J KMSec II) Statesman, Salfm, Ortv. Tues.. F?b. 18. '5S Hopeful Bearcats Eye Somewhat bent but certainly not broken after splitting their rrucial weekend pair with Linlield Wildcat, the Willamette Bearcat the eastern portion of the North- west Conference Coach Johnny takes bis tribe to College of Idaho for Fn- day and Saturday games this the same weekend. The Wildcats olav at Whitman Friday and Saturday, and at College of Idaho Monday. Classic Next For Golfers Houston Expects Chilly Weather By MAX B. SKELTON HOLSTON Tex. Feb. 17 Near freezing temperatures are expected tomorrow for the start ; of the qual'fyin; ro:md for the j SJO.OOn Houston Classic Invitation Golf Tournament j Temperature were In the klgk $ ta-1' as a lirM raia fell j wkile moat of the pre from the i winter tour were letting the ' T.iee-jar'. par 72 Memorial Park course wltfc practice rauMlt. A field of about 130 is expected to seek (5 qualifying positions available for Thursday s opening round of the 72-hole tournament. Wkile qnaltfyiag pla i ia pro grei al Memorial. U-e N ei eirp plaert wiil be competing far Si.M la prize maaey la a pair 4 pro-ame'ear eveat at the Coifcmt aad Puie Fereal Coua- tr auba. The sprawling Memorial course if a favorite among wood special' ists who can claim maximum dis tance on the. long fairways tournament speculation centers primarily on three new stars of the winter tour Ken Venturi, David Marr. and Bill Johnson. Veatari, tke tour's lone double wlaaer to far. passed ap the Texas Opea al Saa Aatonlo last week after wlaalag the Palm Uprises TkuaderMrd lavltattoaal a ad tke Pkoealx Opea. TU 2 y ear-old Callfaralaa practiced at Mi mortal several time laat waek aad called tke tree-Uaed laytat "a good course" even tawagk a kit soft? from recent rata. Johnson, a 16-year-old pro from I 'I .L If rrovo, Lian. coiiecmi lop nmney yesterday at San Antonio, over taking Marr on the final 1 holes. The 2.4-year-old Marr. a Houston native, led ihe first three rounds but a final round 73 left him in a injl al i Miami i vuisvi 14 mt, iiiiii 111 m third place tie, four stroke, be- bind Johnson who finished with a j Patrick Goes To Sweden NEW YORK, Feb. 17 ' Gener- al Manager Lynn Patrick of the Boston Bruins revealed today he! will attend the world amateur ice : hockey championships in Norway next week in an effort to sign at least one player from Sweden's de fending titleholders. Patrick's exploratory trip I a re salt f kls kaviag givea a try atst to Svea fTamkal Jokaaaiea, Bwedea's leading s e a r e r. Tke skater Patrick Is after, kowever, is Lars Bjora. a defeaaemaa. ' I was most pleasantly surpris ed by what Johanssen showed in our training camp last summer Patrick .aid "He's a fin. dealer and excellent stickhandler. j . i7L i . 7; ., "Bait because he's one of Swe- den's top soccer players and he ; has some other businesses going for him, Johanssen does not want to come over here for six months. "Jahaassea recemmeatted Bjora, wko said is a staadaat defeaaemaa aad awe af tke Wg reaseas tke Swedes heat the Can aaVaas, Russia and America laat year. He I a d I e a 1 e d tkat BJara woald tara prfeaiaal If Ike salary was klgk eaoagk." Robertson Gets 43 CINCINNATI, Feb. 17 -Cin- dnnatl sophomore Oscar Robertson in a scoring duel with Drake's Red Murrell tonight came out top man with 43 points that provided the big punch in the Bearcats' 96-64 basketball trouncing of the Drake Bulldogs. wees, ana inence 10 numan ior 5u.3. - n.j whitman and College of Idaho here oae-.ea 414 PT. haTtinY .7, den March 12-22. .nur;u7 voiu.. ....... early in tne season, bui mose eentage wuiaasette .mi. opoeaenti i ... .im. . . . . .... nnH Tnl as of M.ho tnirt S-7 . . . . j . ... L m T-...I ... ik.... unl...,. Laat Sa'Urna.T, W equal imponanwi me .act - - - teams can oe expecieo to oe mucn k- M.- ,V.r a team la w.lca mat Liniieia. now leaaing me cm- - - - - tougner at nome. ; eentage wuiaasette .ill, oaaoarnts mtn ,.., th same iaunt So the conference chamoionshiD .413. Iteoewadi wuiamstie tos. 0- 1 . . ' t - (Ceatlaued from preceding page) ian footballers last season, his first In the pro ranks, and is looking forward to his sophomore campaign with the same outit ... free Program, Peanuts On Opening Night Something new and different for the Waters Field custo mers me mgni intrTinage senators" open ineirwmnwesi League campaign. For the first time since we can remember, The regular season tickets will be good for admission that night. Also, regular single admission ducats will be priced at $1 for adults, and purchasers of these will be given a pro gram and a sack of peanuts along with a seat . . . Season ticket tariffs this semester for Senator games ane to be f 13 for a single adult, S23 for two adults and $30 for a family. Leler on BM Enger will have special ticket books available Mat 110 for 15 tickeU . ' Put More I hone trips begin, Roy fOIser's l.infields have what could be a very interesting date at Portland tonight, with the Lewis Linfield tonight, it wold put Wil- lamette back on lop of the pack ....