If) Statesman's HOME ranorama Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features 6-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Feb. 12. '58 Around Town.. . . By JERYME ENGLISH SURPRISE . . . romantic news hands or wive and guests on Sat being revealed today by Mr. and urday night, February 15. . . . Mrs. Charles Boyer is announce- The Valentine party will be held ment of the recent marriage of at the American Legion flub with their daughter. Jo Ann. to Charles the Blue Notes playing for danc Kloos, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albrrt ing between and 1 o'clock. . . . Klnos. . . . The newly weds are there will be a snack bar during now at home in Salem at 747 Gerth the evening and elaborate Valen Street. . . . The new Mrs. Kloos, tine decorations are being planned, who is better known to her friends ... This is the first social event as Jody, is a graduate of S a 1 e m for the new Salem office with schools and is a senior at Oregon , the State Farm Insurance North State College. ... she will com-1 west employes activities group ar plete her studies in March and is ' ranging the affair. . . . Stanley a member of Gamma Phi Beta. Michener is general chairman and . . . Mr. Kloos served as a para-: assisting on the decorating corn- trooper for four years and is now ; mittee are Miss Marian Hig'ey with the Bureau of Land Manage ment. . . . Valentine parties . . . are an the agenda this week. . . . Mrs. Rich ard Baras wQJ preside at a bridge hneaeaa Tharsday afterama at her Caadalaria home aa Granada Way far a group ( friends. Mrs. James Beller and Mrs. Vine St. Pierre. . . . Wayne Hurlbutt is president of the activities group. . . . Ron Keene, vice-president. . . . Mrs. Pierre, secretary . . . and Madison Davis, treasurer, tinner gaest ... at a rambined Valeatiae aad birthday party Carers will be placed for Mr a.! Friday afteraMB will be Karea Rail la Haag. Mrs. Richard Gahla- dnrf, Mrs. Lester I. Prarmiae Jr.. Mrs. Robert Elgia. Mrs. Daniel J. Fry Jr., Mr. Richard Taggesell, Haag, daagbter af Mr. aad Mrs. HaUia Haag. . . . Karea will cele brate her third party aa Febru ary It. ... the has lavited a Mrs. Robert Sulliraa. Mrs. Them-, group of her yeeag friends aad ai A. Roberts Jr.. Mrs. Lleyd j playmates t Mrty at the CreJ Griffllhs, Mrs. Stuart Smith. Mr. Ma Creek Read heme ef her par William M. Smith. Mrs. Jaha Wit- eats. liam Starts and the beatesa. . . J ... of Salem florists Haaiesara for a Valentine ' "lhwwl ,or n-bost dinnr luncCTtoday will Vmt. I &f ! u.. ..j f ,,r: i win. b. u. acnucKing. iuh ncicnt the former's Candalaria home on James Moaolf spoke in- ni. t.,t. rv.r. will formally te the poup on business be placed for twelve guests and bridge will be in play following A flab haateaa Thursday wiQ be Mrs. CarJ Steelhammer. .1. i i uw .um.nn . ww wjfl eBterUil ,t ,unchew and Aaaaal laleatiae dinner . . . bridg at her South High Street givea by the Salem Lleas Club; Mrf, Norman Merrill as slated far Friday algal at thei,, , ,ddiuoMi (uest. . . . Mariaa HateL . . . WWe of aacaa- Nw mtmn . . . eJeaaaed at hen have heea bhMea a special tlMI c,-a Q.P dance Sataxday gaests U the sweetheart party. rtl tkc r.i.,4. w Catamhes A Valentine Party For Social Club Over a hundred members and guests attended tbe Valentine party given by the Social Club of Chadwick Chapter, Eastern Star at the Masonic Temple on Tues day, with Mrs. Arnold Johnson. Mrs. Leon Barrick and Mrs. Mem Pearce serving as hostesses. They were assisted by Leon Barrick, worthy patron. Jess Hunley, sen tinel and Mem Pearce. The tables were decorated with Valentine ( favors and novelties, camellias and pussywillows. f i Following the dessert, a program was given. Charles Bush gave a reading which he recently gave in j the Voice of Democracy contest I and Mrs. Margaret H. Scott played several piano selections. A group of students from the Chemawa In dian School, under the supervision oi mrs. jeaneue n a user, gave a varied program in costume which consisted of a Jicarillo Apache War Dance with Thomas Sandoval, singer, assisted by