l&rOregon Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., Feb. 17, '58 Postal Overhaul Pacts Urged for IT PAYS TO EUY AT MflER & FRANK'S-f OR ASSORTMENTS, INTEGRITY, QUALITY, SERVICE AND VALUE 'Wobbly' Areas WASHINGTON. Feb. It tvSi at Republican leader Knowland of California Mid today thai dis tressed areas should receive pri ority attention in the enactment of any postal modernization pro gram. Knowland told newsmen he would support the five-cent rale asked by President Eisenhower on out-of-town letters, but on two con ditions: 1. That the 17S million dollars realized annually in extra revenue be earmarked for modernization and that a policy statement be at tacned aiming the program at dis tressed areas. 1-Year Tim Limit t That a three-year time limit be placed on the five-cent stamp. Postmaster General Summer- field told the Senate Post Office Committee last week the admin istration did not want any time limit imposed. He supported a plan to earmark the 17S million for improvement of post office plant and equipment (or three years. But be did not mention directing the work toward areas of high unemployment and. la tact, said it was not designed as a public works program. Knowland said he hoped that a rate increase bill could be brought to the Senate floor this week or toon after. Pay lac ri ass Bin If this is done, he said. Reoub- Bcans probably would not make any effort to attach rate legislation to a pay increase bill for the 500, 000 postal employes. Bills raising the pay not only of the postal workers but also of a million classified civil service em ployes have been luted for Senate floor action this week. Sblons Fear Russ Seizure Of South Pole WASHINGTON. Feb. 18 i-The first congressmen ever to see the South Pole recommended today the United States maintain its sta tion there, lest the Soviets take it The recommendation came in a report by a six-man subcommittee of the House Commerce Commit tee, On an inspection of Interna tional Geophysical Year estab lishments, they Dew over both poles and went ashore in Antarc tica. The committeemen said the six scientific stations the United States has established in the far southincluding ens in conjunction with New Zealand should be con tinued, though perhaps the loca tion ef some should be changed. Tea Meek Expca Their report said that when the question of maintaining Antarctic stations after Dec Jl, the end of the geophysical year, was dis cussed by the International Scien tific Committee in September, most countries appeared to fed too much expense would be in volved. But, said the report. This con sensus altered rapidly after the arrival of the Russian delegate." Saeald be Iartted The Russian, said the report, showed on a map where the pres ent and proposed Soviet stations were and "expressed the opinion that while Russia did not wish to influence other countries to go ahead if they did not wish to do so, they felt in such case new na tions should be invited to carry en the studies." The subcommittee said the United States was the first coun try to establish a station at the South Pole. It continued, "We are ef the opinion that we should stay there. We are convinced that were this station to be abandoned by vs. the Russians would take it Noted Financial Analyst Dies LA JOLLA, Calif.. Ttb. It lV "Joha Meedy. . founder of Moody's Investors Service, died today In a hospital after a brief A former newspaperman who , turned to banking in 199. Moody gained worldwide fame as a fi nancial analyst The service he founded in ISO now supplies s vast storehouse of information to the nation's banks, investment houses and business executives. Moody moved to La Jolla from New York last October. He en tered the hospital two weeks ago. Romance Seats Planned for Ship TOKYO. Feb. It BR -As old Japanese repatriation ship, the Keen Mara, will become a show boat complete with six restau rants, steam baths, cocktail lounge and what the Japanese call romance seats. The vessel carried American soldiers from Japan to Korea dur ing the Korean War and later brought back to Japan thousands ef repatriates from Russia and Red China. Now she Is to be tied trp at a pier about a mile from . bury Glnza Street and turned into a floating amusement center. About those romance seats (bey are found ia some theaters mat trains In Japan and ere built to-, aceoeunodata tore people to fts ..