i I t 10-Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs, Feb. 13, '58 M-Huskies Advance in Mat Meet North Places 9, South Salem 7 SWEET HOME. FA. 12 (Spe cial) Sweet Home, runner-up in Last year's state high school wres tling tournament, advanced 14 men into the semifinals of the District I meet here today. The semifinal and final rounds will be completed tomorrow. The powerful Huskies also led in point totals with 31 after the first day. A team is given a point each time a wrestler advances to the next round, and each time he pins an opponent Nertk Salem aa'vaaced ti me tat lamarrtw's eemaeti Ilea, Leaaaaa kad eight. Soath Saleo s v e a. Fear cbmIs, Albaay, Ceatral. Cor aills, aad Dallas, advaaeed three saea tack. Philomath failed It advance aayeae. In point totals, Lebanon trailed Sweet Horn with 25 points, while North Salem was third with 24. Other totals were South Salem 22. Central 17. Corvallis 15. Albany 12, Dallas I. and Philomath 0 The semiflaal raaad will start taniorrew afteraM at 2:41 ia the Sweet Bane High Schawl gym. Few nea la eack weight advanced taday aad Ike lop Iwa fraaplers will eater Um atat Meet at Car-alllt Fehraary 21 ad 22, Here are today's survivors: M Dee Fa-ae, SM CUM. Cent,; Kn Ekerkard. Boa SB; Jim jarkeea. Lfkun. ItS Don Harrla, , NS: S)IU Keller, SOIL . v: IIS pa-eda Baa Baker. Itallaa: I Kad Aadrew. SM; Gira lawiaua, I Bat: auruai -.track. crv 12 taude Jack Payne. SH: Teaa- eay Lee, Ltkaaaa; Deut Cattforth, Ctat.; Dan Kahiik. SH 1M ! CUrkl Hart, Dallai; Jack Mallck. Lakaaaa; SVek McCary, AMaaay; Cl-d Keraek. Cerv. IM aeaad Daa Ada, NS: Xer aaaa MeKinney, Lkaaa; B1U Ekart. NS; Fred Mallr CtntraL 141 e Back ai. Albany; Miltaa Saab). SH; Nick M.ada- ; Fraakie Faaaklia. SS. MS aaaaaa Aft Kruetcr. SS: Ed Meneaick, Lakaaaa: Keat We lit, Lakaaaa; Taaa (tHtor, SS. 1ST aaaaaa rarraat D.rllaf. NS; 'any Waataan, SB; Larry Payaa, JUa Mr Call am. SB MS aaaaSt Bagar Maaay. Car.; Gary Ballaw, SS; Caraa Scatt, NS; M arril Baaatac, Alkaay. ITS aaaaaa Balak fyrtti. SS; IHHfM Batnwaia, NS; Dwltkt B wara, SB; Wayaa Wrkkar, Lakaaaa. 14 aaaai Clna Laytaa NS; Daaay Ptrlara. SS; ivmf Aaatta. Dallac Maala Ohm, NS. IyW Krk"" AIt:" Mal PkllliA; ; vara Miliar, Lakaaaa. , Beavers Hire Albany Coach CORVALLIS. Feb. 12 Ore gon state College today hired Bud Gibbs, footbJ coach at Albany High School the last four year. OSC Athletic Director Roy Keen said Gibb.n Oregon State graduate, will report for work March 1 as one of six assistants to head football coach Tommy Prothre, Gibbt was aa end for Oregon State ia 145 and. after serving ia the armed forces, played three more seasons for OSC before grad-1 Bating n 194A. I (Caatiaaed fre4BiracealBg page) tt in only part of one season when rjarv Storey was the play ing manager. The hard working Carl Gunoarson became No. 8 hst year. under GM Bill Brenner. t. We don't wish to frighten bat energetic Enger Jntt biding, but what an education ' be'i In for. He may already realize he's grabbed a tiger ' fey the tail. A professional baseball business managership can be that tough. . . . A fcasant Visit With Jim Biley We were privileged to visit for well over an bour the other Bight with Jim Bailey, the Australian of mile running fame who hag now completed his education at the U of Oregon and who is employed by the Jantien Knitting outfit at a field representative. ''.'"' The young and sharp Mr. Bailey, pleasant and oft mlrth- ful Australian accent and all, is one of the most refreshing personalities we've known. He's the type of Individual you'd enjoy being around and bearing for bours, and we're convinced be'd make a dang good mashed potato circuit speaker for any organization. Bailey hasn't "run a lick since last November", as he puts ft, and misses it greatly. He's disturbed that this country offers very little chance for a young athlete to continue in competition "unless he goes to college, and even after that he's quite restricted." Australia, not unlike many other for eign countries, has numerous clubs to which the young aspiring athlete can connect himself after his high schooling Is completed. He's Finding Basketball Punishing Game a The first man ever to run the mile under four minutes ' : )n American soil can be talked into being an honorary official during the March running of the Willamette Re lays, but says hell be In