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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1958)
10-(SfC. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Sat., Feb. 15, '58 TheyTl Do It Every WCHAS THE GUV VVrl INSISTS OM SjGTHE LIFE OF SAMS- WH0 4CE'SSOl.,l;ye ..i rut :m st sj ejus 4B0UT PU'EC-y HA-HA-take Hi tJll'- WE MST MiT TO NO CPtDlT CrtCAJO. xu. ,2s Breakfast Club Casanova Gives Talk (Coatiaaed from preceding page) fall aad the Dacka eame aft with Z7-M TlrUry. At this point in the season Ore gon needed just one win in the last three games to insure at least a tie for the PCC crown. They faced Washington first and the Huskies put together their best effort M the year to win. South ern Cal was next and the Web foots were very business-like in rolling up IS points in the first period and going on to win. "Cas" said fullback Jack Morris had a tremendous game, one of his fin est of the year. The Oregea State game waa next aad ronld kaee gone either way. The Beaver waa this aae a a field goal. Caaaaeva point ed ant here that food fortune Is needed reqaislte far any team la flaisk ap near the tap in aay given season. The Rose Bowl was next and not enough could be said about the great showing Oregon made. "Cas" admitted the "bad press" given the Ducks by the Los Angeles sports scribes Jiclped fire up the team. One bad break after an other happened in L. A. In fact the team arrived at Pasadena for the big game about an hour and fifteen minute earlier than "Cas" i had planned. This turned out to be a break as the coaching staff had the boys relaxed by game time. The game Itself started bad. On the tearth play Mandate, wbe waa Oregon's best lineman, was Inks red and taat far the remain der el the contest. Okie Stale set 4 their only touchdown on a ptay that aboard have been stopped aad aeered shortly aft erwards. From here an ewt It waa an Oregon, aa the Docks fwaght the treaatBig 1 toeaders to ataadstilL Casanova was proud of the way hit aquad behaved themselves in Lea Angeles and had many fine com menu on their actions as men. When asked about next year s chances, the soft spoken coach said he loses 11 kids, doesn't ex pect to have much depth in the backfield, but looks for a good line. Others wbe had a few wards to say at yesterday's meeting were Clay Egletton far Narth Salens High, Dale Barret far Sawth Salem. John Eager far the Salem Senators aad Joba Lewis tor Willamette tnieersHy. Next Friday the SBC win pre sent Bah Black ban as gaest speaker. On Tuesday a special 30 p m. meeting will take place at the Senator Hotel with Verrc-n Lefty ) Gomel slated to give one at nis famous funny talks. A special buf fet will be served at ll.Sfl per plate. This meeting will alse kick off the ticket drive ef the Salem Senators baseball club. ttERI SLATE STEELERS SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 14 -The Pittsburgh Steelers. who hav en't played in San Francisco's Ke gar Stadium since 1952. will be the opening opponents of the San Francisco 49ers when the regular National Football League sched ule gets under way Sept. 28 Grays Grab 7th Straight Junior High Hoop Victory The Psrrish Grays continue to make a shambles of the Junior High League as they rolled uo an other victory, their seventh straight, bv downing the l-eslie Warriors 40-30 in play yesterday. Other league results found the Parrish Cards tipping the Leslie Blue 24-22. and the Leslie Golds toppling the Parrish Pioneers 24-lt. Although scoring under his usual average, Pat Loy led the Grays' JUNIOR BIOH LEACVK - W I. Pel. PF PA r, Gray, t 1 I tot Ml 111 L. Coles .,,,, I 441 lit lis P. Card, 4. 1 .571 Ml 175 U Warrior, I 4 .137 Ml 222 L. Blue, . . t S .2SS IIS 211 t. Pioneers 1 141 171 241 Friday's malt,: Cray, 44, Warrior, 24; Cold, (4, Plaaeera )9; Cards 21, aiaat tl. wia with 17 tallies and was a demon on both backboards. Jack Holstad added, 12 tallies for the victors, while Ed Maert had 11 for the Warrior,. The Crd took an early lead against the Blues and bung aa for the win. Ron Dockter paced the win with I points but high point honors .went to the Blues' Dale Utytr, wbo hooped 11 points. Time HoVE R,rET SOMCBOCV ELSE rIe-,L!.TTLC ATTENTION, 40 FTS 60CS HOME IM A HUFF - V -r--' AMOTMgQ OJE TH4T N.' I I P"" I I "f ,s FeTTV 1 COME OM I M I L? r LETS 6ET OUT f - . i i r m wi i-.-u-vap m .!.. dioupthat i .r. i . . "p-t , , iNk . i"-7dr rrr . l Lv.(VVx v-rfll ye . " ,,-' " " --ivv .