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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1958)
If) Statesman's HOME ranorama Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features Wed at Home Nuptials 6-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed.. Feb. 19, '58 Around Town . . . By JERYME ENGLISH PARTY TIME ... An interesting Celebrating ... her third birth event planned fur Saturday, Feb. day at a party on Tuesday after a is the Martha Washington silver noon was Susan Quisenberry, tea to be given at the Morning- daughter of the Dwight Quisen side Methodist Church . . . call- berrys . . . Special guests were Ing boors are from 2:30 to 4:30 her grandmothers. Mrs. P. D. clock . . . Members of the Mar- Quisenberry and Mrs. H. L. Hend f aret Morange Circle are spon- nckson of Portland. . . others wish tonng the affair and members will ing Susan a happy birthday were be dressed in costume of the per- .trs. a J. Hendrickson and Denise iod . . The. tea table and rooms 0f Portland. Mrs. John Maulding will be decorated with the tradi- and Mariann. Mrs. Lester Green tiooal cherry tree and blossoms and UiXt, Mri Dae ?mc and there will be musical num- Curtis. Mrs. Keith Olson and Diane, bers and a minuet played during Mrs Jaek Holmer ,nd Janke Mrj the atternoon .w,omn are Lloyd Ramey, Karen and Dana, asked to bring their daughters to , Mrs Ahon chamberlain and the tea and to hefp celebrate the Qaro ursi presiaem s uuwiu.iv Visiters feted Mrs. George Frem Misslwlppi. . . comet aewt at the birth af a o, Steven Deag- Larson and Mrs. Colonel Galag at 71. , " " r r m.. -i- ii.. .i.. Alrmaa tt aad Mrs. Doaf Ceas Bay, w ba are spending the . . . . :V u.i !Z v.. j . lea Callaway af Biloxl aa Taesdai week la the capital at the aeme af Mrs. Lyna Lambeth, wttl be baaar aneralng. . . the Taesday baby's grand- wests at a breakfast this meraiag f"""1 Mr- " Mr- """ af Mrs. James T. Braed . . . Oa Tkarsday Mrs. Lambeth will fete her tease (wests at a laacheea at ber Ererfreea Arcane bame I VV .' " ". , ," T"7 V , , r , ?. t "7 a L fhf ir 1 'Si -f4"? 5?v ! " (,.' 1 -. ' J .. Guest Editor aad Mrs. Ralph Schilling af Scie . . . aad the lad's great-grandfather is William D. Galloway af, Salem. . . The baby's arrival mark- The Caas Bay wemea came aerth dM celebratlea at the Galla U attead the tea far which Mrs. " alrmaa. Abaer Kllac aad Mrs. Lambeth who beea sUtioaed at Keesler were hastessea aa Tuesday at Air Base, graduated aa Tuesday Meier aad Fraak's Oregon Room, frem radar aad electroalcs schools VaasaaJ ... and interesting will ( - be la w awaiting assignment be the program to be presented at ta a new bate. . . the YWCA Morning Matinee series 1 It's a bay a .. for Mr. and Mrs. on Thursday . . . Mrs. Palmer Richard C. Nichols of Olympia . . . Sather will show colored slides and the lad arrived on February 12 and give highlights of the Middle East tipped the scales at eight pounds. ... the pictures will give glimpses three ounces. . . he has been of many of the ruins and historical named Mark Richard . . The grand tights of the various countries . . . parents are the pictures also tie in with Broth- W. Wilson of Salem and erhood Week as slides will be ; Charlotte Edgar of Seattle . . . Mr shown of the birthplace of Christ j Nichols, a specialist third class, is Mr. and Mrs Allen Robert Dahl (Barbara Anne Weeks) whose wedding took place recently at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, AAr. and Mrs. E. J. Hallisy. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Jean Meeks of Salem and Harold Meeks of Portland. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Anton Dahl of Silverton. (McEwan Studio). Dinner to Fete State President The West Salem Lions Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Robert Covert, Rogers Lane. Discussion was held regarding the coming SV. J..! presidents banquet to be held mi. ami .'ii v nuireu i, u n . ci.(...