" Vj Statesman's HOME ranorama Women . . .Music . . . Fashions . . . Features Around Town . . . By JEBTM ENGLISH SOCIAL JOTTINGS ... Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Manioa will be port for sn open bouse on Sunday after noon honoring Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Simon, who recently moved here from Tillamook . . . Tba af fair win be held at tba Simona' new residence oa Evana Avenue . . . Mrs. Simon it a twin sister ef Mrs, Manion ... Mr. Simon is employed by the slate and they have a son, Steven, who attends St. Vincent dePaul School ... Members ... ef the Tbaraa'ay Cw win be eatertaiaee it i to aert hueaeao teday at the Nartb 17th Street bene el Mrs. Alfred A. Sehraaua . . . Asilstlag fceetesses will be Mrs. Lewis Griffith aad Mrs. Caster Raes . . . The PM Delta TbeU . . . mis ers win aaeet far a 1 'clack loach eaa ea FrMay at the Willamette University chanter bsase . . . best- will be the Weedbere .- Eatertalalag . . . their club at a dessert bridge tonight will be Mr. and. Mrs. Daniel J. Fry Jr.. who have invited the group to their Alvarado Terrace home . . . Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hawley will be ad ditional guests . . . Visitors at the Fry borne on Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray Chsr- Anniversary Dinner For Camerons ''Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Cameron warn honored at a dinner party , Saturday night at the Colonial House In observance of their gold en wedding anniversary. Members of the immediate family arranged the party. Covers were placed for the Cam erons, a daughter, Mrs. Charles Campbell, a son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah DeGuire of Silverton, a son and daughter- la-law. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cam ' eron, two grandchildren, Mr.' and . Mrs. BUI Weodall of CorvaUis and ' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haugen of Salem, and a great grandson, . Kevin Haugen. The Camerons were married In Brookwafter, Nebraska on Febru- - ary 32. IK and havs resided in . Salem for 17 years. t Marion Auxiliary . Holds Initiation , lotto CM) of Scbwitxerineke. Afri ca, who art presently visiting la Portland at the Wayne Toe borne . . . The Murreys arrived ia the states for the holidays and will soon be returning to Africa . . . Oak heats . . . Saturday alght win be Mr. and Mrs. Hubert WU Uaaasea, wbe will eatertala at bridge aad a laie sapper at their Orchard Heights Bead bane . . . Go-cats will be Dr. aad Mrs. A. O. Pttiaaa Jr. of Portland . .'. The WUHamMa aad their, maath aid daughter, Naaey, have jaat retarav ed tram a plaae trip to Laag Beach, Califs where they visited Mr. Wllliamsaa's parents. Mr. aad Mrs. P. L. Williamson ... The purpose of Ue trip was far tae WttllanMoas to greet their m craaddaaihter aad earing t a I r rials Mr. WUIiaateen recetvad his it year Maeeale pta, the Hobert WUIianseas atteading the eereme- ay . . M A basteaa . . . Wednesday for a dessert luncheon and bridge party was Mri J. R. Gray, who enter tained her club at her Summit Avenue home . . . Mrs. Donald Fair was an additional guest . . . It's a doa eelebraUeo . . . when birthdays of eaag eaes come aa Valeatiae's Day . . . Dawn Baser, who will bo scvea an Friday, has Invited a graap af her neighbors aad sebMl friends to a Valeatiae party al the Caadalaria heme of her paresis, the Alvin Baaers after school . . . Aaa Bun-ell, daughter af the Kebert Barrells, who will also be seven oa FrMay, is cele bratiag the oecastaa with a skallag party far a frees, of her neighbor- frieads ea Saturday after- President an in i mmi Mi m w--vf tint . mi ia v4,, y 'V;' i ' A v. J Mrs. Karl Harrirt, the newly elected president of the All Variety Bird and Flower Club for 1958. Meetings ara held the first Tuesday of the month at the Salem Public Library. (Kennell-Ellis Studio). ... Marioa Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars met Monday eve ning at the UFW lull and con ducted Initiation for Mrs. Fura Foulta. Mrs. Mark Davis gave a report on cehabilitation and stated sev eral families had been assisted with clothing and some household items. The auxiliary indorsed Mrs. Mel Clemens for department conduc tress. Mrs. Don Stupka. Mrs. Clemens and Mrs. Thelmer Bre dahl assisted the Barbara Fretchie Tent with the Lincoln Day tea on February . A homecoming meet ing is being planned for March 24. Mrs. Charley Hunt will be in charge of the refreshments on February ?4 and election of of