-.-. Linfield now has seven wins, two losses. Willamette has eight wins. issue is certainly not decided by any means. Willamette took a brief command of the race Friday night by beat- Thcyll Do It Every Time nni run- u 11 1 HT- - Y m i t mtrrff fiTT'f ... m HE fcTIU. avES VOU $40- 1 NOTHlMO TO DO BUT L THOSE DCKT4U i TZ SZHT HIM A ) , !V SEJD Him A40THCC P- DEDB5TS i BlLtS"M JUST iCNOCES J fr C5M" EVECy MCL42 awTHEM""f rjZ'j pr, MECHANIC H4S 1 T IV fi HTJ 1 fJTyN . tJpS THEM-THESE fV -H IrjL ffc-V 0, A ?H YV JUST OOESM T lij P Plfej "71' J VI SEEM TO BE i& ?rVi JWT 70 t sv wy TO I -3bSfT ifr v HS 'EMarr ' fXC-My B4CK-i'7 HiV'B THE Kwcse I Vcc...TrtOP ME.' YOU dOTTA CHAQT 7i4tM amo ra TO ifyv . t COlf Can t Will New Tactic Set in Race 4RCADIA. Calif.. Feb. 17 They're trying a new tactic Wed nesday to get the West's "neart failure colt." Silky Sullivan, to start running sooner. Silky baa keea running some great races this year kut ke kaaa't keea wlaalaf them. His waer. Pkll Klipateia. Uiaka that WllUe Shoemaker eaa t aonac thUf akewt tkia. so Skoemaker wUI ke up wkea Silky ran Wed nesday at Saata Aalta la the m.sot-added Saa Felipe Handi cap. This race is a tuneup for the Santa Anita Derby for a pot of, u , . . . l . 7 : , " J stead of settling for second. Silky , Sullivan never has failed to give! the racing fans heart flipflops with . his thunderbolt thrust through the. 'stretch. He was 31 lengths behind; Old Pueblo at the halfway mark m ! their recent mile and one sixteenth ' race but it required s photo to separate them at the wire. Reggie Coraell. who traias 8.S. j ' Klipateia. laaists that Ike 3- j year-old era 0 tke Irish bred SulUvaa simply wool rw a race aay other way tkaa to (tart slow ly aad flaisk like a kurrleaae. Coraell flgares tkal Bill Hannati kaa keea doiag aa right wltk Silky, aad ke waned Klipateia Ikat If anybody tries to whip tke colt eat of the gate ke hist might decide there la no future la rac ing aad become a aalker. Klipstein thinks the experiment is worth trying. He points out that his colt hasn't beaten anything of consequence. "TV, au.6 ; k. AA aauawa mmwu . . "re . ",u 7"."' ! close 10 Dealing uia rueoio. says Klipstein. - , . fffrifOrC frflf JUIIIUI O UJVI Pair of Tilts I The Leslie Golds face the Par rih Cards at Leslie and the Par- rish Pioneer en aaainst the Leslie " - t STSie? ftftJZ? : , : 7 " r , ball games, both starting at four Both the Golds and Cards are now in a virtual tie for second place, behind the leading and un beaten Parrish Grays i6-j. The Golds have a 3-2 mark, the Cards 3-3. The Warriors have a 2-3 record, the Pioneers 1-5. On Friday of this week, the Grays play the Pioneers, the Golds face the Blues and the Warriors oppose the Cards. , Rugged Eastern Trip ing Linfield her 13-77. Linfirld got it back Saturday at Mc- Minnvtlle, winning M-SI. Following the eastern awing, the Fobura'ry a. l.intield will have lw0 nMU:f f ngagement j. both with Leu k Uarlt on , nome-ano- home basis. Willamette easily defeated both ..,.,,,- iJ m , Barkiuna. i.i4 4i u m jh im :z ; ' La n ier us i 'WILD BUT STEWART, KAAttU AVUOC LEAoCE' UMPlfZE 0NC COACHEO A TEAM TO A NATOHAL TtTLf W: I- BASEBALL z-mors ALL J-ICE OCKy Ice hockey stew-act i CMCA30 SLACK HAWKS WOW THE NATIONAL HOCfcEy LAu TITLE IN I? 3 8. HE $RVE0 A A NATIONAL LEAwVE BAJE6ALL UMPtCE PROW 1933 THROUGH 1954; RISING TO THE STATUS OP SENIOR UMPIRE- IN ?57 HE TOOK OV ER A6 COACH OP THE U. . AMATEUR AMOQATION TEAM! Owen Names Mat Lineup U.ikr.l,.. Vli fW t,..f. 1 day announced his completed card ! for Wednesday night at the Armory, one that 'is to be high lighted by an appearance of four wrestling midgets in a special fea ture, and a rematch main even involving whiskered Karl von Himmler and the masked Bat. Wild Bill Savage, aa rough aad toagk aa tkey come, appears la tke 8:36 a'rlock apeaer against "Black Hawk," wh will ke re membered a tke papular ladia grappler wltk Ike Mohawk kair do. He' keea la Hawaii aad Hollywood far quite some time. Herbie Freeman takes on Lou Jdein of Detroit, Mich., in another of the prelims. CLmrwm sn nailu fan UimnrilaatF Mii4 , " - . me nat go at u in a z-oi-j lajier -. lh W ?'