' 1 J 4 ft-Qrcfqp Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon.r Feb. 24, '58 ' Airplane That Acts Like Helicopter i . r ji m m iiimi i ii ill I ill ' L II I -tp ' i IV'- "' "r I ; ; .'t7-;-'p", , K" ' J .y-;- : 5 V ' v . v-- ( - ' - , :i: v ' ''-' . - w . or- h vr ; - . -i v . - -t . -J , ' ' ; i. i,-.:- '.. - . ..' , .J - ' . :f'-- ' ;.; v', .', ' j ' 1 - v.. V - J ;,. I . -- y , , . - . . 1 1 " TOJUULVCE, Califs Fefc. 2J-TWi drawing, released today by the Doak Aircraft Co. or Tor ruwc, Calif, tkowt how a ew aircraft built by Doak for the U.S. Army can take off aad laad TertieiDy like a helieopter, but operate la the air like a conventional airplane. AF Wlrephoto) Inside TV Comedian's Writer Becomes Producer 7 CTK ST AM TORRANCE. Calif., Feb. .23 - A plane designed to take off and land vertically like a helicopter I lock, stock and barrel, with -which but operate in the air like a coo- Tests Due for Whirlybird Type Plane Nasser Syrian Feared; Commies Prepare Hideout BEIRUT. Lebanon. Feb. 23 Ur Syrian Communists today were reported ready to dive under ground at a moment's notice, fear ing a crackdown from President Nasser of the United Arab Repub lic. Reliable sources say Nasser is ready to clamp down on the Com munists in Syria, now but a prov ince in the U.A.R., just as he has done in Egypt. Nasser was elected president of the U.A.R. in a plebiscite Friday that united Egypt and Syria. He BOLLYWOOD, Feb. 23 STARR to win or lose. REPORT: Feb. IS ia going to be Wnere oe Durante fit into all a reaVlettar day in the life of a;- He will be doing a Barnett- wnuen mgmciuo an in navana If X .r.W' J w - w named Barnett ia the b- kaa to man Jackie and relived of a umber of no-longer-ee- young beadlmers f another era. v I Baraett. whe ! H hid Unk 31 and freatient- produee kis driver's li- where minors but is ready to drop everything and fly to Las Vegas to help out if Barnett needs him. For free. Loyalty ia a two-way street. It straek an very terribly the Dfauh Share. erea years m Uktil . la bet ter aew thaa she haa ever beea. Watching her work to easily and surely with people like Ed Wynn and Nanette Fabray, projecting Child Figuring In Religion Issue Turns Age J MIAMI BEACH. Fife., Feb. 23 urV-Hildy Ellis, the freckle-faced daughter of a Catholic mother who was adopted by Jewish foster par ents, celebrated- her seventh birth day with her first birthday party today. The youngster, born Hildy Mc Coy, was the center of a lengthy controversy before Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ellis were permitted by the Dade County Circuit Court to adopt her last July. She had no birthday parties during the years the Ellises fought to retain her custody. Twelve of her classmates at the private school she attends were invited to the party. Mrs. Ellis wouldn't say where the celebra tion was held. She said she and her husband want Hildy to live quietly from now on. Courts in Massachusetts, where Hildy was born, held the Ellises should give her up under a state law requiring an adopted child to be reared where practicable in the faith of its natural parents. The Ellises have had Hildy since she was six days old but her mother claimed she did not know they were Jewish when she gave up the child. It s wonderful to know she's really ours." said Mrs. Ellis. "We're beginning to unwind and feel like "normal people again." got almost unanimous endorse ment from the Syrian people. At the same time he was given ex traordinary powers to govern Sy ria just as he haa been running Egypt. . lasisleel ea Baa When the merger was first pro posed, Nasser insisted the grow ing Communist party in Syria be banned. It waa one of several terms he demanded before he would agree to the merger or to take over the U.A.R. presidency. The powerful Syrian Baatb par ty, which engineered the merger was happy to comply with this de mand. Left-wing but non-Communist, the Baathists were being threatened by steadily increasing Communist strength. Knowledgeable Syrian sources said in Damascus a clash between the ruling Baathists and the Com munists hastened the birth of U.A.R. Net GWea Thought For a long time the Baathists have been considering federating with Egypt similar to the Arab federation set up recently by Iraq and Jordan. They had not given serious thought to total union, which unlike federation erases Sy rian sovereignty. Then the Communists threat ened their leadership with a sur prising show of strength after the recent financial agreement be