CALL.AN Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! DBWO MACWNll We Mil, rem a, service all m.k.. Roan, 4M Court. EM 9-077. NIJlXliOaUNO ' Rulldoring Road. Dams, DID C arry a U M uskey, L M 3114 RUILDINO MATsfRIALg " J. W. COPELAND YARDS 120 Wallace Rd KM .1er7 "Your T riondly Lumbar Yard" CABINETS ! CABINET SHOP Kitchen Bullt-Ins, Built-in Fi.r altura, I tor Fixtures, Kltck. en Remodeling, Our Specialty. w. j. sOluvan KM 4-44J3 deyi EM 3-4799 Eva. COSMETIC! STUDIO OirlRuln CTimllh". S-499, 4-2304. Rt. 4. Box 110 CRANE SERVICE t3-TOM Lorain moto rrana. Ka lam Sand A Graval. EM S-24l 9LOOR COVERING aVORRIS WALKER Paint Co! Floor covering Dlv. Quality uutallatkma. Linn, carpeta. Al pha It A Runner Til. Wall tile, rree Eetimates. EM 4 art. 600 Employment 606 Halo Wonted, tod ASST. matron, exper. In child care A cooking Meeuary. Rao. to live in. PLaxa 9-OH7 Children' Farm Mama, Cor vaiUa. Commission A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION WITH mlllloni of dollar! behind it, needa S men lor saiem trade area. THIS la not Juit a Job. H i a profeaaion. WE do not care wnai una or worn you have done aince you are trained by men who know thu business thoroughly. Your In come ahouM exceed (9.0M the 1st year. QUALIFICATIONS: MUST BE 21 OR OVER HAVK CAR HONEST NEAT APPEARANCE HIRNISH REFERENCE LIVE IN SALEM. DALLAS. WOODBURN. SILVERTON, STAYTON. ALBANY. OR NEARBY AULA. IN this buaineii there are no lay-offs, no alack eeaeona. WE are a young organization ao thia la a ground floor oppor tunity. TO the men that qual ify after a inert training pro gram we oner salary, com miaalon A bonuses. PERSONAL Interviews will be held on Mon. evening Feb. 17. at 7:29 p.m. iharp. Wive may accompany husbands. Come to room No. 4 DOWNTOWN COURTEL. 499 t. Liberty St., saiem. CONSULTANTS FOR lucrative growing business in Salem A surrounding area. previous salt experience un necessary. For appointment can E.M 4-2S80, ;J0 a. at 9 p.m. 6PENTNG for Real Estate Salesman with sales exp. Comm. For Interview reply box avf statesman-journal. 616 fclos Help Vvlfrtool With A Future AGE 21 - 50 To average over 1120 per week. To qualify: Must have ear; good background with aver age IntellTxenca: bondable: free to travel S days per ween, usual ne aiert. ntgniy aociable. ambiUoua and re aponsible. You wlU be alven a complete and auccesaful l-'.tnun program. 979.0 a v ek guaranteed to atart. You v.i I be selected for advance ment ta key managerial posl II r. Your future and eecwity s ares, i mi is a lueume con R'r'lon and ehanr of a life. tl ne If you beve what w IF.E: Mr. M. Riggi. Wcdnes dv. reb. ltth. 1 A.M. to S P M. or Thuri. Feb. 20th S A.M. to 4 P.M., t the Senator Hotel ta Salam, Oregon. WASHINGTON, D. C. CORPORATION Which has had tremendoui sales increases In 197 and are new expending branch office! In Portland and Salem area. We need salesmen of neat appear ance between 22 and 21 yean ol age. Car aeeential. Starting salary 2400.00 par mo, plus liberal commissions. Those who meet our require menU should be earning 9200 9400 a week within 9C days. PROFIT SHARING bdnusit Christmas bonuses tree hos pltallutlon and life Insurance, monthly bonuiet, and com- ny penaioa plan, soor to door canvassing. Leada furnished without charge. C. E. McKay will In tervlew In Salem Downtown Courtel, Tue , 19:2 p.m., 4:09 pm and 7:99 p.m. SHARP. MAN (or sales A service. Bleo Irolux Corp. 179 Broadway. CM 4-X2JP. lMwi:EKLV guar ta start, i Fuller Bntak Co., EM 2-9397 12 Wtrfc WBwNdj, Mow INCOME TAX Pick-up A del. KM -941 MITCH" Mitchell, tree expert. All kind, of tree work. Fa esUmaUj. EM 4-0249, ExP. cat skinner or truck driver svanu work. EM 4-4149, CARPENTER repair, roof. 91". reaa. refer. Bllvrtn. TR 2-493. SUILOING it REMODELING EM 4-75.7 IMAU. carpenter HwT ware, reaa a.aa N. Carp, work, porch, rm eaa Chal. McLean EM 9-293 CUSTOM TREE SERVICE Spriylnf ,A Prunlng-EM 2-080 , PAINT INO tM I-7921 Dirt cheap prlcea. FolnUnf, Psperiiig' Texturing Nelaon. EM S-0493. Free Eat. "spraVino i PRUNING t W. Caudle . EM 4-ladl 1 CBrpontof 4 Repolr Work CATpENTER work A paintlag. New or repair. EM 1-142. tree aervlce. removal SALES POSITIONS Save Time - Save Money fr the Reel rrWeaeJeaaJ Servtee EXPE INCOME TAX IEBV1CB Need Help? beam ta return, and fart time bookkeeping. John W. Bollinger, 149 tlra. EM 9-9429. D. A R. Tax. vary real. 1Mb) N.JHth St. EM 4-0929 after. LA S Tix Service. EM 43. Real, ratal. 4099 Olenwood Dr. OOWt Accounting Service, 112a Bruce St. NE. EM I-5HM. Leon'a accountlnf aervlce. ISM 4th N E. EM 5393. Free pick-up and delivery. Bar ton Service. EM 2-OM7. Lowed Lefal Tax Guarantee UK a, up. Ex per. Tax Auditor Free pickup A deUv. EM 4-2301. tax forma prepared lor Indf vtduala. Parma, email busi ness. Plnneian Hardwlck. EM 4-2004 Of EM 5320. Bookkeeping, payroll report k income tax eerviee. E. J. Church k Ce. f7l N. Cottage. Balem. Ore. KM 4-242. STAN'S Accounting bervtee. 990 S, 24th. EM S-92S4. METAL ROOriNO Galv. or Alum. barm, aheda, haea.. Mtl. k Labor, terma. Edmond Canal. Co. EM 1-4280. 600 Employment 614 Work Wawroel, lady IRONING. Free pick up A del. Alio baby alt. EM 4-097S. PRACTICAL, nuraing. references. EM 2-217. HOUSEWORK by hour. Refer ence!. EM 1-217. IRONING In my home. Liberty. EM 4-04M. 131 N RELIABLE woman wants office work, typing, recent. EM 4-7909 IRONING 79c hr. yew mine. EM 2-2293. 