12-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tiies;,' Feb. 18, '38 DAILY CROSSWORD , ACROSS 2 B(in 1. Capital 3. Deity (Latvia) 4 Land S Couch . Choir member 10. Employed 12 Tart 13. A court fame iSp) 14. Nickname 15 Gift It. Cuckoo 17. limited H George W. Russell 19 Part of a flower 21. Foreman 23. Instructor 25. Observed 21 Island (Or. JO Man's nicknam 21 Simian 32. Resort 33. Island group off Cuba tt Undressed hide of young cow JT. Kettle drum 31 Confront 39. Narrates 40. Sea eaj-lea 41. Enrlisa. river (poss.) 42 Periods of time DOWN I Retract messur 5 Plecs of paper 4. Lubricate 7. Cleavinf tool 8. Belonging to Sicilisn volcsno (vsr.) t. Mulberry bark I pi 11. Fruits of palms 13 Chief 15 Apology 20. Chess pieces 21. Big 22 Rev. olu. tion. ary War battle 24. Garden 1 tools 25. Biblical name 24 Exalted in spirit 28. Vertexes 29 Backs of necks VeeterdsV Aa 31. Accumulata 34. Robust 35. Competent 3. Friar'a tills 40. Man's nickname WTITWTTZM i o IZlllIIili- 1 JO 22 31 Jl !S IT 77 37 It iT r-mtzzzzzz 7i iriT yz, A ,r vA 1 M" I TW. Air-to-Ground Guided Missile Test Successful EGl.IN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla., Feb. 17 i - The first suc cessful launching of the Rascal, an air-to-ground guided missile, by a Strategic Air Command crew was accomplished today. The 32-foot missile was fired at the White Sands, N.M.. proving grounds by a DB47 Stratoiet which took off from Eglin. The DB47 was refueled en route by a KC135 Stratotanker. Maj. Gen. Robert W. Burns, commanding officer of the Air Re search and Development Com mand's air proving ground center at Eglin, said the-Rascal carried no warhead. It is capable of em ploying either nuclear or thermo nuclear warheads. The missile has a range of more than 100 miles and can fly at su personic speeds at altitudes above 50.000 feet. It can be launched at a point distant from the defenses of a target area, permitting the aircraft to turn away from the target area before it comes with in range of the air defenses. The Rascal is carried beneath the wing of the plane. It has previously been launched by test crews of Bell Aircraft Corp. and now is under going suitability tests at the air proving ground center. The crew which launched the missile was composed of Maj. Ar-I thur W. Robert?. 36. Bakersfield. Calif., plane commander: Lt. Hal W. Howes, 25. St. Petersburg, Fla., pilot; and Maj. Ellison E. Thornton, 32, Elmira, N.Y., navigator-bombardier. Deborah Kerr, Guinness Lead Oscar Nominations HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 17 UP-Alec ' Sica, "A Farewell to Arms;" Ses Guinness and Deborah Kerr! sue Hayakawa, "The Bridge on topped the ranks of Oscar con-; the River Kwai;" Arthur Ken tenders tonight as the 30th annual nedy. Peyton Place;" Rum Academy A w a r d s nominations Tamblyn. "Peyton Place." were announced. i Best supporting actress: Caro- "Sayonara." the East-meets- yn Jones. 'The Bachelor Party;" West story of an American air- Klsa Lanchester. "Witness for the man and a Japanese actress, dorr.- Prosecution:" Hope Lange, "Pey inated the pictures with 10 nomi- ton Place:" Miyoshi Umeki, nations. It was followed by "Pey-. "Sayonara" and Diane Varsi, ton Place" with nine and "Thei'Peyton Place." Bridge on the River Kwai" with; Best direction: David Lean, eight j "River Kwai;" Mark Robson. lt was a great night for the j "Peyton Place;" Joshua Logan, British. Guinness, stiff-necked of- j "S a y o n a r a;" Sidney Lumet, ficer of "The Bridge on the River j "Twelve Angry Men;" Billy WiloS Kwai," is long overdue for Holly- er. "Witness for the Prosecution." wood's top honor Competing with Rest song: "All the Way" from him are Marlon Brando for 'Sayo- "The Joker is Wild:" "Tammy" Star." AnthsiflV Fr9rUinX "4 Imm "Timmu a rA tli DathW." u.n.ii rj Ram chart.. I aiiph- ,k. .. imm 'f. After Wilson had entered the of- ton. "Witness for the Prosecu- falr to Remember," "April Love" : !"lces.of S' Kress c- for hich tion: and Anthony Quinn. wild and "Wild is the Wind." is the Wind. Man Falls 15 Stories, Lives NEW YORK. Feb. 17 uP-A Bronx man plunged 15 stories from a Filth Ave. building today and lived. He landed in a five foot snowbank. Police said Frank Wilson, 48, 6 foot. 200-pounder, landed spread eagled on his back in the snow bank. He suffered shock and a fractured pelvis. Scotland Yard Joins Hunt for Irish Raiders Cteeely Pressed Miss Kerr, the steadfast nun of "Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison." loomed as the top contender among the female stars. She was closely pressed by London-born Elizabeth Taylor, who was nomi nated for her role as the mad southern belle in ' Raintree Coun- LONDON. Feb. 17 UP Scotland ty." jYard today joined the hunt for Sweater girt Lana Turner won ; members of the Irish Republican recognition for her dramatics in ' Army after the outlawed organi " Peyton Place." Also nominated 1 zation spread its operations to are previous winner Anna Mag- j England. nani for "Wild is the Wind," and j Special squads searched Lon newcomber Joanne Woodward for don's Irish colony and lodging -The Three Faces of Eve .houses. Four Irishmen were de Nominated for best motion pic-jtained and later released, ture: "The Bridge on the River The IRA has made four raids in Kwai." "Peyton Place," "Sayo- the last 24 hours, one in England nara," 'Twelve Angry Men," and; and three in Northern Ireland, in he was a buyer, employes felt a craft. A woman discovered a window open and gave the alarm. Associates said he had com plained of ill health recently. Advertising f t tram ah - Jourul Newspapers 2M Church t. Nt. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Davt 12 3 4 S Line 40 40 33 Xt', 30 2$ TOTAL CHARGES per lint 1 Un 40 JO per lint J timet II us S5 per line S timci 11 SO SI 40 per line I mo S3 SO unci Sun t ( Mia. t Uneil iWcckdays ulu. LOCALS 13c per line per paper. Classified adJ will be run in both papers to give advertis ers the advantage of the tre mendous combined circulations "When an ad la ordered three or six times and a Sunday issue is included ifor example Friday. Saturday. Sundavi the lower Sunday rates apply be- k cause only The Statesman pub- Classified ads will start In the morning -Oregon Statesman, conclude In the evening Capi tal Journal but ads will be accepted for Sunday States man only. Pie deadline for classified ads is 1 :1MI p in the dav before publication except for Sunday when deadline is 3 30 pm Friday Emergency ads and smail line ads received after 1 00 p-m weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be placed in the 'Too Late to Classify" column. Ads for Monday papers must be in by 4 n.m Saturday. The Statesman Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements published in its columns and in cases where this psDer is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake oc curs and is responsible for oniv one Incorrect insertion K ' Blind'' Ad an ad contain ing a Statesman - Journi Newspapers box number for an address is for the pro tection of the advertisers and must therefore be aiuwered by letter The Statesman Journal Newspapers are not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the identity of an advertiser using a Blind ad Ads In other columns which re nulre investment la stocks samoles. equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly Investigated before paving on anv money. Advertisers re quinng a cash investment for samples or merchandise, sales aidv etc.. must so specify tn their ad? TWS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect its readers against fraud deception, or injuries Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a po sition advertised In the help wanted columns. All n e IP wanted ads MUST SPECITV THE NATURE OF TOT WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state if the par is in the form of aalanr. commissions. guarantee, or Include firm name. Ada requiring apoii cants to buy merchandi from company and re - sell should appear under "Dealers- A rents Wanted classification Bona fHe offers of emplov mept with psv belong to the 'H'lo wanted columns. Ski Patrol Pair Saved ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify "Witness for the Prosecution." Major NemiavaiioBS Other major nominations: Best supporting actor: Red But tons, "Sayonara:" Vittono De an attempt to seize arms. The raids were unsuccessful. The IRA demands the union of Northern Ireland with the Irish Republic. The republic has repu diated the IRA. City Obituaries SPEC. THIS WEEK Davenport A chair eomp. re-up holstered. $73 tt up. Free est pickup St del. Louie's Uphol stery snop. im -maa. BACHELOR APT CHEWFI.AH Wash Fh 1? I 'fleas, elee. heat store tt bus. u ' ' I TV ant. auto, washer. 317 S. iwg is-year-oiu memoen or a .cmm. . , . ' 5" ""'iSUM trailer dollev. like new uiuun umay alter spenaing two $2$. 4180 Portland Kd. days on 5,470-foot Mt. Chewelah. i'lasalljs sedan They became lost after participat- em 2-1393 after 4 p m inff in a aitcTSMufnl rpcMi mil. 1 roB SAI 3T. hv owner. 2 bedrm mtn nome wun sar- "wn- Iu" price sajsuJSO LM 4-4S15. ine yourns, uaie rtuestnoti ana By owner 3 bedrm. dining jonn May, were last seen Satur day evening after they helped lo- a(- m 0,w Cai tl n'kn KA.qmA . w -.. roR SALE bakerr rouW in dense fog on an outing. truCk. em 4-sass. - The SCOUt. Alan Andrist. 14, NICnbdm hou7egarnr spent the night with two Of his : store, bus. Gen. c State Hos- rescuers and came in safely Sun day afternoon. May and Wuesthoff had struck out on their own to tell of the res cue and failed to show up. m . v. rm. & utii.. garage S250 down, full price $4,250. $S0 month. EM 4-4S1I pital. Inq. 1002 Park Ave CLEAN 2 bdrm. insulated, all elec.. bus by door, $60. EM 2-741S. MOD 2 bdrm.. gar., util. Corner lot. Low rent. EM A Large-scale hunt was launched' 4-S048. this morninf. irVKS apt.. $30. util. pd., close in So. EM 2-3727. Robert K. AtweU Law resident of $43 Market St.. at a local hospital, February 17th. Sur vived by sisters in law. Miss Mellis sa Hill, Salem, Mrs. Bertha Hugging. Hood River. Oregon. Mrs. Clara At weU. Portsmouth New Hampshire. Brother in law. Roy Hill of The Dalles, Oregon. Niece, Mrs. Newton Ward of Portsmouth. New Hamp shire. Nephew. James Atwel! of Flo rida. Anouncements to be made later by Virgil T. Golden. daughter. Mary Tscheu. of Salem five grandchildren and 13 great. grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. Member of Brush College Grange and was a member of First Baptist Church. Services will be held Tuesday. February lain at 3 00 P.M. ui the Chapel of the Howell-Edwards Funeral Home Rev. Elmer Heibert will officiate Inter ment, Belcrest Memorial Park. Dr. Charles W. Barr Late resident of IMS Mill St. SE. at the residence. Feb. IS. Services Aanette Hewsrg ' 1 n5uet7l 1 CTrl,In i Lau resident of H Shipping St.. 5f 1 Mlnl1 RSSfZ, 'S5 ! ". F'bruary 17th. .vfother of !J 'M.