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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1958)
Tomorrow's Sunday News of Special Church Activities in Salem and the Valley New Sanctuary of Methodist Church Ready Tomorrow The congregation of Free Meth odist Church will move Into their new sanctuary on Sunday morn ing during the Sunday School hour which begins at 9:45 a.m. Speaker 7 f , ? Dr. Charles Leber, Presby terian Church foreign mil lion official who will ipeak In Salem Sunday morning. Missions Leader to Give Talk Dr. Charles T. Leber, general secretary of the Board of Foreign Millions of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A., will speak at First Presbyterian Church at both services Sunday morning. Administrator, world traveler and author, Dr. Leber interprets the world-wide mission of the church in terms of today's need and opportunity. In pursuance of his duties on the board Dr. Leber has made three round-the-world Journeys and many other trips to various parts of the world. His 21 years in overseas work particularly qualify him to speak at the church's observance of World Mission Sunday on the new role of the church in the world today. Dr. Leber's sermon will be Thereore We Speak." Sermon Theme Given "The Fellowship of the Un ashamed" is the sermon theme of the Rev. J. Dwight Russell for both the 9:30 and. 11 a.m.. worship services Sunday at Westminster United Presbyterian Church. This sermon is the third in a series on "life's Great Imperatives" based on the Commandments. New Unit Added to Church .... , . . , . , I J m - - - ' : - -,r f .-i.rgM.ilil. 11 AUBURN, Feb. M Auditorium of new Salem Bible Church Is shown above. Congregation will move Into structure at 4100 Center St, Sunday morning. Salem Bible Church to Open New Auditorium IUUiui News Service AUBURN, Feb. 21-Salem Bible Church will move into its new auditorium Sunday. The first serv ice will be Sunday school st 9:45 a.m. Morning worship will be at 11. Completion of t h auditorium completes a 3,500 square foot church built in four years at a cast, of $33,000, mostly by labor donated by the congregation. The one-story cnurcn inciuoes a ii i I Mnricei ff m I ASSEMBLY OF GOD 871 N. Lancaster Dr. - . , Wo WtlrosM wM The new unit, which has a seat ing capacity of more than 400, has been constructed adjacent to the former church building at Market and Winter streets with entrance on Winter street. The work on the new project was begun last June and has car ried on largely by volunteer labor from the congregation. Plans call for the renovation and remodel ing of the former building into a modern educational plant. Program for the day Includes the Victory March from the old sanctuary to the new during the Sunday School hour, with appro priate ceremony and service. Pas tor M. C. Miller wiU speak at the 11 o'clock -service on the subject "The Glory of the Latter House." Special music and reception of new members will be featured in the service. The Family Hour at 6:45 p.m. and the 7:30 evening evangelistic service will conclude the activities of the day. Dedication services will be held March 9. Bishop J. Paul Taylor of the western area of the Free Methodist Church, will deliver the dedicatory message. Seattle Bible College Group Plans Service The SO-voice choir of Northwest Bible College, Seattle, will present a program at Evangelistic Tem ple, Sunday at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. H. W. Crowder, assist ant to the president of Northwest Bible College, will speak. Harold J. Smith will direct the choir. The program includes a trumpet trio, solos, trios, a girls sextette, and a male quartet. There will be a Sunday School Rally in honor of the pastor, Rev L. A. Larson at 10:30 Sunday morning. He is leaving for a month s vis itation of several mission fields in Central America. The orphanage at Acapulco Mexico will be included in the tour. The Junior department of the Sunday school has been contn butinc to the support ot two of the orphans for the past 5 years 'Removing