lO-fSec II) Sutesmarir SaTem, Ore., Wed., Feb. 19, '58 Thcyll Do It Every Time wm M-dVS HO R-RUT WE I HATC TO BE Y ALL TflCY HAO TO DO TO W RCSE17V4TTONS FOR Y WW RBST PRIZE V "WE ON TO Y WIN VMS GET iM V 4807 FROM 4 j OM THE FUNNY V TEU. THEM-BUT A T4NK OF WATER WITH AtiJ Tt LEVIS Ol SHOW- HOMfYMOON SHOW.' "Nf FU"WV L OCTOPUS FOP BEST , OU MUST BE MIS- MTWO-WEEKK'STViy 1 HOfJBVMOON FVw MM -gs3 T-AK-CM-BHSIOCS, 4T 0L0R10US SUNKEN SrtCW FOLDED - V"C"TT .TS . WE'RE 4U. FULL UP- ROCMS HOTEL THIS L LAST WEEK-- THE"? PLaNE y M4VBE THIS w- IS THE SUNKENl V. -r RESERVATIONS 1 IS WI?T OF yfF II (?oa, 4iNrrr?y wW wece fouled up, I the as-wheM Ml L UJ- l TCOI THINK TMEV l?E LET OUT "- j m m i , rr7.T.v. ...,, .T7...... Prep Foxes Lose To Cascade SILVERTON, Feb. 1$ 'Special) Cascade's Cougars moved into a tie for third place in the Capital Conference here tonight with a S-41 victory over the SUverton Silver Foxes.. . The win gives Cascade a league mark of seven wins and four de feats, the same record held by Woodburn. Ron Whitehead scored 22 points and Si Whitehead added 16 for the Cougars in their triumph over Sil vertoa. Jim McKillop was high for SUverton with 9 Cascade won the junior varsity preliminary by a 43-24 count CASCADE (Sf) F R. WlUtohoad (: latch (4). C. I. WhMolwad (1); 6: aulay (S); Tmrr f). SaVITO! (41) t: McKUlra (): Ltlktai Of- C: hmrf D; O: ZvhorWrs (4); Over Hold () Iwrni anrbf: Allaua 4). Caatad I 14 II aunrtoa 11 I It Offtetaai: Kanuu aad TM1. Yamhill Trounces Philomath, 54-26 YAMHILL, Feb. II ( Special ) Yamhill remained in contention for the Yawama League basket ball crown her tonight with an easy M-2 triumph over Philom ath. The loos left Philomath with five conference losses and no chance for the title. ' Bob Light paced the Tigers to the victory with 29 points. Philomath won the jayvee clash, 33-23. 0 PWILOMATH (!) t. B.yeo (1); Gr.41, t). C: I Da t)i (4; G; Calhoaa (iV Edwarde (U) Referrtf tcortaf Whitney TAMBOX (Ml P: Ufht (tt); LortaUu (4). C eraaeu (11); G: Kolluu (4); Craw rd (4) Phileauth . .. 1 l I Tama ill U II U Officials: Celllu ua Rich. .it; Jefferson Lions Score Easy Win JEFFERSON, Feb. It (Special) Phil Hochspeier rolled in 30 points to lead Jefferson to a whopping 86 37 triumph over Sbedd-Halsey here tonight in a non-conference basket ball game. Jefferson tallied 56 points hi the second half en route to the easy win. HoBsi Villanueva tallied IS points for the losers. Shedd-Halsey captured the jun ior tilt by a 48-45 count. HEDD-HALSET (21) P: Davta (1): Smith (4). C: Irlih C: Iriita ft); O: PoweO (t); Vtllanaeva (IS). BweervM acoruif: Enert (I); Jackeon . jErpcasoN (M) W: Wrlfht (II); Marlatt (S). C; achapeier (34); G: Nyman (1); wateneia (in. BWMrvei carta Sfucam (4); Straei (4); WlUoa EUU (2); Wlaakaaa) (4). 2' heM-Halaey 1 14 7 727 Joflertoa 21 2 Bulldogs Trample On Junction City ALBANY. Feb. 18 (Special)- Sophomore Doug Drynan collected 1 31 points to help the Albany Bull-' dogs get a 56-40 win over Junction ! City ia a non-league basketball gam here tonight. Albany had only a 24-23 half time lead, but outscored the visit ors 23-8 in the third period. Albany made it a clean sweep by winning the jayvee game, 66-55 JUNCTION CITT (4) P: BerseHm (I); Rmtell (4) C: K. Johnaon (II); G: Know (3); R. John no (7). Retervea acorlni: Strom (14); Bock (4). ALBANY (54) P: Probata (2); Bayne (4); C: Drynan (22); G: Wilson (14); Rohr fcwagh (14). Reserve! scorlnf: Mat in (2); Pfinile (2). dancUoa City ... 