tween Russia and Syria. It was then the Baathists switched to to tal union. It is well known that Nasser was at first extremely reluctant. But Syria's ready agreement to Nas ser's stiff terms swung the; Egyptian President. ventional plane will undergo ground tests starting tomorrow. Built by the Doak Aircraft Co. for the Army Transportation Corps, the plane has propellers at each wing tip which swivel down to face the ground for takeoffs and landings and are moved to a nor mal position for horizontal flight. The propellers are enclosed in metal rims, or ducts. The plane, which is powered by in1 ahaff fiirhin Micrtn r. mains in a boruontal position at!"0 safey today after a three- all times. I wee" lrlP oi more man aw miles. Dog Wanders 300 Miles in Jaunt Home SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 23 Chula, a wandering dog with an unerring sense of direction, was cant be served, has sank bis life's lber """ oiality ond savings into a show called "Jackie MM1 u lmMt ImmH'i vwmrMn i ia i fortlessly. you have to come to and the 153 ia not a typographical that she is a atari The company said no airports are required for taking off or landing, but that if airports are A. Douglas McKinlay brought Chula to Salt Lake City when he moved from Roosevelt. Utah, a The show produced, written and directed by Barnett. not to moatioa paid far opens at Wilbur Clark's Desert Inn for six weeks beginning Feb. X. win be the first Broadway show ever to break in at Las Vegas and. he hopes, will wiad up as a i)-minute spectacular a either NBC or CBS. Se wb t Baraett aa1 what is wtth "aewee ere at lnt"? Jackie hat . beea Jimmy Dar aaleV writrr far the past 11 years aa,haa written m fewer thaa tea aaags far aim. Be aal Dwraate have aerer haa1 a caa- tract. "Jiauay hat hers like a fath er, a feather aae' a Mna to aw. I lav the fu a4 will nev er. Irave him." Which la abeat par far the caanc with aayaae waa haa ever werhH far Jimmy Daraate. of considerable stature, quite pot- .. iiWy the outstanding star in th i ' . . ... 'medium today. If the ratings don't I A' " "t in the hear thi. euL tfen ratine. r alPlan! designed to travel farther available, the plane can operate community about 150 miles south- entirely as a conventional air- good deal less meaningful they might be. (Copjrrtsht 1SS Ctaciwt Feature Corp.) than and faster than I observation and a helicopter, for rescue missions east of here. The first night he left the 2-year-old German shep herd in the trunk of his car with the lid open so she could breathe. The long trip apparently frighten ed Chula and she jumped out but the company hopes to adapt , during the night and headed for NOTICE or HEARING ON HNAL ACCOUNT Notice Ii hereby given that the rinal Account of Pioneer Trust Com pany aa Executor of the estate of Lou o. sawyer, deceased, has been tiled In the Circuit Court of Marion loumy. urefon, ana mat Monday, the 17th day of March. IMS. at :H A.M. in the courtroom of aald court in the county courthouse at Salem, Oregon, has been set for the hear ing of objections. If any, to such final Account. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY Executor of the Estste of Lou D. Sawyer. Deceased STEVE ANDERSON Attorney for the Estate Ml Court Street Salem, Oregon Feb. 17, 24. Mar. 1. 10, 1958 NOTICE OP FINAL HEARING As executrix of estate of JAMES HENKY ULINGER. Deceased. I have filed In Circuit Court of Oregon, for Marion County, my final account said estate, and 17 March 19SS. at IS o clock, a.m. .and the courtroom of said court have been appointed by said court for the hearing of objec tions to said final account and the settlement thereof. AILEEN L. CLODTELTER As Executrix Aforesaid Peter M. Gunnar Richard D. Lee Attorneys for Executrix. Feb. It. n. 24. March S. IBM lit to commercial use as well. City Obituaries her old home at Roosevelt. She found only an empty house where her master once lived. A neighbor, Elmer Eldred, saw Chula and tried to catch her so FINAL NOTICE KENNETH CLARK, executor of ine estate of NONA CLARK, de ceased, has filed his final account as such ia the Circuit Court of Marion County, Ores on, and said Court has fixed Wednesday. March i, IKS. at ID 00 o'clock a.m.. in the Court Room of said Court at the time and place for hearing objections thereto. KENNETH CLARK Executor of the Estate of NONA CLARK, deceased BRUCE W. WILLIAMS OTTO a 8KOPIL. JR. KEITH D. EVANS 412 Pianeer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Executor FJ.10.17.24.MJ Mrs. KlixabeUl ettaer of Si years. Survived by wife. Sara I Late resident of 1790 Oxford St., Ann Lea. Salem; sons. Luther Lea. I la a tocaJ nursing home February 22. , Salem. Ralph Lea, Brooks, Ore.: . at the age of fa. Survived by one 1 daughter. Mrs. Eartle Wilson, Dallas, son. Cllflord Wallen of Salem. Serv- , Ore, Mrs. Marie Myers. Salem. Mrs. rill be 3 p.m. Wednesday. Feb. ' Margaret Hux, Salem. Mrs. Minnie words chapel. !2S. in Howell-Edwards chapel. Rev. i. C. Hansen officiating. Burial will 1 be la Belcreet Memorial Park. Arch Weafeed bertes I Died at residence. 