-. I 1 Wes m w. atw-ii Jenkins Keeps World Skate Championship PARIS. Feb. 14 up America's domination of the world figure skat ing championships continued today as David Jenkins of Colorado ! Springs. Colo , retained his men's title and pretty, lt-year old Carol ! Heiss of Ozone Park, NY, established a long lead in the women's (Coalinurd Iro.o preceding page) Central rainollc (Portland) 12, Parkroar Vernanla tl. Rainier tt Madras 41. Burns IS rul!le 44 Mrrllr Point t MrKrnile JJ. Laraiaa 17 Oswego S2. Newkcrg 14 Tillamook tl. McMinnyllle SS Forest iifvt 44. West Linn 19 r.retham tl. tttllskere M KUmaU Falls 12. Ashlan 42 La Grande It, The Oallea 42 eranlston 4J. Baker 47 Pleasant Rill S4, WilUmetu (Euiene) 45 Drain U, Fins Ira It Oakridie (7. Creswell 44 Cresi 11, Triantle Lake 44 Ceknrs 52, Lowell 44 Westfir St Mohawk 41 Nehalem 52. Kaappa SI Phoenix 54. Glenaale 14 GraaU Pass 41. Central Point 41 Teleslo 17. Mapletoa 4J Beayertoa tt, Mtlvaukte 44 Sisters tt. Manpln 41 Brookings 71. Poet Orford 27 Cascade Locks 54. Master M (OT) Alsea SS. Shedd 44 Neslnrra 44. Seaside tt Grant 74. Franklin 51 Benson 49, Lincoln 42 Rooarvelt 51. Washington 54 Wilson St. Cleveland M Jefferson 41, Madison 51 COLLIGC Willamette SI. Llnfleld 77 Lewis and Clark 74, College of Ida'. ho 44 Whitanaa at. Pacific tt Eaatera Oregon tt. Oregon Col lect 74 Portland Stat at, leathern Ore gon IS Ift.A 14. Washington State 44 Stanford 57. Soathern Cattlornla 44 Celetada Stale IS. Adams State 44 Goniaia 114. Seattle Pacific .- .... aa a.,aiu sa Fretho stau as,' of Calif. ' en's competition will be run off XZlLVtLS t. m...!10"10"0- B"t Carol's perform- Anielesl SS Paget Soand (Wash) S4. Whit worth (Waah.) 75 Northern State (S D.) Tears. 42, Sooth Dakota Tech 41 Carletoa S4, Ripon It St. OUf 71. Lawrence 4 Winona (Mian.) State 44. Moorhead (Minn.) State 52 South Dakota Stau 41 North Dakota 51 North Dakota Stale tt. Caneardia (Minn.) 55 PlaUibarch 7t. Mew Rasen U Panl Smith s 71. Coklesklll Aggie, 51 I.e Moyne ( T S4. Inna 44 St. Aagnstine'a 7t Midland 71. Dana INeh.) It Lynchburg 71, Tawaon (Md ) sute 54 Calfer-Stncktoa 77. Missouri Valley 54 McPkerwn 71. Bethel (Kan.) 51 Eartbaas (Ind ) 74. Illlael. t Greenville (IU.) 7S. Carthage (Dl.) 44 Baldwin-Wallace 111, Detroit Tech Aaaiaa, 74, SaaM Ste. Marie Tech 57 Calvin SS. Olivet 15 Lincoln (Ma.) 44, Concordia (St. Loots) S3 rayettevllto Stale Ttachera 71. gltteheth City Tchrs. (N.C ) 52 MaaUlalr M. Cbeyney (Pt ) 71 Bleesasharf ST. aunga (ra.) n Texaa College 77 (overtime) Ai-ayPharmacyM, tcona ; MinoSfii. minoia Normal 71 (two overtime,) Westminster SI. Central (Me ) IS Drurv 45. William Jewell Southern V. (La.) S4. Texas College 77 (overtime) Springfield (Ma. Sute tt. Cape Gtrardeaa (Me.) 51 Rollins 12. Mercer tt Wavland Plytnr 4)neens 4S. Nash ville Business rollegt M okianema city 47. Memnhi, sute CCNT 17. Brooklyn College Virginia 14, Clean son 51 It was Steve Stewart who led the Golds' conquest of the Pio neers with 8 points. In the jayvee games the War riors spilled the Grays 30-25. the Pioneers topped the Golds by th same 30-25. and the Cards dumped the Blues 33-20. GRAYS (44) F: Lev (17); Bo Is tad (12). C: Shep herd (2); 43: Mlekles (I); Billing, (I) WARRIORS (M) F: Haven (4): Inn (I). C: M,rr (II): ii: Fanning (4); F.daards (5). l.rsn ill t n44 Warriors 5 I II t 54 Official,: Stewart and Tracts. GOLDS (24) ""-', 1 F: Fax (4; Leaaaer (tt. C. Nielsen (2): G: Stewart (I): Glodt (1) Re serves scoring: Mcclain (1). PIONF.ERS (19) F: Taylor (4); Woock (4) C: Mont gomery (f); G: Brown (t): Get lis ill. Reserve, scaring: Maakell (ti Gold! . 14 7 t 24 Pioneer, tit 411 Officials: Stewart and Travis. CARDS (24) F: Lippeacett (I); Weathers (I). C: Dockter (; C: Raskins (4); Renier (1). Reserve, scoring: Suffice IT) . . ll.ltS (22) F: Madlaon (2): Smith (4) C: Meyer (II); O: Blnger (); Bailrk It) Reserve, tearing: Baker (2); Boyd (1). t trde . Ill 724 Blues 71 , . ... i Officials: Fadenrecht tad Stephen. ton. By Jimmy Hatlo COME OM LETS (SET OUT OF HEPS I tuw WHERE DID THEY DIO UP THAT. competition. Jenkins gare a speetamlar free akaUag exbiblUaa to heat oat Tim Brown of Carmlebael, Cal.. who shewed la aa advantage aver the champion In yesterday a rompalaory fig ares. The corn pa l aary flgores raant M percent of the flail scare. "It was the most difficult pro gram I ever skated." Jenkins said after his victory. "There was a lot of pressure out there. I wasn't sure I could do it (overcome Brown's advantage1." Miss Helsa apeaed her bid far a Ihicd wamra't crown by finish ing far la front sf her Zt rivals in the first fttor sf the six schawl figures. The strongest opponents of Jen kins tonight, in the estimation of the crowd, were Donald Jackson and Charles Snelling of Canada, and Tom Moore of Seattle. Inofficial calculations gave Jen kins 1745.5 judging points to 1SM.8 for Brown. Alain Gilletti of France was third with 1674.6. Miss Heiss, wbe look leave from New York Valversity ta de fend the ittle the first waa at Garmlsrh Parteakirebea, G e r maay twa years aga, aeered an aaaffieial total ef SM.5 points to day. Twa Aaatiiaa girls were her near rat rivals. Ingrid Wendl had Ua.l petite and Haaaa Walter