9 YRR. ex or. bknar. A stock con trol. Homa owner A family man desires full turn. rh. 399-J Independence. HOUSEWORK-by the hr. Ex perienced A reliable. EM 2 1007. CURTAINS laundered A stretch . ed, reaa. EM 2-0999. Howards Mystic Re-Weavers 242 8 Summer EM 1-2409 MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mre Poe. OH N lth. EM 2-M49 F.M 1-1SSI Ironing, any homo, Hollyw'd diet IUDY'8 dreasmsklng A altera Uona. Work guar. EM 2-204. 61 S Child Cor CHILDCARE. my home, Wait Salem. EM 2-2- BABY sitting, my home, 1030 nroaoway, isanereircw EXCEL, child care for one or 2, Englewood diet. EM 2-041A REUABLE Bsbysltur, hr.. day or nlta, my borne. EM 2-9U4. olS-A aobygrftTrTT EXCELLENT Infant or child care in my home. EM 9-342. BABYSITTING In my home. anytime. EM 1-111 LADY wlU baby-sit or do eve. work, own trans. a. -e-aww. BABYSITTING, my horn. Chil dren up to yn. W.j Brown. Ing. EM 4-9732. Mr. Harrison Myers BABY slttinf. my horn. Park Ave. l-M a-um 11 EJlKBTIO) Balem oin i ncn i. a.aa s a- LEARN WELDING for big pay oppominiues. a-asr vu u spare time. Complete instruc tions In Arc. Gas or Heltarc Welding. Get FREE (acts. Utllltlea Inst. Box 201, c-a staiesman-journai FINISH HIGH SCHOOL no clasaaa. Study at noma, apare time. Diploma awarded. Write . . -IU.UU a-hAAl I Box 202, c-a Stateamaa-Jour- nai. w20 Pay out! Conricf I4. 'i. 2 YD. ahovel crane hoe drg. una zs-ton moons cranes D4. D-7 eats carry aU clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND It GRAVEL 1402 N. rront St. EM 2241 700 Rentals 702 Sloop. Rooms; i r4 FTJRN. sleeping rma. Mr. Stat Hospital, steals a oesu EM I-9e. ELDERLY gentleman, board A m. 1290 cnemexeta at. RM. with kit. privilege. Mother A baby or alngle girl, gii 10 $22 me. 1310 H. 17th. CLEAN quiet nr. itate bldgs. tutcnan privileges. a.s in. NICE warm rboma for man. The Alexandria. 1130 Chamekota. NICELY furn. rma.. alee eemt apt 930 n winicr. WEEKLY rates. Argo Hotel, 249 tMmsHis. new awws-nifw- TV. clean, nice fura. flaeplng rm. 4-7 wk. mcn. a-as a-isae. HOME awiy from noma, men. pack luncnea iwe n eta 704 Apartment for tent 1 BDRM.. range, refrlg. 957.50 1175 Saginaw. taM. 2 RM. turn, private bath A ant. (21. EM S-WM CLEAN, nicely furn. apt. Inq. iuih capitoi. a ojeoe. VERY nice turn. 2 rm. A bath. euto. washer 33(0 rairgrouaoa Rd. EM 2-9911. ""RMS., prlv. bath. 939. EM 2-4070. I M0 N. Cem'l. SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. apt., prlv. entr., psrtlv turn. tor. uin. caster A Stiver! on Rd. EM 2-939 or EM 4-9743. FURNISHED. INCLUDING TV SET 2 rm. court, gar., inslda utility, EM 2-017 or EM 4-mj. NICELY furn. 2 rm. apt. re-dee. 3239 Portland ltd. JANSSEN COURT Unfurn. 3 rm. apt. 94. Neat A Clean, lain m a.- NICELY furn. rm. apt. - -CM 2 RMS. lit. fir.r prlv. bgUTl 4-1W7. 77 a. commercial. ant, uui. pa., rem r., A wife or ladies pref. 17 Saginaw. EM 9-0774. IDEAL lor 1 almost new tiny furn. apt. Near uenerai nosp.. reaa. ami nroyman. funN 1 rm. er. fir. Aotl. 940 Leslie 490 Capital Eat, 2-922 fEE U1I1 clean I rm. furn. apt. Prlv. bath. TV ant a. as a,-eeee NICE rm. apt UtiL paid. EM S-99U. 29 S. Commercial. I RM., bsmt., prtv. bath. 3S. 1119 N. ltn. ss e-ii. fTrTLT furn. J ) rmi 1., bath, nlc yard. t..' UtU. IncL EM 0-841. 121 I RM. Bachelor apt... furn.. close in n. inq. ops. e - 4M N. Uberty. . APT. for rent. Part util, turn. 91 Water. WELL fura., doe in, rOa. 120 PAINTINO A PAPEBBANOtNO Palatini A Papae-nangana. free Eat taf -12. Mat Snipping IAMB (HAVEL WALLINO BAND AND OBAVEL IBM McGUcariet C ruined ejuarry rocka a ad grav el. All atze tor roada, drive waya and parking iota, READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden aand. bull-doxtng, ahovel and dragline work. EM 3-9249. SALEM SAND k GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, eruahed round graval. aand A top aoU. 140S N. rront. EM 1 -MI. IEPTIC gEBVICB MIXE-I leptle Serv. D'Rooter. clean tanks, aewara EM 3-040. HOW A RDS Roto- Rooter aeweri. Septic tank! cleaned. EM 11121 WAREHOUSES All types, barm, loafing or ma chine iheda. Free eat. Labor materfali k terma. Edmond Construction. EM 2-0290. PHONE EM 4-rKll TO PLACE AD 700 Rental, 70S Apartment for Hoitt CLOSE in ground floor bdrm, refrigerator A range, steam heat, tree automatic washer A dryer, a warm quiet place you will like. Adults. 93 Oak at. NICELY turn. 2 rms. A bath' alec, heat, Private entr. 114 N. 9th. EM 2-491. FURN. 4 rm. apt, close In. prlv. entr. 929 Oak. EM 2-0771 ELDERLY widow residing N.E. part of city close to bus line, will furnish room to suitable woman la exchange tor com panionship, especially evenings Reference letters only will be considered and should be ad dressed to Rhoten, Rhoten A Soeerstra. 91 Pioneer Trust Bldg., Salem, so that Inter views may be arranged. MOD. turn. 2 rm. court. 942.90. 109 Madison, EM 2-112. LARGE 1 bdrm. unfurn. Apt. close tn. EM 2-0479. CLOSE 1 rm. turn. Apt 927; util 7(9 Marlon. EM 2-9222. 2 RM. utiL pd. Prlv. bath A ant refrlg. Adults. 739 S. 12th. 2 RMS. furs., util except hest, pvt. bath, ant. 194 N. 14th. 2 RM. bsm'L apt. all util. furs. 990 Union. VERY nice turn. Apt ' comfort able, elec. beet., 1 avail, at SJ mo. I at 999. an quiet street. Call Rawlini Realty. EM 4-OS79 or EM 2-1743 eve. NICELY furn. apt Ambassador Apia. 999 N. Summer. LCE. clean 2 rm. furn. Gar. 900. 