4lMacleay Rd , February 21, at the age of 1 years. I Survived by wife. Alma Boyles. Ss Mem; three daughters. Mrs. Wade Weekly, hubllmity, Mrs. Henry Pfen- I nig. aaiem ana Mrs. Marcus iainea. The theme of the show has a , Gary. Indiana. Two brothers. O. G. nunc eouole takinc a rnrk shtn Boyles. OrUnd. California. Ted younj coupie taking a roCKet snip f, Austin. Texas. J sisters. Mrs. to he moon, except that some-' Lucy Willie. Shelby vllle. Mo.. Miss thinr goes wrnnjr and the rocket ; fc1 .P0'- """'"" M - M h;n .".. , '.. u . , Pean Turner. Quemado. N Mex. 14 tnip reverses ItseU IM goes back grandchildren Services will be held into tune. When the lind. they i tn Howell-Edwsrdi Funeral Home flmi Ikvnr'ea h la ism. .... . Wedoesdsy. February M. 10 JO sm . - - 1 wim intern rounded by such people as Paul Vnl'. U -U - L. -J Baxter. Sweet Home, Ore, Mrs. Ruth , " Earls. California. Services will be 1 .30 been previously. p,m.JwdJniV' r 1 How" I The tired, thin pooch later had a ell-Edwards chapel. Rev. Norman , . ,.:. ;iVT. . Jones officiating Burial wiu be in Jvful reunion with her master. Murphy Cemetery. I . CALL FOR BIOS The City ol Salem is offering for sale by sealed bid the motor vehicle listed below. Each bid. when submit ted must be enclosed in a sealed en velope plainly marked "BID ON k K ii i c.H i L. ""l"" tnii.i.i ana muii oe re- She COUld be returned to Salt Lake celved in the office of the under signed on or before 10:00 a.m March 7. 195g at which time the proposals will be publicly opened In Reom 0. City Hall, Salem, Oregon. The terms of the safe and other She COUldn t locate McKinlay S ' available at the office of the under new home, but went to his broth-1 signed. Lucrum ' irc i. ivv. ii -,u. HBA2394 City, but Chula was too fast and eluded her would-be captors. Chula headed back to Salt Lake City to try and find her master.) Sir Winston Progressing, jjj Doctor Says Whiteman. Rudr Vallee, Harry Richmond. Buster Keaton, Fiji Dorsey and Ariine Harris all of whose names win glitter on the Desert inn marquee Starting Fee. 1 Sr. of Salem, grandmother. Mrs. of Oskiand California Jackie is sinking 'about a quar ter of a million dollar frlo this venture, every dime of it hi mm. none borrowed. It is his show, Britain Shows Worry Over U.S. Recession LONDON, Feb. 21 -Britain today was reported worried by re ports of growing VS. recession and has been urging Washington to approve relaxing restrictions 00 trade. with the Communist bloc. Prime Minister Macmfllan tent three top economic aides to Wash, iflgte le get a first-hand report in .the US. situation. They are aril. MailaJa Leek .at. rMiUnl of 901 Bf. 10th at a I local nursing home February 22 at the age of H. Survived by 2 sons. Marshall a id Vernon, both of Salem: Unlill Mr. 14 v Pfj.lc.tl nt Sat.m end Mrs. Nora Derecheld of Huron, 8 Dak ; 21 grandchildren. H great grandchildren. Wat member of Knight Memorial Congregational Church. Salem. Services wll be Mon day. February 24 at J 00 p m at the ! ROQUEBRL'NE - CAP-MARTIN, Howell-Edwards Funeral Home with , . Rev Ralph Cepolungo officiating In- France, red. Zl lifi Sir Winston wrment wiu be in City view Ceme-1 Churchill's temperature is normal Ury' and he is making satisfactory Wesley Lewis Nebia progress against pneumonia, his Late resident of Chehalts, Wash., physicians said today. i5 ..-T!!omi Z??!! r..L ?- ' Dr. David Roberts, one of the The City of Salem reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals ss may be deemed In the best Interest of the city. Howsrd D. Brandvold, Director of Finance. FJt.'SS with interment In Be le rest Memorial Park. Baby Bey Day Infant son of Mr and Mrs John D. Day it . 