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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1958)
WSe,II) Stitenntn, Salem, Ore., Sun., Feb. 23, '58 "400 Ft Down and No Water s i .- -; ' ' " rv I . . '-;-- f C , I " - ? . ;: v s r ' - . f . .... ' . ' . .'O ' ' - 1 ' - 1M ' , , .. r . . , J. .'--.Aim4,,' ,-v. ; - - J j, f - . ' 1 n "f sv Z ''' ' ' " " T 5 ' , ' S- 1 . . .., , ) ' i- J L" ' ' - : ? j . '.' 1 ( v " '. - - ' i' '-, .' -1 vS T " '-1 " - : "''-" ' ' ;r .. i fx- - - I ' - " '''! Valley News Statesman News Service Best Biscuits Are Baked by I Boys at Sheridan Hi School MUnau Ntwi rvlrt SHERIDAN. Trh. tt Tabln kave tarH at Shrridaa alga raaal! Tker wai a time vara bay taaJ wUidc Uw Home Ec. rwn dear, mmIb waterlag. aad bMUag MMfiagly toward 111 "Mdir" drpartmrat. Naw the aaraaa ar IM araaatl aaathrr walit: Boyt hav made ' tkemarlvri mj atlrartlve Chfft aaraaa. Naw they arc praviaf ttttj it arnrc U wrar (arm, Aramat whlrk waft tnm Ott klU-kra eara maralag art lac rcaalt af tar aay'a caUaary akllL Tacy make bcatifal fluffy, trader biwaitt. and the tastiest atber dlabea. 30 Complete Instructions In First Aid Polk County Court News luaiau Nawa arrtca DALLAS Vh ?1TS fnTInwinv lUMaaua Nawa l.rvtc. AivnrM ,. ffr.ntH In Circuit LYONS. Feb. 22-Thirty persons I rnH qualified this week for first aid! a Stvinka I lee certificates. Classes hava been heldisteinke, plaintiff granted annul- LIBEKTY, Feb. 22Salem Heights Water District this week halted drilling on their Madroaa Aveaae site at the 4M foot mark and capped the lMnch casing. Failure to find snifident flow was listed for the action. Drilling is ex , peeted to begin within a few days at another site. Rapid area development requires an eighth well in the water supply system. (Statesman photo) Clear Lake Community Promoting First Aid Lessons for Residents sutnman frrum from the meal will be given to CLEAR LAKE, Feb. 22 Ext en-' the Eleanor Prindle Memorial gion unit members yesterday ap- i fund to meet costs of a Home Eco preved a pragram of first aid , nomics scholarship to Oregon training for all interested residents State College, as the community. An instructor! will be secured through the civil service program. Size and number of classes will depend upon interest shown in them, said Mrs. J. D. Watson. In terested persons should contact her. she said. Nest meeting of the group will be a luncheon at the n. E. Phil lips home on Jays Drive. Money weekly for the past five weeks by John Simi. Lebanon Red Cross in structor, at the Mari-Linn school Certificates were given Glenn Savage, James Wright. Mrs. Roy Brown, Evelyn, Theresa, and George VanAgtmael, Floyd Chase, William Ayers. Bill and Lyle Kin zer. Merle and Ruth Carton. Harold and Effie Anderson, Al ma and Frank Spellmeyer, Roy and Donna Asmussen, Chester Grimes, Ralph Hurst. Elizabeth Carter, Lots Morgan. Carolyn Hiatt, Rose Thayer, Ann and Cal vin Trahan, Jacquelynn Walker, Clinton Land, Robert and Alia Mae Bethell. Pie Faces Lose Faith in Friends Ittlram Nana Srrrtca SHERIDAN. Feb. 22 Two very sticky, and goey. class pre sident at Sheridan high schol this week acquired the title of "pie face." Bitterly Junior Class Pre sident Douglas Hill, and SeniorJ prexy Ray Simonson. trudged to the showers, faces dripping. They claim to have been betray Father, Son Banquet Set Stalwia Nawa Sarrlca LYONS, Feb. B-Women's So ciety of Christian Service planned a Father and Son banquet Friday, and this week named committees for the event. The annual Silver Tea will be held in the church on March 11. Invitations have been presented Mill City, Stayton. and Mehama churches. Committees for the event have commenced planning the program. Members have been requested to present the Memorial Ceremony at the annual district meeting in Leb anon March XI. Orpha Rove was named chairman to direct planning. ment, restoratioav of name of I lee Clary to defendant. Mary N. Knodel vs. Philip H. Knodel. divorce granted to plain tiff, approval of property settle ment agreement and restoration of name of Mary N. Gilbert to the plaintiff. Bruce Butler vs. Martha