-lnrh',-Si.Vii Mrs. . Maud. E. Aoberta, Salem. Mrs. ri.k. rl,.t.-. ' t m . n. "" Hozena Armstrong, fniiomath. Ore., Oaks Cemetery at turner, Ore Carl Bleesa At a Sllverton Nuaslng Home, Feb ruary Hth at the age of S4 yean. . ' .....T ",r7".,:,:altle. Wash . Mrs Rollie Howard King, Milwaukie. Ore . Mrs Good 1 HSKPG.. turn, utlls. furn. 597 NOTICE Or FINAL ACCOUNT N r.ihertv EM 3-7S9S. .. t NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that I i', ,.,Vt Hugk Hatfield theundar.ifned. THE UNITED rUR1 Pull2Jn ,AL "J1,1., v. H e . . . kt Tt a hitThmit raijv fir parking, em z-wn. ia S . at a local hospital February IS. I PORTLAND (OREGON), Executor of at the age of 99 years. Survived by j the Estate of CAROLYN HURST. De- ceasea, nas ruea in ine i-ircuu uwn of the State of Oregon, for Marlon County, its Final Account, and that said Court has by an order thereof. designated the 13th day of March, lfiSS. at the hour of I 15 o'clock a.m. of said dav at the Circuit Courtroom in the Court House at Salem. Oregon, CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY settlement of said estate, at which ir. Full evele bkkpr NCR said time and place all peraons ob-, bkkpr. mach. 30-45 $290 lecimg snail appear ana snow causa, : F. Steno. 25-35 Open a any inrrr oe, wny aam account should not in all things be allowed and approved, the said estate settled and closed, and the executor discharged. Dated and first published this 11th Capitol FURN. private room for bulatory lady patient, food tt care. EM 4-7279 MEN or Women collectors want ed for established magazine route. Can earn $2 or more per hour commission. EM 2-0853. Mrs. Neva Roberts. Brooklyn. Wash W.h Mr. Cn rilll,rf fir... aT .?lrU"JT,! 1 Valle Sea r. Tvolne. filing. Burroughs post. mach. 21-35 .. $1.10 nr. M. 30-35 yr. 5ft.. 10', in. height (married) Hl-Schl grad. bondable $300 mo 174 CotUfaJBt. X JEM i-OtM ELEC. range Apt. size, like new I. r.r, UrV i r. P.7i THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL ! ELEC. range Apt. size, like new mT.' wh RlvnMrt HoJfrf BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON). I . white ijavug washer . ff' w.?J JZm. SS! i 1 Eecutor of the Estate of wringer type $lj Late model B?' siiem- d,u.h,.T. Mr. r Anchorage. Alaska. 27 grandchildren ! J1.. IS.' .T,?.'h-ri' ". f' also survive. Sister of Mrs. Juliet: E. Gooirow. MarosniU. Ore . Mrs. i SanU Maria" Calif Service. BRYAN 00 I. wVNichoU. Kennewick. Wn.. , h.7d Thlrld'a P Feb 2oiht I07, P,0,r Mrs. Uoyd Purdy. Jefferson. Ore ; I pM ..wS chaMl It i Slem- 0r Ijft. ni.m d.., w..h 1 1 . P.M. at Whiteside Chapel at attorney foi :nudrv,,v;erSe ! r.d.th diwuon ' w-T- ki- CAROLYN HURST. Deceased By C. L. MINAHAN, Its Trust orricer refrig like new $m 4160 Port- Land Hd. twm 2-vna. Powers. Cornwell Calif Mrs .Mary RYAN GOODENOUGH neer Trust Building uregon nephews also survive Services will be held Thursday. February 20th at 3 00 P.M. in the Chapel of the Howell-Edwards Funeral Home Rev erend Harold GrindaJ will officiate. Interment, City View Cemetery. Stella DfBeela At a local hospital February lth. at the age of $ years. Late resident of $5$ Dearborn Ave.. Salem Sur vived by husband, Cornelius De Becld, Salem; sons. Charles Terter. Salem. Floyd Teeter, Maryland. Rev. Richard Tectarr. Los Angeles Calif.. Ruben Ronhaair. Salem; daughters, Mrs. Tina Stetmeier, Buffalo. N Y . Mrs. Esther Brattln, Seattle. Wash ; brother Earl Whitney. Lewiston, Ida., John Whitney, Lewiston. Ruben Whitney, Lewiston, Ed Whitney. Seattle. Wash. Services win be held Wednesday. February 19th at 14:00 A M. la the Chapel of the Howell Edwards Funeral Home. Reverend Richard Teeter will officiate. Inter ment will be at Claggett Cemetery. Sieves Lee Raster i Son Of Mr. and Mrs. Robert East er Aoeeburg. at a local hospital Feb. 15. Leaves parents and grandfather. Ralph I aster. North Platte. Neb. Body Is being taken to North Platte. Virgil T. Golden in charge. Dora O leaser Lavs resident of Klamath Falls, Ore.. Feb. Mth. la this city. An nouncement of services will be mad later by the W. T. Rifdoa Co. Ada Frsaeoa sfarwaad At the residence, TJS N. Com merelsl St.;- Salem, -February- IMh; Survived by husband Merle D. Har wood, Salem: sisters. Mrs. Veda Eng land. Boise. Ida., Mrs. Nelda Dodge. Olympla, Waah.i brother, George Hod gins, Tacoma. Wash.. Norman Hod gins. Suiaun City, Calil, Vernon