry facilities furnished. M0. per mo. Al Isaak ft Co. Realtors Ph. EM 4-3311 orEM 3-7820 X70 MYRTLE. Range ft refne" optional. Avail. March 1st. No pets. ,EM4-SM3. 2 HOUSES: 1-2 bedrm7AY-4 bodrm 1300 Fairgroundlid CLEAN 2 bedrm. home, reas. rent. Inq. 1704 Brjaai.ay, LEASE 2 yrs. old j'bdrnT dbl. gar. P, - baths. F.A. heat. Swedish frpl. Kairlilv rm. Hoove sen March I pn... -1100 mo. EM 1-3293 or EM 4- M24 after I. CLEAN 2 bdrm houe. elderly couolepref. Reas. KM 2-08.13 Lease or Rent by Owner Clean mod 3 bdrm he DM. gar. FA heat. Frpl. Eakt, nr. school, hospital It bus. Terms. EM 4-H3M. NEW unfurn. 1 bdrm . TV ant., Sarage, nr. Cen Hosp. 190 dulls. 2221 Bremen. 3 ft 2 bdrm close Tn" full bsmt.. ollJiesL EM J-4971. IN West Salem 2 bdrm house, atove. efrig., elec heat, dryer Sal mo. EM 4-4791. TO reaponslble couple, clean 2 bdrm hse., partially furn. 18 See Sal. ft Sun. at 3240 Dun Jfn Are.F.M 3-3M0 I BEDRM. lis. Ml. 1710 H. Liberty. EM J-2S2I. BM 2-4967. MOD. 2 bdrm. home. SM a mo. Adults only. Eve. EM 2-27M. 1 BDRM. In ct. Rang ft refrig. Inq. Archers 1839 Lee day time. After 4 p m. ,EM 41129. FAIRLY new. Modern 1 bdrm.. convenient location no S. 19th, Inq. 1924 Trade. 2 BEDRM. hdw'd flri attch. tsr. fenced-in yd. 2247 Beacon M 2-08M. 1 BDRM. cottage, kitchen turn. Near Salem General Hospital Hi 432 Cattcrlm EM 707. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. h. It SOI Cottage St . N.E. $90 per me Ph M 3-2J34 I BDRM. All elec . near school ft mkL Inq. 1M4 S 13th. 1 BDHM. hse. t'blks from city rtr. Auto heat. Frpke ft bsmt S"5 mo. EM 2-47S4. 1 RM cottag carport, utility. ptfy turn. 134 par ma. Vt N DIST. 2 bdrm.. auto, heat, wired for util. EM 2-4171. 4 RM. HSE with gar . rang and refrig. furn. lit. EM 4-401. 707-O Furnished Houses 2 BDRM.. nicely turn . gar., 175 llth St. SE. EM 2-2493. 1 BDRM. furn. hse. Inq. Trank's Cat. 3835 N. Portland Rd. 1 BEDRM. elec. heat, TV ant. N East EM 1-4400. COTTAGE. 1 bdrm. different. Antenna, washer, drver. Adults 147 N. llth. Com 9:30-7 p. m. FURN. 1 bdrm., auto, heat, gar. S75 McGUchrtst. EM 4-483 CLEAN 1 bdrm. fum. house, TV ant., washing facilities, most util. pd $45. 1142', 4th St., W. Salem. EM 4 693. NEAT clean I bdrm.. close to store, bus, MS. 157 Gerth. SMALL Furn. hse for couple. 254 Kcmcy St. EM 4-4SM. 190. 1 BDRM.. all elec , nice, weter ft garb. pd. EM 4-3MI. 714 Business Rentals FOR LEASE-8.1 1.400 sq. ft. of fir. space, auitable for storage or warehouse at State SL 4 Corners. EM 4-4794. BLOCK bldg. SO'xIOO' fnr ga rage, warehouse or machine shop. EM 4-M4I SOU SQ. FEET, store or office Sac toi Wettgate Shopping W"1- 4 mo. EM 3-7432. STUCCO building 40' by 4fi'. f door, concret floor. Paved streets. Ing. toy UthSt., SE. lSTAfiNr. bank. 20x40 ft tor buainen. EM 2-4370. 780 Movintj h Store je" Larmer Transfer It Storage COMPLETE moving service Also agent for BE KINS Na uonwtd Mover. EM 2-2121. 800 Real Estate 801 Bui 'noil Opportun. TWO IN ONE In baseball game, two on one constitutes a foul. In Real Es tate it constitutes a fine A fine deal. Here are two houses on one lot in an Ml Zon on North Commercial. Close In. This property brings a I pet. monthly Income. Call to In spect. Walt Bradley Eves. EM l-oaee. J20 COURT PH. EM 4-8484 T! Trailer park site with Income already established from per manent rentals. 2 bedroom owners' living quarters. Over 1 Acres lth timber. Could be annther "Immigrant State Park'' set-up. Investigate this potential money-maker flow. Call Dale Rayburn, Ev. EM 2 2041. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1590 S. Commercial EM 2-3M9 UNION OIL CO. Haa service stations fnr lease. Small Investment, good potem tial. Earn while you learn at mmpanv training school. Daya EM 3-032'!. FOR BALI: Feed mill ft seed cleaning warehouse, good val ley town, good business. Warehouse on pnv property with RR siding Good equip also top line feeds ft fertil izer Writ box 151. Gervals. Oregon. FOR sal, restaurant ft fixtures, restoenc ft cabins, located at Jefferson, Or Pioneer Trust Co. Executor, Cash or terms EM HIM L03 Bus. 6 lrKomePrea. BEST comer service ita.' with bright future, rom Mission. Bid accepted. IM 1-4171. BOO House Pot OlO BRAND new 1 bdrm. home, fmi.. FA beat, close tn no , IM aq. ft. 1 10. 