12-(Sec. II) Sttesman, Salem, Ore., Thurt., Feb. 20, '58 y CHIC YOUNG Thursday's, Television Log KOIN-TV. ; EGW-TV. ; KTTT. U: EVAIeTV. U HOUR 7KOIN AFTT 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Capt KangaroolCapt Kangaroo Capt Kangaroo; Grant Holromb Omi Preaeat iOmi Pmat 8 9 OI!t Ladle Fair iLadle fair iCartoon Tim (Cartoon Tim R; W IPrayer Hymn C artoon Cluh Cartooa Club kVPTY Today Today Today Today IOIK 4oui Coamop. iLov of Ufa Search Totnor. Guiding Light KUW Telescope (Telescope ITelescop Telescope KPTV fx Tac Doughiric Tac Dough Could Be You Could Be Yu Thursday Television Highlights K0IN-TV (Channel 6): p.m. Araeehaar Tkeatrt Gforle- Nader stars Boundary Line." A misplaced fence throat friendship of an Indian 101 GW ftrTT HI Neighbor HI Neighbor .At World Tur.a WorM Tuma Mnnunc Movie 'Momma Movie 'Morning Movie (Morning Movie Start 11 iStag 12 ITreasure Hunt Irrcaaare Hunt 1 ton Beat the Clock Beat the Clock .House Party ftouaa Parry r.w Morning Mora IMorning Movie iworkahnp wnrkannp PTV Prica la Right Price u Rigbt 'Kitty Foyte (Kitty Foyl KVAL ' Kitty Joy I I Kitty Foyla IOIN Big Payoff KtiW Town-Country I a PTV NBC Matinee KVAL NBC Matinee Sig Payoit oon Cartoon NBC Matinee NBC Matinee iYout Vardirt Iwunda Wunda (NBC Matin NBC Maunca Your Vardlct iwunda Wunda NBC Matin NBC Matinee 1 BO UK Brighter Day Stent Storm KOIN Kitchen KOtN Kitchen KGW Telerama ITelerama Telerama Telerama KPTV Quaan lor Day Queen for Day Queen for Day Mod. Romanrai KVAL. Quaan for DaylQueen for DaylQueea for DayMod. Romances 2 KOIN 3arry Moor Garry Moora .Arthur Godfrey! .rthur Godfrey KGW Telerama Teleratna 'Favorite Story (Favorite Story KPTT Comedy Tima Comedy Tim 'Truth or Coni.lrruth or Con a. KVAL omedjr Tune 'Comedy Tune Truth or Con Irruth or Cons. 3 OP Arthur Godfrey' Arthur Godfrey Erf re of Night Edge oJ NifM EGW Market Basket iMaraet Basket rrrust your wueirrusi Tour wu KPTV Aftrnoon The. Aftrnoon Thea. Aftmoon The a. lAftmoon Thea. KVAL Coffee Break Coffee Break Film fair Film Fair 4 Kor Dollar IXrta I Dollar Dotto KGW Bandstand iBandstand KPTV Aftrnoon The. Col. McCoy KVAL Film Fair IF lira Fair I Bar Moon P ion err Club IHigh Time 'Film Fair 'Bed Dunning (Pioneer- Club IHigh Ttine 'Big Roundup 5KOPI Cartooa Tim ICartoon Tima EGW Woodpecker Woodpecker KPTT High Time IHigh Tune KVAL Bif Roundup IBig Roundup j A nr. oh air Tbea.iArmchair Thea. IMlckev Mouse Micker Mouse Suspense Unltd Suspense L'rutd. Rin Tin Tin Rin Tin Tim 6 7 KOTN Newa Sport KGW Casey J one KPTT News-Central KVAL ?pU Weather IDoug Edward Sft Preston JSrt. Preston Casey Jonea ,Newsbeat Newsbeat NBC Nets Mollv (Molly NBC Mew 'Stampede Stampede KOrv Cochise Sheriff (Cochise Sheriff Adventure (Adventure KGW Fish at Hunt !F1sh t Hunt Circus Boy Circus Bov KPTT 'Mike Hammer" I Mike Hammer" ITie Tar Dough Tic Tac Dough KVAL Ha neve Hankeve Star Perform. IStar Perform 8 on Bhrd DiamondRchrd Diamond Climax IClimaX KGW iorro iZ.TO Iteal McCoy IKeal McCoys