-. :. Betrothals of Two Couples Revealed Coffee will be served at 10 'dock with the pictures following at 10.30. . . On Jattiagt . . . Mrs. Geerge AJkea win entertain at a salad knar bean aad bridge party laday at ber bame heaariag ber dob . . . Mrs. WaMe Mills and Mrs. Frank G. Myers will be additional guests Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Askey are far,-h 11 q1 ChQltnr's in hnnnr nf nnnnnnrinff th Ancraoement nf "' the state president. The six Salem their daughter. Wynona Askey, to Lions Auxiliaries are participating. , Delbert M. Bailey, son of Mr. and Plans also were discussed for j Mrs. John J. Bailey, all of Salem, the state convention to be held in j Miss Askey is an employe of the Eugene June 19, 20 and 21. Mrs. Sports Writer Pinch Hits for Food Editor By MAXINE Bl'REN Statetmaa Wamaa's Editor Looking serosa the hall from my office. I see one of the assist ant sports editors with that dreamy look in his eye and which means "what ahall I have for dinner?" This stalwart is a kindred spirit- he is a gourmet 1 Hrst made Us acqtalataorc trer a recipe far Beef Strageaeft, aad alac hart aUscassed many a recipe with him. A good eaok. he daea saacb at the food preparation at home, and because aa taterest lag recipe inspires aim. he's a great help to thla foods editor. Same day I'm foini to ask him to write a story for this departmeat but la the meantime I collected twa recipes from him, and I didn't have to da aay arm-twisting either. Recently Bob Schwartz brought a pot of barbecued beef to the office, so we could all enjoy a late afternoon snack. Having been tipped off ahead' of time, 1 brought, several loaves of fresh home made whole wheat bread. Here is Bob s recipe for a very luscious meat dish: . Barbecued Beef Ah Bob Schwartz 3 to 7 pound rolled rump beef roast 2 tablespoons fat 4 large cloves garlic Garlic powder 3 large onions Salt and pepper Pierce meat and Insert slivers of garlic. Rub garlic powder, salt and pepper into meat. Brown roast in fat and cook in a shallow pan uncovered for two hours at 275 degrees! Cover and continue cooking at the same temperature for four hours more. Let meat cool, slice thin. Barbecue Sauce 1 package onion soup mix 2 cans tomato sauce h cup catsup Few drops Worcestershire sauce 3 tablespoons vinegar Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons mustard Vi teaspoon "Louisiana" hot sauce 1 tablespoon sugar Dash of chili powder Dash of ground cloves 1 teaspoon bottled smoke Make onion soup as directed on package, add rest of Ingredients and simmer. Pour over sliced meat in Dutch oven. Mix lightly and heat in oven at 350 degrees. "Serve on Maxine Buren'i homemade bread." Makes 25 big sandwiches. Sometime later, Bab reported having had some spaghetti aad frem the expression aa his face as he told me, I assame It was good. Here Is the recipe be msde ap far me: Spaghetti and Meat Balls, Schwartz the Mrs. Gearge Weller will pre- vill rt , ,., wk stationed at Fort Lewis with armed forces. Flyiag West . . . today frem Aaa n... Tiirker Interrlnh ehairman Arbar, Michigan are Mrs. Roger reported on the progress. Temple aad ehlldrea. Rebecca aad Mrs. wMari Boehmer. one of Mark, wba will be at the home of the staff of the State Blind School, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Keaaeth accompanied one of the students. Perry, far aa indefinite stay. . . Tom Blair, who talked on the use Mr. Temple is driving West and of the Braille writer and adiust- stae at a bridge lunrbeea this at teraeea far tbe pleasare af her rtah at ber Caadalaria Heights bame . . . Mrs. Hareid G. Maisaa feted her dab at dinner aad bridge Taesday night with Mrs. John Car tas aa additional gnest . . . Grand Counselor To Make Visit The United Commercial Travel ers and Auxiliary will meet at the Salem Woman's Clubhouse at 8 p.m. A degree team of past coun sellors from Eugene will be pres ent to perform the initiation cere mony. All members who have not been initiated are asked to be present for the Saturday's cere mony. The Eugene men will be ac companied by their wives and a no-best dinner at China City will r recede the meeting at 6 p.m. Making his official visit to the Sa lem group will be Andrew Nissen of Eugene, grand counsellor and Mrs. Nissen. Mrs. Edward Boyce, graod auxiliary president, and Mr. Bcycc wi! also be present. The guest speaker at the auxil iary meeting will be Miss Susans Martorani of Argentina, an