fc2-(Sec. IV) Statesman, Salem, ,Ore., Sat.. Feb. 22, '5S Houston Classic Paced by Mazur 6-Wjy Tie Gone it Hilfw.y Point Bv MAX . SKELTON HOUSTON. Feb 21 r Pete Mauir. a calm 42-year-old New Yorker who has won only Hot) in two full years of tournament play, placed a 71 beside his first round 1 today to take a one-stroke lead at the halfway mark of the n.non Houston Classic Golf Invitational. OSC Clubs USC, 69-50 Gambee Scores' 24 to Lead Win (Continned from preceding page) points tonight as the Beaver belt- Southern California ss- in a with Maiur saw ineir score juni as high as 77. Kd Oliver. Canton, pacific coast roMriENri Mass.. and Milton Marusic. Wcb w i. m Ft f ster Groves, Mo , posted 73s to California .... I'CLA Oregon rtate . Mane ISC Ore ton Waihinrton Stafford Washington SUte i mi w " 1" 77 ts w ? Mr JJJ III i'i 7 til lee mi ?l Fridav'l rinlt California It. Ida ho at; 1C A It Stanford 41: Oregon IUU S. I SC M. Coast Conference basketball tame. Tte Braver kad ramnnd al- Mast from the atart and led IV 23 at the half. Gambee played etstslde mark of the first period and had 14 points at halftime. He maved Inside la the second half and shot less frequently. The Trojans could connect on only 25 per cent of their shots from the field in the first half, and had about the same luck in the second period. The Bearers hH oa aaaat M per rent of their field foal at tempts la the second half. Ore KM State's teeead leading carer, Jim Aadersaa, got 11 poiats. No cae else aa the team cared as many as te. Jim Hanna was hijh for the Trojans with 12. John Werhas and Jim White scored 10 apiece. The Beavers now have a con - ference record of 8-3 and trail first-place California by a game, Southern California has woo 6 of 12. , Oregon State (0) (it) Soutkern Cal 6f FT r r T u r r 1 G F P T Gsatei t t 1 14 While t 3 1 II 1 t 1 I 5Er t34i itanna i I J i' Aaderta i i t ii ooniiei 2iii Mi.. I I 1 1 kensn I t t I 'Ski, H" Jayne. it!' mii. lit! itarmaa j m i m un, i . . Clemtt S t t t Hamtn ToUla 21 II 21 St Totals Oregon It 34 4t zs e aathera Cal U . sja.o I Co vnres rick i Grid Mentor CALDWELL, Idaho. Feb. 21 Jl -The College of Idaho called on a veteran prep and college h,,.), COacn today to become its new head foot ball mentor. The appointment of J. A. Babe Brown as bead football coach was announced by Dr. Tom Shearer, college president. Brown also will continue as di rector of athletics at the school and as head basketball and base- ball coach. futk-ll k V ai,MUJ. va t.v.i .k. r.;.t . come football coach at the new ; Borah High School in Boise. Brown has been in the coach ing field for 31 years. He is a I graduate of the University of Ida-' ho and coached there and at high i ,u.n u . ,u. , scbools in Burley, Lewiston. Mos- i cow and Nampa before joining the Staff at the College of Idaho. Here he holds an associate pro- lenrwsnip in pnjaitai coucation. ' "The appointment of Brown as head football coach gives us an opportunity to concentrate our -11-1.! ' . coaenma; respoiuiuiuim in a man la wnom we have every conn- deace," Dr. Shearer said. cmvERsnr bowl Coannaorclal No. 2: Narrit Walker Pakou 41). leUerkack Paper (1); 1 Laaa Tavara (I). Cahaasl Saoclolttet (1); Cannery Local No. i;t (1). Vista , Market (1); caoamerclal msartnee (1), Roya Four Comers (tt: Rtpnt seevico SUttao (t, Slowsr 4os (4); Dvor Sons lasoraace (3), Team No. 11 (1). High Indtvtdnal Game: Batch Ireland (224). High Individual Serloai Vm Rene I17H. Hlih Team swowwy .-r. l.l. .n... .r.- Meet: commercial la.ura.e. ,.-,., CAPITOL BOWLING LANES . Stale Farm Women's: Inrarettrs (3), rkakeads (I); Alley Ban (1). Lit Helles (J); Alley Oapa (1), Scal ier Plat (I); Sore Mlsaet (I), ttneen Plot (t: Rorkettet (I). Parmerettes (2). Mlgk Indlvldnal Game: tkarl'ae 1 a earn ore tia. nqs snuiTHiuas. .rr-; let: MarUva WlUUms (4tt. High Tram ome: Alley oops (iMi). Higk Taaaa Serin: Alley Oapa (Itlii. Caaltol Miaorette l.eacae: Jack C. Master service tta- let (ISO). High team series: PhM Upa aoat trvlro Meat (0t3). CHERRY CITY BOWL Cherry City Mixed League: fee, ko F lories (4), Joe Kirk's- Ckevron (1)1 aiauffer't System () Walt iu'iinVil hart EleetfM (1). Hlgk Individual Si.ri4V.