941 N. Liberty. EM 2-23. CLEAN furn. Apt. near Hospital A University. 009 S. Summer. . prlv 12tn. A ant gar. 990 S. CLOSE to State Bldgs. turn. 2 peorm. apt. 1x33 tenter. THE LEE 1 bdrin. unfurn. apt. avail. Feb. 15th, 99 997 50. Bach alar apu.. gea.Mi. saa n. winter. CLEAN 2 rm. furn. apt Prlv bath. 194 S. Cottage. MEW management, dec. 1 A 2 rma., uiu. mci. tan n. um i, Spacious Acacia Apartment! rURNISHED 1140 80. 12th St EM 2-700 VERY nice dose In Apt Ph. aner a p.m. a. a a-aaaa. CLEAN furn. S rma. A kitchen ette. Util. furn. Ladies pfd. Close tn. EM i-bmi. so union. CYPRESS COURT 1 bdrm. tuv furn. apt 90. EM 4-090. LADY'S email, clean, coxy apt. Close) tn. UtU. pd. 049 Ferry FURN. 1 rm., util.. W. Salam, 123. CM 4-9072- NICE I RM. UNFURN. Near Capitol A W.U. EM 2-9924 NICELY Furn. 9 rma., bath, adults. 23 B. 14th. EM 4-714 CLEAN furn. 1 A 2 rm. apt. u rerry. 1 BDRM. fura. or unfurn. Wait Salem. EM 2-2131 eve. 704 Duplokos 2 BDRM. tipper duplex, walk. dlst. 941.90. EM I-10BZ. 2 BEDRM. furn., firepl. near university m nospnai. vit a. Winter, tat 2-291. ALL elec. Furn. mod. clean 4 rma. Laundry. Leslie Busa School, inq. ma nreyman DkE new apta., sparkling clean. 4 blks. Land a xnian nsnx. 190 A 999- PLaza 2-932 or 409 tadleon, Corvallla. 2 RM. duplex, sawdust furnace. nrepi., far. 1014 a. uoeny. EM 3-737. I BDRM. all alec. Frpla. Adult. Na pets. 149 Trade. A-l. ATTRACTIVE-furn. S rm. Car- rirt Neer city library A keep. M 9-913 eves. KICK furn. 1 bedrm. couple only, 229 N. 9th. EM 41407 707 Houses For Ron 2 BDRM. hse, part, furn.. Nr. W. Salem sen. 45 mo. EM 2-3920 Eves. WEST SALEM See this very clean 2 bdrm. homa plus cottage on rear renting for 93 00 Mo., conven ient to bus A shopping A Blue Lake. Full price 99.100. terms. JOE HUTCHISON, RLTR. 1211 Edgewater EM 4-9743 I BDRM. hue. Garage, oil cir culator. 410 N. Lancaster EM 2-97M. SMALL 2 bdrm.. euto heat. gar. 979 McOUchrlet KM 4-942. 2 BEDROOMS 999. 2309 Lea St. Util. rm. Corner tat. CLOSE In 9 bdrm. unfurn. frplc. oil heat. 2 baths. 949 S. Com'l. EM 2-97M. 1 BDRM. HOME EM J-753 A Real Nice Clean Place 1 bdrm., attach, gar., free yard serv., water A garb. pd. Re frlg. A rang, avail. M me. 120 Kenwood, EM 4-2590. 2 BDRMS., partly furn. SI. Vin cent Diet, .bus by door, 90. 950 A 994 Highland Ave. 2 BDRM. house close In, full bsmt.,' oil neat, em a-ena. CLEAN I bdrm." an bus line, garage, siorea, f-v. msm v-viee. MOD. 1 bedrm. hse.. close to pen 1. pan rum. a,aa a-nre. 1 BDRM. kae. West Salam. EM 9-9029. 2 BEDRM. hse. with firepl. (free garden space A pasture) cldorcpt EM 2-4702, IN West Salem 9 bdrrV house, stove, refrlg., alec, heat, dryer 999 ma. EM 4-4790. TO responsible couple, clean 1 . bdrm. kse.; partially him. 99. Sea Sat. A Sun. .at 224 Dun can Ave. EM 2-3590. t BDRM. unfurn. hse. Lg. lot Eesl. 999, EM 9-2944. f-BEDRM. ha. 949, 1710 N. Uberty. EM 2-2S29, EM 2-407. I BEDRM. house. 1942 0 t 171. EM I-9M1. , 700: Rentals 707 HaMMOt tor Rant FOR RENT. OR LET PYM'TS. BUY HOME FOR YOU 972 A MO. 2 BDMMS. FIRE PLACE CARPORT FENCED YD. IMMD. POSSESSION. ? lAnuT DH . I rlLK. NO. OF KEIZER SCH PH. BUILDER EM 4 922 DAYS, EM a-0372 E.VX.B. LEASE t bdrm. borne; auto. heat, frpl , range, refrlg, 9a. 2490 E. Nob Hill. EM 999. FREE 12th month. Almost now 2 bdrm. houee. aula, beat, elec. range, refrig., hdwd. firs.. Insulated. Washer A dry er available. 223 Maple Ave. JtJST decorated, neat. 2 bdrm. neer acn is. sua. Altar I; J P.M. EM I-W71. 2 BDRM. suburban N.E. homo, clean, modern, large lot, alec, heat. SOS. mo. EM 2404. 2 BDRM. 940. 1345 Cross. Nice utility rm., garage. 2 BEDRM. unfurn.. mod. hse. Jn country. 9J. EM 2-l24. ( BOOM older hse., close In. some turn. QJO. EM 9-914. 2 BDRMS . all remodeled. 900. Inq. 1427 Fairgrounds Rd. MOD, S bdrm. home, 99 a ma. Adults only. Eva. EM 2-2780. 2 BEDRM. hdw'd firs, attch, Br. fencrd-ln yd. 2247 Beacon JLJb?' MOD. 2 bdrm. Highland Diet. NrBchooli. EM 1-MM. 4 RM. HSE with gar., range and refrlg. JTurn. 5y EM4-401. UNFURN. I bdrm. hse. at 002 Cottage It , N.E. 9 par me Ph. EM 2-h2. BEDRM. near ach'l. A bus line. N. East. EM 2 40. 2 b'eDRMS. with gsrsge. Sewth. hist re -dee. 9M EM 2-997. I BDRM. modern be use, stove. refrig. 9M. 1 oik. uea. Hoe p. as Due. aai jaaoa au 1 BDRM. Ail aloe., near school A mkt. Inq. 1980 S. 12th. I BDRM. baa. 4 blka from city ctr. Auto heat. Frpla A barni. 972 mo. EM 2-4799. 2 BDRM. hse., garage. 1092 N. lth. EM 2-2430. ATTRACTIVE 1 BDRM. Home. Very clean, nice location. Large yard. EM 2-2749. 2 RM. eotug. carport, utility, partly furs. S39 par ana. tit 2-90Z. NEW unfura. 1 bdrm., TV ant., Xarage. nr. Gen. noep. 900. dulta. 2251 TSremaa. 1 BDRM. cottage, kitchen turn. Near Salem General HoapitaL 959. 032 Catterlln. EM 2-2707. I BDRM. In ct. Range A refrlg. Inq. Archers 1939 Lea day time. After p.m. EM 4-1129. 707-49 FurnithotJ Housm 2 bdrm, full bsmt.. 9'k batha. 3 Irpic. Avail, omy unui June 12. EM 4-9209. FUN. 2 rm. haa. with gar. S3S. 3239 Portland Rd. FURNISHED house all electric heat. Close tn. 1 bedroom. EM 2-ooe. CLEAN I bdrm. Adults, na pata. Gar. 949. EM 4-51M. 710 W.ntoJ to R.nt Hsos WITH option to buy 9 bdrm. partly furn. house close la limit 99. EM 2-9922 alter 0. 712 Wont to Rent Aprs. WANTED couple to manage A repair 0 unit apt hse. Rent free. Write A. W. Rowell, Rt 2. Box 1M, Monmouth. 