Larry Sando- I'Val. Johnie Davis. John James. IJoe Wayne, and Peter Merritt. The Hoop dance was given by Leo Silversmith with Neswood Daniels, singer, and the Happiness Song by ' a group of girls 1n costume, Doro- jthy Attson. Nellie Green, Mabel Hill. Mae Gorman and Mary Be rn Maay Gnests Attend ' Among the guests present, in ad dition to those on the program, were Alice Early. Edna Hedges Chapter, Billings, Montana; Mrs. Clarence Hyde. Blue River Chap ter. Eugene: Mrs. E. T. Hartwell. Trinity Chapter. Salem: Miss Mary Sayles, Ivy Leaf Chapter. Wichita, Kansas; Mrs. Henry Hobson, Mo lalla Chapter: Mrs. Abner Kline. Paola Chapter, Kansas: Mrs. Lor ene Bradfield, Nevita Chapter, Central Point: Mrs. David Looney, Euclid Chapter. Jefferson: Mrs. Leena Ballou. Henry W'enterouth Chapter. Vancouver. Wash.; Mrs. Don Doughton. Washington Chap ter; Mrs. Anna Walford and Miss Minnie Just. , The next meeting will be Febru ary 23 with a no-host luncheon ' with Mrs. Albert Copenhaver as1 cnairman. Honored at Reception - ... . t' V- fV- X 9 4 T I . , i1,. !fe 4 1 t H - ( ft. Secretary af SUte Mark O. Hatfield will be the gaest apeak er aad Alvia Baaer win be mas ter af eeremaaiea. . . . Saul Bloom erg la heading the committee m charge ef arraageaaeota, assisted by James Ban-d, DoaaM Braaie and VlrgU Ham. ... A armt-formal dance ... is on j alager. C. C. NeUee, H. W. Schaef the agenda for the employes of ar, Fiayd Gal arte. Jack Bewdea, State Farm Mutual, their bus- jtay Werbewakl, R. C. Kerr. Har- 1 eld E. Darts. M. E. Oemeaa. Mtaa Hail were Mr. asm Mrs. Richard Haaaaa aad Mr. aad Mrs. C. P. Driver. ... A large great of gaesta attended utdadiag Meaara. aad Meodamea AnwM Eaalaad of Waahlagtee. Leoaard Decker, L. W. McLarty. Partlaad. L J. Pa gweet Haaae. . A. Nert A.MITT A famUy aight was held by memberi of the Country side Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKee. A . buffet sup per was followed by an evening. Members of the Countryside Club will meet next in regular session, March S, at the home of Mr. andj Mrs Joe McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pliler (Janet Fowler) cut The cake at their wedding reception on Jan. 25 at the Latter Day Saints Church. Their marriage took place on Jan. 21 at the Mormon Temple in Lo Angeles. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Fowler Sr. and Mr. Pliler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Pliler of Dallas. (McEwan Studio). The Happy Planters 4-H Gardea Club met February 1 at the home of Pamela Prim for a regular meeting. All members participat ed in a quizz and plants. Joan and Tony Carbaugh were welcomed as new members. Piano Recital Held Miss Alice Arnold presented a group of piano students in recital at her home Saturday afternoon and mothers of the children were special guests. Taking part on tbe program- were; Linda Thomas, rtipvn XAnrvan Jmrrft WietuL Janice Rempel, Diane and Norma Jean Arnold. Nancy Yung, Lynette and Larry Fast. Christine Harder. Janet Wiens. Myra Ewert, John Quiring, Marilyn Lange. Carol and Wilford Sanderson and Ruth Gemellus. Exchange stadeata, aader the auspices of the American Field Daaae Baraa, Mlee Jeaaette Wa. ra. Mrs. Theresa Lewry, Lee Rea-i ertasa af MtlwaaUe. Daa L. Huff man. Robert Mapea aad Jack R. SCSita Presenting ... the book review at the weekly matinee aeries at the YWCA eu Thursday win be Mrs. F. D. Palmer, who will re view "The White Gate" by Mary Ellen Chase. . . . coffee will be served at It o'clock with the pro gram following at ... all interested persons are invited to attend. . . . ArrWiag ... la the capital last weekend far aa extended visit was Mrs. A. W. Alirtacer of Las An geles, who Is the gaest af her sea- Service program, presented the daughter. Mr. and Mrs. a program for the Golden Age Club ' 8y Sehleslager. members on Friday at the YWCA. j Being walesased . . . back to Speaking were Kenneth Bosom- Salem are Mr.' and) Mrs. Job a worth of England, Susans Martor-! Reeves (Merle Rheiea) aad yeaag ani of Buenos Aires, Jim Heltzel, ! daagbter, Sasaa. who have heea Who visited ill Finland