108 Main St . Salem. February 21. also survived by grand- parents. Mr and Mrs. John D Dsy i later by the Virgil T. Golden Co. Geerse Fankbouser Late resident of Rt. 1 Box 21S. Brooks. Feb. 23, in a Salem hospital Leaves widow. Mrs Mary E. Funk houser. Brooks; three sons. George II. FunkiMuser. V S. Marine Corps. Guam and Donald Jsmes and Har old Eugrne Funkhouser. both of Brooks, one daughter. Miss Judith Caral Funnhouser, Brooks; one brother. Harold W. Funkhouser, Ell wood City. Ps ; two sisters, Mrs James Fuller and Mrs. Floyd Barn house, both of Long Beach, Calif. Arrangements pending at W. T. Rig don mortuary. Albany. Ore.; brothers, Mynsrd Nel- : timet hut sources rinse In the ' son. Klrkland, Wash. Herbert W. : . . . . J. " ' ' , Nelson. Seattle, Wash : sisters. Mrs. i household said his extra calls ; curs Edwsros. Seattle, Mn. Effie , were no cause for anxiety. They Inveen. Renton. Wash. Mrs. Florence -a;j ,v ui.ii. ...-.-:.. Simmons. Tscoma. Wssh ; 2 grand- , M. lfl v' wre in connection : children also survive. Gravewde serv- i witn some precautionary tests ly, renruary Lee Mission SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That en the 1 1th day of March IASS al will be held Monday Februarv n.- i:..i i.it.,!. .. j .. ! 10 00 o clock a.m.. ine trout wei NOTICE The residents and general public will be afforded a hearing on Mon day. March 1. I OSS. at the hour of 10:00 a.m.. in the County Courtroom of the Marlon County Courthouse. Salem. Oregon, on the proposed re naming of the east-west portion of Jones Road (County Road No. S3Sl to Idylwood Drive, and also on the pro posed re-nsmlng of the north-south portion of Jones Road lying between Idylwood Drive and Browning Ave nue to, 'Lone Oak Road" to corre spond with thst portion of Lone Oak Road south of Idylwood Drive in Msrion County. Oregon MARION COUNTY COURT By: Rex Hartley. County Judge , E L. Rogers. County Commissioner Roy J Rice. County Commissioner FJ4JS.M 24 at 10 30 a m. In the Fatner ton officiating. Service, will be un der the direction of the Howell-Edwards Funeral Chapel: , Laara D. Page Late resident of 34 S Com'l St ... at a local hospital, February 21st. Sur vived by sons, Judge E. M. Psge, Sa lem. Walter J. Page. Seattle Wash . Lyle J. Page. Salem, Leo G. Page. Salem: brother. Earl H Jory, Salem. 4 grsndchildren sV f great-grsnd-children also survive. Funersl serv ices Monday. 2 p m st Virgil T. Churchill's secretary. Anthony Montague Browne, declined to an- eroperty': of the Courthouse In Salem Marlon County, Oregon, I will sell at. public auction to ine nignesi oiooer lor cash, the following dtserlbed real AbrsJsasa Joseph Hot seat Late resident of 114 Hood St.. 8s lesn. February lth at the a se of SO years. Survived by wile. Maude Hud- - - 1 1 . I . . i v . ... vS, rr...." ZL'.OoUmn Chapel, with Salem. John Hudson. Siletx. Kenneth ALVLT"'' Hudson, USN. Guam; daughters, Mrs. t V Arvells Houck. Grand Rondo. Mrs. .if, .,, Stella LaChance Services will he "I? iir",.. urn st at held Tuesday. February 2h at I: Jt r,Bru.ry i, ,h, of swer when reporters asked if the tests included an electrocardio gramor heart check. Grippe Kills 11,000 Beginning the Southwest corner t at ol Lot Thirty-live I3S, Capital City Fruit Farm as shown by pltt re corded In Volume I. Psge tj. Record of Town Plats lor Marlon County Oregon: and running thence Easterly along the South line of said Lot 35 4 DM chains In the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Fact line of (airf-txit 3.V 1.00 chains, thence Easterly psrallel with the Southerly Ime of Lot 14 of said Cap Methodist Church at Ore Rev. Du.ne Mufh HI officiate Interment will be la st Michael 1 1 rmeterv. Grand Sonde. S-m. In the nd- lonc!e. Elby. M rears Survived by wile. Ritacca, Baiem; sons, Ernest Ritacca Amity, ore., Vincent Ritacca, Pa- el s..s e-J.. b...u j ,..-ml.:Jni-ZMl.zriiMn. Calll : daughter. Miss Mint sir :rsia wsvptoui, ncyuvv .J X thV iiJ.JZn Pesrl Ritaeca, Salem and Mn. Flor flersecretary we roreign ""ice, chapel ,enee Bnngie, in xtrarge of ' economic attnir, i . and Si I.tU ftjvM ami Sir Rnh. Clarence A. J oh uvea Salem. February Jlst. al the ste of M years Hu-bsnd of Ruth Mable Johnson. Salem: brother of Arthur C. Jonnson. Saleai, Bvrdle Johnson, Colorado Korints. Colo , Mrs. Blanche Vernier, Oregon City. Ore. Mrs Sarah Anderson, Venturt. Calif, Sev eral nieces tnd neohewt slsrf sur vive, including, Delbert and Richard .fohnson hoth of Salem and" Msvor RoOert White. Salem. Services will , . . . , ir neiv rvDruarv sn at 1 -.10 a.m. in American recession were shown in ehaei of th. w,t. Rigdon ca! IS'a per Cent (all to United , Interment at Belcreet Memorl-i Prsi Kiaednm evnoH. t. the Hntlar F1!" Berkeley Ormond off Ida