a shape to perform la the States man Mile that day. "I'd be happy to help ia aay way I caa," be warmly grinned, "for It's a fine meet." 4 About the only exercise Bailey is now getting comes on Thursday nights when Jantzen employes play basketball in the Portland area. "And you know," be moaned, "I've never been so stiff and sore in toy life after playing one of those fames. Boy, they're tough and I had no idea they were so demadding!" y - The famous John Landy-Roger Bannister "miracle mile" race it Vancouver was of course rehashed with Jim, who that particular day was "a substitute on the Australian team , to use his own words. "It was a marvelous event, reminisced the curly thatched and handsome Aussie, "but I don't think John ' Landy) could have beaten him (Bannister) that day even ' H he had run in the time of three-fifty. Bannister ran as If j be would not be defeated no matter what the time was." ' They'll Do It Every Time r DIRECTION SON wner- ESS TOC HAMTW Hff RACK UP.' XU., SCjf '-K meat's A WW'jC iyArU5T0V r ; j l Elgin Baylor Boosts Carver in Northwest Point Lead&re lead By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS No longer a race, the Pacific Northwest collegiate scoring scramble has become a one-man show starring Elgin Baylor of Seattle University. Agile Elg has boosted his average to 33 7 for 19 games, putting Trip Thrills Hungarian (Caatiaaed from areeediag Ml' , . . . . , j Rozsavolgyi u looking eagerly to meeting Ron Delany Ireland's Olympic 1.500 . meter champion, and five other milers in the New York A C. meet at New York's Madison Square Garden this Saturday. He never baa ma aa beard aad realises at will he a aUfft ealt traasitkM. Nevertheless, ke la aaxiaas ia get a crack at Delaay. wka baa waa 1 straight taster anile races. He aald be expected same trMkte fraaa the snaeke ia the iadeer areaaa altbeagh he paffs a eigaret aeeaalaaally. "I had the flu recently, too." he said, "but I'm all right now. Istvan holds the world records i0T i K0- 1M0- nd 2 000 meter, and was a member of the 6.000 meters relay team that set the existing world mark of 15:14.1 in 1955. He joined the four-minute club with a 3:59 performance in Budapest, Aug. 24, 1SSC. Far a aeacU-lhia athlete be ataads 5-1 aad weighs leas thaa isa Ressy pvta hi ateaty ei mileage la traiaiag. flgares ke raaa W mile a week aad hia praette saileage aaaaaated la lSt BaOes km 153. tjm la 154. J.73 ia IMS aad 1954 aad abeut half that last year. Ha if married and has a 4-year-old daughter, Aniko. His name used to be Reidl but he changed it because strange as it may sound Hungarians find Rozsavol-' iri easier to pronounce. It s not too hard wbea you know bow Ko-snia-vei-gee. the young and ineiperieneed, Z in.i ----. TJrJNEL- Tricy know him more tnan a points per tut ahead of his closest competitor and 2 points aneaa ot nis own 1957 average. He was top man! last year at 30.4. Ranking second and moving up fast is Loren Anderson, Seattle Pacific's sharpshooting little guard. Loren has raised his aver- , J4J and jnt0 second place ahead of Charlie Curtis of Pacific Lutheran. The lanky Lute is averaging 23.1. Four other were hitting at a 20-point clip or better when the books closed for the week Sunday. Lavia uiranrr oi nonnwesi maz - arene checked in with 22.9. Wash- ington'. Doug Smart with 20.5. Idaho's Gary Simmons with 20 35 SSXHr 01 Baylor's total point production has reached 622, including the came against the Seattle Bakers which is not considered in the national collegiate scoring tabu- lations. Cats Await Linfield 5 (Caatiaaed from areeediag page) ament at Fo.est Grove early In December. la order t take eeeaaaaad eg Ihe eeafereaee race, the village Beareata mast grab bath week-, ea6 game. If tab caa be dene,' Willamette will aasaesa a twd game lead over LieneM. aad will have bat fear mare games t play, three ea Ihe raaal at Cei lege of Idaba aad WbKmaa aad Ihe ether here with Pacific. Should the foes split the pair, however, Linfield will still hold a margin over the Bearcats and will then be the distinct favorite to go " n tO the title. Were the Linfieids to sweep the tw games, wuiameue chances for the title would be wiped out. FISHING REPORT NOBTBWCIT Nerth raaat ttrrame war elearlBi at aalelweek aa atrelheae) were keia taaea. Barrtn furuier Iter ail all atraaaM taaalel aa ia (aa kae ky tha