5-(Sec.'l) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., Feb. 14, "58 Space Bomber on Tap, Paper Says LOS ANGELES. Feb. W to -Douglas Aircraft Co. has devel oped plans for spact bomber which would omit ine eann at 1I,S miles an hour, the Mirror News said today. The plaae, the newspaper said, could bomb any hostile spot 00 earth from outer space. The paper said Douglas, work in! under a one-million-dollar Ah Force study contract, has submit ted Its plans to the Air Force's rocket orbital bomber project. The space bomber, manned by a pilot, would be boosted by rock et engines hundreds of miles into space. Once in orbit, the pilot would take over. Rocket controls would enable him to change course. To re-enter the earth's atmos- ! til 1 f f re V ruMAl 1 t-UllUia M d 171 CO For Catholic h II' . r uDiiCdtion PORTLAND. Feb. 1J if A layman and a priest tonight were start "ool yr wa an nulled editors of the Catholic Sen- nounced recently with other shifts tineL weekly publication of the connected with the opening of the Raman Catholic Archdiocese of nf w wldo and Judson Junior High Portland. Schools next fall. Gorm.il Hnn fnr Ih. nl is years on the Portland staff of the I ZJfiZ' n? , Associated Press, will be manag- sip,ed by m vttU ing editor. Frequent Mares The Rev. Edmond E. Bliven SStoSllS foreign-made equipment. Ed- Aposue uurcn at Oregon tu 0( their children from one school .ard Mj.k in,....--, reoresen was yarned editor of the ed.tor,al,0 another w s , their ' the Rt. Rev. Charles M. SokItS I--, T"" a Hi! i k .ri kM ii?" Aiu . J. IVt ! plan for school district employes. both positions. w " - - 'j .v.. The appointments were an nounced by Archbishop Edward D. Howard at a dinner here. A plaque in memory of Msgr. Smith was presented to Arch bishop Howard by Joseph Adams, president of the Catholic news men's group which sponsored the dinner as part of the observance ef Catholic Press Month. VEHICLES COLLIDE A truck and car received id-! crate damage about 5:50 p m !ren W1U not oe moved again iromiMst of the new Judson Junior Thursday in a rear-front collision North S1"1 schools, pointing High School south of Salem at an at 12th and State streets, city po-i" that planning problem estimated cost of t.900. the pro lice reported. Officers said Arlene t0 kP UP 1,n mc)t shifu in to be undertaken by present Lawrence Hanson, 910 Norway St. j NE, was driving the car. while the truck was operated by William Franklin McQuilliam, Newport, Ore. DOOM OPEN :i5 PJ. ENDS TOMOMOWI riinnicn I mnnDj iTtiMStiK mainast mum ism III IIKelaU tsiKaoB-mra r EZTKA "SHOW BIZ BUGS" Teckalcoler! AiulU Mc Stadeats Mc duldrea (uder 12) 25c D0OB8 OPEN C:4J TM. . TONIGHT! 8:45 P.M. MAJOR STUDIO PItEVUE We Can't Tell You the Title But This Great New Picture and All 3 of Its Top Stars Undoubtedly Will Be Nominated 'for Academy Awards! 'AFRII LOVE" Will le i Shown After Prevuaf sasasssi (MltllM Claesaascept Caler Cs-HH e "Stopover Tokyo" tebert Wagaer S?" TTOPdVEI TOKYO" Witt Be phere without burning up. the pi- In wmilH clnar th Mnlvr'i anrrri by gliding down toward the den- cuit Jud Charles W. Redding lo ser air and skipping off the thick day was asked to decide who layers similar to the way a flat! rock skips on water. School Children Transfer Plan Brings Protest (Story alse page 1.) Of a half-dozen delegations mak ing requests at a Salem School Board meeting Thursday night, the largest was a group of almost two dozen residents of Four Corners protesting a proposed move of their children from Leslie Junior High School and South Salem High School to Parrish Junior High schoi ,nd Nortn Saiem Hih jt iiuul. I The move to be effective at the P "" U v- petition The Rev. Mr. Sachs said the 1 iif- nurin in inm ifMll n SI'IUISTU!! rwn years ago. School district superintendent j voanei u. ocnmiai sara ne was ers Association representative pro wsrrtpced that there is no other tested an $80 charge to Camp Fire wayio work out .the distribution of GirJs for , receDt onaT UM of pupu.. ix wuw uin wiuun uirw .South Salem gymnasium, yean pupils from the three elem-; Business manager Connefl Ward entary schooU immediately sur- explained that charges for use of rounding LesUe wiU fill that junior gthoo, facilities for non-profit high school so the Four Corners groups cover only the actual cost students would have to be moved of heat lnd ices fur withia that time anyway. nihl hv ih u-hool However, he said be could not i Bro"P that their child- reas . 