t- PARIS. Keb. 23 More than 11.000 Frenchmen died of grippe .r'i!. t-l .il-l : last year. Tht National Statistical nai citv Fruit Farm. 0 34 chaini: instuuie reDoricf uie total ana i""1"1' ...... .j -. -. said nearly 1,000 of the fatalities occurred during the Asian flu epidemic in the last quarter- of 1957. Llllie ert Bail of the Treasury, they are reported to have tug gi d to the U.S. State Depart mtvt a rtviaw of the restrictions sttl banning trade with the Rus sans and the Communist bloc in , strategic materials. . . . The firat effects of the Worth Wash : 1 grand children also survive. Member of tht Seventh Day Advcntlst Church Serv l es will be held Monday. Februarv J4tn at 13t p m. In the Chapel of the HoweU-Edwardt Funeral Home El der J. C Hensea officiating. Inter ment Lee Mission Cemetery. tog. ' ires in January, comnared wtth t fU quarter. Jt, Satem February 21st at the we f Sektller Late residsnt ol 10M Berry St.. Sa lem. At Sublimity renruary 22. Sur vived by daughter, Mrs F. W Dick maa eg Stayton. son Joseph B Schal ler at Salem: grandchildren. Mrs. Elmer IMilen. Stayton. Niel F. Dick man of StSTton; five great-grandchll-drtn; brothers George Schller of M-rshfie'd. Wisconsin. Albert Schal ler of St. Croix Falls Wisconxa. Servleet will be held Tueaday. Frh rusry 2t at I p m In the chapel of Virgil T Golden Co.. and interment at Bekcrast Memorial Park. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICjI IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed by the ClrcuH Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. Probate Depart ment, as eecu'rl rt the estate of RUTH E 8RESKLER. deceased and have qualified as sure exerutrla. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, duly verified, ta mt at 412 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem. Ore gon, at said County, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 23rd day of January, 19tt. GATHA VIOLA RHODES , Executrix of th estate of RUTH E. PRESSLER, Deceased. BRttCst W WILLIAMS l OTTO R SKOPIL, JR. KFITH D. EVANS 412 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Executrix Jan. 17, Feb. 2, It, IT, 24. rly Easterly line of said Lot St. 14.041 chains to the Southerly line of lend conveyed to Arthur F Dalke and wife bv deed recorded In Volume 2M, Page MB Deed Records for Mar lon Countv, Oregon; thence Westerly along tire Southerly line of said Dalke land. 13 chains to the Westerly line of said Lot 9S; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of ssld Lot 3.V 10 021 chsma to the nolnt of be ginning, and hemg a portion of Lots M and .15 Cmita' City Fruit Farms in Section 21. Township 1 South. Rsnge 2 West . of the Willamette Meridian. Marlon County, Oregon. Said sale Is made under mortgage foreclosure execution Issued out of tht Circuit Court of the Htatt of Ore- Son for the County of Marion to mt irected. in the ctse of JOHN H. CHASTAIN tnd MILDRED P CHAS TAIN. husband wife, plaintiffs, vt. LARRY L. WAONRR and PAULINE J. WAGNER. , husband tnd wife. VALLEY CREDIT SERVICE. Inc.; and MARION COUNTY, a bedv po litic of the State of Oregon, defend ant. Dated February 7th. IM. DENVER YOUNO Sheriff of Majlon County, Oregon. Bv A. I Malstom. Deouty Feb. 10, 17, 24, March 2, las. T 'I F E Save Time - Save Money - rat the Bt4 rrtfetsieaal Services MIL AM EXPERT Make life Easier- Read & Use Want Ads Daily! ADDING MACHINES We sell, rent A service sll makes Roen, 454 Court. EM 24773. KIILLIIOZINO Bulldoeing Roads, Dams. D4-DS varryail Hukey, em silt COSMETICS STUDIO Oirl - Ruth L Smith, 3-4HMJ. 4-2J04. Ht. 4, Box 110. CRANK SERVICB IS-TON Loraine molo crane. Sa lem Sand Gravel. EM J I4l rLOOB COVERINO NORR1S - WALKER Ptlnt Co. Floor - covering Div Quality SittaUaUona. Lino, carpets, Aa Kelt at Rubber Tile Wall Ule ee Estimates. EM 4 227S. FO PLACE AD call EM 4-6811 INCOMR TAX SEBVICB Need Help? Income tax returns, and part ime oookReeping. jortn w Bollinger. 1480 Elm. EM 1-3435 D R. Tax, very reas. 12M w. 24ta at. KM 4-M3 after 3. INCOME TAX Pick up A del. EM "4-1421 LAS Ta Service. EM t-ISSS. Reas. rates. 408 Qlenwood Dr. TAX RETURN Bruce St. NT, reps red. 3121 Preps EM 2 Leon's accounting service. 4th H I. EM Jsaia. laoa Fret pick-up and delivery. Bar toe Service. EM 3 0967. Lowest Legal Tax Guarantee M SO A up Exper -Tax Auditor Free pickup A deUv. EM 4-3301. Tax formt prepared tor md. viuueia. r arms, am a ii tmsl ness. Finnegan A Hardwlck. EM 4-3094 or FM 4-S320. Bnokkeeptnc. payroll reports A income lax service. E. 1. Church A Co. S71 N. Cottage. Salem, Ore. EM 4-S24J. INCOMB TA SEBVICB STAN'S Accounting Hervlce. 