12r(Sc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Feb. 12, '58 Buffalo Bids For NFL '11' Stadium Offered For Low Rent (reatiaaed fram preeedlag page) mediate prospects of increasing the league. He would not cay how he (eels about increasing the league. MrGrMler a,eeted Art Reaaey, ewaer af the Sleelers. as lelllag him at last moalh's NKL meet tag that H the Steelers erer merrd. Bell weald handle the aegelia tioM villi the new city. Civic Stadium, a concrete bowl with M.785 permanent seats, gels scant usage at present. It or.ee held the Buffalo Bills of the all America conference. Temporary seats increase its capacity to just over 44.000. MrGreder's letter alM mea tieeed aarveyi sew beiag made far a stew eily-ceaaty atadiam la aecamadale bath major league ' baseball aad feetball. Parking at Civic Stadium admittedly is inadequate. But Mc Groder said small lots and nearby streets can iae sare 01 e.uw auto- mobiles, adjacent school property 2.509, and a bus shuttle system r from a 5.000-ctr lot a short Unce away might be arranged 1 have reasalled basiaeasmea abaal pricri." McGredrr said. "It ia the aaaaimMis epialea that the faaa af Baffale will toppart Baffale team with . 14 aad SS scale af tickets." Rooney does not particularly want to leave Pittsburg. But he reportedly feels that Forbes Field, the Stcelers' present home, is in - aaequaie tor tootDau and u too expensive. Despirito in 1st Victory MIAMI, Fit., Feb. 11 if! -Tony Despirito, the nation's leading Jockey in 1952 who began a come back attempt Monday, scored his first victory in 10 months aboard Nisht Amool in the to. 000 Palmetto purse at Hialeah Park today. The courageous 22-year-old from Lawrence, Mass., received a tre- mendous ovation from the crowd! 01 as ne emereu ine win - neri circle. Despirito rode hit last winner April 13. 1957. NiSht Amool, owned by A. J. (4). Raatrvit aearlas: I Taaasr Ortriker had three quartert of a j & M length to spare over Claiborne nn xaaraai: u I u n u Farm-. Sir Ruler at the finish, oifw-uiar iam raaaaract. Sir Ruler, the 4-$ (avorite was v)",EiIT,:A.ci?r.rM(, o wb. three lengths in front of Flamingo . g: rp'ar ti; cki (. a Farm's Ptiilipeep who led Bon- twins: MrtT ti. rit r'. nl ' fc . ' mlr i 4ALI AUTO PARTS (tl) enst Farm a Pricewise by a neck. r, Knaawarui i; Domau-hartky Despirito, who was sidelined for (J) C: wiicax (in. g onr iu; fix months prior to Monday due to injuries received in two bad pills, displayed excellent saddle form. . I9ih Mole News " By Bunny Mason , Salem Golf Club Professional And 1956 Oregon Open Champion First official SGC Men s Club activity -of l5g hat been dated for Sunday, February 23 when a Flubber-Dubber Tourney it to be held. Launching of the new Men't Club membership drive is ta accom pany the meet, according to Pres. Frank Ward, and he t out to make 'Bus dnve better than air' before. Incidentally, any male golfer, in the area it welcome to join and take part in the numerous activities now being planned . . . Registrations for the Flubber Dubber are now being taken at the SGC club bouse ... Ever weader what a Flobaer-Debber get ' teg etacr ameaatr ta? It's simply a twa-ball eearse event, where the higher baadieap play ers are paired with