tUStc. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Tucs., Feb. 18, 58 Judge Dismisses Window Breaking Case Against Six Cmt$ of breaking windows in a building concerning windows smashed at Capital City Laundry, 1264 Broadway St. SK. last month, were dismissed Mnnnay against six youths b" M-.i-n County District Couri Ji" i' V.. 0 S'.nti.cr Jr. John Dav.d ! c.i , ftTO Rosemont Ave. NE; Arthur Rimsey Mc Eldowney. 1316 Woodacre Dr. SE, Richard Fuller Cuthbert, Corvallis; Ralph Bruce McMillan. Corvallis. Ronald Morris Lee. 4020 State Street were cleared Monday. David Ingham. 116S Rural St. NE. was also cleared of a similar charge on a different complaint, said court officials. Two of the boys. McMillan and Cuthberl. were fined $100 each last month after they pleaded guilty to charges of breaking windows in volving the same building. A charge concerning the incident against a 16-year-old boy was dropped earlier in juvenile court action. Two of the youths, Lee and Mc Eldowney. are still charged con cerning the window breakings Wilkerson was arrested lasU, Saturday morning by state police officers on Highway 99E near the intersection of Lancaster Dr., said court officials. lUltiwa Nmi Strvlr DALLAS. Ore . Feb. 17 Dam ages of a Saturday night vandal ism spree continue to mount in an investigation concerning two Dal las bovs. ases 9 and 10. Police said Judge E. 0. Stadter Jr. A date said the boys had a part in the Damages in Vandalism Spree Rise Salem Teen Town Shows Big Growth A l.ig rlnh 'i h startrf practically in obscuruy last Sep- ,or ,urtner court proceedings w as j ra,d 0n business firms and homes. tember in a Salem home with 25, members has row grown to over S00 boys and girls who are wait ing for the official opening Mon dav at 7:30 p.m. The club's originator and presi dent is Glenora Davenport. 14- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davenport. 1620 18th St. NE. The club, now called Teen Town, met in the Davenport home orig inally but now. due to the in creased size of the group, meets at the B and B Bowling Alley six days a week. Owner of the alley, T. T. SurrBners donated one third of the firm to the boys and girls for dancing and social entertainment. Parteta Supervise The club is open from J 30 until IS p.m. weekdays and from 1 p.m. until midnight Saturdays with par ents supervising at all times. The purpose of the dub m for teen-age recreation for any boy or girl 13 to 19 years of age. Dancing, A preliminary hearing was held this mormne before Polk County Harold J. Stefani. Portland. wasl.de ral M. Barnhart. but Dal- found innocent Monday by Marion ! as pd, sajj final action County District Court Judge E. O Stadter Jr. on a charge of driving while intoxicated. Stefani was arrested earlier in the month by state police officers. David Minish, Brooks, was re leased on his own recognizance would be taken until an accurate account of the damages can be determined. Police said investigation dis closed that one home, owned by E. J Janeway. 620 Ash Street, was the hardest hit. Three fires were set in the MOW ? GLADYS PARKJt frOl) KNOW VERY WELL YOU'VE . ") ALREADY TRIEP THAT 6RANPV ill rm) i l i i i I 1 1 vrjy i A i i i III T-H 7 1 A -L llisissi TW -aiM-l mmwtw Multnomah County Assessor Loses Suit to Bar Tax Survey; Hearing on Interim Group Stai (Slary also mi Page 1) Marion County Circuit Judge Val D. Sloper Monday dismissed one suit seeking to bar the state from spending money on a tax survey afid continued to today another suit on the constitutionality of a senate interim committee. In the first case the judge re fused to grant to Wiley Smith. Multnomah County assessor, an in junction to halt the state from spending $35,000 on a general sur vey of Oregon's tax structure. Smith contended the Legisla ture's interim committees should do the job. Gov. Robert Holmes has appointed John F. Sly of Prin ceton University to head the study In the second suit, but not re lated to the first. Judge Sloper heard arguments on the constitu tionality of a special "investigat ing" committee set up by the last Legislature. Three Democrat legislators are Boy Charged With Break-In An eight-year-old Salem bov was rear door and after gaining en charged with burglary Monday " ,ole a " ,chnSe ,rm nAv f,, -A,rin i-,,;' l,u "r,c s" ur . . v i-,, "n regisicr, ponce si-uro. . '-TV 'vr " home, ruining a dining room tabe ,. .. . . . ffiv taS2.C0Urt n " ChargV". Witchen'floor drapes were ing into D.ue's Grocery store. 