week ta. Balnt, haw evet, real auickly auk them flthakla. Tlllamaa area tlraaaaa were la fair ahape ky aaiaweek aa raaaiat. The Kllrkii w a treea Taeaaay aa araSaeia m liah kal may ha ta law ky the weak an. Tk Miami waa (ale at ml- week, ta th WlUaa aa Traak were eraaaclnf flah arealu eaai ralar M weather caaaarate. .teei. ke.Clai ihaol k tx7 Th Clark, ..... ( f.i. ..a mb, riMlh4 m t m haia. bin. Eaal creak a araaaktv ta keat ke. rail, creak aa araatkiy ta keel ke. ! Tka taadr la ria(. aa taaal j aaaiaers ar rita ar ia I.ari-.r aaalia. ku mmm mmA keal laaprave aa atare Hak atave apetreaan. verl llaalt catrhet kav keea aaada la ta Gardaa creeh tretrk aad the Bataaer area Jaka- laaa creek ahaald ke In (aad ahape ky Tkaraay kaerlai aaara raia ...- SOlTBWtST H water draa, n rlear, la kata tk Nana) aad Seatfc tataaja. tal- aaa aniim anaaia e lair la taaa nr ta a (aad aaaabera af flah ar .ftra uai ta ae nver at in praaeat una, teclhea aacllat la the Clevelaaa rapid area af the mala river hat kaea I aad ataelhead anillai ta caa la aaatta river aiaw a a a 1 k aorth fark ta fail area. Steelbead nUa( I fair to food la eotlet Teamiie mum. nam in tae caatlal area ka finally afS! after It day, Birr,m, ara aa4r. hat With rentiai weatker. telhed nclln( ahaul fair thla week end. The Bat, Ap alraate. an llllnait went aeer their ktak. .lain and ar. kl.h and - V. There is Hull enaar far the Baeu ta drop tad clear ky thl week end. bat th Apple! t n nilaai may a ntaaaia avaaaaay wrut eeaalaae (d wahr. Gonzales Beats Hoad in 4 Sets SEW YORK, Feb. 12 uft-Pancho Gonzales smashed the teeth from young Lew Hoad's1 tenais gam el with tledgeharnmer power tonight and crushed th young Auitrslian 7-1. M, S-4. M before uOT at Madison Square Garden. It was tbe largest crowd ever to see a pre tennis match in the United States. Regis at Seattle U. SEATTLE, Feb I2--Srecil)--Th Seattle V Chieftains tske on the Regis College quint Thursday night, an o'clock basketball game in Everett High School Gym some 30 miles rorth of bert. Th Chiefs THITW1R ' By J'nmty Hat,lo THEV STUMBUE OH iTMnw wHece ax resigns aqe- fans uty Ace Averages 23.7 (Caatiaaed Iram areeediag page) close behind with 119 and 116, re- Wpectively, Regan's 193 paints and I4.t average kept kin is Ike Ya wama League lead, but team mate Gary Schneider Is aaly Iwa aaiats Jkeklad after galaiag 13 aalats last week. Schneider's average Is 14.7. Bob Light af Yamhill la alaa la the middle af the race with a 14.1 average. Light has 175 peiats la 12 games; both Regaa aad Schaelder have played IX David Brock of Molalla held his Willamette Valley loop lead with iw points in six games lor a U.I average. DarreU Brandt of Cen-1 tral is second with 100. Lundmark's 19 Doints divis'?rh0'Jb,,hMrr wf.1, i!5SL5f? 'he. 7 tauicu vj r mi nunspeicr ut uet- fersoo. In the Minor division. Car ver and Belin are trailed by Rich ard Koch of St. Paul, who has 182 markers. pti H 1 IS jai DISTRICT S A-l ruyrr Srkaal s Brura Flrailnt.' C'aravlin Joka Wllana, Alkaay Wayaa Bakertt, Swaat Haaia Jim l.ltrhflcld, Narth Salem Daa Maara, Saath Salara .. .. Dala Drake, Nerth Saiaai ... Bay Bayaa, Saath Salam .. - Dauf Dryaaa, Alkaay Craat Hartar, Nartk Raltai Mlka (airly. Sweat Mama .. .. Dauf Taylar, Lakaaaa Wkiuy Braakal, Saath Saleai . CAPITA!. CONrEBENCI 14 SI St S Ptayar Sraaal BIU Taraar. NarUi Martoa .... Vh Baltaajaa, SVaaakura Daaay rraak, Sarra . Kafir War, (laytaa iti 141 - 111 Hi Hi 15 Baa Maaa, Mt. Aal Baa Whitehead, i'aaraa . 15 Jiai H attar, Waaakara ft I Wkrtahaa. Catxaaa St BIU Biik a arte a, Waaakara . . M Baa Naakarear, Sarra 4 Larry Zattarearg, Sllvtrtaa tl Dave Laar, sarra . tt TAWAMA LEAGUE i flayer Sraaal , Jlai Baaaa, Sharwaa Cary acbaaWer. Sherwea ; aaLatAa. B &B0 VakaaaBallt .k Sklk aVUlaailaa lit 1 XJtZXj!'4" ISS 111 15 Larry Dyrk. sairm Ara. Dara Nrraaaaa, Yamhill i Balak Waae, Amity Baftr Cartar, Salem Aca. Daa Smith, Sheriaaa Suva Veaat, Willamlna .. 145 141 WILLAMETTE VALLEY flayer Sthaat DavIC Brack. Malalla . DarreU Braaat, Ceatral Ea Heffaaaa, Sandy CeraM Parker. Malalla ... Car Hear?. Dallai htCavfBarry Martia, Central a aj tl - SI ... tl ieha Maraaa, Malalla , jm araau, noiana MarHaa rt. Dallai Claranc Darllai, Caaky Lea rhllHaa, Dalia ; MABION B LEACVE (MAIOB) -11", a " l r... . . , .1? ff" "IT ';."'i",T. eaaarer. St. Boall.ce 2:tm JryJZ?V BUI Stahtaerke r. Callaa t'""" " Daw Smith, Santiam ptt 14 17 91 . 