Parking Downtown' To Be Surveyed by Salem's Merchants Parkers, their parking habiU has agreed to lupervlae the ur and the parking spaces they use vey and evaluate its findings, will be under surveilance next1 The survey will take about a week when downtown merchants month, H was pointed out. and the city of Salem launch a T. u..,. iu-f.-survey of the downtown parking I Ho'" Metm situation. The survey, authorized by Citi - icn Advisory Traffic Council Thursday and agreed to by the merchants will summarize down- town parkins and serve a a basis for solving the downtown parking problem. The State Highway Department Salem Men Winners in Milk Work Two Salem men wr mnn. i wo aaem men were among cold certifim!. winnrr. for fti.ut milk products at the Oregon Dairy walk re' lhert Industries Conlerence which closed Parkiag ProhlMlioa Wednesday night. They are George I Recommended to prohibit park ..leier Mayflower Milk Co.. and e 0 Mst ,ide Brol,y Loren Edlund Curly s Dairy. istreet Co,umbl, Slrect A Salem dairy plant worker also',,,,, Mrlh city limit, won the sweepstakes trophy in Prohiblt parking ,ide mr ....iui u.i, huuw.w juu's contest, hverett Lucas of Curly s Dairy collected the hiaest total: tcore in mua. enrest i. wn- I r. ice cream and cottege cheese. nr iiibijcu in in judging and fourth in the cottage rneese envision, anu was in ine top brackets for all classes. Harold Underbill. Carnation Milk, t ompany, rnniana was eieciea reported thev have found no jr-!aimon. wasn : uia iwunflin;er, president of the Industries at the regularities at their Trade andiLyle Shepherd Jr.. and L. B. Day, c losg of the three-day session. Commercial Street crossing, a I Salem; John Bowker. Portcrville. Underbill succeeds Joe Yoder, 'comolaint was received several Cailif. : l-arry Buckner, Indepen I'noone Fnrmfrs' Creamerv. New uir. ttoi tK. H(nrr Mnses Kckahio. Honafulu. , - - - r ice president is J. S. George, Tillamook County Creamery iation. replacing O. J. Fild-; jmp. umpqua uairy rrooucis, ftoseburg. oder and reidKamp will remain on the board of dir- ectors. Re-elected treasurer was Ellis Rackleff. Eugene. Georfce Hofstet- ter, Curlys Dairy. Salem. was elected to the nine member board, replacing John Tolleshaug, Rainier Creamery. Orville Young, OSC dairy techno-1 ligist. was elected secretary to ucceed Dr. G. H. Wilster. torg time secretary and program plan ner for the 47-year-old 0DI con ference. Dr. Wilster. a popular ,naVrr throiiehout the west on Uint nhWt retires this year along with retirement as professor j of dairy manufacturing at Oregon State College. CIRCUIT COURT Margaret L. Foster vs Charles i w Public Records Foster Jr.: Divorce complaint 1 schedule. charges cruelty, asks custody of. This is nothing more than the three minor children and $40 sup- increment that the salary pro port per month each. Married vides. 2 After the Increment the Nov. 22, 1952. st Salem. teachers ask that teachers who Delilah Cagey vs. Clarence J. ' sre on the 11th step or below be Cagey: Divorce decree gTnted- j moved up an additionanl three Jesse J. Butler vs. Myrtle I. ''P; j?J?S Butler: Divorce complaint charges .u,ro"fh 22 vedup an sd cruelty. Married Ju,y 1054. Mar-1 -ft ion County. Betty Jean Branson vs. Howard Four Mion uo steps be placed Virgil Brunson: Divorce decree m ,ne top Mary Khedule. awards plaintiff custody of minor Each vearly ittp on ,ne current child and $75 per month support, teachers salary schedule repre- State vs. Richard Wood: Case'sents a $30 raise, dismissed on charge of concealing stolen property. Carl B. Damaske and Frances E. Damaske vs. John P. Fieo and Florence H. Fseo: Suit seeks to forclose real estate contract for amounts allegedly owed from property agreement entered May 15. 1956. State vs. Glenn Hall: Defend ant found innocent by Jury on charge of non-support. Dwight Hont. Guss:e E. Hout, Cameron Kyle and Barbara E. Kyle as Portland Road Lumber Yard vs. Raymond Baker: Com plaint seeks tf!9 judgment for amounts alleged owed from prom issory note signed Nov. 20, 1957. DISTRICT COURT Robert Pede, 3305 Duncan Ave. NE, fined $170 after innocent plea changed to guilty on charge of driving while Intoxicated; addi tional charge of drunk on a pub lic highway dismissed, Orland Kenneth Green, 1325 25th St. SE. fined $25 after found guilty ohNchafge of hunting wild birds oni game refuge. , ' MUNICIPAL COURT Robert Richard Harrison, 2335 4th St. NE, charged with disorder ly conduct, held under $500 bail. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Gilbert William Berkey, 25, log ger, Sheridan and Irene Bernice Cinnamon 32, waitress, McMinn ville. Elwya , Dale Shunway, 20, stu dent, and Ruth Barbara Brewer, Is, student, both of Prineville. Willard Taylor, 43, self-employed, 050 Lefor Dr. NW, Salem, and Ruth Aslaug Elnan Nielsen, 45, Deadwood, Oreg. Phillip Robert Yancey, 23, la borer, 2865 Rogers Lane, SE, and Theresa Trinnie Beutell, 18, at home, 4651 Harcourt Drive, both of Salem. Bus Discussion Set Standards for school buses will be discussed Feb. 21 at the Capi tol, the State Department of Motor Vehicles announced Thursday. Bus manufacturers, superintendents of first class school districts, contrac tors and other school administra tors cava been invited. Downtown Merchants Associa- t'on has proposed the city reolace the one-hour meters in the down- town area with two-hour meter but continue the present rental rale of five cents an hour. As an appendix to this they prooose strict enforcement ot a two hour parking limit. witn this plan, say the mer chants, meter feeders will be eliminated and the stores will be able to accomodate out-of-town shoppers and get a bigger custom er turnover. The city, up to now. has been cold to this proposition. In other business the CATC rec ommended to City Council that a yellow line he-painted along the West side of Front Street between Cen,er Chemeketa Streets to , h A . k, . "c"u 1V "CT W 24 street between Center Street amj Grcenwav Drive Salem Junior Chamber of Com - mTCf Mlled tnal thelr orJanj. ,0n be permitted to assist the laii;. a council committee was assicned to meet with jaycee rep- resentat ves and f uure nut g... nroiect iigunr um a The Southern Pacific railroad t, vv.n Midi llir; VI W III" 'sufficiently lighted srd causes a tritfftc hazard, especially to out-1 of-town motorists. The matter has been referred to the nub c utilities commission which is conducting ,n investigation, i . . . I A3rhfirC AcLf jA LI I i yy QQQ n I K C S A . C I ni 1 1 T CI I U 1 1 Statesman Stmt Srvlc SILVERTON. Feb." 13 Al sen- i arate meetings of Silverlon's two! school boards this week, the teach- ers' economic welfare committee ; presented requests for Increments and salary increases. The two boards will meet Jointly Monday, Feb. 24, to discuss salaries The regular increment is 150 a year providing the teacher earns 'an additional eight hours of edu cation every ttiree years.-' The teachers committee made the following recommendations to the boards: '1 That each teacher who qualities for the increment under the eisht-hcur rule be moved up three steps on the salary moved up one additional step. 3 Stolen Goods' Count Dropped A charge of concealing stolen property was dropped Thursday against Richard Wood, 17. of San Francisco, said Marion County Cir- Icuit Court officials. Wood is one of three youths al legedly involved in a series of val iley burglaries lastTnonlh. The oth 1 ers, Clifford Dale Downs. 16. Hub- hard, and Ronald Charles Nyberg. It. Woodburn, are awaiting sen tencing after guilty pleas on charges of burglary. Wood is being held for the U.S. Marine Corps. He is allegedly ab sent without leave from Camp Pendleton, Calif., said officials. Couple in Tune, Even To Two Broken Legs STOCKPORT, England. Feb. 13 urJohn and Bridgit McLeod. married 40 year?, sav they have always done everything together. Wednesday they both broke .their right legs. Ambulance men brought John home with his leg in a cast from the factory where he works. They found Bridgit with her leg broken. She had fallen in the kitchen. RHEUMATIC REMEDY For the relief ef neck pains, shoulder pains, arm nsins, back pains, leg pains, feat pains aad muscular pains. $150 PRICI SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily 1:31 a.m. to p.i Sundays, I a. m. to S p. 115 N. Commercial iipf I 1 & - v tiki- Miss Mary Beta Vaa Cleave speaks on one of Willamette Uil ' . , , ,,... . A . ., verity's benefactors. Gen. William T. Odell. al Foundera' and Benefactors' Day In midyear graduation ceremonies DearCCS Presented to 24 at WU Mid-Year (Graduation Degrees were granted 24 Wil- i lme,,e University student Thurs- flay at mia-year graauation ana round'- and Benefactors' day. nrremng mr uatncior m ans degree were Bennett Holt Jr.. i wiimpB rvniiai Hawaii- . nnn hav - ZT:. V v . tVTak.ulua FhUhimIi llsaulai Al iNewberg; Frederick Ikeda. Al iny: Ruth McCormick. White . ' 'Hawaii: Jean Martin, Yakima, wh : Kendrick Mercer and Rich- Rohrer, Portland: Qans Pop- Pn. Aioany: wen Murray, mc- Minnville; and Gordon Steindorf, San Mateo. Calif. New bachelor of science in law .mciht m i degree holders are Donald Blens- ley. Ronald Hoxie and Cash Pur - vine. Salem: and Emil stunz. I ,on uwm rc. er M' Repub1' Nygsa I cans were Eileen E. Johnson. 4471 Receiving master of education i Xtr Lf" !or PrMinct 13S degrees were Stanley .lobe. Ash- "d Myne B. Richardson. 3390 land; Carlton Moran. Vernonia: Acorn LaM NE' precinct 148. and Robert Wiper, Salem. Lorna Johannaber. Ch?mawa. received a master of arts in edu- cation degree Founder Alanson Beers and ben- efactor William T. Meli were hon- ored in speeches by Mary Beth Blood Project Aide Named " William J. Dawson, IBM super visor for the Public Utility Com mission, was named assistant chairman of the Marion County Hed Cross Blood progrem Thurs day, by William Staley, chairman. Dawson has served on the blood program for two years and was coordinator of a re"?nt state em ployes drrwing. He is chairman of the United Commercial Travelers blood program. He is married and lives at 1091 Shamrock St. SE. Statue of Liberty Stamp Sale Due j March 22 in Ohio j WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 - Post mas'er General Arthur E. Sum merfirld announced the S cent Stat ue of Liberty "In God We TruJt" stamp, printed in two colors on the ; Giori press, will be placed on sale Saturday. March 22. at Cleveland, Ohio, in conjunction with the an nual exhibition of the Garfield- J Perry Stamp Club and the first' regional meeting of the American ' Philatelic Society. i The l-cent Statue of Liberty ! stamp was first placed on sale at Washington, D.C , on April 9.. 1054. Initial printings of this bicolorrd1 stamp were run off by both rotary and flat-bed presses, each with two plate numbers. The new Gion printing will differ somewhat in certain parts of the design, and will have only one plate number. "BLINDNESS CAN BE LICKEDI" by Williom f. McDermotf "Half Hk blM cmM m4 mM 4 mv. Thaw wards m SIIhAmm. IW wfca yw na tiW fjltataa0t a ffea) Feb. 16 Benefactor Honored . . i " Van Cleave. Silverton, and John Knapp, Portland. Alumni cilations went to Dr. Frfnk E Brown. Salem ena y MCA advisory board mem- 1 " ber: the late Claude A. Kells: Mrs.a ',,r s'x-wk tour to observe i(n..n..t f : ai..i nwiaway. cn me I . . . . . "... Myrtle Mason McKittrick. former- inv-A in soum Ainca; and Mrs. ly with Humboldt College. Califor- nia m.. v. ii , , , Mrs. Kells accepted the honor for her late husband, and Mrs. 1 Lfsll rewing for Mrs. Hathaway, Pecinct Jobs Six Democrats and two Reoubli - , ,:, . ..... . " f " ,,Br :uu" com- ! mltt! P04'1 7' " Mar- -aJ SPECIAL LOW, LOW PRICES "WHOPPING BIG TRADE-INS vV SEE NEWEST WASH and WEAR FASHIONS America's Lowest Priced "Wash and Wear" Pair S3 LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FREE PARKING-FREE DELIVERY OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M, in Willamette at whirl 24 students received her are university officials and day. (Statesman photo.) WU Professor to n Mnrahaarl Observe U.N., U.S.'J- ; OreneaQ, wvernmenr Action Dr. Robert M. Gatke, Willamette1 University Drofessor of nolitical sci - 7 u aj ... ; mc iratru govrrnmew in wasn- Mnelon nd the United Nation, in i T0": . . , . ,. .... j He is being sent by the Atkinson i Fund which provides travel oppor- j u,ni,inl , nJLh.,. , ,h. ette faculty. He will be accompa- i nied by Mrs. Gatke - Sought by Six i Democrats filinv include Marv : . . ' o. leeter ana tnester t. Teeter, both of 444 13th St. NE for precinct 27; Nettie M. Hawk, Jefferson, 160; Ira P. Loron. Silverton. 