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M I s-is-ssl 32-43-3 AMI 21 MAY H 7-7-d61 Z7-61-7B r448-58-63 AJLT X AUC. 73 Ed ITVW0-34-S1 AUk 34 W.22 l-74-a -By CLAT B. tXSUAN- Tap 3cvto MMs&09 foe SuwSoy 0 your Zodiac birth Siflrv 1 Doirt 31 0 l Snm 2 Work 33 hnoeinaran 63 Tidy 1 ktam 13 Private 63 IMI 4IM 34 Or 64 lii 3 Mak Dr. 6S A In.nhwM 36 Am 66 Today 2 W 37 ha 67 S- On 3 Mov 6S Up Cadi 39 No 69 FrandsrtO) 10 In 40 Vour 70 Ma 11 Com 41 Tranca 71 And 12 Inacfao 43 traperorca 72 Way 13 Ourcr. 43 Ana 73 It 14 Tata 44 Law 74 Sa 15 Lm 45 Shan 75 fear 16 Va 46 And 76 Tofca 17 The 47 fc. 77 Too It Panraas 4 Your 71 Fanvad 19 OUdXa 49 At 79 It 20 San 50 Or SO Waa 21 Ga 51 WeS l Your 22 HoM4 52 Otorrlobta B2 Known 23 A 53 Cauta 13 Proa 24 Aflat 54 Unm 04 TWiUm 23 lat MArrow Hm 26 Day 5a Oraj-iettty 86 Eoay 27 AmuaKnantt57 Tirad 07 You 24 (Uojuavv 50 Bountiful 14 Ara 29 Emetm 59 Uta 09 TnauWa 30Wlt 60 Take 90 You Good ()Adrene Nci&i bl-j4-1-7jVl 1-2543-59 Ti 164-77-60-82 WUMTTAaMti NOV 23 oec at 7-10-13-3111 &S5-66 MJ 69 70-83-04 UAM 21 k 19 $-549ri 67-68-81 -WMJ F Dear Ann Landers Wife Has Habit of Socking Husband By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann: I've beea married six years and can't remember being without a black eye or a busted lip since the day we were Joined together n "holy matrimony." Don't tefi me to "throw the bum out. Mrs. Landers, because this is a husband who is writing not a wife. The woman I married is beautiful, charming and spoiled. She has a vicious temper, which I knew about before we married. But I thought it was cote and I nick-named her "Wild Cat" She gets mad at small things and hauls off and socks me even when people are around. It's getting pretty darned embarrassing and I'm fed up. I've never hit ber back, although sometimes -I think this might solve the problem. Any suggestions win be cheerfully accepted. We hare no children. BIG BEN ehiMrea a ham mr wife. battery. Dear Big Bea: I beg to differ with yoa. Yaw DO have yea hare each other. Aay maa who woaJd let a wtmon haag owe aUacr after another, aad CWak K's "eote." is plenty ehMnisa. T of coarse, is operating at. an a-year-old level. BUUng her back merely pats yoa la the brawttag her. aad it's ant the aaawcr. Tea her load aad clear eoeaal keep her temper aader control aad her dukes to hem find her etotbes on the porch, fader the ctrcaaosUi could take legal aettoa aad charge her with asaaalt aad Maybe THIS news will bat "Wild-Cat' aad gtve ber ttutite to practice restraint. Dear Ann: I'm in my late M's. male, and would like to get married. I own a 300-acre farm and have a modern home with all the conveniences. Now I realize how foolish I was to let those lovely girls I knew in my younger days get away. Every time I see them in town with their good-looking families. I could kick myself. 