&"A i -am. caanoi service pioriet (ttt). High toons aeries: Service Florist tjwai. ... I -.- i ,i al l a.iH i,. cnerim t.itr aw s-oatue; sminus B.V-elatVr'fi ATiVrV.a t'.n Jti I J): Wonder Bread (t. Wlllam- cite Valley Lkr. Co. 44); Marrkx nukoev toi. Walton Tractor (41. Hlch rndlvtdaal garnet W. Walls (211). High IneuvldutJ series: nes mor- V-,.'-,T.. ri.. i.i tlone (I); Vlesko a Poet (2), Homrr ny Pitou. Guildford. N.H., USS Smith. Insurance (2); General Ad- and Linda Meyer, Bishop, Calif.. Jnatntowt Bureau (3). Ranges Market .... ' (l Phllilpe Self Service Meal (4). . . , , . Don Hardy's Tax Service (I). High Monarity was clocked in 117 0. 1tJKXlA 'i". Vi,,,;1' Aldo Zuli.it was second in (4SS1. High team game: Kansas Mar- 117.3. tta Tractor urn). Mazur snarea me tirst rounu lead with five other veterans but he was the only one of the group to beat par today on the 7.200 yard par 72 Memorial Park course His SD-71 13 left him a stroke ahead of Marty Fargol. whs al m had a M yesterday. Jimmy Demaret. the gallery favorite and Houston native, aad Rober ta Dcvinrenro, the long-driving Argentine H playing eat of Mrsire City. While Furnol collected a 72. others who had shared the lead ,wo ..rnkes off the pace at ... T J 1- II C . I .M..l. 14:. leo ivron. rii Fia took a 75 for a 143 and Stan Leonard. Vancouver, B C . had a 77 for 145. Tied with Oliver aid Marwaie at ,141 were Dave Rafaa. Or laadt. Fla.. and E. J. (Dutch! Harrison. St Looit. Rafaa had yThet. par ar better all the ! day. laraiaf la the day I mad. a three-nader The field of 130 was cut to 73 pros and six amateurs for the third round The cutoff was 148 four over nar and the tournament's defending champion. Arnoia raim- er. Latrobe. Pa . was amorg those elimirated. Palmer woo l7.Sow la top moe , rr a year a(o with a 7J-hole ; 27 but was elimiaated today i with a M-bale 7J-70 12. Others knocked out included I Johnny Palmer, the 1949 champion ;here. and such veterans as Lloyd u,nr,.ni Ik FWk F.d Fureol. and Walter Burkemo. . .i. .. . Serra Beats Stavton '5' : -recetUae aate) (Coatinaed from precedlag page) ties basket by Ke Neaberger. At haJJtinte the scare was kaotted at IS2 when Joha Lacat pitched la a pair of charity tmr ,u Big Dave Lahr and nearly as big Warren Zielmski took over the point-making chores for Serra as . ,u:rj ,ontn nnpnprl Lahr 'he third Camo opened. l-anr .tef throw , t0 the races. Big Dave then, t en 1 long hook shot and Zielin- nun'pjttLi JL"- M tvw ci vy Bl 41 va w " While this was going oa the aaly fHaytaa players able to do anything were Lacat aad Keaay lmrMt ' tbr" nrM M,to good on twa from the Held aad that's all the Eagles scored la the third aaarter. ' C ;:,ky h miirtar a it h ... j .;..;.. , uV".nk fcwMi.... , ' - r , r. .. , ... , ... ..j of his favorite jumpers and Ziel inski adding a follow up shot for a 37-31 lead. The last aaarter wai eee agaia nip aad tuck with Stayloa closing the gap Is 3S-3S. with five nlaotes left, and to 42-41. with loar mlaotet remaining. Roeer Ward and the Sabers Ncuberger tied for high point honors with 14 points each. FranK . .. 1 , . 1 i c . I u:.. , ., r .u. r i.- . j. , . Al OJ Kim T-,0 1 1 T. T. . - , S4 for a .352 shooting average. The Eagles had 16 far it aad .32. Serra grabbed 3 rebounds to 34 for SUyton. hat 2J of the Sahen' erabs were in the see- and half, while fHaytaa was get- ting only 16. The Stavton jayvees WOO the i preliminary game 46-32. Larry Ol- son naa 10 points I or ine siniitii. : Dick Saalfeld of Serra was high! point man with 11. fUVtOa (t3 G F P T ward : iUgS. : 1 S liWillamina, 5148 114 4 Lakr I 1 I II i ' are rrsies .. -s s a ii MuhriM s a a 14 limhergrr t t I Frank s t 112 S'AVJSi1! f I V:rrm I : Lang t t t I nnM Stavton Serra II t 17 U M , Fret throws missed: tlaytaa Irrra II. Off trials: Beard and Hei drle. U.S. Skiers Win Slaloms ST. MORITZ. Feb. 21 iP Mar- . c. . ..J vin Jimpra a oiow t.. a.ru Betsy hmte Of Norwich, Vt , today . caotured the Slalom rates of the wi.ii. OiKk. Ski Tournament. TVia Amaiptr-tiit oirliT -nrri ralaat ol V dominated the comoetition. taking ! ,. . . - n,.: ;.'" 