-.-....T, I nm O JLIJ1 M i ll I 1U1U mac mm m -; ,yprr: !vsN:r..' 'tTr'. . -,ssv rV b"- ! - -- ' - ' - II ' IT - - --'- i.iZ7mmi..l -Jl Beautiful, lustrous ... yet to prac tical we dare you to break itl Guar anteed accident-proof; won't break, crack or chip ... for full yearl Safe in a u t o m a t i c dishwashers. Glade green, shell gray, lime, glo copper spray to mix or match is your fancy dictates. l Worn fftnftmD m doom tftmtb reg. $2.10 10" dinner plate .. $1.26 reg. $1.60 8" salad plate 96t reg. $1.10 6" bread md butter 66 1 reg. $1.10 6" saucer 664 reg. $1.20 8-oz. cup . 724 reg. $1.40 cereal 844 reg. $1.80 21-oz. soup plate $1.08 reg. $1.20 5-oz. fruit dish 724 reg. $3.75 Wj" platter $2.25 reg. $4.50 14" platter $2.70 reg. $2.40 sugar with lid $1.44 reg. $1.80 creamer S1.08 reg. $4.25 10" vegetable bowl $2.55 "reg. $4.75 10" divided vegetable S2.85 reg. $4.95 gravy boaj $2.97 reg. $1.25 12-oz. tumbler 754 reg. 90c 5-oz. juice tumbler 544 reg. $2.95 fork and spoon $1.77 reg. $3.25 butter dish with cover $1.95 reg. $2.25 salt and peppers .. $1.35 reg. $1.60 Lux soap ., .. 964 15.95 16-pc. starter set 9.88 Set includes 4 each; dinner plates, bread and butters, cups and saucers. M 1 rg. M9.95 45-pc. sarvica for 8 28.88 ONLY IS A MONTH e down payment en approved credit Set includes 8 each: dinner plates, bread and butters) cer eals, saucers, cups,- one large platter, vegetable bowl, creamer and sugar bowl with lid. reg. $19.95 Presto pressure cooker 4.' SLfJzr PRESTO DE LUXE Heavy Aluminum Cooker with cop per anodized cover. Cooks foods in Vt the time retain ing ill vitamins and minerals; makes inexpensive meat taste like prime treats. Deluxe cooker in practical 4 quart family size. Mail and phone orden save! copper bottom stainless steel ware reg. $4.95 severed 1-ejt. saucepan M reg. $12.95 t-cup percolator 5.99 - Lj-jitA. - br - t;Lti ,;! .r.','--Y: :. t , . ..... .4 ,,-f -4 - . .. ' t tf ' 4 1 j . " v ' '- r . ft " i - " , ! ' , ' ' ' r- till i i i' 1 f 1 . w . : f t ill '-r-ri Mal ami jnon odert . HOUSEWARKS - SECOND PIOOR - -- ; ..... . ;- "I if n. r i r - - 'lvrr - .... iv... -i - SHU. reg. $S.50 7" open skillet Mail and phone orden '2.99 $16.95 50-pc stainless steel flatware set Service for 8 Include 8 each; 1 piece knives, forks. salad forks, dessert or soup spoons, 16 teaspoons, 2 serving spoons. Smart Modern design; wont rust, chip, peel. reg- M.9S STAINIESS STEEL HOSTESS SET; berry spoon, cold meet fork, gravy ladle, f AO pastry server fil'll yjTli; p ' , 1 1 " "T . i ;iii nTl,n-,,i h:tv;;;: :o : 3 1 1.11 llllll - I .....-.,a,..-t.,.Mf. HH reg. 18.95 outdoor clothts dryer 24 Km, 11" long, held full-tin Htt. Clvniid (I cot tor pott nd My action gravity btch for Mty opening, cloting. Conv pltit with ground tlv. Mail and phone orden' rg. $7.95 deluxe vanity stools Dainty wrought Iron framatj paddad Matt. In eattal pink or whit. 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M. 98 rtg. 29.95 reg. 3.95 clothes laundry ironing child's at , ratchet basket cart cover 'neat' seat covers bit bract $1 49 2.69 1.00 99i $9-95 1.49 1 ' r KImt-VWw haavy gaug Family tin. taay roll- Silicon trtd, alumkv Sturdy hardwood aaatj daar piairlci not all Handy tool for horn ar li" On, (ntoethly -wov kig. Sanforiud bag with hod far Malar Inning, ptrfact for TV watch mg, mtk and msdalt. Shop work thap uta. Ourabl an f Import ad willow. clotha pin packot. Frrt itandard boardt. tc aarlyt - contlrucrion. r' Mail and phone orden v V ' Mail and phone orden HOUSEWARES - SECOND FLOOR STORE HOURS MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:90 AM. TO 9 PM. OTHER DAYS: M0 A. MTTO 3 JO F. At -i i- FREE STORE-SIDE ' PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS It