W' w 1S-(SC. Ill) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., Feb. 22, '58 OSC to Purchase Nuclear Reactor C0RVALU5, Feb. H-Teaching , tor is 6V feet in diameter, feet Drocrams in nuclear science and high, and weighs 22.000 pounds. engineering fields will be expand- The lead shielding in the reactor ed and intensified next year at weighs 7,500 pounds. The reactor Oregon State Collage with a can be operated for years wunoui 1165.900 Erant to be used lor pur- replacement of the uranium core chase of a small, training nuclear which comes from the Atomic reactor. Energy Commission. OSC was one of seven colleges In the nation given grants by the Atomic Energy Commission for the purchase of the training reac tors. The (rant also provides for pur chase of other equipment that will permit specialised training of un dergraduate and graduate students in the fields of physics, chemistry, chemical engineering and mechani cal engineering. The reactor, first in Oregon, gets If name from the "chain reac tions" that come from the ura-nium-23S used as fuel. These reac tions produce atomic energy and can be sustained under controlled conditions. The "low-power" reac tor is especially designed for train ing of students in the nuclear fields, George W. Gleeson, dean of engineering, explained. With it. students can acquire the knowledge and skills that will pre nare them for oDeration of larger reactors or nuclear power plants, ' Berhost. was arrested Feb. 13 at e, has been advanced to man he said. St. Paul by sheriff's deputies. Ber 0 Allstate Insurance Conv Completely safe for installation 'pany's services department in the 2 Bound Over To Grand Jury David Charles Saiser, 20, of 564 17th St. SE, and James J. Burke. 20, of 1035 Albert Dr. SE. were bound over to a Marion County Grand Jury on charges of larceny in district court action Friday. Involved is the theft of 19 rolls of bean wire from a field on Silver-ton-MoIalla Road, said court officials. Thomas J. Berhost. St Paul, re ceived a 30-day suspended jail sentence Friday in Marion Coun ty District Court after pleading guilty to a charge of driving with out an operator s license Insurance Men Advanced " II Wl : esssswsssssssssssssssssBSssssssssipsssssl II M Lit I I ill Robert H. Peine (left) it promoted to services manager at Salem regional headquarters of Allstate Insurance Co., taking the post of oRbert F. Walch (right), who was pro moted to similar assignment in the Menlo Park, Calif., office. Pair Promoted by Allstate Company Robert H. Peine. 152S 18th St. In campus laboratories, the reac- C. A. Johnson Taken by Death Clarence A. Johnson, 68. resident of the Pratum and Central Howell areas for 64 years, died Friday at a Salem hospital from a heart con dition. The borne was at Salem Route 2, Box 524. Active in Grange and Farmers Union. Johnson was born May 2, 1889, in Wisconsin and came to the Pratum area east of Salem with his parents, August and Mattie Johnson, when four years old. He was married Nov. IS, 1914, to the former Ruth White of the Rickey area and she survives him. Beatrice Loreen Carver. 25. of's,, regional office. Resident 775 TDompson Ave. Jl,. appeareu Friday in Marion County District Covt on a charge of drawing a bank check with insufficient funds. She was arrested Friday afternoon by Salem city police. The case was continued for ar raignment to Feb. 27 at 10 a m. on Jhe charge which concerns a $20 check given to Bergs Inc., last December. Boy Arrested After Beating Educators to Open Confab At Gearhart A four day, second-level curric- Uium conference, sponsorcu uy uir state education department, will convene Sunday night at Gearhart, education department officials said Friday. The purpose is to provide intensi fied study of the latest research findings and planning techniques for curriculum development to school superintendents, administra tors and state education depart ment personnel. The three main topics scheduled for study are the process of group A 15-year-old Salem boy was ar rested Friday and charged with assault and battery in connection I with the beating of a 13-year-old i hov n a v Parrich Junior Hiffh The couple lived in the Pratum Thursday afternoon, city po-! dynamics as it might be related to sector about seven years before ice sai(j curriculum development, the moving 1920 to Central Howell. p IjM ' id that Craig Sernio. the meaning of research and its con- Johnson was a member of Ma- o( Mr an(J Mrs George Sernio ! tributions to the improvement of way orange iot year, anu of WM badly bea,en but not I curriculum, ana ine nature oi