11 11 t Albany . IS I 21 Officials: Board aad Rendry. Salem YMCA Teams In Action This Week Two of the Salem YMCA's var sity teams will play this week, with the high school basketball squad visiting Chemawa tonight at "eight o'clock. and the varsity vol laybalivs hosting the Portland Northeast Y Thursday at seven 'clock. This will be the season opener for Coach Ray Meyers' basketball team as it begins preparations for the Northwest YMCA champion- hint Anril If niwi 19 at Vancouver ar ir- ,a k i.: aa.v. mcycis uuya wnu Were 17 yean of age or under last 1 October 1 are invited t try out for. the squad. Practice sessions are slated for Wednesdays at I pjn. (Vcjl Saturday! at I a.m. " i-sXS M,ny .. M.'.X ... . . . . VI Hoop Results Buckaroos Get Win Over OSD St. Paul remained la trooi place Ij the minor divlawa of the Mario B League here Tues day night with a M-M victory ever fourth-place Oregon School for the Deaf. Tyre Elliott cores' 1 point! for OSD to gala (coring honors for the game. St. Paul was paced by Rich Koch with IS and Dong Colemaa with 14. St. Paul also captured the Jun ior varsity game, 44-JS. ST. PAUL (4) Br nrtrnl. - Vuh lit a . Ak.. (st: o: vaa wieie s; caiemaa in I. stwnn acoriai: rrita ai); nitt (10); Gs4Uit (I); Bcraaidi (I) OSD (J4) f; tlttott (1); CoUt (. C: Brit Im (4): G: BMkihnU (13); Wood (14). RMTVtt scoriBf: Poato (1). n. ram it it OSD 14 11 11 17-44 Hawks Beat Pirate Club PERRYTjALE, Feb. (Special MacLarea's Hawks remained in the running for second place in the minor division of the Marion B League here tonight with a 40-48 triumph over Perrydale. Norm Frisk of Perrydale cap tured game scoring honors with 24 points. Si Thomas had 30 and Charles Baker 13 for MacLaren. Perrydale salvaged the junior varsity game. 53-44. MaeLAREN (St) I t: DonJi (12); Thomai (24) C: Tari rt'nkee 'ill w- t,rln " ") PERRYDALE (41 r: Chapui (4); Prink (14) AV,' Zr (2): Smith (2) MacLaren Van Ottra (4). 14 It 12 Perrydalo . ... . I IS S Official!: Mull aad Donnelly. Willamina Stomps Warriors, 71-40 WILLAMINA. Feb. 13 (Special) WiUamina strengthened its hold on fifth place in the Yawama Leaeue here tonight with a 71-40 victory over Amity. i Willamina also won the jayvee game, $1-44. AMITY (44) ) r: Joanooa ill: nottetier m. c: Freeman (I); G: Ehleri (1); Wood (I). Reaervef aeortni: Barno (4); Turner (S); Pearu (4); Kilmer (2). WILLAMINA (71) r: Noaieoy (D): utueiona t). c: Wrlxht (12); G: Hamilton (11); Mc- Millan (. Reieryei Korlnt: Sena- Pearm (14): Hiaientotham (S). Amity II 11 t 'wJJiJ.m5 ? I ? Official.: Sherwood and Rogen. Chemawa Indians Overcome Valsetz VALSETZ, Feb. Chemawa ended ( Special )- four-game losing streak here tonight, slipping past Valsetz, 58-54, in a Marion B League minor division basketball game Ed Tsosic with 15 points and Al Nutlouis with 13 led Chemawa. Kent Penter of Valsetz was high ; for the game with 24 counters, j The Valsetz grade school wonj the preliminary game, 51-39. CHEMAWA (IS) P: Bella (7): Besay (II) c: Not- loats (11); G: Tsosto (II); Yazzle (J). Reserves acoriai: Reoiteer (2). VALSETZ (S4) P: Penter (24): Mllkura (7). C: Rose (4); G: Cliver (II): Eflt (4). Ckemawa 11 1) Z 12 M Valseu II II IS Officials: Eraas aad Roth. Lundmark Gets 43 In Colton Victory COLTON. Feb. 18 (Special)- Bert Lundmark came up with one of the highest Individual point totals of the current prep season hero tnnisht aa ha naced Coltnn - 1 rf ------ to an Bi-ss victory over terpen in a non-ieague pasxeicaii gam Lundmark collected 43 points, but that was still 12 points shy of th school record tent in 155 by Mel Martin. Corbett won the jayvee prelim- inarv. 