600 Employment 12 Wart. WaraJ. M SPRAYING k PRUNING L w Candls CM 4 1441 EM 1145 Carpenter k Repair Work Carpenter work painting i -i,xa. LOU tree service rtmov' topping, pruns EM 4-0l 4 Wfk Wimxt, lady er (art $3 N DAY work. 1 hour, cai i w, MIDDLE aged lady wishes llfht nuuwwori, live in. CM 3-5140. HOUSEKEEPING "car for tl dcrly poraoa. EM 2-4170. IRONING Fra plrk Hpadal Alao baby alt. EM 4-0(7. IRONINO In my horn. Liberty, EM 4-0444. IRONINO 75c hr. your bom ar mini. CM S-SUJ. CURTAINS (sundered stretcb d. raai. EM MSaS. Howard Mytlic Re-Weavers B4J S Summer CM 1 MM MIMEOGRAPHINa. typing Mra Poa. 4ft3 N 14(1) EM I J4U EM 21531 ' Iron inf. my noma. Holly w'd dun JUDY' dreesmsxing altera tione. Work gust. EM 1-2044. 6 15-A iabytHfint, BABY alttifi( my hama. Children to I yrs. W. Browning EM EXPERIENCED baby abating my homa. EM 4-144. BABY sitting days, your boma. EXCEL, child ear for ana or I cngiewood But CM J 4414 700 Rental- 70S ApaHinoiXi fa Rant NEW I 1 bdrm. apts. fur niahed .or unfurnished. $3 fortune Rd. EM 1-0537. VERY nice rum. a rms. balk. auto, washer 22M Fairgrounds no. cm a-aau. S RM. apt . let fir lad roupla. 434. EM 3-73. 424 JANSSEN COURT Unrura. 1 rm. apt 44 Naal 5aa. win at a.. Rural. clean turn. 1 ft 3 rm. apt M 9TTJ. 1 BDRM. far), or xerfum. Waat aaiam. EM -3lll rra. 706 DmdJ, 8 BEDROOM, frpl.. furnace, near univcraiiy at Hospital. 474 a. winter. c4 J-1SI. NICE auifura. nn.. imn a W. Satem. EM S-S1. NEW Duplex apt., appliances urn. Mam Lat court, lata CM 8-73. BDRM. upper duplex, walk. 1st $43.40. CM 1 1041 1 BDRM., range, refrig. $37.3 117 Saginaw, CM 1400. AU, elee. fun, mod. clean 1 bdrm. Laundry. Leelte ft Bush Bcnooi. inq. me nrcyman, RM. duplex, sawdust furnac. ftropl., far. 1074 S. Liberty. ilia. EM 17 ATTRACTIVE furx. 1 . Near city Mia eve. rm. Car port Near city library boss. CM NICE turn. I bedrm. couple only, UM N. U. EM 4-1407 707 HoitMa Far Ratit BABY sitting, my ham. Park Ave. cm J (WW. Vl 8 Education FIANO lessons. Mr. Goddard. EM 1 M44 or EM 1 0747. atlNDERgarten Register NOW Salam tor t a Seal. CM 3-9394 620 Day and Contract m. '.. 1 YD. hevl ersMlm drg. line zt-ton mobile ennes D-4, D-7 cata carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND k GRAVEL 140 N. front (t EM 1 1441 700 Rentals 701 Sleep. Room, taard WOMAN around 40 yrs. wants congenial woman to share home, near bus line. South 12th St. State at. Interest etc. Box 193 Statesman-Jour' nal. LADY. 1 bdrm CLEAN 1 bdrm.. he About March 1. Clone In. EM 1-1431 1 BDRM. baa., close a. HE. EM 8-749. 1 BEDROOM house completely furnished, part of utilities paid 43 mo. Several 1 bedroom homes unfurnished (49 up. Zee bs Real Estate. EM 8-3031. LARGE bom. 33 N. Cottage, Inquire at 33 8. Com'L 1 BDRM. suburban N. East clean, modsm 11 mo. CM 1-0044. NEARLY new 1 bdrm, - waaber dryer, larf garden spot, rent $70 or will sell with yr. equity for $300,cated in Kel xer Heights. EM 3-033. RENT or Sell: 1 bdrm . W. Sa lem, frpl, bsmt wired for dryer oU turn. EM 4-41 8 BDRM. house close in, full bvnt, oil heat. EM 1-471 CLOSE In 1 bdrm. uflfum. frplc on neai. z oatna. l a. vexn 1. Caf 1-474. 800 Real Etate tQI Itn'ase Opportuei. SALE OR LEASE LARGE GROCERY meat mar ket. Including loo cold lock era. Beat T location bi Sa lem, income rrom lockera ap prox. (4 400 par year. The sale or loc xer meat should make inn a vary profitable opera CALL EM 4476s Eve: Oliver Willi KM 1404 Ben Oriffttb CM 1-440S Ted Morrison, Realtor 140 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-4744 rOR sal, restaurant fixtures. residence cab ma. located at Jefferson. Or. Pioneer Trust Co. Executor. Cask ar ternu CM HI 34. 800 Real Entate 800 Real Estate S06 Houses For Sate 806 House For Safe STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 1C7 S. HIGH ST. PH. EM J-J151 F.H.A. G.I. OR LONG TERM CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS FOR tease major oil caanpeay aarvk station, good location. Operator must sell. Ha fl aance) deaL Buy equity at dis count, assume balance, 1750 will handle. Phone EM 4-4434 SALEM TRAILER PARK and isa iM M in. . A- street 11 Trailer spots with aewer and SMV hookup. 1 yr. old cement block grocery awuaina; wna apartment lor x in rear. city bus near. Owned free and clear by pres ent owners who now must sacrifice because of age and health. A wife could handle with belp in evenings by hue band. 41. 004 plus mereha. diee . Inventory. Convenient arms. A seasoned mortgage or contract would be con sidered as down payment Might trade fn residential prop erty. CLYDE PRALL. Realtor. 134 a. High SI EM 4-4444 Home EM 1-7154. TRADERS SPECIAL Modern 1 Bdrm. East on paved treet Large lot L I v I a g ream, DVtng room, kitchen and large utility room. Willing to trade tor boat, car or House trailer as down pay ment. Call Mr. Stevely. EAST MORELAND Vary nice I bdrm. bom with beautiful yard. Fully land scaped. Large living room with fireplace. Dining room, kitchen and bath. One of our, finer homes for a modest price. Call Mr. Burgees. NEW OFFERING Kelrer 1 bdrm. Large lot. Only one block to shopping center Fenced all sides. Will aall or trade fnr acreage with 1 or 4 bdrm. house. Priced at only McGulre for fll.300. Call Mr. showing. DUPLEX Excellent value in this wall built on year old rental prop erty. Nice living room. Dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, utility, garage, and separata forced air furnac in each awit Some brick work. 1190 00 monthly Income . Where can you buy 10 sous re feet of boor apace on nice comer lot lor 41100, Call Mr. Periman. 