8 34th EM S S234. sao PA1NTIN41 A PAPianANOINO 450 Meirhandiw 81 AppllafKQS - MEIER I-RANK I Reconditioned Appliances Washers, dryers, ranees, refrig erators. Reg. St A SS aow S A S4 Heg SSS A SBS now 130 A SOS. Reg. ItIS A 13 now t rt at eat. i PATIO SHOP 2ND FLOOR MEIER FRANK, SALEM Painlin Est Im faDerhangini. S-9513 lltW Shipping BAND A GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 128 McCllchrlsl Crashed quarry rocks and grav el. All site for roads, drive wayt and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-doting, ahovtl tnd dragline work. EM ajroti salei sand a gravel co Ready mix concrete, crushed round grsvel. tand A too toll . 140 N. From. EM I34S1. ... SEPTIC SERVICE MIKE'S Septic Serv. D'Rooter. clean tanks, sewers cm a-vsts unutism a . w., - a wr. rt i u nw.iwii " ' " . Septie tanks cleaned EM 3-8377 PHONE EM 4fiSll TO PLACE AD Gunsified Index ' for your convenience ads ar slaced under S general netdmgt -ell in numerical order. RIO-PERSONAL Funeral Directora 304 In Memonam Joi Lost and Found 3is Meeting Notices lit . Obituaries Notlcet ' Personal . Stamps and Coins 1 rant porta uon iOO--AGRICULTURE Auction Sales Farm Lquipment Food Column Fertiliser Lawn A Garden Livestock For Sale 4u2 Livestock Wanted 4u3 Peu . tot Poultry A Babbitt 414 Sea Fooda - 414 steeds A Plants sm 150 MERCHANDISE Household Goods 4S1 AppUsncet as Clothing . 4M Bicycles 302 J14 42S 4M 4U 422 .41 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found WILL the party who exchanged cwai i uie vesi unn Inn Feb 20th please contact Willamette View Manor, Mu- wautie. 314 Tronsportotiow WANTED Riders to Portltnd dsy week. EM 2-3040. 316 Personal Building Matertalt 47 Boating 4S3 Do It Yourself 47 Floor Covering 474 For Rent Mitcellaneout 4S1 For Sale Miscellaneous 40 Machinery A Tool Fuel Miscellaneous Musical Instrumenti 45t Office Supplies ... 44U Photogrtphy 46S Plumbing. Hettlng 472 Sewing Machines 434 Sports Equipment 44 Trade Miscellaneous 442 TV and Radio 454 Wanted Household Goods . ..... . 442 Wanted Machinery Tools .. 4S Wanted Miscellaneous 43 COBUSINESS ANO FINANCE Investments Losns Wsnted Money to Loan "10 EMPLOYMENT BabysitUng l Your noma Child Care ll-A II (OS 430 DONT DO IT Paying too much income text fit &m S-stM FOR SALE 3 lots In Restlswn (Meditation Gardens.! EM J .HOB. t.M 4-ltV. INCOME Tax prepared, you home or mine, reas. EM 4-2301 2 LOTS at Restlswn Memorial No. HS.eU 150 ea. EM 4-133 PSYCHIC Reader, Hint. Haul complete reading S3, jao S. torn i. M 4-mta. OPAL King Spiritual Reader im 4-Z701 lor umlted time. ALCOHOLICS Marion Anon vino EM 4-054 ALCOHOLICS aoonymoua gg btomroercial. EM 4-lSut Jary's Flowers k Gifts Capitol Shop. Ctr. M 4-3391 400 Agriculture 402 Uvostoclt For Sale FOR Sale or trade. House Lot in Salem for Dairy stork Ph. sfter 4 P.M. week dsys Salem 3-4FS. Anytime week ends. SINGLE horse trailer. Call EM i wii after t. WHITE oats. Phone Salem 24F, titer t p.m. a weekends. GOOD clover he SIS. Del. "traw Dale. al.stf-J.I9WI. GET greater tains for lest money, use Burepora at with your rrsini. Larre Feed Store, rront NE. 430 Commission Work Day or Contract Employment Agencies 41 Educttion - 413 Help Wanted 02 Help Wanted. Lady SO Help Wanted. Maa to4 Job Information 417 Pickers Wtnted 40 Sales Help 410 ' CATTLE Snethea 410S SUvertne 403 Uvwstock WanttxJ BUYER Claud Edwards. Rt g doi mwr. cm 41113 Work Wtnted. Lads S14 Work Wanted. Maa 611 W RENTALS R4 EM 2-1343 or EM 2-4384 Sommer CATTLE buyer A. F S383 Dallas Rd EM 4 -9047 Apartments For Rent.. 70S.1 CATTLE horses, al your farm Business Rentals 71S E C. McCandllsh. EM 3-41M n?.'" HOm" - Vrl'rtP csshprices atyour pl sec Collect . trms For Rent 70 Furnished 707-A Houses For Rent 707 Moving and 8toragt . 70 Resort Renult 71 AKC black Pekingese stud ser n.funia. ooaro )ua 405 Pot Wanted To Rent Wanted Rent Apts Wanted To Rent Wanted Rooma Board Houses aoeREAJ ESTATE A'.j Courts Fur Sale Business Opportunities Business Property Coast ProDerty Exchsnre Real Estate Farms For Sale Houses For Sale Insurance Lota For Sale vice. EM 3-28M. RFC. wire haired with papers Dachshund 4 eenerations bsrk. good pet, 7 mo. old. EM 4-7143. S07 1 SOI SOS PLACE ran MI u u w u i Retort Property Suburban Wanted Real Estate ..SI SO AUTOMOTIVE Aircraft BSu Auto Miscellaneous MO Auto Parts A Repair SS3 Heavy Equipment S44 House tilers SS2 Motorcycles . SS New Cart SSI Truckt. Trailers For Sale .. , S.M Used Car For Salt . S2 Wanted Cart. Truckt uj Birds, Cavies. Chipmunks. II Wi Livingston EM 3 1 42 PEKINGESE' puppies AKC. reg stud service. MA 2-370. I BEAUTIFUL Color Bred Ce ll: nsrles. 