0 Dooming resioenuaj con- st ruction. Have to Be Approved Delegations inquiring about the possibility of consolidation of their districts with Salem district were told that such moves would have to be approved by Marion County Committee and the county district Hire to Teach boundary board. Carolyn Prince of Salem was A group from Bethel district, hired to teach 2nd and 3rd grades east of Salem, was headed by A. C. it Pringle School, where an addi Spranger, Bethel School B o a rd tiooal teacher was authorized at a chairman, and Hal Lehman. Fruit-: previous board meeting, land district, immediately north of The board authorized transfer 6f Bethel district, was represented by 11.204 from its emergency fund Paul Heath and Albert Apperson, i for a special assessment to pay for Parent-Teachers Club president. : improvement of Durbin Avenue in Donald Coon, a member of Sunny-j Four Corners. And it approved side School Board, spoke for his purchase of a $130 state surplus district south of Salem. jeep for transporting lawn mow- Kelly Owens. 1893 Saginaw St. SE, asked the board to sign a pe tition for reaming of an area south of South Salem High School from Rl to R2 residential. He said he plans to build a triplex near Rural and Winter streets on property now used for storing earth mov ing equipment. No action was taken by the board. Ceaage Reeaetted A group representing a type writer agency requested a change in board policy against purchase Adults 50c Childrea20 New Shewing Oaea f:45 David Wayne, Lee J. Cobb CO-HIT "AT GUNPOINT" daeaaascepe, Teeaalcolr with Fred MaeMurray Derethy Malene, Walter Breaaaa Ilk DIRK tOGARDE MICHAEL CRAIO BARBARA MURRAY Oft JAMB R0KITS0N JUSTKE ATHENE SEW Sat. Matin Doors Open 12:45 P.M. One Hour of Cartoons ant) "CONGO Bill" In Addition to Our Regular Screen Program! Reward Rule'in M&F Bombing Sought by Store PORTLAND, Feb. 1J I Clr- should get the $23000 reward money offered for the arrest aad conviction of the Meier and Frank Co. bomber-extortionist. The action was requested by the big Portland department store. Clarence Peddicord, a blind chemist, admitted the April 1955. bombing and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Six persons have claimed the rewards $23,000 offered by Meier and Frank and $3,000 offered by the Portland Clearing House, an organization of five Portland banks. They are: the late William D. Browne. Portland police captain; B. Prescott Hutchins and James C. Quinn, police detectives: Jack DeMent. Portland laboratory oper ator: and Leonora Hooker and William Rogers, who said 'they were witnesses of the bombing. Judge Redding allowed ' the clearing house and Meier and Frank to file amended pleadings. He set hearings on these for March 4. PARKED CAR HIT A parked car owned by Jack Ernest Salisbury, 1955 Hazel Ave. E. was struck in the 2200 block of Commercial St. NE. about 4:45 P.m. Thursday by a vehicle driven by Thomas Leonard Snetnen, 4105 Silverton Rd. NE, city police said. Damage was moderate. x ... . 1 iiw ajv.uuii w washVM via vuuvi reouest. A Marion Countv Parent-Teach- The board authorized const ruc- tion of a retaining wall north and contractors in conjunction with graaing. It also authorized a change order adding 1727 to the contracts for inside windows in the walls ef prin cipals' offices in the two new jun ior high schools. Schmidt said the windows were overlooked in pre paring plans for the schools. ers. Assistant Supt. Arthur V. Myers reported that he had counted 17 vacant houses ia the Morningside area south of Salem and 22 under construction. This information was given in support of a proposal to add at least three classrooms to Morningside School this summer. Schmidt said the money is avail able for this construction and also a proposed addition to Hoover School from a serial bond levy adopted eight years ago which still has three years to run. KIDS SATURDAY FUNHOUSE Tomorrow 1 te 4 P. M. Adults er Children 2e Yea'Il AU Want te See Andie Marphy la "GUNSMOKE" ia Techaiceler PLUS "CARTOON CARNIVAL" - PLUS Nest Chapter ef THi GREEN ARCHER" umBi GSM i IAIwLKI DAfVKK aVW.mV Political Drives Readied ''. ' : ; ' .f s.xiTS,w :.,.v...:;:. p. ' Brothers Eddie (left) aad Henry mi . 