Butler, divorce granted to plaintiff, care and custody of five minor children awarded to the plaintiff. Wilma M a n u a F vs. Harold Manual, divorce granted to the plaintiff, care' and custody of minor child awarded to the plaintiff. The assumed business name of Ferguson and Paulus Enterprises was filed in the office of the County Clerk by Curtis B. Ferguson and Geo. B. Paulus. They will conduct the business of operating amuse ment devices and vending ma chines. The business is located in Salem. Water Rights For Discussion 'Assessments In Polk Are Nearly Done BlaUaaua Nawa Sarvtr MONMOUTH. Feb. 22 Ray Rabenau. Polk County assessor, at Monmouth's Chamber of Com merce this week said re-assess ment of Polk property will be com plete and ready for the 1960 tax rolls. He said it is planned to complete re-appraisal of timber land in Polk County for placement on the 1959 tax rolls. Re-assessment of West Salem and Dallas buildings is complete: and crews are finishing, the work in Mpnmouth, Independence and Falls City. When (tone, workers will start the land values schedule of re assessment. In past, Rabenau said, only two classes f land have been recognized: tillable and non-tillable. The new assessment will qualify land values as to qualities of soil, and for evalution purposes many varieties of soil grades will be made. This will make a re appraisal value in terms of a more fair distribution of the, tax load, he stated. No property is to be omitted from the rolls in the new assess ment. Rabenau found that last year more than $1,400,000 in as sessable value of property had been uncovered, which had not previously been listed on tax rolls. This resulted, he said, in de creased millage in most districts despite increased levies. When reassesment is completed throughout the county, Rabenau stated, the assessment ratio will probably be increased from the present II per cent to about 36 per cent, which will nearly double the present assessed valuation of the county. But this will not affect total tax bills for the taxpayer, because as the evalution goes up, the millage rate drops proportion ately, he noted. Junior Chamber uue ar aneriaan Itataaaua Nawa Sarvlac SHERIDAN. Feb. 22-Eatablish- ing of a Sheridan Junior Chamber of Commerce was undertaken here this week by the McMinnville Jaycees. Raymond Harpole was named temporary chairman. Men inter ested in forming a Sheridan group will meet Monday, when officers will be elected. Attending the meeting this week were 14 members of the McMinn ville Jaycees, four from Newport and two, from Springfield, includ ing Ed Bennett, international Jay- cee director from Oregon. Men 35 years of age and under. are invited to attend the meeting at me city nail Monday night. Trailer Sites Considered in Canyon Region Gift Of Calf Told At Last 4H Meeting Stateaaaaa Nawa Scrrlta . PRINGLE. Feb. 22 Sandra Un- etold fellow club members in 4H Livestock club, how she secured a calf from the Northside Kiwanis Club. The group met Thursday at the Pringle Womans Club. Speech Winner Known at Lyons SUtcuataa Btnrtca LYONS. Feb. 22 -Floyd Whiting was named winner of the local United Nation Pilgrimage speech ! best. They found fellow classmates j procedures in giving demons tra contest. with Dave Bennett select-: had poured March of Dimes coins jtions. ed as alternate. Finals in the con-; into jars of underclassmen, just to j test were Im-W this week at the see the 'brass' suffer. COOKERS MEET MONDAY nebekah Hall Four others com- Shakesm-are was wrone. "The PRINGLE, Feb. 22 Next atataasaaa Nawa Sarvtcc LYONS, Feb. 22 North Santiam Chamber of Convnerce members meeting at Lyona this week dis cussed possible - sites for trailor courts to attract visitors to the canyon area this summer. Also discussed ideas to attract payroll industries to the canvan commun- lUltiaui Nwi Strviec I DAYTON. Feb. 22-Holders of Proposed higher postal rates water riehts along Palmer Creek wm nrwnM memhn-a thmnffh information from Oregon office ! V mas- "asn holders in Washington, D.C. The foruana. chamber had earlier protested low postal rates on magazines and ad vertising material. 