cnn Z. ... I. . UR:,UU"' , hospitalized. WVfttAS Sab IKa nat 41 iim ha r Manager B. M. Barrett announced Friday. Peine, former manager of the operating division, replaces Robert F. Walch who has been promoted to services department manager for Allstate's office in Menlo Park, Calif. Also promoted was James H. Davison, accounting division man ager at Salem for the past two years, who will take over the ac counting division at Menlo Park. Management shifts, touched off by the promotions bring Paul Sex- smith from Seattle to Salem as operating division manager and makes Rhodes Skillman the new accounting division manager, pro moted from an auditor's post in Menlo Park. Moving up to operat ing division supervisor is Maurice Childs, 1990 Park Ave. NE. master. For the past 21 years he belonged to the Marion County Pomona Grange and at his death was a member of the executive committee. He also was a member of the Central Howell Farmers Union and held various executive jobs with that group. Survivors besides the widow in clude two sisters, Mrs. Blanche Bernier, Oregon City, and Mrs. Anderson, Ventura, Calif.; two brothers, Arthur Johnson, Salem and . Byrdie Johnson, Colorado Springs, Colo; and several nieces and nephews, including Mayor Robert White and Richard and Delbert Johnson, all of Salem. Funeral arrangements are in care ot W. T. Rigdoa Mortuary. Two Named to Board on Aged Got. Robert D. Holmes added two members to the state commit tee on services to the aging Fri day. They are H. P. Oldham. Port land, retired railway worker; and Benjamin L. Simmons, Salem, cur riculum supervisor for the state de partment of public instruction. The governor also named Fred Guyton, Tillamook, to the Oregon Centennial Advisory committee and Mrs. Mary Goodwin, Portland, to the state advisory council for prac tical nurses. Polio Project Ends as 576 Receive Shots Salem area adults received 576 free Salt vaccine shots Friday evening to end the current vaccine series sponsored by the Marion County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis. A total of 1.149 shots was riven during the week as compared to 790 during a similar series last month. Vaccine was purchased with March of Dime funds. During the week. ISO shots were given at Silvertoo, 155 at Wood- Mirn, and 268 at stayton. The chapter had purchased 2J00 shots of the vaccine. Officalf were un decided Friday night as to where the remaining shots would be used. The chapter Is encouraging pri vate groups to purchase vaccine through a private physician or the polio group. dren's thinking. piscussion leaders will include Dr. Donald Nylen, assistant super intendent of instruction, guidance and curriculum reesarch, Seattle public schools, and Dr. William H. Burton, professor emeritus of the Harvard Graduate School of Edu cation. Discussing "The Nature of the Current Criticism of the Schools" will be Dean George W. Gleason of the School of Engineering and Industrial Arts. Oregon State Col lege. Dr. Benjamin L. Simmons, State Education Department, will present "Can the Comprehensive High School Adequately Serve the Superior Student." Elliott D. Becken, assistant su- : li w . A i m A .UIi. resident of Marion County and -'.Zl ? ,,57", , . . - . - u- 5CITOUI5, WIU U1KU39 1IIC AUIC Ul Ty:T Science. Mathemalic. and Foreign icuuii. ujcu a isuj The accused is being held in city jail under $o00 bail and is sched uled to appear in Marion County juvenile court today. He was arrested on a circuit court warrant after a complaint was signed by the injured boy's father. Daughter of Early County Pioneers Dies Laura Dell Page, 91. lifetime Judge Duncan to Hear Arguments In Umatilla Case Arguments concerning a 'charge against Umatilla County Commis sioner Roscoe Keller will be beard at Pendleton Wednesday by Mar ion County Circuit Court Judge George R. Duncan. Kelley Is ac cused of offering a $250 gift to a "deputy aheriff concerning testimo ny relating to a gambling raid. The hearing will determine whether the charge of Improperly offering a gift to an officer against Kalley la auffident to warrant trial, said Daneaa. u r .. i hospital. She had resided at 934 Commercial St. SE. She was born Nov. 17. 1866, on the donation land claim of her fa ther, Thomas Jory. six miles south of Salem in the so-called Red Hills district. The father and her mother, the former Mary C. Lea- bo, settled there in 1847 after cross ing the plains. The daughter, Laura, was mar ried to Hiram R. Page Oct. 14, 1888. A farmer and operator of a cigar business in Salem for a num ber of years, the husband died in 1944. Mrs. Page was a member of the old Hope Chapel Methodist Church south of the city. She attended Wil lamette University prior to her marriage. Survivors include four sons. Judge E. M. Page, Lyle J. Page and Leo G. Page, all of Salem, and Walter J. Page, Seattle, Wash.. and a brother Earl H. Jory, Salem. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Virgil T. Golden Chapel, with private concluding services at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Languages in the Post -Sputnik High School. Rex Putnam, superintendent of public instruction, will speak on "Where We Stand on Curriculum." Secretary, Ad Agency Due for New Fryer Board Announcement of an executive secretary and an advertising agen cy for the newly organized Oregon Fryer Commission probably will be made March 3. B. J. Rogers, com mission chairman, indicated r ri day. Applicants were interviewed at a meeting of the commission at Sa lem earlier this week. Applications for executive secretary before the commission include those of Sam Smith, Hubbard; Ken Priest, Port land, and Theodore R. Lorenz, Newport. Presenting advertising programs were several Pacific Coast agencies. YouthWounded In Knife Fight A Salem youth suffered cuts on the hand and was jailed following a knife fight in the' 600 block of Winter St. NE Friday night, city police said. Booked at city jail and charged with disorderly conduct and drunk enness was Andy Yazzie, 19, of 602 Winter St. NE. Police said Yazzie received min or cuts from his own knife when his brother took it away from him about 7 p.m. Officers said one youth who was reportedly fighting with Yazzie fled the scene. It was not known what condition he was in, officers related. Drop Proposed in Tax Rates for Heavy Trucks A decrease in weight-mile tax I increase in truck rates was placed rates for heavy trucks, amounting to approximately $800,000 annually, was proposed Friday by the Ore gon Trucking Association before the Legislative Interim Committee on Highways. Robert Knipe, representing the trucking industry, made the re quest He said that from 1943 to 1961 there had been a skyrocketing increase in rates for heavy trucks and contended that as a result the heavy truckers were carrying the load which should be distributed among other highway users. Knipe claimed that what he was proposing was an adjustment of rates to cure what be termed an inequity. Some opposition to his plan fol lowed the presentation. Rep. Vera N. Cady, Burns, said that an increase in automobile plate rates from $10 to $15 might be made by the 1969 Legislature. "What wiO the people of Oregon think if the Legislature were to in crease automobile plate rates and at the same time give the truck in effect, the truckers filed a referendum to which I was op posed. They got a sound trouncing from the voters and they didn't dare come back to the Legislature for several years." The committee was asked to consider a bill for the 1969 Legis lature authorizing reimbursement to private and public utilities for relocation of facilities necessary in connection with the new highway construction. The request was made by Fran cis Hill, attorney for the Pacific Power and Light Company. He told the commitee that the law authorizing the $42 billion program provided for reimbursement to states of 90 per cent of the cost of such relocations on interstate highways and SO per cent on other federal aid highways. This money would not be paid to any state that does not authorize by statute the reimbursement of costs of relocation, Hill said. Ore gon and many other states have Board to Study Dog Legislation Oregon Association of County Dog Control Boards plans to ap point a committee soon to "sift out ideas for legislative proposals concerning dog controls," presi dent Sam Speerstra said Friday. The recently-formed group is set up in an attempt to standardize county dog control laws and en forcements. The dog problem is becoming progressively more pressing as surburban areas grow, said Speerstra. The group has the backing of many Oregon livestock groups. Each county is to appoint a mem ber to the association which will meet twice a year, in January and June. Most activity will be center ed in committees, said Speerstra. Heart Fund Drive Due On Sunday By RON REEVES Staff Writer, The Statesman Hundreds of Marion County volunteers will be wearing their hearts on their sleeves Sunday afternoon as they scour the coun ty for Heart Fund contributions. Sunday has been designated national Heart Sunday as part of the month-olng drive for heart funds. From noon to 4 p.m., vol unteers across the country will be making house-to-house checks for contributions. More than 100 Oregon cities will be covered by volunteers wearing heart-shaped identifica tion cards. In Marion County, much of the load will be carried by teen-agers said Mrs. Fred Montgomery and Mrs. Robert Parks, co-chairmen of the event Youth Groups Set In the Salem area, youth groups helping adult volunteers include Willamette and Chemeketa chap ters of DeMolay. Job's Daughters. Rainbow Girls, Junior Catholic Daughters, Theta Rho 57, and Serra Catholic High School Key Club. At Silverton, the drive has been taken over by the Hi-Y boys under the leadership of John Skirrvin and James Hester. The group will cover Silverton, Moni tor, Central Howell and Victor Point. This is the fourth year that Silverton High School has organ ized and handled the drive, said drive officials. The teen-aeers also distributed contribution boards in the area this year. luinbow girls are handling the project at Stayton under the di rection of Lonna Moreland, wor thy advisor of the group. Tbey plan to cover Sunday church services, also. Rainbow girls are taking care of the details st Mill City also. Cascade High School Girl's League will make checks at Aumsville, Turner, Marion, North Santiam, Shaw and Macleay. St Boniface High School At Sublimity, St Boniface High School students are taking care of the collections. In addition to Heart Sunday, letters have been mailed to coun ty residents from State Heart As sociation offices in Portland re questing funds. Approximately $850 has been collected so far from these requests, said Allan L. Stevens, county drive chair man. Contributions may also be mailed to Heart" at any local post office, said drive officials. Last year 47,400 was collected in the county. An additional $32 has been tak en in from graduates of weight reduction classes, which are con ducted with the cooperation of the county health department. Fund collection boards are also being placed in public places wnere they will remain for about a week, said Stevens. Most of the funds collected from the drive will be channeled into heart research Droiects. Relatively little of the money is devoted to patient care, Stevens said. Considerable research is being done at the Universitv of Oregon Medical School at Port land with heart fund money. . ... . t .. . i. . . 1 1 i w.,. kA ers a decrease in rates? caay " " ggked cost of relocation of facilities. Rep. Al Flegel D), Roseburg, i The committee voted unanimous- Cap Pistol Said Used in Store Holdup A 15-year-old Turner boy changed his story Friday and said be robbed a Turner variety store by bluffing with a cap pistol, Marion County Chief Criminal Deputy John Zabinski said. The boy, Vera Eugene Hunter, Turner, previously said be used a revolver stolen from a Salem sporting goods store to commit the holdup Wednesday, Zabinski said. After the $7 robbery, according to the earlier story, the revolver was thrown into Mill Creek at Turner. Efforts to locate the gun failed, but Zabinski said be located a cap pistol Friday behind a T u rn e r church where the boy said be had hidden it. The boy was sent to Ore gon State Hospital for 30-day ob servation Friday by Juvenile Judge Joseph B. Felton after a short pre liminary hearing. chairman of the committee and himself a truck operator, in reply to a question as to why the truck ers had net requested a decrease In rates after 1961, said: TU ton jot why. Aflar the un ly to adopt a resolution addressed to thetjoint ways and means com mittee of the 1959 Legislature rec ommending study of Increased pay for state police officers with long terms of service, The Statesman's Article Locates Missing Brothers 9 Missing twin brothers, heirs to an Inheritance In Sweden, have been located as a result of an ap peal published last week in The Statesman for the Salvation Army. Maj. Earl West said a reader recognized the former Salem area residents from The Statesman's story and gave him their addresses in Wsshington. Both were located and have been notified of the search for them by relatives In Sweden. The men are George A. Root and 1 Arthur W, Root. Death Takes James Lea James Madison Lea, 85, Salem resident for the past 15 years and formerly a Brooks farmer, died Friday at the home, 2485 4th St. NE. He had been ailing for a long period. Born March 9. 