714 ftusineos Rentals 900 SQ. FEET, store or office space in Westgate Shopping Center. 990 mo. EM 3-7432. STORE, Bldg. Hv. quarters In rear. Inq. 991 N. Com'l. EXTRA nice 2 rma. 1st fir. SO. Inq. 1427 Fairgrounds Rd. STUCCO building 40 by (0. 12 door, concrete floor. Paved streets. Inq. 190S 12th St, SE. 1322 STATE. Nr. Bank. 30x0 ft, for business, em a-tro. 912 SQ. FT. office er store space. Next to Barber Shop in Weal Gat Shopping Coo ler. 00 mo, EM 2-7432. 780 Moving It Storogo Larmer Transfer Storage COMPLETE man III service Also agents for Br. KINS Na tionwide Movers. EM 2-2121. 800 Real Estate 801 lus?wos Opporttif. TRAILER PARK GOOD CLOSE IN LOCATION. 19 trailer spacea always full. A good business snd invest ment. Price only 925,000. Jacobsen & Keene REALTORS Ph. EM 4-222 1259 Stat FOR sale, restaurant A fixtures, residence A cabins, located at JeUereoa. Ore Pioneer Trust Ca. Executor. Cash er terma. EM 2-2130. FOR leaaa ma)or oil company service station, gooa location. Operator must sell. Haa fi nance deal. Buy equity at dis count, assume balance, 9790 wiU handle. Phone EM 4-4490. SERVICE Station for lease. Ap- prox. fooo inventory. Loc. on Portland Rd. EM i-9022 after 2 P.M; FOR SALE: Feed mill A seed cleaning warenouae, good val ley town, gooa Dusineea. Warehouse on prlv. property with RR siding. Good equip, also top line Toads A fertil- lrer. Write box 199, Gervaia. Oregon. FOR Sale: Business property inc 1. a nouses, potential in come 9140 mo. Two places rented, live In other one,. 912.. 000. No agents please. EM 2-040. 806 Houtes For Sal SM. 2 bdrm. hse.. Gar., 94.309. 9300 dn EM 9-000. EM 4-3U2. FOR sale or trad 2 bdrm. home. dbl. garage. 9430 St. Croix. EM 4-4221 before 1:30 or inq. 1499 Laxkapur Lena. BY Owner: 9 bdrms., lg. lot. ao. BB.pop. Esa e-eiua. TRADE this mod. sub. home, 4 norms, tor anytning mat 1 might use. Terma. EM 15095. LEASE option or trade. 2 bdrms. so., nr. scnii., em j-smi. acres IJSO0. FULL PRICK his fair 4 room nouse. good wen, s. EAST Just off Aumsville hteh wsy. ED LUKINBEAL RLTR. 432 N. HIGH. EM 3-9SM. 11.000 DOWN Home A Rental Approximately 1 acre ot grruna wim g norm, noma an 1 bdrm. apt. which brings in 949 per mo. Oil forced eir fur nece. oak floors, fireplace, carpeting, small barn, fruit trees. Close to bus and shop ping. 912.300. Call Mrs. Walla, eves. EM 2-2739. WALT JONES. REALTOR 2ft No. Migh St. EM 44197. lELL or trade: New 1 bdrm. So. extrae for 2 bedrm. or trailer ha, ear or pickup. KM 4-0MS. SUBURBAN SACRIFICE" This lis yr- a' wall built S bdrm. horn, with fireplace tn ale Itv. rm.. aep. din. rm., Ig. kit. with eating space. . Inslda. jitll. rnv.plua eversite attach, gar. Trees, shrub, lawns put la by landscapes Approx. ' A. Level land, close to Sen's., Shopping. I've been transferred, need - quick sale now. Price 1!,M. Ell 2-299. I BDRMTkiVr, I I A. 9140 caaaau. OCatxi, EM I siss. 800 Real Estate 04 HoiiMt Ut Solo 2 BEDRM hi. Mill lake car. truck. fishing. hunting, or shop equip, equal to 9M0. bal ance 94.079. 930 mo. House Inc. i mi. North Hop.ner. move right In. EM 2-1044. "JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR LIT ua solve your borne neede. To buy sell or rent, call EM 4-9743. 1211 Edgewater. EM 4-7974. 271( 80 Commerclal. DUZ TO DEATH, owner wlU sell S bdrm. hec oak fire., alee. beet. Venetian bl . att. E. and workahoo. 0xl32 lot. to appreciate. EM 4-073. .. Mr. Milby, 45 Lowell. BY OWNER All the uausls plus 2 bdrma , den or sewing room and 2 full baths. Price 919.(0.. Eve. EM 9-72. MR OWNER! Glee) Woodry will pty top price for your furn. A appliances. EM911; NEW 9 bdrm., att. gar., many extraa. 80. on pvmt. Iio.oon. Convenient terms EM 2-0100. "IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE Lge. 2 bdrm. home, bsmt Pos sible 3rd bdrm. 4a pet loan. Low down payment. EM 2-7071 NORTH location. Only 1.4290. Located 21M N. Front. Low down payment pet. Int. Look It aver. EM S-W19 er EM 4-347. SALE or Trade: Mod. Ml. home A cabin. 2 lots. Detroit, Ore. 9M0. Statesman-Journal Box 191. MAKE Cash offer on 2 bdrm. home, 49 Illinoia off Center St. EM 2-2559. 4V ACRES EAST 2 bdrma., nice dining rm., Bv. rm. with wall to wall carpet, full bamt. new forced air fur. nace. new dbl. garage. Lota re mm. gooa lano. sea aner noons or eves. S400 Canter. 912.90. N res it ore er tradea. NORTH East aWburbaa wall built S bedrm., S beta, (Me. garag. 143 Brenner WEST SALEM Trade er aell. 2 bedroom 4 room bom en (0 x 12 lot. Price 90.109. equity 91.200. Would like 2 or 3 bedroom on 2 U 10 acres. Call EM 2-403S dsy or eve. K. J. CWASCHKA. Realtor. EST Xte' "PROPERTY 9 BEDROOM bouse. 9 batha and full basement en lerge lot. located at 93 S. Uberty St. Salam, Oregon. Call Sa lem EM 2-OM2 or EM 2-0M4. una Choice Laurel Spring 91.(0 no.' uioice Laurel spring! neignta S2.990 up Kurlh Acres 91.000 EXCLUSIVE AT REALTORS IM E Liberty EM 4447 TWO ACRES AT LAST I And with a real sharp, I year old house I This 9 bedroom home has a double garage, and an S x M poultry house in the back. And It la one house that your wife will be satisfied with because there a a lovely birch kitchen, a full dining room and a liv ing room with a besutiful cherrywood fireplace w a I L Close to 0 grede school. Ill, 969. CALL EM 4-S764 Eve.: Dean Klarr, EM 2-700 Ted Morrison, Realtor 20 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-470 HOME WITH AN INCOME Here la a chance to . live In a spacious neat s year oia noma and have someone else help Gay for It. for it has a neat r furnish ed 1 bdrm. rental adjacent that rents at (7. a me. Baaldea It haa room for several houses or duplexes. Lot 7 X 250. Close to Wash. k Judeon Schools. 