120 Exhibits Expected at Science Fair Stataaaaaa Nawa Sarvtca HUBBARD, Feb. 22-Nearly 120 exhibits are expected to be set up by students from seven schools en tering a science far at Hubbard grade school, this week. Exhibits will be set up by Hubbard. "91," Butteville. Broadacres. Donald, Aurora grade schools and North Marion union high school. Exhibits will be open to the pub lic from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday ia the gymnasium. They will be judged Monday. Classifications in clude primary, intermediate, up per, and high school, in. both bio logical and physical sciences. Winners in the Hubbard fair will go to a regional contest in Silver ton April 10 to 12 for all schools in the county outside of Salem. These winners will enter state competition. Mrs. John B i s a n i, Hubbard teacher, is in charge of local arrangements. New Columbia Span Possible near Dayton have called a discus sion meeting for 7:30 p.m. Mon day at the Dayton City Hall to talk about the future of the Pal mer Creek area. Representative of the State En gineer's office will 'be present. Possible irrigation' projects will be discussed, and the water rights holders are expected to organize to be better able to handle any project. Sunshine Girls Seek Funds For Comjng Trip Stetnman Nwi Service INDEPENDENCE. Feb. 22 Diana and Jean Vanderhoof I Sunshine Girls, sponsored by the demonstrated the correct way to Knight of Pythias, held a food select rabbits and Club President : sale Mturuay as one means oi PORTLAND. Feb. 22 Three government agencies have launched a study to determine if another bridge should be built over the Columbia River. The proposed site is roughtly to east of Roses Picked in February ; m - 2Xil if55 .... rT1N; SOUTH SALEM, Feb. ZZ Rain did not keep Mrs. Frances Hobart from picking roses at her home Saturday. They have bloomed all winter at the Hobart home, 375 Salem Heights Ave, high in the hills southwest of town. After picking blooms and buds, the owner trimmed bushes back to normal size for their customary spring growth. (Statesman photo) Valley News Briefs Holmes Raps 'Wait and See' Attitude of Ike DENVER. Feb. 21 Wl - Gov. Robert D. Holmes of Oregon safd today the Eisenhower administra tion's attitude toward the present recession Is too much "wait and see" and not enough "get up and go." Holmes, a Democrat, said Presi dent Eisenhower's "don't rock the boat" advice of yesterday "sounds like the Chamber of Commerce line." "Chamber of Commerce leaders in Portland have been saying the same thing, even though Portland has recently been declared aritl cal unemployment area," he added. Holmes arrived in Denver by plane and was en route to the Western Governors Conference which opens tomorrow at Colorado Springs. He made his comments In an Interview. The Oregon governor asserted there are some situations,, includ ing the current economic ' slump, that are "too big for anyone birt the federal government to handle in Ms overall aspects.' He said administration policies on power and agriculture had se riously slowed Oregon s economic growth during the past five years. An engineering company has been employed to make the study, said Multnomah County Commis sioner Jack Bain. The cost of the study will be paid for by Clark County, Washington; the Port a iwnas-wasnougai; and Hwtno mab County. x ed by the students they served the i Luan Pok on correct ! securing funds for a summer trip. - ..... I j J . i TnA Annuo! trmtr mav Pn tn f I - peted. quality of mercy is strained. While judse were comparing ! notes and selecting the winner, C.