950. EM 4-4107. TRADE this mod sub. hrnn. 4 bdrm. for anything that 1 might ns. Terms. EM 101. SELL er trade: New 1 bdrm. 80 extraa for x nenrm. or iranr has. ear er pickup. EM 4-wie. . V - Von VouqtSk 800 Real Entate 806 Houses For Solo BY OWNER -I bedrm. dining rmllv, rm. ft utll. lasers. I25T down, jull price S4JM IMI month. CM 4-4111. tJUEloUlnes $31009 will buy 'ill IM furnishings ft equity ' Ml nice I bdrn. 11, bath, family rm., dbl. jar. Fnr nior in- ror I-199J. formation. EM '-SOLD OUT f Need farm and town listings Call Walter Kn.t. KM MIX. Reiinann Real Estate . NORTH location Only $4250. Located 210 N Front Low down payment. I pet mi Look it over. EM S-ftil or EM 4-3470. NEW 3 bedrm. home 1400 eq. ft. Irg. lot, paved street, will o cept 1st mtg. or contract as down payment. EM 2-2042. MAKE- Canh-ofler on 2 bdrm. home. MS Illinois off Center St. EM 2 Utt COZY AND CUTE And owner will trade for 2 bdrm house In Selem. In Eng!ewood. . lust like new Inside with 2 senllinlihad rms. on 2nd fir. ft 2 bdrm. dn. balk, tile kitch en, hdwd. Ilrs, beautilul yd. ft a wonderful neighborhood, near schools, bus ft shopping. Call Mrs. Miller tn lee EM 4-4494 Eve. EM 1-0424 DO YOU WANT TO TRADE? If you want an acreage or a suburban neat 2 bdrm. home and have a 2 or 2 bdrm. home in the cltv on bi' line, please contact Geo. J. Pantry Eve. EM 4 1089. ALLEN C. JONES REALTOR 517 COURT ST. PH. EM 4-4494 SOME BIRDS HAVE FANCIER NESTS than others. This little nest started out by being just another two neoroom nouse. BUT then a real swanky mahogany den cot added, and an oversized utility room, men the gardening got out of hand. The rolling lawn and shrubs and fruit traee etc. got clear over on the neigh boring lot until they had to buy that. Now there a regu lar putterrers paradise, with 7 , pear trees, an apple tree. naysenrjerries, straws r lies, raspberries, lust every thing! And then the street got pavca, wnn euros ana an ana so1 we've gotten built up Into REALLY NICE place t live' 1, 950. South. CALL EM 4-67fi Eve: Mrs. Stephenson EM 4-4141 TED MORRISON, Realtor 240 N. HIGH PH. EM 4-87M ON this 2 bedroom home. Extra lot, (0x120. included tn M.950 price. Term. Iron Firemen furnace. Big closets 15 UNIT MOTEL TAKE tn horn to 420.000 on this well-located property en Port land Road. 7 permanent rent ers. 157 500. Terms. THIRD BEDROOM IN basement in this horn. Rich mond school area. Wood fur nace. 2 bedrooms on main floor. 14.800. May trad dawn. BUILDING SITES 2 view acres with lots of trees. $3,900. Lot on corner of Lib erty and Oak M.504. Salem Heights lot 11.800 AT JEFFERSON THIS J bedroom home has 10x22 living room. Dining room. Fireplace. Caragc. Lot 100x110 M.000. Terms. AT W00DBUR.V THERE are S, seres in this well-sltuatad business property. 2 old buildings on site. Pric $1,500. Terms. WlAMSEY REALTY 427 FERRY EM 4-3381 Eve. EM 3-7733 EM S-5219 EM 1-521 EM 4-0069 LOW DOWN PAYMENT Well kept 1 bdrm. home cTose to schools, shopping and bus. Dining room, music room, at tached garage with shop spsce. An excellent large lot with filenty nf garden space. The otal price is nnlv 19.000. Call Al Aran. EM 4-4979, Eves. EM 2-8182. RAWLINS REALTY 405 Chemeketa St. EM 4-8879 Close to New Farmers Ins. By owner: 3 bdrm. ranch type home. 1.550 sq. ft. fir. area, dbl. bath, plaster ft hdwd. firs, throughout, Ig. kit, with lots of birch builtlns, full price. $11,990. terms. EM 4-3418. NEW 2 bdrm.. att. gat., many extras. So. on pvmt. $10,000. Convenient terms. EM 1-0108 4 BDRM SPECIAL Only 17900. It's an older home, but it's had loving care. Choice location. Nearly new lg..dbl. garage. No fixing here. Will consider trad on desirable 2 bdrm. horn. Call Johnson, Eve. EM 3-S8M. SM. DN. PAYMENT W. Salem. 