had 12. Carol's l(-yenr-old sla ter. Nancy, was a distant fearth with 115.9 paiatt. Two more required figures and - K"" "c ance today apparently assured the United States of two titles in the three-day competition. Jim Grellc to Try Delney NtW YORK, Feb. 14 oPTh.y U j trot out four newcomers to f a c e i Ron DeLaney tomorrow when the Miianova Irishman shoots for his 20th consecutive mile victory in the feature of the New York ath letic clubs games. Jim Grelle, a collegian from Or egon, is one. He was the runner up to DeLaney is the national col- legiate mile last spring, but never has gone as low as 4:07. I Another is Istvan Rozsavolgyi. I the Hungarian who holds the listed I world s records at 1.000 meters, I 1 1.500 meters and 2.000 meters. ! Rozsavolgyi arrived here only ' a uubiu uaia tnnt oay. in, view of the fact that most foreign! runners never get the hang of in-1 door boards, he might not provide rk rnmru,;n n.l ..... I vxiiirT-nuuil 1 VI 4 'CtUaTJIICJ . I i But he has heard all about Ron's j feats of derring-do, and no doubt got some tips from Manhattan coach George Kastment under whom he worked a few hours after he landed here. ' j" Burr Grim of Maryland, who ! set a fine pace last week in an i effort to pull DeLaney out will be back, as will Jim Beatty of the' I L'. S. Army. Peter Close of St. 1 John's and Zbigniew Orywal of i Poland, both mile newcomers. round out trie field. Pioneers Tumble College of Idaho PORTLAND. Feb. 14 'jf Fresh man Royce McDaniel scored 29 points in leading Lewis and Clark lo a 74-64 Northwest Conference basketball victory over College of Idaho here tonight. JTl n. on Ung0"'i L-C took an early lead and kept it all the way. At halftime Lewis and Clarked led 36-26. C of I was tootled bv Do- Moore's 18 points. Aggressive Lewis and Clark held a l-3S edge in rebounds. , I I C of I (t4 Psrklna (. 'Berklaa (4i. Gearh (13), Moore (111. short! fist j,.aa ,t, a.k. ... u -1 rltt (4) L-C (74V Steanncl 14). Brooks (ts. Dnrkea (II), Mc Daniel (2S), Langot. (17). Sheltan (1), Jones (I). Halftime: L-414, C of I 21. CANADIAN TEAM WINS' STOCKHOLM. Feb. 14 Whitby. Canada's representative in the 1958 world hockey champion ships, defeated Sweden! 6-J. in an international match played out doors in pouring rain tonight. Prep i Dallas Clubs Estacada '5' DALLAS, Feb. 14 iSpeciaP Dallas rolled up what may be the school's highest score in history here tonight, overwhelming Esta cada. 93X1. in a Willamette Valley League basketball game. The victory left Dallas with a WILLAMETTE VALLEY l.EAGVE w t pa I Dallas . ... .. 7 t imtoMi, Molalla . . I Ml 444 112 I taadv 4 1 .Ml 425 Ml Central . . .14 4t 43 411 1 Caahv I 4 .141 2S4 4!t Istacada I 7 tee 237 475 ' Frlaav'a resalta: Dallas 13. Estara- I t 12; Sandy I J, Central 7!. 7-0 mark in WVL play. Molalla j ...i.i. . , i to Bcvwm m . All 1J Of tha Dallas players see- n action in the game entered the scoring column. Tops for the rv.inin I Philliru with ! points. John Burkholder and Tom Parsons had 11 each for the win ners. Dallas snared the jayvee game, also by a lopsided score, 85-2S. ESTACADA (12) T Klrkkrlde (1): Larirn (!) f: Cody (It): G: RItrhInf (1); Kelltr It). Steacrvei icorlni : Miller (I); Dallas VsJ) T-. nry (i); ran fit) C: Mt- (1). Rotervea acorlni Skwman (4); Phiuipa (in; rrey :; Mccieary it; Berkey (7); BorkholSer I2); won nil. v. "' . "... Otlen m Cslaeaaa 4 II S li Pallaa . 17 Zl u II iJ Vliiriaia: trvuuio ana wawvwm. Sandy Overcomes Central, 83-72 SANDY. Feb. 14 (Special' San- Hv embhed uiiriUiMited oossession r- r r of third plaae in the Willamette Valley League here tonight by get- I tins Past Central. 13-72. Ed Hoffman hi 22 point, i snd Bill Hensleman and Doug Wills I each added 16 for the winners. DarTell Brandt of Central w as 1 high for the game with 26 tallies, Sandy made it a clean sweep by winning the jayvee game, 49-38. -me -Q-3S CENTRAL (72) F: Martin (11): Brltlon (12). C: Lovelace (S): G : Cummins tit;' Brandt I2S). Reserve, Scoring: Mart (4). - Mayton snared its tentn straignt BJ .., i.,.CpiUl Conference basketball vie - c: Mroermad (i). G: Richardson '' .las" sa.iT Vi, ceatral ii ii is tt TtlS'tne lead over the second-place Sandy 24 24 14 22 U ; teams. Officials: Gastafsea and Mccregor. Yamhill Smacks Amity, 74-46 AMITY. Feb. 14 (Special' Yamhill stayed in contention for the Vawama le.nua ernwn with a lop-sided 74-4 win over Amity - here tonight Bob Light and Dave Hermens scored 22 and 19 points, respec tively, to pace the winners. Ever ett Johnson was high for Amity with 14. Amity won the JV game, 37-34. F: Light (22); Lagglns (I). C: "r- mans (IS); G : Rollins (4); Crawford tt. ssrserves scoring: w,n, Morris (2); Tanng (1); Lewcrs (4). AMITY (41) F: Bam (1): Johnson (14). C: Turner (2); G: E. Chlers (3); Ward (II). Reserve, scoring: Freeman (2): HViM aaaaa (4i; Kilmer TamhIU . 