'he first four placet. Behind MISS i ayiiiamlna .. Snite. whose time for the two runs1 ,. . , , n-f. ;.. , ...rnnA. ram, s.llv I rvavor ( Phiilnhia llfl 1 Pn- i "' " r..r. .... ..V. i Manhattan Selected For NCAA Tourney NEW YORK. Feb. 21 loV-Man- CoUea. today was elected tt the fourth "at lgrg team te 'h (i,i0B, if- legiate Basketball Championship tournament. Tk. l..n-. ak. hive an 1IJ1 r- " K-' -... -- ...... ... .a i.. .,A r"." '...' ""rllZ 1 "T m' r-tstern neicvtiun committee to play in the finti j j . '"u"u u ipirncou. m , , aquare uaroeny-vmorcn n. ine an- nouncement was maoe through the NCAA service bureau bare. TheyTl Do It Every Time - IN . M4KMS HEP HUSa4WD OVER BUSHy EVEBODvvs .... fefef VOLff? CVC6BOWS AZMZ HOIP rSr J . S $ SO THfCK TH5V LOOK V 1 if AOQAV HAlft;-lVt I jj ' J I . . ... ... .M QanaMf, i A Jk. 'YtdisS&SJ (Prep Hawks Lose To Falls City W'OODBURX. Feb. 21 'Special Falls City, champion of the minor division of the Marion B League.1 had to come from behind in the 1 . LEAGl (minori m l frt. pr p 13 I K 11 II ) .!X -.it T 1 S ill S4 7 1 1 SM 753 71 S I ! 1M s t is; (a 7M 3 II .:i 741 711 I It .143 S5 SM Falli City SI. Faul MarLarrn Oti. Drat Srhal rheaaawa j;;1;.';"" D,,r, Friday's rtaiu: camai u. or nral Srhoal 44: St. Paul J. Val t 47: prrvdal 71. Datrolt Falls City , MarLarva 44. . . . . . , last quaner to ueieai mr !Uren Hawks. 49-44. in a basket- ball game here tonight. Roy Carver, high-scoring Falls City whu, fouled out in the tnira quarter and finished with 1 points, h GnjA nis of MacLaren was high for the game with 20 counters. MacLaren snared the jayvee game by a 39-27 count. ' rLCr"t li: Tavlor (S) C: Sroit C.t: G: Vosel (12); Wkreler (1, tiirl ntv 4. MtCtASf.S (tt) tiWrKZ oiii.i.: T,..t and w.ik.r. Central Panthers Topple Estacada CENTRAL IN10N HIGH SCHOOL. Feb. 21 Special '-Dar- rell Brandt scored 40 points to break the Central scoring record 1 i Wll I A WETTI VALLEY ICAtil'I L Pet. Pr PA) K S,f'l- !'!!??- JiiTu Z'Z r - Sandy S 3 Stti 4SS 4It Central - - . Canky 1 1 .121 Ml 4to r.siarada 0 S SOS MS Ml Friday's mutts: Sandy II. Ctaky tt: Dallas 14, MelaUa SI; Central at, Cstarada 42. i .121 mi 4to here tonight in leading his team to , 142 victory over Estacada i . ttiiiarrvtio Vallev Leazue basketball game. B , hii rtcOT , i3 point, wmca he established earner mis year, Central also won the jayvee I game. 56-16. ESTACADA (42) F: Rlrkkrlde (2) lener (4); C: Cody dir. G: Hitching (1); Millar Oil- : .... i '"fj F: Martin (24): Brtttoa (3). C: Marr 1(1); G: BaUeaUne (31; Brandt (40). i Reserves searing: Lovelace (I); Caen J' t central it it u je as , officials: Joaosrud aad onsufsoa. n . r craves surprise WILLAMINA, Feb. 21 (Special) Banks gained iU fifth against ten kh in la Bulldogs. 51-46. r,. 11 an.. iv ii. .r.A : . . . .... . ,l. BOO Liny wun n paceo ine Braves. Don McMillan had 13 for Wlii.mi., nuiamina. In the preliminary game. Willa- inn won the junior vartitv cham-1 mins WM the inniAr varailv rhnm. ... . . 1 pi on snip ot we league, winning S5-S9 The Bulldog jayveei now' have a perfect 1M record. RANKS 111) - - - , Truwel (I); A: n. Allen (II); R. Allen (7)., w iij amina (til ; an (II O: r: rsoairay ti: nirrsmn .11 t .....i. uoelaa I Me lot lata Gehlen (ti: G: Hamilton V" : "r.,h. (..,. . .. 'Hanks i ij n 4 It II 1741 f 3ttlWS iJoftS 3lC 'Vu w owewssa Cougars, 65-33 GERVAIS, Feb. 21 ' Special) Cascade remained in a third place tie with Woodburn in the Capital Conference with a 68-38 win over Gervais in a basketball game here tonight. Si Whitehead stuffed ia 26 points for the winnori. Jerry Fossholm had 11 for Gervais. i Cascade also woo the jayvee clash. S0-34. CAiCADK (41) Ft R. Whitehead (lJJ Hatra (t) wnntaeaa (t( ft: Tawerv! (II; Hurley (at. Reserve! srerint : Mlltoo (II); Scholtlta (I); R.ky (7).l c.rVAIS (31) I t: Berglund (4); Con (4). C: Sowai (ll: O: J ,,, w.rlng: Stair (J); ' wraasnoaii iwi, riwiFwim Miner it). 21 14 11 1441 ' I Gervais II I II IS-MlUhano. I 4 II 14-M 1 Officials: Warren and Brown, i OfdcUla: Total and MuU. Hoop Results Che maw a Defeats OSD Panther '5' CHEMAWA. Feb. 21 (Special) The Chemawa Indians closed oat Marlon B Leafne play tooifhl with a U-44 verdict over the Ore- ion School for Deaf Paathera. Ed Bella and Jim RedsUer of the winners each hit for It points. But scoring honors for the game went to the Panthers Da rid Wood who potted 23. Chemawa waa the prelim 46-31 The varsity wta failed ta put Chemawa lata the post-season playoffs. The Panthers did not figure la the playoffs either. OSD (tt) F : Elliott (t): Bookihnlt (7). C: r..i.w t . , , . ,,3. ' chemawa iisi G : Burkley (7), Wood f: Brim u; Redeteer (IS). C: HMk.1. is.