32-(S?c. IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., Feh. 21. '58 Dallas Goes for Crown Clinch in WVL Tonight Molalla Hi Court Foe Crucial Contest On Dragon Floor Marion B Clubs Complete Phy Tonight, Eye Berths The most important same on the Dallas High basketball c.ic& ule rolls forth on the itraons home court tonijiM at tixht o'clock, when coach (jorriy Kunke's squad takes on (ho Mo lalla Indian." A win for DalUi will prac tically assure Ihr l)r-son the Willamette V a 1 1 e v I.e. cue championship and its actum paaying berttrin the St te A 2 tournament here next month. Dallas goes im fie one with a spoiiess UrUi rccord of aeven straiahl uuiv .viol, lla haf a-l mark. ?nd the lone loss wa.s to Dallas, at Mr.-iall . hv a 4342 score in an overtime thriller on January 31. Since Dallas has only Cen tral Hi and Sundv to play in final lea t lie games, while Mo latl books Sandy and Estaca da, the Indians cannot afford to lose again torn hi. While this major issue is be in? settled at Dallas tonight, other WVL sames find Estacida (0-7) at Central Hi i3-4 and Santiv (4-3) at Canby u-fii. Probable startrrs in the Mo-lalla-Dallaa came will be Gary Henry (6-3t. Murliwe Fast C-l). Claude McLean (63). Tom Parson (5 6) and Bob Wall (to) for the Dragons, and Gary I srson -). Judd Browne (6-3). Gerald Parker -3). Dave Brock (-) and Roth the Marion B League Major and Minor Divisions complete their regular loop basketball schedules tonight, and then put their staunches! representatives i n t a myriad of playoff games to determine which one toes to the State B tournament at Pendleton next month. Tonight's slate ia the Major Division, which has already been won bv the Jefferson Lions: Santiam 1 14) at Jeffer son 50) and ("niton (32) at Sublimity (14). The night's schedule in the Minor Division, which has hern won bv Kails Citv: Ore tun School for Deaf (7S) t rhe-iawa (5-. St. Paul (10 3i at Valseti (3 10). Perry dale (44 at Detroit (2-11) aid Mils City (1M) it Macl-ren -4). Jefferson and Colton. as 12 teams ia the Major Divi sion, and Falls City, as Minor Division champ, have already clinched league playoff berths. However, the No. 2 finisher in the Minor Division, which very likely will be St, Paul, must meet Silets High next Tuesday night in a game at Jefferson to see which one becomes the fourth rntrv in the playoffs. These plavoffs are to be held at Mill City's Santiam High starting late neit week, a dou ble elimination affair that will produce the district represen tative for the stale finals at Pendleton. Since MacLaren is reported ly ineligible for post-season playoffs, a possible final league tie for second place with St. Paul will do the Hawk s no good. The first round pairings for the district tournament at Mill City will be announced later bv league officials. Season records for the teams t be involved inftie plavoffs: Falls Citv 18 2. Jefferson 16 3. Colton 12 3. St Paul 12 C and Sileti 12-8. They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo 4,000th Win Circle Crashed by Arcaro ARCADIA. Calif . Feb 20 '-Jockey Eddie Arcaro rode into the fabled 4.000-winner circle today. The nation's leading stakes winner became the third ridpr in the John Marson (511) for coach wor,d ,0 score 4 000 or more victories when he brought in Ban to win In what toubhament no MIKE SOUCHAKeer INTO THE PLAYOFF WITH A 40 FOOT PUT AN DUES BV fcThSwr fJTE0 y . Indecent Exposure . . . the eighth race at Santa Anita I Park i A crowd of 21. 