800 Rfal Estate 800 Real folate Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thun., Feb. 20, S8 (Sec. U)-15 806 House For Sala 806 Houte Far Sala I ST ED BY V ... . CALL ONE OF OUR SALESMEN FOR FULL INFORMATION AND SHOWING 803 S-barfM) kit. . apt. Will rent privileges. EM bdrm.. 4-97l. BOARD rm. or room only prlv. CM for refined person In home, reaaonable rata. 1-730. FURN. private room for am bulatory lady patient Good food tt car. EM 4-7279. CLEAN light housekeeping room, utu. pa., 73S n. tnurch CLOSE, clean, warm bamt. rm. tool in summer, as tenter FURN. sleeping ma. Nr. Stale Hosp. Meals if das. EM S-7300. ELDERLY rm. 1M Ch entlemaa, hoa'rd lemeketa St KM. with kit privilege. Mother baby or single gtrL $1 t wa mo. mo w, I7tn. MICE warm rooms for men. The Alexandria. 1130 Chcmeketa. SlCELY turn. rms.. also bamt apt US ft Winter. WEEKLY rates. Argo Hotel. 149 Man Chcmeketa. New : fvT nagement clean, nice furn. aleeping i. st.7 wx. men. cm 1-7020. HOME away from horn, men. pack 1 unc be, loss N. Ith. 705 Apartmenr tar tent WEST Salem, t rm. furn. Apt. for rant. EM 4-M72. FURN. 1 rm. bsmt nt. pi bath ft ent. M Union CM 1-U44 Dl 2. EM 1-1723. Ege7 clean 1 rm. furn. Gar. 440. 441 N. Liberty. EM 2-230. CLEAN furn. Apt. near Hospital University. 44 S. Summer. FRM. turn. 1st fir. pnv. bath 2th. ant gar. 5 S. 1 THE LEE 1 bdrm. unlum. apt. avail. Feb. 15th, 189 17.90. Bachelor apt.. 449.30. 983 N. Winter. CLEAN 3 rm. furn. apt Prlv bath. 14 8. Cottage. Sew management, dec. I ft 2 rms.. utll. incL 117 N. Coma Spacious Acacia Anartmenta FURNISHED 1140 So. 13th St EM 1-7404 VERY nice close In Apt. Ph. after 4 p.m. CM 1933. CYPRESS COURT 1 bdrm, a furn. apt. 00. EM 4-030. FURN. 1 rm., utll 123. EM 4-3072. W. Salam, NICE 3 RM. UNFURN. Near Capitol ft W U. EM 3-SS24 Utrvan w W ea.ls C,EaaLtl r uni I (lial.. svait.ll, adulU. 130 S. 14th. CM 4-7141 I RMS., prlv. bath. 3i. CM 2-4070. 1480 N. Com'l. CLEAN 2 bdrm. on bua Una. garage, stores. No. EM 4-313. MOD. 2 bedrm. as , cloae to ach I. part furn. EM 2-7170. t BDRM. baa. Waat Salem. EM 2-3023. Suburban If you've been wanting a I bdrm mo ia a nome witn a quarter acre of land SEE THIS. To be aotef at FHA appraisal, $12,000 with poaalhw 4 pet down. Call Free) Brennad eve. CM 4-TH. Joe Bourne, Realtor 114 N. Capital, CM 2-491 . H. Stevely, EM 41317 H. Periman, EM 4-731 Harold Burgea, EM 1-4071 E. H. McGulre, EM 2-4272 LIVE modern In this new 2 bedroom contemporary on the hill in West Salem. Very well-built throughout It hn a separate entrance hall large living rm. - open fireplace that Is bricked to the celling. Beams in every room. Kitchen has dishwaeher, disposal, oven, ft range. For people who like modem living, this Is your dream come true I Cell Heulah Woelkc. EM l-aUS. Eves. EM 4-2M2. IT WILL really be your likely strike of you get THIS one. It's south It's new - It has 1 bedrooms, hs baths family room, built-in oven ft range. Inside utility, and double garag. 1.900 so ft. for only 111.090. Can you top It? Call Helen Lewis. EM 1-4SM. Eves. CM 2-7904. YOU "KENT" beat this If you want an office o a small -gift shop at home. It could be used as a family room. also. Spacious living room with beautiful fireplace separate dining room, entry way, waii-io-wau ci rooms, 2 pstlos. ft 'an on 800 Real Estate 810 FaVm For Set BARE ACREAGE S acres, Kelzar district, good building site, asking 1000.00. 1 acres, Keizer district, no bldgs Sizw.ua cacn. 1 acres, 1 no district. Onl Call Mr 4-994. bldgs. Hopewell lly 12300 00. Ter Vlcary 12300 00. Terms Zves. EM 850 Automotive 1900 DUpUy CUm. 8S2 Used Cars Far Safe MOTORS ( . 47 so. itm cm WHOLESALE! ISA Nash amb. 130 stude Clb. cp. IF WE DON'T HAVE IT WC CAN GCT IT REALTY 402 N. River Rd. EM -40604 612 ixewanga Real Irteta ntry way, wall-to-wall carpets. 1', baths. 2 extra large bed- isiae nrep. Inside. Rough cedar exterior. Call BUI Woelkc Eves. EM 4-2x62. de fireplace. TaHtefully decorated EM 2-SU9. NEAR SOUTH SALEM HIGH 4 bdrms. 1', baths full basement with family roe 2 fireplaces, large living ft dining rooms-kitchen with nook lie a u lot Douue garage. Just -listed at 414.3W. Call Mr. Well. Eva, pa. CM 2T7M. 806 House Far Sala IN Weit Salem 2 bdrm. houoa. stove. rfrtg., eWc. beet, dryer S39 mo. EM 4-470. TO responsible couple, clean 2 bdrm. hse . partially fura. 44. See Sat ft Sua. at 124 Dun can Ave. EM 1-14. 2 BEDRM ha. 143. 171 N. Liberty. CM 3-22. EM 2-447 JUST decorated, neat 2 bdrm near ech'ls. ft bus. After 2:1 P.M. EM 1-S37S. MOD. 1 bdrm. home, M a mo. Adulls only. Eve. EM 1-274 I BDRM. in ct Rang refng. I no Archers 1813 Lee day. ttme. After pjm. EM a-IllS. FAIRLY new. Modem 1 bdrm.. convenient location 91 a. 13th. Inq. 1320 Trad. 2 BDRM. house. Salem Hts., $90. rnon em 1-4711 BEDRM. hdw'd. firs, attch. far. fanced-ia yd. 2247 Beacon cm 3-owa. 1 BDRM. cottar, kitchen turn. Near Salem (General Hospital. 