ex change student at South Salem High School. Kingvaad I'nK. Americaa Legion Auxiliary and members of Post 81 will meet Thursday, Feb. 20 at 6 30 p.m. for a no-host dinner. A social evening wilr follow the din ner. Unit members are reminded to bring a wrapped white elephant gift. Tbe Spiritaal Sunflower chih will meet at the First Spiritual Church, 1320 Madison St., en Thursday between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. A no-host luncheon will be served at noon and new officers will be elected during the busi ness session. WIIXAMINA Marleae Robin son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira McKinley of Willamina. and James Trent Jr. of Cloverdale, were mar ried February 4, in Reno, Nevada. They are now at home on the Trent ranch at Cloverdale West Central Art Association will meet Saturday, Feb. 22 at the Junior High School in Lebanon Lovedy Burkholder, art teacher at Lebanon, will present the workshop and the topic will be water color Ideas. Gaests at the meeting of Eta chapter, Beta Sigma Phi at the home of Mrs. Daniel Ross were Mrs. John Fraelicb of Seattle and Mrs. Walter Haverson. Mrs. All Finn and Mrs. John Button assist d the hostess. The Temples, wba hare beea living in Ant Arbar for several years, plaa to locate aa the eaast. . . ment of children soir.g to public vealing the betrothal schools. Mrs. Julius Meissner as- daughter. Miss Sandra sisted Mrs. Covert with refreshments. Dear Ann Landers FOR IDEAL RENTALS SEE' CLASSIFIED Undisciplined Kids Do Storm Damage By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann: A couple we know has four youngsters. Whenever we see them coming, we want to duck out the back door. Last Sunday when they left, my husband suggested I write to you. The 11 and year old girls tap-danced in the bath tub and chipped the enamel. They also used our combs, brushes and mouth wash, which wasn't too bad. but it proved they don't know how to keep hands off other people's things. The 8 and 6 year olds tore pictures out of our 10-year collection of art magazines. These magazines were in a closet which was locked. The kids picked the lock with a nut-cracker and a pair of tweezers. Tbe parents were highly amused and thought it showed genius. My husband blew his top. Our friends say we have no sense of humor and that we can't appreciate children because we have none of our own. What do you say? A AND P I bare aews far year friends. THEY don't have ehlldrea either. Jadgiag frem the antics af their progeny, they belong fat a tea. Sore It took brains ta pick tbe lock, bat misguided brilliance combined with yoathfnl energy eaa be daagereas. This staat didn't call lor congratulations, it called for punishment. Yaa have a perfect right ta protect year property against fire, flood, harricaae aad undisciplined ehlldrea. Tell your friends they may not bring the kids aver for at least It years. Let's hope for tbe sake of the youngsters that the parents wise np aad clamp daws. When kids are permitted ta ma wild it eaa only meat bad aewt later. Dear Ann: To borrow a phrase of yours, the letter 'from "For gotten Mother" "gets me right here." My theory is these "For gotten Mothers" bring tbe sorrow on themselves. I'D bet there's no path worn in front of their davenports from teenage saddle-shoes. No coke bottles ever graced their coffee tables or mantlepieces. I'll bet no pizza ever sizzled in.their ovens at midnight. Too many parents do nothing to make their sons' girl friends feel welcome in the family circle. If a mother is smart she'll encourage her son to bring his girl friends to the house and treat them with kindness. When one romance folds, she'll do the same for the next girl, on the theory that you never know which one is going to be the daughter-in-law. When your boy gets married. Mom, you don't HAVE to lose him to his wife's family. There's such a thing as not losing a son . . . but gaining a daughter. A MOTHER 'Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper and enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope.) 'Copyright ISiSS. Field Entorpriaet. Inc ) Department of Motor Vehicles and Mr. Bailey is employed with the State Printing Department. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Jones Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holt are re- of their Jones, to William Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Collins of Fall River, Mass. The duo plan an early spring wedding. Miss Jones is a nurse at the Emanuel Hospital In Portland. Her fiance, who is presently serving in the U.S. Navy, will soon be re leased and will continue his school work. 't cup salad oil cup chopped onion 'i cup chopped green pepper J cup chopped celery 3 large cloves garlic, chopped fine or pressed 24 cups tomatoes (No. IVt can) 6 oz. can tomato paste 1 teaspoon salt ' teaspoon pepper l4 teaspoon ground cloves Dash cayenne Dash of chili powder H teaspoon Italian herbt 1 small bay leaf 1 pound spaghetti 2 large cans mushrooms, stems and pieces Heat oil in heavy skillet, add onions, peppers, celery and garlic. Cook until soft 'about 15 minutes). Mix tomatoes, tomato paste and spice, add to vegetables. Simmer until thick, at least two hours the longer the better . Add mushrooms, pour sauce over spaghetti that has been cooked in 4 quarts boiling water. Meatballs 1 pound ground round 'j teaspoon salt '2 pound country sausage U teaspoon pepper 1 large egg 2 8-ounce cans tomato sauce Garlic powder 1 teaspoon Louisiana hot sauce Mix all but hot sauce and tomato, form into balls (there should be about 30), place in an unoiled heavy skillet Pour hot sauce and tomato sauce over meat and cook uncovered in a slow oven (275 de grees) for ltt hours, stirring sauce mixture once in a while. Serve with spaghetti and sauce and garlic bread. This is enough for four big eaters. Announce Way To Help Drain All 8 Sinus Cavities Without Discomfort Niw 'tcoiftstmt tablet for slant cohfestiti tufftrtrt acts kotk to trait, cloztrf tiius tavititi aai relitvi diitrijjirt hcatf pail Kw York, N. Y. ( Special) shrinks the swollen doors to the Announcement has been made sinus cavities and helps drain of a new tablet development awty the pain-causing pressure which baa the remarkable abil- and congestion. Ity to help drain clogged sinus The shrinking substance la en vi tins and thus relieve eon- this new tablet has been ta sue- ' gwatioa and pressure. The head eassful topically in promoting aches, pressure pains, stuffed-np drainage of the sinns cavities bead, natal drip, clogged breath- that it it now prescribed mora Ing -all tbe unrelenting tymp- widely by doctors than any Dia toms the sinus suffsrar knows terial for this purpoee. This new so wsll-are attacked directly medication is now available at by improving drsinag of the drug counters without the need ainus areas. for a nreserintion under the Unt ramarkahU nf all la ttl namf l)ri-tnn"TMct Dritin fact that this is accomplished Tablet eot only for a bot- with extraordinary speed and tie of 24 tablets. Buy nnd use without discomfort of any kind. Dristan Tablets with th abso- Thil new tablet does its remark- lute guarantee that they will able work internally, through drain away pain-causing pret- tba blood stream. It deposits surt and congestion of the sinus into every drop of blood plasma cavities, relieve the pain and a new medication which It ear- distress, or purchase price will lied to the sin as area, where it ba refunded. CLUB CALENDAR Salem Chapter, Wednesday OES no-host luncheon. Masonic Temple, 12:15 p.m. Centralia Temple. Pythian Sisters, Beaver Hall, p.m. Past Noble Grands with Mrs. Leo Weir. 810 Shipping St.. NE, 8 p.m. Ainsworth Chapter. OES. Scottish Rite Temple, 8 p.m. Women's Fellowship, Knight Memorial Church, 12:30 luncheon. Marion County Salon 8 et 40, Marshall's Inn, 6:30 p.m. Willamette University Faculty Women's Club annual dinner, Baxter Hall, 6:30 p.m. Retirement Teachers Association, Salem Public Schools Admin istration Bldg , 1 p m. Sweet Briar Club with Mrs. C. W. Stuller. 