91 . 51 tf Bevtar, SaaUam . 44 ... 34 ..... 1 27 21 I , Ctrl Fr, CaMaa Gail Maria tt. Jefferm . I ' Meier. U BaMface ..', - .-.- ,u., MABIOW B LKAGUB (MINOB) player ekeel Ptt a.u. ,i, mi raai, a,Ua. Cheauwa " . 27 i air.ard Back, tt Paal 7 IK I Bak CUv-r, Valart nmaa pHak. Perry. I j David Waad. Ore. Deaf Sekeel I Daa taaaaalaa, Detralt 114 It 151 149 .arx ,(, ratia lity 144 .11 .127 ...IIS Mia r.fii, vataei BIU Cakeaaar. Detralt Daa Del ami, Farrydata Sdlcm Auto Stuns Orcutt's; I Valley Motor Orr-iiU e Market waa une ha Salem AutO Part. 47-3. Wednes - . . , ... '. ' . day night, but still managed to hang onto the Salem City League lead by half a game. Orcutt's is now 1-2, while Salem Auto is 7-1 la other games. First Na tional Baak lyed hi taateatlaa by damplaf Eaaiag Lamber M 32 aad Valley Tractor elabbed the Natieeuil Gaard 41-3. The independent Valley Motors quint highlights action tonight tt Lethe Junior High whea H faces in J-ugene aau Mam at s: ia. Mel uanse. lorrnar saiem sen ator DasaBaller, is a member of the Eugene quint.- Olaer tills lealgM aead Epalaf Lamber agalaat Valley Tractor at 7 m'tUek aad Fh-at Nalieaal Baak aealaai the Natlaaal Caard .1 a. a , .m . . . Lorin MiHer scored 23 points to lead Salem Auto to it win. The victors trailed by one point, 22-21. at halftime but rallied strongly ipllw T third period to Uk a iV lead. ' Zone Credited For Duke Rise Amazing Blue Devils Win Another By HOWARD D. CRISWEIX JR. DURHAM. N. C. Feb. 12 (JW-About the tin we changed from a man-to-man defense to a tone, we started winning." With that, Duke coach Harold Bradley summed up the phenomenal rise of his basketball giant killers into one of the hottest teams In the Five Share Stax Lead Idaho Is Highest Scoring Quintet LOS ANGELES, Feb. 11 I Spe cial 'Five schools shared top hon ors in the weekly Pacific Coast Conference basketball team statis tics released today by the PCC commissioner's office. Idaho leads ia scaring, Oregaa State la field goal aercealage aal nbowadiag. Staaferd ia free threws. California la total de fease aad Seathera CalKeraia ia field goal defease tar games played through Fehraary I. Idaho averaged 70 9 points 'a game total offense in its first nine PCC games, to 65.5 for UCLA and 65.1 for Southern California. California's martin in total de- I fense il even more impressive, the Bears having allowed but 4S.3 points per game to 5t.I for Ore gon State and 56.3 for Washington. Oregaa State baa seared ea 267 af 532 field gaal attempts far 3S.I per ceat aad the fleer shoot ing lead. Idaho Is sheotlag 34. per cent and Southera Califerila 36.4 per ceat. From Ihe free thraw line. Staa ferd has made 141 af 204 at tempts far 71.1 per eeal aad the lead la that department. Call tenia Is shaotiag 71 per eeat aad Oregaa State 79.4 per eeat. In the rebounding department Oregon State has recovered 379 to us opponents ai lor s.s per cent is- LI I and top honors. California has re-XUCfGie nUNer covered 52.7 per cent and Idaho' 51 g per cent. i ',, ... . . Southern. f"b,orl",J ?M " lmJ ,ield ? j"i.Tcirhwfled,32,n5 X cent and Washington 33.1 per cen? IICIO BOaiS in 01 CORING Itfaka It It af taAvi. . 24i im isi su us i cla "J ; . ni iu m its J . tzi IM iss sii si t flaalhara Cal. Orataa Suta Ortgaa sian'ar Hath. State Wasklnclon Callfaraia DBFENSE . n I4 III 5at JV7 l3 III 155 47 55 t IM ?1 151 4SJ 5J4 154 III 111 421 1X1 ff It pi tpAs. 141 14 114 1S4 4.! 171 151 15 4SS M.I IS 115 15 SaT 54J 15 I4S IS4 S5S SI. 114 HI 151 55 41.1 . ISt IM 144 47 41.1 IIS 111 157 54 41.7 244 lit 193 451 41 1 22 lit ISS tit 7.t Callfaraia Orafaa State WaiklntUa Southera CaL Staalar 1 UCLA Waik. State Orrtaa . . Maha CHEBBY CITY Wetaesaay M a r a I a Baawaif Leatae: C. B. MUlerette'i (4), Saiaai Title C. t)j Lee'a Electric UW Me- Kinary uar.