49-47. CORBETT (51) I r: B. Mraim (); Sehaerteaier (I). C: T. Soresea (II); O: Cowllai '; Nlaoa (21), peseryes acarini: (2). Hansen (l):OI COLTON (SI) Lnadmark (41): Anders (7). Aimaker (!). SailMll acorlni: ertsaa (14); Market (I); Elliott (2); Benthta (t); Steaarad (4);" Mill (2). Chapman (2). Corbett 14 11 12 Is M Baakt U II 1 14-fj Colton 14 t 21 Z2 SllSherlSsa - 21 11 at It II Officials! Miller aad BarUey. 1 Official: Schroealr A Wad. Hatlo Falls City Takes Title FALLS CITY. Feh lft (.Wi.il! Falls City's Mountaineers won the! i championship of the minor division jot the Marion B League here to night by clubbing Detroit, 73-40. I The victory left Falls City with ' a league record of 12 wins and MARION B LEAGl'S (MINOR) W L Pet. PP PA Palli City ... 12 1 Ki JJ4 44 St. Paul 14 3 .4S 471 423 ! MacLarcn I 4 .4l 414 SSS Ore. Deaf School ... 7 iit 7M (S4 : Chemawa ... 5 I .34,5 441 I2 Ptrrydal 4 JOS 449 47 Valwli 1 14 .Ml 44 721 Detroit t II .14 MS 7J3 Tueidaj'i molU: St. Paul 44. Ore- K Deaf School S4: Palla Glty 71, trait 44; MacLam 44. Perry dale tt; Chenuwa SS, ValHti 54. one defeat. With only one game to play, second place St. Paul, which has a 10-3 mark, can't possibly catch up. Roy Carver paced Falls City to the crown-clinching win with 27 points. Gary Roberts had 15 for Detroit. DETROIT (40) P: Cakeaour (I); Roherts IS). C: HaaalHaa (4): O: Lemlnf (14); Mad- y. .mnn ".: uranam palls citt 7J) P: Carver (IT); Taylor (4). C: Scott (in; w: votei (in; wneeier (2). Re. (J); lawmaker (i); erlppii Radio (2); urn ennis (4). Detroit I 11 44 Fall! City . OffleUjj: IS 2471 Veer sad Cask. Molalla Trounces Sea p poos 77-67 SCAPPOOSE. Feb 18 'Special! Dave Brock scored 23 points and Gerrv Parker tallied TO s Vint a 11 a Scappoose. 77-67. here to- nigni in non-ieague Dasxeioau game. Scappoose won the jayvee clash, 57-37. SCAPPOOSE (SI 7) r: snen (it) Rial (I). C Haher (I): G: Kjeflaad (it); Push (11). Re- ferret Morlas Hla kkooto (2),- Me- (2); Clellaa (I). MOLLALLA (77) P: Larten (4); Browne (t). C Par- ker (20); G; Brock (11); Marten (II). Reserves tcerlnf : Benson aorn (4); Parneii (i). iViX" i. itS 1 4 ' . Turner Scores 35 As Huskies Win AURORA, Feb. 18 (Specia!)- North Marion won its fourth Capi- iiurin morion won lis lourimapt-i l rw.,.,.. Kttkn i..i. i I he vat wmutiivc iB.mv.uuu , u , i u, season nere loniini. roiling over winless Gervais, 68-42. Center BUI Turner, the league s leading scorer, hooped 35 points for the winning Huskies North Marion also won the B game, 46-23. Gervais guard Al Vohland suf fered a hip injury in the varsity game and was taken to Salem General Hospital, where his condi lion ws reported good. X-rays ' were to be taken to determine ex tent of the injury. GRRVAIS (42) P: Berilnnd (I): Cox tS). C: Sewt (); G: Vehhtnd (1); Miller (I). Re. TtmVr aLrwT riiii holm (1). NORTB MARION (41) P: Tamer (15); Strlnser (I). C: DeArmond (1): G: Mrl.aren (4); Nat ter (1). Reserves acorlni: Coifan (4); Weasel (t); Lamb (4). Gerralt . 