the ewtter theaters. The pairs art split late learns aad the eempetitlaa is aa a N'aaaaa baala: One pelat far each aiae bales aad aaa far wiaaer af the eemplele II. The leant esaergtag '-ilk meat paiala la the Wiaaer, aad drees at Ibe ri prate saeeta are scads af faa right fram the start aa Ihreagh the past taaraey. baatjaet daring which the aanteraas prizes are awarded ... The faciheamiag Flaeber-Deaber taaraameat baaaaet ia U be held February 17 . . . If yea are af a anlad le Jala ap aad have aa established baadieap. bmt give aa a baa at SGC aad we'll fix yea ap . . . Pres. Ward ia la thaw fame dandy fllmt be teak at the recent Blag Oetay meet la CaHferaia, aa feala rt af the Flabaer-Dubber baaaaet ... Won't be long before Bill Athhy at Oak Knoll will he getting things lined up (or the spring 1 and summer play at his popular course on Dallas Road . . . Both SGC and Oak Knoll art looking forward to great seasons for both the guys and gals . . . Seven Vew Courses in Six Years at Phoenix , Friead Dr. Wiley Yeaag has beea vecatiealag la Pbaeels. aad was fertaaate eaaagb la be there daring the reeeat Pbeeali Opea. Ht teat at a pregraaa fram the treat, wbleb la pel ea by a greep - called The Tbaaderbirds, which matt be the eealvaleat ta ear Jaaier Chamber af Commerce. The pregram Itself is just abaal the prettiest thiag we've aera af ha kind. Leaded witb pit-turn aad data, aad net aaly deea it sell Ksrif bat a a dart a pretty Uk. ( tL. H. DL -I ! i . 1, jww Br ftr vnj raw, a ... v J WW ( ,117 grawlag fram I7S300 la 147 ta tSS.Me laday. aad eat thai bat ball I aevea aew gelf eaaraea la the laat tii years? Fielding Abbott of the Forrest Hills Gulf dub. who is teaching folf in Scottsdale, Ariz., this winter writes us that he's been renting a house there for 175 per month, until January 1. Then the price went up to $250 per month, until April 1. after which it goes back to 7S. Ia other words, those who go to that area this time of yar don't go Cheaply ... s v 200-Ysrder Here is Over 250-Yarder There we ve neea stsea ny many loms laieiy, do uiose pros on ine televised matches really bit the ball as far at the narrator sayt they do?" Answer: Yet. But let us quickly add they would not csme within a ton of getting such distance in this part of the coun try. Most of the golf courses the -matches are being played on are above the 1,000 feet level, which makes s big difference on how ldhg a ball tttyi in the air. Also, the ground is hsrd as stone. Which makes for long rolls . . . Al Zimmerman tells the story about the tree planting at Scottsdale, Arix.. when the Paradise Club was constructed. They had to use a jatkhammer to drill the holes in the ground, then (ill the boles with dynamite to blast away enough soil so that a tree could be planted. The trees have to be replaced every few years, as they get root-bound in the tight soil . . . Also, most of the pro shops in that part of the country close in July and reopen around October 1, because of the heat ... So let's sum it a1 up this wsy: 11 you csn hit the ball yards here, you could do well over 230 in Arhtona', . . Gaad newt: The varlewt March af Dimes hVeeattaket teameyt held by the variant Oregaa pre petted abaal It JOS. far the