- ti T...I. im. v...t. 1(2(. Reserves' teoring: Ahkee (it, osd it 13 1 u-tt Ckemawa 7 11 IS 11 11 Offlclali: RawUnt and Pelert. Sparts Take l QV L OilTGSI ' SWEET HOME. Feb. 21 (Spe- . , ,.' , ca.rf. -veTrSt .and accompanying state tourna-. ment berth tonight by nosing out the Sweet Home Huskies in a tor rid thriller here. 47-4U. Corvallis is now in second place with a 5-3 record, while Sweet Home has tumbled to third at 4-4. j Rrthre FiemineT with IS mints. and Doug Coleman with 17 led Corvallis. while Wayne Roberts had 21 for the Huskies. Corvallis jayvees won the prelim 60-36. f: Coleman (I7: Thomneon (I). C: : r I J . avKitn Ksnni; jisiseiier itl. i ' .. bwert eiunic real tvij . "- ens (21); G: F.dgley (I); Land (2). Reserves scoring: enoen (2). '-'""' " " !j " Officials: Wtekert aad Ireland. ,.e e e s JLIU JYCrYfnCimi Monroe Dragons , ... 1 SCIO. Feb. 21 'Special' Byron Faelman srnroH M nninla her. In. .night as Scio crushed Monroe. M-M. in a non-conference basket- r ball game Dave Manley talUed 17 points j and Ken Robinson added 14 for the winners. I Monroe won the jayvee clash. 43-32 "VarnlSiV (i4: cook ,,, r: njannon (I)- G: Dye (2) Oakes (14) R,r, ,(rini: saittk (4); Cenn (2) SCIO (14) F: tawman (33); R.kinn (it; c: ' ?.'ihrnTri).R...rv.:. .r.V neit (4), Monroo Scio . t 11 12 it sal 11 21 it 2s Mj iSPhilomath Drops Amity Warriors ami l Y. tto zi ispeciai' rnii- nmilh mnvarl In within nno earn - " -- - - , th Yawama Uague leaders here tonight Itlth a 46-27 basket- i.. ... ... : M win over me flirrny warriors. "on Edwards was top scorer for PhilHmnth with Ion nninla ' "J an,K ..rcu.r. , f'0' inn,n lht am4 , :4S-J5. fM1u,MATn a, F: Hnyell (4); Wkilney (7). C: P. .Dtvls D; G: (alhonn (): Edwards (It). Reserves acorlng: Delggle (t); ;'' : ' " ( '' (It). Reserves scoring: Delggle (t) eMITT (TI) 'J " (.4,i ;.. - - - 111. Reserves scaring: Pearce (2c it .... , . . . . l . (2). II I IS II tt 1 rniionsatn Amity . 447 itn ! Bulldogs Humble Warriors, 45-39 LEBANON, Feb. 21 Special Albany forced Lebanon deeper in to the cellar of District (A-l by trimming the Warriors 45-39 in a basketball game here tonight.. John Wilson paced the Bulldogi with 21 points. Jon Pattinsen was high for Lebanon with 12. Albany also won the jayvee game. 39-38. ALBANV (tl) F: Wlls Wilson (21); Prohtlka (7). C: tohrhongh (7); G: Dry.aa (I) I.F.BANON (It) r. r-.tiiio-i tvr. t,t.oiiTiv iij ": Pattlnson (12); G: Pilmatlng (I); Tsvmr (S) Albany It It II 12 41 : By Jimmy Hatlo , j Jefferson in 91-52 Win JEFFERSON, Feb. 21 (Special I The well-oiled JtRferson machine chalked up what may be a new school scoring record here tonight in whipping the Santiam Wolver- -L MARION LFAGl'l (MAJOR) i Final Siaaalnia w i. prt. rr pa Jrffrrioa I Ml 3S2 141 Callon 1 I INiHHI : St Bvalfart .. I 4 .333 m ) Saatiaat II .1(7 2sa 3S Friday's rtinlta: CaMan IS. St. ; Baalfaeo 41a Jefferson SI, SanUaaa tt. tines. 8i-az, in a Marion B League major-aivision oasKeioaii game. Rerarria will riave f n h rklroit - " v - - to determine, if the 91 points is a new rewvirrl hicrti Alan Vvman anil new record hizh. Alan vman and ' ' -i 1 r. .!... ...... k. : L wnl1 '" weir iiikii scuicis with II points each. Bob Wright naO 17 for Jeff Dorman Gregory topped Santiam with 13 '(allies. Santiam won the jayvee game in two overtimes, 47-45. SANTIAM (12) F: Gregery (11): Smith (14). C: Hirte (1); C: Meyier Itl: Morten (It). Reserves srarlnt: Fenrl (7); Knhlman (2); Hedge (I). jrFFF.R.HON (til r: wrKhi (17); Mlrlatl (It). C Horhspeler (II); C: Nvman (It): official.: itew.rt and r.h. Sublimity Downs Colton 42 to 39 SI RI.IMITY Feb 21 iSoerial) The St Ronifare Saints won their Marion R Iarue basketball en me with Colton here tonight, 42-39, af-! fro. throws miteed south . North Irr lhe saiiA JVs had taken the:"' Drelim 46-42. l r,,..,k t .v.. c.;-- i.j "... ...... - ...... , vuk -' . . , ...j u u.j ... f.uiiuiiiai a du H tur luuun. ids- ing game nonors. A fourth period rush by St Mi?, JH- m; tace, good lor 14 pointi while Col- ton scored but S, turned the tide ,u- o-u- .. in me varaiiy ,0. 