"rr v ww Xj ( 34-(Scc. .IV) .Siatesman, 450 Merchandise 411 P Rant MitcalUitaaus lOtmAL beds A roUswsy. . beds. 8. L. SUM Furniture Co.. 44 Court at. CM i-aiu. 412 Trad Mitcflnou TRADE for work car Welches ur 9430-30 EM 14411. 444 Micaflawa4HW WILL trad chest of drawer taU . H crKl'"w .xpenenced local man book. IMV"" ,UmP! - Car. to, General DENTAL PLATE REPAIR S-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. Dentist - Adolph Bldg State A Com'l St. Salem. Ph. EM 13311. 46 Machiwary I Taolt COMPLETE garage eaulo. and tool. Ilc. A acct. welders, aw. drills, tools, mach. tools, vice, compressor. Everything ou need. Stlverton Tr. 3-42(3 Several ud welder se at 790 Steward St- Ph. 4-7544. USED Welders, all makes, re as 44 Ollnots EM SUM 490 FvaJ DRY maple wood. Ill delivered. EM 4-2941 after 1:30 p m. llRY eld growth slab. Lge or am (12 per cord Dry lge Maple Ub 112 cord Dry Oak eCi-C. " I 704. f?s2TVi0,i5' iWS2 ttlO CardenRd EM!-S254 l!V,O15Ur7,Sh,.0.H"V5,'2 '... Mag,' lab. Old fir. Shaving. EM 4-5633 CAPITOL FUEL CO , LNC. Sawdust. Chip mix Slab Wood MILL wood, plywood cores, as sorted hardwood, planer-ends. TM 3-7711 or EM l-024 142 BROADWAY n a virtus oau. aauicning m Deo- ANDERSON'S Slab Wood 1 cord dry. S2S del. IM 1-7751 OAK tsjmpag---Ervra Simmons X. I. MX KSS. BBS FERN FUEB xa E. Salem Rd.. Dallas Unit load dab wood Hi; also dry slab 1 uauti 120. MA 1-1443 MA 1-2253 collect DRT oak any length. 117 50 cord del. EM 4-1SM. E. Simmons. OREGON FUEL CO Old Growtb Fir (12 Cord DR AND GREEN WOOD 1 SH GREEN STAMPS ' EM 1-5533 log, Broadway HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST A WOOD. EM 3 4444 WE LOAN MONEY ON ALL ARTICLES OF VALUE TITLES SHOTGUNS - RE VOLVERS DIAMONDS JEWELRY MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS TYPEWRIT ERS ETC Star Exchange Loan HI J. Commercial. Salem . Loan SH to 11.500 Hollywood Finance Co. ISM Fairground Rd. EM 1-732 Next to Dana, rree parking TRAVELERS INS CO. '-Mort. gage loan to buy, build, re finance. ; pet. Interest, no ee-rica fee. C. V. Kent Co , SSS CoCUfe WE. EM 44731. CEtn Coaasoiid iticas Oinatmaa Ch Emergency Meeds Du casatrt Baymg Wltk Cash Tx a Bosiow new on Furnrbsr. Aula. Beua TraUar. Equip ment from Salem's cadest Horn Owned Loan Company the make an payment OVER 18 years Salem and 46 years of ajtiier htneed blp A frWtxBy efflce that can raeognta ana) aorve any prob Vem. Bin ma mg at often aav tng. See CORPORATION 137 1 Coral SL Pbona EM M161 PETER Getter FHA and eat eanUoaal loan. EM 4-4701. LOANS MM to II 50 9 Buy What You Need Canaobdat Your Bill, Fmance Through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY US a Orurch St EM 4S7 money Pit. EM S47M. CASH for Mtga. A Contracta. Prtrata aneaay M loaa. B. M. Maaoa. W. B. Mmiar, Ml Chameketa. ZM S4M1. CONSOLIDATE Your Bills $30 $3,000 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS lie a. uDcrty EM 4-2203 COLONIAL Invawtmelit Co. Real . PismeiU Laeos. Contract Pur- caaawd. 47 Court. EM 4-123. ar.M-a a yr. a1. pev loaa to buy. build, refmajic yewr aom. Low lean coat. Stat Finance Co., 17 High at IX, SaMta. Pa. EM S-11S1. Ill L-W WsjBtcT WANTED (11.6M M at I pet Vary aeatt awemrrty. Call 1 EM SI 5 In 1ST INS aaeetgan a Mgav aat ntdaee. flM 4VMSS. 600 Employment 01 Hal. Wawta, CAPITOL EMPLOYMCNT AGENCY atoaetalatt M arfla 174 Cottag St, SK EM 1-036 iU Hal. W.arrJ, Man WANTED S ANTED machanl macnanie. good wages, must a. ns HSr iiesu appiy. IU HaU Wasl, Lajy ESPOMSIBLK Babysttiar, m aoma, ana stut. cat -; JUtUABLE sawsoat to car for . cnuaran. help with genera aialaamaa-Journa Si9 Cafnanitaiafi Work I4AN ar wamaa to sxlstuig aareertiamg aeeeunto a assues aaw accounts for amaU krattt Josarsal la the gtalasa area. Fart taaaa work, siammlaaliia baala, w will . trala. Advertising ' Manager ; .Qreroa Milk Producers, T Soady afldtv, M4xUorm, Orafoa. 500 Bus. A Finance S10 MtMMty ft) Laaw Salem. Ore., Fri., Feb. 600 Employment 409 Cammlttion Work RETAIL BAKERY ROITE tM pr week during break in Muit M married. between ages 14 3S. Pleasing pronalHy and food refs Must b abl to oh taut i T panel truck after training. . EM 4-74M. 610 Sila$ Help Want)) Vint Car Salesman ntner qualifying particular to Box 103. Statesman-Journal Our employee know of this ad. REAL Estate men women for Real Estate course to j inn inims-mairiy. joo place- ment assured to Qualified new- pi, contact Lapnoi Heal Estate School. 2318 Slate St . or can cm instructor Roy T Todd SALESMAN-must-1 ixperi- enced a nave local references. have iwb car. be a permanent resident, pref. married man age 25 40. Incal business firm. Call 1AM. to II A M for appointment. Salary A commission. EM 3-4822 DO YOUNEEbMORE INCOME' Full or Part Time Work We lumish qualified appoint- menu. For information, call EM 4 5223 ' MAN tt k Elec I trolux Corp. 1079 Broadway! rM ! 1100 WEEKLY guar to start. I i TuU Bruih g0 CM 10357 ' ' HANDY man. can do anv kind of work EM 3 tl28 I viTrtt" Mitrh-.iT"tr"exnirt 1 All kind of tree work Free estimate. EM 4-0244 , EXP real estate salesman de sires position on part time basis P O Box 1133. Salem. I -j fjQW fences, pia.