Fences' Sermon Topic for Sunday Morning "Removing Fences" Is the ser mon topic chosen for Sunday morn ing by Dr. Wayne Greene of First Christian Church. The sermon deals with the Week of Compas sion annual offering. The Junior Choir will bring spe cial music. Youth meetings will be led in the evening by Donna King. Lorna Capps, Jerry Davis and Richard McGee. classroom, nursery and an office for Dr. Ernest R. Campbell, pas tor. The auditorium, including an ov erflow room, seats about 350 per sons. It Is finished In plaster and knotty pine, with accoustlcal tile celling. The speaker's platform is surfaced with cork tile. A trio consisting of Sharon and Cheryl Myars and Katherine Shep herd will provide music at the 11 a.m. service Sunday. Special rVoekonJ Stnrktt MS Sun. School 11:00 Bob San son Speaks 6:45 Youth 7:4S Ivangel. Von Bcnaoerg rsiutr Slates Talk ; . , ' ff FRUITLAND, Feb. 21 The Rev. W. N. Brown, National Association of Evangelicals regional director, will speak here Sunday. Regional Director To Speak UWsmaa News Service FRUITLAND, Feb. 11-Rev. Wll- Uner N. Brown, executive director of the Northwest Region of the Na tional Association of Evangelicals, will be guest speaker in Fruitland Evangelical United Brethren Church Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Following the evening service, at about 8:45, Rev. Brown will pre sent special music and lead a singspiration with young people coming to the Fruitland Church from six Salem area EUB church es. Young people from the host church will serve refreshments. Rev. Brown has had wide ex perience in the musical field hav ing directed the Gospel Gleemen, a group of singing EUB ministers, in tours that have taken them across the nation. He has also directed the Semin airres from Western Evangelical Seminary in many concerts. WU Chaplain To Give Talk luuimu Ntws Service FOUR CORNERS. Feb. 21 Guest speaker at Trinity Metho dist Church this Sunday will be Dr. Harvey Zeigler, chaplain of Willamette University. The Rev. Joe A. Harding, pas tor of Trinity Church, will be guest speaker this Sunday at the Metho dist Church in Fairbanks, Alaska. Fifteen members were received, in to the church this month. The church is participating in a World Wide Church Attendance Crusade. Last Sunday's attendance was 4S2. Centennial Exhibit Manager Named PORTLAND, Feb. 21 Ul Ray W. Smith of Los Angeles has been named business manager of exhibits, admissions and conces sions for the Oregon Centennial observation. The Centennial Commission said Smith will receive a salary of $1,000 a month. Smith Is a former general man ager of the Hollywood Bowl. Pastors7 (ESttor-s nou: thli eoloma was ariitaatte ky Sales Council ! Chunk! for Tao SUtoiaua'i SatarSay church oacc. It Is opa to contrlkntloa tram an Salem area natar offering; through the Cornell a kiief aon-Soctrlnal eamoaetU.) LUTHER G. BAKER Jr., Jaaoa Lee Methodist Church "Blessed are the purs in heart, for they shall see God." Of all the "Beatitudes" of Jesus, this one evokes the widest range of feeling. For some it is a "bright particular star" in the constellation; others see It as a key to the Kingdom, while some people attempt to use purity as a pry-bar to get into heaven. But of course, God is not fooled by a superficial piety or a purity that goes no deeper than a list of "don'ts." The word "puritanical" has al most become a naughty word indeed, in some circles people will go to great lengths to prove that they are not pure. To them purity is synonomous with naivete. The sophisticated has lost both his inhibitions and his illusions. He Is now a practical man-of-the-world. It is no wonder that his view of the world is jaundiced and that he is no longer capable of seeing God or very much good. Our generation desperately needs a revival of purity. Not "puritan ism" with its self-righteous codes and Impossible moralising, but those simple virtues" of honesty, faithfulness, diligence, He. We need to recognize the existence of an objective moral standard wbicn when followed results in s whole