ficers wiU be held March 10. . Sales Chairmen Named - Plans for the annual sale were ". discussed by officers of the Sistcr- hood of Temple Beth Sholom and' B'nai B'rith Women's chapter at I - Tuesday's meeting. Mrs. Robert Golden, president, appointed Mrs. Martin Chassman chairman and Mrs. Maurice Blum co-chairman for the sale being held today and ' Friday. Proceeds will go to the if .. Sunday School fund. Voeatlealag . . . irf Southern Cal ifornia for several weeks arc Mr. and Mrs. John S? Loohead . . . they went south for the Northern Life Insurance Co. convention at the Del Coronado .hotel in San Diego . . . before returning home the Locheads will go over to Nev ada to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Roger and Gail Newton, who reside in Gurlock . . . A Beach party ... Is -planned thla weekend far which Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Haack will be basts at their Neleeett same . . . Driv ing over to the coast resort oa Satarday will be Justice aad Mrs. WUMaai C. Parry, Mr. aad Mrs. Ralph H. Ceetey, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Alexander, Mr. aad Mrs. G. r. Chambers aad Mr. and Mrs. Lawreaee Ballmer . , , MaUag . . . Salem their temp orary home, where they have take aa apartment for several months ara Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ebersole of Roads End . . . Mrs. Ebersole is secretary at tba .Hat field for governor headquarters ... Betrothals Revealed, Dates Set Announcement of engagements and plans for forthcoming mar riages continue to highlight the so cial news (tuning the mid-winter season. Miss Marian Higley and Jack K. Eyerly, whose engage- ment was recently announced, have set Saturday, March 29 at the date for their coming marriage. The ceremony will be quietly perform ed before members of the immedi ate family at the First Methodist Church with additional guests bid den to the reception following in the Carrier Room. Miss Higley is the daughter of Mrs. Elsie Higley of Portland and her fiance is the son of Mrs. Pau line Curry and Jack V. Eyerly of Salem. The bride-elect attended Portland schools and Willamette University. She is now employed at State Farm Mutual Insurance Co. Mr. Eyerly is a graduate of Salem schools and attended the Colorado Fine Arts Center. He is a distributor for Northwest Artists. Troth Told at Diaaer Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Asburry are announcing t h e engagement of their daughter, Joyce, to Stephen S. Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Walker of Portland. The wedding is planned for early Sep tember, The betrothal was first made known at a family dinner Saturday evening at the borne of the bride elect's parents on Verda Lane. Miss Asburry and her fiance are students at Portland State College. Geaeral aaeetiag af the Peatade Theatre win be held tonight at o'clock at 240 Cottage Street NE. Business to be discussed, in cludes a projected reading pro gram far the next few months. Inventory Time Dried Fruits Replace Fresh in Dessert, Jam By MAXINE BUREN Statesman Weoaaa's Editor 0 Almost as sura to come In February as Valentine's Day, is a realization that the canning shelves look awfully empty and that there are still several months ahead when fruits. Jellies and jama will be used but not replenished. ; There are ways to bet eat this aitaatiaa as saast gaad beme aaakers have feuad taroagb the years, bat perhaps a few remladers aad new Meas may be very welcome, even la the mast experiences. In soch calls ary sHaatleaa. Many folks turn to dried fruits for bolstering up the jam and Jelly supply and to suppliment fresh and canned fruit at mealtime. One of my favorite ways to use dried fruits as a breakfast fruit ia to cook, an- assortment together, adding some raisins to peaches, apricots, appfcs, pears and spices. With s little sweetening this is delicious, especially when served warm. Sometimes you can find an assortment packaged together. "Dried peaches make excellent pie, and add a good deal of in terest to mid-winter menus, which often need a shot in the arm in February. Winter Peach Pie 2't cups cooked dried peaches 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup peach juice 2 tablespoons cold water 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons butter Vj teaspoon salt Pastry (or crusts Combine strips of the peaches with other ingredients, using wa ter in which they were cooked. Bring to a boil, stir and cook I min utes. Pour into 1-inch pastry shell, cover top