-tic patios. Brick Bar B Q ide variety 100 pet , financed. Free Estimate. EM i FLOOR laying Trimming A lath ing by contract. a..n j-44ua. Crpenter A Repair Work EM 1-4409 EXP cat skinner or truck driver wants work EM 4-4143. CARPENTER repair, roof, paint reas. refer. Silvrtn. TR 1-4930. BUILDING A REJTODELLNG EM 4-7577 SMALL carpenter Job, work, reas EM 4-1424 WOOD cutting with chain aaw. EM 1-0769.. GEN. Carp. work, porch, rm. Ras Cha. McLean Eat S-3S3S aTST0M TREE SERVICE Spraying A Pruning EM Mass PAINTING EM 1-7552. Dirt cheap price. Painting, Papering. Texturing Nelson. EM 3-S493. Free Est. SPRAYING PRUNING L W. Caudle EM 4-1441 EM 11459 Carpenter k Repair Work CARPENTER work A painting. new or repair, u J-142S. LOU'S tree semee, removal toppmg. prune EM 4-4501 tU Work WarttatI, Utfy I YES. ex or bkoe. A troi. noma owner at family man desire full time. Ph. 1M-J Independence. HOUSEWORK by the far. Ex penenced A MUM. EM 2- 1007. NORTH High Student want housework, rm. board A small wages. EM 4-1701. BABY sitting or bousa work by nr. em e-eizr. WILL da housework eg grew nursing cars 6 a.m. as 1 p.na. EM S4141. CHILD care day, my Eves, your home, run. W. Salem. EM S4S44. CURTAINS laundered A ad. reas. EM l-oasg. DRESSMAKING m my noma. specialising m cBuarens esocnaa Mrs A. J. Lawson, EM 4-3406. Howards alTatic Re-Weave-- MM I Summer EM S-S406 MIMEOGRAPHING, rvptef Mnv poa. an n. lath. tM a-J4X IRONING tn my horn. S3S Liberty. EM 4-0444. EM J-S53S Ironaig. my home. HollyWd dlst. lUDY'S dressmaking A altera tion. Work guar. EM 3-XV44. tlS-A aUbysJtfiw, LADY win babv-stt or do eve. work, awa trans. EM 4-1S9 BABYSl'I'l INC. my home Chil dren up to 3 yrs W. Brown ing. EM 4-r32. Mrs. Harrison Myers. 'fans' Ave. EM EXP. car for child. My home, day, 4 Corners. EM 3-4406 CHTLDCARE, my home. Wast Salem. EM 34441. BABY sitting, my noma, 10M Broadway, iteri BABY sitting, my Northeast noma, mram ar ciiuuira up so S yrs. EM 4-549S. CHILD car A Ironing, my home. South. EM 4-44S7. EXCEL, child car for an or 2. Engtowood dlst. EM 1-441 RELIABLE Babysitter hr.. day ar ait, my Soma. EM S4S54. II EwwarHtMi PIANO lsssan. Mrs, TkadalL slm -oia. EJrfDERrartaa- Register NOW Salem CbrTa Sek'L EM S44S6 620 Day 94 CotrwCt a. tt. I S YD. ahovel erasvs boa arc. una ja-sas mooue rasiaa D-4, D-1 cat carry aO ckear ang blade. Raatal contract ar unit price. SALEM SAND k GRAVEL 1406 N. Front St, EM S1441 700 Rental. 701 Slaaai. Kotntis, tawrsi BOARD A rm, kt prtv bom. ows py ooor, cat -Wi4. NICE furn. beauty east, prtv. ent. near Bute bides., shop ctr, 64S Marlon EM 1-43S. DESIRABLE room. I block from post office. 454 Ferry St. BEAR, attract, lg. warm rm. clos In. prl ent. EM 4-747. Room, board aptlsnal, lonely prl noma, ckssa a. EM S-T630. CLOSE, aic4 clean, warm base ment. in. 6M Center. WILL car for aemi-snvalld l derty lady M my home. EM CLEAN quiet nr. date Mdga. Kitchen privilege. EM S-144S. NICE warm room for man. The Alexandria, liau s,nemenaia MTCELT furn, rm.. alas bamt apt. S3 at. Winter. WEEKLY rates, Arco Hotel. S4S t-hmaasna. new Management. TV. clean, ale furs. Hll wk, men. EM HO MX away tram bom, m peck luncBes, isa w. h. 703 Aprtmanti far Kant S RM.. bamt., prtv. bath. Ul H. ISta. tM 1-741. 14, 58 700 RentaU 70S ApartmanH ff Want Kingwood Ms. 1 bdrm- court .. " ouiet tec AoulU i !!" , ' .'V.!. ril in 5 pp.ri'?i '.- C BACHELOR apt., furn, garage util. Outside ent Lady pre lerred. M0 EM 1-1971 PARTLY rum. 1 lari rmi , 111) . y 7 ; Inch EM 4-3S0. 'ti"RM. Bachelor apt . (urn.. Jjj" ,pt re" 4M N Liberty stove Riviera C-urt Aots 1 N. River Rd EM IKK APT for rent." Prt u;tl). lurn. 314 water. newlv d.-. (urn aots prlv. oath, auto washer A drver A ----- - a.?s iu I Pnor IM 4-571 or tM 1-9067 i WELL furn lose in. reas. 134 Center CLOSE in around floor bdrm. refrigerator A ranee, steam heat, free automatic washer A drer. warm quiet nlace you will like Adults. 334 Oak st. 1'. B R nicelv furn apartment, clue in North 137 50 B M Mason. Rit Ph. EM34I NICELY furn 3 ms bath elec heat Private entr. 1140 1 N Sth. EM l-4il. ri'RN. 4 rm. apt., close In. prlv. entr. 35 Oak. EM 2477$. 'ri.'ir:.-,:.-.-! t l.U. I. I fVl" isaaui.iH ...... part of citv close to bus line, will furnish room to suitable woman In exchange for com panionship, especially evenings Reference letters only will be considered and should be ad- sSersTr.., l.O MM. Trust mag . saiern. aw uiai niter v rny be arranged. BLOCK from M A T. Clean well 'urn- rm. bath SSS Center. MOD. furn. 2 rm. court. $41 50. io5 Madison. EM 1-1911. EXTRA NICE I RM. COURT Furn., gar.. Inside util., 15. EM 10817. EM 4-5-441. LARGE I bdrm. unrura. Apt. close m. EM 3 473. CLOSE I rm. turn. Apt. 127: util. 73 Marion. EM 2 5223 1 RM. util. pd. Prlv. bath A j ant, refng Adults. T3S S. 13th. 1 RMS. furn., util. except heat, pvt. bath, ent 194 N. 14th 2 RM. bsmX apt. ail utiL turn. 590 Union. VERY nice turn. Apt. comfort able, alec beat., 1 avail, at 155 mo. 1 at 158. on quiet street. CaD Rawlins Realty. EM 44475 ar EM 2-4743 v. NICELY furn. apt. Ambassador Apt. SM N. Summer. LGE. clean S rm. furn. Gar. MO. Ml N. Liberty EM 2 2550. CLEAN turn. Apt. near Hospital A University. 60S fcj Summer. 1 RM. turn. 1st Or. priv. bath A ant gar. 95 S. 12th. apt. adults. EM CLOSE to Stat Bldgs. fun. 1 bedrm. apt, 1232 Canter. THE LEE t bdrm. unfurn. apt. avail. Feb. 15th. SM M7 M. Bachelor apta.. S4S.M. 145 N. Winter. CLEAN S rm, fun. gpt. Prtv. bath. 194 S. Cottage. FURN. 1 til shwr. apt., flrepl.. gar. EM 1475. NEW management dee. 1 A 2 mi., util. tnel 137 at. com 1. Spacious Acacia Apartmenta FURNISHED 114$ So. 13th St EM S100 VERY nice doss la Apt Ph. after 4 p-m. EM 1-4433. CLEAN furn. 1 rm. A Utehan atta. UttL turn. Ladles pfd. Ooe m. Elf 3-S449. 