feed. Which la ulte wenderfil , . . Riverside Ceeatry Clab af Partlaad bad the largest eatry, with 11. Otwege was second with aa trea 10. BGC dM a solid third with M . t In WHAT TWO RACa, P0 BON DELANV CORE THE "WORLD'S EST DOUBLE, JUNE ft (?J7? THE HfLP.MfUr AND AMLE, IN THE MEET Of CHAVWlOfS AT HOUSTON, TEX. THE (CSo OLYMPIC 1.500- METER CHyMPON, PBCVM IRELAND But A STlfWr at VtLLANOVA COLLEGE, TURNED IN A 1:4-0 4 HALF MILE C000) AND A 4..054- MILB CBANCV WA TIMED AT 3-'50 S 'N TX MILE AT LONDON TMff R30. i A I I ni AAU rJVOil Motor Five Takes Win Valley Motor, getting a 22 point ! performance from Ben ' Pitzer. ! wrapped up the District 3-C AAU . '" i basketball title last night on theJ,r."isc j Leslie Junior High floor by troun-1 Melateia. rain-emu ; ring the First National Bank team . 'ivac 12-52. The atreag Matar mea were aever beaded, aa tbey leak aa early lead aad pared aa the steaaa. Wes Ediger added M aetata la the wlaaers taUI. the same amaaat baeped by Dale Hartmaa af the laaer.- Valley Motor's next game will be Thursday night at I 15 o'clock on the Leslie floor when they meet the Eugene AAU team. Ia a City League makeup game last Bight, Salem Aate Parts rail ed ta aa easy (1-ti win aver Val ley Trader. Keith Driver saak 21 aetata ta lead Ibe wla. valley motors tn ,i";-r'",4'",.,"-.S' (u. amnn srariac MrEirary rUIlT NATIONAL I J2I P: SUrtaua (2t); Rd( (t). C: iraa (I). G: Zluk (12); Saada r- (t) VaUav Trart.r: 1 I I t t Salvia Aau Parti; It 12 2t 17 tl mrlaJa: radaaratbt A Slraata- Baaay Maaaa af the leaiag squad . . . These r Simmons in Point Lead Smart Holds Best Average Despite making only 10 points in the Oregon State game on Monday. Gary Simmons, the flashy Idaho guard, is still out front in the Pa cific Coast Conference point pa rade. Simmons has found the hoop for 213 counters Hi 10 games (or a 21 3 average per tilt. Wathlagtea't Daag Smart -It la aecead place with ltt paints, hat baring played aaly alae garnet Is leadiag by a very slim mar gin la per game average. Smart's perrealage Is 21.33, ar ane-thlrd af a point better thaa Simmons' mark. Charlie Franklin of Oregon is in third place with 1U points and a ! II S average in ten games. Frank ! lin had a big 35-point night against 1 Idaho last Saturday, after being ; held to six against Oregon State on Friday. Faarth la the liaeap la Dave Gambee af Oregaa Stale. Dash ing Dave has heaped 171 aetata far a 17.3 average. Following are the lop 20 scorers including games through Monday, Feb. 10: G Pit. Art. It til 21. M S HI JI M is in ia.se is in 17. m Suaaai. Idaaa Snart. Watkiaetea . Fraaklla, Orefaa Giafeft, Oretaa auu Naaaea. Oretaa Mm . CaulH. ISC Maris, war Daftv, Ortcn ( Alrmaa. Make II is l u nt i a its i it its it at t it; it it ' Hata. Slaalorl A""ul ' Neamana. ataafard It Rot I. WSC M l.ss Grays Get Scare, Win The undefeated Pairuh Grava1:. . ?. T had their closest call of the season .a .k.. . i ii -j Tuesday afternoon at Leslie, but managed to edge the Bluet 27-24 ji'Nioa mea LEAOUB W 1. Pvt. PF PA P. Gfayi .. III !H !n !!: 1. Gait, . t P. Carti . 