Hodgens, Puyallup, Waah. Services will be held Thursday. February loth St 1:24 P.M. the Chapel of the Cloueh-Barrirk Funeral Home. Rev. George H. Swift will officiate. Inter- auvenoB cemetery. i don Co. Belle McGikhrlst February 13 at a local hospital. Attorney for Executor Feb. 11, II. 23. March 4, 11, ISM FOR SALE. 150-gal. Butane tank. EM 4-Q4J1. RUGS. Wilton SxlO. 12x13 with pada. exc. cond. EM 3-049. NEW planter Jr.. garden drill, cultivator, small with 2 cyl. Gaa eng. EM 2-1393 after 4 p.m. 4 IRONWOOD Trailer Hse. 2' Good cond. $96. S43 Edgewater. EM 3-0139. NOTICE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that, as administrator nf the estate of WILLIAM WIEDERKEHR, deceased. Announcement, of service, will be j RANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON) .925' dn' dUv,r' EM maae laier Dy me i.iougn-oarnca nas md In the Circuit Court of Ore- y Funeral Home. ("H for Marion County. In Probate, ! GARAGE at 403 S. Capitol. Call its' final account of Its admlnistra- EM 4-3233 between f tt p m Joha latter I "on of awa estate, and that March John Salter, late resident of 150l??- 19M' o'dnrk. am, and N. 20th. in a local nursing home. Feb- cour"r,"rr'. u' cou" ..... - - .1 tiar srn nrsntrlfatfl tSic aaill jwaibbf atat tsi ruary 14 at the age of 7ft. Survived by wife. Sophia, Salem, four daugh ters. Mrs. Fieeda Tadina of Portland. Mrs. Viola Bolton. Portland, Mrs. Elvira Matinez. Richmond. C a 1 ifornia. and Miss Irene Sattor, Sa lem. Four sons. RotiOsle and Doyle. Salem, and Rev. Leo Setter, Liver more California. Brother, Charlie Setter. Philomath, Oregon. Member First Nazarene Church. Service will be Tuesday. February II, at 1:30 p m. ia the Howell-Edwards Chapel with Rev. Duane Muth officiating. Inter ment will be in Restlawn Cemetery. Mrs. Bertha Todd Late resident of Route 1. Box 97, Jefferson. Oregon, at a local hospi tal, February IS. at the ago of 71 years. Survived by three sons. Ar thur and Roy. both of Jefferson, and Ernest of Salem. Two daughter. Mrs. Golds Wiederkehr of Jeffer son, Mrs. Sylvia Calavan of Salem. Two sisters, Mrs. Rosa Price of De Vails Bluff. Ark.. Mr. Ten Tatman, Decatur, III. Sevan grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Member of Talbot Community Church. Serv Icea will he held February 19 at 1:30 p m. in Howell-Edwards Chapel. In terment will be in Cox Cemetery. Harvey Willard Late resident hi 255 Ewld Ave. SE. st a local hoaoltal Feb. 11. Leaves widow, Mrs. Norma W l Hard. Salem. Services will be held Wednes day, February 19th. 2 p.m. In the Vir gil T. Golden Chanel. Service by direction of the LBS Church. Inter ment City View Cemetery. time and the place for the hearing of oblectlons to said final account and the settlement thereof. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON) A Administrator Aforesaid By C. L. MINAHAN One of Its Trust Officer. Canon It Carson. Attorney for Administrator. F 1JS,M 4.11,11 SS .300 Personal .16 Personal Too Many Bills? Don' I jet your Bills get yon tn trouble If you're behind sa Reymenta, w caa help you o security or ee-signer need ed One place to pay all bUi Psy only what you can af ford I (Bonded and llcenod for your protection II CREDIT CONSULTANTS - Dial Salem. E M 2 SS44 for ml.ir malwm OPAL King Spiritual Reader. EM 4-2701 for limited time. ALCOHOLICS Marion Anmvmoua EM 4454$ $ ALCOHOLICS Anonymous $ S Commercisl EM 4-ISOt Jary's Flowers it Gifts Capitol Shop. Cr. EM 4-3391 ENCYCLOPEDIA Brit t a n I e a. complete set. Like new, $110. Statesman-Journal. Box 20S. Enriched old coarse sawdust. 3', yd. $3 So del. EM 3-0171. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Pr. elasse, dark rims. Vic 1900 Child. Av. $ 220 State jSt. EM 4H42S. LOST: Pair eveglasses with dark rims, downtown. EM 32l. , FOUND: Large yellow long haired cat. EM 4-4509. 314 Tfwnsportotiow WANTED: Ride to San Fran cisco about Feb 21st, share exp. EM 4-1799 after . 116 Personal NCOME TAX ELMCTS OPEN evening, for your con venience. Bookkeeping at pay roll reoorts. 870 S. 12th EM 2-1737 PSYCHIC Reader. Mm. Hazel. complete I Coral EM complete reading $3. taut S. S-Sawa. T 0 B U Y T 0 S E 0 R T 0 R E N T P H 0 N E E M 4 6 8 N 0 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Salo WHITE oats. Phone Salem MFI, after I p.m. 4 v.eekend. FOR sale gentle Guernsey tn be frenh any day 3rd calf Mt. Angel 5132. COOD clover hay $11. Del. Mraw $ lo bate. EM 1-IWni. 1 Guernseys 1 fresh 1 soon. Ulrlck 9-2391, Lyons. GET greater gains for lass money. Use Surepork 35 with vnur grains. Larro Feed Store, 430 Front NE. 40J livestock Wanted CATTLE Snethen 4103 Sllverton Kd. EM 2 1349 or EM I-43W) CATTLE noraes. al your I arm E. C. McCandlUh. IM 3-ll TCP cash prices al your place. way cotei. t-M 4 Jiw touect. CATTLE buver A. F. Sommer 5385 Dallas Rd. LM 4 9067 BUVt'R Claud Edwards. Rt I Boa IWIE EM 4-1113 403 Pats PUPPY LAND Variety $10 up Alio hunting pups, riu z-12111. FREE to good home. Irish set ter, female, in mo. old, AKC reg. EM 2 I182 J GERMAN Shepherd. Chow, 3 mo? old Make good v. etch dog. Ph. MAy(air3 2600. REG. female Pug. 9 mo. old. exc vuth children. EM 4-9784 BOSTON Terrier puppies Small type. Phone EM 2 83. 