some personality, but which when broken, In turn breaks the of Woodland Chapol-library IS! Hie to. 1.1. "Dedicated M the study af 1 Spiritual law end Principle" tM S4S1SO Nt Havre IM OaRy Musical Service Set Sunday Btateuaaa Nt Irrvlt SILVERTON. Feb. 21 A 15- mlnuto song service will open the Saturday morning worship hour at Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Speaker at the 11 o'clock service, rouowing saDDam scnooi, is Arn old Jester, Portland, assistant treasurer of the Oregon Confer ence. Lutheran Children of the Refor mation will meet Saturday at 3 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, with Mrs. Elmer Palmquist in charge. Lenten "services at Trinity will be Thursday night at I. The Men's Brotherhood of Trinity meets Tuesday at I with the boys of the congregation as special guests. Chaplain E. C. Goeti. Woodburn will be the speaker. A film, on Boy Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge, will be shown. Naomi Society of Calvary Luth eran church meets Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock, with Missionary Caleb Quanbeck scheduled to talk Thursday night, at 7:45 in Calvary Church. Dale Moore, senior student from Northwest Christian College, Eu gene, and now youth director of the First Christian Church, Silver ton, will speak at both services at the church Sunday. Saturday he will accompany the Chi Rho Fel lowship basketball team to Mon mouth to play the Christian Church basketball team there. Monday, the First Christian Church men will attend a W Men's Rally at First Christian Church, Woodburn. Monday night at 8 o'clock Mrs. Stanley Moris, Lutheran Mission ary In Tanganyika, Africa, will speak at Immanuel Lutheran church. Guests are invited. Church Slates Girls' Trio From Eugene Northwest Christian College Girls' Trio of Eugene will sing at Court Street Christian Church Fri day, Feb. 21 as a part of the pro gram planned to celebrate the An nual Birthday Party of the church. These girls sing not only for church groups but for other or gsnuations is well, concentrating mostly on sacred numbers. They have succeeded in winning their audiences by their sincere person alities as well as by their musical ability, it is reported. Also featured on the program will be Ron Coulter, a profession al ventriloquist, and a student at Northwest Christian College, and his dummy, "Sid Star." The Bible stories which Coulter tells to "Sid Star" have been an effective meth od of conveying penetrating les sons. He has worked with church vocation conferences and youth meetings of various kinds through out the Northwest. Beside working in the church, be has appeared for many other organizations and has done radio work. , Coulter, as well as the girls in the trio, are all studying at North west Christian College preparing themselves to be leaders in Chris tian work. They are part of a stu dent body of approximately 400 students who come to Northwest Christian College primarily from Oregon. Washington, Idaho, M o n tana, and Utah. The trio members are Rosemary Boswell, first so prsno from Wenatchee, Wash., Norma Jean Chambers, second so prano, from Alvadore, Ore., Fern Wood worth, alto, from Modesto, California. Sheep ranchers in Iceland re cently requested the U.S. Air ; assist in rounding up stray sheep who had gotten lost amid jagged lava rock. Column fender. The revolt against "18th century raoralism" resulted in moral anarchy, which in turn has produced a rise in delinquency, parental as well as juvenile; social as well as moral. Recently we have heard national speakers Invoke God's blessing on their plans, and urge that people pray for God's strength for our nation. Jesus was very clear as to the proper order: it is the pure who see God. National purity in foreign affairs, political honesty in domestic affairs, personal piety at home . . . these are the mirrors which reflect the presence of God. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." First Church of Christ, Scientist Cbemeketa and Liberty Sts. fawltf Orsrck Serrkts :Ji and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School at l:S0 ajn. Wednesday Evening Meeting at:M FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 1030 N: Lancaster Drive SundOy Services 11:00 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. Ronald W. denser, Minister Where Sslvstlen Makes Too a Member Church Leads Off Tuberculosis Tests m . . . . v : .... V I 16 f i 3 j. v i Fred .Bone, Sunday School Superintendent of the South Salem Church of Nazarene re ceive a tuberculosis test from Mrs. Virginia Larsen, a Marion county neaita nurse. Sam Samuel, left, and Rev. James E. Krata, church pastor, right, watch the testing, which was glvea to youth teachers and church membera recently. Theirs is the first church to organise tuberculosis testing, which it belnf urged by the Marlon County Health and Tuberculosis Association. (Statesman photo) Pastor Ebriqht to Leave Good Shepherd Church This Sunday is Dr. O. W. Ebright's last Sunday as pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Pastor Ebrigbt has been called to become the pastor of Central Lutheran Church, Morton, Wash ington. He and Mrs. Ebright will move from Salem next week. He has been pastor of Good Shepherd since October 1, 19S4. The new church was erected during his pastorate. Holy Communion will be ob served and a group of new mem bers will be received at services Sunday. Good Shepherd Lutheran Lenten Week of Prayer services will begin Sunday at 7 p.m. with the Luther League in charge. Leaders are Gary Emmerson and Susie Feiring. Other services win be held at 10 a.m. in homes, Monday, at the home of Mrs. Gins Berry; Tues day, Mrs. Joseph Peterson; Wed nesday. Mrs. Isabella Kjelson; Thursday, Mrs. Howard Ochse. Church Continues Revival Campaign Hi. R.v H H Tim nl RlliM. Wash., will continue an evange listic campaign next wees ai Ring wood Bible Church. There will be services every night at 7:30 Feb nisrv M in 3ft On Tuesdav nlfht the Salem Singers, under the di rection of Ernie Friesen, will pre sent a special musical program. CHAPEL OF THE WAY Community Center Worship Temporarily Located at YMCA CHAPEL Cottage Street Entrance 11:00 o'clock "BIFOCALS" Speaker: Victor Hu Sword Dr. ICWstian f5itiaMSfo N. Sth and Gaines 0:45 SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 -WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR?" 1:10 ALLIANCE YOUTH r FELLOWSHIP 7:30 "GREAT PRAYERS AND PROMISES IN THE BIBLE" The church with a mission to the world, but sn interest In you. Rev. R. K. Batchelor, Pastor FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cbemeketa and Winter "THEREFORE WE SPEAK" Dr. Charles T. Leber Services st 0:41 .sad 11 aaa. Broadcast KGAT. 1410 10 to 10:10 tM. Chsrch School 0:44 and 11 sjo. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Down Town The Tall White Spire 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. "WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREATt HER HOLINESS" Soloist, Ronald Craven Broadcast KSLM 11:10-11:00 Brooks H. Moore CRsynorSadth Ministers Leaders for these will be Moa dames Gordon Bocock, Leo Kilber, Ed Corrigan and George Sanders. Mrs. Robert Combs is Week of Prayer chairman. A United Lutheran Church Wo men AreWorkshop will be held at the Church Wednesday at I p.m. Mrs. Walter Knutson and Mrs. L. H. Steinhoff of Portland will con duct the worksbip. Mrs. Dennis DaJong, president of the Good Shepherd Women of the Church, will be in charge. Services to Feature Youth' Young people from First Baptist Church win provide special music for the 7 o'clock evening hour Sun day. The Rev. Stanton Irvine will speak on "Three G Men." Under the direction of John Schmidt, the Youth Choir will sing, "Arise, O Youth of God" by Mc-Kinney-Angel and "In The Hollow Of His Hand" by Schuler. Miss Phyllis Johnson will appear as soloist with the choir. Other musical numbers will be a violin solo, "Meditation," by Don Heard and a vocal solo by so prano Judy McClenan, "Teach Me To Pray." The Rev. Ben Owen will speak at the morning worship hour on "Great Decisions of Greater Men." ATTEND OPENING OP OUR New Sanctuary i45 a. m.