22 It II IS 74 Amity i t ii 12 tt umciasa: niemamltn ana btnaon, Saints Win First B Leaque Clash I AaiiiA I lch a AS a a wBwww SUBLIMITY. Feb. 14 iSpecia!) St. Boniface collared its first win in me major Division mint mar- ion B League here tonight, clip-. Wlg OailLlOlll, TTOfl. Larry Guenther and Cletus Heu- berger paced the Saints with 11 ! points each. Dorman Gregory had ten for Santiam. ; Santiam salvaged the junior var- sity game by a 38-34 count. SANTIAM 111) F: Gregory fit): worran is), s: Hlrte (4); G: Bevter (1); Ksnoff (51., Officials: Joae, and Brewer. Reaervaawacoring: Smith (4); Morgan , (2). ' ST. BONIFACE (44) V, I PS c..r!nV):es?ro-V-,.h5i Sherwood Bowmen (2): Blade, (I). Rase rye. Koring: . Wm"-.... .2 s-i. Win 46-44 Clash St. Boniface 1 It II 1244 Of fir lata: Rot, aad Roth. Philomath Trips Sheridan, 47-31 PHILOMATH. Feb. 14 (Special) . i-.u' .ki.j rnuotnntn neiu v tw umu ,. in the Yawama League here to- ---y- night with a 47-31 triumph overj Boyd Myers of Sherwood was Sheridan. ,ne garne t high scorer with 13 Ron Edwards and Phil Davis points, with 12 and 11 points respectively! Banks snared the jayvee clash, led the way to the win. Don 47-41. Smith had 11 for Sheridan. sneawoon f Sheridan captured the jayvee ."r: (ii4): Re... mi r: preliminary game, 44-34. SHERIDAN (11) F: Hutehlas it): Roberta (1) Barker (4). .: faoatryman (1); Smith (II). Reserves Scaring: Sim- onson (I). PHILOMATH (47) F: Hayett (I); Gredlg (4). C: Davit (II). li: Calhoun (4): Edwards (12). Reserves Scoring: Dxiggie (it), knerldan 5 It I 431 Philomath .... It II 14 1441 Bearer Swimmers Win I MOSCOW. Idaho Oregon n-"- state won urst place in every JVrl YSLJS nay n-i win in a nurinern wivi- sion swimming meet inn asvimmino mm 0SC Capt. Bill Hubbard took in dividual honors with three firsts and a snot on a winning relay team. No meet or pool records! wer threatened. PAIR WINS NET MEET PARIS, Feb. 14 uPKurt Niel- sen and Torben L'lrlch of Denmark 1 tonlghf won the men's doubles m record. isnow l Inches. - crown in the Trench International ! soathern Oregon im o oiwo j Forecast: Indoor Terthis Tcurnament. They '." , " "l't1"t;wrth it), Mount Hood Area-Cascsde Sum beat Jaroslsv Drobny of Egypt Mp.rtund s.'.te'VttV d id mil-Brief sunny intervals Satur and Anton Jane so of Hungary in gruelling 3'xour final 2S-26, ' 24, 4-6, 4-3, 6 0. Hoop Results OSD (7psef Wcfm! 0 Vasefz, 63-5 VAU5ETZ, Feb. 14 (Special) ValseU handed Oregon School It the Deaf hi tenia straight aet loss here tonight, winning 63-il la a basketball game la the miner dlvlawa af the Marfan B League. The Deaf School was ilMmpe4l by Detroit Taetday alght la an trther apiet. Bah Cllver red the Valsett vletary with II polaU. Deaals BaakshaU had 17 lar OSD. OREGON ORAP (St) P: ElUoti (let; Hookihnlii (171 Kerber (I); C: Candle (t); Wood acorim: coiley (it. k ,u r i r; rcnier tei: iiouuiii " (! G: Cllver (IS); IH (4). i J,: mjnu vaiieu is ts is Official. Veer and Hartley. -a) mm Cougars Top r Husky Quint CASCADE UNION u I r u It I li li SCHOOL, Feb. 14 Special i-Cas- cade s Cougars ripped the North ' ' n"" in a Capital Conference basketball oarna. Mar nn UikLt hr. Inn oht Ron Whitehead topped the scor- t for Cascade with 13 points. ,ng but Bill Burner of North Marion was nign lor me game witn w. H.C,hSC st, "SO th j'yVM ' north mariom (41) F: isettea (4); DeArmend (I). C: inrner zmr, wenseil (4); cooper (Z). Reaervea sc.n.g: La.. (7); stringer inoi. .liiv .' r. r. whitehead (ii); Hatch (t). t- "&r: (tl): Lyons (t) Reserve, -waring: Yonneer II): Slankel 12): Tawerv Vaanter ID: Slankel 12): Towerv , 1 cascade it u n is tl I ornciais: Kiiunger and Decker. I r . . t i jraVlOn I rdmplCS ' Gervais Cougars rrpviis lToh 11 iCnez-iall GEKV AlS, Feb. 14 bpeciaH- tory here tonight, defeating Ger - j vnis. iki-ss aiaiyton nas a tnree- Roeer Ward was toD scorer for ih. Paste, uith tl ,mi.r, I nine .......... Sowa checked in with 17 for Ger- vais. til ay ton also won the jayvee clash. 41-22. ITAVTON (41) F: Ward I'll: Ware (41 C- r,iiu. (): g: Lnras (g); Bomherger (2) "'"erves .coring: Sutherland (l) , Stevens III: Peters 141: RAealle Stevens (2); Peter, (4): Boedlghelm- er (I). GF.RVAIS (44) F: Berglund (S; cox (). C: Sowa (17)-. G: Vohland (I); Miller (S). Re serves scoring: J. Grassmaa (2); Fosshalm (2). Staytoa 11 II IS IS II Gervaia II 12 1 1544 Officials: Donovan and Barney. i 11 C WOOuDUril 3113 fCS Overtime Triumph WOODBURN, Feb. 14 i Special ) i Woodburn's Bulldogs had to go into Overtime here tonight to turn back Mt. Antrel. 46-43. here to- night in a Capital Conference bas- ketbaH fame Duane Fulps scored a field goal and Jim Black hit two free throws t. Ik. D Mar. k. u,;. !M ", """7 "c "'" . ovenune. Jim nauar wun u 'points and Vic Belleque with 11 topped the Woodburn scoring. Bob Blem had 14 for Mt. Angel. ww,.