1 hdrma, 18250 1250 Dn. elec. heat. E Salem 1 bdrms 15950 1250 Dn bsmt. E Salem. 1 bdrm I $13001300 Dn Saw duet heat. ' Silv. Rd., 1 bdrms 17500 1350 Un. 189X200 lot Keizer. 2 bdrms 18400 $500 Dn Fenced, lot of shrubs. Immed. noss. Call Lucas, Eve. EM 3 9388. l'L' ACRES Good Inr mechanic or retired farmer. Shop, garage, chicken house, pumphouse, nice 2'i bdrms. on Morgan ner Cen ter. 111.450. Will take am. house or good contract. Call Rich L. Relmann, Ev. EM 132M. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 111 High Street NE EM 3-9203 KEIZER 3 bedrooms, large living room. narawooa rioors, auto, on neat, lot 13 x 111 ft. Only SS500. TRADE 1 BEDROOM modern horn with possible third to trad for 10 or mor acres. Polk Co. pre ferred but will consider other locations. Call Ross Miller, EM 4-0904. & - . REALTY 4020 N. River Rd. EM 4-09M N0BTHGATE ADD. bdrra. dhl. gar., 25-15 Edge- wnoeVflSJOS. t bdrm.. dhl. garage, !4flS Wood- aare ive , i,7uo. xc. const. EM 1-7920. EQUITY in "oider Independence noma. rms. corner tot. gar den, trull ft net tree. Wld trad Box 48 Tlplssv .' Rd.. itoseDurg. - , 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sola i i SMALL PAYMENT DOWN ON 1 bdr.n Mmo 'a A. NK 114.250 4 brirm horn f lots .VE 110,600 3 nrtrm home dbl. gar SE III.R50 4drm horn ManSrln 112.100 2 bdrm bom like new 112.24 ' SALEM PROPKRT1ES JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 37 N. High EM 4-S482 Creek frontage on I sides with creek thru-ll acres close in irrigation system. I barns, machine shed, chicken hse., with fireplace, dble. garage with breezeway. mc shade trees. Owner will sell 7 acres with hldgs Clt Rill Fidjer. ev. ph. EM 4 7448 t Or 10 acres Very nltV home on 1 acres, i mile east nf Brooks 1 harm. down. 1 unfinished up. New 1 car garage, older barn. . Seeded pasture, balance ground plowed. Will, ft Amity soil. I . acres ft bidgs. Priced $8500. Also I sens addltionsi msy b purchased at $500 per acre. Call Geo. Kraua, eve. ph. EM 1-1503. 1 ft 2 3rd acre, older 2 bdrm. home in good shape. 143 Ftl- ' ben trees, cherries. acre atrawberries. 3 chicken houses, good veil Lots nf small fruits, flowers, heat of soil. Large frontage on pavement. A good value for 113 700 Call East ridge, eve. ph. EM 3-4522. REALTOR 314 N Church. St. EM 4 871 WIDOW SAYS sell Would consider trad for Port land property. A dandy III roof, alucco 4 room home. Bedrm. on mam floor over sized with Ig. - dressing room attached Beautiful Un. Vm. with picture window. Fire place. Excellent kitchen with nook. Basement with party . rm. with fireplace. Lg. utility rm. Partial covered patio with - fireplace. All enclosed in stuc co wan. Beautifully land scaped. Dbl garage. Dbl. plumbing. F.A. oil fumace. Shown by appointment wily. Call Oregon Development Co. EM 3-9234. Eve: Kellv Owens EM 1-85M. Ed Schreder EM 3-7821. P. E. Hicks EM 4-440, 1. F. Short EM 4-1887. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 CHURCH ST. NE EM 1-9234 CLOSE IN Good 1 bdrm. home. 25 llv. rm., frpl,. bsmt.. furnace. 18150. terms. Owner EM 4-0447. CROWDED OUT Of this neat and attractive 2 bedroom home. 15 x II living room. Kitchen. Dinette, lots of built-ins. Utility. Extra fin ished room over attached ga rage. Walking distance to Stat Bldgs. 1 blk to bus. Need larger home North east. Price 18.750. Bldgs. 