KPTT Groucho Man Groucho Marx Draenrt KVAL Groucho Mart IGroucho Marx 'Dragnet IDrarnet Dr. Sragnet 9 ORt CUmax irirmax Plavhruse SO (Plavhou M GW Pat Boone ,Pal Boon Navy Lor avy Log KPTT Dr. Hudson' 'Dr. Hudson 'Tenn. Krnie (Ten a. Ernie KVAL Harbor Cmmnd Harbor Cmmnd Tenn Ernie ITenn. Ernie 1KOC Playhouse 0 (Playhouse SO KGW Racket Squad Racket Squad OKPTT Lux Show tt-ui Show KVAL Lux Show ILux Show Plavhous 0 (Playhouse Nihtbeat Tlayhouss) a (Academv The.1 Academy Thea, iWyman Show IWymaa Show IKOPf Showtime on I Showtime on Show time on ! Showtime an f KGW Playhouse 8 Playhouse t Playhouse Playhouse I KPTT Academy Thea.'Academv Thea Academv Thea Academv Thea. KVAL New IDan Smoot 'Jack Paar 'Jack Paar (ester net: Tha lutenaan publlibe In toed faith the aeeerkau asi nam a provided ay radio and TV station, bat because eftUam tea) pntraxa are caaaiH without notitlcaUoa this newspaper caaae be respenstble fee the atea- cy herein I Thursday's Radio Log KtsLM ISM KGAt 1M KBZY 1IM kOCt I? KGW (20 ICON 1S2 FT: Meiacycle EOIS 11J; KGW 1MJ in ens the Wood-brother and a rancher.' 7:3 i.m. I Scarrk far Adven tare Story of a Strang tribe which treats its women on a plane equal to that of a slave. I:M p.m. Climax Gen Raymond-, Terry Moore. James Best, Audrey Totter, and Conrad Nagel star in "The Secret Lovx W Johnny Spain." A movie studio publicity man attempts an un scrupulous press campaign to keep a song-sUr idol's name before the public. m. nayhotue W-Charlton lleston. Hope Lange star in "Point of No Return," from the best-selling novel by John P. Marquand. II: p.m. Showtime ea SU-"War of the Wild cats," starring John Wayne. Martha Scott. A self-assured oil promoter and a quiet cowboy seek the same girl. KGW-TV (Channel 8): 1:M a.m. "What, N Beer?" Buster Keaton and Jimmy Durante in a tany comedy about prohibition. I:M p.m. Tee Real McCoy 1 Gram pa pops the big question to widow Flora MacMichaets. :M p.m. Pat Boone With special guest Peggy Lee. p.m. "Mea ef Bpys Tawi" Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney. The citizens of Boys Town take on a man sized job when they undertake to clean up a brutal reform school. 1:00 p.m. Telerama Movie "Romance of the Red woods." Jean Parker and Charles Bickford. Vio lence and passion among the rugged loggers who fare danger and death every day. KPTV (Channel 12): :M a m. Stage It "The Blessing of the Pets," starring Alma Beltram and Jay Novello. A young couple in Mexico bring their pets and domestic animals to be blessed by the local Padre. I' M nooji NBC Matiaee Theater (la Colar) "Goodbye on Thursday." A newspaper editor falls in love at first sight with the daughter of a linotype operator. ):M p.m. Year Afterwaea Theater-"H Couldn't Say No," starring Frank McHugh and Jane Wy man. A meek advertising clerk wins a senator's daughter. S:W p.m Suspense I'aUmltee "Smoke and Fire." starring Randy Stuart. A young woman returns home to find that local gossips have made her an object of disgrace. 