000 gave Arcaro Pro Basketball a big round of applause as he ; brought his mount into the familiar ! surroundings of the winner's en- closure. Two days ago the horse play en had expressed displeasure wbea Eddie lost ml in five trips lo the pott, three of them fa Ites, and scored on only one. also a taverne. l eater-ay Be misaea . r L Prt. la three tries. Celtics Nip s Royal Five ver- i poses. The league Ralph fapassa's Indian's. Riley in Lead Cats Play Road Tilts (Ceatiaaed from preceding page) Jack Riley of Linfield. who add ed 25 points to his total as the first-place Wildcats edged Lewis ny (Moneybags' Longden. who at and Clark Tuesday, now leads the age of 48 is still going strong --stun division Northwest Conference basketball here and whose lifetime total is w scorers with an average of 21.2 5.092 winners. st- -'a pots Kr ?r?e ., ''' The other member of the select D"JJ!f 27 The 5-foot-7-inch Riley, a sopbo- it. . -i-,r. c, r u Minneapolis n more guard irorn Port and s Grant Rjcnardv retirtd .. BOSTON. Feb. 20 -Biz Bill I Orcutt's Market and Salem Auto "ff", " ' ASTERS DIVISION BmUi The 4.000 club is headed by John- Philadelphia" York 43 I .SS4 M n J7I II 2 J25 M 11 M GB 1't L 24 14 .441 14 .4JS 44 .254 Prt. GB 21 The TWNoeRseo opbs AT PALM SPftlW&i, IN THE 15,000 1957 TOHeNAAAEKT SOUCHAI JWWy PEAWRET AND KOOJE KEN VENTVei WERE TIED AT 273 72 HOLES. PEAVsJJET SHOT A 7 IN THE D6CIWN5 WJ TO DEFEAT 60UCHAK By 8 fTCOKES AND -ENTVB By f! City League Still Knotted 0TI Paces Statistics in 0CG Play Winters Leads Point Parade PORTLAND. Feb. M i Special )- Portland State's John Winter Is still the Individual leader in the point derby in the Oregon Collegi ate Conference. Winters has hit for 225 points in 13 games for a 17.3 average. Bill Hollingsworth of Southern Oregon is second with 25? points in 15 games for a 17.1 average. Hollingsworth Is the total point leader. There were no major changes among the OCC statistical depart ments during the past week. This was mainly due to Oregon Tech, leading in six of eight departments, having an idle week in conference play. The biggest move up the ladder was by OCE's Rex Brown who jumped from nowhere to second place in field goal accuracy. Brown hit 12 of is shots from the field against Eastern Oregon last week end in Monmouth to hike his shoot ing svtrage 98 points over the pre vious week. His .501 percentage is only 29 behind OTI's Truman Wil liams. Showing the Wife Around Bouchee Enters Plea Of Guilty to Charges SPOKANE Wash., Feb. 20 UP Ed Bouchee, first baseman for the Philadelphia Phillies, pleaded guilty today to two counts of indecent vnntiirt involving eirls aged S and 10. Sunerior Court Judge Ralph P. Edserton ordered a presentence Nmi toe i invesiiHauon. nt irmauvciy aci March 5 for sentencing. Bouchee, 24-year-old rookie batting star last year will re main free aader 12,50 bond while the lavestlgatiM Is made (br the State Probation and Pa role Office. Bouchee was asked how he wanted to plead to each charge. "Guilty," he said, and then sat down. Indecent ezDoaure involving i HUIiiwertl, SOC IS iss St children is a felony in Washington. ii2"rpscC .." ' li Maximum sentences are n ai not Junior High Play Full Round Set Today SCORING S rii PT TP At. Wlnuu. PSC . . 11 II SI 22S 11 J HolllBIlw'lh. SOC IS S2 11 2S7 17.1 Wllltaai, OTI II St SS 2IS 14.5 Howarl, ROC .... 14 IS MS I4. Boilt, OTI U Tl 34 I7S 11.4 14 74 J4 IS4 H I 14 47 4 It 11.4 MrCutchean, OTI II 47 12 144 12.7 Mlltaa, OCR II 41 21 I4S ll.l D'OUvt, SOC ..... IS 71 21 ISS II. Rhlaa. OTI ...11 5 IS 111 1 3 Ollva, SOC IS Sf 21 111 S.7 McAart SOC IS 44 I 144 . ' V'.".: - ' ' . - y. i ji J 1 . n" .',7V v C7. - " v - J ' ' - ' A -'f .