1003 1 'n Mr oU Parents Plan Discussion of Child Behavior Behavior patterns which are nor mal for 6 and 7 year olds will be discussed Wednesday morning at a special session held for first and second grade student parents of Richmond School children. The sessions, starting at 9:30 a m. at the school auditorium, will be presented by the Human Rela t i o n s Committee of the Marion Britain Laud Ike's Note To Bulganin LONDON, Feb. 17 i Britain tonight praised President Elsen hower's note to Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin. "We think President Eisenhow er's letter is an excellent state ment and we associate ourselves in particular with his suggestion that the Soviet leaders abandon polemics and accusations and join with the West in seeking solutions of 4 he pressing problems of inter national relations, said a Foreign Office statement. seeking to have the suit declared unconstitutional. They contended there is no precedent for a com mittee with unspecified authority and broad powers. The suit was brought against Sec retary of State Mark Hatfield and State Treasurer Sitf UtTander to prevent payment of funds to the committee. An attempt by Republican Stale Sen. Carl Francis, Dayton, who has stepped in as an interested in tervener, to have the proceedings stopped because members of the special committee were not made a party to the suit was denied by Judge Sloper. Sen. Francis Monday questioned Hatfield and Unander as to respective positions on the n The proceedings will contin day at 4 p.m. when an o may be given. U.S. Ambassador, Nasser Confer CAIRO. Feb. 17 W-U. S. Am- Kn .4r Rvrvil Ur m. County Tuberculosis and Health ferred with Presjden, Nassw t0. Association 'day. reportedly in an effort to get The film. Sociable Six to ISoisy ; it c. relations wilh ih n ins investigation Vi' ...ill U -h-...-. -ft- u ki-h .. .. . . ... ... , u inii. ami -"-" i niieo Aran ttepuDiic oil to a Three Washington Boys Arrested on Larceny Charge Three Longview, Wash., boys, aged 16 and 17, are being held in detention at the Marion County courthouse on charges of larceny concerning a radiator and car bat tery stolen from a Hubbard home Monday morning. The boys, who were arrested by state police officers, were run ning away from their homes to get a job in California, said juvenile Food Surplus Given Hard-H Textile Jobles: BIDDEFORD. Maine. Fet W Staple foods from govern surplus were distributed todi some 400 of this hard-hit ti city's jobless. About a third of the 13.S0O labor force in the twin-city B ford-Saco area are idle. Biddi has 1,400 on municipal ri Saco more than 1,000. Mrs. Annette Gagne, B ford's overseer of the poor, probably others would apply morrow for the government fc chiefly rice, cheese and dry b brought in when a sharp rii unemployment could not be with supplies on hand. Yesterday's storm delayed rival from Portland of sev Minish was arrested Monday by slasne, P i 1 1 w s cut contents I Commercial St. SE. Sunday after- an candv bars Police said he j discussion groups will be led by j good start. Nasser is scheduled There are approximately ,., . 111B, ,ul spread oer the entire house, air 111 9 UCLUlll. VU11V.CI HWIK lilt , . , . theft of an assortment of Uem, ( plane cement poured on the daven- from hnt water holtl In lrm Pn- vacuum cleaner oag siasnea clocks from William Ross " of Brooks. The case was continued pending further investigation. and contents spread throughout the badly damaged home. Model air planes were stacked on the table and a fire set. of focers related. Police said damages continue to Stanley Kucene Flliott 1196 lXh St. SE, pleaded guilty Monday in.b investigated in other homes but Marion Countv District Court to a I n early estimate of $2,000, in charee of furnishing alcohol to a losses was obtained. minor. I Officers said the hardest hit Elliott. 24. who was arrested . business firm was Western Auto bowling and other types of reerea- early Sunday morning by sheriff's Store where windows were broken lion is included in the Teen Town ! deputies, is charged with giving i and merchandise smashed. Other ,,i, - cv.nt. liquor to an i-year-oia mi. Angel , Dusiness iirms raiaea were vauas Dues for individual members isim- lrf caie w" 'w tl per month but club president Miss Davenport hopes to cut this amount down with increased mem bership. Daace Ptaaaed Also to raise money for the club's events, a dance will be held at the Salem Armory Saturday night from t until 11 p.m. with a SO cent charge for admission. Officers besides Miss Davenport sentencing. Donald Eugene Smith, San Fran cisco. Calif., was held to answer to the Marion County Grand Jury in district court action Monday. He is charged with larceny concerning the theft of a 1957 Ford from Marion Car Rental Co , 195 Com- coin, stolen, and other numerous mercial St. SE. on Feb. 11. equipment and merchandise de- stroyed or damaged. venruue .iiunei uineitT. nams- burg, was lined 125 Monday in Auto Parts, Capital Auto Parts. Agricultural Stabilization office and Harold Rich Plumbing and Heating firm Most of these damages consisted of broken windows, offices ran sacked and papers strewn about, powdered coffee . poured on the flour, dial on one safe hammered. are we presidents. Kicnaro noo- Man Coumy Dlstnct Court on a w AI-L.L. ; II. - inson am uw wis ourngm. -i- ch., -f drawme a bank check " . : u-i. : " Unes. Terrie Greene and Michale Snyder: treasurers, Larry Robin son and Joan Frad; sgt.