1340 Chemekcta. EM aie X.43U. sut s:S SO SI SO To Place Ofssliied 4ds Call EM 4-68il 412 rood Column BABY BEEF FOR YOUR LOCKERS ALL WEIGHTS EM 2-6403 PASTEURIZED wnole milk, lie J il Homogenized, tec y gal 4c Clearv Dairy CM ISAM Grsln fed locker beef Sic Minced hsm, 35c Salem Meat Co. " WASHINGTON APPLES Delirious. Romes A Wlneaep. II JO bu. It up. Ped't Product, 3230 Portland Rd. 414 Poultry 4 ttabbit HF.NS t to T lb. 22c. lb or II et et. Also roosters. EM 37371 . NH btbv Cockerels EM 4-4323. Sat t.m. OPPORTUNITIES tn broiler firoiertt. laying bird projects, urkey projects. Larro Feed Store. 430 Front NE. To Place Ad ('-all EM 4-SIII Want Ads Help Retired Admiral Fight Illiteracy Admiral sua Punclt, retiring alter 37 vein Navy strvnc, returned to his sunvt kra ' tuciy devote hn Isle so htla. ing illiterate sduha. Hit iocs ol ieraishine, mticiisl lor soaatuiw (1st hi the fanihi st trsch ifst ilhtrratrt hat worked , ajnatintly well. AJs IiLi this tifflulaur interest and lint) people to hrlp. v ( 'TankMf WkveJ altW spl at I kmIm YaulMoiMkMi Ow S J kxklnt n If Oml W Hans I'M lae lliMe Ss AiWall: 1 b. P,-ll J f ettss ISADHMORIMIWMWISOIIWI SM SMimm MUM Min MMM'Wt SMSS Smm. sh us, se s,., IMis fhone EM 4-6811 to place your Cteifiec, Ad 400 Agriculture 414 Poultry I Babbit BABY chicks, lefhorni. oar- mentors. New Hemps, White Rock Cornish. Ask about tree chicks. Vtlley Farm Store. 41 Lawn I Gardan POWER MOWERS. Shipment Just arrived. All makes It models. See them tt your Downtown Firestone Store, 39 N. Liberty, EM 2-2401 . GARDEN tractor with attach. EM 2-4S1 after 1:30 It Sat. 420 Saadi I Want ONION SETS. CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES. Bulk gar den seeds. Valley Farm Store. TREE season it short. Plant all fruit, shade A flowering trees now. Middle Grove Nursery We (lvt SAM Green Stamps. LO. Oil Stove pipe, two M one Itw gai. arums a. as -arts ELEC. range, good clean eond. 145. EM 3-4043. It.l CU. FT. chest freeser. 11117 elec range, mn auto, defrost rslrlg. OU Cirti. with blower Hamilton auto, waihtr. 420 Wild Wind Dr. SE. EM 3-401). AUTO. Speed Queen washer. Not worn. Only 12 mo. old. New 1335. Sell for 1100. Ph. SMJ1, Independence SELL G.E. Stove Chetp. Line new. k rtfrla. EM 4-M7t. WFSTiNGHOUSE Electric Ring (20. EM a-X7. 434 Sowing MachinoT Repossessed light weight Singer ronaoie in iihiw cwm. tire bal 127 4. Uke over pay ments $12 per week. Phone EM 4-7102. LADY'S btbv teal short lengtfe lur coal tor sienaer person, excel, rond. 1160. EM 3-tSM. 456 rV. 1 Radio 422 Fortiliiar RICH black manure. 1 ton truck load 110. EM 1-4077. AGRICULTURE LIME for Lawn and Garden. Valley rarm store MUSHROOM Fertlllier. Now It the time ta nut on lawn, also have rich black manure No weeds. We del. EM 2-0131. ROTTED manure by tack or cu. yd. alwayt food measure A good quality. Phillips Bros.. Rt. I Bog an. EM 4-301; FERTILIZER. II truck load KV sk. EM 4-033 or fM 4-3M, PEAT mots chick trays. 7e sack. Valley Farm store. COW fertilizer for garden flowers. $10 load. EM 2-312. ZENITH 31" TV. dark wood. top controls, on casters, oara screen. 130. EM. 3-. PORTABLE GE TV. IT la. Good cond. EM 4-87trr-cvc. arter . ilTln. Used Motorola New Set Guarantee 112 21 in Motorola Console New Set Gutrsntee 1131 17 in. RCA Conselette New Set Guarantee 12t 21 in. GE. Dr. model, top con dition, s.9. wesiingnouse st In. table model, good condition. Tape Recorders from .. MARRS 2140 So. Commercial EM 3 1201 USED television reconditioned k fully guar Some aew picture tubes. Low erlces- easy terms. SaiH green ttampt Matter Serv SU . 35 N Coml USED TVs. 17". 21"," 24" mod els, Every set guar. 13 dowa delivers. See at your Down town Firestone Store, 28 N. Liberty, EM 2-34DI. CALL anytime for TV or radio serv. Use our free tune caecser Curtis Rtdio It TV Serv. EM 4 3711. 451 Musical Inatramonts PLAYER PIANO flat EM 3-3371 after 1:3. WILCOX-Gay tap recorder Ilk new I7S. EM 3-171. RECOND. piano. up. Dodg run Service. EM 4-1834. 460 Offico SttppBtw 4.0 Merchandise 4S1 Howsohold Good RUGS I a 12 t and 110. 