7:M p.m. Mickey SpiUaae's "Mike Hammer" "Letter Edged in Blackmail," starring Darren McGavin. To cover her gambling debts, the wife of a wealthy Long Island businessman agrees to a fake theft of her jewels. :M p.m. Tennessee Ernie Ford Show Edward Everett Horton guests with Tennessee Ernie an effort to prove the country'' television audi ence is tired of the sweet, warm personalities who host today s programs. 1:M p.m. Lai Show (la Cater) Rosemary Cloon- ey's guests will be French comedian and singer Robert Clary and comedian Don Adams. l:3t p.m. Academy Theater "Parachute Battal ion, starring Robert Preston, Edmund O'Brien and Nancy Kelly. An adventuresome survey of the training of Army parachute troops. Streets Become Rivers .rV;- i; Fit H i! : 'Mi. 1 HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 --. -si : ) hi-- v ' Ik'4 ' Mi 4-e . . Mi 'mm 'I 1 1 A VI II sW. 6 KSL.M Val Farmcast iVal Farmeast Val Farmcaat N KG AY rarm New Rorer Carroll Farm Hour Votc of China KBZY RFD Bauer iAI Bauer Farm Hour (Al Bauer KO Newa America KOIN KJork KOIN KJork ,KOIN Klork sr. nii-k Novak iDick Novak iNewa-Novak Dick Novak KGON Wee McGreeor Wea McGrefor We McGrefOTiWee McGrefor 7 8 9 KSLM Hemincway Mus Tlmekpr. IMu. Tlmekpr. N KGAY Local Newa Ijimmv Fidler (Lawrence WalklRofer Carroll KBZY News-Bauer RFD-Bauer Pay Wlllea New rue KOIN KOIN Klock Headlines (Frank Go Harry Babbitt KGW Dick Novak IDick Novak 'Weather-New Dick Novak KGON Wee McGregor Wee McGrefor Wee McGregor Wee McGregor KSLM CUff Engle Family AlUr 'Haven of Rest Haven of Rett KGAY Local New 'Larry Ross Larry Rot jKOAY New KBZY Unci Steve Unel Steve News-WUle jRy WUle Kon C'nuoir NewjiJav Vaule ShtUev Sercn. I Shelley Seren. KGW Dick Nak pick Navak 'iDlcm Novak 'INovak-Karwa-; ' KGON Wee McGregor Wee McGregor We McGregor Wee McGregor KSLM News New Pastor CU Matinee KGAY Roger Carroll ! Roger Carroll IJtmmy Fidler 'KGAY New KBZY News-WUIe I Ray WUle Tlp i Triea ' Ray Will KOIN Petar Mary Howard Miller IHeiea Trent Midmorn new KGW- Breaidast Ciub Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club KGOM Nus True Stry My True Story Bandstand Bandstand KSLM News ITeuo Test Stand. School (Stand. School GAT Roger Carroll a Oarer Dyer I Roger Carroll (Boris Karloff KBZY News ' Ry Wlile Ray WUle I Ray Will , Kon Nora Drake 'Ma Parkin 'Dr Ma Ion )Road of Life KGW Anderson Show Anderson Show Anderson Shew' Anderson Show KGON Bandstand Bandstand : Bandstand . (Bandstand - - Y ,"" . - . - -v ; , - v - 'j c v'j ' - . . .e--. uj jinaais " i an miii r w -- . IKS Kf Kl KSLM Nei Kate Smith Queen f: , V n,nn VMnn Ttinnmr Ufiniut Jlmmr IBZY News-Wllle Hay Wille Ray wine 1KOIN Wendy Warren Mr. Burton Next Door KGW Koftnie Wurtn Konnie Worth 'Konnie Worth KGON Netts-Spotlites Spotlite Reed 'Local New 1KSLM Nes KGAY Rorer CarroU KBZY Kei Wheel 2KOW Km Ne KGW Pul Harvey KGON Nc,.