( Sunday School Victory March to New Sanctuary 11:00 a .m., "Tito Glory of the Latter House" Message by rho Pastor 6:45 p. m., Pamiry Hour 7:30 p. m., Evening Servics) Free Methodist Church Market at Winter "OK, Oel, The aft aay OeJ) earfy wff I MoA THoS I fceTW SMH TK fat the) StfMtvdjry oss PmIhio SIi 1, 1" CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 MORNINO WORSHIP, 10:50 "IS IT MY RESPONSIBILITYr e.M Yew Sanica 7.90 Sacvavet "PRfPAREl". 90J)A40jOj) fta isoythe" PSoWo Jjnfaaf tf MOJSlf First Church of the Nazarene at 13th & Center 1321 Lj EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE ASSEMBLY OP GOD Pork and Market I. A. Larson, Pastor 7:30 P. M. Northwtit Bible Collogo Choir Seattle, Wash. Trumpet Trio, Solos, Trior, Girls Sextette, Male Ousriotto SptdoH 11:00 A. M. Inspiring Worship Sorvke A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL "S3: L f.ri i Church Picks Delegates to Conference Seven delegates from the Sev enth Day Adventist Oregon con ference to the world General Con ference of Seventh Day Advontists in Cleveland, Ohio, during June were announced this week. Reading the seven-man Oregon delegation is president Elder Lloyd E. Biggs. Others named include E. R. Sanders, treasurer; W. O. Baldwin, educational director; W. D. Blehm, youth director; R. F Bresee, Kelso-Longview pastor; Jerry Lien, Stone Tower pastor H. A. Peckham, conference revi valist. The Cleveland meeting is a quadrennial meeting of the world Adventist church organization. During the June meeting election of world church leaders will be held, reports of General Confer ence departments will be given, and leaders from mission divisions will also report and outline needs of their various fields. Smu rJ n0An'e rl!atM wTl I leave early in June to attend pro conference meetings. H. A. Peckham. conference-revivalist, resides in Salem and was pastor of the Johnson Memorial Seventh Day Adventists for the past two and one half years. The Lutheran Churches of Salem WELCOME YOU SUNDAY SERVICES ST. MAM'S (U. L. C.) Marion and winter Services 1:00 and 11:00 a. m. Sunday School t:30 a. as. John L. Canble, Pastor ST. JOHN'S (L. C.-Mo. Syn.) . Mtft and court sts. Service 10:10 a. u. Sunday School 0:15 a. as. Walter G. Boss, Paster GRACE (E.L.C) 1300 Snnnyview Avenue Sunday School at 0:45 a. as. Services 1:30-11 '00 s.m. Lowell Holie. Pester GOOD SHEPHERD (U. I. C.) 1720 South Commercial Services st 11 a. sn. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. O. W. Ebright. D. D., Pastor FAITH (U. L. O 4505 North River Read Services 1:10 a. m. and 11 a. m. Sunday School 0:45 a. m. Warren W. Pechmaa, Pastor CHRIST (A. L. C.) State at 18th Street Services 1:30-11:00 a. nt. Sunday School, 0:45 a. an. T. M. Gebhard. Paster CENTRAL (L. F. C.) North Capitol at Gaines Services 1:30 a. m., 11 a. m.1nd 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 s. m. Harald Grlndal, Pastor PEACE (L. C Mo. 8yn.) Parkway Dr. W. Salem (In American Legion Hall) Service 10:10 a. m. Sunday School 9:15 a. m. H. Petersen, Pastor 9:45 A. M. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, Feb. 22, '58 (Sec. III)-17 Congregation to Hear Professor From Willamette Sunday services at First Congre gational Church will be conducted by Or. Daniel Schulze. He has served many years on the faculty of Willamette University and is an ordained minister, having served on many fund and national pro grams. He will speak at both the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services on "The Glory of the Commonplace." On Sunday, March 2, Rev, David D. Rose, from the First Congrega tional Church of Rock Springs, Wyo.. will be guest minister., He comes at the invitation of the pul pit committee. Hymn Concert Due Sunday Melvin Gilson will direct the choir of Leslie Methodist Church in an all request Old Hymn Con cert Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Now Polk County civil defense director, Gilson was in charge of the choir from 1942-1M4 