-nerc. (i); Aaaaa a bra Pti eery (a), La'i Market 141; Leaky ..IM Flv (I). Baa' BtchfleM ttatiaa (1); 11 Ware's Gift Shaa (1), Barklaa Lkr. l;j Ce. 411: LaVerae-i Beaati Shaa (4). Beety Bay (II. Hlfk Mlvlual 1 fame: Evelra Faet (lit). Hltk la lvtoal aeria: Peicv Ptrnaky aa Baty MeClaaikry (all), Hlih Uam same: c. a. miiu llerette't (!). Dltk uam aertei: C E Miuerette i (list) - Ill CNIVEBSITY . Ill Mercantile Leatae: Safeway Stare Inc. (4), Keizer Hw. Saraiu LEAGl'E (; Zeek't Baal Batata (), Davi ton Brea 14); 7-oael Tire C. (I), .L Sua'i Drive la (3); Wayne'a Barker ill Ska (1), klmmcra Meata (1): We at C Salem Pharmacy (1), Valley Oil Oay ' M (1); Hay'a AatamatlV (), Oak In'. " ' auraaee (4), Ulch lnlvlaal (am: Bey Bryaat (214). Hlfk lhlvlaal aerlet: Aary Whrtaaan (SS4). Hlfh team lame: Valley Oil Ce. fltlt). High team (arte: Valley Oil C. (1SSI). !.,,, Leaeae: P.I.E. (4), Mrrrltt Davit (; Simaaana (1). Weatera Paper (I); Carnatlaa (t), Mall Car rlara (4; Valley Matart (3), Preta- mea (I). Hltk lntvlnal tarn: Bill Bvn van. (224). Niih laalvMaal .mt- Ira: Bill Beveaa (tit). HUh tta laae: pretamen (ill). Hlfh ta erl: Valley Meter (249). Church Loop Hoop Results ! Scalar: tatlewead B.U.B. (7. Grace Lataeraa 4); Mraaaaita (), ll .ariauaa (zn. InUraiedlate B i n' im. r, i ti. iti 1 at. Jaka Lutheran (Ml, Middle - (rave B.U.B. (11) 1 Jaalar A: S.lea Bt. BaaHat (I forfeit), lat Methadiat ); lt t.f.B. (1, lat Pmhytartaa (7). lanlar B: Trinity Methadiat (It), Pringle Frteada (14); Free Mathadiat (It). OD I. (9). Plays Tonight I SALEM At'TO (47) r D."hak, ' '(tv Si Drive V..,Hr,1rJ 7V?' ,'.' Jl.ZV. Wile (1). C: (11)1 Miller (13). Beterv rria(i D. acta (9) Malawi trln( (1). oaevrrs (it) F: Bitch (I); Claaa (7). CI Bal rf (7); G: Daataackafiky (I); Mlaer (7). Brvt acarlaf : praa bey (4); Tea (I). Sale. Aate .1 11 13 1247 Oreatra 12 II 11 Official: Ftewrbt aa Stepkea- -' fibst, national (M f: Bartataa Mi G: (It): Barf (11. C: Fre tltek (l); Saara ( tppnto lvmbb ibb r.r, F: Aant (4): C. key (2). C F. Bayer (4); Ot Donley (Hi Tarta (I). Brt rlB(i Baaaets (It): Sckaalta (1). Bppiae Laaaher I 4 1331 Siret NaUaaal I II II 1 M Offlctalai FaeearocM aa SUwart. !AI.LET TBACTOB (41) F: Weraer (2): Parker (11. f: Car- had (7); Oi f.kk ft): peeper (). Berve tcerlnti lry (I). rational oiabk (M Je'Vsn '! rKsliVeJ.. ?? ' " ' " 1 illJ"!'' f f-ii ofrtciaiai supkaa aa suwrv nation. With Its 6S-4S drubbing of North Carolina State last night. Duke ex tended hs winning skein to eight straight, string of victories that started Jan. 11 with a double over time victory over that same Stat team. . - The streak Include a 7241 vic tory ever West Vlrglala which kaecked Ike Meaiatalaeer from Ik raakt af the aabeatear aad a ceaviaciag 11-73 arabblag at last year's aatteaal ehamplea ship team. North Carellaa. The 5-5 record Duke sported may not have been as bad as it seemed. The defeaU ' included a 74-71 defeat by Kentucky: a double overtime loss to Pittsburgh and losses to South Carolina and North Carolina State in the final min utes. New 13-S overall aad leading the AUaatie Ceaat Ceafereae at t-2. Bradley credit the chaage ia defease aad a switch ia per aaaael as the two chief reaaoaa far Ihe victory streak. The lineup includes three guards. One, 6-2 Bucky Allen, was shifted to forward with Jim New come, 64, leaving 6-3 Paul Schmidt at center. The guards ar 5-11 Bobby Joe Harris and Bob Ver non, a six-footer. "We're small by Breseat day aUadard bat wbea we changed Allea to forward M gave as mere seariag." Bradley explained. "Oar sbeetlag aercealage baa geae- ap. The beys ar smart eaaagb to see wbea the fast break waa'l go; thea they drajp back hi a mora deliberate style aad wait for the real good abet. Portland Buys : PORTLAND, Feb. 12 (A The prfi.j D..,.. JXJtSES ZmIIa LrtJ?tL i fa(vu - avvu m.viu mn 9c:iatMi wun tugene ot tne Class o Northwest keague. The 24-year-old Brantley, who is 6-3 and weighs 180 pounds, com- piled a 22-15 record with Eugene. He also struck out 166 batters. Portland is a member of the Pacific Coast League. BRAVES OPTION CATCHER MILWACK1E. Feb. 12 -The world champion Milwaukee Braves today optioned out one of their minor league catchers. Bob Roselli, 26, who batted .241 at Toronto last season, was op tioned to Sacramento, Calif., in the Pacific Coact League. Portland Produce PORTLAND U" Butterfat -Tentative, subject to immediata chang Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland. 60-61 cents per lb; first quality, 57-60; second quality, 51-35. Butter-Wholesale, fob. bulk Lcubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score, 597: A grade, 93 score, 56'-j: B grade. 90 score, 57; C grade, 19 score, 55. Cheese Ta wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-41 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 434-53. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large. 