1 nc loss iaiia 10 j Officials: Al l.lchtner, Jim Travis keep Colton from winning second,"1 Frank Rvans. place in the loop race, and a berth ! in the district playoffs. j COl.TO! (3S) ,: Lundmsrk (20): Anderson (2). C: rrrese (l; G: SUhlnerker (7); Avsaaker (2). . mXm j; c. He-tetter ,s. G: D. Gnen : Blades (4). Reserves seor- c.'it.. n .T 'lM Boniface 11 i ii Spartans Defeat Dayton Pirates SHERIDAN. Feb. 21 (Special - Sheridan gained a tie for sixth in the Vawama League here tonight i 53-51 win over the Daytoni Pirates . , . , .. ... Lioya nooens conarea 17 points and Francis Hutchins had 16 for the winners. Dick Vest and Ken Caldwell scored 16 each for Day ton. Dayton won the junior varsity tilt. 42-3S. , DAYTON (II) f: vest (Hi: Wright (1). C: SUw- (t,: C: Baker (7); wiiiert (i. neearvts scaring: Benedict (1); Cald- well (iti-. Fsrr iti iwc.,DVN (ii)' p: H.trhia. (ii); las (it): nokerte (17). C:l.;.kt t... .i ... .w. r- (3); G: Countryman (11); smMh (I) u.yton "SmSSt,-. . II II I ii i n ii Wide and Mardork. Silverton Dumps II. j f t ai Mt . AnQel . 0o4 T. ANGEL. Feb. 21 (Special. ""J d"erueri scirrau Ja points ,. k.i. c i t . - . mt . . : . t t . . i . lorT ov'r Mt. Angel in a Capital Conference basketball game here tonight. Ken Ashley had 13 for the win ners, while Jim Schaecher topped Mt. Angel with eight counters. Mt. Angel captured the jayvee preliminary, 30-28. SILVtRTON (II) F: Graves (2); Ashley (11): 6: McKlllop (S). C: Overfleld (4) Reserves erarlaii Ron. kack(2); M. Ichwah (J); AlUsui Aoaveraerg (to); ill, asosioy (U), MT. A.NOEL (Ml P: Blem (I); MiUer (11. C: D. Wavra (1); G: Boon (1); C. Wtvra (II. Raaarvet Konng: Batach (I); trhaerher (I); J Schwak (2). Silverton II It I to s Mt. Angel It it it 1 .14 Officials: Veer and Docker. ANGEL. SLATE ASTORIANS MT. ANGEL. Feb. Jl-'Soacial) Th Ml Aneel haakelhall loam ia slated to play the strong Star of ik. e.. f .mA k... C.i. V ' urday Bight. North Has Final Win Sax Lose 55-46 Battle in Villa (Coatinaed from preceding page) la far a ftVM lead and the bril liant Saxon star rame dawn hard oa aa aakto that had al ready been badly Injured this season. He fell ta the floor and had to be taken from the game a ad to the dressing room. It was now all over for sure for the Southerners, as Moore had provided the team with 181 points in having one of his better nights of the season. It was obvious from the start that South was "up" for this one. Ballantyne had his hustlers use a full floor pressing defense all the way, and it harrassed the state's No. 3 team no little. It often took all the cleverness possessed by Vik guards Drake, Val Barnes and Steve Briggs to get the ball up the floor, and at times they didn't make it. But once they did there was aa denying the great siae of the Vlks' Harter. Dirk Sroggln and Jim Litchfield. This snare thaa anything else choked dowa the Sataas. The oft torrid clash was 11-1 for North at the first quarter, and 22-U for North at halftime, even though a free throw by Moore had a jump shot by Chuck Hudklns put South into a 18-15 Mad at one point. Drake and Barnes quickly wiped this out, however, and North regained a 20-IB bulge en route to the halftime score. South was down 38-32 at the fin ish of the third quarter after clos ing in at 25-22. Gary Calaba's two free throws at the outset of the final chap ter eat It ta 3-34. aad Keith Barrel tassed la twa mare aa Drake's foal la aarraw things to two points as aforementioned, Thea Drake weal oa his spree I to break tt open. Paldanius said after the clash that he felt this was the big turn - jg point. "They were up for us, iand I'm glad our kids were ud' for then " ho rolatuH "fVhoruMc -- - - --... - it would have been too bad for us, : I'm ofrij1 " w..., . .v . " icl i I'm afraid. 1 u 1. 