1 always thought I could get. married when I got good and ready, but I was wrong. How does a fellow my age make op for lost time? Is there anything YOU can do to help me? What do I do first? OLD MAC DONALD Dear Old Mae Donald: (I KNEW yoo had a farm, but I never expected U hear from yoa! ) There's nothing I eaa do to help ia case yoa have visions of me handing over a "list." The first thing yea eaa do is get off your tractor aad spend some time ia town, where the people gather. Paas the word aroaad that yoo're interested ia lady friends, with the object matrimony. I suspect the next thing yuan be dome; is writing for advise on how to defend yaarself against an army of eager females. Get going and gaud lack. Mae. CONFIDENTIALLY: WELL BRED: If he's such a slob that he slurps bis soup and picks his teeth with a pocket knife, how come a nice, refined lady like you married him in the first place? 'Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper and enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope.) Copyright 1S. Field Enterprise Inc. Monday Television Highlights KQJN-TV (Channel 6): S:3S a.m. Armchair Theatre "Drawing Room A" starring William Bishop, Joan Camden. 7:00 p.m. Burns aad Allen George allows Grade to meet a hypnotist. tiM m an Daaay Taaamaa Show Danny decides to - take. hand when he discovers Terry has a crash oa singing star Dean Martin. t:M p-m. Studio One A great woman of the theatre suddenly finds herself in desperate need of love. Maryv Aster. MacDooald Carey, Irene Harvey, Darryl Hickman, Jack Khigmaa- in "The Lonely stage. l:o p.mStar IVrfaraunce Dick Powell in "A Place Full of Strangers. A business executive, on the verge of a break-down, tries to run way. It: p-au ihootlau oa Six "Rapture,' starring Glenn Langaa. Day Aft) in. Lorraine Miller. A sculptor creates a statue inspired by two sisters be has never sees . KGW-TV (Channel 8): !: a.na "Kerr Hie Wan Beverly" Lovely Ann Miller and a host of top Hollywood musical en tertainers tangle with US Army in a sparkling comedy .... including Frank Sinatra, Mills Brothers and the bands of Duke Ellington, Count Basie and Bob Crosby. OS n.na Tdtruu Marie "Penitentiary" John Howard enacts the role of a man who almost loses more than his life behind prison bars . . . co-starring Jean Parker. 2:3 pjn. Favorite Story Adolpbe Menjou car- rates a famous story from a classic collection varied drama of adventure, romance, mystery. t:3t BS.m. Bold Journey Life with Eskimos, bear and '.seal on the shores of the Arctic Ocean will be seen in "We Live with the Eskimos.' tHts u-m. Vaice of Firestone 1homas L. Thomas featured in a program saluting Cole Porters music. a: 3t pjnv Top Taaea aad New Talent Paul Thoo sen. California folk singer and drurnmer Joe PuHis of Nacona, Texas along with the Cham pagne Music regulars. It: 40 p.m. "Impatieat Years" Jeaa Arthur and Charles Cobnra ... A hasty wartime marriage breeds trouble when the sergeant returns, until the bride's father intercedes and comes up with a plan tor reconciliation. KPTV (Channel 12): Tuesday Television Highlights K0IN-TV (Channel 6): KOAC-TV (Channel 7) Suicide Stance Changes to Gun; Man Kills Self LOS ANGELES, Feb. 22 Of) MONO AT. rtaroarr 24: (40 a.m. United State! History: ( 34 Lrt'i Bxatera Art; I:1J CaaaUUrtloa aad Haaaaa Rlctati: I 41Thr rrutndlv ciaat; li :aa ceaeraj ikrauur; vm Delmer Dean Dobbs, 23. who at UraUaajl Gapkfatcal vVar; t.a tracted a huge crowd when be KT u'T'k.Jl'L.. j x a suicide stance on the roof 1Zt?ZL5!. Ar; ' 3 "t- of a downtown hotel Jan. I, met TUESDAY, rekruary 13: :M am. Snua DvlopaBt; : 16 Varie ty; Its Especially lor Women; 10:IS Left Make Maaic; 144S Maf ic DMrwiyi; 1 4 pa The rrlend ly CUat; 1:13 Made Oaorwayt: S:M MatkemaUea; : Na Llreaaa ta Kill; :1JIJ. It. Review: :! The Warld af Art; : Tanr Natural Re aawreea; 1:$ Mrrltaie: VtJ -tiame Claiailartaa BalleUn; IM-SI Oft. WEDNESDAY, rebrnary t: : IB- fatted State Hiatory: 34 Tax Mean Watrk; It :3 lafartnal Mates; It 1 3 Parrirta aad Dr. Snack; I4-.4I The rrteadly Gtant: II Geweral Chemtctry; I at at. The rnenaty otant; :l Treaanre TrflH ta Uaaklaa; S:M Arte and Uaa Gads; a.