43a. S32 tatterlln. KM I-Z7U7 4 RM. HSE with refng. fura. range and 4-4SSJ1 UNFURN. I bdrm, ba. at S02 cottage at. N.av 4e par mo Ph. M $413. BEDRM. near achl. At line. N. East EM 1-4400. bus I BEDRMS. with gsrsge. Soata. tuats re-oec. . cjs a-jai. BDRM. modern bouse, stove. refrig. $9. I but Can. lloep ft bus. 441 Jason at 1 BDRM. AH elec, near school ft mat Inq. IMS a. lain. I BDRM. baa. 4 blka from city ctr. Auto heat rrpie 4k osmt $73 mo. EM 1-471 ATTRACTIVE 1 BDRM. home. Very clean, nice locaupn. Largeyard.EM 2-2745. RM cottage carport, utility partly furn. $30 per mo. EM NEW unfura. 1 bdrm.. TV ant.. garage, nr. Gen. lloep. sou Adults. 2291 Braman. FAMILY ROOM New 3 bedrm. dining. 1'i bath. aoi. gar. aox 190 lot. Help on down paym't. TRADES, 44M Kurth Ave. (West end of Cun nlngham Lane) Robert y. Lor eni. em 1-774. DUE to Illness 41.00 will buy D the furnishmcs ft eouitv m ale S bdrm. Vt bath, family rm.. ansa. gar. ror mora av formatMn. CM 2-1443. BY Owner. N. I bdrm. turn. 1300. Bus St dr. Large lot. mica a lax. sag an. em htii ISflflK'S BESIK ACT QUICK First time effered. Lovely home m ens lewooa uut 1 Bdrms. main floar 1 sxsfinished bdrm. apatahra. TU bath. HW floors Landscaped lot a bike a bus. A Bargain for 411.000. Call Seth Williams (eve. ph. CM a-iizxj AL ISAAK k CO., REALTORS 222 Church St Ne, Salem PH. EM 4-3311 or EM J-7SM $100 Down Suburban 1 bdrms.. family rm 1 level nome. carae oaue wim faacad back yard. 1 block from bus. 2 blocks to shopping area, can jaca nawis, eve. CM J-7S30. AL WATTS REALTOR 474 Court St EM 4 $041 BRAND new 2 bdrm. home, frpl.. FA heat, close in So.. 11 aq. ft. $10,930. EM 4-4107. LEASE option or trade. 2 bdrm. ao., ar. scnis . cm hhi. 1 nniu Imij a vn nM ,i bout Mo. 12 Ibr., Good lo cation at ZZ30 Lansing NE Death in family reason for selling Price SS.30 for Quick sale. EM 4-34. Inq. 2230 Lansing NE. 1 nrRM unfura.. bus by door. Sea 117 ssui ne. imnnus occupancy. CM 1-4317. 2 Bdrtn. Insulated all elee by door. sa. em 1-741. 2 bdrm. MOD. Corner lot 4-3044. ar utll. rm Low rent EM SMALL 3 bdrm.. auto beat. gar. 73 McGUchrtst EM 4 woj. 707-a Farwished House FURN. INCLUDES TV SET rm. court, gar., Inside utility, EM 2-0S17 or EM 4-944I. SlCELY furn. 3 rm. apt. re-dec 3Z3S Portland Ha. BACHELOR APT. Bteas eUc. heat store Ar bus TV ant. auto, washer, 117 8. 33th. EM 3-0894 DEAL for 1 almost new tiny furn. apt. wear uenarai jtosp. real. 2291 Breyman. NICE 4 rm. apt Utll. paid. CM 2-3333. 283 S. Commercial aT RM bsmt. 1113 N. 19th. iriv. bath. $33. 2-7S41. Im CXOSE In ground floor bdrm. refrigerator ft range, ateam heat, fra automatic waaher ft dryer, warm quiet place you will like. Adults. Jj us si. OD. furn. a rm. court. $42.90. 1083 Madison. 01 hwi. LARGE 1 bdrm. unfura. close fn, EM 3-S479. Apt. CLOSE 1 rm. furn. Apt $27; utU. 789 Marlon. EM 1-3XO f RMS. turn., atil. except heat pvt hath, ent 194 w. I4tn, CrnY aM furn. Aot comfort able, elee. heat, I avail, at $93 mo. I at $9. on quiet street. Call Rawlins rtcaity. EM 4 879 or EM 2 743 eve fnCELY furn. apt. Ambaaaador Apts 490 N. Mimmer. JTOSEWOOD ApU. Finely fura. ft redec. 1 bdrm. apts. Ceram ic tile baths. 1310 Madison. EM 4-8831. Ev. EM 2-71 1 RMS. newly decor., nicely urn., prlv. entr. Girl pre ferred. 43 N. Winter. CLEAN, nicely fura. apts. Inq. 10S4 J-apltol. sa at 403, KMAT.T. furnished aoartmMit. dulls no nets. Working counl preferred. hMoB Apt- 120 n .ijperiy. t RM. titll. ad. Prtv. bath- Aenin. ent. rafrlg. NICELY turn. 3 rms. 733 8. 13th. bath. alee, heat prtv. entr. lls M. Sth. EM 1-41. EM 3 34 CLOSE, ale, clean, corner 3 rm. bath. wu furn. 48 Center VERY ttrac. 2 rm., nlcly fura. II elee, apt . beauty reel bed. Rrlv. bath ft ent. garag. cloae 1. EM 2-730. , FURN. apt, $30, utll. pd..clo in so. EM 2-37H. rHSXPO.. furn. utllsJurn. $$7 N. Liberty. CM Unt ' FURN. Pullman Apt utll Dd.. 1-400. laU M. Bdrm. house. South Salem. Soma furniture $40. - E. A. McGUuflm Agent 333 N. High cm a-aaii 3 BDRM. house fura. inquire 247 Myrtle Ave COMFORTABLE 1-room cottage, muntrv 11 vine. It, mi. city center, gar., water, garbage lncl. Elee. utu.. oil beat leie- phone. $3 mo. EM 4-2789. fnU. turn, cottage, prefer adults no pe's. $30. CM 4 4195. NICE 1 bdrm. house gar., nr. atoro, bus. Gen. ft Stale Hos pital. Inq. 1003 Park Av. 1 BDRM. furn. cottage. Inq. 1210 N. th. No children. MODERN 9 rm. furnished house. EM 2-054. 1 BEDRM. elee. heat TV ant N. Cast EM x-eetn. 710 Wonted to Rant He YOUNG eoupl A- Infant need 2 bdrm. home, ne oisi. maxi mum rent. SS5. Call j;M 2-1754. EXECUTIVE wants 3 bdrm. rental, unfurn. Newer noma, family or party rm., Canda. laria or Salem Heights. Will pay $11$' up. will bond. refs. Call EM 19631. , BY Owner: 2 bdrm. neat home. on l-3rd A. N E. Make offer on dn. pym't EM 4 5843. EM Jo3r JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR LET u solve your horn need. To buy sell or rent call EM 4-5743, 1211 Edgewatee. CM 4-774. 