-at-arms. Butch Steinbrook. Frank Bartruss. Deibert Isaacson. Jack Darras; and committee chairman is Bill Williams. with insufficient funds She was HONG KONG. Feb. 17 UP Red arrested earlier Monday by i China's leading newspapers are deputies. The charge involved a $25 check given to a Salem drug store last December. ' She was ordered to make restitution. Indonesia's Rebels Step Up Economic War JAKARTA. Indonesia. Feb. 17 UP Indonesia's rebel government Sumatra stepped up its eco nomic war on the central govern-, meat today, seeking to tie up its gold abroad and to shut off its major income at home. j With financial wizard Sjadrud-, din Prawiranegara as its premire. the rebel regime asked 40 banks! in the United States and IS other countries te block all gold bal ances belonging to the central government. It called for reports on balances and other assets to be cabled to the Bank of Indonesia in Padang central Sumatra. The rebels launched their eco nomic war Sunday with orders to all foreign oil companies in l noo ses ia to bait oil shipments and payment of w royalties te Jakar ta. There was no immediate indica Lion whether foreign governments or firms would comply with either order. Sumatra it the richest in ail of all Indonesia's islands. would be a severe bjow to the central government if its minions ia oil income were cut on. Arbie Gene Wilkerson. 351 Try one Ave. NE, pleaded innocent Monday in Marion County District Court to a charge of driving while intoxicated. Trial was set for Feb. 27 at 10 a.m. now printing their mastheads in the new phonetic alphabet as well as the usual Chinese characters. The alphabet, aimed at promot ing a common language, was ap proved by the National People's Congress last week. Tokyo has 215 parks. One park, Asakusa, has a Buddhist shrine which contains the largest paper lanterns in the world. Poland Asks New Ban Plan Negotiations WARSAW. Poland. Feb. 17 Uf Communist Poland called today for international negotiations on a new version of iU proposal to ban nuclear weapons from Central Europe. The modified plan calls for system ef control and inspection and makes it possible for the West to take part in negotiations with out automatically recognizing the government of Communist East Germany. The West objected to the original proposal because of these two points. ; The appeal for negotiations was made in a memorandum pub lished by the Polish Foreign Of fice and sent to the United States, "Britain, France, the Soviet Union, ether European and some Asian The memorandum sent to Brit' aia said negotations should open immediately. Such discussions, n aid. would help toward tne sue cess of a world summit confer ence. It did not suggest a list of ca rtid Dating nations. I . The Soviet-backed plan would bar production and storage of nu clear - weapons from Poland. Czechoslovakia and East - and West Germany. The memorandum said the Polish government be lieved that setting up a nonatomic tone would help reach broader disarmament agreements and a re .'ictioa ef foreign forces sta- Sather Tom and Trovtl Stnkt SENATOR HOTEL LOBBY Reservations and Information Air, Rail and Steamship Service Phone EMpire 4-9810 y Q10 trmmMm v Tfi niunnnni a J Great Done Coaches 11 the j EMPIRE BUILDER n v Orestes! fc-aia rMs Wsst! Ptst 6Mar RsdsmI Park! lasMparsale walert sa rat-! Save With S Family Plan Fares If See more for leas when you go east, pe Monday two ugh wt DTlwrsdoy for one regufor fare plus naff-far es or lets J far east ef family. Enjoy great scenery from Great mm fi Do e seats on the incomparable Empire ttMt .it II daparting daily from Poctiond. V camtoi s-rsrs 407 S.W. WMniaa It, fMN 5, Off noon, city detectives said. i would be taken to Marion County The boy said he used a small ' juvenile office Wednesday after piece of timber to break down anoon. officials. They are being held pend- tons of fresh food, including bi and fish, donated by Maine I nessmen. it will be issued toi 120 rniv i Mrs. Robert Gangware. Mrs. Irwin to become president of L'.A.R. aft- million Ironical fish in 20 million' In Sam whirh ha not ai Wedel and Mrs. James Bunnell of er the Syrian-Egyptian union is j home aquariums in the United for emergency food, about 0 the tuberculosis association. I ratified in elections Feb. 21. I Stales. .sons received free milk toda 1 Maybe this is overdoing it a trifle, but In i i V-:- v 'if. ';'' -''!''.': . .-TrV kc You COUld get this Impression of Minute Man service it' so swift, so thorough, so complete. Best of all, it happens automatically, the moment you drive in, Our customers tell us once you've tried it you're not likely to he satisfied with anything less. Because (the customers add) the service you tret at a Union Oil station is as good as the gasoline. This is exorbitant praise because the gasoline is the West's most powerful premiumnew Royal 76, Minute Man service plus new Royal 76 gasoline.' Reason enough to make your next stop the sign of the big 76 where you know you ulwmf got tho flnatt UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA I ' . fa, I TUNC IN : THE SPORTS CLUB EVERY WEEK ON ABC-TV ASK KOR: FREE SPORTS ROOKS AT VOUR NEIGHBORHOOD UNION STATION fi. ti M ia the audear-tres 5