-at Plln; t:3 Of Sel ewee aad SetewUate: 1 -aa The Great sVeyewd; T ja Seletiea and Maaaaa Keaaanilhimy; S at Slta Oft. a less spectacular death Friday He died in General Hospital of a bullet wound. Police said he shot himself on a downtown street. Execution Stayed NEW YORK. Feb. 22 l-Kid- nap killer Angelo LaMarca won his fifth stay of execution Friday in U.S. District Court. He was to have gone to the electric chair next Thursday for the murder of baby Peter Weinborger. That h ajoana Reanatnlrt; T:1S rinuiuauc Teaeviewa: 7 ina raaaraaat; la Slga Off TWtnxsDAY. Pawmary : :a an. Maaaaa Develaaaaant; t:M rtlaa T antra; M:IS U. M. aeylew; I M That Ward; 14 41 The riaitanty ntant; S-aO pat. The Prtaaadlj otaat; I IS Mafic Daar araya; S:M SarTtsal: t-aa (law Air nanaart; l lt-rreack Thransh Tet-1 1 State nwaataaant rilana; 1: VMeaa; ;a vauas i cnurf ; 1 :M ( oner a far Tedajr; t at sign Oft rUID AY. rrhrnarv ft: 14 a aa. Dtararary; : 4 aaarra aa Waah tnctaa: S a CaatrtltaUaa and la. a allihta: :M Art aad Arttata M:M a.BL atace 18 "Letters Marked Personal.'' atarring Metvya Douglas and Joan Bennett. lz:0t nun NBC Matiaee Theater "Marirage of Convenience. A young man married the girl with whom he has migrated to Oregon in 1S6S. and is soon plagued with thoughts of the girl he left back in Missouri. S:M pjnu Year Afternoon Theater' 'Over the Goal" a football story, starring June Travis and Wil liam Hopper. 1:9a pm Ma p ate Unlimited "Three Missions West. starring Virginia Field. Paula Raymond, and Virginia Grey. Three troubled young women embark cpon an automobile trip to the West Coast. 1-M pjsl The Price Is Kigat A TV euatest as Color. t:M p.nx--rUeM Theater-'The Last Day of No vember. starring Jack Lemmoa and featuring Frank Gerstle. Richard Jaeckel, Nick Dennis, and. Adam Williams. A group of battlescarred Marines in Korea in 1961. form a pool betting on the day of the month their lieutenant will die. M:M p-nu Suaplclou "If I Die Before I Live starring Edith Adams and James Gregory. An embezzler and an unsuccessful dancer become involved in a relationship of jealousy and mis trust. ll:t pjn-cuuemy Theater-' My pal. Wolf." starring Sbarya Moffett, Jill Esrikond, George Cleveland and Charles A nit. As a result of her lack of love and affection, a little girt becomes very attached to a stray shepherd dog. S:M p. am. Anachai rTkaetre A socialite allows a defendant to be found guilty in order to bring about a quick verdict. Anita Louise, John War burtoa star in "The Juror." 