18-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., Feb. 13. '58 Sure, They Plan to Ask Dad's Permission, But in the Clinch They'll Marry for Love U. LJ r By EVGENE GILBERT PmWml ( Gilbert Ymilb Rrararra C. Itide toward their parents, most r- average, with nearly 29 periple had any trouble with inch young people still a.tk parental cent learning atwut life from their ; areas as religion, politics and a permission to get married and parents. ; difference in educational back- mAf nf I hem rprpi c It rknlu in Ant ih. K.. .... 1 CfrtinH emo to parents: it you re wor- 0n 4 comparison basis, this is I3 pfr cem o( lne girls were taught 1 One final question revealed that tied about what to tell our mar- hat happened sex education in school Less than in modern marriage the husband nageaoie sons ana aausniers nrn Tak,n lne sur,fv Rroup ,s a 3 p,.r cfn, o( both sexes depended they come to announce that the wholl cfnt o( ,he yeun? on thfir church (or thi vjta jn. 1"""" ""s, .rT- . formation. your cares lor anoiner nay. Chances are that no niiitter what saga advice you have to give about the proposed match, it fall on Jove deafened ears. They'll listen in respectful si lence 'if you are lucky ami don't provoke an argument ahd then go out and do precisely as they pleas particularly if you say no. Will Make Owl Choice In a nationwide survey of re cently married young couples, we gleaned these two conflicting trends: 1. Boys and pirls still a.-S their parents' permission to get mar ried. 2. Boys and girls marry the partner of their choice, regardless of whether it is the partner of their parents' choice. So. Mom and Dad. before pre paring a soul searching speech on hr Johnnie shouldn't marry that little blonde from the other side of the tracks or why Susie should forget the butcher boy, listen to these statistics on the futility of tryuuj to deflect Cupid's arrow: Foraialiliet Followed Fully S3 per cent of the young What of the rest? ' The rest, in this case, happens to be the majority. Sixty-five per cent of the boys and 55 per cent of the girL said they received their sex education from friends of their own age and sex. Only 53 per cent of the husbands and 46 per cent o( the wives felt ade quately prepared for marriage. This does not mean, however, 1 that they were disenchanted about romance or had any starry-eyed illusions about love. , Meaty Major Problem Money loomed as the largest problem on the marital horizon. And it was the wives, rather than , their bread winners, who did most , of the worrying. Both husbands 1 and wives ranked financial mat ters as their most pressing prob lem, but not in the same num bers. Among the girls. 63 per cent j i voted for money as a leading prob- j 1 lem. as compared with 39 per cent 1 husbands and 90 per cent of the; of the boys. young wives sought someone's ad-! Next on the problem list came vice before getting married. j in-laws, who seemed to bother 31 Of these, eight out of 10 boys ; per cent of the boys and 17 per and nine out of 10 girls went to cent of the girls, their parents for advice; I per About 23 per cent of both boys ImcKaivtc anH niUn f the cwrt the ,nd 4 Pr " ' nd R'rls countered some mari husbands and 91 per cent of the . . . . ,,;:,, , . young wives we interviewed said v" " L" i "." T, . " "IT".. ' ... " " '" Ql'ESTlOXS ASKED IN THIS SURVEY: Did your family approve of your marriage? Would you have married anyway-if they had not? Did you seek advice from anyone before marriage? From whom? Parents? Clergyman? Marriage Coun selor? Others? If not, did you feci any less prepared for marriage? Where did . you receive most of your sex education? What are the greatest difficulties in making a marriage work? Do you and your husband have a joint bank account, separate accounts or an ac count in the h u s b a n d't name? no longer holds the purse strings. When it comes to money, 64 per cent used a joint bank account, 19 per cent had separate bank ac counts for husband and wife and only 17 per cent had bank ac- fi!15?.J!ir ,nrvfi the r end f per cent of the boys and 1 personality and taste between counU in the husband's name only, they sought the approval of their . . ' . But. of those who 'followed this n? Se Uttlt Worry 3 rr rMit nl th I " ' rZZrUrJt J nt f hZWht the advice of someone oth-; Sex. despite their grooms and .n per cent fTThan those mentioned, presum- about a lack of se: ned anyway with or without admissions Princfc to Visit Plants THE their parents' permission. The old days of the timid suitor anxiously asking Father for daugh ter's hand may not exactly be gone forever, but the scene isn't the same. In nearly nine cases out of 10. Father is being subjected to a mere formality, lt.be puts thumbs down on the match, he may be faced with the choice of either giv ing the bride away unwillingly or ; Soareea Are Varied having her go way on her owaj. n mic niurc man jv yuuiig couples we interviewed in various localities across the country, only HAGUE. Feb. 12 presum- about a lack of sex education. Prince Bernhard plans to visit ably a friend or relative. was a major problem to only 3 'aircraft plants of the Lmted In most cases, the parents were ' per cent o( the boys