35 Union. 1 RSXPO. furn, utiL fun. WT N. Liberty, km -7au. CYPRES! COURT 1 bdrm. aa fura. apt, $4. EM 4V44W. , LADY'S amall. clea. coxy apt. Class In. UtiL pd. 44$ Ferry 11 Bdrm. Unfurn, So. EM 44217 rtJRN. 1 rm utiL, W. Salctn, $3. EM 4-5071 NICE S RM. UNFURN. Near Capitol A W.U. EM 1-MM NICELT Furn. 1 i M, bath, EM 4-7146 adult. SM S. 14th. CLEAN fun. I rat. apt 433 FERBY 1 BDRM. fun. or ttfura. Wast Salem, em i-iui eve. NICELT fun. S rm, apt, prtv. bath. sa S. Com'L UNFURN. Except rarure. refrig, S bdrm. apt 772, Winter St NE. 4S per mo. EM 1-3134 ATTRACTIVE S-roorn furnished apt., private bain a entrance. TV antenna. Beautyrest bed. Garage Close In for S44. EM S-7S34. ATTRACTIVE small furn. front it. ground floor, s outs, to tier A Frank, S3. EM S-7SM CAVALIER APTS. im Court St 1 Apt EM S-790. 706 DuptoxM LIKE new apts, asarUm cktas, 4 blks. Ladd A Buati Bank. St A SSS. PLaca 1-4431 ar 44$ adiaoa, Carvallis. CLEAN 1 bdrm. an alee. insuUt ed bus by door SM. EM 2-7414. S RM. duplex, wdust furnace, flrepl.. car. 1674 S. Liberty. EM 3-731 1 BDRM. all elec. Frplc Adults. Na pets. 1446 Trade. A-l. ATTRACTIVE fun. S rm. Car port Near city library A koap. EM S-61M eves. NICE turn, 1 bedrm. coupl only. 2SM N. Sta, EM 4-1407. 707 Hawsas far Rawt t BDRM. anfun. hs. Lg. 1st East SM. EM 1 1544. X BEDRM. baa. 1716 N. Liberty. EM $-2434. FOR RENT. OR LET PYaTTS BUY HOME FOR YOU 71 A MO. S BDRMS, FIRE PLACE, CARPORT, FENCED YD. IMMD. POSSESSION. SANDY DR;, 1 BLK. NO. OF XEIZER 8CH. PH. BUILDER EM 4-6S33 DAYS, EM 44171 EVES. S ROOM ha, at Salem. Partly turn. $M. Ph. Woodnun 747$. S BEDRM. nous. 1944 D St $71. EM 1-4541. PREE 13th month. Almost new 1 bdrm. house, auto, heat, tec. rang, refrig.. hdwd. firs., kiaulated. Washer A dry ar avaltoba. 2234 Mpte Ave. PORTLAND Rd . No. 1 bdrm. noma, clean, oil heat,1 refng., garage. $44 m. EMS-M42. 1 BDRM. mod. ha, on S A. nr. Aubun School. Sew Sun. Feb. 16. S54 Aubun Rd. JUST decorated, neat 1 bdrm. near ach'l. A bus. After l.M P M. EM M571 S BDRM. family ha. Full bsm't to nrr schooU. EM 1 754 1 BDRM. suburban N.E. borne, clean, modera, large lot. elec. heat. $4. me, EM 3-004 S BDRM. $40. 114$ Cross. Nice utility, rm.. garage. t BEDRM. anfun.. mod. has, kt country. $ EM S-61M. S BDRM. elder he . clos to, aom fura. $M. EM S-tlM. FOR rant S bdrm. bousa with 1', A.. S stoves. Avail, Feb. 15th. EM 1-4720. S BDRMS., aU remodeled. $$. Inq. 1427 Fatrgrounde Rd. MOD. S bdrm, horn. $a a ma. Adults wily. Ere. EM 1T7M a BEDRM. hdwd. fin. attch. r. fenced -la yd. bmt asecaa EM MOD. a bdrm. Highland Diet Mr. Schools. EM fMf. Save Time - Save Money far Ik Best Pnfesateaal Sarvteaa Make Lite Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! ADDING MACHINES We sell, rent A service all makes Foen. 454 Court. EM 3-4773 j HI IXIHU1NQ BULLDOZING: pa v for tlm on lob only. 15 ar EM 10933 or tti Jf!3 Bulidnring Roads, Dans. dT-DS Carryall Hut key. EM 1 3I44 BI'ILDINO MATERIALS J. W. COPELAND YARDS , 520 Wallace Ha EM 3 27 "Your Friendly Lumber Yard" CAatlNifs CABINET SHOP Kitchen Built-in. Built-in Fur niture Store Fixtures. Kitch en Remodeling. Our Specialty W. J SULLIVAN CM 4-S531 Oays EM 1-470 Eve COSMETICS STUDIO Ctrl - Ruth L. Smith. I l-S. 4-2J04. Kt. 4. Box IKl j CRANE SERVICE , 13-TON Lorain moto crane. Sa- lem Sand A Gravel. EM 1-1-atil LOOB COVERING NORRIS WALKER Paint Co. Floor covering Dlv. Quality Installations Lino, carpets. As phalt A Rubber Tile Wall tile. Free Estimates. EM 4-2279. 700 Rentals 707 Housas For Rant 4 RM. USE with gar, rang and refrig. turn. 155. EM 4-4901. 1 BDRM. furn. ha. EM 1173lT S BDRM. house. Salem Ht.. $30. Phone EM 1-4713. S BEDRM. near ach'l. A but line. N. Esst. EM 1-4400. 1 RM. has. part. tun. all elec. S20 mo. 154 N. Winter 1 BEDRMS. with garage. South, fust re-dec. S5. EM 1-3487. SUBURBAN East mod 1 bdrm. ADULTS by Mar. 1. KM 3-44B7. N E. la city, 1 bdrm. ranch type home. Large landscaped, fenced lot, patio, near achools. SSS. EM 4-441. t BDRM. modera bouse, stove. refng. $50. 1 blk. Gen, Hoep A bua.JS51J ason St. I BDRM. All elec . nar achool A mkt Inq. 1596 S. 13th. I BDRM. ha. 4 blk from city ctr. Auto neat, rrpie m rismt S7S mo. EM 3-471 , COZY 1 bdrm.. refrlc. stove. tt, gar.. EM 1-0249. 1 BDRM. ha . garage. liMl N 15th. EM 2-3430. ATTRACTIVE 1 BDRM. home. Very clean, nice location. Large yard. EM 2-1744. UNFURN. 1 bdrm, hs. at MS Cottage St., HI. $50 per mo. Ph. EM 3-313 t RM. cottag. carport, utility, ruy ruro, u per mo. su NEW unfurn 1 bdrm.. TV ant . garage, nr. Gen. Hosp. $50 Adults. 2251 Bremen. 1 BDRM. coture, kitchen fun Near Salem General Hospital. $5$. 632 Catterlin. EM 2-2707. 1 BDRM. tn ct. Range A refrig. Inq. Archers 1635 Lee day tuna. After p.m. EM 4-1125 707-4) Furnished Housas FURN. hs. for one. Water A lights, $28, Ph. EM S-44B4. CLEAN 1 bedrm. flrepl.. ell heat garage, bam t., no dogs, $40. EM 1-9SM. FURNISHED house all electric heat. Ooe in. 1 bedroom. EM 2-004 CLEAN 1 bdrm. Adults, a pU. oar. pts. em -io. $ RM. fun. bousa, yard fenced EM 1-Mll. 19M Highwsy. RM. fun. bse, EM 2 -064. 708 Farms Far Rant FARM for rent. 200 A., will subdivide. EM 1-443. 