7:01 pjBv-sfigh Aaeatare Color-4SaecUIr-Lowel Thomas journeys across the Himalayas to Lhasa, the Shangri-La of Hilton's "Lost itorixon." S:M Bjm To TeB the Truth Comedian Robert Q Lewis Joins the panel of Polly Bergen, Hy Gard ner and Kitty Carlisle. John Cameron Swayxe will sub as host. p-nv Star and Story Teresa Wright stars in "Her Crowning Glory. I:t puL Saamtime ou iSlx "Thirty Nine Steps." starring Robert Donat, Madeleine Carroll. A gov ernment engineer is framed for murder by a spy organization. KGW-TY (Channel 8): 1:M a.m. "Oar Wife" An accidental fire has startling results when Ruth Hussey and Metvya Douglas Join forces in a rollicking comedy romance. lz:M noaa Wanda Wanda A funny folk tale of France. l:0t p.m. Telerama Movie "She Married Her Boss." Glamorous Claudette Colbert faces a new situation when she almost fails to get her man (Melvyn Douglas). :3t p. mi. Tclrnnane Time Boris Karloff and Rita Lynn appear in a story of a mysterious incident of "ghost messages'" that save the lives of four people adrift on ice-filled waters. 1:M p-nx. Went Paint A cadet breaks up a New York street fight and teaches a city urchin the defensive tactics taught at the Academy. I: pm. "Faitaful ia My Fashion' "Donna Reed and. Tom Drake. A girl plays a pre-war role for a returning soldier but ber deception is nustrnderstood. KPTV (Channel 12): l:u a Stage It "Mason-Dixoa liae." star ring Peter Law ford and Joanne Gilbert. Jerry Mason and Mary Jo Dixon draw a chalk line to divide the house. U:fl nana NBC Matiaee neater (la Color) "Angel Street." A young woman's troubles are blamed by her husband oa the fact that her mother was merit ally ill. S:M p.M. Tear Aflrruitn Theatetu.-'PeTirod and Sam, Starring Leon Janney and Zasu Pitts. : p.as. Buautujf; UaJualtea "The Innocent and the Guaty," starring Alan WeUs and Grandon Rhodes. A young hoodlum rinds hirnself caught in the conflict between easy living through crime and a life of self -respecting poverty. :M P-ol My Little Margie "Vern's Motber-In-Law." Vera tells Margie all about his mother-in-law. 7:t p as. Man Behind the Badge "The Unknown Maa." starring George Wallace. A plainclothes maa becomes a customer in a crooked gambling room. a-izu George Gobel Show (Ia Color) Presents the comedy team of Noon an and Pete Marshall, Peter Lawford, Phyllis Kirk and Eddie Fisher. M: p.m. The CaHforaiaas "Sorley Boy," star ring Adam Kennedy, with John Alderson and Charles Horvath. Promoters rig a fight between a coward and an alleged British boxing champion. Wednesday Television Highlights K0IN-TV (Channel 6): S:3t p.m. Armchair Theatre A psychiatrist's mind wanders when treating beautiful neurotic women. Ronald Coleman stars in "Ladies On His Mind." 7:00 B.m. Big Recard Patti spins records for: Tony Bennett, Tommy Sands, Ted Lewis, Eileen Barton. The Silhouettes, Somethin' Smith and the Redheads. t:00 a.na Steel Bnur A crippled younf man seeks to wreck a philosophical old man's chance for happiness. William Shatner, Ed Beg ley star in "Walk With a Stranger." U:S0 p.m Stadia 57 Charles Laughton stars in Stopover in Bombay. rfc p.BLSaowUme oa Six "That's My Man." starring Don Amechc, Catherine McLeod. A gambler loses his money and his wife, but horse pets him on top. KGW-TV Channel 8): l:M a.u. "Age af Iaetscretiou"-Paul Lukas and Madge Evans ... A publisher with high ethical values in regard to the material he prints finds himself in the middle of a scandal. - U:t auwa Wanda-Wanda "One Kitten Too Many." l:0S p. m Telerama Mark- "Hetlzapoppin" Olsea and Johnaon Join talents with Martha Raye. Z:3 a-m. "Hata Aattgaa" In-classroom Spanish classes. 7: OS p.nv Wedaesday Night FighU fruta Cuba Lightweight champion Joe Brown in a 10-round bout with Cuban champ Orlando Echevarris. 