-aaotlne for Day Suaea for Day Fidler Roger carrou I Ray Wille iPat Buttram IKonni Worth I Spotlit Reeds. .News Ton Trade VaU'y 15 15 News Rorer CarroU 'KGAY News New Fli IRFD-Buer (Smorgasbord IWeatner Hep. Come Get It Come A Get It Wank Henry Hank Henry Henry-News 'Spotlit Reeds. Spmin Reeds Spotlit Reeds KSLM Matinee Matinee i Ma tine Marine KGAY RoKie Smith Rollie Smith Jimmv Fidler IKGAY New KBZY News-Brody ISteve Brody .Steve Brody 'Steve Brody IOM Godfrey Tuna Godfrey Tim Godfrey Time 'Godfrey Tim KGW Hank Henry Hank Henry Jim Reeve Jim Reeves KGON News-Spotlite Spotlite Reeds Standard Bdcst !Standard Bdest KSLM Matinee IMatinee ' Matinee Rollie Smith Roilie Smith Steve Brody ! Steve Brody IGodfrey Time i House Party 'Backus Show Backus Show true C nissns 1 I i 2 KG KG j Snnn ril'tfnrn't h0S ANGELES, Feb. II PededrUns cantlouly ftrd Grand unny Vllirurnil ATenue e sth street ta lm Ai'elea during the height of today'! raiDstorni which damped more thai two inches m the cHy before aooa. Street! were turned into riven. More rain wai forecast AP) GAY Rollie Smrth IBZY News-Brody LOIN Godfrey Tima r KGW Backus Show KGOfJ Nes-Cnfssns i Matinee I KGAY Newa (Steve Brody House Party Backus-News 1 Mar. s Family 'Dr. Gentry . KSLM Matinee IMatinee (Matinee I KGAY Rollie Smrth IRollie Smith . lilmmv Fidler , KBZY News-Matinee Matinee TTncle Steve J KOIN B'ckstaie Wife Gil Sunday INwpper WCW Dick Novak (Dick Novak iDick Novak w Nevis-S Star 5-Star Matinee Woman in 7 4 IHemingway KSLM News GAY Round uo Round-uo KBZT Kewa-B dst nd BandrUnd min Art Kirkham Hi There KGW Dick Novak Dick Novak KGON Fash. Rhythms Fash Rhythms Fash. Matinee KGAY News Unci Steva Newspaper Novak-New Her Pepper You en Story Prince ifMory Prince Rolli Smith KGAY New Steva Brody Stev Brody 'News-Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Dick kovak Novak-New Rhythm rsh. Khytnm 5 KSLM I P. M. Frolic S P. M. Frolic Mew Report 'News KGAY Rolli Smith IRollie Smitn Rollie Smith IKGAT New! KBZY News-Police 5 Pjrf. Rush 5 P M. Rush INews rile KOIN Ed. B Murrow News-WUir Tom Harmon "Frank Goa KGW Dick Novak Dick Novak John Daly Nws'Anderann KGON News Inbound 'inbound 'inoound Unbound 6 KSLM Bill Brundiga Farmcast New IVirgil PinUey KBZY News-Sports I Alex Dreter Morgan Beatty 1 Man' Family KOIN Carpenter Lowell Thomas Amoa 'a' Andy Amos 'n' Andy KGW Ed. P Morean Weather. Sots Strr Time IStarr-New KGON News-Music Music iMorgan Beatty 1 Man's FamOy 7 KSLM Gabriel Heater F.ddi Fisher KBZY New Shwcaae.Showcaaa KOIN News-Melody jMelodv KGW Starr Time IStarrTlm KGON News-SUrdust IStarduit H S Report Band Concert i Showcaa Showcase Hobt o Lewla RoM g Lewis 'Strr Tim IStarr-Newt INI (NlghtUn Jightlln 8 KSLM Whbrtlln Tune Whist 11 n Tune rWhistlla Tune "Whist I in Tuim KBZY Stardurter ISUrduaters (NighUine INighUin KOIN News-Draper Rusty Draper World Ton it lNw-Wther KGW StrrTim SUrr Time iS'arr Tlsn IStarr-Harvey KGON Nightlin INightline INighUIn INigtitiln 9KF e KSLM News 'Fulton Lewis Swee A Swing 'Sweet ar Swing I KBZY NlghtUn INirhtlin 'Nigntline Nlghtllne KOIN