14S; R. F. Shutler. 663 Catterlin St. NE. 205, and Herbert W. Carter. 7SS 17th St. INE. 19. m Speech degrees Thursday. Behind alumni honored during the y i ' ! i. r, uu...i ... Jefferaon D. Morehead. Salem rwni inc mi. oira inursoay . I a. CD his home. 1695 Church St. SE.'APPlieS UnlV lO j" . at the age of f7. Morehead was s retired contrac tor, carpenter and cabinetmaker when he moved to Salem from Southern Oregon 37 years ago. He was born Dec. 16, 1660, in Ohio, moved to Michigan and then at the ag of 21 to Aberdeen. Wash. He moved to Southern Oregon in 1116. He was a member of Leslie! Methodist Church. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Dors Morehead, and one daughter, Mrs. Lula Healey. both of Salem, two grandsons, Donald and Lester Hea ley, and one granddaughter, Mrs. Beverly Canter, all of Seattle, aad two great-grandchildren. Arangements are pending at Clough-Barrick mortuary.. ini 5 Driver, Hunter Meted District Court Fines Robert Pede, 3306 Duncan Ave. Pede was arrested by state DO NE, was fined $170 Thursday in lice officers last December afier Marion County District Court after his. car smashed into the Salem a plea of innocent was changed to Bypass bridge construction on Sit guilty on a charge of driving while1 verton road. A second charge of intoxicated. Suggestions Bring Meat Cutter $400 Thomas Momsen. meat cutter for the Oreion State Hosoital. was presented a $400 check Thursday by Gov. Robert D. Holmes. Mom sen, UM N. 25th St., won the mon ey with suggestions on meat man agement that saved the state 110, 000 la.t year. He was chosen by the Slate's Employes Suggestion Awards board which screens suggestions made by state employes for improving state service or reducing costs of opera tions. His suggestions involve process ing and freezing of meal available from the hospital's dairy herd for use with the institutions ration sys tem. The operations deducted some 37.000 pounds of meat requirements of the rations, hospital Supt. Dean Brooks said. Momsen has been a state hospi tal employe for nine years. R..lL IT-,.- U:L DCmII Tare Hike l - w Public Utilities Commissioner Howard Morgan's office Thursday said it had erroneously listed the Union Pacific Railroad as having received approval for an increase in lower berth fares. The Increase, which now is in effect, applies only to the Southern Pacific's "C a s c a d e" passenger train. Uniforms Added State Forestry Department field men will be in uniform starting March 1. The department announ ced Thursday that employes deal ing WUh Ue public will wear a uniform of suntan shirt and either suntan or forest green trousers. Al Ulivl 0 FRIGIDAIRE Rated No. 1 Washer Rattd No. 1 for Cleanest clothes, lint removal, and driest spin. 3-Ring Agitator Action gentlest for all farics. Regular Price For Both W Now Get This Amazing Frigidaire Wash & Wear Pair For Only wnuufim murs SALEM 260 State St. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, Feb. 14, '58 (Sec.'ll15:. being drunk on a public highway was dismissed, said court officials. Orland Kenneth Green, 1325 23th St. SE, was fined 125 Thursday in Marion County District Court alter being found guilty on a charge of hunting pheasants on a game refuge Green was charged for aliened h,u"Un ktl pronerty near "e ral ms last October 20. i uia court o'cial. SPb,r AMOW AND MANHATTAN j SHIRTS I teg. sad French Cuffs 00 R White er Colored " A VAUNTINI TIES from 1.50 FRIGIDAIRE "Wrinkles Away" Dryer Can save up to 9 hours of ironing time, each week. ' Automatic Time Control uadwg mum tm - OREGON CITY Ph. Thornton to Speak Robert Y. Thornton, Oregon at- , torney general, will address a s s minar for assistant attorneys gen eral at Olympia. Wash., Feb. Is. Thornton will discuss "The Prob lem oi Conflicting Federal-Staul RelationaMpi' f to rutins EM 3-9148 I nn 'MM t