1 1 . i if !? !H i niuri .; T 1 1 jm it? iss p rfmm ...ii Jtiisi ist 2t. Ptaaian K .Ca'rai I. . .... ... a "jm Daai inoau game. TVa Parrlab Waaeert get tbeir first wla af Ibe teasaa at the -praae af Ibe Parrlab Cards. XL t. fas Ibe aaly atber Janiar High Leagae game af the day. Pat Loy fell below hit usual point output, but still scored 16 points and dominated both back boards to lead the Crayt to torv The twa tea mi were tied at the end of the first period, but the Rliwa- faPejl Inaidb ta II. IA i-ta ivi f eaurwap as 4 a aw ivaat aaa halftime. The Crayt tied it at lS-aU at the ead af Ibe third peried aad held a two le five-petal lead threegbeat Ibe last eearter. Raa Bi a grr aad Dale Myer were eat ttaadlag far Ibe Bines. The Pioneers led all the wsy in beating the Cards for their first win against five losses. L o a n y Dockter led the winners with nine points, while Jim Brown had eight for the losers. In Junior varsity game, the Blues beat the Grays. 30-19. and the Cards beat the Pioneers, 31-24. GBATS (27) F: Lay (14) Mabtad (2). C: Marty (1). O: Mir km (t); BIIMafi (tl. Bl.l'ES (It) F: Smlta (4); Madlaaa It). CS Myar (I). O: aiattr (4); Baatck (2) Orayi lit 1121 Blaet I 1 4 t 4 Offletala: tuwart aad Padtaracat. CARDS (2t) F: Llaaaaeett (1): Weathan (4). c: itataeur (t). g: aaiaiat (1)1 Renier II). Reteryei Searlaf : Davit PIONK KF.at (12) Maatioaaerr (7). O: Brawa (I); Oat- 111. Baaeryea acaelaa: Waaeb ... J-.Va, TII I tt Planeert II I I a IS Offleula: SUwart aad Sieahaaaaa. Gaston Defeated By Colton, 55-44 COLTON, Feb. 11 ' Special! Burt Lundmark rolled in 34 points to pace Colton lo a &M4 triumph over Gaston In a non-league bas ketbsll game here tonight. Mike Eppling topped the losers with 22 counters. Colton also won the Junior var sity clath, 30-32. ! GAITO 141) tj, Barrli (7): beaaiaf (1). C: Spl , al (I). G: Oeiklat (1); CpaUaf (Tt). Ol.TON (SSI laadaiark (M); Aadaraaa (2). : Fceeae (1). e: S blaaabar Of. Atataker (I). I.IMH . . . It II It ( alloa If It It Itat odleUli: Alley aad Beta maa. ( Hraav crrv Ineiutrlal Ne. I Barfeat Balleert , vr (tl National Battery It); Ma Lake ! 4 A a, A a11-c , ' -i",.T;Mr, Angei urops Farmi Maatry Pktnaaey JtUr r raterr i f aaallaee (I), rata a Ctae i , (Aiiole (; (taradt Merc.il). Cal Paeb (I); Mr l.llrhrteU (II, C. C T. (1); nthtt Steak Hauae (tl. Klwaadi Mtaaat (21. Nltk todrvldaal laaiei Bat Pal-: aan (2)7). Hifk ladlvldaal aertttt Harry Haneen (tat). Sllfk team tame: li. C. r. (lilt). Blrk team aerln: Daaklt 'P' Farms (1141). TaeUay Haaiawtfe: Caaalaad Lam. bar (tl, Artkar Marray (1); lade aaadeaea Blat. (, claaea Aataaa (It. Payleaa OU (4), Ptldtrkaa Saa (t); Co merrWJ Baak (1), Kdt Market (I): Caller Oatetea (1), tl.C. Travelart It). Mlfb laarrUMal 0m: Mailaa Fl aaa fa a (2t. Nlfh ladl vldaal Sertet Mattae Flaaataa (111). Hlffc Teaaa fiaate: Ptytaaa M (TSS). Mlfk Team Serlei: Ptyleat (HI (mt). 'CKIe: Saleai Iraarke (1), SwrkM Na. 1 (I); ParMk- TtUe laaaraaca (tt, (kerry ray Baw (l; tletliere (1). Caatlal I'ky TraaHar (I); Baaip A Varkel tl), ferfaMi (I); PelrWt Tlra (1). Jaaet a Faff (l)t Sfcrtaa Patral Skrlne Ma. I (tit Skrtaa Na. I (II. Pklaat (It; iaka Faatar (4). SawlUe rata Hi. Hit ladlvldaal fiame: WaH Oardner CM I. Hlfk ta dlvtdaal Serlei: WaH ftardaar (it 1 1. Nltk Teaaa Aaaeai Steolara (lull. ifa aaam etnaai awtu tra iti Thcyll Do It' Every Time like varce up to no Prep Dallas Swats Canby Quint CANBY. Feb. 11 i Special! Dal- could i have sugyrmn r- Swiss chaqomo AHO TOMATOES , I) lOELknOUS BflUSSiLSr p " las won its sixth straight Willam s n as ette Valley League basketball JJ 'J game here tonight, defeating Can st h is by 71-57. The win kept Dallas a u.ni l Ji WILUMITTI VAIXKT LCAGl'K as s.ss ii art rr r Itallai . s l.at ilt Ml Malalla n jjj ssa tst i 1 1 .ttt 111 MS . . j jat jtt Ma 1 S .147 IM Ml tnliil . Saadv , Caaby EMacaaa Stt U It! Tanaav't rtialu: Malalte SS. Ctm- Iral tl; Dallai II, Caaky 17; Saaty 41, KaUcaaa It. r..n- -W.- nl.M I MOtalia. Fiva n.ll nlavr and four from Canby scored in the double figures as the Dragons took a 19-17 ana s owiv ouiiea awav. inc nau- time score was 3 32 i Gary Henry paced the winners with 15 points. Murline Fast had is. Let Phillips 12. Tom 11, and Claude McLean Inlow of the Cougars was high for r. n,ie , ' erh !L w .3 and Gary Daniels each had 12 and the game with 1. Delmar Darling Clarence Darling canned 10. Dallas also woo the JV game, (3-45. DALLAS (71) P: Bary (II); Fast (II). C; Mr Laaa (It). 6: Partaai (II); Wall (S). ItaaarVN Srarlaf: Pkllllpi (12); Barkkatder (t). vic-!CABT (JI) P; D. IJarltaf (11) Daalela (12). him titv tWran www i u. mii.H i -' t: c. ..... k.. n k , - Seartaf : Daw Ft (1); MeCana (3). Dalla - It It It 1471 Caafcv . 11 IS It IS 17 OrficlaJt: CaaUftaa tad WaKhtr. . -! ! : " i Sherwood Bowmen Defeat Warriors AMITY. Feb. 11 ( Special -Sher-wood overcame a seven-point defi cit in the final quarter to snare a slim 48-47 victory over Amity here tonight ia a Yswsma League bas ketball game. Amity built up a 47-40 lead, but tbea never scored again. The win kept Sherwood in second place ia the conference. Gary-Schneider topped the scor ers with 23 points. Everett Johnson had 11 for Amity. Amity easily won the jayvee tilt, 4S-2S. ISIIWtOB (41) F: Staarat (l)i Retaa (It). C. SekaaMer (W). O: Myart (t); Brlek- lav (I). Baaarvm Searlaf : Bahai (I); Oaaatka (1). AMITT (47) . ' Barat (t) k. Bbttrt (1: Waati - - - - - 1 1 , . Taraet Ilk Batarvee Searlaf: Mattatler (t) Praaaa (S). Saerwaad: IS f S It 44 Amity: ... II IS 41 Olftelala: Waerea Calllar. Buckaroos Stomp MacLaren, 59-46 WOODBURN. Fob, 11 fSpociaK St. Paul was left in undisputed possession of second place ia the minor division of the Marion B League here tonight as a result of a SO-4 win over MscLares. Rich Koch stuffed in II points for the winners. Grant Donii col lected 11 lor MacLaren. St Paul also won the Junior var sity game, 43-31. ST. PAUL (St) a- Klrk m-. Baeh (UK C: Oken (t. O: Cateataa (It): Vaa de Me (t). Beaarve Searlaf! MWI m; inb (l); Klrtrb (I). MACI.ARRN (44) . P; Barke (4); Falter (4). Cl Da ale (II). O: PeUfa f; Cbrletaaaaa i)). Re torv ea Searlaf : Weld (I); 'kleet (S. St. Paali- IS IS II IS St Marl-rea: II IS S 14 44 ome Mi Veer a Brlaar. MT. ANGEL, Feb. 11 (Special) Mt. Angel won Ms second Capi tal Conference basketball game of the season here tonight, tripping Gervais, 9042. Bob Blem lopped the scoring for ML Angel with 13 points. Louis Sows bad ,12 (or Gervais. The two-overtime preliminary clash went to Gervais, 40-39. SaavAia (tt) F: Bartlaad 14); Ce (1). Ci Bewi (12), : Vaklaad (l)j Miller (1). Bt- aarvat