."?.! lormer. wno lost tne singie-isu lo.a.flm,h of Ust wJek. Tke midget, eack oae af then about three feet ia keigkt aad welgkiag la tke t-pound vicialty, are led ky Cow hoy Bradley, a clay little aperator of tke Little Beaver aad Lard Ltttlekraek species. He teama wltk Red Featker against Tom Tkamk and Tlay Roe la a tag team scramble. There will be no hike in mission fees for the program, .ds Academy Frosh Defeat Willamina The Salem Academy freshman defeated the Willamina frosh 53 M St. Nicholas Arena. Armstrong. Monday afternoon in a basketball ,M'- Elwabeth, N. J., won a game on the Academy court. , unanimous 10-round decision over Three players accounted for all "e New Orleans middleweight con but three of the winners' points. "ndM Joph weighed 156. Doug Bartlett scored 20, Marv ' Armstrong, a fast and crisp hit Hiebert added IS. and Bob Faden- r piled up a big lead over Joseph, recht had 13. Bob Brock was high iho is ranked No. contender by for Willamina with 10. R'n Magazine, and the Louisiana The Academy led all the way. j veteran s late rally couldn't over- taking ar-tM lead at the end of ; come iL. . the first period and building it 1 1 to 23-14 at halftime. At the three- LINKS TOL'RNEY STARTS quarter mark it was 36-lt. j DAYTONA BEACH. Fla . Feb. 17 Mrs. Barbara Romack MATHER "NAMED I Porter of Sacramento. Calif ., and CHICAGO. Feo. 17 Chuck other leading women amateur golf Mather, who resigned as Univer- ers tee off here tomorrow in sity of Kansas. Football Coach, to- qualifying play for the 29th annual day was named by thy Chicago South Atlantic Amateur Golf Bears as aa assistant couch. (Championship. wufert 31 .11 ji i ii 4i I Hartley J ?i M M J 1 MU ... 1 n t II !S Weaver S II II 41 tl .1.1 ! Wllln 4 I 7 IJ t Xlegelaeaa I t I 4 It ! RuiMll .. 4 J IS I II t Mataaake I 4 1 Mrrl ! iRfvi ro rina i. rt ire - jr.'" "",; V,';"0".' rp-oui ""it, i." . ' IS". j5. o,n,u rUTrZ'SSSSi wuianctt i,4M, opnat i.tsi. ""p.",? 17. 7.r.TX.r . By Jimmy Hatlo May Miss Team Swim Titlist Faces Fight MELBOl'RXE, Feb. 17 -Lor-raine Crapp. recognized a year ago as queen of freestyle swimmers, today is struggling to win a place on the Australian team for the Em pire games. Beaten for the first time la foor year last Saturday over ker apedal diataeee. 44 yards, tke It-year -aid Olympic Mtlekolder set ker aigkta today oa tke I IO meter race la Ike Aaatraliaa ekamploaihlp. Unless -she wins or places well in una event 111 ivniuriuw a iiuaia she may miss out on the Empire games completely. "My fighting spirit is up," said the girl who last year held six of the 10 freestyle world records. "1 feel I can get back on top again. "I did, not expect to be outplaced last Saturday in the 440-yard trial and it shocked me. 1 will kill my self to get back in again." The 44 was woa ky D a w a Fraser, Lorraine 21 year - eld Olympic teammate, la 4:33.7, wild tke seasatloaal 13-year-old Use Koarads second ia 4:36.3 aad Sandra Morgan third la 3:61.3. Mis Crapp, who record time far tke eveat is 4:48.6, regietered 1:63.3. f 1. - , : u rrana uuuine, Finnic a ueui, "j" myt"f 220. "If she can make the training squad I am sure she will come back and win her place on the team." he added. The Empire Games will be stag ed in mid summer at Cardiff, Wales. Bold Ruler Works Out MIAMI. Fla., Feb. 17 -Bold ' D,,l.. k KkCT lA.a sJ Ik wrataoa ' " ' wmaeu nine anu an rigniii in creditable 131 today in prepara tions for the 3100,000 Widener j: "anoicap oaiuruay at Hialeah pari Bold Ruler', ready to go right now," trainer Jim Fitzsimmons said after the favorite for the Widener showed blistering speed in his trial. "Actually, he worked too darn fast." Fitzsimmons added. ."But he cooled out fine and was not distressed In-any way. If he Isn't ready for that mile and a quarter, it's his own fault." Armstrong Beats Charley Joseph NEW YORK, Feb. 17 (JTU-Unde-feated Gene Ace Armstrong rack ed up his 14th straight victory to night by whipping his old army ring Instructor. Charley Joseph, at 2 Independents Okeh NIT Bids uayion, jr. oonavenxure to nay NKW YORK. Feb. 17 iAt The National Invitation Tournament to- day grabbed oil two leading "independent" college basketball teams alter losing one prospect to the Walter T. McLaughlin, president of the Metropolitan lntcr-Collegl- ate Basketball Assn . announced that Davton end St. Bonaventure had accepted invitations to plav in the MT at Madison Souare Gar- Oklahoma HI ate, the NIT span. much Interested, .k- Jr.. iLm..7.l tsm i j " '. ",, , necllcut and Idake Slate became the first automatic qualifiers far the NCAA by clinching the Yan kee Conference aad Rocky Moun- iaa toaiereace line. Oklahoma State is in the process nf mitvinl from thm Ylicciiirt Val. ... v.,. ....... . n. Icy into the Big Eight Conference 'his serson and isn't eligible lor . . . . 