1872, in Missouri, Lea was married to the former Sarah Ann Hilburn Sept. 20, 1903 at Shell Knob. Mo. The family moved to the Brooks area in 1934 where Lea operated a farm until a move to Salem in 194Z He was a former member of the Salem Salvation Army chapter and the Church of God. Survivors include the widow in Salem; two sons, Luther, Salem, and Ralph, Brooks; five daughters, Mrs. Eartie Wilson, Dallas; Mrs. Minnie Baxter, Sweet Home; Mrs. Ruth Earls in California; Mrs. Ma rie Myers and Mrs. Margaret Rux, both, of Salem, and numerous grandchildren and great grandchil dren. Funeral arrangements will, be announced later by Howell -Edwards Mortuary. Meningitis Blamed For Infant's Death Acute meningitis caused the death of Brenda Lee Thomas, 7-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas, 771 Commer cial St NE, according to an autop sy report released Friday. The infant for whom funeral services were held Thursday, died unexpectedly Wednesday after pre viously being in apparent good health. NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR BIDS Bidi for razing of lh buUdlnf and removal of materials of tha old union high school building ara bains called fnr by tha school board of District 9J. Mill City. All bldi muat be In the office of the high school superintendent, J. B. Putman. not later than March 1 at S O a.m. Bids shall Include the re moval of all materials, Including foun dation and slab, from the premtaM not later than July IS, 109S. A list of Items to be loearvod by the district and not Included In materials to bo dispensed, can be obtained from the principal's office on sny working day. A bond of 11.000 shall be furnished by any bidder to assure performance oi the agreement. If the agreement Is completed on time, the full amount of the bond will be returned to the successful bidder. If sn portion of the work la not completed upon or before the expiration daw. that por tion or ine Dona money snail do re tained by the district to pay the costs fnr completing the work of removal of the building. The board reserves tha riant to re ject any or aU bids. . b. futbuii, Superintendent. Feb. as. 12, 17. March V19N. T T R PLACE YOUR hi m ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify 11950 FORO ,, ton pickup. S91 wiunnuais ayi. '48 FORD pickup with t-anupy. IM S-3V7B or IM 4-9711. IfOR Sale 'SO Chev. 4 .dr. EM 3-W90. 1110 Shsdy Lane. I TRADE Dallas new 31 bdrm. nouse, or small, Ruckaway beach house, for Salem house, ma 3-uuo after t.ao. WANTED 2 or 3 bdrm. house near 4 vomers acnool, tail IT i n... .. 7 m .-iim Biter f wail. la BDRM. mod. unfurn. hsc. at iiju s. Kind, nv so mo. EM S-3424 or EM 3-S19S. "4 BDRMS , den, unfurn 1100 1 BDRM., duplex furn. SSS. 1 BDRM.. duplex furn. S49. r. L. Knapp, Brka. EM X-tiM. 13 RM. nicely furn. duplex. Gar. Hollywood dlit. EM 1-8775. KINGWOOD hts. I bdrm. court. Range, refrig. All elec. T. V. ant., clean, quiet loc. Adults. See to appreciate. EM 3-7313. 13 RMS. furn., prlv. bath, nr. State bldga.. 940 Mill. - lAIX NEW rir Lane apts. ready for occupancy Mar. 1. 1 bdrm. apts. furnished or unfurnish ed. Open house Sunday Feb. 23 1 to 5 p m . 1R43 Hwy Ave. adjacent to Oregon Motor Courtel. ISORGE dryer. 2 mo. old. IIM 1310 N, summer. EM J-12S1 I MAYTAG to. tub wrlne-er wash' er. good cona. After S EM Z-432S. 400 Agriculture 418 lawn A Garden Enriched old coarse sawdust. 24 yds. V M del. EM 3-0171 NEW planter Jr., garden drill. cultivator, small with 1 cyL , uaa eng. cm 1-133 alter 4 p.m. 420 Seeds A Plants LARGE Primrose S II. Red Azaleas sue, uoxwooo 11.au dz Memns ureennouse, Brooks. ONION SETS,- CERTIFIED SKED POTATOES. Bulk gar den aeeds. Valley Farm Store TREE season Is short. Plant all fruit, shade a flowering trees now. Miaaie urove nursery We five 8 H Green Stamps. 422 Fertiliser RICH black manure. Same fine quality as always. EM 3-4077 AGRICULTURE LIME for Lawn and Garden. Valley Fann Store CHICKEN or cow fertilizer by ine ioea. cm s-innt. AKC black Pekingese stud ser vice. EM 3-Z8B9. DO NT DO IT Paying too much Income text PH. EM 1-B633. . 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found POINTER lost so. of 13th St. Jet. white with brown ears spot on side, Louisiana li cense, also i mos. old pointer pup, lemon color. EM 2-751S 314 Tronsportotion" I WANTED Riders to Portland I day week. EM 3-9040. 316 Personal FOR SALE 3 lots In Restlswn 1 Meditation Gardcna.) EM 2 .1408. EM 4-1609 INCOME Tax prepared, your home or mine, reas. r. M 4-Z301. II LOTS at Restlawn Memorial No. 313. Sell 1130 ea. EM 4-1331 ELMO'S I Open evenings for your conven ience. BooKKeeping as payroll reports. 870 S. 12th EM 31737 PSYCHIC Reader, Mmc. Hazel. complete reading S3. 