-J ! ' . U M I 'a4' i-Sp 5,:" Vr"Tv i e, t j x . ,- - - w Altai OCR rastna, OTI .... PICLO GOALS WUUaau, OTI Brawa, OCB .... McAkaa, SOC .. Bail, OTI ... McCaWaaoa. OTI . 11 .11 14 12 .l 41 22 IIS . With s full round of games on tap today the Junior High hoop loop could windup its champion- snip rare tor an pracucai pur-; . -..i i mis throws leaojng rar-: . - ' " " .z " i or not more than 20 years in the wna. on w l pn pr p state penitentiary. irrariti. rsc 7 i.m iw 17 i Prosecutor John Lally said Bou-1 Z'1 I Vn m is! i cnee had dmitted enticing the -1 wuiiuas, oti 11 1 4 tn mi 2i I year-old girl into his car at an: . boc ... 2 s .2 2i ! amusement park here Dec. 31. ! rebounds 17 .I2S 17 24 I .ItAu.im, ktf iulaMnt mUiini Bful ' ' ; . . . n , . 3UUWII1K Uivcvil uiviuivi . iy:?m" wlU: Tcars-jexposing himself. He was charged w,m. oti .... at Parrish 4 p.m.): iray ri. pia. originally in this case. An amend- p-oiiva soc arm at Parrlik (I ra t -j infnrmntinn filed later included MrCmrk... oti O fia ffia Pet. 11 14 S J17 12 M M .14 IS HI 44 .4 II 111 71 .47 II 144 ft .41 .441 .455 .452 P. Grays P. Carts L. Goldi L. Warriors L. Blnn P. Pioaeara r, rta rtai Prt. I 2 ( .M4 II II II .S44 II tl 14 Bl 14 41 4 .IN ! II 71 5 .775 . . 14 71 S .144 r."0,!!00 . oLlrt.JZ yeaT' aso w,,h 4 870 10 h" "" Russell scored on a driving layupi Parts continued in a Ue for first 1 Cm . .liiht 'rZL L g a Arcaro , first win came at Mex- wth 20 seconds remaining for Bos- Plce in the. City League basket-, J ,c Dim a Slight margin over last,. . .. .... .,... ..... . . . hall rare at hnlh nnsted vietnriex c v a,k' MAr Inr-mnrA Imrr V nisioric vBiirnic rate uin. ion tense -t victory over tin- - "V , ------- r The see cibi a n ouv , sua w aat u trvi 7 ivtuti victory -m . ..... t m iam tl.:; j j Bus of Pacific whoe averaee is lnr ua r " Ja" "J''- "c ! cinnau loaay at ine garaen. t. from 188 points in nine ap- roaeJ 'on torgotten horse pearances. named Eagle Bird. Vic Backlund. Willamette for-! Eddie was a stringbean sprite ward, ranks third, with an aver-; not quite l years old. age of 18 points, followed by his While today's milestone was teammate, guard Eddie Grossen-, worthy of a place in the history barber, at 17.6. and Roycew Mc-; of horse racing, it was in a sense Daniel, Lewis and Clark guard. I just another race to Arcaro. With 17.J. McDaniel is Second in Tb rlrata rae aa the third and last chance of the day for Arcaro to score a win. He fla ts bed out sf the money hi the seeaad race M Palace Coart aad a Boaaty Bay la the featared sereatk. Baaaty Bay was the total points, with 208. Grossenbacher of Willamette has , moved into the free throw accur-i acy lead with a fine .862 mark. ! the result of 90 conversions in 58 1 attempts. Robin Beck, Whitman, j has .828: Roger Fleck, Lewis and, waBi wttia rkatr. hat Clark. .824. and Tom Johns, Wil- j 1 iht aU tmt WM mtT Urnette. .805. a terlm thrraL JiJSSiJSt )heie; A"ro' challenged claim a. m Kbounds, witn sn average of 1 . A M . , j" . . .. ... , tj k-.lli .- ic i x-.i. (based on a total of some 443 vic- 14. based oo 168 in 12 games. Kaia- .,. , ..i- , i 11 ! tones in such events. His mounts pus. possessing an average of 13, ih to .... .dollars. .is a close second Turn avi a Willamott IpaHc in all offensive categories, with an! Twice Eddie has been the rider average of 76.7 points per game.,0' f'Pk CTOwn. champions, Calu a field shooting average of 4!9 met Farm s Whirlaway in 1941 and last night. Both now own a 10-2 rr-Arrl in irwvr. nlav PhiUdelphia rookie Woody Sauls- j nrn.tt t . 