1 1 tne tine in enner leasue nun 16-3 season record so far, the Cow pokes would nave Been welcomed by either tournament. Dayloa (tt-l, with four games to go) has was Its last 13 games. Tke Flyers kave played la alx previous Invitation Uuraamenls, the last tear la a rw, and have reached tke final four times. They lest to Brlgham Young In 1531. Laalle In 132. Duouesne In 1933 and Louisville In 193a. . . m. eonavemure aiso is laminar """-l,v lo New York fans. "The Bonnier 1 Chet Welchel, chairman of the play part time in the Middle East- NCAA Eastern basketball tourna ern Conference, which includes 1 ment committee of Charlotte's three metropolitan area teams, and, they have appeared in the NIT three times. They lost to Memphis State in the semifinals last year and wound up fourth. Twelve teama will ke chosen for the NIT, which will ke played n five date la Madison Square Garien. First round games are scheduler) March 13 and the aft ernosa of March IS. (Juarte--f1-aals will ke played March 13 at algkt. and Marck II; semlflaals Marck aad the flaal la tke aftaraoea of Marck It The NIT reportedly is interested in getting the Missouri Valley runner-up probably Bradley; and such strong independents as Boston Col lege, Pittsburgh, Notre Dame, Xa vier Ohio and Seattle. Baylor Likes 7-3 Player SEATTLE, Feb. 17 i-Asked to name the most difficult player to guard or score against he has en countered this season, Elgin Bay lor of Seattle University today picked Goniaga University's 7-foot-3 French freshman, Jean "'H.eh,r."!,nr;.).1en, Innch and was the hardest man to check,"! , sajd tne nation, leading collegiate baskelDail SCOrer. Givea the same auealioa. Doug Smart of tke University af Wash ington picked Wilt Ckamberlala af Kaasas. Queried as to tke toughest learns they had met Baylor selected Bradley aad Smart chose Kansas State. The two high scoring centers were luncheon guests of the Puget Sound Sportswriters and Sports- casters Assn. Also a guest John Wooden, hoop coach at UCLA, who said he could Inresi A'.n: 14 i . , uiinuu; in uuiaininx Buneauie for his team when and if his school leaves Conference. UCLA and Catlferaia have aa aouaced plans to step out ia 1636. Wooden said ke thought there would be aa difficulty la getting December games, but after Ikat most other schools will be tied ap wltk conference schedule. Titles Hearing For Preppers (Continued from preceding page) me teams with title asoiratinns icaaing saiem. Academy is at sec- huh individual same: Ladies. Pes ond place Sherwood in one of them. V p,,2?J,J.,,j Ti warre oa- el Phil..i. .-J v i..,, ' Hlsh ladlvldual lerles: 7 ' i allium, ilea for third, clash at Yamhill Bob Fnak's Crasaders awa aa 11-2 record at preaeat, wktle Sherwood kas 16-4. Botk Yam kill aad Philomath are al 9-4. Caaseajueatly, If tke . Salem Academy rluk eaa spill Sker- al loolehl It .III .... . I.. " 7 - "",). Tagieaell reatlac ( game bulge aa tke second place club, wltk kat twa more rouads to play. Ia other. wrds, a clinch far aor worse tkaa a lie for tke championship Is available for the Crasaders tonight. Winner of the Yawama does not qualify for the A-2 tournament, however This Innn will tons aside nowever. j ms loop wui J iia ic(ui itmni preference to a post-Season play - ofl nl.o In rlnlarmlM the tmirna. ... .... ment representative Amity is at Willamina and Banks at Sheridan tonight, but none is in the title picture. Jefferson has already won the Marion B Major title and tonight plays Shedd at Jefferson in a non league game. Ia tke Marias B Minor Dlvl sioa. Falls City kas already gained a worse tkaa a tie far the ehamploashlp aad eaa wrap It mp tonight If Ike Meaatles esa get by lawly Detroit at Falls City. Falls City now has an 11 1 rec ord to lead, with St. Paul second at)S-3. MacLaren third at S-4 and Oregon School for the Deaf fourth at 7-5. . . r"' w SCbOal for the Deaf here taaliht. Pim. dal la at M..-I ..... ..j r-i. . wa at Valseti. Balk ike Minor aad Major Dlvlsleat af the leagee end regular play Friday, aad Ihea send their tap reereaea. Uvea lata a special playoff I determine which goes la th N''e Clasa B iearaameal at Peadle National Collegiate cHamplonshlps. Segregation Tale Denied Northern Teams Will Be Together CHARLOTTE. N.C., Feb 17 There will be no segregation for n I . . . ... . . il. wB)l,..nl ,'..M....