271 So. Commercial. SUBURBAN SACRIFICE This lis vr. old well built 3 bdrm. bom, with fireplace at aire liv. rm.. aep. dm. rm., lg. kit with eating space, inside utll. rm., plus oversize attach, gar. Trees, shrubs, lawn put in by landscapes Approx. 'I A. Level land, close to Sen's., Shopping. I've been transferred, need quick sale bow. Price $11,930. EM 2-393. SALE or trade 2 bdrm. dbl. gar. 5430 St. Croix. EM 4-4221 bo- fore 1 JO or inq. 1493 Larkspur Lane. By Owner. A LOT OF HOUSE 1ft RE. Near ly New 1 bedrm. with l1, baths, dbl. garage. Inside util ity, lawn ft shrub hi. Kilchen with nook, dining room. Lg. Living room. Only $12,951. Wait Jones Eve. EM 4-015f $130 Dn. Only $13. SOS. 2 bdrms. ft FAMILY room with built-la OVEN ft RANGE. l' bath. Lota of Knotty Cedar Paneung. Ceramic tile bath. HERE IS A BUY. Mrs. Job Eve. EM 4-732. For Call WALT JONES WEST SALEM VIEW FOR TRADE for your 1 bdrm. horn near South Salem High Her I a horn with F u I Basement. , acre of ground with trees ft shrub galore. 1 bath, wall to wall carpet. 3 fireplaces. THE VIEW IS SEN 8ATIONAL. 414 950. Mrs. Well Ev. CM 2-1738. ARE YOU CANDALARIA OUND if so Call Mrs. Jones to so her besutiful 3 bedrm. NEW home with center entry, 1 fireplaces, buUt-in Oven and rang. 2 pains, outsioe pstio. Dining rm. FLAGSTONE fire place. It's Rustic. Call her Eva. EM 4-7832. CHAMPAGNE FOR A BEER PRICE. 1 bdrms. FAMILY room, 3 fireplaces, 2 baths, atl. ahwr., paved ata ft curbs, lie. dining room. 413 400. Mrs. Wells. Eve. EM 2-373. YOUR REALTOR ISO N. HIGH PHONE NITE OR DAY EM 44157 REAL ESTATE SINCE 1S43 North on Lancaster ABOUT one A. Walnuts, cher ries, applies ft grape. Cut 1 bdrm. horn and garag. Plenty water. S480 Terms. East State St. To Corners. 1-3 A. Cut 2 bdrm. home, att garag. Outside fireni. ft patio. Hie looking Art Madsen Realty 132 STATE EM 3-5584 KM 2 -St 12 EH 4-043 Caoee to New Farmers Ins. By owner: a bdrm. ranch type noma, Lisa aq. rt nr. area, dbl. bath, plaster ft hdwd. fir, tbrougboat, lg. kit, with lata of birch bulltbis, full price. Sil.sa. terms, cm 4-ji. 111.73. Almost flnJahed 3 Dorm, ar ramiiy room nam a blocks from city limits Hurry lank bow lt baths, one off the master bedroom, panelled family rm. ft pan elled living rm.. birch kitchen, this woo t last Can Gen Ped wU eve. ph. EM 2-777. Beautiful Orchard Heights View Bidg. bites 11 acres, roads on two aides, ample water avail able. One of the few remain ing view properties close in to Salem. Must ace t appre ciate. Call Eastridge, eve! ph. KM 3-23. Neat Clean ft comfortable . This nice 2 bdrm. horn is In a very desirable neighborbood. cloee to bus etc. Has bandy kitcnen witn aung area, din ing rm. ft living rm. with fire place. Nice abed bedroom with ample closet space, also stairs leaaing 10 noorea attic which would lead Itself to an other bdrm. or sewing rm. Attached garage, nice wall kept yard, ft only $900. CaU Ron. . Kraus, eve. ph. XM 1-541. REALTOR- 31 N. Church St. Ph. CM 4 471 JUST LISTED $9,504 TRADE your 3 or 3 bdrm. for this clean ft compact 4 bdrm. with lovely yd. in En glewood. Call Mrs. Miller to sec EM 4-4494 Eves. EM 3-042. M0RNINGSIDE DISTRICT Only 4 blka. from school, lovely, neat ft roomy 3 bdrm. with frpl. ft patio, lg. lot on paved Street. This lovely horn cn be bought for only $12.96 with a reasonably am all da, pymt or wul trade for 3 bdrm. home) close in. For mora in form srion call Geo. J. Patmv CM 4-4494 Eve. ZM 4-l8. ALLEN C. JONES REALTOR 317 COURT PHONE EM 4-4494 YOU'LL NEVER get a hump in your back doing the yard work here. Small lot (48' X 44') with English style 2 bedroom and basement home. Bua by the door lard market within on block. Excellent condition Inside ft 1ut. Ideal for couple or smsll family. Reduced to ,000 for quick sale. $1,000 wlU handle. CaU Tom ragan. KM S-S82S. Ives. EM J-7J04. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR 191 SOUTH HIGH EM 2-8629 3 BDRM. mod. house Areata. Calif, for Salem property or noua trailer, em 4-ire. 2 BEDRM. furn. hse. on Hwt 101 at Florence. Ore. Consider trade. EM 2-113 eve. "ilfileelai &&"L LOTS OF ROOM FOR GARDEN Neat euburban 2 bdrm. home Owner transferred out of State and very anxious to sell. Here is your opportunity to buy good home at a bargain price. 17500. Convenient to school and transportation. CALL J. E. LAW-Ev. Ph. EM 2-9113. $8990. ATTRACTIVE HOME IN KEIZEK DISTRICT 2 ige. bdrms. Lota of closet and stor age space. Vary modern kitch en. Attached garag. 10 x 40 concrete patio. 