1:00 pja. DisaoyUnd Indian trouble besets the ( mountain men, in "The Saga of Andy Burnett." la:M pja Betty WkUa fiaaw-With "A Skeleton in the Closet." Guests Reginald Gardiner and Irene Ryan. M:4 p.mMDlamaad Jim" Edward Arnold and Jean Arthur. The fabulous success story of a man's rise to wealth, contrasted with his failcres in love. KPTV (Channel 12): : un Today Dave Garroway will show paint ings from Sir Winston Churchill's exhibit, which has been touring the United States. W:ta a.m. Stage it "The Mumbys," starring Ed gar Buchanan and Virginia Field. Two vaga bonds of the open road inherit a tract of land. U: aooa NBC Matinee Theater (la Color) "The Sixty-Fifth Floor" A young advertising ex ecutive acta on the advice of a female co-worker. p.m. Famous Playhouse "Angel,' starring Steve Brodie. Tol Avery and Vivian Clermont. A holdup man seeks refuge in a church. I:M p.nu Satrpense Unlimited "Night of Terror.' starring Donald Murphy and Betty Lynn. Two ex-Marine buddies, one a policeman and one a dangerous gunman, meet ten years after the war. 7:3 p.m. WafBU Train "The Mark Hanford Story, starring Ward Bond. Robert Horton, Tom Try on. Kathleen Crowley and Onslow Stevens. A yocng man the son of a wealthy white man and aa Indian woman seeks revenge for his mother's recent death. : B.M. Kraft Theatre "The Woman at High Hollow," starring Skip Homeier, Susan Oliver. EsteUe Winwood and Gene Nelson. A woman Is executed for murdering her shiftless husband. Months later, the "murdered" maa appears very much alive. I:3o p.m. noaso of ffarrar "The Mummy's Hand." A prince who was buried alive when ho tacurred the anger of the gods stayed alive and bow pounces upon anyone who enters his tomb. . ' , 1 Inside TV Debt Due 2 Shows By Police By EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD. Feb. 22 STARR REPORT: It is a matter of record. I think, that a couple of Holly wood producers -' have done more for the police . . departments of i,t h e nation in (general and for the cities of San Francisco aad Los Angeles, ia hnar4iMi1afl tk iftjgfjfc whole hallerie. Evo Starr -,0 tions counselors and Chambers of Commerce. The two producers are Jack Webb, of "Dragnet," and Jaime (pronounced Wgh-me) del VaOe. of "Lineup." And it is aa odd fact that "Lineup" has developed into one of the rarest animals in TV a show that started off as a copy of another show and has wound up with a genuine success story of its own. To concentrate aa "Lineup for a moateat. nW Vatte weat to bis hometowa of Saa rraac!sco for Ms locale, and iniradiately ran fctta trouble. The Ponce Department would be cooperative, but only aa der the toughest terms. They were sick 'to death of movie partrayals of "dumb caps.'' aad anything eat of Hollywood was aatamaUcalry looked upon with pielaa. Del VaOe saea Yiaced that bo wanted to tefl the true story af Saa Fraacxsca aad its Pce. His two leads, Warner Aa aersaa aad Tom Tally, are bath taougbtfal, toteinreat men (Aader soa kaids a law degree). His canv eramaa, Nick Saa FraaeniBS ake t hapd. The writers, the spirit af tolling the truth. the eooJIdeaee of the Police De partment, aad the fBes were open ed. What has since happened is a monument to Hollywood, and Hollywood is a town whose monu ments are not always appreciated by the pubuc Del Valle, for San Francisco, and Webb, for Los An geles, working quietly and meth