with pastry strips and bake in a 490 degree oven for 25 minutes. This serves to persons. Apricots make good spiced marmalade for winter spreads. The pineapple in this recipe adds even more goodness. Spiced Apricot Mrmalde 2'i cups uncooked dried, apricots 2 cups sugar 1 cup crushed pineapple 1 cup water Vt cup light corn syrup 1 4-inch stick cinnamon ' Cut fruit into strips, combine with other ingredients and cook until rather thick, but watch it carefully as it scorches easily when beginning to thicken. When cook, pour into sterilized jars and seal with paraffin. Makes 3 pints. If preferred, put It lute a shallow casserole aad bake la a I7S degree evea far 2 boars. This wsy H takes less watching, taeagh It needs aa eceasloaal itlrriag. Prune whip is an old favorite, but apricots make an equally food dessert Use the regular prune whip recipe or this spiced one: Spiced Apricot Whip tM cups cooked dried apricots V teaspoon ginger cup sugar 18 marshmallows teaspoon ground cloves 1M cups whipping cream Mash hot apricots to a pulp, add sugar and spices and mix thoroughly. Cool, cut marshmallows into small pieces and add to apricots. Fold this fruit mixture into whipped cream a little at a time. Chill. Makes 12 servings. Scholarship Awarded to Miss Hall Miss ReNaye Hall. Willamette University student, was introduced to the Soroptimist Club at Wednes day's luncheon as the recipient of the club's S300 scholarship award for IKS. After tba presentation by Miss Mary Brady, chairman of the committee on service objectives, a corsage was given to Miss Hall by the president, Mrs. Virgil Golden. Miss Hall is a sophomore with a double major, sociology and physi cal education. She is the daughter of the M. H. Halls of Sweet Home and is employed at the Oregon State School for the Blind. YOU'U IE SURPRISED AT THE FAST RESULTS WITH CLASSIFIED ADS EM 4-tSll LUXURIOUS new (Awjjw ) urn BEDROOM FABULOUSLY LOW-PRICED 13 (ill tlOW I ceo hoar on oreend met g V - NaClal 3 U.I.- jm: 0 vsOi OwB TajJanaa fajaafajof Km Om 1m Yh it's aaw pamibl far you la hear from any dwell with Tomou tr' 2ar Iwarint aida. Htn for lha ' ftrat lim. a high powtrcd hearing Idroncrtlod ia trw Umplt of a dim. attrartiva pmw of glaun Na cmi aeed for fnm la ba coafaaad ia rrvwdi ToMraaatfT'i rMariag aid M yaa catrti every word builda ap your lf-coafidi-... and art comiortabk la war all day fK( Tak Dm ftrat step lathe kaat kwar inl K it poaaiblc l pnnc today. I ill ia lha cotipoa below. ' Optitai aVvtm aa Ta waaiw Timaliiit naiU aoauaaw aMy latawa maamara ot tba aaiical piafaa ' SaV- ' I i fi?. It-- t"o . II Istfar Naarlni (aatar I tZI Oregon BMt ' Salem. Ore. Ph. EM I441 I Wa waa aa'baa buiajnn aa I a In. T I Ob liai Pieces Only 159.95 your choice of 2 magnificent finishes: moonlight mist with gleaming gold or tawny Walnut Here's real value and quajity! You get luxurious big 6-drawer double dresser, beveled edge easy-view tilt mirror and full size bookcase headboard with roomy storage space and smooth sliding panels. Plus quality construction : full dustproof ing, drawers dovetailed front and back and hardwood drawer guides, beautifully polished 9-step finish, specially designed hardware for added smartness. Sw rVsAw9trtodayl Its th furnitur buy of your lifetimtl Match, ing night stand, only 1 .00 Spacious chtst, only 5.00 with purchass of 3-piscs Bedroom Stt shown above. forms , on Approved Crtdit t. Open Friday and Monday Tfl t r. M. 450 Court Strest, Salsm ' EM 3-9185 Silvsrton Mt. Angsl Open Friday and Monday Til f F. M. Salem Man Weds In South News has reached Salem of the marriage of Mrs. Patricia L. Cochran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo I. Richard of Cottage Grove, ad Robert E. Ryan, U.S. Army, son of Mrs. Gayle L. Ryan and E. J. Ryan of Salem. The ceremony took place on January 31 ia Monterey, Calif., with Judge Ray Bough of Mon terey County officiating at the 2 o'clock rites in the chapel of the ' Court House. For her a-edding the bride chose a steel blue sheath dress with black accessories. Miss Mavdenel Curtes of Dallas. Oregon was the1 bride's only attendant. The new Mrs. Ryan is a grad uate of Cottage Grove Schools and the University of Oregon, where. she was a member of Alpha Phi. Mr. Ryan, who is presently taking his basic training with the infantry at Fort Ord, Calif., is a graduate of Salem Schools and was assis tant manager of Cherry City Bowl prior to entering the service. Navy Mothers Benefit The Salem Navy Mother's Club is sponsoring a benefit card party on Saturday, Feb. 15 at the home of Mrs. Roy Hagedorn, 630 Hood St.. at o'clock. There will be priies and refreshments and those wishing reservations are asked to call Mrs. Hagedorn. The Live Y'er'a Clab will held a Valentine party and dance Friday night at the YWCA at I o'clock. Miss Betty Ware is heading the committee in charge of the eve ning's activities. All single men and women between It and SS are invited to attend. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs.; Feb. 13, 'SS (Sec,-13 p.rh CLUB CALENDAR Tharsday Merry Time Club with Mrs. Horace Bell; J333 Carlton Way, 1 Willamette Chanter. DeMnlav Mnthr. mux. u.. i .., 715 Shangrila Ave. ' Highland Mothers at school, 1:30 p.m. Salem Toastmistress Club annual speech contest. Golden Phea sant4 p.m. Chemeketa Chapter, DeMolay Mother s Club, Masonic Temple, noon luncheon. Sojourners, Salem Woman's Club, 1 p.m. Royal Neighbors Past Oraco Club with Mrs. E. B, liaison 32S Union St.-NE. T:J0 p.m. Friday South Salem WCTU with Mrs. T. 0. Adams, MS S. Liberty SL. 1:30 pjn. Neighbors of Woodcraft at Salm Woman's Club. I p.m., elec tion, formal. Salem Woman's Club st clubhouse, 2 p.m., board meeting, 13:30 p.m. ftatarday Salem Branch, AAUW luncheon, Marion Hotel, 1 p.m. TURNER Mr. aad Mrs. Cart Graves and Jean are visiting this week in Livingston, Mont., with Mr. and Mrs. Brutus Ashcrsft and family. Mrs. Ben Wipper will leave Thursday for two-week va cation with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Schlagg, in Los Angeles. Mothers or the Yaoth Choir of Jason Lee Methodist Church will hold a baked food sale Friday, February 14 at Meier and Frank. Proceeds will be used for new choir robes. Call CADWEU OIL CO. rheno EM X-74J1 1490 State St Stove Diesel Oil Wo Deliver Today SHERIDAN Orchids waa the topic for February and a group of Sheridan Garden Club members went to tne Carlton home of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Link Monday afternoon where they viewed Mrs. Link's greenhouse of orchids Many different varieties were in Dioora and Mrs. Link gave each lady a potted orchid plant ot take home, also starts and slips of many other house plants. 30 Miniafure Photos $1.50 AdS)0)aal'loapsJoBW1 ttM-BaaMFV fOaWrna ar Adaha) This Week Only' X McEwan Photo Studio WM3 a7 o wsm Remember Your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day, February 14 mm VVWlf NEW-JUST ARRIVED BOYS SPORT (OATS Reg. 5.98-6 98. Msde finest fabrics in top Colors to match all (port combi nations. Sizes S to 12. of the styling. 477 teryyiiwi,tV'p . .--tamaaw- W ... '-.MX M, V-a-;--. GIRLS DRESSES 1.90 To ; 3.98 Hard-to-believe values! Such adorable styles, so well made-crisp, new, with new spring colors. Newberry's always first with the newest. Sizes 1 to 6x 7 to 14 FABRIC BY THE YARD SPECIAL SALE 2KD FLOOR Regulated and Polished Cottons i. 3 yds. $j00 IF ON FULL BOITS-79C YD. Assorted prints in new crisp spring col orsBearing new ideas in spring sewing Solid colors in polished cottons. A real value at this special purchase price. NOW FEATURING McCall Patterns Simplicity Patterns New Spring Styles Complete Transfer and Pattern Stock Name Printed FREE!! Choc. Hearts Fully Decorated - 49c-39c-15c Heart Box Chocolates Elegant looking embossed red box finest assortment of quality randies. Mb. Bos 1" Vi-Pound Box Chocolates AQ Gorgeous Red Heart Box full of H-Ib. Boa " Delicious Fancy Chocolates. YALENTIKE PARTY CANDIES IN BULK Large Assortment of Motto Hearts. Plus anany other varieties. Newberry's Candies Always Fresh. Lb. 39' 3000 Piece Assortment SPRING JEWELRY Values te $1.50 Each 11 Spedil o EARRINGS o BEADS o BRACELETS A large array of outstanding values Stone Sets Plus many brilliant pieces-Buy now and Save at Newberry's low Prices Specials This Week Oiily tl ' Final Clearance Fall Dresses K.t39.9S w Sorry, No Leyeweyt Final Clearance Fall Skirts 100 Weel Tweeds -Rtf. to 11.95 1 9? Final . CI52r2r.ee ImperreoAkTStrlea tad Ifralaosag . Sweaters Cardigans end Slipent ' Rj. to 19.9S 3 Just Arrived! If Tm Are Hard U Fit, We Lore ei And Team Love Us -When Ye lea These Wonderful fitting. Half Size Dresses Br. PAULA DEAN EDITH MARTIN MYNtTTI Choose From Wide Selection of Custom Sized Dresses la Spring Styles - and Fabrics. These Are Presses For the Mature Figure la Youthta . Styling. SPECIAL NEW SPRING Rayon Jersey Dresses Half Sises and Regular Siset Rag. ta 14.9S 59 New Spring DUSTERS . Cotton end Faille Reg. to 22.95 9 J Limited Number Sorry, No Layaweys 409 Court St.