1 7 i : yi separate political areaai Thursdar. Ldaia anioaneca he will ask re-electloa te State Legislature. Henry (with petition! filed for county commissioner. Both ire Repub licans. (Statesman Phote.) Ahrens Brothers in Running (Story alae ea page eae) Henry Ahrens, farm leader ef Turner and former State Fair Commission member, filed Thurs day as a candidate for the Repub lican nomination for Marion County commissioner. He is the fourth Republican to file for that office, from which Commissioner E. L. Rogers will Theater Time Table 1 KLSINOal -SAYONARA"; 74S, t:4S CAPITOL "APRIL LOVE": 1S: -8TOPOVIR TOKYO": 1:0 nak Previa: 1:41 BOLLYWOOD "THREE FACII OF KVX": t.-oo. 1J -AT GUNPOINT-: I M Ways to Ease State Police Network Eyed Ways of easing the traffic load of the Oregon police teletype net work were discussed Thursday at a meeting of some SO law enforce ment officers and other officials at the capitol building. It was pointed out that growth of the network has resulted fre quent jamming of circuits because of heavy volume. Aim of the Fri day meeting and future sessions will be to encourage brevity and elimination of unnecessary mes sages. Among those in attendance Fri day were representatives of Salem city and state police offices, Mar ion County sheriff's office, and de partments at Bend, Albany and Corvallis. State Motor Vehicle De partment and Pacific Telephone of ficials also were present. Clare Newman of the motor vehicle com munications section, presided. CAR DAMAGED A car owned by Willard Andrew Kidd, 1393 Commercial St. NE, received minor damage about 11 pjn. Thursday when struck by a hit-run ear while parked at the residence, city police were told. Cerifgrf Hall FiHorming CONCORDIA CHOIR CONCERT Under If) Direction tt the Famed ' PAUL J. CHRISTIANSEN - Saturday-Fcb. 15-8:15 P.M. Prvclelme) kf the New Yeri: Journal American . as ... "A lefnariabrs Chorws . . . "First Class" ... Irilliant Slnolrtjr ... - I - - THIS WILL BE A CONCERT YOU WILL NEVER FORGET A FEW CHOICE StATS Still Available At Stevens & Son $1.00 anJ $1. S0-AII $eets Jesorved - , 4 Akrem af Tnraer catered for Offices retire this year after many yean of service. The other candidates are Lewis Judson Jr., Salem ac countant; W. Robert Masscy, coun ty employe, and Ridgley Miller, county veterans service officer. Pat McCarthy. St. Paul, has field as a Democratic candidate. At the same time that Henry Ahrens filed yesterday, his broth er Eddie Ahrens announced he would seek re-election to the State Legislature. Urgent Needs Listed In announcing himself as a com missioner candidate, Henry Ah rens gave the opinion that some of the most urgent needs in coun ty government are: Closer co operation with city of Salem in working out an effective program of development in residential sub urbs u budgeting carefully to pre vent any increase in the county tax millage; assignment of each of the three members of County Court to a specialized field ef su pervision and responsibility. Henry Ahrens resigned from State Fair Commission last April during the Democratic adminis tration's reorganization of many agencies. He had served five years on the commission ("during which we accumulated a $200,000 State Fair surplus") and before that bad worked for State Fair some 20 years, in positions from messenger to superintendent of admissions. Pa reared Sheep The Ahrens brothers have oper ated their farms at Turner since 1929. specializing in purebred Romney and Suffolk sheep. Both have had prominence In regions! and national sheep and wool asso ciations. Eddie Ahrens is a former president of American Romney Breeders. As neighbors to Salem, both also have taken part in Salem com munity affairs. Henry Ahrens was a Salem Cherrians member for many years and years ago had played in the national champion ship American Legion drum and bugle corps from here. Eddie Ahrens recently completed a three year term on the Jialem Chamber of Commerce board of directors. Eddie Ahrens said Thursday be ia still considering the possibility of running for the Republican state senate nomination from Mar ion County, although it is more likely he will ask re-election to the House. The Weather Max. Mta. Aatorla 51 43 Bakw 43 SI H Kl-Rtdmond 49 30 Eum SO SS Klamath FaMa 0 Madfor 4S S4 Nawport St 