- ., woll th. iunior VBi-sity tilt. 56-41. mt. angfl U) f: ',.". J-M ?!.',"",. f.ui L-n: m. Reserves waring: Ber'cbtoid (2); ,J- I Wolf tl); G: Belleque (II): Halter (II). Reaervea aearing: Black (2 tt): Fnlpa (1). C: 1 Mt. Angel II t II I 41 woaoourn is a BANKS. Feb. -14 Special Sherwood had to come from be-1 hind in the last quarter to gain a slim 48-44 victory over Banks in a lawama L-eau oaaanonu game nere tonigni. The, virlnrv loft ih.runvt still in second place, two games be- . - nob, tt); r.: acnneidcr (; .wyer. banks (4( F: d. A lira (i): Davidson (ii). C: ,ir (j); r,: Trnssrll (I); Stew m. Reaervea srorlm: White 1141. "art 1 Sherwood II II 1 1144 Blah, ... II 15 1 Portland State . . n 'J upsefS KaiderS PORTLAND, Feb. 14 - Port- . . ... . j "r " "r" ' . VCTc r'v., " ' , amc' : Portland State came from be- hind to win in the game's final seconds when John Frederick sank a one-handed push shot from th cornar. The ball swished through the net ai the game ended It was only Southern Oregon's 1 lkl.,,1 .l..f 1. IS AMtaf... t same Portland-81,1, now ha, a u in iric.l in i. 1.UIIICI cine Frederick m. winurs tin. Riley I ,t,;..'"M.I'i.,.'i i ' I a.lin atTwaT mla a llaia lla, Lions Snare Maor. Toga 00LT0N. Feb. 14 (SpciaP Jcl(eron captured the champion ship of the major division of the Marion B League here tonight, trimming Colton. 50-39. Jclf now has a M record with MARION l.KAOl'I IMAJORI W I. Pct.PP P Jrrirrson . . it I HI 291 IM Colion .11 .tee ;m :j Sinllam I 4 ..'te lit .'14 SI Boniface I 4 lot III V,t I I'rlrtay'i multt: Jrflrrann la. 4ol Inn it; SI. Boniface 41, Santiam II. only one league game to play. Roc- r: i i f-u " ...j. . - ""- vuiiuii aiaims o-i. ; Bert Lundmark ol Colton nained .nc aal11 -im 19 points. Alan Nyman had lit and Phil Hochspeier had 15 for the winners. Colton won the junior varsity imp A-.W game, 42-40. i jkikkrson (M) .zwvj! Wakelleld (7). ); Mariatt (4) c. G: Nyman (II); COI.TON (IS) r: Lundmark (IS); Anderson (3). (': Freeie (4); (S: Slahlnrrker -t 10); Axmakrr (.'). Rrirrvti arorlai: "enlhln (?). Jrlfrraon 11 14 It II M toiion II It 41 n f T DUCKarOOS I f3D " t npmjiuJ l-A") I "fiawa, 31-1 A ST. PAUL. Feb. 14 'Special' c. pai Tm.;nMA w,,ik,. ..;.,.. 'iMm ' lhe lP Pl in minor division of the Marion MARION imi.. w I P-t sr si rails city li i 117 ts w . 1 .' is tjllf I rani 4 f aajj Riak ore. i.e.f school " i t mi tu tst Ki 1 ! i.i il? : perrvdale ..,.-.- v.i.... i . ,t ..4 H, Delrotl 2 It .117 445 444 Friday's results: Falls Cilv 54. Per-, rydale 4S-. Valsett SI, Oregon School' for the Deaf SI; St. Pan 52, Che. masva 42; MacLaren 41, Detroit 42.: League here tonight by tripping Chemawa. 52-42. Doug Coleman pushed in 20 counters for the victors. Chemawa won the B clash c ! chemawa ( ! - ,G,f',NVi. (i; Tro,ie (U). Reaarsea acartng: Yaxxlo (I) A. White (1); R White (1). ST. PAIL (52) r: Kirn (t); Koch h iii. r- (: g: caieman (2t: Van de Oherg Wiede 1 ( Reaervea arorlhg: Smith (t) Ck,,w, 12 II 2 174? st. Paul s n it it 52 1 Officials: Walker and Trout I . MacLaren Outlasts1 Cougars, 45-42 DETROIT. Feb. 14 iSpecial) Detroit gave MacLaren a thor ough scare here tonight before finally succumbing 45-42 in a Mar ion B League game. Gary Roberts had 13 and Don lemming 15 points for the losers. Si Thomas was high for the win ners with 12. The teams were tied 33-33 at the end of the third pe riod. Detroit won the junior varsity game, 25-17. MAOI.ARF.N (45) F: Thoana, ri2): Fuller (It). C: Brker l!; G: Oonls (l; Peterson Vi""'" "n. r. Lemming (isi; Roberts (H) c: ! Cakenonr (It): G: Madsea 12): Gra- : i'7 ham (t). Reserve, scoring: Hamilton MacLaren , is s n I',,",, W I II OfMclal,: Alley tnd Regan. Huskies Slip Past Warriors, 44-41 SWEET HOME. Feb. 14 Spe- ciali-Sweet Home remained in a tie with Corvallis for second place ;in District 8-A-l here tonight by slipping past the Lebanon War- riors, 44-41. 1 l-banon was ahead. 22-15. at - i...t r.n w.u:.j a .i noilliiiisr, uul icii usriiiiiu, j-o, oi the three-quarter mark. Wayne Roberts topped the scoring for Sweet Home with 13 points. Jon Pattinson had 15 for the War riors. Lebanon won the junior varsity game, 46-40. LKRANOM (41) F: Phillips ID; Coolldie (I). C: ill "' swket homr v urn.. ,11. . a-. -ii. ! () J. ,.,., (1J). Ub (1) , neaervrs nronng: Kdgiey (); oar. "' T 11 t 1.1 II Sweet Home . tin 1244 Official.: H Officials: Hendrle and Mult. Ski Conditions By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS These Oregon s k i conditions were reported Friday by resort i operators, the Weather Bureau ""d the Portland Chamber of commerce: Timherline Ixice Seven inches new snow, wet: total depth 230 inches: snow fell most of Friday; cloudy, overcast Friday niijht, with only a trace of wind: roads fair, chains required: double chair