12-lSee. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Frt, Feb. 21. "58 reg. $2.98 closet shelf bags 1.79 Space-saving bag with 4 shelves for hats, handbags, shoes, sweat ers 42" long. NOTIONS - STREET FLOOR reg. 80c coaster and ash tray set 19 c Colorful California pottery, spec al purchase of a famous manufactur er's close-out. CHINA - 2ND FIOOR reg. $12.95 boys' spring suits 7.49 Famous brand; rayon and acetate weave for spring and summer. Navy, brown, tan. 3 to 7 yrs. BOYS' SHOP - STREET FLOOR reg. $.9 WOMEN'S FULL LENGTH NYLON TRICOT Jf 4Q GOWNS; princess skirt; white; 32-36 V.T LINGERIE - STREET FLOOR reg. SI. 99 DOUBLE WOVEN COTTON OR NYLON 1 1Q GLOVES; shorty, bracelet length I . I 7 CLOVES - STREET FLOOR reg. $3.9 WOMEN'S NYLON TRICOT PAJAMAS; $4 QQ pink, blue, yellow, small, medium only At 4r Jr LINGERIE - STREET FLOOR reg. 1.50 full fashioned hosiery 3f0r2t25 Dress sheer nylons with pencil-thin seams, outline heels, 8V3-II; medi um lengths. HOSIERY - STREET FLOOR OREGON ROOM - STREET FLOOR COFFEE SHOP - STREET FLOOR DINNER SERVED TONIGHT 5-8 P.M. Emm reg. 34.95 men's duffel coats 1 19.95 Imported all wool duffel coats; wa ter repellent; weatherproof. . SPORTS HEADQUARTERS STREET FLOOR reg. $7.95 movie film splicer 4.95 8 mm and 16 mm Hollywood spli cers for movie film. Accuratestain less steel. CAMERA SHOP - STREET FLOOR reg. $8.95 women's smart handbags 4.99 Plus Tax - Cords, rayon faille, patent and calfskin, in pouches, satchels, clut ches. LEATHER GOODS-STREET FLOOR reg. $1.95 SPRING TOTE BAGS; big and roomy; J Q peatly lined; floral patterns tPf ART NEEDLE - SECOND FLOOR reg. $1.59 CHATTER MONK PULL TOY; all wood, safe OQ lithographed colors; for 1-4 yrs O reg. $4.91 DOUBLE TABLE TENNIS SET; 4 deluxe (4 QQ paddles, 2 balls, net, instructions WiO TOYS - SECOND FLOOR mm reg. '6.99 to M 2.99 carpet samples 4.99 24"x45" to 27 "x54". Tweeds, solid colors, scrolls; wool, rayon and blends. Finished ends. FLOOR COVERINGS SECOND FLOOR reg. 59c BOYS' COMBED COTTON BRIEFS, nylon , reinforced; elastic waist; legs. 4-14 ' W for I BOYS' SHOP - STREET FLOOR reg. $2 93 DOZEN GARDEN STAKES; wooden with $1 A sharpened ends, ready-to uit. 6-ft dei. IIV GARDEN SHOP - SECOND FLOOR reg. $4.95-V.50 CHILDREN'S SHOES; boys' and M MQ girls' dress and play atyles - ""7 CHILDREN'S SHOES - STREET FLOOR reg: $4. 99 attache case, suntan color 1.99 Simulated leather; lock and keyi handy traveling companion; Soldi numerous papers, etc. STATIONERY - STREET FLOOR reg. 49c yard multi-filament crepe 29 c White only, washable rayon flat crepe; 42" wide; ideal for blouses, dresses, lingerie. FABRIC CENTER - 2ND FLOOR reg. $3.9t to $4 98 MUSICAL TOYS: UKES, BANJOS, SAXOPHONES, TROMBONES, ETC PRICE TOYS -SECOND FLOOR reg. $219 to $4.19 DECORATED BATHROOM ft ft SHELVES; "for cosmetics, bath supplies Mm33 HOUSEWARES - SECOND FLOOR reg. 49c to $9.95 YD. FABRIC REMNANTS, cottons, w silks, rayons, acetates, wools, blends I PRICE FABRIC CENTER SECOND FLOOR reg. SI. 39 YD. RAYON AND ACETATE TWEED TYPE "TO SPORT FABRIC, for skirts, suits, dresses FABRIC CENTER - SECOND FLOOR reg. $2.95 FIELDCREST "FONTAINBLELT TOWEL tl QQ ENSEMBLE; bath size; discontinued I M W TOWELS - SECOND FLOOR Friday and Saturday Gourment Shop SPECIALS! reg. 25c reg. 65c S&W Sliced Pineapple 2u 5ur $1 Salad Clean Shrimp,, 5s 2 $1 .? Barbey Fey. Chin. Salmon 532f.r J1 K Buddy Boy Popcorn ?'2st 2 47 GOURMET SHOP i- STREET FLOOR STORE HOURS MONDAY ft FRIDAY: 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS: 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 t, M. (W regret that we must reserve th right to limit .quantities. No tales to dealers. Please, no mail phone or C.O.D. orders. On sale while quantities vailable. wiVmzm if 1 mm v v ;J3ciKW MUX) 1IM: '' X - i t -i f J -