10 xss 10 marker led the aevnag. starter an 1 1 ano urase 14. Be4h Burres aad Hudklns had I far Sooth, and although he got bat t points the rebounding work of larprlse starter Bob Bartlett, a Hoot, J-lacber, helped the Sax eaase against North's saperier height considerably. Mel Fox' Northern Jayvees won the prelim over Bob Metzger Saxons too, 52-3)1, and this gave North a season sweep in this di- VI! ision aiso. Soalk Salrm (44) (U) North talent o r ir i ti F P T till 3 111 1 1 I 17 4 4 114 I I I I I I 4 t 1114 Silt 0 I I t I I I oore I I til Litkfld , Burres j 1 J t Scogns BartteU till Harter Bagnt I 1 4 1 Drake Rrvnkal 114 1 Brtggt Hudklna 4 111 Wood Brack till Barnes I Waif ISSI Boae ! Swrier I t I I Mirk lei iCalaao tilt Nelson WrComk ties -"' 14 14 21 44 Totals t n 14 11 l?.:Z !? !" . t 14 1444 II 14 17 St ! NOBTW 111 IU IV I Hanson (7); Vaaderhoof (13). T.V'.5?"K !!' ?1 !i- -,. .. ... in, , diiiiiiks SOUTH Itl.FM JV Ml, Lr.?!!k?"t?c,'rr .: '! . . - - - . v. ini to; : naranns (); uieet- j m !'" 'Y, Meouth Salem JV It 24 1 ll-.U Woodburn Downs Huskies, 50-40 WOODBURN, Feb. 21 'Special) Woodburn remained in third place in ih. ranit.i rnnf.r.n.- h.r. i in the Capital Conference here to night with a S0-40 victory over the North Marion Huskies, .yic Belleque of Woodburn and Bill Turner of North Marion each tallied 16 points. Woodburn also won the prelim inary game. 2D-2S. NORTH MARIO! (tt) F: Turner (Itl; Weniel (t). C: De Armond It); G: McLaren (4): Net. lVi);iVMrT" K,""f: c,," l woodburn fH F: BlthoFiick (t); Faint (I). C: Wolf (7); G: Beleaue (II); Halter (I). Reserve, scoring: Black (2. North Marlon II I II a tt Woodkurn II 7 14 1M Officials: Nelson and Whipple. Pioneers Bounce Cougars, 61-49 CANBY. Feb. 21 Special )-San-dy held on to third place in the wuiamette valley League here to- '"''" " W"S vonuy wju- ars, oi-au. Sandy also snared the junior varsity mix, M-34. SANDY (41) F: Hoffman (1); Hrnselman (17). C: MrDcrmed (I); G: Richardson (II); Wills (II). Reserves eeerlni: Calkins (i; BJork (J). CANBT (41) F: D. Darling (11); Daniels (4). Ci Inlow (7); G: Ingram (7); C. Dar. ling (II). Reserves tearing: Dawet i-'ar ' ' .nanny ,e. a it ii re tt Officials: Donovan and Hartley. tiniv if ia ia a Ti. V MARINC Irarsui (&r9r DUILDsMtll PlaiYoor Fvtnrt Wjtt Os ! Call IM 3-6401 Today Chevrolet Builds Trucks Plan Your Trucking Neeeli With tart end ley at Capitol ChtvroUt, Cadillac TRlTiX DEFT (31 N. Com!. Ph. EM 1 1171 Four More Entered In Widener Handicap MIAMI. Fla., Feb. 21 -With Bold Ruler out of the race, four other horses became entries today to build the $100,000 added mile and n quarter Widener Into a 10-horse field. It ?ost only $200 to nominate but owners had to pay $1,000 to enter the winter first big handicap at Hialeah Park tomorrow. Calumet Farm entered Iran Urge and Pinter Lea as ei- i pre ted, and with Bold Raler, the 4 to 3 choice, eat because of a sprained foreleg, the Calumet pair became a I te t choice. If tea start, the race will grass llJO.Ooe and aet the winner itt,oe. Second choice probably will be Mrs. Wallace Gilroy's Oh Johnny, second to Iron Liege in the Mc Lennan, rated at i to 1. Cham pion jockey Bill Hartack will ride Iron Liege, assigned top weight of 12S pounds, with W. M. Cook on Pintor Lea and Robert Ussery making up most of Oh Johnny's 117-pound package. Happy Hill Farm's Kingmaker, winner al the recent Royal Palsa Handicap, was a Mrnrtae entry along with Hasty House Farm's Mahaa. who waa " the Washington, D.C.. International last falL Others who had not been counted as starters are Mrs. J, A. Leone's Rockcastle aad Laady Lare ace's Beaa Di- able, both 2 to 1 snots. 'Mrs. Ada L. Rice's Hoop Band, Ci T. Chenery's Third Brother and Brookmeade Stable's Oligarchy complete the field. Yanks Start Inking Pacts ST. PETERSBURG. Fla., Feb. 21 W-The New York Yankees' holdout line showed definite signs of sagging in the middle today i when Whitey Ford, ace of the (pitching staff, signed his contract and Mickey Mantle indicated he j will follow suit before the regular ' squad is due to report to camp 1 Feb. 25. No firures were announced but it i I t u t I .;n : ... a 1, mi 1 it. j vi u tt in i lvli it $32,000, the same salary he earned i, . t l i i l waa icni lieu tiiai ruiu w in iclcitc last year when he turned in his lowest victory total since his fresh man season