4 14 t North Marlon 14 14 14 14-42 24-4 Sheridan Beats Braves, 65-62 I SHERIDAN. Feb. 18 Special )- Sheridan gained a 44-26 halftime lead then staved off a desperate second half rally to upset the Banks Braves, 6542, here tonight in a Yawama League basketball game. The winning Spartans had their leaj ghaved t0 m2 with just ten! left (hen D pi u:. ..... .u criun mi iw n rc inrows to sew up the contest. Oen Smith with 22 points and Francis Hutchins with 18 were toy point makers for Sheridan. Ever ett Davidson had 15 for Banks. Sheridan won the jayvee gam by a 42-38 score. I BANKS (42) P: D. Alien (4); Davidson (15). C: Teas! ()); G: Lilly (I); Stewart (5). Reserves acorlni: K. Allea (I); wnite u); nnnn (); Marr (3). SHERIDAN (15) P: Hut kln (IS); Roberta (1). CI Parker (1); O: Ceuntrvinan (4); By Jimmy 48 Points By Yardley Net Victory Russell Breaks Rebound Record DETROIT. Feb. 19 tH-With an amazing display of second - half shooting by forward George Yard- ley, the Detroit Pistons swept past the Syracuse Nationals 120-98 be fore 3,257 in a National Basketball Assn. game here tonight. Yardley, the league's leading scorer, got only S points in the EASTERN DIVISION W L Pi Boiton .. 42 II .700 Syracuse 35 tt .574 Philadelphia 2t II w New York M II ,42 WESTERN DIVISION , W L Prt. St Louis .... . it U KM, Cincinnati 27 11 .450 Detroit 24 M .4l Minneapolis It 45 .342 first quarter, but finished with 48. At one stretch in the second half, he h't on IS of 16 field goal at tempts. The Pistons, who won their 281 h game against 3$ losses, trailed Syracuse throughout the first period. But they fought back to tie the score at JS-SS with five minutes gone in the second quarter and never fell behind again. In other games, at New York, the Boston Celtics. 14 points be hind just before the intermission, i . i ri 3 rdmeu "' D0" -OU!,y na 2?! .L V.0 .JT uticuicu icw i ui n mill ici uw.a- ers 113-111 in a furiously fci:ht game at Madison Square Garden. Russell's stuff shot and Cousy'i last second free throw clinched the game before a roaring crowd of 15,097. En route to the victory. Bos ton's 42ad in M games, Russell established ai NBA season rec ord for rebounds picking off 23 for a 1,288 total. The olH rxnrk was 1,23 set last season by Cin cinnati's Maurice Stokes. At. St. Louis, the Hawks beat the last-place Minneapolis Lakers 118-98 and in doing so moved with in three victories of clinchrag the Western division title. Bowmen Top Crusaders (Continued from preceding page) wrecking eane for the Bowmen in their victory over the Crusaden. 6-2 senior collected 20 points and 17 rebounds. His rebounding was a great part of the difference between the teams. Salem Academy as a team got ealy two mere thai Schneider did single handed. Sherwood's rebounding total was 33. Salem Academy had a cold first half, shooting only .167, but still managed to stay in the ball game in the first half. Score at half time was 22-21 for Sherwood. But while the Crusaders found their shooting eyes to some ex-J tent in the second half, Sherwood was doing even better, rambling along at a .458 clip. For the game, Salem Academy hit 15 of 55 for .273, while Sherwood had 19 of 48 for a .442 mark. After some mighty straggling to stay with the Bowmen ia the first half, Salem Academy fell sharply behind in the second half as Schneider began hitting, iweigart rebounded and scored T" .k1" SaJem Acaderr,y' bu he Was th nnlv ntu urhA wrnvA Im double figures. Sherwood also won the junior varsity game, 49-38. 