42-44; A large. 36-40: A A medium, 17-36; A medium, 36-37. Cartons, 1-1 cents additional.' Eggs To producers AA large, 33-374: A large, 32-35; A medi ums, 36-13. Live poultry-No. 1 fryers, 24-4 lbs, 21 at farm; light bens, 10-11 at farm; heavy hens, 18-19 at the farm: old roosters, 7-6. Rabbits Average to grower Live whites, Si-4 lb, 22-25: col ored pelts, 4 cents less; fresh killed fryers to retailers, 5941; cut up, 62-65. Wool Nominal, clean basis, V ktj uiM.li. kl4 ia 11. u T. . blood to 1.20: fine to 1.29. 'Wholeaale Dressea' Meal Beef carcasses Steers, choice, SOO-700 lb. 42 50-M.oO; good, 41.00 43.00; standard, 38.00-41.00; com mercial cows, S3.00-H.00; utility, 34.00-37.00; canners and cutters, 32 00-35.00. Beef cuts (choice steers Hind quarters, 47,00-51 00; rounds 41.00- ciry Batit;si.0O; full loins, trimmed. B0 00- 6-5 00 forequarters, 31.00 40.00; ! chucks, 41.00-43.00; ribs. 43.00- 54 00. Lamb Choice. 4d .50-50. 50; good aU wU, 4 00-49.00. Pork carcatses Shipper style. 120-170 lb, 32.00-33.SO. Pork cuts Loins, choice, 1-12 lb, 49.00-52.00; shoulders. It lb, down, 34.00-37.00; spareribs, 44 00-50.00; fresh hams. IMS lb. 51.00-54 00. VmI and calves Good-choice, all wU, 40.00-54.00: standard 3S.00 49.00. Freak Prodac Potatoes Ore. Deschutes Rus sets, 100 lb, 1.50-73. few lower; bakers, 100 lb, oz min, J.75-4.00; 12-1 oi, 4.23-50; local Burbanks. washed, 100 lb No. Is. 2.73-3.00; Idaho Russets, No. 1, 100 lb, 4.00 25. Onions Ort. west district Dan vers. SO lb. rned, 15-2.00; lge, 2.50-3.00; boilers, 10 lb, - 28-32; Central Point sweet Spanish, 2.00- 23. Hay New crop. No. t green alfalfa, baled, fab. Portland, 24.00-25 00 ton, J AiTples OregotvWsahingtoa D licioui cotnbination loos 35-33 lbs, 175-1.00; fancy 1.73-100; C grad 1.25-1.50; Red Delicious loose 33-31 lbs extra fancy 4.00-4.50; a few lower; fancy 3.73-4.00: Red Rome large, extra fancy 2.75-3.00; fancy 2.00-1.50; Winesar. loose,- eombi nafton grade, 35 ihs, 3.00-3.50; ex tra lancv loose cartons 3.50-3.73; wood 175-3.00; various varietie C grade loose pack low as 1. 00. Celery-California 2-2't doxaa, 1 4.754.00; hearts 129-171 doten. Markets Heavy Sale!; Clip Grains CHICAGO, Feb. II UV-Genrtl heavy selling set off by govern ment report dipped grain futures orlces fairly deeply all along the line on the Board of Trad today. More than halt the contract were driven down cent a bushel or more and in soybeans all con trad were losers by 3 cents or more. The government report was oo tne amounts of grain and soybeans placed under loan in its price tup port program from Dec. IS to Jan. 15. It was viewed as decidedly bearish by most trader because it showed smaller stocks Impound ed in the program than had been expected, thus leaving large and burdensome supplies in free com mercial positions. Wheat closed 1 cent to 1 cants a bushel lower, March 33.14 W-V, corn 4-l lower, oats H-l lower, rye H-l lower, soybean 3-lv lower, and lard unchanged to 10 cent a .hundred pounds lower. Chicago Grain CHICAGO. Feb. U WHEAT March I lS-H'i 1 14-V MOVlI I04.k 171.. I.eSU-t, lM'i i.at'i l.Stti 1 M(,-U May , July September Dacambar COBN March May July September ... Darambar l. ., ) - - i.lVk-H I.HM l.W'i H l is - i.i! lis .int.ia HS-4 l.UVli l.UH OATS ) March May July September . . BVK March .sseiii SS 1.M11H IS tii 1114 I II 11 Mav July September SOYBKAN March May July 1.14 i M'k n 'i son ". 1 tS,-, t U WM I M'- IDV'I U7,, USH-tk sun Lis Sap tarn bar November Chicago Livestock CHICACO. Pah II up I USD A I -Salable hoa 7 500: butcher atetdy to u lower; 1-3 a iv-x ID Dutchera M 50 2(115; l l 200-220 lbs 20 7S 21 00; 1-1 a 40-rit lb 20 00-10 50; mlxd trad 42S-5S0 lb aowt 17 25-It 00. Salable cattle 14.000: calve 10; hlh choir and priirl ataar ac tive; 90 to 75 higher: hlfr fairly acUve: ateadv ta SO higher: avraf to htch prima 100-1. MO lb Hear ai.7S-M.13; top 34 2 lor flv lead hiht in nearly hra year: moat tilth choice and prime 2S.OO-J3.90; (nod to average choice 21 90-21 50: hifh choic and prima KM lb heifer 28 JO; choice 25 00 27.25; tUndard and food 19 00-24 00; utility and cemmer rial 1SOO-1S.0O: cannara and cutter 13 S0-1S M: utility and rommcrril bulla 1950 21 75 (ood and choice vr tiers 27.0O-3.1.0O; bulk cull and UtlHtv 12.00-200. Salable aheep 1.5O0; eluhtr lamb atatdy to is higher; bulk choice 110 lb and down S4.90-S4.7I: S"d to low choice 21.50.23 50; cull and utility 17.00-22 00; (ood and choice woo led lau(hter ewe (.90-10.00; cull and utility T.0M.M. Chicago Butter-Egg; CHICAGO. Feb. 12 (USDA) Butter tteady; wholaaal aelllnf frlcei unchn(d; 3 cor AA 5' .a: S3 A W'.