and 5 per cent 1 States and Canada early in May. receptive to the idea. But 29 per of the girls cent of the boys and 20 per cent And less than one in a hundred of the girls said they were turned among these young married peo- dowa by one or both parents, what did they do? They got married anyway. The type of advice that they sought from all these sources, how ever, did not pertain to sex educa tion, at least in most cases. As inspector general of the Dutch armed forces, he is especially In terested in military planes. volition. BaaM Tkiag for Boys' The same of course goes for boys, even more so since the per centage is higher. Despite thts independent atbV 23 per cent of the bus bands, said they learned" the biological facts of life in their own family circle. The girls had a somewhat high- MOPSY By GLADYS PA KM I'M SO SLAP you STOPPfP MET, OFFICER. I'VE BFFM WANTING TO T ICKET5 TO THE POLICE SHOW v III - in mm" PRE-SEASON POWER MOWER I KNOWN fcvaufc T Irioji t Shittta . bait ' I ;1l 4 i i i 0 tf JjHW Mi Beauty in every Line ...here are styles that add to your personality! i( Band a) jrwr Optometrist's PrtxriauM EASY CREDIT TERMS r:;v . - . No Extra Charge, Na Advsnca Appointment Noodod TtJ. rtrriri . M.a-MA.MSSaMK orncES )n 7 ttan-a4Mi STAT! COMMIRCIAl Mm. On , . , , ...aVsMMSM OTTKlAHl". fsrk la Aay Ut-Clve ti The Ticket Tt Tke Feritd Yoa Are . JUviag Optical Bervka rerfprmcd la Our Office. Compart with 109.95 mowin 21" ROTARY MOWER ( o o ?4: America's best mower buy: the new 1 958 WTG, most amazing mower development in years. Gives you quicker starting, more power, wide 2 1 " cut ... yet you pay up to $40 less than com parable best known makes. Powerful 4-cycle en gine has automatic governor to maintain constant speed. Guaranteed by Grants I Manufacturer DISCONTINUED 1957, Power Mowers 3 Only 22" Rotary MOWER rog. I4.U 69" Iriggs A Straiten 4 .cycle engine with recoil starter. 1 Only 18" RmI RIDING MOWER reg. I4f . '88 127" With renowned Iriggs A Stratten 4-ycle engine. 1 only demonstrator, II" rid ing mower . . . 97.lt 1 Only 18" Rttl MOWER reg. 94.11 79 Iriggs i Stratten 4-cycle engine with recoil starter". 1-Only 18" Rl MOWER reg. M il . 69" Irigg A Stratten 4ycle engine w i t h e m t recoil farter. ' NOW! Go on a Saving Spree, Find top values in Home Needs I SB VINYL COVERED DISH DRAINERS New low price! Jumbo size with glass holders, silverware 1 57 cup. I Rubber Drainboard Trays l5-20" 1.57 3 D 3 i ii ir J D -i"" En-nL- : r f i 1 I: 3-PC. BATH MAT SET with jumbo tubside mat .97 If6. You get a 24x54 tubside mat, 24x27 contour mat, lid cover. Speckled-and-striped or a solid color. lest Selling LAMPS 127 Reg. 3.91 Special W Our smart and popular chimney lamp in attract ive milk glass. 4!1 SPECIAL SALE OF TOILETRIES Values to 69c 3.-1 All your favorite toiletry items at this once a year low, low price. Select from hand : lotion, sham poo, cold cream, antisep tic mouth wash, cologne, creme hair tonic, bay rum. COBBLER APRONS Special purchase I Variety of fabrics and trims. Full cut for m 17 Protection W. T. GRANT IASY "CHAROE-fT" PUN Get $50. $100. $200 . e No down payment.,, Take months to pay 1 of- 'A -4 1 - i TkU i V f ft t-- Table I Sold Rock Mepli OCCASIONAL TADLGS 19.9S each LI LI 1 21 y sr - s r.kku. r. 4 r w tench Authentic Early American designs with rich Nutmeg finish. Hand-rubbed, lac quered coating for lasting beauty. Ex pertly crafted for years of dependable service. At Grants low, low sale prices fj pr,hrunk pile, non-skid you re sure to want the whole set. See pi backing. Sandalwood, 24x72 RUNNER RUG Cotton 99 U 2.91 VtliM '' them all todayl zzssmmsssss .qJ.. hunter, light gray, pink, 4H red. nile oreen. old aold. SIX GREAT SAVINGS DAYS FEBRUARY 13 TO 19 COMPLETE 9 PC. 10 -GALLON AQUARIUM KIT SAIL 10.91 lOfl.Unk 5.? Ctmr pump J.? ir tti Itirrmtilut 1.98 f dltr 49c Cktrotl tSe GUn uttl 29e Tkirmtmtttr ... 29c Pltitit fi v l5cFiikft4 itptrtlrlf No more price-meal shopping. Grants gets you 1 Itarted on this fascinating hobby with one com plete package . . . everything you need. And you save $8 23 nowl .1 i3 V" V Now you savo 35 to 48 High Count Percales in FAGIIlOrJ PRINTS reg. 39c yd. yds. You can fashion 'sew' many things with these fresh new prints . . . percales now tagged for bigger than ever savings . . . Shop early for choice prints. Savel ; MORE VALUES THAN YOU EVER BARGAINED FOR ''-( i i V '..V , - (;-', . 4 : . i LJ 'ioyc9ton'fohioni, saving priced WASHABLE COTTONS teg. j)37 2.79 J Enjoy a shopping spree, get fashions you want nowl See newest prints, Interesting details. Choose several , at this outstanding savingsl 12 20; 1 4V-24'A; 38-52. MELMAC DINNERWARI Our best selling 16-pc starter sets. Reg. 7.91 HP Rainbow assortment of cups, saucers, bread 'n but ters, dinner plates that re fine to chip, crack, break. Guaranteed for I full year. 2-YsMir Field Grown ROSE BUSHES An assortmont of oooular varietiai In favorite shades. Ground packaged just for Grants 79c. Compare with others FRESH-TASTY ORANGE SLICES Pamper that sweet tooth with Grant's reg. 29c lb, Mmirfl laj arrm Clta i t lsjl eatasw w r iviwwe wi ei lyw wiivoi. - aaa lb. I TOW MUST M tATHMO O VOUt MOMtV MCt 260 North Liberty, t1