84 a 133 lot Don't wait See this ana now. CALL O. V. HUME Eve. Ph. CM 3420$. I UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE Only 2 blocks nam Stat Buildings. No better location in Salem. Plenty of ground for additional development Pric 127.404. CALL WALT 8OCOLOFSXY Cve. Ph. EM 1-8839. DO YOU HAVE A MORTGAGE to trsde on income propertyt This fine Triplex South will accept a mortgage lor the down payment. FuU Price is $17,300. and Income is $179 per mo. 1 bdrm. units and BK-ely furnished. Cafb baa a CAl'mRS. RICHARDSON Ev. TO. CM 4-SM4. GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 180 LIBERTY ST. S.E. PH. EM J-1471 & $1133 la all that Is, being asked for this ranch style home be cause owner must sen. Has 1 bedrooms, a eomforuoi, cneer ful living rm. with corner fireplace This dandy lot is $5 x 14 and you are Bear new Judson Jr. High School. Ha had FHA commitment of 111.300 tor loan ao can be purchased on ex cellent terms. Call Dale Rayburn, Eva. EM 3-3049. $17,00 is asking price on this cloae to town English style horn witn charming rooms, expensive wau-to-waii carpeting, dou ble plumbing. Has very neat amaller basement oil furnace. Lovely yard, landscaping. But by door but you can still walk to town without much effort. Owner will carry contract good term. Call Dorothy Deal, Cve. EM 4-3631. $17,500 for this lovely Candalarla home Including drapes. Hss separate dining rm. and exceptionally nice kitchen, large utility rm. ceramic tiled bath and extra bath. Lovely cov ered patio with privacy This lot is 83 x 150. Double garage. A home well worth aeeing. CaU Edith Andrews, Eve. EM I-7S49. EQUITY in house ft lot In Sa iem for dairy stock, good truck or acreage la Shaw area. Ph. after p.m. week days Salem s-sr . Anytime weekends. 8f8 Wanted, Raol f$tara 1 A. NEAR CLEAR LAKE EM 4-7490 850 Automotive 851 NwCara OPEN for bids. New unlicensed 1957 Chrysler New Yorker 4 ar. nsratop ft 4 dr. sedan. CaU EM 3-418. 8a2 Used Car Far Safe THREE FINE BUYS 56 Chev. V-a Bel-Air hardtop cpe, radio. . 11895 heater. powergllde. has the power packed engine, equipped with tinted glass, spotlight, undercoated and finished in ivory ft black. '57 Chev. Station Wagon $2095 here you are, aa economy cyl wagon with plenty of room for the family, ha heater, defrosters, wind shield waahera. ate. and thle wagon carries tba 1 pear warranty 50 Cadillac 62 sdn $585 for the ear buyer who wants aomethlng extra nice mis is 1 or you, nnianeo in aoiid blue and has radio, heater, hydra, windshield washers, fog ft backup lltea, plus many other Cadilla. extras. Capitol Chevrolet UNION k COM'L EM 1-3175 '34 Ford V- Custom ranch wgn. Radio, flea ter, at auto, trans. win accept trad ft finance. EM 3-037 after 4 p.m. I Dir.) SELL either IMS Olds 4 dr. hardtop 41. 34. or 1941 Olds 4 xt. peneet sous. EM 4-4714, 853 Aula Fart 6 Rpir BALES Brady Used Auto parte AU makes of ears, at oargain price, see Bob or nance at Yard. 197 Cherry Ave. EM 4-1X23. 9i4 Trucks, Trail, far safe' 1S3S FORD Pickup, good buy at eivw. ess a.jiiaa. 3 D 39 INTERNATIONAL fist- neo, 2-ipead Eaten axle $200. Ph. Independence. 14 FORD V-S i, T. pickup $39. abas s-sse. Auto leasing 6 Berttah AUTO LEASING MOST 34 MODELS AVAILABLE NOW. CALL US TODAY AND DRIVE A NEW CAR TOMOR ROW. YOU CAVE MONEY WHEN YOU LEASE FROM WORLD WIDE AV1C.RCNT.A. CAR SYSTEM 32 N. COM'L PH. EM 44933 USED CAB VAE.UGG "57 OLDS HOLIDAY SON. " 4 dr. hardtop, thie ear ta in show room condltioa ewRh it's gleaming White Uniah ; with Black ft Whit Interior, full power equipment as eluded for your driving aaee. for comfortable drtvina? aea IO IB SBHB ... .. . hydra. 858 Motorcycles DOES YOUR MOTORCYCLE neea repair? Heas. rata Scott's Motorcycle Center, 11 Mission, em 4-4933. NO DOWN PAYMENT on aDDroved credit 1032 Harley 123 111 ma iM3v Norton scrambler $17 mo 133 Matchless twin .. $2 mo SHROCX'S CYCLE ft MARINE 137 Highland EM 1-142 882 Hotts Traitors 40' ROLLOHOME MOD. 1940 LANA AVE. 1590 S. COMMERCIAL PH. EM J 366 MUMLLtsaLlI i !f GATEWAY TO STATE PAHK. v I " ?K .;6opo. PtAct td Live. j?'f7 riPA7. V-'-l LOW DOWN PAYMENT. 0-ner ba moved and wul accept a down payment to fit jroir neeos. inis is a goon, clean nous In fine condition. Fire place, outside patio, 1 extra large bedrooms, oualrtv hard- wood floors, garage, i n a i d utility, efficient kitchen. Only a years old. Makt an offer on down payment and term. Call Jim Smith and see why this Is buy at only S9.000. EM 4-4175. Eve. EM 4-779. 605 CHEMEKETA OFFICE PHONE EM 4-6875 SELL or trade: New 3 bdrm. So. extraa lor 1 bedrm. or trailer hs. car or pickup. CM 4-8923. By OWNER 4 bdrm. Cape Cod. full basement hdwd. firs, tile bath, oU furnace, consider trsde. 3093 N. 19th. til. 900. $250 dn. $4 mo. to qualified buyer. EM 2-4412. LOOK 1 I ACRES ON PAVED HIWAY CLOSE IN. VERY GOOD SOIL 2 BEDRM. HOME. BASE MENT. Bam. 2 chicken houses, machine shed. Price $10,900. Eve. EM 2-1744. SALEM PROPERTIES JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 37 N. High EM 4-3482 MR. OWNER I Glen Woodry wul pay ion pne ior your rum. ft appliances. EM Ml 10. 714 BMina Rental BLOCK bldg. 50'xion' for ga- rage, warehouse or macain shop. EM 4-84. 90 SQ. FEET, store or office par m weeigavs snooping Center. s mo. EM 3 7431. STUCCO building 40' by r. IF doors, concrete floor, ravea slreets. Inq. 139 13th St.. SE. 132 STATE Nr bank. 20xS ft for business, cm j-uvu. NORTHGATE ADD. 3 bdrm- dbl. gar.. 2533 Edge- wood. (11.300. 3 bdrm.. dbl. garage. 2483 Wood daw Ave.. $18,700, exc. const. CM 2-7520. NORTH East Suburban well built 3 bedrm., 2 baths, dbl. garage. l431Brenner. ESTATE PROPERTY $ BEDROOM house, 2 baths and full basement on large lot, located at 333 S. Liberty St., Salem, Oregon. Call Sa lem EM 2-M3 or EM 2-8094. 