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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1958)
H Oregon Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mori., Feb. 24, 58 English War Bride Bids for California City Council Seat STAR GAZElC'U AMI yft MAR 23 JjJjawAf' JO Qv t- $ MO o:;Arn. vb. n A spir!'--' 'i u?r bride has (alien in ice mi h ' merican poll tics. So much so thrU sh has be come the first vnivn candidate (or the City Cou ci n this south ern California ci:y of 30. 000. Mrs Elsa Hubbard. 3S, mother of two daughters, is campaign ing along with nine men for three Council soats. The election is April l. ' She and her husband, Ray. now : a carpenter, met in England dur ing World War II. They came to the United States II years aso. , She became a citizen in Ifjl. "I got my fret wet in politics , during the last presidential pre-. convention campaign hsn 1 was ' county manager for Estes Ke-1 lauver. Mrs. Huf-1-?,d recalls. Since then she has served on lection boards, civil service .-' amining boards and the County Dog Commission. Of her Council campaign. Mrs. Hubbard said in an interview to day: "I've been warned that a woman wouldn't stand a chance. Even so. I decided to run. I have no particular ax to grind. I have no grudges. I think it would be good to have a woman's point of view on the Council. Since Ray and I were married I've wanted to be the best kind of American citizen that I could be. 1 consider political activity and interest is the right and duty of any good citizen." Mrs. Hubbard said her efforts in the Kefauver campaign con vinced her thai "the most won derful thing about the United States is that ordinary people can get out and work for candidates and that they are free to help make our communities better through politics." Does s)ie encounter resentment that a new citizen has jumped into polities' "Yes." she says. "1 find resent ment comes from the most sur prising places. Sometimes a per son I considered a friend would get up at a meeting and say, 'Whv don't you go back to Eng land?' "I just tell them, 'I don't have to.' "The ones who are unkind Sre the ones who take no active in terest in our community. They are small in everything. "The people who are interested tell me. We need you.' " Mrs. Hubbard's husband is all in favor of her political activities. "Women should have a bigger hand in politics," he says. aA"." 37-32PMI l71 -73-77 UM 33-47 l (vjMO-ta uo . aim n HL AUG 14 -H3M '4-78-X-W -Bt CLAY POLLAN K Mr AMv Cur H " Arrfit to Hko S'on. To develop messoge for Mondoy, reod words corresponding to numbers of your Zodioc birth sign. 1 Vou 2 Add J S"ono 4 Ns 5 Con Rush 7 Mo. To Coll 10 A 11 And 12 Activity 1 tour U Dor IS Ml 16 F.rir 31 Out 32 uil ) U 34 Vow 35 W.lh 3 "norKiOfly 38 L.kly 34 Holt 40 To 41 Wt 42 Or. 43 Kt.noM 44 Socl 45 Ot 4 lpmt9 I? InprHMI 47 You. IS Don I 1 Go 20 im 21 Vout 22 A 2J Tndoy 24 All 25 To 26 Rnounrot 27 Should 2 Soon 2" Tht 30 Gambl 48 RacogrMfion 49 SotnfyinQ 61 Vour 62 Chonca. 3 4 Vour 65 Mom 66 67 Than 6S CV'Kt 69 Subtract 70 Orflnol 71 To 72 Idm 73 Th. 74 You 75 U 76 AdvonOurou 77 Grmtorjna 7S Ot 79 50 DovolopmonriSO For 51 52 For 53 Hofhor 54 Artroct 55 For 56 Co 57 Toko 58 Rtrv 59 M 60 . g)Good (g)Ad- I Yc 82 Of. 83 (plon 84 0"OflrK 85 Evpontion 86 LusuriM 87 A 88 Thtrn 89 Afto.rt 90 HoK,.u ) Neutral SIFT 1J OCT II 4-11.15 30 W-43-80-8l 34-36-: 46-49 JO UtVTTAIIVt NOV etc 3- -Jl-2ofl 4 cue a JAN 1257441 l75.76-e3.88lJ fit UN II ii 5 4-14.2$-30Vl Disabling eye injuries cost in-1 lion dollars annually, says the Bet- dust ry in the United States 20 mil-1 ter Vision Institute. Ex-Indonesia Leader Acts to Restore Peace 1 JAKARTA. Indonesia. Feb. 23 Former Vice President Mo hammed Hatta moved today to throw his enormous influence be hind efforts to restore peace to revolt-torn Indonesia. It was learned that Hatta, whose popularity among the Indonesians is second only to President Su karno, met with a youth delega tion at his home yesterday. Hatta pledged he would use his utmost efforts to settle the unrest in Indonesia. It was Hatta's first public com ment on the nation's troubles since a revolutionary government was set up in Central Sumatra Feb. IS. The rebels have demand ed that Hatta be made premier, but he rejected the idea. Hatta, who has conferred pri vately with Sukarno, told the del egation the main point now is to restore the integrity of Indonesia. He declared that foreign inter vention should be avoided and that the constitution and laws should be observed. Solon Thinks Congress Left Gate; Open for Abuse in FCC Decisions WASHINGTON. Feb. 13 on Rep. Harris iD-Arki said today he believes a law to curb