-,. pin.c-in 111 die .-vmiviiai vuikshic Athletic Assn. regional basketball tournament here n".xt month and ... ... a no segregation 01 me auaience - that watches them. 1 that statement came from tournament officials today oa the heels of aa anaouneemeat from Philadelphia that Temple University' sixth-ranked team would aot play If three Negroea on the team were separated from their teammates. "It would disrupt the morale of cur squad to have the boys sepa rated," said Josh Cody, Temple '.hl.tl. Aimi, Chamber of Commerce, said: "Arrangements hare keea made far months to take care of all tke teama In tke same facilities "This Is aot news la Mr. Cody." I talked to Josh Cody at great length when I was in Philadelphia last month for an NCAA meeting and I explained to him then (hat players will not be separated. "I think It's aU startler ut or New Yrk. They want Temple at their National Iavltatloa tour earnest Temple kaa a prise team and oa of tke best play er ia tke country, a Negr bey named Rodger. They would draw very well la New Yerk. "But I have talked to NCAA of ficials and Temple is bound by by- !avs to come to the NCAA if they win in their conference Middle Atlntic Conference "Tl-'re won't he any segrega tion of tke audience eitker. We sold that thing out hy mall early in September. Who the tickets weal .la, we doa'l know. "Me didn't ask. We just took ticket orders. Blocks of tickets were ssved for the teams and those people will all sit together. Coliseum audiences have not ' " ". ,BesidE his statements about P'ver segregation, Cody claimed the tournament planned to segre gate its audience. cherry citt PORTLAND i tUSDAi Catt e , l"rn ,or . ; Jlz: ? i, T I Druas tobaccos radio-televl. so ciair: Najn-ie Market (j ,hi, , lno. , pi,M .-nprallv mel" Yugoslavia 350,000 bushels ! . urs' lODBctos, radio-teievt-(2is). salens steel Supply (i) '10"' classes generally . h t Korea 1.200.000 "ons nd frUnet did well when i:iii auie rare, inauraace (3) If.?'; c Ml"" f,"' Nlrholioa lasuranr 111 2C5. Sa- lem Auu raru (i) (2i); R.mini - mk m . A ill gtmi 1 t iw r. E.pKlna hmw- r hi iikii: nonywoo rinaore ?'. '".'""' Tavera id 37): woodrv Fomitare (3 (jissi. !;. i. "-! (l,41i nniinii oi koiumoui IJ) m , sir- : tiiil tin. linaoB-, Laundry (i) (227); Art ullllty and commercial COWS 17.00 studi (?) (2M); Nat Nani (i) (Mil). 20.50; canners and cutters mostly e"n,fc23.n;it"i,d,,:rdU.,".v,,.i;.iHH.r: i ut. iten 18 ; old Ollnier. Ml HUh team lame: ' Utility bulls 20.00-21.30. Terminal Tavern, M2. Hlch learn I Calves salable 100: strong to 1.00 series: Hollywoo Finance. 274. MendaT H-W: Market Basket (l), riM lef bob 4k uoro', (j): lor (SI IBruih 4): Vlata Mkt. tl). WieSe (.1): Cron Roada Lockers (4). Ral- fl(h Harol rioriiti (. Hlth In-; Slvldoal isase: Rath Cunnlfhaai, 21. ?IStamriHWH"tem f2' MI ket Baikal, 74. Hlih teaai serlaa: Market Raiket, 1MI. capitol lanes Monday Mixed Onuhiei: Esfie, (3). Lucky Strike! (I); Screwballs i.V.'..'i. X'Jl. ""., "V:":. !:.' l.adle, Pessy Pernoiky, 417; Pete Perneakv. S3. Hleh team lane: I Kiwis, 74. Hlsk team aeries, Klwli, 211. I UNIVERSITY lallr: Smaller Oil Co. (4) Broad . war Market (); Haner Sporting Goods (4), Ranast't Beverages (; Hartman jewelen (1). University 'Bowl (I); Frank'l Produce (4), ! Double tela (: Lana Ave. frrvlee High dividual ia Nausea, 247. High Individual series: T. Prodente, 4. High team game: Prank's Prodnce", 1 1 1-2. Hlgk teaaa series: Lana Ave, Service 111. Junior League: Goose Eggi (1), Allay Oaten (); 11 Split! (1), j Pin Owlni 1); Gutterfllers (4). Wild 1 Cats (Si: Alley Kata (41. 4 Strike ' (); natter Balls z, 4 Tarkeyi (J); Pea Baiters (, Odd Ball 14). High ' Individual game: Carole Nemeyer i M. a.f, Hughes, us. High Individ- , uai serin: Carole ivemeyer. 432, ; "ve Epiteln and Roger Hushes, ' H," " : '.'' ,,, aeries: outterriies. is. Church Loop Hoop Results Senior League: Orare Lutheran ; (.1). let rkriitlao (M); Tamer Meth jodlat (11), MeiiaanHa (2S). Western Securities These hid and quotations rep resent prices at which on or mora dealers, members- ol the National Association of Security Dealer's Inc.. would trad with the general public t th Um the quotation ware gathered at 3 p.m. yesterday: Sid Asked Calif. -Oregon Power .TO'. .13 Cascade! Plywood 1S3 22' uonsoi. rreignt IS 14 Iron Fireman 12 M 10 "4 m, 31 IS', 1", 2.T, 34 ' .11 41 SO', 2',S 13 ,nUh Inv. COM. Meier a frank I'k 2. . Morrlson-Knudaen 32'jl Or.-Port. Cementv Pr. P, Sr L. Com. Pope a Talbot Portland Oa- A Coke Port. Gen. Flee. UNKS Ranks of Amerk-a Rank of Ca'tfrrnla Chasa Manhattan, riret National 1 First Nai. City VY U S. NaUonal A .. . 