Sraelat; V. raeaaa (S D. Stair (2)1 Dt. Stair (t). MT. AXOBL (M) F: Bleat (II); Sebaarbar (II). Cl B. Waara t. O: Baaa (41! C. Wtart (t). Raatrvat Searlaf I Miller (1)1 naratwia iraneiy iar. Aarvalt .. IS S I IL II Mt. Aaaeli . S If It II . ft Official! : ttwsrt Whlppto. coop twkc Hoop Results Detroit Surprises Panthers, 64-56 DETROIT. Feb. II 8aeelal Dawa-lraddea Detrait rasa aa aat af the re liar af the mlaar al vtstaa af the Martaa B Leagat bert laalgbt la trim aecaad place Oregaa Deaf Scheel, M-44. Daa Leatmlag scared tt aalatt aadeRay Hamlllaa added II la pace Detrait la the sarprlalag apart Deaale Baakababj leaped OSD with II eaaalera. OSD (It) tmM. ,4). caal ill. C: BMk- hail (il. G: CallfT (I)): W7m4 (II). 1 Krt rvn Srarlat : Br (I). tlFTBOIT i la I r: toktnour ti: Bekrru (lj). c Hamiltaa ( IS . G: Lammlai (J3l: Mawa (I). JJ,;. " j orrtruu II II II 14 IS I It M Hartley A Clbaaa. Eagles Stop Cougar Fve STAVTON. Feb. 11 Special- ' yton a Eagles won their ninth , ' . r. nil asigjii ai liar sis vapiiai vvutvi ence basketball action here t0. night, stopping Cascade, 43-33, Roger Ward collected 20 points limlMrY am- 45'37 for the winners, who bad a com-1 chkm awa (ti) fortable 17-7 halftime edge. Ron sujia (24); nettv (t). C: nee Whitened topped the loser, with awtfiU ST" 11 counters. ' falls city ( Cascade Iv.ged the j a y v e gam ta-3H. CASCADt f lft) P: B. Wattraead (ID; Batch (1). Cl S. Whltaaaad (I). O: Tawary ID: arT2)iB.H!r(;r Mrt",: y"", 'Wit! lVnn Ware (12). C: Cra- asa (1) O: Laeai (I); Baaiberter ak. ReMriraa Searlat: Batdlahetm- ee (ti. Caaeate ...III? 14 M Staytaa 12 1 It It tj urnciau: naiaaa aaa veuareua. Jefferson Scalps Indians, 69-59 BROWNSVILLE, Feb, II Spe cial Jefferson's Lions, getting 24 points from guard Alan Nyman, topped the Brownsville Indians, 69 39. bert tonight in a noa-confer ence basketball game. Troy KoontS led the Indians with 23 counters Jefferton made it a double by winning the Jayvee game, S0-3C. IKPFKRIO! (It) F: Maream (t); O. MarUtt (4). C: Marhiaelee (III. G: Nrman (24); Wakeflill (t). Betirvet learlai: Wrlfki (12); Wlltaa (2); Wlaabaab (t; EUU (2). KOWNVn.Lt (St) F; Walkel (1); (krliUoker (S). C: Kaaatt (21). O: Rauftmaa (IS); Gelt (t). Biarrvt Ocarlaf; Willlaraa (II. jellerwa: 21 IS 17 14 tt Brawaellte: II It It It St Offtclali: Ptaalaa tareal. Pioneers Bounce Estacada, 63-39 ESTACADA. Feb. 11 (SpeciaD Ed Hoffman collared 22 points to lead Sandy o aa overwhelming (3 39 victory over hapless Estacsds here tonight in a Willtmette Valley League basketball game. Wally Miller wss high for the losers with IS points. Sandy also woo the Jayvee game, t-27. SANDT (II) F; Celllai (II; MeDenaed (S). C: Itllaii (!). U: Mealielaiaa (I); Willi tl). Beaaevei Sraflai: Blrbtrd taa (It); SehwtrU If); I. all (tl. BSTAfAOA (St) F: Klrkkrldt (4); Uriaa (I). Cl Cady (I). It: Keller (ti; Kluklnf if I. Retervei Srarlni: Miller (IS); Parley (2); Sraika (4). Saady: .. .11 21 IS It IS Bataraoa: 4 It II S It Otflelalt Mail Deaely. -r- Perrydale Racks Cougars, 65-44 PERRYDALE, Feb. 11 'Special) Two players scored more then 2t points each to lead Perrydale ta aa easy 4VM4 victory over Valset hero tonight in s Marion B League minor division basketball