and Steph-' tiring la Pbeealx. ... Mr. Reeves, anie Kurtz, who was in France : aa aceeaataat. la aew with Bow last summer. ! era, Davis aad Heffmaa. . . . Dear Ann Landers Brazen Woman Can Expect Some 'Digs' By ANN LANDERS , Dear Ann: I've had something on my mind for weeks and have decided to leave it up to you. Do I have a right te feel insulted or not? I met a wonderful man three years ago. We fell in love and wasted to get married. Unfortunately, bis wife is a witch. She told him be could stand on his head until Hades frote ever and she wouldn't give him a divorce. They have no children because she couldn't be bothered. We took the only course left open te us. We rented sn apart ment on the other side of town and are living together ss man and wife. Most of my friends and relatives assume we are married. This Christmas, however, a cousin of mine who I think knows the score, gave us a set of pillow cases with Mr. and Mrs. embroidered oa them. ! suspect this was meant as a dirty dig. Shall I send them back and call her on it? ERNESTINE Owe who ehaaaes la braiealy Ignore eeeveatloa ean't afford the luxury of beiag aeasitlve. Aasume the gift waa seat ka good faith, aad let It go at that When yea set ap Hght-heaoekeepiag with a ma a who has a wife oa the ether side af tswa, yea eaa aspect seme sllags aad arrows. A shew of Injured lanaceaee HI becomes a wemaa la year spat. If this hi the worst "dig yea ever get, eaaalder yourself tacky. Dear Ann: I'm a girl 18 years old and I have a terrible problem. Ify grandmother lives with us. She has been in our bouse ever since I can remember. Mv mother veils at me all the timend savs I am slooov. She makes me hang up my wraps the minute I come into the house. She is very strict about little tiny things that don't make any difference. My grandmother thinks my mother is wrecking my life hy holler ins at me so much. Will you please give your opinion in the Daner. so everybody la the family will see it? My father says we are three fenerations of Leaping Leans and he is sick of the noise PICKED ON ..', f Year grandmother Is probably wrecking your another's life by tuterferrmg with pew pbriagiag. It Is year mother's resaeaaiMllty to administer the discipline aad to let yea two what's expected. I'm stare year grsadiBother eaaa well, bat aha reared her daughter and new she skoald let year mother eajey the same artvtlege. Mens a) really deiag yea a big favor by lasistlag that yea be neat. It would he a let easier for her to collapse aad let yaa grow ap to ha a slab. The ssotaer who has the stamina te stick with U, aad tasasts oa orderliness, Is really tbe here of the' day. I say three . cheers for Mom, and so will yew bat net lor about II years yet: CONFIDENTIALLY: HEARTBROKEN PARENTS: Your daugh ter is of age and you can't stop her.' When everything else Is gone, the ONE thing she'll have left is experience. (Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. , Bend them to her in care of this newspaper and enclose 1 sjamped CLUB CALENDAR Wrduesday American Legion Auxiliary, 1.16 rtieet at Legion Hall. I p.m. Degree of Honor Protective Association, Salem Woman's Club, p.m. PLE and F Club with Mrs. Howard Smith, SSOS Ridgs Drive, covered dish dinner, : p m. University of Oregon Mothers and Dads, YMCA, covered disk dinner, l:M p.m. Cherry Court, Order of Amaranth, Scottish Rite Temple, I p.m. Soroptimist Club luncheon. Golden Pheasant, noon. United Lutheran Church Women of St. Mark Lutheran Church, fellowship hall, 1:30 p.m. Jasoa Lee Methodist WSCS, Kirby Room, 10 a.m., noon lunch eon. Thursday Merry Time Club with Mrs. Horace Bell, 233S Carlton Way, 1 p.m. Willamette Chapter. DeMolay Mothers with Mrs. Carl Nelson, 71S Shangrila Ave. Highland Mothers at school. l:.pm. Salem Toastmistress Club annusl speech contest. Golden Phea sant. ( p.m. , Chemeketa Chapter, DeMolay Mother's Club, Masonic Temple, aooa luncheon. Sojourners. Salem Woman's Club, lp m. Royal Neighbors Past Orace Club with Mrs. E. B. Kasson, Ki Union SL NE. 7:30 p.m. Friday South Salem WCTU with Mrs. T. 0. Adams, S. Liberty