Round-Round Marvin Miller Ct.iarl r ISttiart rnatev I KGW Starr Time istarr Hrr.e Dance Time Dance Time KGON Family Living Family Living Family Living IFamlly Living Iasi.M Music Music V 'Music KBZY Pacific New .ife World Niattlln I La t Show nKOIN New riuhaa Sport Desk Hunt A Fish ISen. Mora GW Tom Mr-Call ' Dane Tim 'Dane Tim I Dance Tim KGON New Flash lMotly Music Mostly Music 'Mostly Music ' ' $ ' 11 ,.v 1 Lnr, rvt rsLl i l Wow RornrW WASHINGTON, Feb. It Sen. Carl Haydea, 80-year-old Democrat from Mew Cturu Arlxona, grins u be receives congratulations today on the start of his 47th year of Congress. Sen. William Knowland (B-alif.), left, and Sen. Lyndon Johnson "(D-Tex.) offer best wishes to Hayden who hai serred 15 yean In the House and SI In the Senate. The mark eclipses the record of Rep. Joseph "Uncle Joe" Cannon of Illinois. (AP) OewlntWritler. S Spearmint Gum A &a tvelns to keen Yt 1KSLM Detective 'Detective KBZY News-Late Sbw Lata Show 1KOIN News-Show iLate Show KGW Dane Tim IDanre Tim KGON Mostly Muaie 'Mostly Musie Midnlte Mel 1-a's Show ILate Show (Dance Tim 'Mostly Musie Midnlte MeL Let Shew News Dance Tim 'Mostly Musie Radio Station K0AC, 550 kilocycles 10AC (Tkarsday): IS M SJn, The News and Weather; H IS especially far Woeaea Marketing Tips, Zelaaa Relgie; II: Orefoa Srbeel of the Air sLivtag ta Oregon. "Chare sal Wage Bot"; 11 :ls The Cacert Hall; 12 M The New and Weather; 11:1 p.as. Neea Fna Hear; 1: Melody Laae; lrl Oregaa Sessoal of the Air Let" Make Masse; 1:4 The Band staad; 2: Especially for Waasen -Garden Clk f the Air.' Mr. Lee Pewell; t:M Mesaery Book et Matte; t:4t Oregea School of the Air TTaJIwavs t Seieaee, xSease f SajeU"; 3: Oregea Brporter; l:l Masle of the Master; 4:H SperUI Featarei .- Children's Theater; :J Car alval eg Beeks: 1:44 Sere ia Blaa; t:a The News and Wea User; t:l Owing te CeUege; :le Headline la Ckeaslstry; :4s Dinner Mastc; 7:M Capital Starr; 1:1 Bvealn Faras Bear; S: Music of Creehswlevakls; :! rrewch Way of Ufe; l:M Meele That Bndnres; :4S Kvealag Mel--slisst a se. Walter Fmtifsr, ChUdreaa' Farss Hons Chapel; l:o Stga OIL Educational TV (K0AC-TV, Channel 7) THURSDAY, Fskrwary M: I s a.m. Busaaa Development; t:M Flis Tplcs 1:l V. N. Review; l:Ja What That Ward? (Ore(a School ef tkt Ait); It 41 Tk Friendly visuwi y ii meaeiy uiasrt; aagia arway; t:N surviv al: lata Voters Pamphlet af the Air; :l Prenck Through Television; :4t Oelnr to C allege; 7: This It Boaae Eceaosnics; 1:1 Traaaatlaatle Teleview; f .ia Casnpa Faaeraasa; l:H-Siga OH. I Your Teeth I Gean... i I Your Smile I -I Attractive 4 EXCLISTVE FEATtTKES It Seem U Ma o Charles A. Spraga Cemrf Ibe Dawa Cearad Praags Sportslirhlaer Al Ucktaar Areand Tewa o Jerymt CngHak Dtaj'l Lk Now Maxla Bare tbe Brighter Sid eeha Fricksea fffffffft ' The World at Your Door Each Morning - . v a. f . , . TI V2i V - ' , - 'V-lV' v : ,-. vM ' '',';..'Vv 'i t -. .