7' 34 22 1 ?S 311, 3', 4 47 2 II Markets Portland Produce Portland - Buttenat - Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, dellv- ered in Portland; wa tenlt per i lb; first quality, 57-60; second quality. 52-55. Butter Wholesale, f ob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, I A3 score, 59'i; A grade. M score, M'i: B grade. W score, S7; C grade. 9 score, 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles. 41-W lb; Oregon 5-lh loaf, .tWrSS'. I Ens To retailers Orade AA, large, -44; A large, M-40; AA medium. 37-38; A medium. 35-37. Cartons, 1-3 cents additional. Eggs To producers AA large, 35-37't; A large, Si-35; A medi- ums, 2ft-30'. Live poultry No. 1 fryers, 2-4 lbs. 21 at farm; light hens. 10-11 - I t 'rm: hvy hen- 19 th 'arm; old roosters, 7-8. i ....... itaoDits Average 10 growers Live whites, S'i- lbs, 22-15; col - .ll. a a,nt. Uaa- freah killed iryers 1 e retailers 59-61 cut up, 62-43. Wool Nominal, clean basis, U blood, 94-1 00; H blood. 1.07-10: H blood. 1.13-15: fine. 1. 11-20. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lb, 42.50-44.50; good. 41.00 43 00. standard. 38.00-41 00; com- ' ,M""""ru'..T. utility, nrertiai raws, 35 00-37.00; 32.00-33.00. canners 1 n d cutters, Beef cuts (choice steers' Hind quarters, 47.00-51.00; rounds 4a. 00 - 51.00; full loins, trimmed. M00- 65.00; forequarters, 36.50 chucks, 42.00-44.00; ribs, 54.00. Lambs Choice 48.50-50.50 all wts. 46.00-49.00. Pork carcasses Shipper AO 50: 46.00-! good, style, 120-170 lb, 33.00-34.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-12 lb. 52.00-55.00; shoulders. 16 lb. down, ' 35.00-38 00: spareribs. 49.00-33 00; fresh hams. 12-11 lb, 51.00-55 00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all wts, 41.00-54 00; standard 39.00 49.00. Predace Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Rus sets. 100 lb. 3.00-25: bakers, 100 lb, 6 M min. 3.50-73; 12-16 oz, 4.25-30; Idaho Russets, No. 1, 100 lb, 4.00- 25. Onions Ore. west district Dan- vers 50 lb, med, I.6S-90; lge. 2.50- .1.00: boilers, 10 lb. 28-32: Central Point sweet Snamsh. 3.00-25. cold weather, lighter cash offer Hav New crop, No. 2 green ings on the market, and short-cov-alfalfa, baled, f o.b. Portland, 1 ering all figured In the rally. 24.00-25.00 ton. At the close, wheat was 1V2H Apples Oregon-Washington De- ncious combination loose 3-3a lbs, 2.75-3.00; fancy 1.30-2.00: C grade 1.25-1.50; Red Delicious loose 35-38 lbs extra fancy 4.00-4.50: fancy 3.75-4.00; Red Rome large, extra fancy 2 75 3.00; few 3.50 - 4.00 fancy 2 00-2.50; Winesaps. loose, combination grade, 33 lbs, 3.00- 3.50; extra fancy loose cartons: j.50-3.75; wood 2.73-3.00; various varieties C irade loose nack low. as 1.00. Celery California 2-2'i dozen, 4.75-5.00; few low as 4.00; hearts 2.25-2.75 dozen. Portland LivPCfoclf runiainU UIVesrOtK mi nignrr man last setus close, or mostly 100 above a week ago ! , h. , lruc average cnoice id tA ,1 WM. Mk MkiA im ncna ,i.w, uiiici inline MK.n good steers 25.00-73: standard steers 23.00-24.00; load mostly choice fed heifers 25.00, higher: choice vealers 31.00-3.1.50: - KLfSr 27W-30W,: gtndard;nehTr;nr'P?irn. ".,.hiSSr 20.00-26.00. steer 00-34 M; 1 loads at 34.M. Hogs salable 1.100; butchers 25- 50 higher: sows strong- 59 higher; irted U S' 1-1 butcher 23-25-M, 23.65; mixed grade lots '22.50-23.00; SOWS 16,00-20.50. Sheep salable 600; mostly 25 up: choice wooled and shorn slaughter lamb M OO-M- enori liiffhtr : lamh sn-Mon snorl .nt e-hni. feeders 19.50-22.50: cull to good slaughter ewes 4 00-5.50. Portland Grain I PORTLAND un Coarse grains. 1 15-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats, No 2, 83-lb white 49.50 Barley, No. 2. ,5-lb B.W. 47.30 Corn, No. 2. E.Y. ship't 53.35-54.23 Wheat (bid i to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk delivered coast: ami nnne Soft White (excluding Rexi WhiU Club Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 10 per cent 11 per cent 12 per cent 2.24 2.24 2 io ? 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.24 i Hard White Baart: : Ordinary 1 10 per cent 2.24 j II per cent 2.24 ; 12 per cent 2.24 Monday's car receipts: Wheat 72: barley 6; flour 31; corn 20; mill feed 21. Investment Trusts Zllka. Smlther Co.. Ine. Bid Asked S II SI7 1B.S7 11.11 Affiliated Fund .. Canadian Fund Century Shares Trust Chemical Fund Delaware Fund Diver. Invest. Fund .. Dividend Shares Eaton Se H. Bel Fund Gas. Ind - .. ... Group Common Incerp. investors - Key Cuet. Fund: JJ JJ'J 13.14 1S3S I 32 10 2.1 ISO 1.33 1.41 1.11 30.14 21 39 11.34 13 .35 10 31 SI 1311 101 11.37 1.44 R-3 IS 53 1SS "ISO 10.33 IM est Fl-S i.7i- S-3 tS S-4 ....... 