St., 1:30 pjn. Neighbors of Woodcraft st Salm Woman's Club, p.m., elec tion, formal. Salem Woman's Club at clubhouse, 1 pjn., board meeting, U 30 Satarday Salem Branch, AAL'W luncheon, Marion Hotel, 1 p.m. Club Groups Plan Many Events SOUTH SALEM, Many activi ties are in progress in the South Salem area. Mrs. Lyle Bayne entertained the Salem Heights Woman's Club at a dessert luncheon on Friday at her home on E. Madrona Ave. The group decided to adopt a high school girl for graduation. Mrs. Richard Larsen of Ocean Lake was a guest. Aa advanced sewing course sponsored by the Liberty Salem Heights extension unit will be held on Thursday Feb. 13 at the home of Mrs. Orville Raymond on E. Madrona Ave. The class will be gin at 10 a.m. Mrs. Charles Hagemann will be hostess to the Little Garden Club of Salem' Heights it 1 o'clock des- Bright Girl Champion Pie Baker Brings Product Here By MAX INK BUREN SUtesmaa Woman's Editor Whipping up a cherry pia for supper may. be simple matter to a housewife, but it takes considerable doing wiisj you arc a school girl, competing for the best cherry pia in the. sUto-and maybe the nation. Such a project has kept Molly Atchison of Canby busy for some time, but her efforts at preparing the perfect pie paid (( for she entered and won the Oregon contest last week in Eugene. Molly, a sealer at Canby High BebeoL produced 71 pies to get herself la training far tbe baklag easiest spsaaorsd by the Proces sors aad Growers of Tart Red Cherries. As a state wiener, aha wilt fly to Chicago to eater the aaUaaal contest to be held Feb. M at the Sberatoa Hotel. She may wta the ISM college scholarship aad a new raage. She will be accompanied to Chicago by Mr. aad Mrs. William Wright at Eugene. Junior Ecaley of Salem sad Mr. Wright are ee-ehalnnea of the contest. Plucks Of f Award Perhaps It is more of a triumph for Molly to produce 1 cherry pie so different that the judges csn single It out from among other excellent ones. Except for the fact that Molly uses some lemon juice and a little almond extract for added flavor, hers is a standard cher ry pie. That's where tbe knack for cooking comes in, for the same list of ingredients can produce as many different results at there are cooks to put them together. Here is the recipe: Molly Atchison's Cherry Pie 4 cups sour canned cherries cup cske flour 1 tablespoons cherry juice 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoons lemon juice Mi teaspoon sslt teaspoon almond flavoring 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon red coloring She combines these ingredients and puts them into an unbaked shell, then covers all with a lettuce crust. IA requirement of the contest, by the wsy, so the cherries will show.) " Crust m cups flour teaspoon salt cup ahortening 4 tablespoons water This crust is just a little more generous in the shortening than the usual. Other Activities Molly Atchison has been a member of the 4-H club for eight years, and plans to attend Oregon State College after graduation from high school. She expects to take home economies and hopes to go Into commercial home ec. work after graduation. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Atchison of Canby, Molly has (wo younger sisters, Msrilyn 14 snd Judy 13. Neither sspires to be come a cherry pie contestant, Marilyn thinking seriously of the writing profession and Judy as yet unhampered by plans for the future. Molly entered the Cherry Baking Contest for the first time this year, though she has won prizes st the fair, she said when she visit ed The Statesman with a pie for the staff to sample. Varied Program Highlights YWGA Electoral Breakfast Mrs. C. A. Barnes of Eugene, former member of the National YWCA board, was guest speaker st the electoral meeting of the Sslem YWCA on Tuesday morn ing in the social room of the YWCA. Almost 100 attended the break fast meeting, with Mrs. R. D. Blatchford presiding. Mrs. A. A. Schramm gave the meditation and a special guest waa Kooert M. Fischer. Jr., executive secretary of the United Fund. In her address to the group, en titled "Looking Forward