1 bl; tn bus. Need larger horn Northeast. Pric $4,750. E. J. Zwaschka Realtor 1745 GRANT SJ EM 3-4035 "IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE Lge. 2 bdrm. bom, bsmt. Pos sible 3rd bdrm. 4'a pet. loan. Low down payment. EM 1-7071 KEIZER WELL. HERE'S a brand new horn ngni in on at ma nice si neighborhoods in the Keuusr re. And It's a roomy houa with,' Iota of brick werk and a big front porch. It has that big family room with natural wood paneling, and ( FULL dining room besides. The floors high quality oak. and the bath ha two wash basins instead of one. This home was carefully built bv one nf Salem's cabi net makers (they're real par ticular about workmanship). We would like you to see it. $ll,$oo. CALL EM 4,-6766 Eve: Dean Klarr EM 1-7090 TED MORRISON, Realtor 280 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-4784 ACREAGE SPECIALS Just listed i acre close tn with immaculate 2 bedrm. noma with lull basement ft sawdust furnace. Oak floors, fireplace, variety of fruit, nuts ft har ries. Only 19.(00. Mrs. Jones EV. 8.M 4-7U2. 5 ACRES NORTH Permanent pasture, fenced. Neat 2 bedrm home with automatic heat, inside utility, wired for wasner ft oryer. tn oaui. Lot' of trash country air. Freeway access. Only 17.950. J830 Down. Mr. Wells Eve :M 1 3731 or call EM 4-0117 anytime. 250 N. High St.. Salem Your choice of three 1 Bdrm. houa, utility rms ft garages. These Houses are well worth the price asked. Small down payment, balance paid as rent. Location: I North M.S00. 1 East $7,994 and 1 South East 17.750. Abrams & Skinner REALTORS 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL F.STATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS EM 3-9117. EVES: EM 1-734 or EM 3-3077 1495 S. LIBERTY This eye appealing home with Us beautiful trees and selected shrubbery has interior which will please you. Charming liv ing rm. 2 bedrooms and t bathrooms. Very c h e r I a I kitchen with many window j inauL-lvt in i luv. vis, wnat-iiwa. Dishwasher. Lovelv patio with fireplace. Call Edith Andrews for Appt. to see. Ev. EM 1-7MI. 4265 HAGER ST. This friandly. east i suburban, location will give you free dom to gsrden on th 44 x 110 deep lot. The attractive en trance hall with atone floor opens into 10' long living rm. wfcth fireplace having stene ' hearth. Picture window to rear of lot. Has excellent well. 1 kinds of berries. Owner will consider late model ,ar as down payment, or arreag east. t1t.:S0. Call Dorothy Deal Iw.slM 4-4B32., ijNelson & Nelson REALTORS 130 8. Commercial JEM 2-3889 SALE or trad 2 bdrm. dhl. gar. M34 St. Croix. EM 4-4221 be fore 1 :S0 or Inq. 140$ Larkspur Ln. By Owner. fwftfl 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole 167 S. HIGH Vl. STATE FINANCE F.H.A. - G.I. OR LONG TERM CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS ARTESIAN WELL II acre near Buhbird on pave ment. Modern 3 bed room, full basement, lurnar-e. fireplace, double garage. This area hat - a wonderful future. All this for only $1.1.100. 1:300 down. Con aider trade for Satem prop erty. Call Mr. Stevely. COTTON PICKER You don't have to he a cotton picker to get the bst cotton Kicken home for the money in lanbrin Gardens. This 1 bed room home he a very nice living room with a fireplace. Dining room, kitchen with cabinets. Very attractive plant er at the front entrance Fenced back yard with several voung fruit trees Bargain price of $12,500. With 1200 down navs up to 4'2 pet loan Or $700 down and 195 ma. on contract. Call Mr. McGulr CALL ONE OF OUR SALESMEN FOR FULL INFORMATION AND SHOWING W S. Stevely. EM 4-1311 L. H. Periman, EM 4-7583 M ACRES EAST Willamette silt loam. Approx. 77 Acres in crop last yar. Extra nice home Barn, machine shed, etc. Complete line of farm ma- . rhinery. If you want a good farm let us show vou this one. CALL O. V HUME Ev. Ph. EM 1-5204. NOTICE Read this one if you are interested tn a beautiful 19 Acres with a view. Nice neat 4 rm. horn. Bam. garage and chicken house. Thie is the Elace to keep yeur horses and uild your new daylight basml home with s ' view. Price 114 000. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. GOOD LOCATION for Church er Fraternal Order. Corner 200 x 10 LIBERTY ST. S E. GRABENHORST OHMART & CALABA REALTORS 477 Court St. EM 1-4111. EM 2-4114 SALEM. OREGON V Air ii L Ohaaart LARGE NEW HOME BEAUTIFUL HOME In "Hillendale" basement party room 3 bedrooms 3 baths den with fireplace spacious kitchen with nook built-in spiisncee separate dining-room- big living room with excellent view. Very well built home and a REAL BUY at $24.750. Call Louis Lorenx Ev EM 2-IMO. TRADE TRADE - TRADE HAVE YOU a S bedroom with a double garage to trade for a 3 bedroom and den home with a full basement'?? If so csll Norman Hogensen Ev. EM 1-0908. THE VIEW OF CANDALARIA NOTHING wlU beat this viaw. We ere selling this large 1 bed room home with wall to wall room ts IS X M, large basement with party room ft extra1 Bt lAAtt al Ih. -llv plumbing. If you want a bargain call for Ralph Maddy to see win home au lor lii.ooo. I LIKE IT YOU WILL loo Exceptionally clean 1 bedroom home just 2 years oio sin oec room may be usee as een. rirepiaee. nice inside utility ft oil furnace. Located close in with convenient bus i 'in n gwu uvf iui a - Eve. EM 4-9082. FARMS FOR SALE 1- 240 Acre. 100 A. Irrigated. 2 180 Acres, graaa or stock farm 181 Acres, beautiful setting. 1 houses, irrigation well. 431 Acres, good bom, farm equip I A. berries 140 Acres, all tillable, 1 bedroom horn. CaU Henry on these or any other farms. ,3 BEDROOM CLOSE IN Large living. Fireplace, Dining room. Can be handled en veiy good terms. 1 Bathrooms. Cal George Reed. Eves. EM S-0889. Don Doughton REALTORS 320 COURT PHEM 4-8481 MR. OWNER! Glen Woodry wlU pay lop pne for your rum. ft sppllances. EM 4Ua FOR SALE by owner. 1 bedrm. home with gar. $250 down, full pric $5.750. $50 mo. EM 4-4511. BY owner in Stayton. 1 bdrm. horn on Mill Race. Frplc. elec. tit. Brick front, patio. 1 1-rm cabin. 1 3-rm. cabin, fruit trees. All for M.750. 1835 W. Washington St. 1 BDRM. home, I yrs. old. well built. No. 1 ft 1 Ibr.. Good lo cation at 2250 Lansing- NE. Death in familv reaaon for selling. Price M 500 for quick al. EM 4-5848. Inq. 1234 Lansing NE. I BDRM. house In Independence $3,700. Call Salem EM 4-123. Comfort and Good 4 bdrm. family home, with att. f;ar. N.E. Large separate ahop. ireolace, separate dining room, lots of extra built-ins. oil heat. A buy for only 19950. Will State Gl. Call Al Roome Ev. EM 4 5414. Joe Bourne Realtor 114 N. Capitnl EM 3-8211 DID YOU KNOW? THAT WE CAN SHOW you a roomy, j uemiwm numi wnn a full daylight basement in the 111. W0) And that' this horn has two fireplaces, a double I garage, a full dining room and a roomv entrance nail 7 AND the neighborhood is the best? well, we can. -Alt t.-ia A area a Cril.L C.m T"im Eve: Bon Cieaay EM J Sf 39 TED MORRISON, Realtor N. High Ph. EM 4-47M 8 f2Exch. Real KtVito TRADE WEEK AT JACOBSEN & KEENE, REALTORS EASTMORELAND 2 bedroom LARGE WELL-PLANNED 3 bed- home with full basement, par ty room, work shnn. countlev-s nther features. Price 419.758. , Trade for 1 bedroom horn to 1 lii.ooo. I W. SALEM VIEW HOME llh 3 bedrooms, wall to wall earoct Ine. double arae and ell ntanned kitchen. Price 11 500. Trade fnr I bed room hnuse. ' OFFICE PH. EM 4-2293 -4 800 Real Etttate 806 Houses For Solo CO.; REALTORS PH. EM 1-3151 LARGE FISH POND View property with lots of trees. This, 10 acres located, suth has several springs 'and a beautiful bass pond. 2 bed rooms, living room with fire place, dining room, and kitch en. The ideel place to retire or live like a retired plutocrat. Call Mr. Burgess for more In formation. DOCTORS ATTENTION Beautiful home overlooking the park Just a stone's throw from hospitals and medical center. Philippine Mshogany paneling throughout the house. Two bedrooms and bath first floor, one bedroom, den and bath in basement. Wall to wall car peting, fireplace, nice lawn, outside barbecue grill under beautiful covered patio. Call Mr. Prlmn. Harold Burgee. EM J -4071 E H McGulr. EM 1-4171 3A5 in Northeast Slem. Adja cent u restricted residential CALL WALT SOCLOFSKY -Eve. Ph. EM 1-II3I McKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT Good older 1 bdrm. home in fine location on S. High. Llv. rm. with fireplace din. rm., basmt You can well afford to paint at the pric of $994. CALL 1. E. LAW Ev. Ph. EM 11111. FAIRMOUNT j HILL Older home in fine locstlon Llv. rm. 15 x 25. Din ran. 11 x 12. 