-'a; SO B 9-M. E(( teady to firm: wholeaale buytnf price to 1 hUrher: SO par cent or batter (rad A white, M'. 37',: medium extra 34-31; standard 13', -34; check 301,-31. Chicago Onions CHICAGO. Fab. II Iff Onion: Opaa-MIk Law CI February 111 ill 1.9 1 tl Mareh 15 Its 1.(1 17 Portland Livestock PORTLAND (A 'USDA-Cattle salable 350; trade active; fed steers strong to 23 higher; other classes steady-strong; one load average choice 956 lb fed steers 28.00; other choice steers 25 15-75: good steers 24.00-25.00; one truck lot mixed good and choice fed heifers 23.50; good heifers 22.00 23.00; utility and commercial cows 16.50-20.00; canners and cutters 12.50-13.00; heavy Holstein cutters to 10.00. Calves salable SO; fully steady; choice vealer 29.00-32.00; high choice 32.50-33.00; good vealers 26.00-29.00; good and choice slaugh ter calves 22.00-25.00. Hogs salable 250; mostly 25-50 higher; sorted No. 1-2 grade butch ers 10-235 lb 22.50-23.00 with 50 head at 23.00; mixed grade lots 21.50-22.25; sows 300400 lb 13.00 20.00. Sheep salable 200; only 50 bead offered early: not enough for an adequate test: one deck choice woo led slaughter lambs Monday 23.50.. Portland Grain PORTLAND l Coarse grains, 15-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats, No. 2, 38 lb. while .... 49.50 Barley. No. 2. 43 lb B.W. . 47.50 Corn, No. 2, E.Y. ship't .. 53.00-50 Wheat bid to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast Soft White 2.24 Soft White (excluding Rex) . . 2.24 White Club 2.24 Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.30 10 per cent , 2.30 11 per cent . 1.31 12 per cent 2.32 Hard White Baart: Ordinary . 2.24 10 per cent 2.24 11 per cent 2.24 12 per cent 2.24 Wednesday's car receipts: Oats l; wheat 117; barley I; flour 23; corn 3; mill feed 14. (HIMOIRHOI01) rOaVMM Pb KM a-MM PMJJ0 aaaaut.aauai. Bk a BBjBaaBl "' lip. - ' ftifi)"?i?fin - Business New York Closing Stocks Reporte ky Marrlll Lynch, fiarea. fannar an Baana I ford Motor Admiral Corp Al Cham 4 Dye Allied Stra A Ilia Cham , Alcoa Aluminum Ltd . Am Airline Am Can Am Cyan Am iHolora Am Stl rdr Am TAT Am Tobacco Am Vlacot Anc Copper Armco Armour Atchcson Top Avco B Bendix Beth Stl Boelnc Air . . Borden Bort Warn Bucyru Burro Adding - C a Ml, 42 t!Si tCM. . M1, l'a . 42, . 40i( .'. 'a 172 . 7a . , . 42 44', 11'. 4S1, . ssn S7H SI' i ', 31 . 0'a . 'a . '. . 15', l' . SO', : . 21 SJ'a 47 , 111 91', 93 . 44 S'i ll'a 42a 3a 4S'. . HI. . 'a 171 S5, 1S1 3S1, 102 , 30 40, Gen Dynamic 8n r.lc en Food Gen Motor Gen Tire Cm Pac Ply . Glldden Goodrich Goodyear Grace WR Ort No Ry 8rt Watt Su( rayhnund Gulf OU B Homeitak M 1 Inl Harvcat . Int Nickel . ... Int Paper t John-Mana Jonaa at M Stl K Kalaer Alum .... Kennecotl L Ubhy McN .. Lief Vtyer LOt Glaaa ... Lockhaad Air .. Loew Inc M M(navox Marah Field Merck C Mant Chm Mont Ward Motorola M Natl Blarull Natl Caah R( Natl Dairy . Natl Dlatll) Natl Qypaum . Natl Laad NaU Supply NV Central No Am Avia .... No Pae Ry NW Airline O Olln Math F Pac G k El Pe T T Pan Am Air . . Penney 1 C Pnn Ry Campb Soup Cn Pc By Caa J I Ctltrp Tree Calanea Certaintead Ch 4 O By i m a at p Chi NW Br Chi R I ay ....... unryaier Cltlee sarv Cora Cola Coital Com Credit Comw Edtaoa Cona Ediaon Container Coot Can Cont Oil Crane Co Crown :ll Curtl Wr D Deere a Co Dia Match Dou( Air Dow Chem De F de Ne B Eatt Air Li Eaat Kodak El Paan Oat Ex Cello r Fltntaot Western Securities The bid tnd aak quotation rap raaant price at which one or mor dlr. mem here of th National Ataaclatlaa of Security Dealer' Inc., would trade with the (eneral public at the time the quotation, were (athered al 3 p.m. yeaterday: Bid Aaked Calif. Or(on Power Cawade Plywood Con to! Frei(ht Iron Fireman JaMzaa Ine. Cent Malar 4 Frank Morrteon-Xnu-ten Or. Port. Cemeat .. Pac. P L Cam Pope A Talbot' Portland Ota a Cok .. Port Gea. Ele BANES Bank at America Bank af California Chase Manhattan Firtt National Firal Nat. Cltv NY U. S. National 30, 33 a 15', 11', -'i 11, 13 It SI 10', 11H 2'a 3214 ', 141, 31 Ml, . if. n , 14a It', 331, as, M'a ST'. SI', M'a . 4S, 4.V. 47", 901, P, S3 ', Stocks and Bonds C emailed By Th Aaeeclalad Pratt Fakrmary is STOCK ATBBAGES 3 IS tadae BaUa Net Chant . D .1 D .1 Wdnaeday 337 SS I Pravioua Day 2.17 M l Week An 244.7 M l Month Afo 2.11 S3 t It UtUt D .1 71 1 791 "! 74 73.1 77 MS 7t .( Btha D I IS I IM 14.3 194 171 IMS It. I 11.1 171 I Tear A(o I0S7-M Hish 1S97-SS Lew IRS Hidi . ISM Law BONO ATBBACES 1 1 Baa taa I I Cult Fria Net Chtnea Unch A .1 Unrh Unch Wcdneaday Pravioua Div S34 S3 4 I til (I.I 7 123 1 HI SI 1 SI Mt II 7 Week A(o - S3 9 S4 II t M Month A(o Year A(o 1097-1 Hi(h 1A97-M Low IBM Hi(h 199 Low tf-92 , a 17 3' 09 T7.7 S .v n a t 111 III Tit 3 17 ,7 Ml til tt t I Ml HI Dow Jones Averages NEW YOFK. Feb. IS I Dow Jon cloaini atock avr(a: Hlfk Law Cla 30 InduatrlaU 431.13 441.31 M Railroad 10 74 104.13 IOS.3 19 Utillti 71 9.1 7) 30 71 4 9 Stock. 191.37 149 31 190.44 Salem Quotations BUTTERFAT (Andratn'i Premium , No. 1 EGGS fOreson E(( FTOducan) Price to fanner r I to t under, the wholaaal price Jumbo A Extra Lars AA Ura AA Lrc A Medium AA M'a cent 14 47 .. . .44 .41 .31 Small AA . J C0,! POULTRY (North wt Ptultry L(horn Hena . .. Colored Han, ... .it ji Lethorn Han Colored Fryer ura Root tan 4 344 4 111 tan 134.7 33 711 r 3 199 I 34 1 124 3 lOWANDi J SHIRTS I Reg. aBd rreach Caffs 400 F WklU ar relered '. t jfc VAUNTINI TIES frwit ..MO jj BiM Reports Papal Cola Phelpc-Dedfe . . Phllc Corp Phil Morri Phil Petrol Proe Gam Pu( Sd F 4 L Pur OU B Radio rora Rayanier Ine Repub SII Reynold Mat .... Reynold Toe Richfield O Royal Dutch S Safeway Sir ... St Reel Paper Schenley In ...... Scotl Paper Sear Ro, ... tla I4'( '( 37 M'J 17' 30 it SS'fc' ii'C- 42', ' 101. 14,1 MH if.: M, 31 Ml( 47'i . 4S'i 0'e . Il' . 94' Z7 34', M1 124 in; 104 1, . I7H 30'i 731, S01. SI MS 14 71 Shall Oil Sinclair Oil ny-Mob . Cal Edl Sou Sou Pae Ry a Jl'k HI. Sou Ry Sparry Ran Sid Brandt . 44'. Sid Oil Cal Std OU NJ Sunray Oil , , Sunahln M , SwM Ca Sylvaaia CI 44'k 4'I 31', & 3t, 121, i SS - . 73 . 14l! SS'a . S3, 41'. 3'a S3'. Stla . 4t'a - 4'a 41 . a1, 44 . 7 . M . HI. . 30 . H . n. . 40i la 1S1, 1.11. . ft 11'. Taxaa Co , Taxaa Gailt Textrnn Ttde-Aeae Tranaam .. Tran Wa Air Twea Caa Fa V Union Cork Union OU Union Pae Ry Unl Aircraft . Unl Air Una Unl Corp Unl Fruit . US Plywood US Rubber US Steal 1 a M'J w Warner Pie Waah Wtr p ... . Wot Air Br Weitern Air Weitlnihnue Elee Weitern Union Wooiworth I Tanlth M Sf 1MU. Stocks Drop Despite Ike NEW YORK, Feb. 13 Al expression of confidence by Presi dent Eisenhower that the econonv. ic downtrend is about over was followed by a stock market de-' cline today, the sixth is a row. The market was only slightly lower before the Eisenhower state nvant and a recovery fluttered some stocks to the upside, appar ently la antkipation. Upon publi cation of th tUUment, however,, stocks declined sharply. Wall Street sources said that th professional element ia trading circles was disappointed Eisen hower brought forth no new, dra matic move to nek the recession.. It was noted that his optimism is not matched by views of soma; well known economuti. Turnover amounted t 1.030,000 shares compared will 2.110,000 yesterday on the stock exchange. Th Associated Press average of 0 stocks dipped SO cents to f 159.S0. with the industrials dowa 00 cents, the rails down 50 cents and th utilities off 10 cents. Investment Trusts EUks, Saaltaee Ce lac Affiliated fund la 1 11 Canadian Fund .1911 17 Century Share Traat II 11 S3 S3 Chemical Fund . ., II 01 II M Delaware Fund ' I XI 10.17 Divar. lave!. Fund 7 it 1 11 Dividend Share . . 1.4 I tt Eatoa a H. Bal. Fund . . 0 31 47 Gaa. Ind 1131 11.31 Group Common 1 4 11.41 Incora. invaatara i aa Key tual. Fund: B-S ISIS ISM B-4 tOO 13 K-l 1.7 Sl S-3 .M l2S S-4 - 7 91 Man. Bond Fund S3 47 Maaa. Invest. Trust ....... . I t l.t. Natl. Sac. Serlea: Incom Sari 1 4 9 51 Stock Srla .7 141 Pref. Slock ' 7 28 l.tt Natl. Dlv. Sarle ' 3 1 3.4 Natl. Growth S 7 ' Pioneer Fund 12 S3 13 S3 Tel.. Elee. Fund 10.M I Value Line Inc. Fund 4.41 4 3 WlLUi(toa Fund II. S3 13 1 Markets it a Glance NEW YORK. Feb. 11 U Stock Lawn: declin continue. rVr-. Cerporata lower; li(hl volume. Cotton Irrefular: commie a I heua demand. UquidlUea. CRICAOO: Wheat Lawer; U-arl. Corn Lwr; ll-aff. Oata Lawer: aeU-aff. Soybean Lawer; Mll-aff. Hn( Steady to SS cents lowarl too (21. Cattle Stetdy I 71 seat aiar to ..