1140 Wallace Road, 1:30 p.m. Thursday Kingwood Unit and Post, no-host dinner. Legion Hall, 6:30 p.m. Spiritual Sunflower Club, First Spiritual Church, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.. no-host luncheon. Altrusa Club dinner, Marion Hotel, 6 13 p m. Past Presidents Club, VFW Auxiliary with Mrs. Clarence For bis, 1015 15th St. NE, 8 p.m. American Gold Star Mothers with Mrs. Glenn Larkins, 3140 Lan caster Drive, NE, 7:30 p.m. Finance Drive Coffee ' Members of the League of Wom en Voters will mark the mid-point of their annual finance drive with a "coffee-and" Thursday morning at Meier and Frank's, from 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock. Mrs. Clarence Byrd and Mrs. Berkeley DeVaul are in charge of arrangements. Monmouth, Order af Job's daughters met Monday night with Anita Palmer, honored queen, as conductress. Delegates elected to the grand session in Medford in April, were Jakie Kelly and Margaret Lauennan. Drill practice is in progress Thursday nights after school with Mrs. Albert Sacre and Mrs. Charles Krey assisting, in preparation for drill presentation at grand session. oooooooooooooo famous top quality Bruce Self-Polishing Wax now only 79 a quart This is the very same Bruce Self Polishing Wax that sold for $1.09 a qt The only change $ is the price. Guaranteed equal or better quality l than any brand at any price or monty back I k Why pay more? mini Whv. -W ' '- saaaW H,', - M oSv.;-v. ..V.. - -. -..;-'. FOR FLOORS USE BRUCE Cltmnf Wu Floor Ctanar Asphalt Tim CMtntr Pitta Wu lisaucaeo. oooooooooccooo That's tht word for tho valuta to bo offered THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20 DURING GRANTS INFANTS AND CHILDREN'S SALE Miss Peters Will IJead Lodge Initiation and election of officers highlighted the meeting of Silver Bell Circle, Neighbors of Wood craft on Friday. Officers elected Include Miss Jess McNeil, past guardian neigh bor; Miss Emma Peters, guardian neighbor; Mrs. McNeil, advisor; Mrs. Joe Black, magician; Mrs. Florence Bressler, banker; Mrs. Comer Edwards, attendant; Rus sell Winchcomb, captaia of guards; Mrs. Clara Smalley, musi cian; Mrs. Arena Ingram, inner sentinel; Mrs. Stella Blackerlev. outer sentinel; Mrs. Elsie Long, Mrs. Elsie Miller, Mrs. L. G. Mit chell, managers; Mrs. J. H. Igle heart, press correspondent; Mrs. Maude Croker, senior guardian, Joe Black, flag bearer; Miss Pearl Bairey, recommended for deck. Installation will be held April 2S. The Past Guardian Neighbors club will meet with Mrs. Russell Winch comb on Friday at I p.m., with Igleheart assisting. WILLAMINA Miss Nancy Read was honored with a bridal shower fflven bv Mrs. Jim Khlnlov Mr Elmer Nokleby assisting. Three Birthdays In One Family LYrN-Rlrthltaw iniilnrurlM seemed to be in order at the Perry uipieu noma. Mrs. Clipfell enter tained a group of small boys for Commander to Visit Members of Capital Tent Hive MD Maccabees will meet Thurs day for a no-host dinner. The unit will furnish the meat dish and des sert with members bringing vege tables snd salad. Special guests will be Great Camp Commander and Mrs. George Weber of Port land. Mr. Weber wiU outline and explain the procedure of trie Activ ity Books which the Supreme of fice is sponsoring in commemora tion of the 80th anniversary. their son Martin oa his 10th birth day. Present were Jack Klmery, Pat Knox, Dennis Huber, Mike Walker, Gary Jones and Martin the honored guest. Patricia was honored with a party after school when a group of class mates came to help her celebrate her 8th birthday. Pres ent were Wendy Woodward, Patty McDougal, Rosalie Rohwein, Hel en Grosso, Mary Wilson. Cindy Hurst, Cheryl Pennington, and Cecilia VanAgtmael. Sharon was honored on her 11th birthday. Invited were Maria Craigmyle, ZoAnn Bridges, Caren Hiatt, Linda Schlewek, Barbara Sledge, Peggy Morrison and Cathy Prichard. 3f u your hlh protoln aourc the measure of fashion NEWI J The ntllloM. uiuplHUblo l heel on your Bora-Foot m I pump futures stool rein- I A X I forced Flli-On. hools ... f ?k. J I buy extra replaceable M 7f I hoot lifts and apply Ti f youmtlf when needoa. J kJ blazing across the spring scene adding fire to . beige, gray and navy costumes The dssljing red pump on high soaring heel SI CSS WOMEN'S SHOES-STREET FLOOR The 'Red Shoe' red handbag of polished calfskin by Coronet One from a collection. S1S.SS plus tax LEATHER OOODS-STREET FLOOR , STORI! HOURU-4-- MONDAY 4 FRIDAY: t:30 A.M. TO I PJH, OTHER DAYS: !:.? AM. TO 5:S P.M.