1 bdrms l, baths. 1 blks. from Baker School. Oil fur nace. Owner will consider sail ing on contract. CALL MRS RICHARDSON Eve. Ph. EM 4-194 PH. EM 12471 BROS., REALTORS R4y Caiaka carpet and big windows so you I an n. ......I..H. I H m ,natr HW1 . tve. em i-34. . nM ivi nui icnnc srfmmw GET READY For th spring and summer fish ing at Detroit Lake. Two houses on this lot in wooded area. Short walk to stores or boat landing. Buildings need some work, but real good value at 13.300. Terms. Call EM 3-4035 dav or eve. 1745 Grant St. Salem. E. J. Zwaschka Realtor Vi A. PLUS. NORTH BY OWNER 2 bdrm.. liv. rm. large kitchen, bath, laundry rm.. 2 large at tached rms. 1 finished. 1 par tially. EM 4-335 after 5. SOLD! SOLD! Prooertv Listings Needed IM S Liberty EM 4-4471 Eves EM 1-1010. EM 1 1122. REALTORS $500 DOWN i, ACRE I room house: att. ga rage: cherry ft apple trees. Best of soil. Near shopping center ft school. Price W.50. oO0 down. bal. like rent. CENTER STREET REALTY 1741 Center St. EM 4-8831 Eve.EM2-7812 NEW2ldrm. home, birch kitch en, built in range, frpl.. ma hogany paneling. No. 1 oak rj flours, large plastered garage in. 700. EM S-JBUfl. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR LFT us solve vour home needs To buy sell or rent, call EM 4-574.1. 1211 Edgewater. EM 4-7874. 2710 So Commercial. NORTH East Suburban well built 3 bedrm. 2 baths, dble garage. 1433 Brenner. 807 Apt'i. Courts for Sola 4-PLEX with extra lot. Excel lent returns. EM 2-7520. 110 Farm For Sale FARMS: processing crop, diver sified aiej livestock. We have - many good listings. A vurie rig'e of sizcr. kind:-, prices-' in Willamette valley and' Eastern Oregon. Informed. de-endsbe handling nf farm sales, trades and purchases. Let u know your need. Oregon Develop ment Co. EM 3-9234 J. F Short. Broker. EM 4-1667. Ed Schreder, Broker. EM 3 7825. 111 Esch. etToTEstof" room home in suburbs of W Salem with 2 full bath; and double garage. Price 115 000. Trad fo- smaller 2 bedrm. hour auitable for rental. EVGLEWOOD 3 b-dronm Eng lish style hnme Prlre lll.fJM Trad for a Portland horn to llt.000. 1255 STATE j - .4, Oregon 800 Real Ertate B10 Frmi For Sale LOCATED ON THK PUDDING 11 Acres Ideal piace to raise that family Good soil. 1 bed room home. , full basement, barn, macnine shed. 1 chick en houser. Pr.ce only 115. W Fnr more information, call Murl flint Lves EM 2-1943. Doft Douckton 320 COURT PH. EM 4 8484 BY Owner: Very best of rolling land. II Acres, east, near Fruitland. May sell I A. Price , ts right. WUI show anytime. EM 4-9MS. SfiflS BEST BUyS TOP ACREAGE VALUES 10 Acres. Willamette Soil. How all Prsrie. no bldgs. long front age. 16000 4' j Acres, beauti ful creek. Long highway front age, modern 1 bdrm home. $11. 70. Call Gordon Crawford, eve. ph. EM 4-5020. . AL ISAAK k CO.. REALTORS 332 N. Church St.. Salem PH. EM 4-3311 or. EM 3-7820 25 ACRES ON GLENCREEK DRIVE close to city limits, several fine building sites, all year creek, will sell 9 acre Iota. 12 ACRES I MILES SOUTH, all cleared and in grass, high ground. Iaa nice. I ACRES VIEW BUILDING SITE SOUTH, soma fruit trees, mountain view. Geo. Waters. Realtor 940 S COMMERCIAL EM 2-6714 or EM 4-6363 B12 Ixthango Real Istato TRADE Dallas nw S bdrm. house-, or small. Rocks way beach house, for Salem nous. MA 1-4201 after I JO. t!8 Wontoe), tool E.lof SO-SO ACRE farm wfthta 14 ml. Salem. Prefer creek. Pleas Include location, price ft terms. Reliable party in car of Statesman-Journal Box 212. LISTINGS wanted of all kinds. Have buyer lor 1 ft 1 bdrm. homes with small acreage to trad lor Salam property. C. W. Reeve, IM Mission. EM 1-4590 ev. ft Sun. EM 14401 or EM 3-1222. HOUSE by couple with sepa rate llv. quarters for elderly rerson on same property. tatesman-Journal. Box 211. HAVEclient "for trnvbsm'l Englewood home. What hav vou? Call Arnold Krueger. AL iSAAX ft Co. Realtors. Ph. EM 4-3311 or EM 3-7820. Buy From Owner Quality home. 120000 to 121.400. not over 1 yrs. old Prefer I Candalaria. Salem Heights, i Morningnd. 