919.(90. will make you the proud owner. For apt. rill Geo. Painty, eve. EM 4-lN. TRADE TOR BUSINESS LOT With or without bldgs., up ta equal value. Have 3 bdrm. home with new FA ell fur nace In Hollywood district for only (0.90. For apt. call Jim Preuet, eve. EM 2-202. ALLEN C. JONES REALTOR S17 COURT EM 4-4494 KEIZER $12,500. LATE built 2 Bedrm. noma wnn ainwg nm.. urn Pic, good oil heating System, work shop, look tt ever, cell for MRS. WOOTTEN it ED LUKINBEAL RLTR.. 422 N. HIGH. EM 2-900. Dear Madam Be sure to aee this lovelv 1 bdrm. home in Manbrtai Gar dens. It has a den that can be used as n extra bdrm., a fireplace, lota of unique bullt lns. Large lot for flowers, garden A shrubs Is close to bus A echooi. (12.500. Call Fred Brennsn. eve. EM 4-732 er EM 4-941. Joe Bourne Realtor 114 N. Capitol EM 2-221 2 bdrm. homa Basement, fire place. Oil r. A. heat, fenced yd. Only S yr. old. Attached garage. G. I. loan Priced to sell. 911 X Ak for Kellv Owens. EM S (if. P. E. Hicks. F.M 4-4030. J. F. Short, EM 4-1007, Ed Schroder. EM 3-7(25. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 91( CHURCH ST. NE EM 2-9230 "WHY LIST WITH US? 1. Five experienced aalesmea te serve vou. 1 Competent closing aervlce. 3. Well rounded advertising pro gram. 4. Diversified financing 9. We need homes, business A farms to aell. Ohmart & Calaba, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone EM 14119 EM 1-411 BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME overlooking the City located In Ben Lomond Park. 3 bdrm., dayllgnt baamt., wall to wall carp. A drapes Included. Mod ern in every detail. Dbie. ga rage. FOR APPT. CALL ' R. E. CRABENHORST Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 19- Libert" St. .E. Ph. EM S-S47W - HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT BUSINESS ZONE, - Bedrm. horn with full Baamt. Fir Pie., dlnina Rm., nicely decorated, fronts en N. Capi tol St. Onlv 97790. ED LUKIN BEAL RLTR 432 M, HIGH. ' in J-OSM. . ,.. 800 Real Estate 80 Hoy. Per Sole 122 NORTH CHURCH IT. SUPERB LOCATION EXCEPTIONALLY nice bdrm home neer Leslie A So HI. Auto eel beat leu af store, att. garage A petM. Oversitad lot. A good buy for 17(0. Csll Edne Morgan, eve. ph. EM 1300 DOWN COMPLETELY remodeled heme Immaculately clean, g Bdrma, nicely arranged kitchen, car port. Perfect noma for young married couple. 99900. Owner will trade for car .or lot. Call Seth Williams, eve. ph. EM 2 2729. SO-O-0 PRETTY ONLY 7 yrs old A m perfect condition. Extra Ig LA w. frpl. 2 bdrms. ail furnace, vcn. blinds A HW floors. I -tested on a beautifully 'sod scaped lot. is Blk to grade school k I blk to due A good eajv for 9M90. CaH Arnold Krveger, eve. ph. EM 9-422. MANUFACTURING PLANT ALL you need is 9200. for a months rent and your In bust, ness. Owner will give e good les&e. For more Information call N. G. "Dan" laaak. Eve. ph. EM 2(27. WE NEED MORE LISTINGS Licensed alee la Washington and Idaho Pb. EM 4 Mil AL ISAAJC CO., Realtor Ph. EM 2-7820 llnssrsstieiefs.sisi awe I a.U. (CZJUsUUi. I - Tf "" "' j R A fm i aft aaf 6000 OlACfi TO HVE. ft nn and bath, wired for fangs, part bailment, olaatered. Continuous foundation, email bat Livable but lids aeme repair. 9279 down 2.750 (a acre. 0 rm and bath, ad one floor, closs ia -wired for range, etc. 0200 down . 9 4.M scree cloea In. all cult Good 9 rm. end bath, other bldgs. This la a dandy. Terma - 99900 About S acres. Good famlly-alted t rm. and bath, cVoee In, cement foundation, ate. Good-atied chicken, house, paved road, nice treee. Bee thia. Terma .-97JOO 2 acres, no bldgs- all cult., near 90 acres, nearly all cult on year miles from Salem. Excellent it 94 acres on year 'round stream. Irrigation about 40 acres, about 90 acrei cult., balance pasture. Nearly new ranch style home strictly modern, circulating fireplace. Good barn 97 x 79', ex cellent for dairy or beef (tack or beam, 200T IrrigsUon sys tem goea with place . , 9MJ90 Ws have ether listings. Call er H0MESEKERS AGENCY MASONIC BUILDING Phone; TRlnitF S-71M SILVERT0N, OREGON YEAR CONSTRUCTION LOANS SECURITY: and 2 bdrma. st a price you can afford. This dandy homa has lovely living room with wall to wall car peting, paneled walla, open faced kitchen with shiny birch built-ina. utility, plumbed for washer, wired for dryer, large gsrsge suitable for shop, at tached carport A lot ot home for 99.900. Teke time to see this. Call LeRey Laack, EM 44(79, EM 4-2244. A REAL MONEY MAKER: Dandy business-home combi nation on busy a treat in ex cellent location. Greenhouse with 2000 aq. It under glaas. all stocked and equipped. I bdrm. homa adjoining. Here la an opportunity to grow Into money.- Present owner will as sist buyer In learning. Don't Kss this up. Call LeRny ack. EM 4-0M1. Eve. EM 4-2224. ONE AND A HALF ACRES: with income property. A nice well kept older I bdrm bom with living room, dining room, full basement, ale two 2 RAWLINS (09 CHEMEKETA "STATE FINANCE 167 S. HIGH ST. F.H.A. - G. I. OR LONG TERM CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS INCOME Hare la a vary nice parcel af good Income property. 