14 Man, Rond Fund ... 37 Mass. Invest. Trust . v. Ml Nstl. Sett, dories: tnreme Series - . SOP Storki qerlea , ..... , S Si Pref. tock S. . 1 . Nstl. Dlv. tirie 1.11 Nstl. Growth .... 140 Pioneer Ft'nd 12.M Tel -Ilec Fund 10.11 Value t.ln Inc. Fund ... 4 48 Iwcllinfton IMnd 11. U 107) it! 1 40 I fl 3.31 . f I3. II 4 Business New York Closing Stocks Reported ny Mamil Lynch, Plerc. Fanner ana Bun Admiral Corp At Chcm at Dv Allied Stn Alii Chalm S. Fltntkot 1S Ford Motor 43 Id 0n Dynamics Alcoa Mi. Sen Eltc Aluminum Ltd M'i Oen foodi Am Airllnti 17' j Gn Moton ... 42", . Gen Tire 40', 'Geo Pac Ply I Glidden .. St Goodrich . ... US 'i !Ooodyr Am rn Am Cyn Am Molon Am SU fdr Am T & T Am. Tobicco ... n4 urace w Am Vlro Anr Copper Armed 274. Grt No 414. Grt Watt 444, 13 If; Greyhound Armour Gulf OH Atrhim Too veo Bfndix Beth sti .. Sordln ''. Bora wm SSTSTAddln. c HomesUk Int Harvest Int Nickel Int Paper 4T4 HI1 4 M'4 an '!! Johne-Mnv - ?X 'one c M Stl K Kalner Alum 37', Kennerott .. 34', 1 L IJ', Ubhy MiN . 0, Lite Myers ,LOr Glass .... 'Lockheed Air . .. .V!'j Loew a 1m i;i' 1 m ..... 14', Mnanavox 31, Marsh Field IM', i Merck V Co 47 1 Mont Chem 113 Mont Ward .... .... S5 Motorola 54', M 4.1, Natl BlKuit campb Soup .... ran Pac Iv Ce J I ,,,rP Trc 1 "elanne , ;eruimeed ' Che. & O Rv ?h M St P ; Chl R tl Hy Chrysler Cttlos Serv Coca Cola . ... Collate Com Credit Comw Ediion Cons Edison ... Container .. Cont Can ;ont Oil 2rane Co ?rown ell rurtisi Wr D ' 4S' Nat Caih 18 nan uan irv 43 40' 71 Natl Olatill : Natl Gypsum Natl li.d ' Natl Supply 24. ; NY Centra) No Am Avl No Pac Rv gear c - NW Airlines O Olln Math r Pae Gat! Pc TAT Pan Am Air Penney 1 C Penn Ry .... Pepsi Cola iDou Air SO', M'I 17', gp h)t 1 E e.. Air 1.1 37, I East Kodak ei raio ia Ex Cello JO' si Grain Prices Climb Again CHICAGO. Feb. 17 lAV-Prices of aoaairw ft iiir-aiai rsrtKo4 aaairi tnAmv 1 aiaaa tuvui vuuwvu taaasas ovwaaj on the Board of Trade, the third successive session in which soma of them, particularly wheat, have run up good gains. In the three days, the wheat advances have added up to around 5 cents a bushel and at times tnHav th fains were as much as S's cents until profit - taking trimmed them. Improved export business with proepects of more, the continued cents a bushel higher, corn was 2'-2H higher, oats unchanged to iv, higher, rye 4 lower to 1 cent higher, soybeans H-2V, higher, and lard 10 to 20 cents a hundred pounds higher. The export business waa the largest reported in a single day in several weeks. The largest piece of business is an agreement under which the II s will ahin Ptan4 it million bushels of wheat, 7'i million bush - 'h, 0f barley, 2 million bushels 0f corn, goo.OOO bushels of grain sor- Ighums and 26,000 tons of vege- ' table oils Turkey purchased 5.225,000 bush- l,,t of whMt Md T20(K)0 bu.he,. 1 j . - i W u u: . . , uumivi.-. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Feb. 17 (USDA) Salable hois 1.900; active; 2J In I htaher early: later trad and rloi son; active: 21 to Jo later trade and riot rw er: instances 75 higher: 2.i lDouo : L1? .b"l5hr ? .?!0-.0 !?! M 00-20 SO; mixed (rarte '00-500 tows mixed frade 17.0D-1S.SO. Saiam cam is.doo; calves ino I slauahter steers steady to SO hiaher highest in S years; average choice 27.00-29.00: most food 23 00 25.00: hlfh choice and prim heileri 2. JO: choir 2S.90-37.7B; food and low chotc 22 SO 29 00: utility and commercial rows 16.00-16.00: canners and rutter 11.90 tS SO; utility and commercial eulli ) 90-23 00; food and choice vealers 2S0O-44 00; standard 22.00-27.00: cull and utility vaelcrs 12.00-20 O0; medium MM lb reading aleeri 20 10 Salable sheep 2.900: slaughter Iambi steady to 29 higher: slaughter ewes steadv; prime absent: bulk choice wooled slaughter lambs 112 lb and down 24.00-24 79: utility and food (radea 19 90 23 SO: culla tS OO lS oO: om light culls down to 10.00; good and choice slaughter ewes S.SO-16.00: cull and utility 7.00-S.50. Chicago Grain CHICAGO, Feb. 17 UP. Grain: opea Clos whfat jJJ;vCB July rp,?.m1br 2 I6',-I7a 2.17.-4 2 14',-1.T4 IM',', i nasi', i.3 t (MI..97 2.01 H-02 1.12-12'. MS', -IS 1.1 1 IS', LIS', SSI ao'l siu SS', bid l.JU'j 1 2S-2S', 1 IS',-'.4 LIS', 1 21 ,-', I.2SS-', 2 2S 2 2fl', , 2 17, 2.00-00', 1 101,-', 1 M'a-'i 1.I7J, t m.. 11414'. SS S9'b ' 2'i 91'4., , OO's '113 COBN j March Juiv September , December OATS 1 March May jui.v September November RYE 1 20 2a, 1.24'a 2i'; IIS',-', I.ISH .2l'a-', 2l.V,., 2 27',', S IS'.JI 1.16', May Julv September aovnr.ANS March May Julv September November Chicago Butter-Eggs CHICAGO, Feb 17 11 (USDA1 Ruiter steady: wholesale selling price, unchanged: S3 score AA ',; 92 A SO',-',: SO ',.; SR C unquoted. Eas. no tone: wnoisi selling prices i go 3 higher; SO par cant or poller gran a wnuea jw-wi; meal um extras aa's-ar; aianoara asu- 3S'i: checks 33-31. - . Salem Quotations BUTTXRFAT (Andraaea'sl Premium .. 