'HUlendal areas, 3 bdrm . 1 bath, family rm.. ft or plav rtn. rtnanrlng no problem. CaU EM 3 531. No realtors. Ta7near clearlake EM 4-7490 850 Automotive 851 NW Cor OPtTN for bid. New unlicensed 1957 Chrvsler New Yorker 4 dr hsrdtop ft 4 dr. sedan. Call IM 1-414. (53t Used Cor For Sole "500'' MOTORS Nothing over M5 We trade for anything M Cliev 2 dr sdn MM '52 Nam Rambler stat wgn M4S 51 Chev. clb. cpe. immaculate M45 '5 Naeh Amb adn. ......... . 124$ '4i Chev. sdn . I 95 '41 Chev. sdn I 50 790 No. High EM 4-7801 across from Lrp-lown unve-in FOR Sale 'M Chev. 4 dr. EM 3-6990 1110 Shady Lane. HAVE motor, will travel. 1952 Henry J. 4 cylinder, radio, heater, overdrive, clean. 1171. EM 3-9913. 195 FORD 4 dr. Customline. $200 cash for equity. You take over pavments on balance. EM 4 7177 days. EM 4-2854 eves. '50 OLDS. Black 2 door roup, new engine, rebuilt transmis sion, lots of extras, M25 rash EM 4-OM5 after 5 p.m. Ti 878 So. 12th EM 2-M81 '57 Ford VI, Fairlane dr 1229$ '57 Ford V-l. cusl. 300, 2 dr I20-II 'J? Chev 210. 2 dr 1189 '17 Ford Del Rio Sta. Wgn. 12089 if we don't hav It WE CAN GET IT VALUE! 56 Chev. 2 dr. sdn. V-3 heater, std. trans, blue finish, real clesn, and you can't buy on for less m-pf ONLY $995 Capitol Chevrolet Union ft Com'l EM 3-3171 '32 BUICK convertible tak over Sayments. EM 2-1071 attar p.m. SOMERCliRY"cTub coupe, radio"' heater, original paint, int. like new. $125. EM 2-44.19. '47 PLYMOUTH convert. Radiol etc. A I rend. Dir. EM 4412. ISHARP '49 DeSoto fnr sale, see I to apprec. EM4Jg7l. 51CHEV. deluxe 4 dr. Radio. ! heater white walk), excel. , conn. Stick shift. Mil. Paul 1 Taylor. EM 4-4491. , '57 FORD Frln. sport cpe . lord omatic. Lots extras. Before I. or after 4. EM 1-4744. BY OWNER-'Sl Chev. panel, ft '57 Ford Station u agon, excel. i-ond . bargains EM 1-9243. fU tiTTON Chev. pickup. Excel. ! cond. 1395. EM 3-4613. '37 MERCURY, will take older car In tradeEM 3-0131. 1954 BUICK Special. 4-door harirMop. like new. 11495. EM '55PONI(r STARCH IEF custom catalina hardtop 2 dr., if you want a i car that is in like new condi tion and we realy mean like new this is the car for you It ha genuine all leather Inter ior tn to-tan Green ft Whit u tth m.ii4inf evtertnr. This car is equnoed with radio,' heater, dual range nyaramaur. white walls, windshield wash ers, bsrk up lltes. It la one owner local car v.ith nnlv 28. 470 miles and the full pric is 11.595 WILSON'S Commercial it Chcmekcla EM 4-9711 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., Feb. 25, "58-11 900 Display Class. I Headouarters FOR New It ld -Trucks & Pickups lowest'prices I Valley Motor Co. I Liberty ft Center EM 1-1147 1956 Plymouth 2 Dr, Has radio, heater, automatic, trans. Beautiful Red ft White : Is a one owner. Stan Baker Mtrs. Used Cars No. High at Union EM 1-2480 850 Automotive 52 Used Cor Fer Solo 55 FORD VICTORIA Dual cxh.. solid black, good condition, reas. EM 4 9104. '$7 FORD Fairlan 4-door. safety features. $100. EM 1-7113. 194 MERCURY Montclalr hard top. EM 4-9627 altar 11 BLACK Deluxe Chev.. clean and low nit. 141 S. 3rd. St. Independence. Ph.. 1-OSJ. 1M3BUICK super 4 dr. aedan. $W5. Ph. EM 1 5441 H3 Auto Parti 8 Bapeirs BALES ft Brady Used Auto parts. All makes of cars, at bargain prices See Bob or Ranee at Yard. 357 Cherry Ave. EM 4-5325. 354 Trucks. Troil. for sokt 4 T CHEV. pickup. 4 spd . very good body ft stock rack, 1200. EM 2-2932 after 8:30 p.m. 1990 FORD .ts ton pickup. (91 Churcbdal Ave. 156 Warned, Cars, Trucks FOR Sal or trade, bouse ft lot tot Salem for good truck. Ph. after I .M. week days Salem l-tri. Anytime jneekends. 