3803 S. Com'i. EM 4-9263. I OPAL King Spiritual Reader im 4-zvui tor limited time. l XTOHOLICS - Anonymous 30 Mannn EM 4-4943 MUSHROOM Fertilizer. Now Is the time to put on lawn, also have rich black manure. No weeds, we del. EM 2-0331. ROTTED manure by aack or cu. ya. always fooa measure a good quality. Phillips Bros. ni, a Dos aou. s.M s-JUOl. FERTILIZER, SIS truck load 90c ak. EM 4-03S3 or EM 4-&.riS3 PEAT moss a chick trays. 73c sacs, vauey f arm store. COW fertilizer for garden flowers, SIS load. EM 3-319. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods USED 3 pr. long drapes, I pr. anon in riorai pattern. 3 pr. long drapes. 2 pr. short, green. UM new. IM 3-4876. 1 PC. sectional liv. rm. set, 4V Maple table, 4 chairs, $39. 3-4501. KING SIZE head board, match ing bed spread, dust ruffle, custom made, almost new. EM 3-73H9. DOUBLE bed comp., spring a maiireaa, sia. a.as 3-4334. METAL bunk beds. TV ant. dresser. 123S Hoffman Rd. BEAUTIFUL large dining set. like new. Dishwasher a combination. EM 2-7S20. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous 986 S Commercial. EM 4-1802 Jary's Flowers St Gifts Capitol Shop. Ctr. EM 4-3391 400 Agriculture 402 livestock For Sale I FOR Sale or trade. House Lot in Salem for Dairy stock. Ph. after 6 P.M. week days Sslem 2-6FS. Anytime weekends. YOUNG Jersey cow, fresh in iay, jgio cau. Slue. S.M 2-OZ91. SINGLE horse trailer. Call EM 4-3072 after s. FLOOR Demonstrators ONE OF A KIND r Apt. sue Refrig. Full width freezer, reg. I179.9S NOW S119.93. Auto. Washer. S lb. caoacltv. Water control, part load, reg. S229 93 NOW S139.99. Deluxe Dryer, IS lb. Capacity Long timer, neat control. Meg 1189 .93 NOW 1149.99, Deluxe Sewing Machine. Rich Maple cabinet. Reg. I1S9.93 jnuw sua.9. All have new Guarantees MONTGOMERY WARD 39 N. Liberty EM 3-3191 9 X 13 rug with rubber back. A l 11993. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-8371. Open Frl. nights til . $ BE THRIFTY $ BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES $30 Dn. will buy a complete household of furniture. WHITE oata. Phone Salem 26FJ, aner s p.m. at weekends. GOOD clover hay SIS. DeL atraw a .29 Dale, em 2-2990. I GET greater gains for 1 e a a money, use aurepork 33 wltn your grains, Larro Feed Store, m front 403 Livestock Wanted BUYER Claud Edwards. Rt S. no tOHC EM 4-1113 CATTLE Snethen 410S Silverton Hd EM 2-1349 or EM 2-4380 I CATTLE buyer A F. Sommer 3393 Dallas Rd. EM 4-907 I CATTLE Horses, st your farm z.. -. Mccanaiisn. em J-sist TCP cash prices at your place. nay cozei, cm 4-31S8 collect. 405 Pots REG. wire haired Dachshund with papera S generations oack, good pet. 7 mo. old. EM 4-14J. GIVE away spayed Cocker. SS30 aiiverton no. AKC Pekingese stud service. EM 1-7731. S.I WILL buy S wk. old labrador spaniel puppys. EM 4-9774. I ari, reg. toy Pomeranian pup- Pies, male at temaie. ZH.il illmore, Corvallls PL 21483. Birds, Cavies, Chipmunks. 2180 Livingston EM S-142S. PEKINGESE puppies. AKC reg. stua service. MA 3-37UB. PUPPY LAND Variety 110 up. Also hunting pups. EM' 2-1Z4S. FOR Sale part terrier At chow puppies, EM S-SMO. BEAUTIFUL Color Bred Ca- narlea. 1340 Chemeketa. EM 3-4381. 412 Food Column WALNUT MEATS, tl LB. EM 4-7137. Grain fed locker beef 35c Minced ham, 39c Salem Meat Co. WASHINGTON APPLES Delicious. Romes tt Wine sap II 50 bu. St up. Pad's Produce, 3230 Portland Rd. BM1EEF FOR YOUR LOCKERS ALL WEIGHTS EM 2-6403 PASTEURIZED whole milk, S2o. gai. nomogenizea, sec. u gai 44e. Cleary Dairy, EM S-S03S. 414 Poultry Habbits POULTRY Fertiliser now resdy, ncn, Lee s tiatcnery. HENS S to 7 lb. 22c. lb. or 11 49 ea. Also roosters, km 3-7371. INH baby Cockerels Sat. a.m. EM 4-4329. OPPORTUNITIES In broiler prelects, laying bird projects, turkey projects. Larro Feed Store, 430 Front MB. BABY chicks, leghorns. Par- mentors, new Hamps, wmte Rock Cornish. Ask about free chicks. Valley Farm Store. Maple bunk beds complete with mattress $49.95 Chrome hi-chair $6.95 Apt. range $39.50 Refrigerators, guaranteed. From $29.50 30'm electric range $89 7 piece chrome set, 2 leaves, 6 chairs with 3" foam scats It handle on backs $69.50 Mahogany secretary desk, very good condition . $69.50 515 S. COM'L PH. E M4-3319 450 Merchandise 454 Sowing Machlnos Singer late model round bobbin cabinet type, aews forward reverse at m a k a fancy atllchea. Pick up 7 payments of 17.33 or will discount fnr cash. Write Credit Manager ooz ids, naiem. (iw. 456 r.V. A Radio PORTABLE GE TV, 17 In. Good cona. em 4 0 707 eve. alter a 2i aumihal T.v. set, 1 yenr nia. SI-EU1AL fnlLE S13H Ml. rxiD s Mnse. Mart. 270 s. Lin erty. EM 4S371. Open Fri. nignts til I. 17 In. Used Motorola New Set Guarantee I12S 21 in. Motorola Console New Set Guarantee 11.19 17 In. RCA Consolette New Set Guarantee 1129 21 In. GE, Dr. model, top con dition. 