lift and rope tow to operate Sat urday: Magic Mile and sno-cat to run if weather permits: tempera- ,ur Lm .ll' ' (. vovemmrm vhitid noius i vuvci mucin vmiiie nuiua guuu. chains needed; four inches new!,hn nr iinm tWr.ii t SJ tlj"now.37 Inches; skiing, gooo; un aiuroay ana minoay Mnllnrnne Summit and Ckt Knurl sa.iii w , , m ci.i n.,.i win nnemie Hoodoo Ski Bowl Packed anow on highway, carry chains; snow powdered: one inch new snow Friday, 172 inches total mow: ski ing very good; all facilities oper- sting Wilt.. I O... n..!.. ... dilreH heaw enow narked intal ! niiieniciic I mum inanii, day. Rain or sow Salurdsy night. Temtwratur range at Das lev4l 128 - 04. Buck Shaw New Eagle Grid Coach Signs Pact for Extended Term PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 14 I - namfd Uwre, T. ,BVk Shaw! lo coach the c ub out of the !a linnal Cnnlhull I jtaona callur Club Pretldeat Frank Me- N'amee announced the appoint ment ef Shaw, former Air Force Academy and San Francltce Farty-Niner (lick, as head coach of the Eagles far "aaes tendrd term" at aa eatimalrd t!fl,00t a year. Shaw, 60-year-old former Notre ' " imme tiiar unn a to rnarrtfri Santa Clara Nevada and orlh 'S. vorc. fired last Jan. 13 after two ummpressvie seasons. Devore it. fruit; iaiu uii un inv iiiu u yrni oi a tnree year pact. 1 ,un atiiciaia reiused lo aenne "extended term" but It was learned the contract was for one year with a rraewal aptloa aa both sides. .Shaw reportedly re- lurstcn tnr onr year cvairan oa the premise that If be produced a winning team they could talk long term later. It he tailed la produce at the ead af the year be cauld quit. Shaw, who came to town from his Menlo Park. Calif., home last night and was introduced at a news conference today, said he did .t k. ai r . i.. ,ake Ogles' job. He said ' B,the Academy needed and wanted! more time than he could devote In the lack u. at I he , , , ,. Academy Jan. 28. after posting a recoro in two seasons. "My arraagemeals with the Eaglet are sarh that my ranch Inn duties will not Interfere with my builaess commitments la Saa Francisco. I will e a a e b about 5', months af the year, delegating to a tap flight assist ant mark af the aff season de ' work." ! The silver thatched football vet - eran. a teammate of Notre Dame's immortal George Gipp, said he nad bttn iven complete freedom I to choose his own assistants, but, "I have no thoughts on that mat- ter now. I would say it will take month or m Marr Tops Texas Open SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Feb. 14 vfl Young Dave Mdrr's bold but un steady par 71 kept him six strokes ahead of a faltering field in the $15,000 Texas Open today. A eapriclaaa wind did exasper ating things, particularly aa the greens, aad there were few af the big names within striking distance af the confident little man from Cedarhnrst, Lang Is land, as he posted 134 far M holes. It was a far cry from yesterday when the handsome Texan shot a blazing 8-under-par 63 over soggy, 6,490 -yard Brackenridge Park course with the frozen greens. Then he was six strokes ahead of four shotmakers. Today they had ' .l dwindled to three Dave Ragan of Orlando, Fla.; Bill Johnston of ; Provo. Utah, and Walker Inman. Jr., who came from out of the peck w ith s 69 to pull into a tie for second place It was cut-off day, with the 66 low pros and tie aad all nine af the amateurs in the tournament going lata the final 34 holes. The most notable casualty was Jay Hebert of hanford. Hi., the oeienaing cnampion. tiencn snoi a 75 to take himself out. He had 149 for 36 holes Pung Pacing Golf Tourney ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.. Feb. 14 -Jackie Pung , stretched her lead in the 17,500 St. Petersburg Women's Open golf tournament to day to nine strokes. Letting up a Utile from the brilliant play which gave her an I nnder par M yesterday, the i t. a. i i -. , .j cnanae nawanaa asm is umaj, X,B, h ,M ilr.hi .nd.r mta; par and four adder womea's par far the 1, 116-yard Sunset Club Course. Her 1.16 ties the Ladies Profes sional Golf Assn. record for 36 holes and is a personal record for Mrs. Pung The record was set by Patty Berg at Richmond, Va , in 1952. Betsy Rawls held seeand place ' se played fine golf aad her 72 rut twa strakes elf women's par. Rev Hanson came closest today lo equaling Mrs. Pung. and her 71 brought her into a tie for third with Louise Suggs. Miss Hanson came back strong after taking I double bogey on I he second hole. Miss Suggs shot 73. iilem Man Posts Ace Salem Golf Club was the scene of another hnlc-in-one yesterday ell of Sa- lfm .ank Wi tet ,hot on ,he t'good 24.00.25 00; standard te.Otr-, v8r(j 0. j hole. ' .... .. burrell, playing, with Charlie Muster, Glen Wilbur and Joe Dev- ers. used a No. 6 -iron to turn th trick. Mat lews Inks Contract MILWAUKEE, Feb. 14 GfEddi .... ... Matnews, one ol me neroeg oi jne Uil.....b..'