12 Mint nerform- berry. formerly with the Harlem ;ance from Ray Domaschofsky and Globetrotters, accounted for 34 i rolfexl to a 53-37 win over Ecoing points as the Warriors defeated j Lumber. Fritz Beyes of the losers cold shooting Syracuse 110-97 in j was high point man for the game the opener of the unusual midweek with 15 tallies, afternoon National Basketball It was Rex Domaschofsky with Assn. doubleheader. j 1 1 points and Keith Driver with The winning shot by the 6-10 for- 10 tnat Paved th P"' tfam mer Olympic star gave the Celtics t0 2,f?,.,"10vr tfy,ITK!aL t' .eyrdMgor AIL u . . i the second count, rish Grays boasting a perfect j Boachee's arrest followed more 7-0 mark, are slated to . tangle ft ,w m0bi , chld.. with the last place Parrish Pio- ...., rrnnrl. and a win will give! "t . . .. the John Dalke coached Grays oucnee, rn.rr -- toga with two games; " . B arpininrni hvic anu m m m car lalesmaa daring the off eaon. j Bouchee batted .293 and hit 17 1 ! HalllBfiwartli, SOC OUT, SOC a Na. At. 14 12.7 I 155 IM II 121 12.1 11 11 I ST. PETERSBURG, Fl:, Feb. 20-New York Yankee rlfbt. bander Don Larsen, of World Series no-hit fame (hows his new bride, Corine, a little of what she's in store for aa a ball player's wife in pointing out sights at Miller Hug ging Field foday. Don and the new Mrs. dropped by the Yankee training field to watch Yankee farmhands work out at club's Instructional camp. Mrs. Larsen his blanket on her lap to help ward off some chill breezes during current cold spell. Mrs. Larsen Is from Benson, Minn Don from San Diego, Calif. Larsen is due to report with Yankee batterymen Saturday. (AP YYIrephoto) Johansson Favored to Defeat Erskine in Mix last moment bucket for the Royals The second olace Parrish Cards (5-3) are to tangle with the fourth place Leslie War riors (3-4) in a 4 p.m. go oa the Parrish floor. The other game finds Leslie the scene of another 4 o'clock clash be tween the Leslie Golds and Blues. The Golds are current ly In third place with a 4 3 rec ord, while the Bines sre ia fifth with 2-5. The Grays-Pioneers clash is billed for I p.m. at Parrish. One of the main reason's the Grays are making a runaway of FIELD GOALS G Oragaa Tarb .. II South. Orrf .. Portia stato . I Eaatrra Orecra 14 Orra Callega 11 PRE! THROWS P. i ... .,. ,.-,.- D-( ! t.ravi are making S runaway Olinwn SYIIIWII ; caaura urrg ob M was too late. ..- h J the league is the proficient point! ! 2l?.".Ttf " The Boston victory and Syracuse back the First National Bank 'making of Pat Loy, The high NEW YORK, Feb. 20 otv-Big oretaa Colin I loss made the magic number three 67-48. Jim Winters hooped 16 points I f!fJ3I", f,'Jit 'ronii!!l j Nino Valdes a highly ranked s.u. Qr-s.w is although high V ,r u ... -.. neavyweifim lor many years. iaca GOTEBORG, Sweden, Feb. 20 a record high for Scandinavia for s ! tT -Ingemar Johansson, Sweden's the best seats. The gross gate i undefeated European heavyweight , will amount to approximately o0. 