710 Wantad to tawf Hstt YOUNG Executive with a (mall daughter want a or 1 bedrm. hsa. to occuov March 15th Pay $44 17$ rant needs warm floors, fenced yard pref. Do not drink, will fura. refer, ence EM 2-4347. WITH option to buy 1 bdrm. luntt'tl ' run. nous cios in $45. EM 1-95M after 6. WANT to rent 2-3 bdrm. house by reliable couple, by March IStm call avas. km 3-ms. 714 ImiiHrss Ran to Is SO S4. FEET, ston or office spsc sn westgste Bnoppuig Center, ssa me. em 4-7432. STORE, Bldg. ttv. quartan to nw. inq. evi is. sosn s. EXTRA nice 1 ran. 1st fir. SM. aUaWaJ aAaW F aUlgltrajnsjw aTW4J THREE nam suite In new bldg" plenty parking space, nn wna non-compessng ssusmess. SM 4-47JS. LGE. gar. for storage. 8. Com- merciai, uwens an. em s-sshi. STUCCO building Vt by 601, 12 concrete floor. Paved street. Inq. 1596 13th St., SE, 113S STATE. Nr. bank, 10x46 ft tor business, gat t-vm. SIS SO, FT. off ice ar store apace, nan 10 neroer snop to Wsst Gate Shopomg Casv tar. $40 aso. EM 3-7431, 71 B Catrvalascant Hotna HOME for sged people. Trinity 3-731, auverton. 780 Mtrvintj V Sfofga RUSS PRAH MAYFLOWER Moving t Storage FUEL OILS CAPITOL CITY TRAJUrU Larmer Transfer it Star if COMPLETE moving servie. Also agents for Br itiMS ns tloowlde Movers. EM 1-1111. Want-Ads hava a habit as tha ana mratiotied Lose Something ! 312 Uat stwt Fount, LOST: Baig blflfotd In MAP 1st Hr. enL phone booth, Frl. Jan. 16th. BADLY NEEDED, pleeae return. EM S-1544. Tha quick way to solv any problem 1$ through th Wart-Ada. Statesman-Journal Newspapers EM 4-6811 INCOME TAX SERVICE Need Help' Income tax returns, and part time tMKtkkeepmg. John W Bollinger. 1400 I Inv EM 2 3425 D A R. Tax, very reas. 1250 N. 24th St EM 4-9538 after 3. L'A S Tax Servlce.EM 4-MB9 Reas. rates. 4011 Glenwood Dr. DON'S Accounting Service, JlJj uciStN E,EM2-aM Leon's accounting service. 1509 4th M i., tal 3-53H1. Free plck-uja and delivery. Bar ton ervJcV EM J-99S'- Lowest Legal Tax Guarantee 13 50 A up Exper Tax Auditor i Free pickup A dellv. EM 4-2301 ! Tax form prepared for indi ; viduals. Farms, small busi 1 ness. Ftnnegan A Hardwlck. EM 4-2094 or JTM 4-5320 Bookkeeping, payroll report A mcome tax service. E. J. Church A Co. 471 N Callage. Salem Ore. EM 4 5242 STAN'S Accounting Service. 990 S 24th EM 1-5M4. METAL ROOFING Galv. or Alum barns, sheds, rises . Mtl A Labor, terms. Edmoad Const. Co. EM 1-62M. 800 Real Estate 801 Busiwas Opportua). SERVICE Station for lease. Ap pro. S600 inventory. Loc. on Portland Rd. EM 3-5433 after I P.M. FOR sal, restaurant A fixtures, residence A cabins, located at Jefferson, Ore Pioneer Tnst Co. Executor. Cash or terms EM 3-3134 FOR LEASE Major oil co. station. Estab , modern 1 bay. Fin location Equip. A -util. turn. Invest in nsalable mdse. only. Finan cial aaaiat. A training avail, to qualified parties. For inform. EM 1-4703 days, EM 1-64M eves. FOR Sale: Business property Inc'l 1 houses, potential In come $140 mo. two places rented, live In other one, 112. 000. No agent pleas. EM 3-0440. BY Owner 10-unit motel A Uv. auarters, solid concrete on Iwy 10. Will trad for acreage or what have you. Call Port land ALpin 1-0511. FOR SALE: Feed mill A seed cleaning warehouse, good val ley town, good business. Warehouae on priv. property with RR siding. Good equip, slso top line feeds A fertil izer. Write box 134. Gervala, Oregon. TRAILER PARK MOTEL RESTAURANT, filling station, all in one. Nice unit. The own ers are setting old. can't nan- die, want to retire. This unit should net over $11,000 per year. Wa can let a qualified couple nav this going Dull ness with small down pay ment Might' take aom trad. TAVERN at LUNCH TRADE your idle logging trucks for property A business. Close to Detroit Dam. Fishing A hunting equipment, no compe tition. W also hsvs two or three bars showing a good prof 11. CALL EM 4-76 Eve- Ben Griffith EM 3 4403 Oliver Willis EM 3-4044 Ted Morrison, Realtor 20 N. HIGH Salem, On. WESTERN AUTO STORE Owner Is aelling his ston alter 12 year of successful opers tion In Independence. Oregon, a mid-Willamette Valley in dustrial and farming commu nity. Clean stock: low rant. Investment of approximately 611.900 for inventory ana fix tures. Western Auto Supply Co. will train you. Se, phon 159, or write P.O. Box 127. Inde pendcace. Oregon. HOME TRAILER COURT and NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY. Salem, cloee in. An Ideal M and Pa business with 11 vine quarters for two. Gross profit of $12,000 in iss7 witn low overhead. Ac and Ul health forces disposal of this going business. Sate or trade, would consider well secured mort gage or contract la trade WHAT HAVE YOU? CLYDE PRALL. Realtor. IM S. Hlsh St EM 4-4444 Horn Ph. EM 1-7530. CAFE for sal, going business, call evenings EM I420S. 803 Suburban $7506. EAST terms oa this horn tn the country. Dble. gar. Lets of shrubs, trees, fruit A nut. C. W. Reeve Rltr. 140 Mis a Ion St. EM 1-4590 Eva. EM 3-9534 or EM 1-046. 806 Houses For Solo PEONY GARDENS Two yesrs old, thrs bedroom Bom m an expanding araa. A til bath, hardwood floor, weather stripping, and lot of extra room makes that home a tow of a buy. In this you can be away from the hustle A Bustle of the City. But cloee enough that your friends csn find you. CaU to sec Walt Bradley Eva. EM 3-0846. 