157- Auto Ueeltrg Banter AUTO LEASING MOST 51 MODELS AVAILABLE NOW CALL LT TODAY AND DRIVE A NEW CAR TOMOR ROW YOU SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU LEASE FROM WORLD WIDE AVIS-RENT A CAR SYSTEM SI N. COM L PR EM 4-4533 ..aB Motorcycles NO DOWN PAYMENT an ptrovd credit ' Rarity 12S SIS mo 'SS Harley 45 $18 mo 54 Harlev KHK $48 mo SHROCK'S CYCLE ft MARINE 1371 Highland EM 1-1423 WANTED Used scooters. We will buy for cash or sell on consignment. SHROCK'S CYCLE ft MARINE 1375 High land EM 1 1423. 862 House TroiUrs EOOTTY cheap IH7 35 ft 1 bdrm . town ft country trail er. 4040 State St. 'S TRAILER SALES Pre-Inventory Sale Your Best buvs tn Mobile Homes We will trade for anything Low down oavment. S vear fi nancing The Finest Names in Mobile Home VENTOURA HOMETTE NASHUA . TERRY SOONER OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK OPEN EVES. TIL I P M 404 No. Church EM 2-8808 across from Meier ft Frank Jsed Trailer Buys 13' 1954 Aloha 14' 151 Aloha 14' 1952 Tarry IF 1954 Transa Traveler 23V 19j4 Kensklll (turn beds) 23' tr38 Kenskill 34' 1951 Traveleze 29' 1949 Prairie Schooner 27' 1931 Kit 27' 1952 Colombia 20" 1950 Roll-Away 19' 1957 Plymouth 42' 151 Columbia Earl Malm Trailer Sales 4030 SUverton Rd. EM 4-7127 1958 GEM 15 Ft" Built hv Jewel, the outstanding vacation trailer. Completely insulated, including double floors, water tank, butane lights, oven range. $895 Compare this trailer with the others before you buy. SECURITY MOTORS The Best Deal Always 4160 PORTLAND RD. ML TRIERS Trailer Homes We nave it 13 TO 50 FEET V AND 10 WIDE I, down S tears to pay EARL MALM TRAILER SALES 1030 Silverton Rd. EM 4-712T WLL trade my sub. home for late model trailer hse. EM S sots. . umy $1595 900 Display Qastu Cosr.2 in f.wW, Drive a Rw! Xafkv-Tcitcd BARGAIN J 51 OLDS SUPER St $295 Clb. cp . radio, heater. Sua Vuor. new white wall, tu tors paint, a good run nine ear. '50 BUICK 2 DR. ... $39S Radio, heater. New paint, A 52 HDS0N HARDTOP CPE. ..' ... $541 Hornet, radio, heater, hydros tu-ton paint, white walla. 53 FORD V-8 4 DR. . 74J Radio, heater It s dean. 53 OLDS "98" 4 DR. . $1098 Radio, heater, hydra, power ateering ft brakes, white walls, clean- 52 CHEV. 4 DR $59S Radio, heater, std. trans, rut ton paint. A nice clean ear. REMEMBER! No Down Payment On Approved Credit Loder Bros. Co. 461 NO. HIGH EM 2-7971 100 FINANCE ON APPROVED CREDIT 51 Pont. Catalina cp. . $991 radio, heater , hydra. 54 Ptmtiac Sdn $99i radio, heater ft hydra. 53 Ford Victoria $891 radio, beater. ovrdriv. S3 Pontiac Sdn $79S radio, beater ft hydra. ' 52 Olds clb. cpe. .... .. SS radio, beatar hydra. 52 Buick Sdn. $598 radio, heater, dynafjow. 53 Chev. clb. cpe. ..... $499 heater. 52 Buick clb.' cpe ..$498 radio, beater 51 Mercury aedan ..... $398 radio, bfatar. uvei drive. 51 Hudson1 Sedan .. $29 radio, heatar ft hydra. They're all TAGGED-T0-SELL AT Taggesell BM NO. LIBERTY EM 2-41 U THE PERFECT MOMENT TO ACQUIRE ' A Quality-Value Used If you hav always yearned) for th 1 luxurious comfort and pntsflg of Cadillac ow n ership. visit ua at your earli est opportunity. W have the kevs to a select lew quality, value Cadillacs . . . , all late' models ... all wall cared fnr . . .all with low original mile age. These fabulous motor cars are, in everv way. a better v a I u than moat makes of new ears. Come la and spend sixty minutes bo hind th wheel and let the car speak for itself tn term of luxurv . . . performance and economy. Your family and friends will applaud your choice of quality-value Cadillac, motordom s "car of cars." Capitol Chevrolet UNION k COMMERCIAL EM 3-3175 1953 Dodge 4 Dr. Equipped with radio, heater, att tnmec trrv all ready to go. Stan Baker Mtrs. Used Cars No. High at Union EM S 2440 850 Automotive 162 Home Troilers Th All new 154 Norsemen. 1 wid. 50' long- A truly iukO horn. Earl Malm, . Trailer Sales 4830 Silverton Rd. EH 4-TMT' TRAILER TOWING'. Ore . Wash . Call! , i.vhawk TRAILER CONVOY $495 40 PoiUaatf Re. i . ' KM 4-aVM i . ,... W.v, 40 T 'lit,! ! . - f .):. I