1 champion, was favored today to 000. Johansson, who is managed G PG PT Rrh TP Av. 1 Hrnl .ln Vrc.in. in a lilln Aa. hv nrnmAl-r Ahlniiict urill rnllert lomt'oVi'ion !! m Is! in )! '! fense tomorrow night and blast about $15,000. Erskine will receive Eaatcra Oregon 14 124 mi 45 7 .i the Welshman hopes lor s world about $6,000 Oregon Colin 11 27 157 411 711 54.1 K. :-.i.: - t . Portun stato i 2 is 45 40 51 1 championship bout. Starting time for the bout is i Erskine, 24-year-old British Em- 1:15 p.m. (3:15 p.m . EST). fl Ptl ST Rra TP A- Pire ruler, is Virtually Set tO get 'ithr i ral-H a trnno nnnchor hnme ruru for the Phillies. The . Oregon Ttrh II 255 It 11.1 (7 51.5 a rrarlt at Flnvri Pitlrruin'l ivnrlH 1 ..... i .... . ... .. - - - aa a... it .t. i --. '-j - - aim m uuui is CAiminj iv ku mo ekib had sent him a 1956 contract JaJJu-""'.; ! J JiJ ft title in London this June if he de- route. If it does, the decision will Wltn a suosianuai pay imrcasr, orcgaa Collcg 11 151 11 54 f4 41 7 feats Johansson. but ha had no comment since oregoa 14 414 zw 57 11 71 ; his arrest. I TEAM STATISTICS SCORING DRFK1CBB Valdes Set For Miteff rc.A 74 u 7S IIS 111 245 252 II for the Celtics to clinch their sec-(to pace the win . be made by the three judges. The The 25-year-old Swede, undefeat- referee, Germany's Herbert Tom- ; ed in 18 professional fights, un- ser, will not vote. The Olympic is .44 ; officially was held the 2-1 choice point system will be employed. 177 411 to win the 15-rounder in the Cote- The winner of each round will re- "4 .144 1 bor2 Fair Ha"- Bookmaking is ceive 20 points, the loser 1 or lis J44 illegal in Sweden. less. I The hall's 5,500 seats long have Johansson's record of lf-0 in- rTM prt. been sold out although1 promoter eludes 10 knockouts, most of the j 1-inch, and weigh about 201 pounds. Erskine's record is 22-1-1, i including 10 knockouts. 211 221 .447 155 .412 157 .(21 11 Jl ona st r.i7h rtern DiVisn I hnorVVenr to Larry Zitek of the JS A - r ,7" lEr championship. Any combination of'Banker, with 19 I SaTZ mer With.",ly. f'gcU J? ORLEANS. Feb. 20 Boston vrtncie, or Sveacuse d- JLh"?J.B V.V.i morrow night at Madison Square . The New Orleans Mid-Win- snd a free throw mark of .735. College of Idaho has proved stin giest, limiting opponents to ah av its mighty Citation in 194. Six times Arcaro has won the famed Preakness and be has won erase of 62.1 points. Untield is , the belmont states, tnira jewel in a close second to Willamette in the triple crown, sis times. team offense, with a 74.7 average. ro ft rr rr Xilor. Unfltld a 42 31 212 Kalapuj. Pacific 7 4 2 IS SO Backlund. Will S4 10 24 Craanbchr. Will. 71 V 33 IM McDaniel. LC ...71 52 41 30 171 Machamrr Un. S 40 33 15 154 . Huskies to Host Z fj Ski Tournament Boston victories or Syracuse de feats adding up to three will wrap up the regional crown for the de-; fending world champions. Frank Ramsey scored 27 points Gooding o. .nil Rill Sh.-,. -M l-r Rnolo-lriRST NATIONAL RANK 4 VALLEY MOTORS in F: Rerd 141: Hoy (). C: Edlr (ll; G: Wlntori II): Piticr (I). Re wrvcf scoring:- Sherman B: Gold man (4): MrElrarjT (I); Houck (2); Lancoa. LC Johnson. Whit. Moor. C. of I. Coach. C of I. Atfama. Pacific Gohrta. Pacific Johns. Willamette M 4 Backer. Whitman 5 2 1 4 32 17 143 Bratton. Whitman S5 21 .10 111 Dukra. LC Coctxa. Linfield SEATTLE, Feb. 20 - The mm 14, University of Washington su team; s 24 it im iii wiu host ki "?ua' from at least! 