1T (44) (ft) Sherm.Mil GPfP GPTP 3 111 ttearat S 4 II 244 Resaa 411 12 14 Bahnf 2 24 t a a a -.,.. . . u Dyrk Voth Edlier Carter . . - 7 oy,iiir vein ".", -E 1 "J"" 1 4 it F U n , 2 4 4 itrsiiM IS 14IJ4 I Total 15 IB 14 44 ' Salem Academy . Total S II ; enerweoa 14 I Free threwi mined: S. Academy 4, Sherwood 7. Officials: Potter aad Grsipaquti. Archers to Hold Meet The Jabberwalkie Archery Club of Saiem will hold its annual foul weather shoot on Sunday, Feb. 22. The meet will take place at the club grounds located 1 mile south of the Pringle School. Registration will be from 9:30 to 12:30 p.m. and the meet will con- of ". " Cake and coffee will be sold on the grounds. Cards Gain Second Place; Warriors Defeat Pioneers The Parrtsh Cards took over sec ond place in the Salem Junior High School basketball league Tuesday afternoon by dumping the Leslie Golds, 35-33, at Leslie. The Leslie Warriors defeated the JUNIOR HIGH LEAGUE V L Prt r. Grayi 7 1.44 P. Cards . .. I 1 425 pr pa 2M 174 221 241 22 14 t warrior. J 4 &l t. ' r - J .' ' -f2 2t 24 11 24 Tnesdav'a reolH: Cards IS, Geld 11; Warrtan 41, Ploneert ft. Parrish Pioneers 41-27 in the only other game scheduled. Don Causey, a $4 transfer for ward, provided the spark that put the Cards into second. Causey en tered the game in the second peri od, after his club trailed 11-5 at the end of the first canto, and paced the Parrish club to a 28-25 halftime lead. Th Cards made that lead stand up for the test ol the game. Causey, playing in his second game, led Cardinal scorers with 14 point and performed well on the IM Mole Mews By Bunny Mason Salem Coif Club Professional And 195d Oregon Open Champion i The next TV golf contest should be a dilly, pitting the muscular Argentine walloper Roberto DeVincenzo against the tour's most con sistant money winner Dow Finsterwald of Athens, Ohio and Teques- 3 Bunny Mason live Mexico City Country Club job. That much he has in common with Dr. Cary Middlecoff, who quit traveling regular ly with the good players in favor of staying on his two jobs. (Dip lomat Country Club in Hollywood, Florida and Riverlake Country Club in Dallas, Texas.) ... Middlecoff owns a fancy share in bath clubs, H Is rumored. but the big attraction to him is the electric cart rental which ruas Into five f iurei a year at each club. No upset tummy for the Doe either, If be slays at home that is . . . Finsterwald is in the process of setting a record of consistancy. He has been in the money in the last SO odd tournaments he has entered. That is something worthwhile for a young man if he likes money. He hasn't won too many, but the fact a player gets to the pay window every week insures him of keeping solvent anyway . , . Finsterwald is Percentage Player . . , Finsterwald is a percentage player who doesn't take many chances. He has a very fine swing and a well balanced game throughout. At 2T years of age he could become one of th games all time money winners. Last year he picked up some 832,872 by wlnnint: only one tournament and finishing second la no less than eight. In the last three years Dow hai pocketed close to $80,808 ia official winning!, and yon may be assnred that Isn't the end of his income from golf. Most of the good players make a substantial sum through endorsements and such . . . , The new Texas Open champ is a Westerner who has played in our sectional tourney for some years. Handsome Bill Johnston of Provo, Utah will make a popular champion, but should be making a much easier living as a movie idol. He is a truly good looking bloke with worlds of personality. Bill is a good Mormon which stands him in good stead on the tour. He is always in the peak of condition and should do well as long as he chooses to continue . . . Lightning Does Strike Twice . . . The .theory that lightning doesn't strike twice ia the same place can't be applied to the third hole at the Salem Golf club. On Jan. Ii Keith Seversoa aced the hole, and of eoure we always look for the second one U follow. Sounds