-Lg. nA DauahterJ four other studenU were present-' rarner .,.?.! tag speeches-on a trip they had B OX Lunch Scheduled taken that afternoon to Simpsons Plywood plant. Art Class Postponed Until Early in March meeting of "Ten Little Cookers," 4 H cooking club is Monday at the Virgil Watson home. The annual trek may go to Cal ifornia this year, but probably will terminate on the coast, a spokes man said. Twenty five of the girls, from 10 to IS years old, were in Van couver, Wash., last week to enter tain at the K of P old folks home. utauaaai Xewi Sarvlca INDKPF.NDENCE, Feb. 22 Blue Buds and Camp Fire Girls! o( the Independence and Mon- mouth areas this week set March 15 for their Father and Daughter 'box lunch dinner. The event will be held in the CLEAR LAKE. Feb. 22 Ne 4H Episcopal Parish House at Mon- Jw Sarvirc Keizer Blue and Gold Banquet Slated Friday Progressive U.S. Education Said to Make Nation Soft PORTLAND. Feb. 22 -America has become soft because of progressive education, the Sons of American Revolution were told here last night. George E. Tarbox Jr., Denver, president general of the organiza tion, said Russia had tried pro gressive education and abandoned ,,,r,t, Kii. tw.5... t, ,u. it because it did not produce good j ftrike continue WAL offi- Tarbox, who came to Portland to participate in Washington's Birthday anniversary observanc es, defined progressive education as a system which permits stu denU to select their subjects. He said his organization op posed federal aid to education. He called for state and local ac tion to emphasize study of history. English, mathematics, science and languages. rt class will be held tmtif March mouth 11 A community club play caused postponement. Art instructor " D Fields has a part in the play and is unable to.devot time to this month's youth meeting. PASTOR ACCEPTS POST School Director Keeps Post for 3 More Years lumiau Nm Sertiea INDEPENDENCE. Feb. 22 - Statcamaa Nawa Sanrka ', BROOKS. Feb. 22 First annual Blue and Gold banouet for the Cub Scouts of Brooks Pack 57 will be Friday, at S:3n p.m. in the school gymnasium. The Boy Scout troop has been invited to join Cubs and participate In the program. organized troop. Monty Christof f e r s o n is Scoutmaster, James Morley is assistant. Mrs. Marshall Christofferson is Den Mother, Mrs. Howard Carter, Assistant and Al vin Zielenski is Den Chief. Special Stamp Due NEW DELHI, Feb. 22 W -India celebrates the 50th anniver sary of its extensive steel indus try with s special stamp to be issued March 1. The scarlet stamp for use inside India will picture the Tata steel works at Jamshed-pur. Strike May Lead To Furloughs for WAL Employes PORTLAND. Feb. 22 on Thirty-eight Western Air Lines employes here will be placed on cials here said today. Railroads and other airlines are handling Western's reservations, officials added. Cane, Strap Urged for Use on Unruly Pupils MOOSEJAW, Sask. Feb. 22 UrV Chief Judge N. V. Buchanan of the Alberts District Court says teachers should nave the same disciplinary powers as parents. He told an interviewer here that it isn't enough for a teacher to admonish or a principal to chat with an unruly student. "In my experience," he said, "the use of the cane and strap would cure many of the would-be wearers of brass knucks and wield ers of pistols and knives." Douglas Parkes. member of the lv-.i FAwarAm h. hop irtH in executive board of Cascade Area HUBBARD. Feb. 22 Rev. ss?rve another three year term on wwncu nna pasi vice-presioem oi Charles' E. Harlow has acceotrd the District 13-C Independence-1 we council, win oe ine speaker, pastorship of the Hubbard Com- Monmouth school board The Boy Scouts will give a close munity Church 'Cnmresatiorab. First meeting of the committee order drill and cubs will head all and is moving his family here to consider a budget for the com- arrangements for- the dinner. from peruana. Me coourien nr ing year wui De inursoay evening worship service last Sunday and at the Henry Hill School in In to ill be here this' Sunday , dependence. There are now 17 Boy Scouts and nine Cub Scouts in the newly imemxm t .... V 5 Easy to "add tt" Eoir tt in letter earnings Insured softfy tp H $10,000 N "SAVE where sewing PAYS" Planned Rate 1958 2Vio Per Annum Convenient Downtown) Location tM 4-4711 First Federal Savings : And Loan Association f Solem, Oregon) 129 N. Commercial a. .' ' ' ' '' V I (5 7 71 ' v. ,:n;r r wi mm t mm I 5 - , ' - .., -" . v. i id' ffV: Virgil T. Golden Co. Serving Solent and Vicinity as Funeral Directors for 25 Years Convenient I o a I i o n S. Commercial Street on a bus lino direct route f cons ; etories cross traffic to hinder servi ces. Salem's most modern funeral homo with seating capacity for 300. Services within your means, always. Virgil T. Golden Grace t. Ooieion MS Commercial St. S. . . FUNERAL SIRVICI miaiwi m wm 11 ym I. w i m i um tmmmmrm Phono EM 4-22S7 SUtaimaa Nawa Strrlca Unloa Hill The Woman's Club meets March 6 in Salem at 'the Nora Rolow home, for a St. Pat rick's Day program. The group this week held a patriotic program on the life and work of George Washington. Wlllamiaa About 125 fathers and daughter attended the Brownie Father and daughter ban quet at the VFW hall. Brownies presented fathers with gifts they 'had made. The Willamina and Sheridan Brownies are sponsored by the Willamina VFW Auxiliary. Mramentb Ted Elliott of 775 S. Lancaster, Salem, was elected a member at large of the Oregon College of Education Dad's Club. The selection was made during the recent Folks' Festival oa OCE. Maamodta Starr Brothers Builders of Lebanon was low bid der on construction and remodel ing of Monmouth Elementary school, and have started addition of four classrooms. Maamowtk Normal Lodge, IOOF. named a resolution commit tee this week to draft an amend ment permitting the lodge to hold weekly session. Plans have also been made to work with Rebekah members in raising funds to meet the local share of the annual U. N. Pilgrimage contest. Maamcntk Jack Randall, Ocean Lake clothing dealer, has leased the Mulkey building in Monmouth and will open a clothing store here , about March 15, following remodel ing. Wlllamiaa Guests Thursday of the Grand Ronde Women's club were 20 Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts and leaders. Pictures taken at Valley Forge were shown. Two boys from Grand Ronde, Guy Swanson and Richard Davis, at tended the encampment last summer. Jefferscs Two couples return ed home this week for a vacation in southern states, Mr. and Mrs. Dixson Vose and Mr. and Mrs. William Hart. Mrs. Hart was ill with pneumonia upon her arrival home. Pedee Mrs. Olive Wages Elizabeth and Lucy, Mrs. A. B. Lyday, jr., and Vicky, and Mrs. G. C. Jones left this week by car on a trip which will take Mrs. Wages and daughters to Phoenix, Ariz., Mrs. Lyday and Vicky to Las Vegas, Nev., and Mrs. Jones to Ridgecrest, Cal. Mrs. Zona Singler of Dallas will have charge of the Pedee store. Albany Youth Wins Rotary Fellowship EVANSTON. 111.. Feb. 22 W - Charles W. Reynolds of Albany, Ore., has received a Rotary Foun dation Fellowship for - advanced study abroad next year. Rotary International, a service club, an nounced today. He is one of 113 outstanding graduate students from 20 coun tries selected for the scholarships. He will study international rela tions and history in preparation for a career in the U.S. Foreign Service. Reynolds, 23, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Reynolds, Al bany. He attended Albany schools and graduated last year from Stanford University. Genraii - Mrs. Tillie Elliot of Gervais has returned to the Bene dictine Nursing Home at ML Angel. &01 QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY AT ISO SOUTH LIBERTY IS OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Noon to 2 P.M.-o P.M. to 9 P.M. Weekdays- A.M.. to 1 1 P.M. (Other Hours, Call EM 3-9123 or EM 4-3336) II E) So Sllffl s&ys: preeJ J I J U vJ UL JU I ' V; nnnnP I 1 . i . X I iTTK 1 ' 'IIV I Plata Dr. Semler says, "take edvaa teeje of my Uberisl Credit Terms to ejet the deatel p4otes yea RIGHT NOW , the smofl snenrhly pwymeats ever the next 2$ months. No ddey or red) tope , . . ne fiaence eomeeny to deal with, AR pey meets ere made direct m my etfices TOO DOKT NEED ANY APPOIKTMENT Coma in any time at your convenience (dillrilt xcaaVd. ecial l-to-3- y service DR.I AU PUCES QUOTES IK ADVANCE e a fejaf ewl FPjES 9$ BB9taWI Ww,a,JsBji hwlaaSH rwrtWt, Reensw DaMal t f lit trtsweW Vp" ! ClfUlSl i A ... . . 4 1 3-3311 i a raai-o QtiftA Gtjinc- r STATE 6 COMMERCIAL SALEM Wof n.Ahtt Mg. Park In any lot-oive ws the Kcket for the peried you are having dental service performed In rjaf.J WMHl vr office. , ' ' ' " "' " ' 4oateiafaWhenyadJU