ARTHRITIC RHEUMATIC PAINS In alt the world, there is no better product available to the public than DOLCIN tablets for relieving the moderate pains and discomforts of arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, lum bago, whenever they occur, dolcin is not a "miracle drug"; there is no known "cure" for these ailments but tXHjL lN is an honest product which has helped millions of people. In eleven years, more than 1 .850.000.000 dolcin tabtetshavc been ued dolcin must be i good! If pains persist, check with your doctor.1 dois (Setting QHp MlGHTO MAKE YOU FCIL OLD NEW YORK SovclmJ : ctoaUAc U Moratory tmrmumltam, Ums snd mi mm tnd amm mow p ImHm ttr. IrrtteM m tr mm limg aWeo tad) vrring "Bladder Weak at "( freojaotU. bnnuu ud Mchtoc i M W4- fiBi. 0tti-f Up Him r tlrM Cloudy Urtot. mmf exf KMaty ddtr IrriUtbacu. whfceh 1lm rmmmm KfrraaaiMu. In Mch tun Mew lmpror4 CY8TKX MMAllr fivoa a) .irk. cslHlnff f Ltof by MMbUac irrHiln ftrnu Mi aVcM rtno: and) fcy rtlHtsaaj. analgMld psla rUr. Ow Wilkes CTSTEX lMte aod pmn eoJtHy nd ntfiu Oot Umttwy TMUd a4 OortlAod CYofTKX tU drcn4 today. Bmm Hw jrt. Witr ymt fori iwihh. Mam? ck.frMd BREAKING AMERICA'S LAXATIVE DRUG HABIT KOUJSTC? SG3E TOOAT tor thro IM dsnfatOMI faros. o ANAHIST ANTIBIOTIC THROAT LOZENGES i Mottw ewd Iwlp ImsI I of arts, without prM... Ta!ic Fri-0 in Yczr nemo You're fast, JIMMIE! Alt OH NATWICS (THNOIN rjusi nim got tw Wobbles? ratMA-CnraactkOB plotee ftras- tv far Mara. Meu eaoiwi to, osippfs. wih. Ma alkaline. woo1! "baa wp". D ruuMAciorDmaai Plaej Pot as toot lavortso ototo. SwNp Away! Ruth Oiior Make a starting line and finish line quite a distance apart Two teams of players play. One player from each team takes a broom and when the captain calls, "Sweep away!" they try to sweep a balloon placed in front of them from the starting line to the finish line and back. Of course, each player tries to do it faster than the one he races with. On his return, he hands his broom to the next player who also sweeps the balloon to the finish line and back. And so it goes. The fastest team wins. IdMed by MARJOKII IAU0WS. EdHor mt The CMMraa's Hour Oa tll Highway Nat Bradford ET A 7"hen you and some other boy or VlvI girl are taking a long trip in a car, V V here's a game you can play for a long time. The one who makes these sounds first scores a point. The one with the most points at the end of the trip wins a prize. Here are the sounds: When you pass a truck, say: AYE-AYE-AYE-AYE! When a truck passes you, say: kvxjwsxjkxk- kit it When you pass a car, say: I-I-I-I I-I-I-I I-I-I-I I-I-I-I! When a car passes you, say: OO-OO-OO-OO! When you cross a bridge, say: UUU-UUU-UUU ! When you go under a bridge or go into an under pass, say: BOOO ! BOOO ! When you pass a highway sign, say: SEEE-SEEE-SEEE-SEEE ! You can make up lots of others. Have fun! Potato PriatOT Walter Eckert You can print a design with a potato! Cut a large potato in half and with an indelible pencil draw your design on the cut surface. Scoop away the potato around the design, so a raised pattern is left Dip this on a plate which has water color or diluted ink spread on it Then press the potato onto a piece of paper to print your design. We have used a heart shape in our drawings, but you can make any kind of design you wish. State Crossword Puzzle Dixon Lewis JS Ji - XJ I - jjj" Acres TWii Is TWa mock of it is arm Not this book, the . Draw or poi'ioy Musical eete A . State" Cempeay fal A robin's he apple 4. . II. 12. 13. IS. 17. Hoavoalw IV. Goaoral proctitioaor (abbrov.) 21. Uraaiwa (abbrov.) 22. Fmom Amoricaa poof wbo wrote "Tko Ravoa" 21. This rao 24. A ooiahborwe state (ebbrev.) 27. rViator'i mni 2. Short for father 10. Senior (ebbroy.) 31. Rotoen Uaivwsity (abbrov.) 32. yo aoiaf homo? 33. 2Stfc aao 20tb bHert of the alphabet 34. Whoa wo play tea. I aat oftoa a SehrtiM m seep 21 Down 1. hnportaat product of this state 2. Occupational therapy (abbrov.) 3. Territory' of Hawaii (abbrov.) 4. Noihbori9 state (abbrov.) 5. I write with a poacil 7. Capital of this state 9. Santo ai 34 A crow 10. Over 30 kiads of ere feaao1 ia this state 12. Like 13. A taai 14. I am 14. Elevated reilwa II. Body of wafer of this state worded So9 port 20. Arkoftaral product of this state (siafoior) 22. Seme as 21 Across 24. Without ceveriag 25. This state was at eaa time for 'l sake It romffs floefcis, rroraary U, 1U