7 io u is lit seven other colleges this weekend ! J as the Pacific Northwest Colleg-i iate Championship are decided at Snoqualmie Pass. f: Zltrk (IS): Chavri (11). C: rreeman (4i, G: Rurf (, Hliha (41. Valley Molort 15 I 17 22-47 rinl Nat'l Bank 2 12 144 Official!: Stcphrnioa A radenreehL VALLEY TRACTOR CO. () P: Warner (); Parker (1). C: Garland (2): G: Pepper ): Cekk (5). ReMrvea coring: Stafel (4). SALEM AUTO PARTS (45) t. Khndworth (5); Wilcox (1). C: Miller (4): G: Driver (I): Domai- chofiky (11). Roaervea scoring: Maa- wariii (). pletely out of the running now, f , 'J ' 'tg orricUb: auarart a raaearecai. Viks, Saxons Meet Tonight (Cant in nod from preceding page) eventually, if South drop the aod to North. Albany and Lebanon, com- m u 40 1.1 12 5 42 145 It I in on 24 an ins a m a si si 3 play tonight at Lebanon. There are two more rounds f play remaining after to night's. In the neit one Al bany hi at Sooth Salem, Sweet Home I at North Salem and Lebanon I at Comllis. Ia the finale. Sooth Salem i at Le banon and North Salem at Four events are scheduled fori torvallu. Sandwiched ia Is a the two-day meet. The slalom and' Sweet Home at Albany date cross-country races will be held Tuesday. Saturday with the giant slalom The Javvee squads play to . . ,';, , ,. rh- night s prelim, at 6 30. and the and jumping events the following North Wl MJ( (f)r . sWMp of ; the season aerie oUn EPPIMG LUMBER (17) f: C. Beyer (41; D. Baaaett (41. C: P. Beyer (15); : P. tl-nler (I): t. Tarin ). Reaerves MorlBg : Sckmlti (1) Paaao (1). ORCl'TT'S MARRET (51) P: Doaiaorhafaky (12); Clam (). C: Holdorf (4); G: Palk (I): Hrlmer (4). Roarrrea arorlng: Rllckrr (5); Pretkey (2): Tom (II). OrruU't Market II It 17 11 U Epplng Lnmher 7 II I 17 Offirlah: SUphenaoa A Stewart. State. Probable varsity lineups: CHERRY CITT Lad tea City: Tram So 4 (4). F.d'f Market (i: Portland Rd. I.umher (!) Team from Oregon Washington State College. Idaho, soith Wenatchee I (' . Oregon. Whit- JJUJ man and the College of Puget Moorr (-ti .. t:irt 1 1 - .... k . ,i, Smind have ontererl (he mmnetl- ' ' ' China CWy (I): kay'i (1), rirl Pnnk tion Brack (5-4) Ta-aeo (ll: Chock i sirak Hnw (Ji. Tb Trlanile (1): Good Hooaekrra btf (41. Marihall'i Inn (41: Urn Tv era (41. The Corral (4): Th Huk 2 Tolo-Troat (2). Hirh Individual game: Barhara Smith (222). Nigh Individ aal aarlea: Baahara Smith (574). High tram game: ( hurk'i Strak Houir (). High tram serin: Tele-Trrat . CAPITOL - Sateen Ufllltlr T-Sooarrt ' 11) Ponthoaaa (-,): P r r n n NORTH (4 41 Scaggm 14-2) I.MrhftrM (-) Hartrr (5-l) Drake (5-7) Rrlfgl with 73 ooinU I Steve Stewart f the Golds. Dale Meyers of the Bines is third with 65, and another Gray. Jack Holstad, is in fourth place with SI. The remainder of the top ten are as follows: LeRov Haven, Warriors. 49: Larry Haskell, Pio neers, 46; Lonnie Dorkter, Cards, 45; Gary Edwards, Warriors, 44; Ed Maerx, Warriors, 43; Jimmy Gettis, Pioneers, 37. . Soccer Star Dies Garden. Although the hulking Cohan knocked out Joe Enklae. the British champion ia one rawad a year aga, and Miteff wa itopped in oae by Mike da John of Syracuse. N.Y.. the It-rouad match I a "pick 'em" fight. The first heavyweight bout in the Garden since 1956 will be car-' ried on network NBO radio and television, starting at 7 p.m. (PST). As usual, two judges and a referee will score by rounds, us ing a supplementary point system in case of even rounds. MUNICH. Feb. 20 un-Duncan Edwards, star of the Manchester United soccer team, died tonight from injuries suffered in a Feb. ( plane crash. Edwards was the eighth member nf Ih foam In riio n a mcitll nt Simons as president. He succeeds , u,e crash, which also took the lives Paul 4:. DeBlanc. 1 of 14 others. ter a pons Assn., sponsor 01 the an-1 nual sugar bowl football game, tonight elected Claude (Monk) Call CADWELL OIL CO. Phone EM t-7431 249$ State 81 Stove Diasol Oils Wa Deliyor Today Canadiens in Hockey Win MONTREAL. Feb. 20 iV Maurice 'The Rocket) Richard re turned to actibn tonight after be ing sidelined by an injury for more Goin' After Em : lnt Ding 5 (1), Mirrowavea (!'