9 apart ments ibow high occupancy rau. Income ia 920 par me. located close In. Walking dis tance to State Bldgs. and Cal varsity. Tha price la lew ae cell Mr. Burgess for mere in formation and a shewing. ARTESIAN WELL IS acrea neer Hubbard on pave ment. Modern 9 Br. borne, full basement, furnace, fire place, double garage. This area haa wonderful future. All this for only (12.900. (2909 dowa. Consider trade for Sa lem property. Call Mr. Stevely CALL ONE Or OUR SALESMEN FOR FULL INFORMATION AND SHOWING W. H. Stevelv. EM 4-B.117 Harold Burgeaa. EM 3-9071 L. H. Paiiman EM 4-7M2 E. H. McGuire. EM 1-4272 o RAMSEY, REALTOR o (500 DOWN THIS brand new home haa ap- troximateiy i.ora square tees, ivtng room 12x2. dandy aired bedrooms. Insulated. Hardwood floors. Attached garage. Bin lot. 97.79. WANTS ACREAGE WILL trad n 4-bedroom home with double plumbing. Living room Ix22. Fireplace. Garage. Patio. Automstlc dishwasher. Garage. 110,900. Terma. or will trade. 427 Ferry (List With IV.. Oscar ncosrsiron in z-siis Marian Lehmann EM 2-099 OWNER TRANSFERED Hot Water beet 11 built 2 bdrm.. liv. rm. 17 x 20 plus din. rm., lis bsths. convent, ent to schools. 1909 ft. I14.W0. 00. located south. JOE liTJTCHISON RLTR. 1211 Edgewater EM 4-9742 LET US CUSTOM BUILD YOUR HOME. GET THE PERSON AL EXTRAS YOU WANT. WE BUILT WITHIN 29 Ml. FROM SALEM. PADE & KEEN .- HOME BUILDERS PHONES EM 1-7690 OR " EM 11434 fttktsMs, 800 Real Estate ' I0 Hobsm Fof Solo PH. EM 4-3311 OR EM 1-730 ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING IN THIS raemy S bdrm heme . on large suburban lot. Leu of brick work, dm plumbing, en try haS. Ig dining r u. attrae- trve kltchea witb oailt-m oven, etove k dishwasher Value packed for 910.09. CaU Gor don Crawford, eve. p. EM 4-902. LOW DOWN PAYMENT LOW FHA Unas. A wonderful 2 bdrm home located na deep lot Sep. DR. frpl. FA heat. Fenced yard. Lota of storage. Full price (10.050. Call Trov Derrvberry, ova. ph. EM 4-729. CLASSY 4 NEW SPt-IT LEVEL Dome M area of e lit all new homes. S Bdrms. fam ily rm, 2 frpU. FA Ml beet beautiful kllcoen wttk built-in appliances. . You'll love this home. (HBO. Call Bernard Stewart, eve. pk. EM 4-0131. SO ACRES MOSTLY Irrigated bottom land. Modern 1 bdrm country home. Large barn, chicken house, complete Irrigated svitem and aet of machinery. (22.000 Call Gordon Crawford, eve. ph. EM 4-9030. , as t- A, T at I A B at J- Sllverton. Seeded to grass. 01.900 round atresia and paved road. S valley land. ew BMgS. 939.1 write lor listing bulletin and bdrm rentals aa same prop perty. Alsa kaa ideal frontage an one aide for business. Will trade far home In Salem or Corvallla. Easy terms on bal ance. Csll D. J. Vsn Or man. EM 4-4M7. Eve. EM 4-2447. ONE OF THE BETTER. 2 bdrm homes in Salam with dlnina room, nice larae bed rooms a kitchen. Mother will love and Imagine a 9 x 1 utility room, attached garare. cioee to echooi ana bus. sit uated a a 9 x 109 ft. kit oa a eutot paved street. Will trade far small acreage. Terma available. Call D. J. Van Ormaa EM 4-M79 Eve. EM -344f. ONE AND A HALF ACRES. Thia 3 bdrm. homa on paved road ta tn B real country set ting. Fruit tree, berries, large garden ares, besutiful flowers and lawa. small -fancad pasture and attractive house make thia a real home. The price and Mrms are right Te sse call Jim Smith EM 4-0(72, Eve. EM 4-7979. REALTY OFFICE PHONE EM 4-0979 CO, REALM PH. EM 1-3151 1800 MONTHLY INCOME Hera ia a fin retirement In vestment It furruahed rentals, about en year eld location etetCOMel tar) AMIeS. MCVQF I Vol eancy. Very lew asperating ex penses, gee construction hard weed fleers, individual heating uniU. large utility room with two sets ef automatic laundry equipment, off atreet parking. Price 9M.0M.M goo terms, don't be sorry, call Mr. Pert man today. ALTITUDE ACREAGE Large 2 Br. house. Spring water. Juat a few minutes from city. Call Mr. McGuire for price and larma. WANTS SMALL HOME WILL tradi la 2-bedroom home on 2' seres. Oni) few min utes from downtown Salem. Basement Sawdust heat. Garage- 99.9M. Will Use ao er lea dowa. or trad. S BEDROOMS ON ISOxIM let A good place to raise your kiddies. Dining room. Bresklait nook. Doubl Jsrage. About 0 years eld. , b o u t 140 square feet 911. 000. Terms. Us) Office EM 4-3381 eemes wwsii mi-iw Jlia Remaoy EM 4-009 A WOLP IN A SHEEP'S CLOTHING for sure, from tne eutsiee tnis 911.900 horn la meek enough looking for anyone but IN SIDE, lookout I There's a great big family room all paneled, with a bl fireplace and beamed celllnga, ( terrific paneled bedroom for the boys I there (rt ( altogether), and all in ill, an Interior Just loaded with charm. This Is in good location in South Halem With a fine, large lot. This is a aurprlst package, see it to dsy. CALL 'EM 4-47SR Eve: Mrs, gtrpheneon, EM 4-14 led MorrisonT Realtor 939 N. HIGH ' PH. EM 4-(7 (300 DOWN. M.7M tulanr on rriA terms, 4 Barms- s yrs. eld. larss let. nr. bus A .ohool. CaU aw new. EM 2-93(9 if A q Oregon 800 Real Estate 164 Housm ft UU A peach of a borne 2 lerge mi ,h. , ,win who m big partv room, also has extra large dbl. garage, besutiful yard. This home haa 150 aq. ft. besides the basement, price af 910 000. kwludaa wall ta wall carpet, drapaa A a U eu. ft. freezer, call Daisy Gamble eve. ph. EM 9-143. Sacrifice Sale 1st. 29 wooded building sites 3 miles from city limits eaat paved Su. beautiful oaks rolling ground will be sold cheap to start re stricted subdivision. Csll Gen PedwelL eve. ph. EM 1771. 