780 Maying asSror9 $304 DOWN, $8,700 balance on FHA terms. 4 BO rms.. 5 yrs. old, large lot. nr. bus ft schools. Call owner, EM 3-3309 I arrrwr Transfer k Storaa COMPLETE m a I n f service Alao agents for BF.KINS Ma ttonwlde Mervara. cm j-uji. 800 Real Estate 801 8aiiea Opptimm. FOR BALE, bakery route truck. EM -a. SERVICE Station for lesse. Ap prox. Suo atveniarr. hoc. on Portland Rd. CM 3-333 after a p.m. , FOR BALI: Feed mill ft dead cleaning warehouse, gooa val ley town, g e o 0 ouaini Warehouse on pnv. property with RR siding. Good equip, also top Una feeds ft fertil- wriss aea las, wes-vaia, Oregon. TRADE this mod. sub, home, 4 onrms. tor anyuiing insi 1 . CM might us. Terms. 2-5099. MORNINGSIDK. 3 bdrms.. 2 frpls.. dsyllt bm'tEM 2-835 BY OWNER. 3 bdrms., lerge lot". East S8.S90, term. CM 4-7749. 3S30 Midway Dr. SM. S bdrm. ha . Gar.. 44.300 $30$ dn CM 1-00. CM 44113 i' BEDRM ha. wiU take car. truck, fishing, hunting, or (ha equip, equal b $30. bal ance $4,r7, $5 me. House lac. ' ml. North Hopmere, move right In. EM 8-1044. FOR SALE by owner, 1 bedrm. nome witn gar. onwn, m u price 83.790. $58 mo. EM 4-4518. BY OWNER 3 bedrm. dining rm., liv. rm. utu.. garage. $2.10 down, full pric $4,250. $5 month. EM 4-431. SOUTH Clean spacious 2 bdrm. home, large lot garden re, large ttv. rm., saparass ata. rm, $8,938. CM 44108. TIGHT FIT BUT ONCE YOU'RE IN. there's lots of room. What at moan is. they lust barely got the house on the lot (not much grass to mow), but inside you find a three bedroom home with a 14x20 living room, full dining room, a kitchen with a roomy breakfast bar, a large utility and everything to max on comfort bM. Just $ year old. close In. $11,300. CALL EM 4-6768 Eve: Boa Cleary EM 3 993 Ted Morrison, Realtor 380 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-474 ON this fin 1 bedroom bom. Beautiful yard. Fruit n.d shade tree. Dining room. Utll. ity. $10,300. Terms. INCOME CAFE and apartment house near wiuamene university, nnmiio be good investment for $17,. 00. Terms, too. IDEAL FOR COUPLE NEAT. ' clean 2 -bed room home. Wall-to-wall carpet Oil floor furnac 40-foot garag -workshop. $7,950. Term. TERMS -TO SUIT ON this 1-bedroom home on dandy lot with trees. Utllitv. Garag. Near bua and school. $8,500. Good terms. ' BUSINESS BUILDING WITH 1-bedroom Uvtng quarters. aiso iouroom noma, x-car rag. $14,100. Terms. May noma in traae. UNITS ALSO nice ham for owner. This is line piece of prone rtv. Partly furnished. 445,000. Terms. Will trade. RAMSEY REALTY 427 FERRY EM 4 -3381 Eve RM 2-St. EM 3-7713. EM 1-921. CM 4-009 ''iirJfSiiirtsgsa, fSi.y - THIS COULD BE IT! Small Investment or horn for couple with small income. Good sized lot on 1 Close to city center, busine district shopping, ft schools Tske a look at It. EASY financing $4,250 VICTOR H. SWORD REALTY 139 S. Liberty EM 2 $05$ Eves. EM 1-8Q4 rm and bath, wired for range, nart'oascment plastered. ronttmwiua foundation, null lot. Livable but needa aom repair. $275 down - $ 3.7S0 St. acre. S rm and bath, all one floor, cloae In. wired for range, etc. $30 down $ 4.750 S acres dose in. all cult Good S rm and bath, other bldga. Thi 1 a dandy. Trm T S.500 About 2 acres. Good family-sized 7 rm and bath, close In. cement foundation, etc. Good-sized chicken house. paved road, nice tree. See this. Terms $ 7.900 4 acres tt cult. drilled weU. 7 rm bouse, wired for range. else, water neater, zz xan new cniexen nouea. amau barn. etc. Term - $ 8,$S $4 acres on year round etream, irrigation about 40 acre, about au acre cult., oaiance pasture, nearly new rancn "500" MOTORS AU Cars Under S4M T90 No. High CM 4-714 S3 Buick 2 dr. sag Ford Crestline S dr. $38 '$1 Stud. Starlit Cpe. Chev. Bel-Air Cpe. $19 '4 Ford Clb. Cpe. 1 owner-1 19 U Dodge Cpe, 1U ew$ 93 dWoas from Uptown Dilssla W Trade for Anything style horn strjctly modern, circulating fireplace. Good barn B7 X7tr, excellent xor aairy or oeei stock or peana. 1,000' irrigation fystem goes with place . SM.S30 W have other listings. Call or writ for listing bulletin and nictum folder. H0MESEKERS AGENCY MASONIC BUILDING Phone TRinity 3-7161 SILVERTON. OREGON WHY LIST WITH US? 1. Five experienced salesmen to serve you. 3. Competent closing eervlce. 3. Well rounded advertlsmg pro gram. Diversified financing. We need homes, business ft farms to sell. Ohmart & Calaba, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone EM 8-411$ EM 1-4 VI 4 SOLD! SOLD! Piuueitv Lnrtrng Needed I S Liberty EM 4-447 Eves em a-aoi, cm a-aiaa. REALTORS TREES, PATIO FAMILY ROOM This Besutiful NEW residence Is located on tra covered lot m delightful neighborhood of quality homes. Covered patio 2 full baths, family room. maasiv corner fireplace with raised hearth, economical comfortable baseboard best duality everywhere, tU ga lore. One look will tall you NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Call m day or night! DOM EM 4-0492. P S. Believe II or aot, th pric Is only $11,990. 