while a Willamette University student. He began the Old Hymn Con cert several years ago and was invited back for this benefit con cert. The offering will go to the tw piano offering. Several other former members have also been Invited back for the concert. The program has been prepared by Mrs. Mesvin J. Gilson, organ ist and choir director. s 90 and 9 Men Meeting Set - Stat now News Service WOODBURN, Feb. il North Willamette District 90 and 9 Men's organization of Christian Church win meet at First Chris tian Church here Monday. The bi-monthly meeting, which nearly 70 men from the Dallas Salem Stayton Woodburn areas are expected to attend, will start at 0:30 p.m. Prof. James Kimsey of North west Christian College will be guest speaker. Plans for the group's youth camp activities will be discussed. Seventeen churches are repre sented in the organization. Nut Men Invited BORING. Ore., Feb. M III -Filbert and walnut growers of Oregon and Washington have been invited to attend a meeting at the Damascus Grange Hall Wednes day night to discuss formation of a marketing organization. 7:00 p. .Three G Men-, Rev. Stanton Irvine ADVANCE ANNOUNCEMENT . . . ANNUAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE MARCH 2 MARCH f When the fields of the world are presented" BIBLE DELIVERANCE REVIVAL ,7i s VQm Evaag. Claude Hunt ' Afternoon at 2:30 Sunday School MS Morning Worship 11:00 Young People :30 Rev. and Mrs. O. G. Hilllgoss, Pastor W Time cannot darken thi I W Wi transcendent light II JNMf Nothing can cjarken or dim the light of the I J spirit. It shinos on brightly through timo I eternsl. Wo endeever to convey the solace JJ of this truth In every funtnl. V, .10UBH h I SrJ 20S S. Church at Ferry i 34 Hr. Ph.r EM 3-91 3f ' .1 I "EverV Servkt U ?"1ecl Tributt" I , Sub; Vanishes For 2 Hours, But Bobs Up PORTLAND, England, Feb. a Oft A Danish submarine disap peared for more than two hours today, setting off a full-scale search of English Channel waters before she surfaced safely, A naval officer at the British base at Portsmouth said nothing went wrong with the submarine, the Stoeren, as far as is known, but an answer wasn't expected until all the ships return to bar bor. The Stoeren, with 10 men aboard so far has not messaged any re port of her activities. The scare came when the submarine failed to respond to signals from surface craft taking part with her in. NATO exercises. Presumably she either never beard any signals or misundef stood them, the naval spokesman said. The Stoeren finally surfaced la the area where she was supposed to be. School Told To Integrate LEXINGTON, Ky, Feb. M (aV Owen county's school board har-f-: been directed to integrate its high school uext September and make a prompt start toward int gating its elementary schools. U.S. Dist Judge H. Church Ford ; handed down the order after coon- 'i sel for eight Negro children asked for a sunmary judgment in the suit seeking to end segregation. The motion. In effect, proposed to integrate all grades. ' . John M. Berry of New Castle, counsel for the school system, told the court two additional buUdings are needed before elementary schools can be integrated and at looked as if it would take a $3M, 000 to 1500,000 bond issue to fi nance them. Judge Ford rarninded him the board had had four years sine the Supremo Court integration rul ing and had done nothing to end aegreatlon. SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL 1444 Liberty St SC Holy Communion, 740 a.m. Family Service f:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist 11:00 ojw. Wednesday, 7, 7:10, 10:00 SJav. Thursday, la, airert, 7:10 pM. Friday, Vespers, 7:0 Rev. George R. Swift, Rector First Baptist Church Marion and IAerty Itroeta 9:45 s. at-Attend a Growing Sander School 914 present last Snaday 11:00 a. nt "Great Decisions of Greater Men" , Rev. Ben Owen C:00 p. m. Tenth aad Adult Training Groups Continues (GIFTS OP DISCERNMENT AND HEALINO) at CALVARY CHAPEL 1143 N. liberty, Salem Every Night at 7:30 Except Monday Fellowship Meeting Sunday