2 FEMALE pups, red "white parli-coiored. 'a Cocker. 'j Springer, reg. mother. EM 4 72iuater 5 p m . Pureblood Border Collie Pupa $10. EM S-4443 REG. Labrador retrelver. Hunter, EM 2-4423. 450 Merchandise 431 Household Goods Good AKC Reg. Pekingese puppies. S65LarryAve. EMS-4640. FOR Sale part terrier It chow puppies, EM 3-SMO. BF A UTI Ft' LColor Bred Ca naries. 1340 Chemeketa. EM 3 43K5 PEKINGESE puppies AKC. reg lu.i erni M.i 31i:ua Birds, Cavies. Chipmunks. 31ia Livinsston i M 3 M2H A.K C. Reg. Samoyed pups. $7S. lop Dreed Yukon Kennels. EM 2-3361. NEW portable heater with fan Only $1295. Bub'a Mil so Mart 270 S. Liberty. EM 4371 Open Fri nights til 9 MAPLE!" Maple'""Maplei selection lowest pru-e.. Glen Woodry. 1503 N. Summer. UNFINISHED ' furniture. H. L StlffFurniture Co. PAIR of matching red chair, for living room, . hathanette, nignchair, em 2-wo. NEW davenos. CLOSEOUT AT r S. Bob's Mrise. Mart 270 Liberty. EM 4 6:171. Open rn. nlgnts til 9. NEW modern bedroom suites. $119.50. Glen Woodry, 1S03 N Summer. DAVENPORTS, 19 95 & up H L. Stiff Used Furniture Store, 175 N. High St., EM 3-91(9. Bi. THRIFTY: Buy GOOD used furniture. A single Item or a complete household Buy now on our easy terms. Woodry's Thrifty 'used furniture $11 S Commercial EM 4-3319 I Block South Ol PperMill MATTRESSES & springs. $3 tt up H. L. Stiff Used Furniture Store. 175 N. High, EM 3-9186. Save Time - Save Money Far Ik Best Professlsaal Service! CALL M EXPERT i Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! 453 Appliances BUILDERS OR BUYERS Before you buy a built-in oven ur cooking top, look at the dis play at Judson's. Monarch Is the supreme in built-in ovens and cooking tops and at prices that will surprise you. EM '"4 '!!! N- Com'l. THOR mangle. $25. Good condi tion. EM 4-3957. 412 Food Column Grain fed locker beef 33c Minced ham, 30c, Salem Meat Co. WASHINGTON APPLES Delicious. Romes A- Wlnesap 3230 Portland Rd nice rabbit fryer NORGE dryer, used 2 mns. $125 1310 N. Summer. EM 3-1291. LGE. Selection used appliance.. Electric ranges $19.50 up: elec tric refrlgs. $49 50 up. Savel Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. DELUXE Kelvinator auto-wah- er drver $299 save $250. Woodry. 1803 N. Summer. APT. electric ranges $55. Glen Woodr. 1805 N. Summer. LUX refrigerators $7 50. Glen Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. ADIINU MACHINES We sell, rent tt service all makes noen. .30 court, em 11773. HULLUO'INO BULLDOZING: pay for time on Ion oniy, a nr. em 1 0933 or lM 11731 Bulldorlng Roads, Dams, Dt-DI t-arryau Hutkey. EM 1-314S Bl'lLDlNU MATERIALS J. W. COPEUND YARDS SLu Wallace Rd. F.M 3 827 "Your Friendly Lumber Yard" CABINETS CABINET SHOP Kitchen Built-in., Built-in Fur niture. Store Fixture.. Kitch en Remodeling, Our Specialty. W. J. SULLIVAN EM 4-1533 day. EM 2-470llve. COSMETICS STUDIO GlrlllJlh L. Smith, 3-4C88, 4-ZJU4. Kl. 4, Box 110. CRANE SERVICE 25-TON Loraine moto crane. Sa lem Sand Gravel. EM 2 2461 FLOOR COVERINO NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor covering Dlv. Quality lnatallatlons. Linn, carpets. As phall It Rubber Tile. Wall tile - f ree Estimate. EM 4 2279. INCOME TAX SERVICE Need Help? Income tn return, and part lime Dookkeeping. jonn w. Bollinger. 14630Klm. EM 2-3425. D ai R. Tax, very rea. 1250 N.24th St. EM 4-9539 after 5. L S Tas' Scrvlc. EM aaml Rea.. rate. 4035 Glenwood Dr. prepared. S123 EM 2-5864. TAX RETURN Bruce St. NE, Leon' accounting service. 1509 4th N E. EM 3 5265, Free pick up and delivery. Bar ton Service. EM 1-9957. Lowest Legal Tax Guarantee 12 50 tt up. Exper. Tax Auditor. Free pickup a. dellv. EM 4-2301. Tax form, prepared for Indl- viauals. rarms. .mail dubi ness, Ffnnegan k Hardwick. EM 4 2094 or I'M 4 J320. INCOME-TAX SERVICE Bookkeeping, payroll reports ti Income tax aervlr. E. J. Church Co. 671 N. Cottage, Salem. Or. EM 4 8241 STAN'S Accounting Service. 990 8 24 lh EM 2 5234. PAINT1NO A PAFERMANOINO Painting Paijerhanging, Ilea Eat EM S-95la, 1160 Shipping. SAND GRAVEL WALLINO SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGlichrlal Crushed quarry rock and grav el. All sue tor roaoa, arive wave and parking- lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dozing, shovel and dragline work. JLM J-VZ4H. SALEM SAND at GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed round gravel, sand St top aolL 1405 N. Front. EM 2-141. SEPTIC SERVICE MIKE'S Septic Serv. D' Rooter. clean lanka. sewers em s-shss. HOWARDS Roto-Rooter ewer. septic tans cleaned, em i-kszt 450 Merchandise 470 Building Msterials 456 TV. 1 Radio 21" CONSOLE TV set almost new. SPECIAL PRICE $169.50. Hob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. EM 4-6371. Open Fri. nights til 9. USED television reconditioned fully guar. Some new picture tubes. Low prices easy terms. S&H green sumps Master Serv Sta.. 363 N. Com'l. Cement $140 It $150 sack. Nails per keg $10 50 No. 1 215 lb. 3 tab roof . $7 95 No. 1 cedar shingles $10 25 Galv. iron roof $10.50 sq. No. 1 cedar shakes $10.25 Aiiestn.i Mcling. 