320 COURT PH. EM 8484 TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-SU of finding, lost items in this ! PA IN TIN O F Al ER A N U IN O fHintina a ruuernMnging ties Est EM i-1311 HM Shipping SAND A GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL - 1(125 McGllrhrlst Crushed quarry recks and grav el. All size for roads, drive ways and parking lota. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dozing, ahovel and dragllne work. EM 3-9249. SAI.EM SAND A GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed round gravel, sand A ton soil. 1403 N. Front EM 2-3 JZ4SI. SEPTIC SERVICE MIKE ' SS pt if Se rv. D' Rooter . clean tanks, sewers EM 1-9468 HOWARDS RotoTRooter ewers. Septic tanka cleaned. EM 1-5327 WAREHOUSES All types, barns, loafing or ma chine sheds. Free est Mater ial A Labor, term. Edmon) Const. EM 3 620. PHONE KM 4-fiSU TO PLACE AD 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sola J BDRM. HOME $600 DOWN Near Park A D. move right In this lt yr. old home, only 1 Blk. from school, store A bus, all on 1 fir, auto oil fun.. No closing cost except pro-rationa of taxes A ins. We have other from 1100 to $500 dn. A re member folks whether you rent, lease or buy, you pay for the home you occupy. Geo. Patrny will show. EVE. Phone EM 4-1089. CHICKENS OR HORSES That's what these 4 6 acres an suitable for. It has s building 40x100 with s cspscity for 5000 fryers or 1200 layers, or could be used to board horses, slso has s very spsclous com fortable $ bdrm. home sur rounded by s lg. vsriety of fruit, nuts snd besutiful shsde trees. F.A. oil furn., hdwd. firs, bdrms. 20x16 A 12x14 -1575 sq. ft. on 1 fir. A home with s homey stmosphere A priced at only 119,750 Ask for Jim Preuit, Eves. EM 4-4327, Days EM 4-4494. Colbath & Jones REALTORS $17 COURT ST. PHONE EM 4-4494 SEE OUR WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF HOMES FOR SALE SALEM PROPERTIES JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 379 N. High EM 4-3442 OPEN HOUSE by owner. Love ly 1 bdrm. horn on 1 Mill Creek lot. S yr. aid. 135 S. 15th. BY Owner: 1 bdrms., lg. lot. So. M.S50. EM 4-1101. M ACRE IRRIGATED RANCH -Located East. Has S bdrm. horn. Urge ban, a silos, M seres In cult, snd sU csn be lrrlgsted. This is a wonderful ranch, ckssa to schools on psvsd highway, etc. CALL O. V. HUME Ev. Ph. EM 2 5204. BUILDING SITES WITH TREES . No. 1 Natural for daylight basement, South In restricted district. No. 1-Walk-Ing dlstsnca to downtown Sa lem. Dead-end. Near Bsker School. Idesl for children. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSXY Evs. Ph. EM a $43$. IDEAL TWO BEDROOM HOME -Convenient to schools A transportation. Excellent loca tion. Spacious ltv. rm. with fireplsce. din. rm., kitchen A nook, full bath with shower, attached garage, oil f a. nest ing. Trees. CALL J. E. LAW -Ev. Ph. EM 3-1113 to see this lovely home. GRABENH0RST ISO LIBERTY ST. SE ROY TODD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE NEW DUPLEX, sid by side, near school, a bdrms, big kitchen with eating space, tub bath, llv. rm. with builtin book cases, each side. lge. lot. Vslue $14,500. Make offer. BUILDING SITE, doss in northesst, 110 acre or caa be two lots 70x260. On lot for 1 70 or both for $1250. OWN A HOME that wlU oar for Itself S ac. cloee In. 4 ac. of cane berries, family orchard grapes blueberries, drilled well 6 cssing. nies i norm, nouse, 12 yrs. old. dble. garage A shop. Cement patio with fireplace. All this for only $11,756. and nady for subdivision too. Con sider trsd on small farm -or house in city. Ev: Mr. Graham. EM 4474$: EM 141; Mr. Todd. 434 11731. 2319 STATE STREET TRADE - Nic clean l'i year oid i nedrm. noma, nic ait., din A llv. rm., fireplace, F.A. oil heat, att. garage. Trad down for amall acreage. Tht horn located South. Priced at $11,750. CaD H. Pack, Eva. EM 34413. EXCELLENT FOR RETIRED COUPLE - a bedrm., nrepisce In llv. rm.. kit. A Book, utility rm., gang. Near Hollywood hooping Diet. AU for $4,500. Terms? Sun. CaU Mrs, Lea vens. Ev. EM 1-473$. 134 LIBERTY STREET 8E 1500 DOWN FOR ale 1-bedroom on Sunny. view. Living . dining room combined. Insulated. Concrete foundation. Plastered. Oarage. Swegle achool ana. CaU tor showing. $440. FUTURE BUSINESS THIS fin property Is located oniy a diock irom meier Prank's expansion srss $ bedroom home would msks excellent rental until you de velop M, $30,000. Term. ' I mri- rt REALTORS V- I 427 Ferry (Open Sat) Office EM 4-3381 Ev.: Marian Lchmann. EM $-44 Oscar Sedarstrom, FM S-S21 Jama Oswalt, EM -773 - alia Assnsa, EM tM 800 Real Estate OA Houiat For Sal LOW down pvm't or trade for car. cut 4 bedrms., alt. gar., fireplace, irg. kit N. East. 1143 Coral. BY OWNER 1 bdrms . larg lot. East. 1(1 450, terma. EM 4-7749350Mldwy Dr. SM7i ' MrmhM '.. Gar S4.10 5300 dn EM 3-OoSS. EM 4-3111. , BY OWNER """ i " All the uauals plus 1 bdrms . den or sewing room and 1 full baths. Pile lll.aooM. Eve. EM 1-7215 NO GIMMICKS Well built lioo sq ft. comfort, able home with circulator fin placs. full set din rm, eating area in kitchen and inside utllitv Yes. )ut $950000. $600. down Including costs will move you In. Call Al Watta. Kcaltor, EM 4 6081 eve. EM S72V MR7 OWNER! Glen Wood'ry will pay top price for vour furn. A appliances. EM 15110. BY OWNER 4 bdrm. Cape Ced, 1193 N. 38th Fireplace. 