4 BEDROOMS 3 FULL BATHS This horn has EVERYTHING I Full daylight basement with finished party room. Paneled living room with beamed ceil ings, ultra modem electronic kitchen with built-in appli ances. FamUy bath. Master bdrm. bath. Partv room bath. Its LARGE. It's NEW and crammed fuU at QUALITY I It eaa ba your for ONLY $17, SO. Immediate possession I Call DON BELLINGER, EM 4-1394, Eva. EM 4-0493. mm 1890 FAIRGROUNDS RD. LOTS NEW 8 bdrm., att gar., many extraa. So. on pvmt $10,000. Convenient terms. EM 3-010. BDRM., Kerrer. 1-3 A $140 Chohslia $4,409. EM 3-4793. NEW FOUR BEDROOM IN SOUTH SALEM. This nw horns, not completed yet should be Investigated early. It's on an SrrxlaO' lot. Has I bsths, built-in oven ajnd range and has a good floor plan. A good value at $19,950. CALL EM 4-6766 Eve: Mrs. Fanning EM 4-409 Ted Morrison, Realtor 240 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4 4748 SALE or Trade: Mod. Mt. home cabin. 2 lota, Detroit, ur. $8500. stateeman-Journal Box 191. MAKE Cash offer on 2 bdrm. home. 343 Illinois off center St. EM 1 145 IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE Lge. 2 fSIrm home, bsmt Poa- aibw 3rd bdrm. 4 pet wan. Lew daw payment CM 8-771 3 Lot in Keixer $750 ft $450. View lot in Canadalaria. 100' x 175' Lot off 21st near Chcm eketa $2,000. SPECIAL A real nice home an Englewood Addition shown by appointment only. MMS & -SKINNER 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORRTGAGC LOANS TELEPHONE EM 3 P217 EVES: EM 1-738 or EM 1-3077 ESTATE PROPERTY Property located at 1059 N. 20th St.. Salem, ior sule In estate. Shown by appointment. Ar range appointment bv calling Mr. Lola Bellinger. EM 3 3242 Submit blda at office of Rho ten. Rhoten Sprerstrs. 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon. CHEAP Older typ horn. 4 bdrms. Liv ing rm., dining with built in buffet. Garage. 1 blk. to school City bus. Outside frpl. Low down pmnt Priced to sell. Only $8,900. Call EM 3-4234 Eve). Ed Schroder EM 3-729. Kelly Owena EM 1954. P. E. Hicks EM 4-4990, J. F. Short EM 4-1447. Oregon Development Cmrmanv (Realtors) 31 CHURCH ST. NE EM 3-9234 Ford "500" FAIRLANE aadaa, her Is a nk new da with only 11.004 miles, kt finished in Tu-ton Black and white with match ing interior, ba th special Thtsndorbird engine, plus tint ed glass, power steering, ford omatlc. and radio, boater, thi will make a fine family car, full price $329$ WILSON'S Caemeketa at Commercial EM 4-3711 WANTED: Used 1$ ft. XanaklU. reasonable. EM 4-480. '37 ALL metal 13 ft sleeps $. aauu equity. CM x-essn, TRAILER TOWING Or., Wash..-Calif. T JAYHAWX TRAILER CONVOY 34 Portland Rd. EM 4434 ELL ar trade for tractor, 27" trailer baa. EM 8-78. TRAVEL TRAILERS Trailer Homes We have it IS TO 50 FEET I' AND 10 WIDE U down. $ yaara Sa pay EARL MALM TRAILER SALES Silverton Rd. EM 4-7127 56 OLDS HOLIDAY SDN. 4 dr. hardtop, power atssr ing. power brake, radla. hester, hydra, beautiful White ft Coral finish, tu ton Brown interior. It' pleasure to drive, low mil age. aee this one tor aalxt $293. '55 FORD 4 DR. V-4, radio, heater, Ford-O-Matte, White and Oreea finish, for an outstanding deal see this $1391 54 OLDS 4 DOOR "88". radla. heater, yoa can easily span money for a used car. but Veu'U search a Jong Mm before finding men) eaf than this. Red ft Black Old. ouV etandlng car 0 M $119 REMEMBER! If i ts from LODER'S ITS DEPENDABLE; Loder Bros. Co. 481 NO. HIGH TM VtV&l 'S '41 LASALLE SEDAN EM 8-139 Iter 4 p m. A GOOD buy. '34 Mercury 1 dr 1 tone, white side walls, 27,000 true mi. au extras. Excel. cond. Can before 10 a.m. or after p.m or weekends. EM i-seut. 57 FORD Frln. sport cpe.. ford omatic. Lots extras. Before or after 4. EM 1-8744 BY OWNER '32 Chev. panel, ft 37 rora station wagon, excel. bargains. EM 2-9241. 49 LINCOLN sport sdn. On owner. Good for another 8S.00 mL Only $300. Ph. 154J1, Inde pendence. 53 CHTV. sdn. deUvery. CM 4-3425. eng. ft Urea, s. EM 149$. 81 MERC, new Ress. 930 Harris, '56 RAMBLER WAGON, One owner, low mileage, eicet. cond. consider trad EM 4-412 Wanted a vacant lot For the equity in this 2 bdrm. home in tne noiiywooa aisvici. Price 35500. E. A. McGlauflin Rltr. 333 N. High EM 2 Mil EM 3-812 807 Apt'$. Court for Sala 4-PLEX with extra lot Excel lent returns, em i-iuo. SMALL apartment house, close an, gooa in com a cm -aei. 810 Farms For Sale WILL trad 4 acre west of Philomath for suburban Salem properly. EM 3-3014, NORTH location. Only $.4250. Located 210 N Front. Low down payment. pel- int. Look it over. EM 1-7.1 or EM 4447a. Y OWNER 3 bedrm. plus den, util. attch. gar. acre, fruit ft berries, storage has., chicken hse., tool shed. Sub urban East $0,900. EM 4-0297. 173 A RIVER bottom soil. 139 A. Irrigation, ideal for raising corn, string beam, mint, strswberries, and etc. Dandy Irrigation system goes. Settling stal. Pric $75,000.00. For nartlrulars call Oregon De velopment Co. EM 3-923 Eve: Kellv Owens EM 3-M or EM 4-430,EM4-1847,EM 3-7829. BY-Owner: Very best of rolling land. 10 Acres, east, near Frultland. Mav sell 9 A. Price la right. WU1 show anytime. EM 4-9888. 10 ACRES JUST LISTED. 