-), Salrin Hrctrlr (4). Odd Bath) (); Circuit Brrakrri (!),, (I): Portund (iaa m Coke . VaUr Dept. (I): Dradradi gratora (ll men indma- taaae: i. Wrger (275) Hirh Indl- TMaai aeries: ti Hello(( (VtS). High I team game: Salem r.lrrtrlr (Mil.1 iga loam aerira: aaiem r.ircinr (22). KllawatU (I) (1), City Wat 1), DlilaUir rflVERSITT CoaaaarrcUl No. I: Wrtirrn Paper Caav. Co. (I). Pram Bread (I; Id y era Glare Co. (ll. 4ohnion MeaU (1): Panalllle Rlork a np. Co. (I), Chork'a Pine Pood (2): Anderaon'f Sporting Goodi (I), Gideon Staht Co. (I): Havdrn'i Cap. City Print (I), l-er'i tied I'm ()): Capitol City tilaaa Co. (1). Portland d. Lor. Ca. (1). Hlrh Individual game: Draao Cartla (!45. Hlch Indl tdaal aorlra: rinaer do (Oi). Hlrh team game: Haydrn'a (an city Printer! (12). High team arrlri: Praaa Bread .'. CREENGKASS INKS PACT 1 TJETROrT., Feb. 20 - Jim Groan gr ssi. outfielder obtained Oct. 14 from Sacramento of the Pacific Coast League, today signed his 1951 contract with th Detroit Kger. (Ceatiaaed from preceding page) now and then, the coastal angling remains on the poor side Con tinued high waters have made it possible for steelhead to keep dribbling in all through the season without interruption. They have had little or no trouble continuing right on through to the spawning grounds above the deadlines. To give the die-hards a bit longer to suffer it out, the Alsea river will remain open until the end of March. This extra month of fishing on the Alsea is to aid in the study of the return of marked steelhead. Fin clipped steelhead in the to S inch class were released in the Alsea and the Game Commission is interested in learning the return habits. Possible to Restore fly Line v . We ware aakrd ant laag aga. If It were passible to restore life to aa aid aad "larky" fly line. It Is possible. If the line h net warn oat aaj appears la goad ewaditlaa esrepl for atlrkiaeaa caased by being left oa the reel all winter, one may refiaiik the line s that It will give a few mare seasons a( casting. Stretch the line out in either attic or basement and rub thor oughly with keroseae. Kerosene is used because it contains oil and will no dry the line out as will cleaning solvents. After the line is cleaned of all grit and tackiness, use a mixture of 4 parts boiled linseed oil to 1 part varnish, and apply it over the line with your fingers. Rub it into the Tin well and then let dry. Once the line ia dry you may polish with a soft rag and the line will be service able agaia. ' , , . (Caatiaotj I. urn preceding page) Oklahoma 52. Oklahoma Sutr 4 I Mataarhiietu 44, Holy Crn at ; Brthrl (Minn I 4J. North vritrra ( ollrre I Minn ) 5 1'tah i, Denver 75 MluHtippi ( nllrcr 44. Howard (Ala.) 41 Amun Prav 41. I nlvertltv af Trnneee Martin Branch 44 Purman , Richmond S2 Belmont Ahehy 75, Catawha 4 Lantern iiiinole 94, southern lllnoii Rrniselarr 45, Slrvrn Tech 41 Rldrr (4, Montclair Trarhrri 5 4.lpcomb . Lincoln Memorial tS Eastern Kentucky lf Morehrad Ky Georgrtown (Ry.) '77. Transyl vania (Ky ) 44 Prep Grapple Meet to Open (Coatjaoed from preceding page) Condray a Grant Pas are the rannerinp from last year, who will be after the bit prize thl weekend. Medley I a'l(S-poand-er. Stoat weigh la at III and Ceadray goes 141, althoagh the latter grappled la the III class last year. Redmond has the most men in than three months and scored two the meet, qualifying 