199.99. Westinghouse 21 in. lauie moaei, gooa conaiiion, SR3. Tape Recorders from 189 99. MARRS 2140 So. Commercial' EM 31301 US Ft) television reconditioned A cully guar. Some new picture tuoea. low prices eaay terms. SAH green stamps Maater berv. su, 343 N. Com'L 458 Musical Instrwmonts LIKE new red while 120 beas neneui accordion. neasonaDie, EM S-W7. PLAYER PIANO $130 EM 3 997$ after I 30 WILCOX-Gsy tape recorder like new S73. em 3-I7H. RECOND. pianos, $9 up. Dodge riaao service, em 4-ie. 460 Office Suppli os ELEC. cash register $349. Cost new last Apru. EM s-uows. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER EM 3-7890 462 Wanted Hshld Coeds CASH for RANGES, REFRIG- EHATUHS. Misc. EM S-IM29 Glen Woodry 1009 N. Summer. MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM S-609S IF you have one Item or I Bouaeriu of furniture to sell call Hob's Merchandise Mart I 270 S. Liberty EM 4-S371 CASH for clean used FURNI TURE. EM 3 3110. Glen Wood ry, 103 N. Summer. 463 Boating ir CEDAR plank ReincU, elec 23 Mr Evinruoe motor, tilling trailer. EM 2-7779. All sizes New Johnsons 20 pet on, yon nave a cnnice now. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 9303 USED BOATS 12 ft. Boat It Trailer . $125 14 ft. Burcraft & trailer $195 IS ft. Weldwood & trailer $193 fiberglass hull 14 ft. Cris Craft, complete fiberglass $199 15 ft. Yates, fiberglass seams $295 14 ft. Clippercraft Trailer $395 IS ft Wizard, fiberglass boat, Trailer, Mark 25 Mercury, complete with controls. $695 20 ft. Hollywood Cabin Cruis er, convertible top, Mark 55, 40 hp. Mercury, elec tric starting, and genera tor, many extras . . $2595 OPEN SUNDAY CREDIT GLADLY GIL WARDS 230 WALLACE RD. EM 2-2476 450 Merchandise 170 Building Materials SPECIAL THIS WEEK Fir Flooring Kiln dry 199 90 M Iron Roofing Heavyweight $10.90 sej. Flaxlne roofing $ 3 90 so. Cedar Fence posts . CHEAP V-grooved plywood paneling rot, man, rib man, birch, sen, knotty pine, knotty cedar, fir shadowwoori, fir, fir plyweeve. all 43" x M" aheets AS LOW AS $ l.SS ea Idaho White Pine Paneling Buy enough to do an average sirs room for .ONLY ... $31 Septic Tanks 300 ft SM gal CHEAP Wood sectional garage doora in stalled complete wltn glass and Wagner heavy duty hardware ONLY $$ complete) OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C&K Lumber Yard Lancaster at Center EM 1-ISOS Keith Brown Specials Open all day Saturday. Plywood Fir Blows 4xSx'" Sanded 124 ea 4xSxV Sanded SSS ea 4xSxi" Bonded 4 4 aa 4xSx?( to IV Sheathing 3.20 ea HARDWOOD 4xSxV Oak ... 4xSx" Manor; 4xx1. Birch .. 4xSxU" Birch .. S00 oa 1 00 oa S OS oa I SO ea DOORS Inds 3-OxS-Sxls, Mahof SOS ea 3-0x-Sxli Ext, Mahog. TOO ea 3-0x4-Sxli Ext. Birch S 00 ea I. s. uoor jambs 2nds .93 set 2' Ovalo Casg. D. Ovalo Base D Base .Shoe . .04 lis . OS lis .01 ', Ha CASH ft CARRY 4xSx" Sheetrock 1 33 ea 4XBX-V aneetrock i n oa 4x8x'," Sheetrock 1 90 ea 49 lb. Smooth Roofing 1.4S oa Hx32x, Ceil Tile ... . .103 eq. ft. Pouring Wool sk Try our easy budget plan We give eon ureea tamps. LUMBER YARD 23S North Front St. EM 3-9111 saiem, uregon One only, new 1937 model IS ft. blaaspar, 20 pet. off. UIL WARDS 280 Wallace Rd. EM 2 2476 SCOTT-Atwatcr Sales ft Service Classpar Fiberglass Boats. Evinrude 22i hp. . $123 19 ft. moulded boat, uphol.. steering, windshield, trailer with winch ft turn slg. $399 SHH1XK S CYCLE ft MARINE 1373 Highland EM 2-1423 ELECTRIC WIRE 12-2 wire, roll at ... 3c fL Power poles 20' ft 29 Complete stock wire, rang panels, meter oases, conduit, switches, boxes, etc. CHEAP. Electric heat S yr. guarantee. 32 gal. elec. water heaters $SS.9t C. G. LONG & SONS 1 ml. N. of Kettcr EM 4-3091 Steel garage doors , $43 SO Alum, storm doors $39 9S Storm windows $4-29 up Folding stairways $4e Insulation $1 20 per sack Wo also Install above .Heme. Caiv. cava troughs, 13c. per ft Lumber Co. Epping 3740 Silverton Rd. EM 44121 3-TAB ROOFING Reg. & Sealdown $875 & UP J. W. COPELAND LUMBER 349 S. 12th St. YARDS EM 3-9s$ 4M Sports iquipmom .n. outboard motor. Long shaft electric etarttng, with gener ator ana extra nronze prop. Like new. Call Silverton TR 3-3014 S PIECE dining room set, SPE CIAL SALE PRICE. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-9371. Open Frl. nights til S. UNFINISHED furniture. Stiff Furniture Co. H. L. NEARLY new davenport ft chair: dinette act; refrig. ft range; dbi. bed, matt, ft aprings ft chest; Westlnghse. auto, washer ft dryer neerly new. EM 4-S86S. 2230 Lansing, NE. MATTRESSES ft springs, $9 ft up. H. L. Stiff Used Furniture Store. 