. uu .ia C4.. .,li. Milwaukee World Series victory i WL . . . Jg Ireme top 2.00 higher; choice veal-to 50 higher: choice slauthter ed his 1958 Braves contract today, ars 28.00-32 00: high choice 33.00- lambs 9S-11S Ibi 21 0O-23..W: -tod No salary lerms were disclosed., 34.00; good vealcrs 25.00-29.00: '-.OOM.iO: good and cholct -feed-but it is believed thst the hard good and choice slaughter calves era 45 l lbs In short suppl" gtearty hitting third baseman signed lor .oo-2.on; cull and utility calves , 10.50-23.rm: cull to lood ilsughtef between 135,000 and 140,000. I and vcaleri 13.00-18.00; few mot-wu 4.00-l Markets New York Closing Stocks Rrp4rld Merrill Lynch. Pierce, rennrr and an Admiral Corp A I Oiem a Dye rilntknle Ford Molnr V, 43 SV, W. !'. 17'. Allied Sir i Allia Cham Gen Dvnamici (ien Flee Gen Food 1 Gen Motnra Gen Tire , Aluminum Lid 4J' 40'. Geo Pac - ,Am Momm I Glldtlrn 1 Gforiru h )7'."j Ctiodvear 7J1. Grace VVR J7' Grl No n.v 4Ji,jGrt Weal Su Greyhound 1.1 Gulf Oil l'i H Homeetjke U ! I 47', Inl Harvest .in i, Inl Nickel 37 a I"' PPer li ' 27'. Jnhna-Mam .11 Jonea a M Stl 30', Kal-er Alum ! Am "tl Frlr Am T T Am Tobacco Am Vlicofce Anac Copper Armc Armour Atrheton Top Avco Bendlx Beth SM A,r Borden jOn, warn Buryrut : B-rr. Ad-,n r.mnh sim M'a Kennecott is1"n pc. Ca JJ 24'a Lllihy MiN I Lite Mvera I.OF Glass Lockhead Air Lne'a Inc M Magnaox Mnrih FlfM Merck a Co 15', !'. i:i' l.T. M'. 21 1 j Calerp Trac itemnee Certmnleed Chea a O rty Chi M 4 SI P Chi NW Ry Chi n la Ry Chrysler it', JCitlea Serv i Mont Ward iii' Motorola ... mum iivim olaate Com Credit Cornw Edison Cona Edison Container Cont Can Cont Oil i 4.1's Natl Riaruil Natl Cash Keg 481 IS Natl Dairv . ! Natl Distill 42', Crane Co ; Natl LUD ;,, NaU Supply I NY Cantral z j No Am Avia No Pac Rv M's NW Airlines . o e's Olin Math 51'. P Ill's Pac G a EI Pac T T 37 Pan Am Air Mi, Penney J C Crown zii :CurU" wr r,..,. a r iDia Match : Doua Air DeWpdt"Ne a East Li t ..!.-?';-" pnn By ' ' - E Cello 31 Peps si cola Portland Produce PORTLAND I - Biiltertal - Tentative, subject lo immediate' chance Premium quality, deliv-1 ered in Portland. 60-63 cents per, ;lh: first quality. 57-60; second quality. nx. ' Butter Wholesale, f o b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 59'i: A grade. 92 score. ,58',; B grade, so score, s. i ! grade, St score. 53. rhaca To wholesalers Oregon .moles 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 43-534 Eggs To retailers-rGrade AA, large. 42-44; A large, 38-40; AA medium. 37-38: A medium, 36-37. Cartons. 1-J cents additional E"gslTo producers-AA large. I ' 'h r' hrol, They " 4 l.r IMS- A medi- drscrlhwl 11 primarily a tech l4"37 8 nical -napback. There was good u.n. Live pou try No. 1 fryers, 2-4-4 '"TabbittZrYg. .o growers - Live whites. 34-4 lb, 22-25; col ored pelts, 4 cents less; fresh killed fryers to retailers. 59-61; cut up, 62-65. Wool Nominal, clean basis, U blood, to 95-1.00; , blood 1.07-1.10; blood 1.13-1.15; fine 1.18-1.20. Wholesale Dressed Meats DmI rarraases Steers, choice. i triA ik it ut.aa J- ennrt 41 AA. wriw iu, e , - 43 00; standard, 38.00-41.00; com - mercial cows. 35.50-38.00; utility, 35.00-37.00; canners and cutters, 32 00-35.00. Beef cuts (choice steers' Hind nusrters, 4 .w-ai-w: rounun ""!"" - i nn. full aim trimmad M fnV I " riflay .u.i 65.00: forequarters. 38 00 - 40.00; chucks, 42.00-44.00; ribs, 48 .00-1 54.00. Lambs-Choice. 48 59-30.S0; good Sll wLs. 46 (XM9.00. Pork carcasses Shipper style. 120-170 lb. 33.00-34.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 12-16 lb 52.00-65.00; shoulders, 16 lb, down, 3S.0O-38.00; spareribs. 49.00-53.00; fresh hams, 12-18 lb. 51.00-55.00 v..i and rnlvoa-Cnnd-chnire ,n wU 40.00.54.M; standard 38.00- 49.00. Fresh Product Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Rus sets, 100 lb. 3.50-75. few lower; bakers, 100 lb. oz min, 3.75-4.00: 12-16 oz. 4.25-50; local Burbanks. washed. 100 lb No. Is. 2.75-3.00: Idaho Russets, No. I, 100 lb. 4.00 25. Onions Ore. west district Dan vers. SO lb. med. 1.85 2.00; Ige, 2.50-3.00; boilers. 10 lb, 28 32; Central Point sveet Spanish, 3.00 25. Hay New crop. No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, fob. Portland, 24.00-25.00 ton. Apples Oregon-Washington De licious combination loose 35-38 lbs, j 2.75-3.00; fancy 1.75-2.00, C grade 1.25-1.50; Red Delicious loose 35-38; lbs extra lancy 4.00-4 50; a few; lower; fancy 3.73-4.00; Red Romes large, extra fancy 2.75-3.00; few 3.50-4.00; fancy 2.00-2.50; Wine-' saps. loose, combination grade, 35 lbs, 3.003.50; extra fancy Joose cartons 3.50-3.75; wood 2.75-3.00; various varieties C grade loos pack low as 1.00. Celery California 2-2'i dozen, 4.75-5.00; few low as 4.00; hearts 2.25-2. 