of 1950. Mantle and Lee MacPhail, assis tant to general manager George Weiss, talked for 30 minutes yes terday. While Mickey did not sign he admitted later "we are not far apart." Loy Sets New Scoring .Mark; Grays Win Title Sensational Pat Loy of the Par rish Grays broke the Salem Junior High League season scoring record and tied the individual game rec- JUNIOR HIGH LEAGUE Lr. TJ . w "i T r. urays . i.wmm m P. Cards L. Golds 1 4 SM 247 ;.i4 4 4 JOt 234 2CT L. Warriors 1.. Blues P. Pioneers 4 4 Ml 234 2.1 3 S ..171 213 214 in t22 jut Friday's results: Grays 11. Pla neert 21; Blues 34, Golds II; War rlors II, Cards 24. ArH uilh a 34.rvnint mithnrst Fri- Hv nitrM ntrninst the Pnrrish Plo- ' - neers. The Grays won 30-35 to clinch an undisputed league title. Their twe closest pursuers, the Parrlsh Cards and the Leslie Golds, both ; lost In afternoon garnet. The I rm.Sm - A J t. ,1.. I ..II. ... 7 . " .7 ' . . . vrarrmn io-is ot rarnan, nna the Blues surprised the Golds 34-31 at Leslie. Loy got his 17th and IRth points nih n, ,hi bM!i? ?f, ,lh cr,nd hair That gave he Pamsh star 190 points for the season and broke the old record of 189 set bv Dan Moore of Leslie in IBM liiv'i total ia now K with two games left on the schedule. His 33-paint performance also tied the single-game record set by Larry Springer af Leslie In 1M aad tied by Loy earlier m the season. Springer's mark was set whea the Junior highs played eight minute quartets. The teams now play sts-miaate pe riods. In the other games, the Blues i tUAIAKTEID FINEST MAJU SASOtlNI Open 24 Hears NUMBERS mil mm .' -FEIEE 1 5 FT. March 26 lent Will l Awarded Crem Fred Fartl Ticket. You Always SAVE at (Centlnaed from preceding page) Merrill 41, K la ma Ik Paha JVi 40 Klamath rails 70. Crania Paat St St. Francis tt, Willamette 41 (hat Kuiene) - , Saul. Kafene SS. Nartk Beni 44 Snrias'leld a), Rtarablleld 41 MrKenale 47, Mnhowk IS RoMkuri 41, Cottage Grave IS Halaey IS. HarrUkuri tf Drain 41. Ire. well II Wfttflr SS, Sdrfyvllle IS Oakrldge 43. Pleasant Hill IT DlllarO 34, SulherUn II I ear ar Ola tt, Sherwaad 41 Arllnitoa tt, Dufnr 3 Nekalem 74. Jewell M Jakn Ray 13, Foidl 4t Neahkahnle St. Tatl 4S Nealucca S4, Clatakanle 44 Redmond tt, Madras 4S Bend SI. Burnt M Myrtle Point 44. Cequllle II Pendlaton 47, HermUlon 41 MeMlnnvllle 14. Newkert 31 Fertat (irave 44, Oreian City SI Astoria as, Central Calhalle 44 Weil Linn 44. Tillamook SI Wy'Ka.t SS. Vernonla 44 Mlltoa-rmaaier 7. Tka Dalles 42 MMd River II. Rainier SUUn so. Culver SS Medford 41. Aahland 44 PUol Raek 17. Hell 13 Seaalde SS, Warrenton IS Banda 13, Reediaort 41 Reynolds 41. Srappooae 43 St. Helens 7. Oswego tt Gallon It, Portland Christian II Prlnevllle II, Lakevtew 77 Enterprise 15, Union 41 Joseph SS, Wallowa 44 Mllwaukle 72. Oreiham 13 Fade Point 74, Rogue River 31 Jarkionvllle it. Prosper! 4? Talent SO. SI. Mary's iMed(ora) 42 Llnroln 41. Madlean 41 (avertlme) Cleveland 71. Benson IS Waahlnrlon 41. Wilson U r.ranl 04, Roosevelt 14 Franklia SS, Jefferson 41 professional l 1 ".""l?" "? t ... '.'S ,"' 'W "k '" ! Detroit its, rinrinnati itr coli.kgk ceiir.e mi idaha at wuiamette u Wkitman it, Linfiald si. (twa over- OrlTo'n'Terk t4. Oregon college Eastern Oregon 14. Portland State M California 71. Idaho 42 UCLA 44. Stanford 43 Oregon State 41, Southern Cal M Loyola (Los Angelas) 41. San Jasa Btale 44 Whit worth tt, Western Washington II San Francisco 17, lanU Clara M Duke 41. Maryland It Wyoming 74. Brlfham Taung 44 Colorado State V. 74, t'tah State M Penn S7, Dartmouth 74 Tale 71. Caluaahta 44 were ahead all the way in upset ting the Golds as Dale Meyer scored 12 points. Steve Stewart kept the losers in the game with 14 tallies. The Warriors came ' from behind in the second quarter to beat the Cards. LeRoy Haven to beat the Cards. LeRoy Haven1 . ., .. . - ... .. oi ine winners was nign witn 10 on nla ; ,. . .... n.. 1,1 Juu'Ui vaiaity t.isi.-.iics, iiici i R ues sewed uo the eaaue title by beating the Golds 32-10 as Lvnn Ertsgaard scored li points. ,het S 22-16 and the Pioneers stopped the Grays 26-20. 