silly but tt seems to work out that way. Sure enough last Thursday Dr. Bill Burrell canned a aU-lroa shot for his first ace. Charles Musser, Cactus Glen Wilbur and Joe Devers were privileged to witness this talented effort. To say that Bill was pleased would be the understatement of the century. We heard the yell dear ap at the clubhouse. BUI offered to set up the goodies for the entire Iowa when he came In. We think the offer Is still good.. Test him nad see . . . We dare anyone to get an ace next Sunday morn. Already we have 44 players signed up. If you would like to play put in a call now. Pairings will be made up Friday. Don't miss this fun tub . . . Giant Manager Seeks Major League Catcher By HARRY JUPITER PHOENIX. Ariz., Feb. 18 The San Francisco Giants are in the market for a catcher. "We've been talking trade," said manager Bill Rigney. "but it's sure tough to swing a deal. "We asked Cincinnati about Ed a- Bailey. They said we could have hAIMAT I alllCS him for Johnny Antonelli even up. "Well, antil recently I con sidered Johnny and Willie Mays ear twt untouchables. Let's face It. Johnny Is still a tremendous pitcher one of the very best ia the league. "But I would consider trading him if we could really help our selves by the deal. And by helping ourselves, I mean we would have to get two guys who could play everyday for us." Ridney expects hot battle for the catching job right in his own camp. Valmy Thomas stepped la aad shewed a lot of potential last year as a rookie. Ho hit .241 aad had only six heme rant, bat five of the homers wea games for the Giants. Ray Katt is a veteran receiver it he has never matched his minor league batting exploits in the majof, Nick Testa is up from Dallas for another try. Testa had oeen in tne uianis cnam since m(. He's never impressed with his bat but his catching has been out standing. , Roger McCardell showed good ower at Sitrnx City last year. He hit .384 with 22 homers and S runs batted In. The guy wh coa,d "P w,tn tAe Job is the youngest catcher on the roster, 24-year-old Bob Schmidt. Rigney said, "I was impressed with Schmidt last spring and he would have stayed with the club if be hadn't injured his shoulder. backboards. Steve Stewart of the Golds took high point honors with 16. The fourth -place Warriors pushed the Pioneers deeper into the league cellar at Parrish as Ed Maerx and Gary Edwards each scored 11 points. In Junior varsity action, the Cards beat the Golds 23-14 and the Pioneeri trimmed the Warriors 28- 1( CARDS (11) ' P: Lltpenrott (4); Weather C: Dscktet (4); 6: Raskin! (1) nag: ). (14); Davit (2); Stlffler GOLD (11) i P: Loainer (1); Pox II). tt Nelltoa (I); q: Stewart (14); Oledt (8). ft. torvai KorUg: perry It). Card! -, .1 III 8-il Golds II 4 11 Officials! Walker an SUaheneen. WARRIORI (41) P; Harm (4); Rap (). C: Maers ill); Gi Panning (I): Edwards (II). etervei srorlns: Davenport (2); Mr Hone (I). PIONEERS (27) P: nankrft (I); Monttiomery (2). ICS Bates (); O: Drown (I); Gettla (7) Retervea ororing: Woerk (I); Chamber! (2); Master (2). warriors I I II 14-41 ftaneert II I II Official!! fadeatchl aad Retmaa. ta, Florida ... DeVincenu put a fine shew last week la , defeating popular Stan Leonard U-fl. The "Golf ing Gaucho" displayed every shot la the book la winning handily. He hit some fantastic tee shots, fine short irons, good sand blasts and even chip ped la at a crucial point to snuff out Leonard's comeback bid. The only place the big boy dldnt outshine Leonard was with the microphone at