1 baths. F.A. Oil Heel. $12,900. $100. dn 195. mo, ilgr. dn. piai. reduce mo. pmt. Con aider trade EM 144 II. NEW 1 bdrm.. stt. gar., many extras. So. on pvmt. $10,000. Convenient terms. EM 1-0106. 3f 00 SMALL dn. payment. Neat 1 bedrm. hse. Near bus A store. C. W. Reeve Rltr. 1160 Mission St. EM 3-4.VW Eve. EM3 -S5.T or FM 1-0S96 TRADE . Use the equity in your $10,000 home to trade on $15,000 home with 3 bedrooms. 1 batha. .dou ble garage, many other fea tures and located In a good neighborhood. Call our office for details or Mr. Bright eves. EM 3-5441. Jacobsen & Keene REALTORS Office Ph. EM 4 2293 1233 Stat QUIET LIVING PICK A HOME on the end of a dead end street. And set it on a lot with big oak trees. Then put the living room on ine oacs so ine picture win dow looks out over s quiet val ley. While we're doing it. pic ture a long, low 1 year old home with good surrounding homes for protection. Then picture yourself living there quietly, swsy from the tur moil of ths ususl new sub division. Pleasant. Isn't It? We still don't think you quit com prehend what you're mlasing. so we'd better show It to you to be sure. 114.750. CALL EM 4-676 Eve Dean Klarr EM 1-70M Ted Morrison, Realtor 20 N. HIGH PHO. EM 447M $7,950. Buys dandy 1 bdrm. home Hdwd. fira. Ven blinds, oversized garage. 909 aq. ft fir. spec. Auto oil furnsce. Close to school A shopping center. Located North. For Particulars call EM 3 9236. ve.: Kelly Owens EM 3-6594. P. E. Hicks EM 4-4930. J. F. Short EM 4-1M7, Ed Schreder EM 3-7825. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 311 CHURCH ST. NE BVM S-92M HOME A SHOP CLOSE IN NORTH Big corner lot. 122 x 12. rise I Bdrm. home. lti bath, auto-oil heat. Large llv. rm. with attached tire- Sac. Kitchen ha dishwasher ew hop building - 906 aq. ft. with perm, hot water heat. Garage A carport. WILL LEASE SHOP FOR $50.00 rER MO. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON -Ev. Ph. EM 4 46. M ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF SALEM - All in bearing orchard. Just off paved road Nice view. A beautiful place to build. Bargain at $3500. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. OFFICE SUITE - 1 excellent room, private lavatory, paved off street parking, located close to Court House snd Pub lic Bldgs. Professions) tensnt thru out. Leas $100. per mo. CALL C. L GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS PH. EM S-2471 of fruit A nut, several kinds of Mr. Beer. EM 38359; Mr. Elliott. OFFICE PHONE: EM 1 SMI VALENTINE SPECIAL This it truly a aweetheart Just reduced this extrs duslity horns beautiful lg. llv. A family room 1 nice bedrms. Its baths 2 flrepl scea-built-in stov A oven 1 csr gs rsgs corner lot A wonder ful buy. $13,750. Csll Andy Hahrorsea Ev. EM 1-7161. CANDALARIA HOME .Good location, bus, shopping. School, pavement, excellent 1 bdrm. central hall, fireplace, good condition, good terma. Csll Roy Ferris Ev. EM 14010. H t F PHONE EM 4-4471 s MAKE YOUR OFFER ON down payment on thla V bedroom noma near cannery In West Salem. Largs kitchen. Concrete foundation. Walls In sulated. Near bus and school. $4,950 Good terms. INCOME TRADE THERE an t renlabls units In this snsrtmsnt hous. 1-bed-room living quarter for own er. In St. Vincent s and Hlrh land achool district. $11,100. Terms. Wsntt horn. 0p 800 Real Estate 806 Housas For Sola 30 YEAR CONSTRUCTION LOANS LIVE IN TOWN, en vour awa acreage. A beautiful acre at good soil with s good solid 1 drm. horns snd a larg un finished upstairs. Full base ment with centrsl heat, lire place, garage, family fruit and lota of shrubs. Owner will ac cept reasonable terms snd car ry contract. Call Al Agaa EM 4475. Evs. EM a-sisa. TRADE FOR ACREAGE: Extrs nice 3 bdrm. home lucsted on one snd s half sens, attached garage forced air oil heat, swimming pool. A well kepi home priced st $9,000 for s quick sale or trade. Call Al Agan. EM 4-M7S, Eva. EM 1-1S2. OH BEAUTIFUL, for spacious rooms all the whole house through. Someone with a taste for space built this home lor YOU. Every room is Urge from the comfortable living room with Its snappy fireplsce. .through both bedrooms. Less then 10 years old this home hows good care. On large lot auburban. See this, you will be glad vou did Call LeRnv Laark. tM 4-M7S. Eva. EM 4-3244. AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY. en a 2' bdrm., plastered home with, floored attic suitsbla for s third bedroom. Located on a nice quiet neighborhood with poved street, sn exceptions) well kept home only $ yrs. old. .Will trsd on larger home. Can be handled st $5 per month st 4 1 j pet. Interest. Call D. 1. Van Orman. EM 4-67$. Eve. EM 4-3447. RAWLINS 60S CHEMEKETA OHMART & CAUSA REALTORS 477 Court St. EM $-411$, EM 1-4116 SALEM. OREGON Lee Oksaan NOT JUST A HOUSE This Is a REAL home of over 2004 sq. ft. wonderful Urlng area plus extra big garage. It hatha 4 bedrooma louvered closet doors beautiful A large kitchen A family room. A deluxe lob of decorating thru out. Extrs good location on level lot city sewer A water. CaU Louis Loreni Full price $27,000.0. ROOM FOR SIX BEOS Only $1000 down, large lot, double gangs, hot water heat JUST $11,450 00 See Norman Hogenecn Eve EM-20C0. 