10 arrea only miles out. lenced. cross fenraei - approx. 7 acres cultivation. Older I room home which M remodeled k modern, very comfortable. Excellent herns. A out build ings. Want trade an income property, homes or what have vnu. Call Easlridge. eve. ph. EM 2 522. REALTOR 21 N. Church St. Ph. EM 4-471 ENGLEWOOD On the bus line. Two bedrooma with room for two more M the unfinished upststra. 14 x 22 liv ing room with fireplace, dining room, bendy kitchen, utility room. 113 SQ. FT. Price 99.290. Ask to aee this soon. CALL EM 2-4039. E. J. ZWASCHXA. Realtor. TRADE t bedroom modem home with possible third in Keizer Diet to trade for 10 or more acres. Polk County preferred but will consider other locations. CLOSE IN SOUTH 9 acres. Walnut and Cherry ercnare. naa gooa x aaafeom house that couM have 2 bed rooma upstairs. Living room. Dining room, Firepl see, at tached garage, school bua by door. Very reaaasuMy priced at only tlC.SO with 919M.M down and 7(.0 'par month. Yets should see thia tt yaw are Interested In a goad acre age. Call Mr. Miller oa thia. REALTY N. River Rd. EM 4-40 SUBURBAN 4 BED ROOMS A full Baamt.. nre rie.. uuung nm., new roof A outside palrrt, fuQ A. frurt A nuts. Pvd. Rd. A close to Sen, Ita a real buy at tl.90. Termi or teke house close in to (9.090 ED LUKIN BEAL RLTR.. 432 N. HIGH. EM 2-0000. DAYLIGHT BASEMENT HERTS ONE you haven't ssen. eusi uaiea, ror f is. roe ana worth It. As you a top lnte the attractive entrance hall, yets will be impreaaed with - the lovely wall to wall carpeting in the living room, halls and dining room. Then you will notice that practically one whole wall is made up of pic ture windows looking to the mounteina out over the alr- Ert. The entire upstairs wilt ive you mighty plea sad, and then when you go Into the basement and see a finished party room with bar. etc.. your growing auapiciaa that you're looking at a pretty ?d buy will be confirmed, ou are. and It ia. CALL EM 4-07M Eve.: Keith Laymen. EM 4-9907 Ted .Morrison, Realtor S30 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-47M 08 Lots For 5el (S.900. CLOS& In I'i a. rest noma lot in city, en 3-433 after ( p.m. A weekends. t.rwt. For lele 22 A. WILL. aotl. t A. walnuts. a. Berne, l a. cnemee. 2 A. beaverdam, creek, spring barn, dble. ger. benhse. Mich, ahed. 2 bedrm mod. home, good farm east 2 miles. (5.900 dn. 91" 500. Al Hauth real Ba tata. Ph. 70t Wdbrn. Mt An gel. Ph. 442. 1(4 A. Only 7 mi. from Salem. Bottom and rolling land. 120 aeeded to alta. fescue, rye Priced to aeU 932.900. For par ticulars cell EM 3-923. Eve: Ed Schroder EM 2-7123 Ore gon Development Co.. Bciltora nouse. osnor pangs ' ei.Bve term i. Neer McMlnnvtlle. Write E. Hardy. 127 Clacka mas, Portland. II 2 Enchonao Real irtofa TRADE home la growing cen tral taiuornia. for noma wnn acreage nf Salem, Statesman Journal Box IM. til W.nted1, fteoTluito HOME with acreage tn er near Salem. Prefer purchase from owners. Statesman Journal Box 197. All kinds of acreage listings. vscant land and with wags. WE HAVE BUYERS. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. I REALTORS IS Liberty St. I t Ph. EM 2-9471 850 Automotive IS1 Now Cor OPEN for bids 2 new unlicens ed 197 Chrysler New York ers. I new 157 Plymouth 2 door sub. iwgn. Call IM 2- jtlM. VESPA MOTOR SCOOTE RS 11 MPG. 90 M.PH. (399. 990 S. Com'l. EM 2-0000. S4 User) Cor ft SojH) 55 FORD VICTORIA Dual exh., solid black, good condition, roes. EM 4-iitw. BELOW WHOLESALE 197 Mercury Montclalr Hard top cpe. Radio, healer, uto. trans., power steer. A win dow!. 11299. EM 4-1999 or see at 399 Boone Rd. 1991 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Clean inside and out and in excel lent mechenical condition. 9429. McCalls Used Cars. 1397 Stste. iM CHEVROLET deluxe 4 dr. Excellent condition. 9329. Esty terms. McCalls Used Can. - 127 State. 1949 FORD 2' dr. sedan. (199. Terms. 99 down. McCalls Uaed Cars. 12K7 State. '9 FORD Victoria, like new. Will secriflc If you hive good credit Juat lake ever say payments. XM 44M2. , ... Statesman, Salem, Ore., 830 Automotive IS2 Used Csrs ft Sale 079 So. 12th EM 2-90(1 l!7 Ford Feirlan 4-dr 9229 ISM Chev. 21. 2 dr. (99 1997 Ford 200. 2-dr . (2009 1997 Ford Cuetom Pick-up 9179 IF WE DON'T HAVE IT TaVsT a a tkl aTT T M1 CLEAN, '91 Hudson Hornet. Complete new velve Job. new starter, muffler, points, plugs, new. Never been damaged. 9399. See at 172 Marion St. LOOK HERE 1917 Pontiac Hardtop Cat. Alt Power. Will aell or trade for most anvthlng ot value. Call EM 4-OtsM. 1952 JAGUAR XK 120 coupe oiack with whit Interior, en gine romp, overhauled. 91.299. 1439 N. Mth. EM 3-0209. ' MUST SELL I -owner demo. 19M Mercury 4-dr. Turnpike Cru ller, tew mileage, beautiful, beater A radio, rear seat epcaker. power brakea A ateer Ing. dual ex.. w.w.. etc- etc. Call DES ATlantlc 4-0712 Portland, or Oregon City 9291. (Dir.! . TRADE equity in '9 Chev. 2 or. tor ao. i uiev. or uirye ler. 3950 Deniel. EM 2-174. 1099 NASH Statesman 4 dr., radio A healer. (105. Terms. McCalla Used Care. 1297 state. A GOOD buy. 