-... Nominee jf, Gordon M. Tiffany, H, Concord lawyer, pictured after announcement that President Eisenhower had namea mm sun fjireeiort, r . . , nainru mm ataii a i rector VGKA0nQ3jkSU&.. of Civil Right Commlsalon.' a (AP) 1 I .idJipiLaPS!' TMg ENOOTMV 5TOPV VwHS NQU DID IT, vVELL-- SMOU.0NT I (lLZ ON TMEOTHEBSlDeOP-IT, YOURSU"i Saw) (T5 STILL) itt (let me do a THINS ) J rJi!i!SZJ!XmK (ANOMOiVLN&VNOl J I YOU CLIP THAT j, V0UH r I LIKE THAT' r- I If COUPON OUT OP V unui it i.iicijrr j I m iori rv rr J I - 7 .. - V J iJLr? 1W WZ&X LwflwW "V9aL Wf K . ' ! .teSwJ IARNEY OOOOll ly HtiD LASWflt Ujf-"Tn -7" I SHORE AM I AW I GOT HALF ( WAAL-YE CAN I WHAT FIR? Tf TOMORRY 1vv- tucsa vai i co TICKLED A BOTTLE VEFTJ V START QIVIN' HE'S FEEUN' A H SITS .0 MMm mm UCK RO0ERS ly RICK YACER TW AtAATlAN HSAAO I A STtmAKIM tMAOOW rWff 0UC -y"" """" ' '"' ' AW TO fMO Trssg" tv p?MDCAwT about 3m.' TMT -SArmLirrml&fm'JH ,v. n jkTWLLrr mNrXretl TMtm 'ANOtWT ? ' . mmf. 1 S jtjp" -- - I f k TOMS SNTrlsl ATBiLLrrw-.' VaTAsr f TMyUkaeno rr ViSrSS . 1 Dwrr-ctwe 'y ipl I bar VII . f I I PI II m. ar tsl " I P. All IF 1 I NT 1 , a alP 1 1 I- aWlV"Y I I I rx 1 X l m -4 i rri-" pu i .nwf??K 2zz itggzwiffsmmiKn Run SAWTIR y ROY PAN I . - V Jl I I r?'"Mll!rT7rmi.witX)lTKU 1 1 4NCJ,THIirB, WKKtMOIT I Z- - W TBef,Y0UH, 11 s.gpCIItOUt,IUTsTOlYiMAlUt " ANXIOUS TO ffCURC OME 1 wiiretmrr,-wiw, w $C(ono, oTwfrivicu wAffiAjKMAWTommrr ronm Ik irrn ntmnr' j wtportr to sn jurr Smmiu1 x tn A6ENTt TO ATTACH IMFflWeM, CfVIClJ l jS r f WANT TO WHAT ITU, fOU" rWTJUT TOTHtitUUi YeWY(HIPSr , JJT,?M-. I I ALARM Tilt i f REST ASSURED, . . j y AtSVY 1 f lJPl tCVjI fOWtwN 1 XUNOTPSIUT p Tz-n GASOLINE Aim y KINO , m Hew do f?ea that pkl Trat nut 1 T Just tha ama, I do my part. ayba Idoouo. (vou.tiaurg that, clockt Ho ffcad ll have, been won't pay. up until itVk I'll haya tha Skcczix 4a But hex Unci. Ffert' A ,it onco and back In tha repaired andmnning boys pick it Up JUDD SAXON y KEN BALD aitd JERRY BRONDFIELD llllll I ammm" asaa. I ....O0 Sf5T aiTOWl. - F f ft,! I JUPQ SOMtrlOW IM AMSTCRPAM, V" 3" TX WsTC WOfXPOIL HAS OeeN Yl ill HOLLAND, WMERt Tn PlAMONPS A r wr own AN IMPCT4i eOMyTJ& OfTTINaaAOKCSULTS.SsFeitiNO) I f Ji SOKW AMP ShiPPIP, SOMtOMt IS 1 IuT fllM tfC MY wiZWti AM0AwtA5 GfrrSTY? Vm sHAsaB AHP THMATtN 10 I ly'll! 17 aA 6VJT TO f 10 OUT ) l' "I1 ICIMY By ALEX RAYMOND " X rlM. I S?S A SYMBOL 1 f PfAT.' JUST A fTTjl I UViHAL HOUKS IATrA ( IH Af?AJP lO HEAR ontH mo KK'Tmiauni l was uxxm )v S I 1 V what rr5AY3. 0H, Mff, KlffBY, X AsiP AeiOTHCst FOR -s?f MY ' WftWAW? TOA XV J THC THANStATION'S 1 aanw V1L PO MOPE rCXJ CAH I rVITM WSMOHP'S ASSiSTAsCC, IAXIH V Jl , FINI5HR7, PRINCESS. A,TwlrT7S DICK TRACY Lf AVIrJfj TUB CrrV HALL, PROCCEO SOJTM ot 9OXJDKH STREET aBSBBBBBBBkk f THEN WlU. WND ' WHERE U OUT AFTER DO WE II we REACM ATTHATTIMK AXTURN Vr3 Sje, MC hW-HINC, ACAIN. NCJBOOViS fi CCHUCi TO UEAB AAre Xil AArCE WTOPMATOrL I'J By CHESTER OOULD j5 MEAMWMILe r wtVe down AnVXTT foj rr, THACV. me IfvSTenXTiaNS OM TVIt MKOflO SAID 61 PeOCINfi. 7 ' 1 vrk m Y