75 dozen. Portland Livestock PORTLAND iJrWUSDAi-Cattle for week salable 2.075; trade ac - live late with fed steers recover- ing all of the early decline: heif-1 ers sold steady, cows strong to 50 higher and bulls mostly 50 high-; P load of ".wage choice leer" Thursday 26.25: other choice "teers during the week 25 .25-2. OO; i 'steers during the week; ; i.w: lona cnuitx neners neanes- day 24.50; mixed good and choice heifers 23.25-23.75; standard 20.00 21.50; load mostly commercial cow 21.00; bulk utility and com mercial cows 16.50-20.00; canner snd cutters 12.50-15.00: heavy cut ters Holsteins up to 11.00; utility bulU 19.30-.00. Calves for week salsble 200; teala, mMlvm- alanohtae l,i ul ..n "i"" iiiiiisi etu.i wun utsia icai aisws .irnne i i m hio4e s..Im..j... .i., i.k. . - Business Phclpa-Dodge Philco Corp Phil Morris 41 IS 37 'I 54 ' 2S )', 3.V. i; 43', .14 t'i M 3!', .in'! It's ss': Oi, 47. 'a SI'. 3S., 32', 18', 4", "A 32 3.1', 87', l'a 12', 21 ' .,', 25 41 4fl' Phil Petrol -j. Proc a Gam 41 Pl M P L .V,s, Pure Oil 34 , R 27', "ad in t'orp ri'. Rayonier fne .T's.Renub Stl M'', Revnolria Met 731, ' Reynolds Tob ... 2 Ruhlield n .11', Royal Dutch tt'. Safewav Mis JM a si Regu Piper fchenlev tni 31', Scott Paoer ears rtoe Mi, Shell Oil 7,i, .Sinclair Oil oni, i Soconv-Moh ' Sou Cal Edl sa1, s"u p,c "y 30', n Soerrv riand 2't''. Sid Brands an Sid Oil Cal Sid Oil NJ Hi : Sunrav Oil ..1. Sun.hUie M 71 " r.vnft ACo 41 1 Sylvanla F.I 1.1's1 T Texaa Co n.V, Te::as Cult 3.1 , I Te xtrcn 4.1 , Tldt-Aaao 3?7, Tranam 33 Trans Wn Air 39', Tvien Cen Ki t' 43', Union Carb S5Ja Union Oil 41 ', Un'on Pac Ply 23', Unl Airc-ad 44', l!ni Air Lanea . ... Wi Dnl Corp 37", Unl Fruil I 'VPS Plvwood .V) US Rubber 37 US Steel 13', W Warner Pic 40', Wash Water P Wtst Air Br 52 .Western Air IM', Weatmihouse Elo 14', Western ITnion 10 Wnnlvtnrth f!'i' Z 21 "a Zenith Ply L 42', 2S', 3'i ";; 41' 2S, S3', ST. IS'i 40', 21. W' J'a 17', 40', 13J Stock Market Scores Jump NKW yOHK. Keb. 14 i - The ,lock market rebounded today for n, only rise in eisht sessions. staging its best advance since Jan. 7. An estimated $1,900,000,000 was added to the quoted value of j stocks Lated on the New York , Stock Exchange, based on the rise in the Associated Press average. volume was a sub-average 2. 070,000 shares but still a definite improvement over yesterday's 1,- 880.000. The market was long overdue nrws ,,. har) ,... ,":"!' utilities up 20 cnla? Stocks and Bonds Compiled By Tke Associated Preaa Fekraary 14 STOCK AVP.R4GP.S It IS 15 44 Indus RaUi Itils stkt A2 S Al I A 2 At S 21 I 47 .1 78 3 11.(1 2:it 454 75.1 ISS.5 212 0 MS 15 S 112 S 23S. I SS 74 5 ISA 3 2114 22.i 73 J 112 5 2404 134 1 77 5 IM S 22S.O 7S 2 41 IV) S 274 3 1 55 I 7 IR1 I 244 0 1 24 1 (91 17 1 4 Net Change Friday Previous Day Week Acn Month Ago I Vcar Ago 1157-5S High : 19575s Low jgj High " l"ON AVERAGES 2 I 11 14 RaUa Indus t'lUa Frga A 1 A t D 1 A I S.1.3 93 I n 82 2 41 2 414 ASS 923 111 Previous Day wk Ago Mf01n;nAAo ! 1957.51 High i57 M u.w j J$ S3 3 93.(1 92 3 11 1 S2 II 94 5 91.9 St a 17 II !2 7 M 4 42 I S7 3 S4 921 424 77 7 41 M l 7S t 3 97 7 9 o 43 j SS 9 90 7 M l ao.i -New 1157-51 High Markets af a Glance NEW YORK. Ftb 14 OP Stocks Higher; quiet recovery. Bonda Corporate, higher; govern ment, irregular. Cotton Irregular; trade demand, liquidation. CHICAGO: Wheat Higher; atrong closing rally. Corn About ittady; light trade. Oats Mixed; light trade. Soybeans Higher, fair eloalng da-. mand . H!-Steady to 23 cent, lower! top 120. S3 Cattle Steady lo 25 centi lower! lop 23. Dow Jones Averages NEW YORK, Feb. 14 J Dow Jonea eloalng Hock averages: High Low Clot 30 Industrial, 441 7 439 54 444 44 20 Railroad, 105 71 107 70 li Utilttte, 12 24 11.51 72.0S Slocks 1J2.41 150.1113192 Portland Grain PORTLAND 11 Coarse grain. 15-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats, No. 2, 38 lb white . 49.50 Barley, No. 2, 45 lb B.W. 47.50 Corn, No. 2, E.Y. ship't 53.25-75 Wheat bidi to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.24 2.24 2.24 (Soft White 'excluding Rex) White Club Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.30 2.30 2.31 2.32 h per cent II per cent 11 per cent Hard White Raart: Ordinary 2.24 2 24 2.24 2.24 10 Pr cent " Pr cent 12 Per cent Friday's car receipts: Wheat 24; """r 15; corn 3; mill feed I. " ' ly good Including a few choice stock steer calves 22.0o-.00. Hogs for week salable 1.70 Hogs for week salable 1.700: trade active; butcher mostly 1.00 nigner; some sales l.zs nigner; sows mostly 50 higher: sorted U.S. 1-1 grade butchers 180-235 lbs on th close 22.50-21.23; mixed grade lots Jl.75-22 25; heavy and light butchers 20.00 22.00; U. S. 1-J grade sow 270-550 lb 19 OO-IO 00: mixed grade lots up to 5M Ibi 16.00-11.50. Sheep for week salable 773: trad activ with littla test after 1