1 colors $14.75 1,xlo A cedar jidlnf $189 I Ih. f-lt $2 45 Craft 12 23 Plasterbri. superior type fiber' glass core $1.35 II 00. (1 Ml. 29 lb. texture paint $2 95 iox. ceiling tn. 10 jc sq. ft, Rockwool insu). $1.20 sack cnapwooa 12 SB. Ik" S3 S4 Windows li door CHEAP Storm doors $17.95 litex paint. 10 colors S3 93 gal. Fireplace HEATFORMS CHEAP Galv. gutter wide bottom 13c 39" field fence $16 25 Steel k cedar post. CHEAP Barb w ire $6.95 $8 95 Quality garage doors -.. $49 50 450 Merchandise 474 Floor Covrlnj 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Mottoy to Loon REG. $3.95 yd. broadloom. car, peting 14 50 yd. 9 x 13 $54. 12 x 15 $90. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. NEW 9 x12 Rug pads M SS GlerWoodrylOOS N. Summer. NBwTi 12 Linoleums ISM Ciea Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. 480 For Salo Mittsllsnoous NOV' try a EM '-40C4 458 Musical Initrumenls i Complete stock elec wire, panels. $1 50 bu & ud Ped'l Produce lall anvtime tor iv or raoio nicier oases-, neaiers. 1 . . ' e ...u W k f ..... . rk-t. I . .tn. , , civ riri luijw; innnri. vmhh wi ii.-'imi; a e"V m Radio tt TV Serv EM 4-37$l t Floor tile No. 1. 13 colors 9c ea TV. $49 Each with old TV $30 j .m.l1c.. ""J ." em 3-344. r-lp.? 5.: "c- 1 gai water neater. a au Plamc pipe -9'ac, 1" 13iC 4" Orangeburg pip . 36c ft. 4" cast Iron soil pip . 77c ft. 4" cement drain die 10c ft. Septic tanks $39 50 St $59 50 21x32 kit sink complete $.19.98 Shower cabinet complete $39.95 Bath tubs complete $99 98 Toilets $21 SO. with teat $29 50 Wash basins with trim $17 50 Laundry trays $13.75 Plvwoodbirch, fir. mahog. Sen A long plywood for boat. BABY BEEF FOR YOUR LOCKERS ALL WEIGHTS EM 2-6403 PASTEURIZED whole milk. 82c gal Homogenized 86c gal 4c Clearv flairv FM 1 -JVI5 BI'RBANK potatoes 2c lb W M Vurphy 1 mi w Keizer Schl 414 Poultry Rabbi's WANTED Water k feed crocks for rabbits. EM 4-mty. OPPORTUNITIES m broiler projects. laying bird projects. turkey project. Larro Feed Store, 430 Front NE. BABY chicks, leghorns, par- reenters. New Hamps. white Rock Cornish. Ask about free chick. Valley Farm Store. 418 lawn & Garden DWARF fruit trees. Flowering trees, shruos. csrden supplies. 3160 Market. EM 21 946. 420 Seeds I Plants SPECIAL Silver leaf maple trees 6 to 8 ft 50c ea Middle Grove Nursery 4920 Sllverton Road. We give S H Green Stamps. TREE season is short. Plant all fruit, shade k flowering trees now. Middle Grove Nursery. W give S k H Green Stamps. 432 Fertilizer CHICKEN or cow fertilizer by ine loac. em j-imra. MUSHROOM Fertilizer. Now is the time to put on lawn, also have rich black manure. No weeds. W del. EM 2-0331. FERTILIZER, $10 truck load 50c sk. EM 4-0393 or EM 4-8592. ROTTED manure by sack or cu. yd. always fond measure Sr good quality. Phillips Bros., Rt. 5 Box 860. EM 4-3001. PEAT moss A chick travs. 75c. sack. Valley Farm Store. COW fertilizer for garden k flowers, $10 load. EM 2 5 129. BIG clearance sale on used pianos. Salem's biggest selec tion. 35 used uprights k grands. Reconditioned and guaranteed, easy terms. All pianos drastically reduced. Al so nice selection of player pianos. ZOBEL'S 498 N. Churin EM 4 8252 WE w ant pianos ! Highest .rircs in exchange nn new elec. r.reans. Tallm.m Piano Slnre. 3VS S 12th. near S Pi depot, open Mon. at Fri. eves. ELEC. organ. Like new. assume pvmts. of $28 40 mo. em 3-5707 after 2 P.M. UPRIGHT Hampton piano, food cond. EM 2-2786. ELEC. Guitar, Fender, 2 necked exc. cond., $110. EM 4-7333. RECOND. pianos, $65 up. Dodge Piano Service, EM 4165. 462 Wanted Hhld Goods CASH for RANGES. REFRIG ERATORS. Misc. EM 1-9625 Glen Woodry 105 N. Summer. MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 1-6091. 462 Wanted Hshld Goods IF you have one Item or a houseful of furniture to sell, call Bob's Merchandise Mart, 279 S. Liberty. EM 4-6371. CASH for clean used FURNI TURE. EM 3-5110. Glen Wood ry, 1605 N. Summer. 463 Boating Scott-Atwater Sales k Service. Glatsoar k BlakeCraft Boats. '47 5 hp. Sea King, like new $79 55 7'2 hp Kcott-Atwaier is 54 40 hn Mercurv $375 SH ROCK'S CYCLE k MARINE 1375Highland EM 2jJ423 All sizes New Johnsons 20 pet. off. vou have a choice now. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa EM 3JW0.1 FOR Sale 15 ft. boat $100. FA 7-3417 jenerson, or. 464 Sports quipmom 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods DAVENPORT set. maple rocker at ametie set. etc. r.M 3 .io. LOVELY new 3 pc- Daveno ultes $189 50. 