wire pulling on Federal Communica tions Commission decisions was "thwarted" in the Miami Channel 10 case and in other cases too. He said Congress itself left the gale open for abuse when it passed the law in 1852. H said Congress members feared the legislation would shut off their own access to the FCC on pend ing cases. Harris heads the House Com merce Committee and Its special subcommittee which renews to morrow an inquiry into whether the supposedly independent feder al regulatory agencies are doing what the law intended in their Boy Rocket Maker Hurt WENATCHEE, Feb. 23 I -An apparent spark from some last-minute grinding discharged a home - made rocket yesterday sending the steel cap hurtling into the body of l-y ear-old J. B. Arm strong. The boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Armsirong. underwent two hours surgery during which the metal was removed. He was re ported in good condition today as the cap had not pierced his abdon- inal wall. Young Armstrong and two com pions had made the rocket from a piece of pipe, stuffing it with between 600 and 800 matchheads. It had fins on the sides. At the last moment, he decided one of the fins needed to be ground down. During the grind ing, he held the rocket toward his stomach and a spark apparently set it off, Chelan County Deputy Sheriff Reuben Rose reported. .rulemaking over far-flung busi ness interests, The subcommittee slated Flori I da lawyer Thurman A. Whiteside for questioning tomorrow. Ousted j subcommittee counsel Bernard I Schwartz has testified that White- side paid 12,650 to FCC Commis sioner Richard A. Mack. He pic tured Whiteside as working lor I the winner in' a contested FCC award of lucrative TV Channel 10 in Miami. Whiteside has accused Schwartz of lying and Mack also has denied the allegations. So far the bearing have bees marked by a swirl of testimony about efforts by both sides in the Channel 10 case to win the FCC'a okay. This has led to congression al calls for a cod of ethics to cover regulatory agencies. Rep. Udall P ' : Ariz) today urged the FCC to "adopt rules whfch would prevent members of Congress or anyone else Irom intervening in commission hear- ings." WgJL o o o . CH L CO- C WW? 1 m X ym r--v i& xr V Su::. y. r&&$M PORTLAND BOAT SHOW SPECIAL PRICE! ELGIN BOATS AND MOTORS ON DISPLAY AT BOAT SHOW OR IN OUR BASEMENT MARINA! 5.00 HOLDS . . . OR USl SEARS EASY TERMS MAKE FIRST PAYMENT IN JUNE . 'v. - SPECIAL FACTORY ALLOWANCE! l Sore .t Exactly (Q . ft 14-FT. FIBER GLASS RUNABOUT UfUKtfl Koutn P0WIRJ The fisherman's delight! Lots of room with 70" beam. Double semi-V bottom for maximum per formance. Will take up tto 40 h p. No painting, varnishing or calking seams with this one! Complete with Steering C OO Windshield and Hardware f J' ' 1 3.00 HOLDS ELGIN 12 H.P- u-iAck Set H.P- Exclusiv. , ooe. . 1, or lock. V,rtuoy SoeeJs from SAVE Oh BOATING ACCESSORIES! ROOSTER TAILS "lOOMfH Look" 7.88 Winch Stands 7.95 Trailer Safety Chains .t.9S Transom (lamps ...-,. 5.49 Bilge Pumps... ,r.3.98 Oar Locks rr. 98c Ash Oars Grade Ne. l..Pr. 7.95 Oar Wells Fr. 59c Wafer Ski Belts 3.49 Mo. 10 Anchors 5RL.X9I Boal-Seafs Swivel Type ... 9.95 TOD Dr a t " V! P)fo the prices 5 00 HOLDS c :irCes fiber gloss L1. . 'I hulls will no " the 0 odditlonfti .T of ,,b' gloss or. , or rnrrrA .i over nl. - w operotiooond eo,ier toJ0:' uct.d by nT " fib -W -"num. Limitl - vwto, miirK ovoilobleotthisloj Pnc. 800 LBS. CAPACITY 7S0 LIS. CAPACITY ,4.Msl 2 H.P. Air Cooltd Outboard Motor Keg. 104 M $94 A Irghtwcight, woUi mnr wi KruJ rtwind srwttf. '. Mtd far trollfnf, liiiiiW HwiniNf p4rtt. Low-Cost Elgin 7K.H.P. Outboard lUfr 199.95 C ITT , Speed Lever .. Htndy fi mt it leutW t M lnk for .My uh, tvtn wtwi motor k in pivot potitMn, (y Elgin 7-HP Outboard Motor ..$211 Reg. 234.93 Only .. ... Quit, with ckrahioi powr hmuim. rr9, f-fM w Hrft ni ntw re wind rtr. With 4'-e.l. rW Uok. uy to MfVk. Automatic Rewind. Starter 30 HP Motor K,4?!.". $369 fulutfve lir-lack for Sr iipwif Mlcctian. F-N-R ym ht. Option I thk tiffing UH.' t-ol. IhA. Tilt Bed Deluxe Boat Trailer Trailer with Tipper Attachment Handles boats up to 15 ft. ' : Has roll alignment bed. f ram Cf" (OmQ tips for loading and onload- I I jV 1 J ing. Newly designed with I Qj " new anti-splash fenders, New A-frame trailer with tor sion bar suspension eliminates springs and as resulj, any jarring of boat. Handles boats up to. 16-ft. long. Adjustable bunkers to fit contour of boat. Cooit Guard Approved Adult life Jacket Orsnce i .-.5.88 fepwUr froe-flt cutaway dMen Ira fH ( 14 (4. Children's Slie ....X...3-M SEAS5 550 M. CAPiTOt ffl ::39I9IS!SSVS? : (fir ' saMrsnsaessssSHesasiBBeB