10 acr tract nesr Ststa Farm Ins. Bldg. with nice home and several outbuildings. Full variety of nut and fruit trees. There is 900 ft. of trsckass on S. P. railroad. A pleasant home and acreage now with good future industrial potential. Price $29,000. Will tak suit able Salem horn In trsde. Cell Mr. Wood or Mr. Jacob-sen. Jacobsen & Keene REALTORS PH. EM 4 22113 1255 State St Eva. Ph. EM 8-071 eg EM 4-9421 LOOK HERE 1957 pontine Hardtop Cat. All rswsr. win sen or trad lor moat anything of value. CaU EM 44988. TRAILER SALES PresIflVehtory Sale Your Best buys m Mobile Home. w anu trade ror earytami Lew down payment year i Ban ring. Th Floest Names la Mobil Homes VENTOURA H0METTE NASHUA TERRY SOONER OPEN T DAYS A WEEK OPEN EVES. TIL ( PM. 40 No. Church EM om Meier ft Frank WILL trad my nib. home tor late model trailer aa. em 2 5093. 900 Display Gaga, 1951 JAGUAR-XJC 120 coupe mack with white interior, en- fin comp. overhauled. 11.293. 454 N. 14th. EM 3-4205. MUST SELL 1 -owner demo. 193 Mercury 4-dr. Turnpike Cru aidr, low mileage, beautiful, beater ft radio, rear seat apeaker, power brake ft steer ing, dual ex. w.w., etc- etc. Call DBS ATlentic 4-471 Portland, or Oregon City 321. (Dir.) 53 BUICTt' 3 dr. Hardtop. Per fect. New tires. $993. EM 3-0583. 33 FORD, 27.000 ml. auto, trans mission, rsdlo ft heater, back up Ughta, $1395. CM 1-5343. 33 MERC. 4 dr! sdn. It you have good credit tak ever my print. $37.43 mo. Ed A. Thompson. Pioneer Shoe Shop. 44 Court. SELL or trade equity in '33 Mer cury. EM 1-9439 aner e:. 57 FORD $00 series big motor, with all accessaries including $ new Dual 9 tires.- Easy terms. EM 3-884. 4 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. new tins, seat covers, b a 1 1 r y. good cond. $293. After 3:30 EM 4-877. 55 FORD VICTORIA Dual exh., solid black, good condition, rest. EM 4-9104. '57 PONTIAC Star Chief Catalina Cpe. Beautiful Kenya Ivory ft Char coal tirey. witn x( np. v-s engine, hydramatic. heater, power stee-ing, brakea, ft seat, wonder bar radio, .-dual rear aeat speakers, electric anten na, dual exaaanta. E.Z.I glass, windshield wisher, only 4500 actual ml, service records available. Save 1st years depreciation. Taggesell Pontiac Co. 880 No. Liberty EM V4113 What is the DKW? It's Germany's most talk ed about miracle car. It's amazing 3 cylinder origin has only 7 mov ing porta. It's remarkable front wheel drive gives un matched - roadabUlty. It it a unique automo bile, precision built with unusual depend ability and long Ufa. great economy of oper ation and low la in itial cost. You owe it to yourself to try this car before de ciding on any European import. LODER'S Foreign Car Center 495 CENTER ST. EM 2-4631 Built in West Germany'' World's Economy Champ"" up to SO miles per faBoa , . LET YOUR SAVINGS OH , GAS PAY FOR THE CAR ONLY $161.00 l)wn--2-Door $225.00 Down Station Wagon $12.85 per week, in- , eluding finance charge " LIMITED NUMBER OF CARS First Come First Serv McKinney 333 Center EM 44171 '57 Pontiae $2795 4 dr. Wagon Super Chief, nail. aoasar. nyara, wane- waiia, year warranty. '56 Pontiac $2295 , Star Chief Hardtop aadaa, radla, aeatar, nyara. power stssiamg ft awake. 1 year warranty. '56 Olds' $2195 . Super M Hardtop aadaa, radka. aaavar. nyara. premium urea, t year warranty. '55 Olds 98. $1995 Holiday cpe. radio, beater. power brake, steering. wx aows ft aeat, 1 Fear warranty. '56 Pontiac $1795 Cbasftala hsrdton aadaa, radia. aoaiar, nyara. l year war raaty. '55 Olds 88, $1695 hardtop coupe, radio. nyara. brakes. '55 Pontiac $1695 Star Chief Hardtop, rsdlo. heat er, nydra. power alas i ing. a leather upholstery, l year war raaty. '55 Pontiac $1395 Hardtop cpe, radia, beat, hydra, 1 year warranty. '53 Pontiac $995 custom hardtop cpe, rsdls. ar, nyara, i p w r 1 year warranty. heater. at SHARP '4 DeSota for sal, sa to appree. EM 4-1871. '97 FORD Fairlan 4-door. safety featuras, $1800. EM 3-7113. 1931 FORD Victoria hardlop. white wall tubaless tires, dual exhausts. EM 4-823$. TBIRD 1937 overdrive, po"f steoring. brakes ft windows, big radio, premium tires. Will accept older car In trade. Call Dallas MAyfair 3-444. SPRING SALE Starts Today 1949 Hudson sedan 8 99 1949 Ford CJub coupe ...8159 1949 Mercury sedan ... $179 1950 Buick Super sedan $199 1950 Buick RoadtTiaster Sdn $239 1950 Lincoln Club cpe. ..$239 1950 Buick Super Sdn't . $349 1951 Ford 2 door . $4 1951 Mercury Club cp. ..$449 1952 Chev styline Dlx .. $599 1952 Pontiac Club cpe . $599 1953 Mercury Sedan ... $799 If you are looking tor car in this pric rang . We suggest thst you Inspect these cers They are much better than you might think tram th price we are asking for thorn. McKinney Center at Commercial ' Salem EM 4X1171 , '53 Ford V-8, $895 Victoria coupt rmOU, hlm and ovtrdrnr. '52 Chev $545 Styline Deluxe, sdn, radia, baS cr, ft powerglid. They're all TAGGED-TO-&ELL AT Taggesell PONTIAC CO. 660 NO. LIBERTY EM 2-4 1U 850 Automotive 862 Hout Trailer JUST $875 FOR 1958 ALOHA Vacatibn Trailers Earl Malm Trailer Sales MS Silverton ltd. IM 4-713T SEIMP trailer dolley, llks aaw. $23. 4iw foruan na. is'lBONWOOD Trailer Hse. Good cond. $33. 441 E4ga water. EM 3-0119; TRADE equity 1 bdrm. house for ay-is trailer. . e-aair. 47 KEN SKILL W't ft.. Ha Bowl Prlv. party. EM 3481. 90 DN DF LUXE sfODrt Exc easd. ate eruaad AaV narking, UpltoT 1