2 pc. set as low as $99 50. Glen Woodry, loua n. summer. NEW Modern Occ. chairs $15 88 oien wooary louo n. summer. CHOICE of three davenos $22 SO ea. Glen woodry, 1605 N. Summer. GENERAL Elec. 21" TV. 1 Kenmore rotary lawn mower. k one hand mower. Kenmore deluxe ironer. A-l cond. 3170 Chester Ave. E. of the Fair grounds. Come after 4. NEW 5 pc. Danish bronze din ettes $53.95 32 AUTOMATIC pistol. Reason able. Ph. MAyfair 3-2600. LADIES ski boots size 6 k akiis used once. $35. EM 1-9757 Ext. 29. C. CLONES SONS 4-50 f LADIES DRESSES $1. Coat k suits $2.HS $3 88 $4 88 Dalmaged hv fire, smoke A water. Field's BARGAIN BASEMENT, 464 Stale Sr. AUTO. WALL HEATERS $66.50 Judson's 279 N. Com'l. ELECTRIC Iron, telescope, tri pod, several other article. All good condJ 149 Court St. 1 GOOD oil heater- k 2 drum $15. EM 3 0438 BRUNSWICK pool A Snooker table excellent cond. with accessories trade for anvthlng we ran use. BAB BOWL. 3l35 Portland JRd. EM 2-4438 CORONODO TV k Ant. ladles bowling ball, trumpet, Hoff man radio phono, comb, baby crib, camp trailer, IM 4-07Mi RELAX RELAX RELAX Jacuzzi Hydro massage whirlpool bath, can be seen now at Jud son's pump dept. 279 N. Com'l. CONSOLIDATE Your Bills $30 $3,000 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 11$ S. Liberty EM 4-2203 LOANS $50 00 lo $1,500.00 Buy What You Need Consolidate Your Bill, Finance Through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 112 S. Church St. EM 1 24ST GLASS-llne, elec. hot water heat. 40 gal. Clean 51 Nash Ram bler Sta. Wgn. 160 Salem Hgt. Ave. 6. EM 3-1807. I ml. N. of Keizer EM 4 5031 ILfl Jl ft ONLY II.M for "4 4xg Chip board? At's Right! I I AND . . '. 3x4 Mahoe 1 99. Birch 1$. k 4x$ Hardboard 2 00. Pouring Insulation 1.20 ax. Mahog. Doors. Birch too oodles for your selection I OR . . . Complete Door Units EXPERTLY assembled at low prices. AND . . . Plywood to suit your taste 4uality.wie: cut your size, price-wise SO BUY WISEI (Here! You bet!) ALSO . . . Tapered Wooden Legs, Do-vlder for book shelves, Plans of all kinds Service with S smile Yes Sir I WITH . . . 3 Months to Pav NO DOWN PAYMENT Work Now Pay Later I AT "Your Building Supply Friends" PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3541 Portland Road EM 4-4433 Open All Day Saturday 52 gal. elec. water heater, $69 50 12-z uomex in rous .. 3c ft $13 50 SBc tt. reduced FORCED to EM 2-4276. ell 12' boat. Phone CASH for Used Guns and old coins all types. Cascade Merc izjo Broadway. 466 Bitytlos BOY'S Schwinn bicycle $20. Good cond. EM 2-4425. 470 Suildinq Materials Woodry. Eay terms. Glen 1605 N. Summer. NEW Hide-A-Bed. CLOSEOUT. Only $139.95. Bob' Mdse. Mart 270 S Liberty. EM 4-6371. Open Fri. nights 111 9. NEW Blltwell daveno sets $124 50 G len Woodry, 1605 N, Summer. MAPLE dinette set, maple front rm. furniture, bdrm, auite. Refrig., auto, washer. EM 2-8261. EGE. 7 pc. dining sets $39 50 Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. M W Cabmet-Ironer-$.W;"7'Tx Bigelow nig A pad. $25: chrome dinette set with 4 chairs, $35; 4 round chrome chairs.$l IEMJtWl NEW Hardwood Hi-chairs $ltftt Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. Up to 50 Discount Buy Now & Save Whit sewing mach. .. $.10 Leonard refrig., 6' 113 Mont. Ward refrif.. C $2fl Apex wringer washer , $23 Rendix auto washer $20 Kenmore elec. range $.. Hntpoint elec. range (25 RCA 21" table T.V. I5 S t. 21" Console T V. $'jt Other Models To Select MONTGOMERY WARD 159 N. Liberty EM 2-1191 SPECIAL I Reg. $139. new 1240 coll bog soring. lnnersprlnf mattress li) yr. guarantee $99 50. Glen .Woodry, 115 N. - Summer. TV STAND wrought tron. $4 9)1 una Moae. Mart, no h. Lib erty FM 37l. Open Fri. night till 9. TO PLACE AD PHONE M 4-6311 GOOD LUMBER 2x4 2x4 A Shiolap $33 per M CALL E. S. RITTER & CO. 5550 Portland Rd. EM 4-013) Open All Pay Saturday SAVES YOU MONEY ORDER SPECIFIED 2x4 -- .l 2xS 1x8 SL OLD GROWTH FIR 3 1 Composition FRY ROOFING No. 2 R L Oak Flooring ' NAMED BRANDS BRUCE et LOUISIANA QUALITY A SERVICE WE DELIVER A- LUMBER CO. 3243 S. Com'1 EM 2-7550 1x4" Thru 1x9" Width . All I Ft. Lengths ONLY $115 M NO WASTE CARLOAD SUPPLY C & K Lumber Yard $52 N. Lancaster EM 1-1500 OPEN ALL DAY SAT. $" Vent fan 4" solid fiber pip Lighting fixture 200 amp. meter base 119 95 21x32 stainless steel sink $37.90 Elec. Heater, all make cheap. 77c ft $10 3c It $150 13c ft $1115 TYPEWRITERS. Adders, Safe. Desks, cnair. rues. Duplica tors A Supplies Expert repair service, noen, 456 Court. EM 3-6773. JOHN DEERE 15x27 tractor cover crop disc. 7' mower, flat bed trailer, section drag, chore cart, zz 4xs blaster board 2.000 ft. 1x4 matched flooring. Cha. Wlnana. 1143 Oak SL EM 3-6X13. KEEP WARM With this used Norg upright utility furnace. 70,000 but will handle a I room house easily. 190 TERMS. Judson's. 27 N. Com'l. EM 4-4747 PIT-RUN GRAVEL Crushed Quarry Rock Prompt Service. EM 4-4005 prices. 2680 Portland Rd., MISCELLANEOUS service sta tion equipment. Close - out 1. E. Burr Miller Oil Co.. aaiem. ure ELEC. BASEBOARD HEAT Limited quantity! 2 It. section. Sin w: 4 rt. section, $23.00 Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. USED toilet, $10. Ud wash bowl. $3 A $5. Em 3-6S0S. 481 For Rant MiKsllaroos HOSPITAL bed It rollaway oea. n. l. Miff rurnitur to. 450 Court St. EM 1-IBS. 483 Wanted MistsllsnsKMis OLD newspapers A magazine. IO03 5. com I. EM 3-777 or EM 4.3413 eve. ROCK suitable for rock' wall. CaU EM 4-5745. Eve. 484 Miscellaneous 4" cast iron Pipe Wall thermostat. 220 volt 14-2 Lomex in rolls 13 H.P. Pump Panel Galv. Gutter Built-in oven, 4 burner Complet line of elec. heating, nous wiring, plumbing sup plies at fixtures. OPEN FRIDAY EVES. APEX ELECTRIC & PLUMBING 1410 BROADWAY EM 2-1864 CERTA1NTEE0 3-TAB ROOFING Reg. & Sealdown $875 i UP J. W. COPELAND LUMBER YARDS J49 S. 12th St. EM 3-9606 PLASTIC under house. Conden sation control. EM 2-7829. 