4 BEDROOM BARGAIN Walking distance from downtown, this older horn Is In s busi ness zone, hss Basement, fireplace oil heat. An extra good deal drive by 140 North 17th St.. shea call Ralph Maddy to snow you tnru. eve s.as-Z34ss. A LOT TO LIKE Immaculately dean 1 bedroom horn on an acre of ground. Just inside city limits. Good basement with modern furnsce A extrs storage shed In nsr of hosts. For th family of a or 1 this Is ideal Priced at $8950. Ask for Adrtenn Sercombe Eva m stvsn. NEWLY LISTED STOCK OR GENERAL FARM 140 acres, sll cultivated. 100 A. irrigated from well, will handle SO sprinklers. I large barns, one nearly new, pit silo. 4 bed room home In fsir condition. An excellent buy in b vslley farm st $59,000. Would consider leasing for 1 year. Call Henry Torvend for full Inf. Eva EM-33631. 322 NORTH CHURCH ST. EASTMORELAND It's a beauty, with S bdrms., large LR. DR. FA all heat. Immaculate condition. Larg well landscaped lot. Dead-end at. And lust $14,954. Call Gordon Crawford, eve. ph. EM 4-5020. SUBURBAN HOME Located on acn of land. 4 Bdrms.. 12x1 LR. anaitt util ity, aep. DR. patte. Near Hoover School A bus. A good buy for $7404. Csll Troy Derry berry. eve. ph. EM 4-T24S. YOUR HEARTS DESIRE Top quality horns located oa a tree shaded lot. 1 Bdrms., l'i baths, sep DR, entry hall, birch kitchen with built . la stove A oven. Yean for $13. 230. Call Seth William, ev. ph. EM $-172$. PERFECT FAMILY HOME Located on 100x100 lot. Beauti fully landacaped. 4 Bdrms, full bsm't.. frpl.. S bathe. Near McKmley. So Hi A Les lie. Worth more. $11,790. Csll Arnold Krueger, ev. ph. EM 1-4225. WE NEED MORE LISTINGS Licensed also In Washington and Idaho Ph. EM 4-3311 AL ISAAK k STATE FINANCE 167 S. HIGH ST. F.H.A. G. I. OR LONG TERM CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS ENGLEWOOD CUTIE This dandy a bdrm. home has been tha appralaed for $13,000 So If you can qualify this ' is the buy of a lifetime. Only $750 down puts you Into this very sttrsctlvs horn. Only four blocks to the State Hos- iltsl. Call Mr. Burgess today or full Information. FOUR CORNERS. Vary clean and attractive 1 niocs irom school. 1 bdrms. lares knotty pin family with heetllator fireplace. Large double garage. Substan tial down or trade for entailer home to M.000. Call Mr. Mc Cuir. CALL ONE OF OUR SALESMEN FOR FULL ' INFORMATION AND SHOWING W. R. Stevely. EM 4-631 T L H. Perlmaa. EM 4-751 QjLLj I TODAY'S A brsnd new a bedroom and Paved street and curb, a Fireplace. Ity baths, Ineld utility, forced air heal and double garage. 133 aq. ft. for only $12.95. Call aculah Woelke, EM 1-642. Eves. EM 4-MRS. WE WILL TRADE This wall built, excellently located a bedroom and baeement. Engllan style notne tor a iaimooet car or station wagon. Our price la fair at $4,740.09 and wa will pay no more than top book for your car. CaU Tom Pagan, EM $-$62$; Evas. EM 2-7504. IF THE Above do not suit your needs I bedroom on a view sot witn a nan Basement, ify baths (asp. stall ahewer), lovely corner fireplace and a double garag. Priced at $16,500. This en will also Uk a csr or station wagon. Call B1U Woelks EM. $-4539; Eve. EM 4-2662. A VIEW That will trad too. In Pioneer mountain and tha city, a quality built 4 yr. old S bad room horn on s of an acre. Ww carpeting and drape In cluded, . Double rare, boat house and a lane covered patio. Over $1,000.0 In landscaping Country living on th city's sdge. Total price $17,960. Will take good 1 bedroom hous to $1,500. Call Helen Lewis, EM 1-iU, Eva. EM 1-7504. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR 191 SO. HIGH SALEM, OREGON " Evee: Can Tom Fsgsn EM 1-7504. 800 Real Estate 806 Housas For Sols MAKE MONEY: We ran show yaw how with this unit apart ment house. Close tn. fur nished, new roof A eaailv rent ed this money maker returns $337 as rent each month. Here is good news, owner will sc cept s 2 bdrm. horns In trsd. To gel full details, call Jim Smith EM 4-M71. Evs. EM 4-767. ONE AND A HALF ACRES. This 1 bdrm. horns on psvsd road Is In a real country set ting. Frail trees, berries. Isrgs garden area, beautiful flowers and lawn, smsll fenced pas un snd attractive house make this a nsl home The price and terms ar right Tn e call Jim Smith. EM 4-447$. Eva. EM 4-7879. WILL TRADE for amall acre age, beautiful, well built 1 bdrm. home with attached, plastered gsrsge, fireplace, tiled bath. Setting on nic larg lot on paved street in nice quiet neighborhood. A horn you must go through to appreclete the spacious rooms and planning. A real buv at the asking price with onlv 4 pet. Interest. Call D J. Van Orman, EM 4-4475. Eva. EM 4-1447. OWNER LEAVING. Health forc ing the move. Muat sell this lovely a bdrm. home only 6 months eM. Lovely fireplace, separst living snd dining rooms. Located on large lot suburban. Priced at $10,000 To see cell LeRov Laack, EM 4-447$. Eva. EM 4-3244. REALTY OFFICE PHONE EM 4-4S7S Bady Caaaka PH. EM 4-3311 OR EM 3-7820 A SWEETHEART Of a noma. Only yrs. eM In perfect condition, a Big bdrms. auto oil heat, sep. OR. Fault price $16,504. $1004. down will handle. Call Bernard Stewart, eve. ph. EM 4-9131. VALENTINE SPECIAL Brand new family rm. home. 1 Bdrms., l's baths, frpl.. dining rm. too. Clever extras. Lata of storsge. $13,954. E-E terms. Csll Edna Morgan, eve. ph. EM 4-493$. BETTER THAN NEW Cut ranch home that's so sps cmus. 1 Bdrms, lg. sep. DR. frpl, FA oil heat, city con veniences. Near Washington School A bus. It's a buy for $11,150. Call Troy Derry berry, ev. ph. EM 4-7304. GROCERY A MEAT MARKET A money making enterprise. Completely equipped. Good location. Nominal rent Inven tory Included for $3500. Csll N. G. "Dan" Iaaak. ev. ph. EM 1297 for man detail. CO., Realtors Ph. EM 3-7820 CO., REALTORS PH. EM 3-3151 WRECKING YARD Three seres sll fenced. Every thing got except hand tool. Various equipment Including a tow truck go with this profit sble business. For s real bar gain and a stesdy Job esll Mr. Stevely for all the details. WALK TO WORK You csn hsrdly find this kind no mora. Well built older 1 bdrm. home, fireplsce, base ment, stairway to unflnlahed attic. 