44 North Band , SI 43 PorUan4 SS 4.1 Sal- , St at T .OS- .01 .OS , .00 M .01 Br THSt ASSOCIATttO FBESS Mas, Mia. Freia. Ancharag Albuquarquo Atlanta Bou Boalon Chirac Ctavalaod Danvar Detroit Fatrbanlu fort Worth Galvaataa Halana Honolulu Kama. City Laa Vaa Loa Anialaa Miami Mnpli-St. Waul Naw Orlaana Naw York Omaha Ptaoanls Rano Sacramtnto Salt Lak City San Ditto San Frinrtsco Waahinfton Is M M 11 - sa ' 14 S 1 14 S .17 IS SI 40 r? SS is 44 so e a S3 SI n ea 57 12 44 as -4 s 71 13 4S 54 4 1 25 IS I 51 .40 .si .os M .10 as 7 45 at 57 sa Today's lortciit (from U S. Waath r Buraau. McNary Flald, Salami: Mostly cloudy, with occasional rain today and Saturday and scattered nowars torufht LIU la chansa - In tatnparatura. Huh today, near 54, low tonlftit. naar 42 wmamatt nivar: feat. Tamp. 1101 a.m. today: 44. Salaam Frtelpttatlan Sine start of wcathar vaar Sot. 1 To Data Last Year Normal 17 M II n SS 54 Tide Table (Taft, Ore.) tCotnpllad by US. Coast S Gaodatle Survey. Portia ltd. Or. I High Waters Tim Hrlrht Tlma Hatfht 10:J pm 51 s:a am as 1 60 am Is -4 4 I 41 am 11:18 m IB .1 mwm I 14 as 1.5 0.5 11 -4 4 2 as ll -4 1 14 1.1 1.5 5 5:11 pm S:OJ am S:5S am S 4S am 0:31 pm 0:30 am 7:03 pm 7 :0 am 7:34 pm 7:47 am a 03 pm 11:54 I am I S 11:11 II 11:15 am 11:54 am 11:55 am 11:32 pm 1:13 am 1:01 pm 21 Escape as Airliner Falls PALM SPRINGS, Calif.. Feb. 13 un A twtn-enfine Western Air lines transport, making its daily run from this desert spa te San Diego, crash-landed and burned just after takeoff this afternoon. Authorities said IS passengers snd the crew of three ran to safe ty after the Convair transport slid to a stop. Flames then destroyed the ship. Seven passengers were treated at a hospital, but only two were reported to have serious injuries, the airline said. The scene is about 10 miles north of her on flat desert land net far from the hamlet of Garnet. EARLY-BIRD Saturday 9 A.M. CRISCO I Man's Sox .... from 1.00 I I Jtjwtlry from 1.50 A Wallots from 3.95 Belt! from 2.00 a LIMIT CAPITOL Canned Milh ,T LIMIT DUTCHMAID MARGARINE LIMIT FRVERSir.. UMIT ODD SIZI BAHAMAS LIMIT Dad Identifies 2 Boys Left With Sitter COLUMBUS, Ohio. Feb. 13 CP Twe young boys left with a baby sitter almost three weeks ago, and unclaimed since, have been Identified as brothers by their father. TV father. John Newanme. SI nf rnlumhua. told juvenile author Hies that the boys. Johnny. 14 months, ana mum, j, are nis. AiilhnritlM mintivl Newsnnwt as saying he had been searching for the children since nis wiie. uoro thy, 11. left home a month ago ana tooc tne ooys wun ner. Retarded Child Issue Weighed Problems of the . mentally re tarded and emotionally disturbed child were discussed at a Thurs day night meeting of the Salem Association for Retarded Children Conclusions drawn from the tbs (Visions will be presented to the legislative Interim committee on retardation at lis meeting with the Salem group in the near fu ture, President Elton Brutscber said. Also a feature of the Thursday meeting at the Children's CHatc, Minion ana Commercial streets SE, was a review by Mrs. Alfred Moss ef the widely received book, "Retarded Chlldrea Can Be Help ed," authored by Cornell Capa and Maya Pines. Mrs. Moss and her husband are operators of Haven School and Baby Louise Haven for retarded children. Ckt4uSte1.Sn1A.iMb) North Salem High School Auditorium Met, rtbrtvy 2t if MS ML Benefit: YWCA SWLMMING POOL AR Seats Reserved SM, 2.a, sua 0a Sale at Stevens A Sea IN State St. Salem SPECIALS lo 12 A.M. Only 3 Lbs. Q(51 for SJ . Lb. C&ra WIN tra gic? it. xxn GUESS THI WIICHT X aaBaaaaiy"!" T ataiaaa ; PIUSBURYCAKilB:; Wll HUNT'S FOOD SALE hLCAfUCC Fruit Cocktail Tim -Wax C-wii n) $H 00 Twm-u IiiSm i $ti oo New King Size CATSUP Fishars B1SC.IT mix AA LARGE Swiff Sweet Rsthor SLICED BACON Fresh Perk NECK BOHES Tasty-Tender Sirloin Steaks Chunk Style BOLOGNA Texas Pink Grapefruit Fresh Asparagus LETTUCE CARROTS No. 2 50-lb. Bag POTATOES pPeV I y.. We Reserve the Right le UmH-Nv Sales te Dealer Prices Oeed Friday, Saturday, Sunday Portland Road SALEM A BARREL OF T PILLSBURY FLOUR FREE OF THI FLOUR WIN n 2V4 Size $1 00 Cans U forU for U bck IMC! K 51100 2i for ii SI for -li 3$T100 for " is OS' . m J - s? Rtdeem Your lli;SaltrV Coupon Hr ' t Clip Csupem fsgt I tW ', Edgtwattr St. WEST SALEM Shows Befere Prevae: L