17$ N. High, EM $-$18$. 3 ELECTRIC 220 heaters with thermostats, good condition, reasonable. EM 3-1773. NEW gun cabinet Glass door. $33. Bob's Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. Open Frl. nights til $. DAVENPORTS. $9.9$ ft up. H. L. Stiff Used Furniture 8 tore, 17S N. High St., EM 2-I1M. BLUE daveno ft chair. S20 Wild Wind Dr., SE. EM 2-SOSs. OUTSTANDING household furn- lahtngs ft misc. items, reas. incl. china, reaa. EM 3-4402. CASH for Used Guna and old coins, all types. Cascade Merc iuu uroaaway. 470 ouilding MatoriaU PLASTIC under house. Conden sation control. EM 1-76.29. USED DOORS k WINDOWS $1 TO $5 Many Other Bldg. Bargains CALL E. S. RIHER & CO. 9550 Portland Rd. EM 4-0131 Open All Day Saturday $2 gal. elec. water heater, St SO 12-1 Lome m rolls 3c ft. S" Vent fan 4" aolid fiber pipe Lighting fixtures . $13 .90 3c ft. AUTOMATIC B e n d 1 x Deluxe washer. 350. new price Ml 9 93 good condition. EM 1-S85S, SOU staple. 452 Appliantw ELEC range, good clean eond. $49. EM 2-4043. 19.4 CU. FT. chest freezer. 1957 elec. range. 1VS7 auto, defrost refrig. Oil Ore. with blower Hamilton auto, washer. 420 Wild Wind Dr. SE. EM 2-S084. AUTO. Speed Queen wssher. Not worn, uniy 12 mo. 01a. new $333. Sell for $100. Ph. 3SW1, Independence. SELL GE. Stove ft refrig. Cheap. Like new, em 4-9370. THOR mangle, $28. Good condl- lion. EM 4-3997. OPEN TONiGHT Glen Woodry, 1S0S N. Summer. 411 lawn Garden 30-30 WINCHESTER deer rifle- 1 season old. $59.99. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 8 Liberty. KM 4-S371. Open Frl. nights in $. GARDEN tractor with attach. EM $-$91$ after 1:39 ft Sat. I SPECIAL Arborvltao ft. $3 90. s-iiHS, sieo Market, T Place. Oaislflad Ads CaU EM. 44811 Maxwell House Apolisncea Re-Possessed Hotpolnt deluxe washer oryer. Washer Dryer .. . - 11 Cu. Ft Hotpolnt refrig Ail late mooeie Warranty Guarantee-Terms 359 Center St. EM $-2111 Open till t Frl. eve. !17 US 199 WFSTINGHOITSE Electric Range S20.JEM 2 2297. LAST yr. mod. RCA Whirlpool gaa dryer reduced price. Al Lout, Rf f. 2350 State St li Clothing LADY'S exclusive costs ft suits, reas. Sizes 10-14. EM $-402. GIRL'S .clothes. $-1$ months. Maternity clothe. 1V14. EM Is 4-soSa. 1174 rir t reduced 2nd amp. meter base $19.93 21x32 stainless steel sink $37.90 r.iec. Heetera, all. makes cheap. 4" cast Iron Pipe 77c ft. Wall thermostat, 220 volt $10 1- uimtx in roils .... zc ft IS H.P. Pump Panel $190 Gar. Gutter ... . .. 13c ft Built-in oven, 4 burners $19$ Complete line of elec. heating, house wiring, plumbing sup plies ft fixtures. OPEN FRIDAY EVES. APEX ELECTRIC & PLUMBING 1410 BROADWAY EM M868 SAVES YOU MONEY ORDER SPECIFIED 2x4 2x 2x$ lxS tVL OLD GROWTH FIR 1-1 Composition FRY R00FIN0 No. 1 R L Oek Flooring NAMED BRANDS. BRUCE k LOUISIANA QUALITY ft SERVICE WE DELIVER A- LUMBERCO. nui.com. Eus-nso 2x4 STUDS 13c EACH Hit RUSTIC Per C. Brd. Ft. 14.00 CEDAR SIDING H x 10 Rgh. Sawn, per C. Brd. Ft $12.50 FREE DELIVERY FRED W. SMITH LBR. YD. ( Corners Phone EM 3-8511 1x4" Thro 1x0- Widtha All I Ft. Lengths ONLY $115 M NO WASTE CARLOAD SUPPLY C&K Lumber Yard $92 N. Lancaster EM 2-1SOS OPEN ALL DAY SAT.. 474 Floor Covarrnfl ASPHALT TILE Ic tt. SAUER PAINT CO. 27$ N. Front EM 4-S01S LET us lay your tile or linoleum mil j .una vt piace. iv jrm sous. Free estimate. ZM S-I041. (80 Per Sal MiKananaews TRAILER with IS" tires steel irsme, oil barrels ft amall oil stove. EM 44898. BABY buggy, stroller, high cnair, car aeai. aM s-aeuv. SAVE $30 on New Garden Tillers with 3 HP Motors, priced from 1119.99. Valley Farm Store. '4$ FORD H T.flat bed, $ acety. lene sets, 390 amp. welder. EM 4-3094. LADIES DRESSES $1. Coats ft SUItS $2.88 S3.8S 84. an. Dalmaged by fire, smoke ft water. Field's BARGAIN BASEMENT, 484 State Sr. TYPEWRITERS, Adders. Safes. uesae, uiairs, sues, duplica tors ft Supplies. Expert repair aervlee. Roan, 451 Court EM $-8773. EM 4-4747 PIT-RUN GRAVEL Crushed Quarry Rock Prompt Service. EM 4-4009 MISCELLANEOUS tlon equipment service Close sta. out rices. E. Burr Miller Oil Co Portland Rd., Salem, Ore. USED toilet, $18. Used wash DowH, $3 ft $8. EM 3-8808. SEWING Mach.. Vacuum clean er, Hi-Fi. Beet offer, trade for typewriter er wtist nsve your, 354 Oerta, West Sslem. 1$ MM Movie sound projector. uao new, avaj.au. star s.x change Leaa Office III N. Commercial. RE-UPHOLSTERY SPEC. Auto or furniture. Deveno, $4S up inci. la Dor at material 5uar. Pros eat, pick-up it ellvery. Louie's Upholstery Shop, KM 4-833$. EM $-3071 I PARAKEETS, cage. Outdoor PLANER shavings for muddy areas, pains, Deaatnf, muirn.