3 PIONEERS (21) F: Taylor 7); Haskell (2). C: Mont- earner til: O: Rroevn HI- r.rt.l. (21. Reaorves irorlnr: Woork (1: waitmiro (2); Chambers (I). GRAYS M) F: LAV (13); Holltad (2). C: Shea- hard (t; G: Mlckles (1); Billing ! (It). Reserves scoring: Rainwater (4) Pioneers 4 7 7 72! Grays 13 It 14 t M Officials: Relmann and Fadenrerht. I W"I?.V ,2? ? ... h. v. ( . , ro "''.: Royse (t). C: Maeri Edwsrds (I) CARDS (21) F: Causer (2): Weathers (t). C: Dockter (S); (!: Hasklns (2); Renter '!'.. "rv" forlng: Stlffler (4); Llppenrolt (I). Warriors 4 Cards I 14 i 421 1 4 S 24 1 Officials: Hnntley and -Fadenrerht. BLUES (34) F: Meyer (12) Dinger (4). C: Boyd (4); G: Madison (t); Bntlrk (1). GOLDS (31) F: Losaner (4); Fox (1). C: Nellson (1); G: ntewart (14); Gladt (I). Re- : serves scoring: mcloio (J). I Bines . . .. IS II It 434 official: staimtnn. Center aad Church "Across from POSTED FEB. 26 BOAT Miteff Takes Split Verdict Over Valdcs V Bv JACK HAND NEW YORK, Feb. 21 UV-Witl blood streaming from his split nose, Argentina's Ales M 1 1 e f I smashed out a split decision over Cuba's Nino Valdes tonight in s savage brawl at Madison Square Garden. Valdes weighed 2094. Mitefl 308 pounds. The ring, trunks, hodlrs aad gloves af both fighters were spattered with red la this brutal blood hath la which Dr. Ales ander Srblff of the New York Stale Athletic Commission went four times to Mlteff's earner. Valdes stormed around the ring, wavinr his hands and stomping his feet when he heard the decision go asainft him after a fierce battle. There were boos but most of the crowd seemed to agree with the decision. Neither fighter was able to score a knockdown but both were hurt from time ta time la the heavy going. Miteff, shifting to soulhpaw aa occasion, almost dropped big Nine with IS seceada ta go In the first round with a left to the Jaw. Referee Teddy Martin scored It 8-4 for Miteff and Judge Harold Rnpnai utta It C i 1 (M Mia -rr I , , - rT ,. . 1 "' Judge Nick Gambol scored tt for I Valdes 6-3-1. Ski Conditions By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS These Oregon ski conditions were supplied Friday by the Weather Bureau and resort oner, ators: Timberline Lodce Total snow 255 inches, no new snow; snow wet most ol Frida". wh'noed to corn by wind in Macic Mile late Friday, all facilities operated Fri day double chair and Betsy to operate Saturday: snow rat and Magic Mile to run-if weather per mits: temperature ft p.m. M rle- ! grees: a few high cloudi late Fri- day night: roads clear, motorists ! dvised lo carry chains. ' .overnmt'm tamn noidi clear, chairs not required: ro new snow: total snow 27 inciter: ski ing fair Friday; snow wet. packed: Ski Bowl. Multoroor and Summit will operate Saturday and Sundav. Hoodoo Ski Bowl No new snow; total snow m inches; snow well packed: skiing good; all facilities operating Saturday and Sunday; pavement and parking lot bare; .'a veer Ski School to be held on Sunday. St. Paul Clobbers Valsetz, 6247 VALSETZ. Feb. 21 .Special) -SI. Paul clobbered Valsetz 63-47 tonight to take undisputed second j P'ace in the Marion B League ; ""-nor amsiom ana tne ngni to i P' Siletx for a playoff berth. 1 Richard Koch found the ram Richard Koch found the rang f nnlnt. lo IWm Teammate Dous Coleman pitched in 16. while Rnh nivor wisa oath. - , - - c" ",r ,ne "oaera. gr pail () Kirk is: Koch (it), c- okerg "-v.'.-.r,,.V:i Sah'-,' Berandi (i; Kirsrh m. valsktz (47 F: Prater (4) Mlllhura (1). C: Roto i : Oliver (II); Egli (t). 5t.1.P,f",l " J! JJ valseti t 11 II It 4T i Officials: Miller and Glksoa. ;Perrydale Traps Detroit, 71-60 DETROIT. Feb. 21 (Special) Perrydale led all the way here tonight in handing Detroit a 71-dO setback in a Marion B League minor division game. Norm Frink tossed In 25 points for the winners. Bill Cokenour had 21 and Gary Roberts added II for : Detroit. PEHRYDALF. (71) P: Van Otten (t); Frtnk (21) C: DeJoni (I); G: Glksoa (I); Browa (17). Reserves acorlng: Chapln (4); Domes (I). DRTROIT (tt) F: Cakenour (21); Rohertt (II). Cl Hamilton (t); Ot Lemming (104! Graham (11. Resarvtt scoring: tprnrrr (2); Madsen (1) Perrydale . 14 IS II 2111 Detroit It II II Officials: Calller Janes. UK ANT Oil CO. (IEDIT (AID Meier Freaks" IN ONLY 5 DAYS Nothing to Buy -Just Drivo in for FREE Tickets 8:30 P.M. ALL GLASS FORTUNE I