the -final presentation. He speaks limited English, bat then Stan doesn't speak aay Spanish . . . DeV played the tour as a regular for some three years but turned his back on it to take the lucra- Heard Here (Continued from preceding page) Most of the members of the Sen ators board of directors, along with new player manager Don Lundberg and business manager John Enger attended both sessions and were introduced publicly. Al Loucks and Elmer Berg of the Senators introduced the dead-pan ned and modest, but very comical Gomez who holds a 6-0 World Se ries pitching record and a 3-1 All Star Game mound mark. Senators board member Ken Potts, who is in charge of the ticket drive for the season, an nounced that both season and open ing night ducats are now available to the public. In fact, uniformed girls yesterday circulated through the audiences selling tickets for the Senators' first home game in April. This year a family season ticket sells for $30. A double adult ticket goes for $25 and a single adult ducat is $15. Special ticket books containing 15 for the price of $10 will also be available. The opening game tickets are selling for $1 and will include a game program and a bag of pea nuts for that night. After last night's session, chair man Berg called a meeting of the Senator enthusiasts during which plans for th season were discuss ed openly. Items brought forward were team roster, spring training site, advertising and ticket sales. Lundberg announced that he had received a letter from Bill Me Kechnie, farm director for the Cin cinnati Redlegs, Informing that eight players would be made avail able to the Salem team. Included are outfielder Roy Parker and pitcher Gus Carmichael who were with the pennant winning Wenat chee Chiefs last season. Indians Sign SPOKANE, Feb. 18 to -Catcher Ron Bottler and infielder Allan Norris today became the first players to actually sign contracts with the new Spokane Indians of the Pacific, Coast League. MOTOR I) (( OVERHAUL It SPICIAL J) flMap1tt-i5"-v' ' H Utdmeft,M A50 Vfcjl aVVdrvoSfliai fl illBhttyU !l fuM ap$iri V Higher H n Capifol Chevrolet I V5t( H. (tul IM 3-3175 fr McMullin HOUSTON. Fb. II OP, - John McMullin, 22 yr-old Califpraian. won medalist honor second straight week today, posting a late three-under-par 80 to lead the qualifying round of play for the $30,000 Houston Classic Invitation Golf Tournament. A week ago th young newcom er turned in a 87 to lead qualifiers for th Texas Open at San . An tonio. MSCi T ( Continued frm preceding page) HIGH SCHOOL Jefferson SS. Llnrola 41 ' Grant 44, Cleveland 4 Fr.nsna S3, Bentoa 47 COLLEGE Llnfield 1, Lewis A Clark 7 Oreit Couega 17, Portland State 41 Goniaga 75, Whltworta 71 Colleio g Pacific U, Saa Joa State SI (overtime) Chapman CoUeio 11, Ualv. of Calif, al Riverside (7 It Mary'e (Calif.) 1, laata Clara M (overtime) aa Praaclsct Stat M, Sacra mento State 44 Texas Waaleyaa Collage 111, Ssuthwestera (Tex.) II Hardln-Slmmsns it, Wert Texas Stat IT Prliadi (Kaat.) 7, Ruuas Wes leyaa l Central (Mo.) M, Mlsouri Valley U E.ewii if, siuaoii normal to Ttnnessoo S4, Georsta Tech (I Ctlumkla Y, Rutfora 44 Muikingaan 17. Keayoa M Bllsa (Ohl) si, Central SUM 4 Brawn I. Tale 47 Maryland Virginia S Kalamaio) gl, Calvin 11 Grove city 7, Allegheny S4 Ohio Northers 71. Bluffton IT Memahli Stale 41. PlorliU lute 11 Broome Toch 77, Alfred Tech 4 Wen minster (Pa ) at, BaMwIn- Wallac TT Indiana (Pa.) Teachers V, Callfor- aia (Pa.) Teachtra II r ; t ' v. II tl , JaL '-,er VJsALL Wl mi, V a. . -rfimmmmi u j g.,mrmmt,.. -M ' 'I -ii "J ;unmatctiea rroekbottom Stop-Notch Tread Design! 