472 Plumbing I Heating "SWEATY WINDOWS" DRAFTY FLOORS HIGH FUEL BILLS MOLDY CLOSETS When Ward Caa Eliminate U this trouble, by Installing a new Heating Job CALL EM 3-9998 For Free HEATING SURVEY MONTGOMERY WARD fc CO. PHONE KM 4rNU TO PLACE AD FOR SALE or trade. Small arc welder.CM 2-4276. FOR Sale 14xl6V bldg., easily moved, $j. tM4-Ji3. DfNTAL" PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASF.S DR HARRY SEMLER, Dentist, Adolph Bldg State Com'l. Sta. Salem. Ph. EM 1-3311. 486 Machinery 4V Tool OARAGE equip. A tool, for sale. Bollinger, Sllverton Ph. TR 3-4263 eve A Sal. 200 AMP. D. C. Welder. Com plete with everything to run off a tractor. Reasonable. EM 2-4276. SKIL Belt Sander in good con dition. EM 2-1252. USED welders, all makes, rea. 6!t8 Illinois. EM 1M4. SEVERAL used welder. See at 790 Steward St. Ph. 4-7544. 490 Fuel DRY maple wood, $12 delivered. EM 4-2U41 after 5:30 p.m. CAPITOL FUEL CO.. INC. Slab Wood. Oak A Ash MILL wood, plywood cores, as sorted hardwoods, planer-ends. EM 3-7721 or EM 3-6024 1420 Broadway DRY eld growth lsb. Lge. or m. $12 per cord Dry lge. Maple slab $13 cord. Dry Oak wood Igj. or m. $17 cord. EM 3-7604. SHAVINGS del. Mulching A bed ding SKyllne 7-1722 Monmouth ANDERSON'S Slab Wood. 3 cord dry. $2 del, EM 3-7751. OAK stumpsge Ervln Simmon HI. 1, BOX KM. EM 4-lwa. FERN FUEL 203 E. Salem Rd., Dallas 3 Unit load slab wood $1$; also dry slab 1 unit $20. MA i wi MA 3-2253 collect. DRY oak any length, 117 SO cord del. EM 4-1H03. a. Bimmona. HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST WOOD. EM 3-6444 FLYWOOD core. Old fir wood. ISIS Garden Kd. EM 500 Bus. & Finance 510 MoRsry to Loan rVORTCAGE LOANS to buy. build, refinance. i pet. con struction loan. Ms service fee. C. V. Kent Co., 605 Cot tage NE. EM 4:73, CASH for Mlg. A Contracts. Private money to loan. a. m. Mason, W. R. Mtnler, 341 Chemeket. EM3-8841, Loan $50 to llTsoo Hollywood Finance Co. 1M0 Fairground Rd. EM 1-7033 next 10 Dans, rree paraing To Place Classified Ads Call EM. 4-tlU A WE LOAN MONEY ON ALL ARTICLES OF VALUE RIFLES - SHOTGUNS RE VOLVERS DIAMONDS JEWELRY MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS TYPEWRIT ERS ETC Star Exchange Loan 311 N. Commercial, Salem COLONIAL InveimenrCo7 Real Property Loans, Contract Pur : chased. 6117 Court. EM 4-2283. PETER Geiscr FHA and con ventional loan. EM 4-4701. PRIVATE money to loan 4 pet. Interest. Ph.EM 2-07!4. TRADE FOR REAL ESTATE MTG. or Contract: 1956 BuicK 4 door convertible, one owner, best of condition. Pay differ ence. B. M. Mason, 341 Che meketa St. FH A. 30 yr. . pet. mtg. loans to buy, build, refinance Sour home. Low loan costs, tat Finance Co., 167 High St S.E., Salem. Ph. EM 1 1151. 515 Investments 1ST A 2ND mortgage to hlajh. st bidder. Pk. Ill 4 133. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted PAGENSTECHER'S Placement Agency Sine 114$ - Specialists ta Office Placements 94 Stat St 1411 Ore Bldg I Phone CM 4-3331 CAPITOL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists In office personnel 174 Cottag St. SE EM 2 063(1 60t Help Wonted, Lady GIRL. 1130, with some book- keeplng knowledge to train lor olic work. EM 2 4455 from 2 p.m. to 5. RELIABLE person to car for children, help witn general housework. Statesman-Journal BoxJ98. . SMART appearing woman for manager or asst. manager of reducing salon. Real future for woman who qualifies. College Grad. or selling experience necessary. Pleasant surround ings, excellent pay. Age limit 35. Call EM 4m Stauffer System 455 Ferry St. 610 Soles Help Wonted MAN for sale A service. Elee- trolux Corp. 1078 Broadway. EM 4-223D. SALES POSITIONS With A Future AGE 21 - 50 To average over 1130 per week. To qualify: Must nav car) good background with aver age Intelligence: bondable; free tn travel S days per week. Must be alert, highly sociable, ambitious and re sponsible. You will he glverf a complete and successful training program, $76 00 a week guaranteed to start. You will be (elected for advance ment to key managerial post, lions. Your future and security assured. This is a lifetime con nection and chance of a life, time if you have what we want. SEE: Mr. M. Rigg. Wednes day, Feb. 19th, 10 A.M. to S P.M. or Thur. Feb, 30th A.M. to 4 P.M., at the Senator Hotel tn Salem, Oregon. WASHINGTON. D. C. CORPORATION which has had tremendous sales Increases In 1M7 and are now expending branch offices In Portland and Salem area. We need salesman of neat appear, snc between 33 and 3$ years of age. Car essential. Starting salary $400.00 per mo plus lioeral eonuntsiions. Those who meet our require. menui snouia do earning sain. $40$ a week wUhin SO day. PROFIT SHARING bonuses. Christmas bonuses free nn. pltallratlon and life Insurance, monthly bonuses, and com. pany pension plan. No door to door canvassing. Lead furnished without charge. C. E. McKay will In. tervlew In Salem Downtown Courtel, Tue , 13:30 p m., 4:04 FA. and 1:04 Jtw IHARF. J