Copyright l$t$. Burtau of Advrtiting ik Amtrxean SM tpapr PuHukr AeUH& 14. 4 tit' J tv j ' r s 4 r 9 t 1 it" i 4 ' ..Vs'.., ... '!.'": v - - v --.-,,..:.,,. .... -:.-:'.'. "": V , i- , ',, ;. 5 .... "! v - ! rf r ' " ' - " -' "r 4 , " - v IV. t'r , , , - X V. N V ""Vf r e y w ytyr- ,..-r!if , 1 4 $ .! ' X A : K -X ' '" ' ' t 1 1 " v J "Vfy4 frr 1 v 1 1'. , t f y ff. : . It takes a GIAKTT to quencli a SG-billion-galion thirst The man who asks, "Fill 'er up, sir?", is one of thousands of friendly operators and attendants of - the more than 182,000 service stations across the country. Together, they pumped over, 36 billion gallons of gasoline and poured almost a half billion gallons of motor oil into passenger cars in 1957. Processing, distributing and retailing petroleum products is a gigan tic job requiring the services of men, machines ami media. Highest on the list of advertising media are newspapers a giant that keeps the public informed of the quality of these petroleum products. Over 58,000,000 newspapers are bought daily by people who thirst for news and buy from newspaper advertising. That's one of the reasons ' why dealers, jobbers and manufacturers of petroleum, like so many other sellers of goods, place more money in newspapers than in any other advertising medium. If you have a thirst for sales, you can quench it quicker in the action medium the ocfton-packed daily newspaper. All business is local. ..and so are all newspapers. Published in th inttrast of mora effective advertising by Statetman-Journal Newspapers y 7 . !3