1306 block Court street. Only $11,600. Good terms or would trade for larger S or 6 bdrm. cloee to Willamette U. up to $20.00$. CaU Mr. Peri man. Harold Burgess, EM 3-4071 E. H. McCuire. EM 1-4271 ' tr?', w - it? ?" fsrED or ' ' ' BARGAIN family room home located south. ONE then how about this; a new Height with view of the PHONE EM I-a2 rtSSS Haksa Lewie EM S-7S04, Bill 800 Real Estate 106 Housas For Sols Neslsst bom can be used as a bdrm. or I bdrm A den. The Interior nicely reflnished. alsa the floors, has good roof A foundation. Can bs had fur mahed for $7450, nr unlur, nished $6530. Will also consid er good clear trailer. Call tiyo rouik. Want lo trade? My client has 4 unit at. house all sep arate entrances, a 3-nii. A t 2 rm. furnished, separate heat, 1 blka. from center of citv Kill take $5 000 to M.Ono house In Irsde. Csll Gens PedwclL eve. ph. EM 1-7977. Who hs s nice 1 bdrm. horn in Salem thai they want t trade for s nka older 1 bdrm. home A 1 car garage on II acres of clear land In t a country 7 Call Geo. KrU' if Interested, eve. ph. EM 3-1505. REALTOR 316 N. Church St EM 441171 $500. Dn7 2 bedrm. hse " fC Nesr Swede ach, Large gar. Good garden spot. Cheep at t'W0 C. W. Reeve Rltr. las Mission St. EM 3459 Eva. EM 3-9S36. KEIZER Neat 2 bedroom modem horn, newly redecorated. Just right for a retired couple, close ta bus, stores etc. $7950 no. $50AO down. CsU Mel. EM 4-09M. WANTED We tiav a client who wlfl pay 5500. cash fnr a I btKlrtxrin homt within S or I blocks o downtown Salem or tarn dla tanco Irom Berft Market in Koucr. Call Shirley, EM 4-0QM. &' REALTY 4020 N. Rivr Rd. IMMEDIATE SACRIFICE Lge. 2 bdrm. home. bsmt. Pn aible 3rd bdrm. 4t pet. loan. Low down payment. EM 2-7071 NORtirniocatlon. Onlv M250. Located 21M N. Front. Low down payment pet. int. Look tt over. EM 1-7911 or EM 4-3470. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR LET us solve your horn needs. To buy sell or rent, csll EM 4-1743, 1211 Edgewater. EM 4-7174. 2710 80. Commercial NORTH East Suburban well built S bedrm.. 2 baths, dble. gsrsge. 1433 Brenner DUE TO DEATH owner will sell a barm, hse, osk firs, elec. hest. Venetian bl, stt. gsr. snd workshop. 60x132 lot. See to appreciate. EM 4-0793. Inq. Mr. Mllby. 480 LoweU. TRADE this mod. sub. horn. 4 bdrms. for anything that I might na. Terms. EM 3 5095. BRAND new 2 bdrm. home, frpl-. FA heat, close In So., 1199 aq, ft. $10.950 EM 4-4107. MAKE Cash offer on 2 bdrm. home. $45 Illinois off Center St. EM 2-2553. - Large Suburban Home 1 and l-3rd acres, large living room and dining room, vary largs family room, 4 bed rooms, a baths, doubts at tacked garage, do to shop, ping area. Paved street. Aa excellent family ham. Price $13,500. CaU Grace Jacksoa. EM 4-4454, Ev. EM $-6025. JUST LIKE NEW North, tn city, bright kitchea with large eaung area, x oeov s. mis home hsa lust been completely redecorated atsiae ' ana sen. nsceiy teno ecaped. Paved street, euro and sidewalks. $500 down 30-2$ years loan at $' pet. in terest. Call Grace Jackson EM 4 4454 Ev. EM 2,602$. DE PUY & JONES REALTORS IMS Fairgrounds Rd. EM 4-444 FAIRMONT HILL THIS horn is strsteelcilly Va cated in on of tn hills nst neighborhoods. There are $ bedrooms. sewing room snd s full basement. With a large living room and dintng room this mskas s dsndy family home for only $16,500. CALL EM 4-676S Ev: Mrs. Psnning EM 409 Ted Morrison, Realtor 269 N. HIGH P HO. EM 4470 2 Bdrm. Fireplace Nice kitchen A dinette. Enclosed bsck yd. Csrags A utility rm. Bush sch. dlst. $5500 About $140$ DN. $57 50 MO. South. 2 Bdrm. So. Salem HEIGHTS. Well built newer home on targe lot. All H.W. firs. Clone to new senior High Sch. SMOO $606 DN. 2y2 4 Ac. 3 Bdrm. 1 Fir. Large llv. rm. with fireplace. All bdrms. are large. Land srsped yd. to pavement, t miles out. Full basement. Oil fumac. $13,500 $3500 DN. Art Madsen Realty 13M STATE EM 1-534 EM a MIS EM 4-0485 INVESTMENT A 1 bedroom home which will be easy to rant. Easy financial terms. Start a little invest ment venture now. $5,950 VICTOR H. SWORD REALTY 13 S. Liberty EM 1054 Eva. EM 14044 SALE or Trade: Mod. Mt. home) A cabin, a lots, Detroit Ore. $M0$. Statesman-Journal Boa 191. WELL kept 1 bdrm. hsa. Good loc. Nr. stores A bus. nice yd. Cheerful room. EM 2-723. SELL ar trad: New $ bdrm. SoT extras for S bedrm. or trailer hss. car or pickup. EM 4-6028. BY OWNER Drtv by $04$ Sun. ayvlew. If interested cell EM 4-5443 ar EM 44343. Mak of fer on down payment DAYLIGHT BASEMENT Mornrngslde district 111, x St Irving room wna corner nra pise. Dining room, Kitchea hss sttng spsc. dishwasher. disposal, ouilt-ui ovsn at rsnge. Mueller F A. oil hest. M x I7S lot a blk. to bus. Price t 17.940. Will Uk smsller horn I trad. Call EM 3-4flJ3 dap er eve. E, J. ZWASCHKA, tl&yiCTDR rl."V y i 1 il ,J I