3-T Cord Body! More Durable Tread! 3-T SUPER-CUSfflONS by(&(ID(DDI)EAD2 Fits most Fords, Plymouth, Nashes, Chevrolets, Hudsons and Studebakers. O Stop-Noteh rrod i ' sign glv iafr ip tort traction. Size 6.00 x 16 fits older modcli Size 7.10 x 15 fits most Dodges, of Plymouth, Ford, Nash, Chev Buicks, Nashes, Olds, Mercurys, rolet, and Studebaker. Pontiacs, and Hudsons. amBmatan BamaTaBanaV a gs-j-. (JBamananBB aaBmSana nlnmannnnnBnnnlml aJ WBBl VWW lPmJaBJHRHnB frnfUH Pay as little as $15 per MORI PEOPLE RIDE ON COODYIAR TIRES THAN We 1 Give Green Stamps Tops Houston Golfers McMullln's 69 for the 7,200-yard, par 71 Memorial Park Course left him two strokes ahead of Hans Merrell, Mogadore, Ohio, Mike Diets, Lake Orion, Midh, Warren Smith. San Antonio, Tex., and Bob Frainey Willamette, 111. McMullin and -the four tied at 71 were the only players from the field of 124 tb break par on the cold, windswept course. A thrj-ver-par 75 or better scorn Blahap (Tex.) H, Raat (Mlta.) IS Southern Methodist 74, Rico It North Carolina SI, North Carolina State is Washington and Lee 72, Tht Citadel Virginia Teob t. Davldaoa M Wagner TI, Moravian 55 Okerlla SS, Wottera Reserve 44 Coaaectleut 4, Masaarhuaettt 71 Arkanaaa Ttch 14, Arkansaa AAM (I Arkantat College 4, Meadrlx (Ark.) 41 , West Virginia Tech'tl Beckiey 7 Gleavlll tt, Salem 71 Catawba 11, Guilford 4 Benedict (IC) 71. Allen (SC) American latarnatlonal tl, Northeaitern (2 Cortland 71, Oiweg 41 OneonU , Kings (NY) tt Hamilton 45, St. Lawreac It St. Bonaventuro M, St Vincent (Pa.) t Kearney 74, Conrordla (Neb) M IttrUog (Kan) II, St. Mary't of th Plaint 71 Pordham ill, New York Ac It Middle Tennessee II, Western Kentucky 71 Emporia (Kan) Stat 12, Rackhnrst II WestmlMter (Ma) II, Calvar-Stochtoa al It Joseph's 12, Delaware 71 Villa Madonna tt. Bern S2 RolUat to, Stetson 74 Texas Tech II, Texas 4 Baylor 7, Text cariatiaa at DePanl tt. Canlaiai 43 Loyola (Chicago) 43, W aahlngtoa Ualv. (L Lonls) M ib-m'v;' urn -m,rv r-- m i M.JL fnVtAV 3-T Cera Ii strongit, mtt rillint fir cord mod! tad Trm In Twn 363 N. Commrctl Phon IM .-4163 24 Hour Sorvlc , . . . v was needed to qualify for Thurs day's opening round of the 11th annual 72-hole tournament. A total of 49 qualified. Including a 13-way tie at 75, thus boosting the Thur. day field to 134. McMullin finished with a 72-hole 288 at San Antonio, out of the money. "I was playing better today and I believe I'll do better here," the Fair Oaks, Calif., pro said. San Felipe Slated Today ARCADIA, Calif.. Feb. 18 OP Silky Sullivan, the corne-from-far liehind California colt, heads a field of 11 3-year-olds entered to day in the $23,000 added Sam Felipe Handicap at Santa Anita park tomorrow. Named for the first time to rid the frisky chestnut in a race was Willie Shoemaker, who replace Bill Harmatz as Silky' rider for the San Felipe and the main tar get of th season, the $100,000 added Santa Anita Derby March 8. The Shoe, a colt named for Shoemaker; Sabredale, Carrier X, Rerun, Music Man Fox, Aliware, McTavish, Furyvan, Sully's Boy and Circle Lea were also named for the mile and one-sixteenth fea ture. Call CADWELL OIL CO. Phone T.M 1 74J1 2484) State St. StoveDies! Oils W Deliver Tofy Only $ cfl DOWN Per Tire m - " , 4,7 f? at a , t' ' e ,-. Thick, .tough trtaJ glvci xrrei wrt weekl ON ANY OTHER KIND For Ceast Wtethtr bW IN 2-4191 in frier 24 Now Mtf Srk. t ' 3f m " , m I njseV'jafcian. -f wsfc 11 61)35