odically, year after year, have built up a picture in the public mind that has done much to erase the prevalent memory of the Key stone Cops and the dull lieutenant whose fat is forever being pulled out of the fire by a smart a leek of a private eye. They have not erased th mnrA "cop" from the dictionary, for it is a basically American word that could and should never be lost. But they have restored dignity to it. and they have restored dignity to the thousands of men wha nmrk under its lavel, frequently at the rise 01 meir lives ana frequently with little thanks from anyone. PORTRAIT OF A SINGER: The way to hit It off as aa entertainer if yoa doa't mind same kard-to-lake advice Is to Bet aa a alare lose your nerve, forget what araagnt yoa there, aad staad there In a blue funk of aucertainty antil something snaps. Then, let go. AathorUv far thin aneeaaa a ula Is vocalist Etta Fitzgerald, who says that's the way it aaa- peueu to er. Ella, who patofooej nernaaa lae uotsUading Jan vatce la America, had Just finished giving oat with "Beale Street Maes' an the Para mount sound stage af "St. Laats Blues," which dramatize too Ufa of W. C. Handy, when she told me of her nerve-dha tiering debut. "I didnt have the foggiest no tion of how to project a song across the footlights when I first got oa a stage at a New York amateur night contest about 25 years ago." Ella said. "I went there to dance. But when H came my turn, out there in the hot. bright lights, I got cold feet and couldn't do any thing. Lawdy, lady I couldn't even move. " 'Sing.' somebody said again. "So I sang. Nobody asked me to get off. Nobody threw anything at me. Ella win play herself in the film biography, while Nat "King" Cola portrays the eminent Jazz com poser covering the portion of his life from 10 to 40 years of age. (Coprrlztit ISM Conornl raaturos Cora.) t i m .- i.- -- Thursday Television Highlights K0IN-TV (Channel 6): S:3t p.m. Anacaalr Theatre A aclvaniinc girl must choose between a rich bachelor aad a poor hoy- Ida Lupino stars in "Marked Down." : a.m. Ohaax A television cotnmexatator re counts the life of racketeer Albert Anastasia. Don Ameche, Eli Wallach star in "Albert Anas tasia: His Life and Death." :S. pja. PUyhowae f "Portrait of a Murder, er." a modern-day Jackyll and Hyde story of Donald Basher, 29-year-old convicted murderer. Tab Hunter, Geraldine Page, Rudy Bond. 11:1a p.m. Showtime oa Six "Captive City," John Forsythe, Joan Camden. A cocrageous newspaperman exposes organized crime, KGW-TV Channel 8): a-au "Bad Tuy" Virginia Grey and Bruce Cabot. A criminal is brought to Justice despite the god4iearted attempts of his brother to keep him out of Jail. 42:3 aA Wanda Waada-vX fairy tale. "The Magic Colt. 1:M p. at. Telerama Movie "Shadowed." The startling story of a man who knew too inoch aad the gangster who made him pay for it, wfth Lloyd Corrigan. : PJUl The Real htcCaya Kate and Lake make up for the honeymoon they never had at aa ultra-swank boteL t:M p.atu Pat Bosae Pat greets Andy WIDaams, recording and TV vocalist, and singer dancer actress NeQa Adams as tuests. 1: uksalae AHiilihH Heart" Noel Coward starring ka his own pfaqr af a psychiatrist's hv voivement wnn a patatat and the tragK elusions. Co-starring Margaret Leightoa. KPTV (Channel 12): !: a.avStagc 11 "No Place to Live," starring Tom Drake aad Martha Vickers. Homeless and Jobless, a family takes refuge ta aa empty house. 