3-1313. EM BE THRIFTY: Buy GOOD used furniture. A tingle nem or t complete household. Buy ottw aa our easy terms. Woodry's Thrifty USED FURNITURE Sll t Commercial EM 4-331 I Block South Ol Paper Mm FLOOR Demonstrators ONE OF A KIND r Apt. slit Refrig. Full width freezer, reg. 17. now Illt.M. ' Auto. Wither, t lb. noactty. Water control, part load, reg 22.H NOW ll.TS 5. Deluxe Dryer, IS lb. Ctpaclty Long timer, neat control, neg SIM. 04 NOW 1149 S3 Deluxe Sewing Machine. Rich Maple cabinet. Reg. 1" 5 NOW 1119 95. All have new Ouaranteei MONTGOMERY WARD IS N. Uberty EM 3-211 UNFINISHED furniture. H. Stiff Furniture NEARLY new davenport k chair: dinette set; refrig. range: dbl. bed, matt. anrtnet k chest: WestmsTh aute. wither k dryer nearly new. EM 4-90. 3ZJ Lansing. NE. MATTRESSES It springs, S3 r up H L. Stiff Used Furniture Store. 171 N. High. EM HIM DAVENPORTS. 193 k up H L. Btifi used rumnurt store 175 N. High St., EM 1-B1S. BLUE diveno k chair. M Wild Wind Dr., be. em 2-anaa. AUTOMATIC Bendix Deluxe washer. 130, new price Ell 3 good condition. EM 2-MM, 206 Mtplt. LARGE blond corner cupboard. (lass upper door, silverware drawer. 30. EM 3-40SH. 11' COLDSP0T refrig., GE auto. washer. Hide-A-Bed davenport. rocker, occ. chair. 2 end tables GE TV console k ant., 2 mattreaaet, covered springs to match, 3 chests of dr ewers, apt. else rsnge. 2 chelrs k table, misc. EM 2-2M1. OAVENO. like newt, rota, gold metallic. . im court WE have large new k u.sed desks SALE AT MART. 270 4371 ALL ON BOB'S MDSE. S. Liberty. EM Open Fri. nights IU 8. Open ALMOST new tet - Betuty rati bok spring k mattress. Only S7MS. Bob s Mdsd.i Mtrt. 27 S. Uberty. EM 4-4371. Fri. nights til . USED t-yttr crib, full panel ends, l OS. Boo s Mdse. Mtrt. 270 8. Liberty. EM 4371. Open Fri. nlghtt til . Inlaid linoleum. CLOSING OUT AT 11.23 sq. yd. Bob's Mdse. Mart 270 S. Uberty. EM 4-437I. Open Fri. nights til . NEW kitchen metal tables, f 12.M Bon Mds. Men. no a. ub ertv. EM 4371. Open Fri. nignti in t. DOUBLE bed comp., spring k mattress, 111. EM I-43M. KINO ST7.E head board, match- Ing bed tpread, dust ruffle, custom made, almost new. EM 3-7M. 452 Appllant REPOSSESSED I wringer wash er, i 12 cu. n. refrig., I pow er mower. Sea at your Down town Firestone Stare, 2M N. Uberty, EM 2-241 .. NEARLY new 20 cu. ft. deluxe deep freeze, ever 3 yr. guar. Can be financed. Call Mr. Vt iraskt, EM 3-4141 days, EM 2-3034 tves. SEPARATION resulU In return of 14 cu. ft. f rosier, M lb. capacity, aluminum Interior, all steel construction. ' vr. guar. II down. Se at your Downtown Firestone Store, 394 N. Uberty, EM 2-2481. MAYTAG tq. tub wrlnter wash er, rood cond. Alter a. as 1-433, ELEC. ctsh register 34. Cos 134 aew last April, cm i-bh. 462 Wanted Hthkl Oood CASH for RANGES. REFRIG ERATORS, bum. .m a-imia Glen Woodry '10 M. Summer. MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM S-M9. IF you have ana Itertl or a houseful of furniture to sell, call Bob'l Merchandise Mart, 270 S. Uberty. EM 4-4371. CASH for clean uted FtTRItT. TURE. EM 3-iilo. maa wooe ry, 104 N. Summer. 463 Boating All sixes New Johaaoaul 30 pet- off, you have a choice now. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 10 Chemeketa EM 3 9303 ir CEDAR plank Relnell. elee. 2 Mr evinruoe motor, uiustg trailer. EM 2-777. 64 Sport tqulemom Wanted FOR ctsh. Colt, Remington k other antique revolvers, pis tols rifles. We alto buy ob solete and Junk guns of ill types for parts. CASCADE MERC 1230 Broadway 14' ISHAM boat trailer, com plete, yr. old. Excel, cond. till. Ph. 1037. Dayton. 137 SCOTT ATWATER 4 h p. outboard motor. Long man, electric atari ing. with gener ator and txtrt bronze prop. Like new. Call Sitvertoa TR 3-3014. CASH for Uted Gum tnd old coins, all types, casctd Mere 123 Broadway. 470'wundimj MaroriaV USED doors Windows $1 TO $5 Many Other Btdg. Bargains CALL E.S. RinER &C0. 3M0 Portland Rd. EM 4-01 31 Open All Day Saturday 32 gal. alec, witer heater, (4 3 12-2 Lomex in rou ac n. Vent fta 113 3 tolld liber pip 34c ft. Lighting fixtures . reduced 200 amp. meter base 111 9S 21x32 stainless tteel link W7 M Elec. Hettert, ill mikes cheap. 4' east iron Pipe 77c ft. Wall thermostat, 220 volt (It M-2 Lomex hi rolls 2c ft. lft R.P. Puma Panel (130 Oalv. Gutter 12c ft.. Built-in even, 4 -burner (I8( Complete line of elee. heating. nouse wiring, piumotng sup plies A fixtures. ' OPEN FRIDAY EVES. APEX ELECTRIC 4 PLUMBING 141 BROADWAY EM Moot PLASTIC under houat Cnndea- tatloa ' control. EM 1-7429. SAVES YOU MONEY ORDER SPECIFIED 2x4 - x - 2x Ixl SL OLD GROWTH fTR 31 Com posit In FRY ROOFING ; 1 Jf.' I R L Oak Flooring NAMED BRANDS BRUCE k LOUISIANA ; QUALITY SERVICE WE DELIVER A-L LUMBER CO. XM I Coml Eft MMf if"