'M Mercury, 2 er. una owner, nam true mL Excel, cond. Call before 1 a m. or after p.m. EM 2-09M. 97 CHEV. Belairc 2 dr. hardtop v-i auto. Irene. z.i9. km 91M. 9 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe fully equipped, muet sen by rep. 19 er 19. EM 4-435. '94 FORD 2-door sedan, heater 990. Ph. EM 4 253. '54 Ford V-8 CUSTOM RANCH WAGON BEAUTIFUL blue A white tit- tone, fordomatlc. radio A heat- er. Aa extra nice car at 9109 Eves. EM 4-4713 on. SPECIAL!! '55 Chev. Del -Ray JET black A white with match- Ing interior, has powerglide trans, radio, beater, raked and leaded, this te a real nice buy. full price $1395 TJniea A Ceml EM 2-2179 '92 BUICK S dr. Hardtop. Per fect, new nre. mt. em 'AT BUICK Super, radio, heater, good cond. 95. EM 2-9132. . 'it OLDS 1 DR. Highest Cash Offer. EM 2-7092 11 MERC, new eng. A tire. Reaa. S30 Harris. EM 2-V2. 'ST FORD Semi hardtop. T B en gine. Lots ef extras, onlv 19. 009 ml. 91790. EM 2-S74 before t or after 4. 197 ENGLISH Ford 2 dr. eda. only s.ooa mi., perfect cone, hardly broken ka. Too small for large family, onlv 91.400. 1029 Dearborn Ave.. EM 4-937 "500" MOTORS AO Cera Under 049 TOO Ne. High EM 4-700 '51 Stude Champion 3 dr. 9299 S3 Chev Sdn 9399 "90 Bulck Sdn't . ... 9199 '90 Ford 9 dr. 0 cyL 9149 M Packard Sdn 9139 'SI Ford adn. V-S 919 Acroaa from Uptown Driven We Trade for Anything FAIRLANE sedan, here t a like new adn with only 19.000 milea. ia finished In Tu-tone Bleck and white with matcb. iii S Diierror, nai uiv special Thunderbird engine, plus tint ed glasa, power steering, ford emsuc and radio, heater, thia will make a fine family car, full price 92299 WILSON'S Chsei strata at Commercial EM 4-9711 53 Auto Farts Bopeir BALES A Bradv Used Auto parts. All makee of cars, at barfita prices See Bob or Ranee at Yard. 397 Cherry Ave. EM 4-932. ATTENTION HUNTERS Mew MipmeiH af O.I. Jeep cabs. All llumlnum. aso. s-M 4-97(1 er McMianviUk 9741. f 54 Trucks, Trail, for solo FOR SALE, trade '49 Chev. Sub- urban carry alt EM 4-313. FOR Sale, 'tt Chev. Panel Del. Rum Good. $100. EM 2-2597. 57 Auto leo4rf t RontoU MOT M MODELS AVAILABLE NOW. CALL US TODAY AND DRIVE A NEW CAR TOMOR ROW. YOU SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU LEASE FROM WORLD WIDE A VIS-RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM S3 N. COM L PL EM 4-0522 B5i Motorcycles NO DOWN PAYMENT en approved credit 104 Cushman Scooter 9 mo 1049 Harley 99 me 19 Harley 43 919 mo SHROCK'S CYCLE A MARINE 1375 Highland EM 2-1422 62 House trailers SLEEPING trailer, with mat tress, stove A signal lights. 9130. EM 3-3l after . SELL or trade for tractor, 27' trailer hae. EM 2-979. TRADE equity bdrm. house for 14 -aa trailer, t-m 4-311. JUST $875 FOR" 1958 ALOHA Vacation Trailers Earl Malm Trailer Sales (030 Sllverton Rd. EM 4-7121 rS7 KENSKILL I3't ft. like new. Prlv. party S227i EM 2-091. TRAVEL TRAILERS Trailer Homes W have it 11 TO Jf- FEET I AND 10 WIDE U dowa veara (a pay EARL MALM TRAILER SALES I Suvartoa Rd, EM 4-7 LU Capitol Chevrolet Mon., Feb. 17,-'!58--lfc 900 Displsy flats. j- Loder- Bros. Co. - 461 No. High ' USED CAR, DEPT.',. OownTown . Bargains ' : 42 Chev 1 dr. sharp S22T " 49 Olds 4 dr. . $291 '49 Plymouth 4 dr. ......$191 , '49 Packard 4 dr. $171 '50 Buick 4 dr $292 . 'SO Old M 4 dr .,.$391 '50 Ford 2 dr. new motor $192 '51 DeSoto 4 dr $392 '51 Nash 4 dr. $192 '51 Olds Super IS 4 dr. . $497 , 52 Packard 4 dr $397 '52 Hudson Hardtop cpe, $n92 '52 Chev 4 dr. sharp ...$597 '52 Chev ton Pickup ," New motor $97 '51 Ford V-I 4 dr. $7tt '53 Olds M sdn. $1198 - REMEMBER! the lot with a lot aee or cal Jim Jr., Bergie or Paul Loder Bros. Co. : 4C1 NO. HIGH EM 2-797$ 100 Finance on approved credit MO. PYMTs '94 Pontiac adn. 94 02 radio, heater, hydra '92 Pontiac Catalina cpe 949.0S radio, heater, A hydra ' '93 Pontine adn. .. 129.1 radio, heater, hydra '92 Eord cab. cpe. 93411 radio, beater, oei drive 'S3 Chev 2 dr. SM.U heater It powerglide '22 Buiek elb. cpe . .. S29.N redw A heater '91 Mercury adn. SS9.S9 radio, heater, oreidilre 'S Pontiac adn. .. 917 71 radio, heater, hydra '90 Buick adn. .. $1T.T radio k heeler '91 Chev adn. .: i. $17.71 radio A heater , - . .-. - They're all ' " -1 , TAGGED-TO-S ELL AT -,'7tV PONTIAC CO. , $60 NO. LIBERTY EM 2-411$ MOVED BUZ'S USED CARS The Workingman'g rnand" to ; Union & Coml EM 2-7572 SIMGA AMERICA'S -NEW FAVORITE! ' 'Import Buy ol the Year" MECHANIX ILLUgTRATEO - WorlfTg Best Economy Buy SPORTS CAR ILLUSTRATED "Beautifully EagiinA. Handles Magnificently, a . Winner in Every Way" CAVAL1S.R MA&AZIMR "Simci 1st ...V 2nd. Wafon srd CONSUMERS REPORTS Taggesell WE'VE I SEE WHY SEE SIMCA STATION WAOONb MAROTOPS . 4 DOOR .SEDANS , , , . SPORTS MODELS COMMERCIAL UNITS Over $0 M J.H. and UP to t 40 M.P.G. i . , ' $1695 ' lice oa Deluxe 4 baaa price oa Deluxe 4 dr. eda. Stan Baker Mtrs. vnaviriiii an rww 24 No. High CM 2-240S ' rSl Ol 850 AutomotiTe 162 Houso T toilers TRAILER SALES Pre-Inventory Sale your Real buys Mobile Nome. Wa will trade far anything. Low down eayment, S year f Ben ring The Finest Names la Mobile Hornet, , VENT0URA HOMETTE t NASHUA ' 1 TERRY . SOONER . OPEN 1 DAYS A WTEX . OPEN EVES. TO, 9 PM. i M No. Chunk EM 9009 acroaa from Meier k Prsnk . (J60 DN 33 DELUXE MODfX Lxe cond Jaai rortiano a a. WILL trade my eu; borne t late model trailer kae. Ek 2-900. TRAILER TOWINfj ; Ore. Wsoh.. Calif. - JAVHAW TRArLIJI CONVfyf . 2040 Portland Rd. - kl edoit aua o-aavas Mater. I V