12:M nana NBC Mafia iu Theater (la Color) "The Hickory Heart." Aa Arkansas farm woman breaks ap a romance between her sou aad a local girt. 3:0 Uwazw Tocr AJtoraoaa Theaier "Nancy Drew, Detective," starring Botuta Granvtae, John Utet, and Franbe Thomas. S:3 p.m. Suspense Us Bath1 1 1 "The Ninety Ninth Day." starring Virginia Grey, Arthar Franz. and Lauren Ouipin. The family of aa only witness to a murder finds itself wader a siege by the tnurderer'a accomplices. picture star Keenaa Wyaa losea his Wentity to prove a point wea aa guests with Emit. UzM pm lax Saw (In Color) Andy Dewe, comedian Bea Leasy and the Hi La's are rui ill M:3a pja. Attdimj Theater "Male Airimal.- axarrmg ueary ronoa, uuvia De HavUland. Joha Leslie, and Jack Carson. A comedy drama and satire of political implkrations which hit a col lege campus. Friday Television Highlights K0IN-TV(Channel 6): S:M pjo- Araichair Theatre An author uses a letter from Queen Victoria to preserve peace on his beloved island. David Niveo stars ia Tusitala." : aja. Gray Chant Major Mosby falls into a union trap. 7:N a.m Tans Grey Theatre Mark Steress, Den ver Pyle. Dan Barton star in "The Stranger.' 1:3 uuau-IVyaaase af Stars A henpecked hus- nana Decomes fed up win his over -hearing wife aad starts a new life without her. ZTneat Borg nine, Judyth Evelyn star ia "Two Lives Have L" 11:M a.m. StWwtinM aa Sta "Michael Shayne. Private Detective." starring Lloyd Nolan. Mar jorie Wearer, WaKer Abel. A staged "murder" backfire. KGW-TV (Channel 8): 1:H aja. "Let Freedom Ring" Nelson Eddy and Virginia Bruce. Violence flares between railroad . men and farmers when the Bit owner etnpioys arson and bloodshed to force the farmers to give right-of-way for his tracks. 12:3 soBL-Wuada Wanda Henry Happy Goose is confused 1 l:at pjsTelerama Tlntyae Konriie G. Worth and helpers fat n hilarious skit, "Bathing Beau ties." Old-time movie. "Reducing." starring Ma rie Dressier, Polly Moran and Anita Page. t:M p.itu Frank Staatra Show With Tan Johnson in a burlesque skit. Musical-comedy program with Van and Frank singing duets. l:St p. m. Walter WlncaeU File A pretty girt singer tries to kelp oat her boyfriend who be comes involved with the gainhling syndicate. It: OS pjnv "Tac Harvey Gorhi" A bevy of beau tiful waitresses bring refinement to a wild. West ern town. Judy Garland aad Joha Hodlak staninc. KPTV (Channel 12): M:M a-BL-Stage U-"Not tke Marrying Kind," starring Dan Barton aad Fa thief n Crowley. A bachelor gets the jitters a week before the wed ding. 12:M so NBC Mat Ian Taeater (la Cotor) "The Devil's Violin." starring Patty McCorrnack. In her anxiety to laaxhase a "devil's violin," aa 11-year-old girl trusts the bridge front Wont into East Berlin. S:S pjn.-Year Afternoon, Theater "Right to Live," starring Creorge Brent, Peggy Wood, and Josephine liutcfainaon. A wealthy Enslisbjaaai marries an American girt. Oa their noneyrfMon. he crashes in aa airplane aad bis legs became paralyzed. S:3S p-m. Sasptass Ualtmltoi "Pretend You're Yon," starring Charles Coburn. Keith Andes, and Lucy Mariow. Aa old man plays Cupid to his nephew aad a pretty young gfc-L :3S a.iuu-Decay "NecsJaco of Glass." starriaa Beverly Garland, with Martin Brooks aad Rita Vale. 7:SS p-m. Cavalcade of flpsrto Carlos Ortiz vs. Tommy Tibos in a larannd hgbtweight bouL l: p. m. Court of Last Itooort "The Jacob Love less Case," starring Lyle Bettger. 1:M n.m. Movie 11 'To Have and Have Not, starring Humphrey Bogart, Lauren BacalL aa Walter Brennan. MannejYox : : Hig!. Kdclily TV RanTn Yaw Mowry Cam Bay i : Proof EansTsrVO nSof wfsan yoa awy sj Mopikoai Moonovox, you poy lass, bot yew Qat mora. Tint DvoTton1i 3 spdxnunrs. pwurfui ptnh-pwl aawpaUW, twuxanVm tfconoor. Konmwd rck-ljp. oaad tOBfliliv.iattcyamdWosr Uoaafovy sWsigned oxxwsicol cobaosl to aKsVoguay, ook or chorry txilut tnvnaton. i299s : ta mahoaany fcuVds a Ditaifrc-t.. .ad at aooawui osof to yoa, E-Z TZRMS ' mum W7 iiLT7z-gyy7n 363 M. HIGH Argus C3 ir o $4950 Saturday Television Highlights K0IN-TV (Channel 6): 11 :M a.m. Ice Hockey Boston Bruins meet the Chicago Black Hawks. S:M pja. AH Star Golf Robert DeVlcenao meets Dick Mayer in M-hole match from Desert Inn Country Ckb, Las Vegas, Neveda. (:M p.m. Leave H to Beaver Little Beaver finds the world mightly lonely when Watty Joins the Boy Scouts. :3S p.m. Perry Masea Mason is retained to de fend a client on a homicide charge ia advance of . the homicide. "The Case of the Deadly Double." I'.M p.m Gale Storm Shaw Susanna and Nugey brave a haunted farmhouse in Ireland to in vestigate the legend of bandheeses and lepre chauns. 10:M B.m. Showtime oa Six "Night and Day." starring Cary Grant, Mary Martin, and Alexis Smith. KGW-TV Channel 8): 12:30 p.m. Telaveatare Tales The Story Lady Lady and Penjamin Scribble tell stories about courage in the pioneer days. 4: 45 p.m. Santa AaHa Fen tare Race "Santa Anita Handicap; $l3S.orxVruaraieed. lk miles. Horses expected: Cora Husker, Round Table, Promised Land. Find, Social Climber and Battle Dance. :St p.m. Paris Pi telnet A missing newspaper clippings leads to the solution of a big railroad robbery. IS: t p.m. Mike Wallace Interviews 1:3S B.m.CoarWieatiaI Fae A shocking look at the heroin addict's way of life and a proponed sorction of reMbtlitaxioa. 11 :M n.m. "Sa Into to the Marines" Wallace Beery and Fay Bainter. A tough Marine sergeant finally gets a medal as a civilian, when he has a chance to prove his mettle and heroism. KPTV (Channel 12): 1:3 aja. Mathematics "A Net Around Infinity.' with Clifton Fadiman. The development of the calculus and the first effort to use the infinite. 11:0 a.m. NBC Proftminaal Basketball Cincin nati Rovals vs. Philadelphia Warriors. 1:3 p m. Big Western "Station Went," staninc Dick Powell. Greer, Agnes Meat the ad. naaf Bnri Ivea. "Gaa Job." starrtag Phi Carey aad Ellen Drew. C:M p.m. Public Defender "Open Season," star ring Reed Hadley. with Harry Shannon. 7:00 p.m. Dannoa Btanyna Theatre "Miracle Jones," starring John Carradine and Bradford Jackson. I:t . m. Perry Cense Show (la Cotor) The Goof ers are Perry's special guests. t:0S p.m. Clah Oaaio Jimmy Durante stars on this program of nightclub entertainment. 9:39 p.m. Ghtcte Mackeaiie Broadway star Eddie Foy. Jr. and Japanese actress Myoshi Umeki guest with Giselo tonight 11: P-m. Acadtaao Theater -"Show of Shows.' An inspiring young actor relates his experiences while working on a talking picture in Hollywood. Was U9M Sawo $20.00, HH Daom-ll.M Per Tfras Most Popular. 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