15 from Dis- goaI in cadjng lhe Mon,rea Ca trict . Grants Pass is next with nadiens to , Nationai Hockey 11. with Sweet Home, the dark- l. .. VKloty mer th. Bostoa horse of the tourney, bringing 10 D.r. . mi r:.7:. uiuim. men irum libli ki o. inner wiairici I qualifiers include four each from Lebanon, North Salem, South Sa lem, and one each from Dallas, Central, Albany and Corvallis. Included among the District 2 anallfiers ara (It from Newberg. the defending date team cham pion, nd one rich from Wllla mlna and Yamhill. Canhy and Molalla auallfied six each from DiitriH . while Cascade. North Marion aad Woodbora are send ing oae each. North Salem' entries include Tom Haines at 10 pounds: Dan Adams, 136 pounds; Dweight Rein wald. 171 pounds; and Claude Lay- ton, 194 pounds. For South Salem Juniata (Pa ) l. utqrhanna I Lenotr Rhyne a. Eton 5 neiaarar s, swaruimare (Pa.) 71 f rankie Franklin will wrestle in the 141 pound group, Larry Payne at 1S7 pounds, Gary Ballew at lftl pounds, and Art Krurger at 141 pounds. FISHING REPORT MORTHWPST: North roaat atraajna high and murky: iirelkendlng ilo kul could Improve ky weekend M water drop, uleelhrading ejulle poor lately from Salmon river to Miami river: Neiturca hat been lair and Wilaon poor to fair; Lincoln county treams kith and diaralored: lower and of Drvllt lake alow. SOUTH wr.KT: If water clean ky weekend la both North and Son Ik tmpoua atrrlhradlng hould ha good to fair at Idleyld park, below Win chester, below iackioa creek and la Cleveland rapid area: all atreama In touuiweat Oregon high aad Bud dy. NORTHKAST All etreama hlch and murky; eteelheading fair In Pino creek and la lmaaaa rlvac. . The Incomparable Rocket, wh suffered a skate cut aa hi heel early In November, showed a easea record crowd af 14.S2J that he ha lost none af hi wis ardry. He picked ap his first goal at 12:21 l the Oral period after Claude Provost had sent the league leading, Canadiens aff In front at 1:12. The Rocket added Jiis second goal at 5: 32 of the second period. In both of his goals he was as sisted by his younger brother, Henri, and Dickie Moore. The other Montreal tally came at 18:05 of the third session by Jean Beli veau as goalie Jacqucr Plante posted his ninth shutout. St. Peter's in N.I. T. NEW YORK. Feb. 20 OP St Peter's of Jersey Cily. N.J.. today , booted the winning field goal in GRID GIANTg SIGN PAIR NEW YORK, Feb. 20 on - The New York Football Giants ssid today they have signed their sixth and eighth draft chokes, half hacks Billy Lott of Mississippi and Don Sutherln of Ohio Stale. Suther- was named to compete In the Na-1 Ohio state's 10-7 Rose Bowl victory tional invitation Dss-etDau tourna- ov.r Oregon Jan. 1 ment. St. Peter's was the fourth team U be selected for the March 13-22 tournament in .Madison Square Garden. The other are Dayton, St. Bonaventure and Niagara.. Eight more remain to be named. I Church Loop Hoop Results CANADIAN TEAM WINS OSLO. Feb. nun Canada de feated Norway M in- an Interna- j tional hockey match tonight. Senior (Pinal): Calvary BapUot (50), Kaglenood I II (15). Inter medial A (Pinal): 1st Preakylerlaa (It), let Biptlal (24) Intermediate h (Pinal): HAP (42), St. John's Lutheran (17) Junior n (Semi final): free Methodic ), Calvary gUptlat (U). , I NATIONAL GUARD HERITAGE -anm I .' i iV'V. A- i i J:.V. . ' . M&mi MrCiL l .... W, r st tivotm vj i .i'.. . i ,.. . -) Na!twBS y, X 7i P TMf 'jfvs'V'V: OPEN HOUSE SUfJ, FEB. 23 Co. B and Co. D 162nd Infantry The Armory Salem, Oregon i-dti m Mh-sin m,m m