to Con vention", Mrs. Barnes spoke of the history of the YWCA movement snd explained the mechanics of the nstional organization. She stressed that the local association are the ones who control the national board in matters of public affairs, finances and membership policies. How Our Local YWCA Works" was presented by Mrs. Donald Rasmussen, who explained how the organization functions and how they fill their aim in being more in!prtH in neonl than anvthin -- 1 1 . --I else!" Mrs. Dean Pfmits gave a finan-1 cial report to the group, explain-1 lng the) operation of the W oa an average I6S.0M annual budget, Mrs. William C. Cr others present ed a report from the swimming pool committee, announcing that almost $89,000 has been rsised to ward the goal and that tbe archU tect has now completed prelimi nary drawings. Mrs. Maurice Saf fron explained the possibility of a second story being constructed over the swimming pool to meet the need in the future of a co educational youth center for teen agers In the area. Following the meeting the group held informal discussions led by Mrs. Robert Gregg. Mrs. John Minto and Mrs. E. W. Rector. A John Frederic's hat, which bad been presented to the swim ming pool committee by Mr. Fred erics, was awarded to Mrs. Gard ner Bennett. YOU CAN GIT IT AT Mvnkrtt JkrHrwif st-IOc-lSf Variety Nnat H Irkkwn't-N. Ptld. Id. Ostoa daily- H IJaadny Faculty To Present Panel The University of Oregon Moth ers snd Dads will meet for a cov ered dish dinner and program to night at the YMCA st 6:30 o'clock. All parents of Oregon sludents are inv ited to attend. Presiding will be Mrs. George Beane. president of the Mothers, and J. Earl Cook, president of the Dads, is beading the reception committee. Special guests will be Mrs. C. A. sert luncheon at her home on Liberty Road, on Thursday Feb 13. Mrs. ana Mrs. Joe vanueave will discuss native plants. - The Liberrv-Saln Heishta ax. tension unit will meet on Thursday Feb. 30 at 10:30 at the Salem Heights Community hall. I Fratzke, Independence, state treasurer, who will give s report, snd Mrs. L. E. Wood of Dallas, u.; f ,k. 11 Ml --.. Valley district, who will give high lights of the board meeting in Eugene. University of Oregon faculty members will present a panel with J. Spencer Carlson, director of ad missions and counselling, ai mod erator. Appearing on the panel will be Dr. P. A. Killgallon, professor of education and director of read ing clinic; Dr. M. D. Wattles, as sociate professor of economics and assistant dean of the university; snd Dr. Charles Warnath, asso ciate professor of psychology and assistant dean of students. CASUALLY CORRECT . . . deliciously eomfortoblt . . . $0 foshion-right for cosually-toilored weor . . . "Cardi gan" is 0 "must" in your shoe wardrobe! California COBBLERS bring it to you with o lightweight, cushiony nuron sole. White" buck. And yours for only 7.95 tlj O f REE STORI SIDE PARKING Canterar High Ea OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 to (Dec u famous top quality Bruco Self-Polishing Wax now only 79t a quart TmfM the vary same Bruce Self' Polishing Wax that sold for ai.vy a qr, too evuy cnangsj is the) price. Guaranteed equal or batter quality than any brand at any price) v money bock Why pay mora? FOR FLOORS USE BRUCE CastaincVai . sjaihttTwmsaar Putt Wtl itMMCtee er- A i waiiW ill uyf 1 Y V Free Steraside Parking With Validation a aetj saas. e WW Good News bra by Warners 6.50 YouU love the easy freedom of this fam ous strapless bra. It can't slip because the) cotton-lined latex back hugs you so firmly, yet so gently. Two styles: both lightly foam padded: deep plunge and circular stitched. Warners new, Tru-Lift girdle 105 50 A new, high-walited girdle that malces you look pounds lighter. Elastic darts support the tummy, flatten where you need it most . . through the hiplinei Top darts positions the girdle on the body. Matching panty irdI- 12.50 Reg. Trademark Lipman'i Foundations 2nd I your dollars buy more at Li pmnnV OOOOOOOOOuCDOO asu-iddressed envelope.! 7- f! ( " ' , (Capriant lsss Held sntorpriaas, ac4 1