11 No I Si's tons fOraf on Iff rroduet Prirea to farmer are I to t cents under the wholesale prlcs: Jumbo A ,. . J4 Extra Urg AA ....... . 47 ! Largo AA M .Cere A .40 Medium AA ........i. M Smell AA ; 33' i POULTRY (Nnrtnwast Poultry Col I ,, I I .n I i Leinnm nvna ., I Colored Hens f2 i leghorn Hens ..... . SS I Colored Fryers . . ll-MlOld RoosUr Reports Pholpt-Dodf 43 4I 40i Phllco Corp r 14 rnu Morn Phil Petrol 1". Pn SI1, Pu roc A Gam .... a ad p & L 93 Pur OH R Rarfm f'nrn ' ... 3i II 3i k Rayonler Inc - 3'4 Reuub Stl H'f Reylrt Met - "'k Reynold. Top Rtcnnem o "'4 Royal Dutch .... 22', . Ml. 3S 1UI " imi'i Safeway Sirs 1 1 : St Reaii Paoar. Schenley Ind .- Scott Piper .... Sears Ro ,Hij, Shell Oil 74, Sinclair Oil SO Sorony-Moh .. Sou Cat Edl .... ... 27 'i . 3(J, IS', -.. Zfi'i Sfl'a 47', - 45'J .11', , !' . 32', IS ri,'k . 411 '4 21', - 7', 3I' . 35', M . 7'4 39', 2:r 7', S'. as , 73', 40', M'i Sou Pac Ry .. Sou Ry Sperry Rand Std Brands .. . Std Oil Cal Std Oil NJ Sunrav Oil Sunshine M Swift St Co , Sylvanis El T Texas Co .141, Texan Gulf . 331, 1 Textron 443, ' Tld-Aaao . 1 Tranaam . 33't I Trans Wo Air . mm, Twen Cen Tox V 44', Union Cirb W, Union Oil Union Par Ry . 22', ;Unl Aircraft .. U UnJ Air Unea . 1't Unl Corn SS'i Unl Fruit 14'i US Plywood .... 2S', US Rubher ... 3a US Steel W Warner Plr .IS', Waah Water P . l'i 12', ll'i . 3', 12' SO', 42a Jl'I S3i, 27'J :, s: I7i lf'k 41) Rat West Air Br 31 't Western Air l?3'i : Westlnahonse . 23 'I F.ler S2'S 14', Western Union SS, Woolworth u'll z SI1, Zenith 17 40 ' 132 Uj Stocks and Bonds Compile Ry Th Aiwirialrd Prea Seh. 17 STOCK AVERAGES 3 IS IS India Rails L'U a III Chang dud id ,6 a t ' Mi l es.R 75 1 iso 4 238 1 17.3 76 1 HI j 239. S7.3 76.4 19: S 239 8 S7.1 75.1 1610 3t 1 121 73 1 1711 20 0 114. T 77.8 IM S 128.0 71 1 SS I ISO 274 3 155 1 7.S 191 I 244 0 134.1 SS I 171 I Previous Day Week Ago Month Age Year Ago 1M7-M High 1957-68 Low ISM High ISM Low BOND AVERAGES t IS 1 16 siaui taaai utua Fria A 1 A .1 unch A t 6.1 SS PH Ml SI 1 S.I.S S S 92 1 Si t a.i mi 4 si 1 ! U," I Prvku, Day J A Month An S3 1 M.I 2 tl SO j Year A 87.1' P2 S !HI 4 1 i 1987-5S Hlh 7.3 M 2 ' Oi 6 I987 SS Uiw 77 7 S3 7 7S I9M Hl(h S3 97.7 Mil SSI Ifi.VI Low SS H HO 7 SS 1 M.6 H New 1BS7-5S H'fh. Stock Trading Decline Noted NEW YORK. Feb. 17 (V-Th blizzard over the eastern United States may have had somethlnj to do with the stock market de clining irregularly today in the i .u,etest nd nrrowest trading of ,ne ear Turnover dropped to 1,700,000 nar.M mPred with 2.070.000 on Friday and was the smallest since N'ov- 1 1 when 1.540,000 shares changed hands In Veterans Day i tradinff. rirlces were at the r best Rv tha -, , . - ciose, nowever. tne rarjio-televi- sions showed losses, airlines had only a light upside eds and the 1 nlhr Brntmc udtr. mi v a4 Continued softness in copper prices, cuts in production and "ude oil adverse af- fected stocks of those Industries. Urillard waa th most antiv Lorlllard was th? most active stock, off l'a at 41-1. on 39,700 shares. Second was Rexall, un at 12 on 37.400 shares. Third was General Motors, off H at 34 on 24.700 shares. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks dropped 60 cents to $160.40 with the industrials down $1.00, the rails down 50 cents and the utilities down 20 cents. Among issues traded, doclines outnumbered advances 481 to 353. New highs for 1957-58 totaled 31 and new lows . Markets at a Glance NEW YORK. Feb. 17 e -Stocks Lower; late decline. Bonds Higher: governments H d. mand. Cotton Irregular: liquidation and short covering CHICAGO Wheat Higher; exports. Corn Higher: experts and eold weather. Oats Higher with corn Soybana Higher: good demand. Hog, 25 to 79 cents higher: top S21 2J. Cattle Steady to fully SO cents high er; top S34 SO. Dow Jones Averages NEW YORK. Feb. 17 Dow Jones closing stock averages: ' High Low ties 30 Induslrlsls 445 47 441.03 442 21 20 Railroads ICS. 21 10S S.1 107.01 IS Utilities 72 37 71 SO 7111 M Stocks 1M.41 1S0.S7 HI 21 Chicago Onions CHICAGO. Feb 17 Onions: opea High Low Close 10 1.70 1.S0 I SO IS 1.71 IS 1.71 February March FOR IDEAL RENTALS SEE CLASSIFIED 1 .tl 3i M