game. Don DeJong collected 24 points and Norm Frink tallied 23 for the winners. Mike Egll topped ValseU with 3 counters. The preliminary game was won by the VaUetg eighth grade over the Perrydale eighth grade, 33 32. VALSSTX (44) ' p, Daathlt (S); Pealer (I), f I Bate (i,: o: ( Near (15); FfH (Ml., Rl- arrvei warlati Retkard (2). praavOtl.K (it) r. rn.h ckepta (t). Ci frejear (2tli Oi Seallk (I); r.lhon ,nt. Reefrvat ararlan Brawa Stenrt (in Vaa Ottea (2). (Dl Valaeti - It tl iPtrrylatt S It 19 tl-44 By Jimmy Hatlo juri-oscu to like rr Mounties Nip Indian Tribe FALLS CITY. Feb. 11 (Special) After (ailing behind early in the fourth quarter. Falls City rallied to post a C5-&J victory ovdr Chem awa here tonight In a Marion B MARION LIAGl'I (MINOR) W L Pat. Pf PA riii city it i .tea mi tst at. Paal t 1 .717 SSS S27 Ore. !( Scbaal 7 4 . 434 Sll 121 MarLaraa 7 4 .414 11 4M Chimawa . 4 1 Jtt Ml It Prrrytala 4 7 1st SS Stt 1 i in i aj f . -ara oaaav i in in wi - rcintti: MarMraa tt, tt. Hit City SS. Cbtaiawa 41; SS, Valuta tt; Drtrait tt, Valartt Oalralt Tuasday Paal SS; Palli Ptrrvdala Orrtaa Srhaol lar Ik Draf St. .... . ..... League minor division basketb.il game. The win left league-leading Falls City ahead by two games. Chemawa was behind by six points late in the fourth quarter, but then gained to within two points of the Mountaineers. The Indians had a last second field goal try, but H missed the hoop. Eddie Belin of Chemawa was P "cerer with 24 poinU. Roy Carver had 22 and Wayne Scott i for the winners. I Chemawa snared the Jayyee pre- ViraKWa:- (in. , Chemawa: It 11 ta K 41 'tilt City: 11 24 II tl 44 Hit Willamina Whips ShCriddll. 45-39 - ' WILLAMIN'A. Feb. 11 (Specisl) ,:ll :. .. A ... J71A "iianiiia an niiiirnvu iia iiviu vu imn place in me lawama League here tonight with a 43-39 victory over Sheridan. Bob Nokleby and Mike Niccolson each tallied ten points for the win ners. Francis Hutchint topped sll scorers with 14 counters for Sheri dan. Willamina made it a clean sweep with a 43-M win in the jayvee game. SHr.RinAX () Parker l). O: Caeatrymaa (i); miui (it). aairvi acannf: aat- ertaea (2); Krtatkaaatr (1). WILLAMINA (41) r; NekMkv (If): Nlceaiaaa c: wrtfbt (i). g. peareaa (7i; hit- ."(AV oaV.::')! -a (f). Iherldaa . WlllaaalBa ii! s la-is Saints Battered By Scio, 72-35 SCIO. Feb. 11 Special) Scio't Loggert swept to a 72-35 kings-x basketball victory over St. Boni face tonight on -the Scio door. Byron Eastman, with 23, and Dave Manley, with 21 points, led the one-sided victory. Cletus Heu berger hooped 12 for the losers. The Jayvee feme wsi won by Scio. 39-34. ST. BOMIFACa (11) F: Meier (4); Naval (t). C: L. r.anfJtler (S). G: Hennerrer ii); 0. Oanthler (fl. tieaervtt Seartaf: Welkey (1); Blades (I). srio (12) F: Eaatmaa (21); Baklasee (II). C. Dave Manley (21). O: Neweamk (It); lalklai (4). Baaervel Srarlnf: Bar. r-ni-Wt . . i ii it i!'.AP"l tela ... - - 14 24 IS It 71 Philomath Smacks Dayton Pirates PHILOMATH. Feb. 11 (Special) -Philomath's Warriors roared lo an 11-0 first quarter lead and went on from there to whack Dayton. 32-23. here tonight in a Yawama Leagae basketball game. Melvin Gredig tsllled II points and Ron Edwards added ten for the winners. Dayton won the Jayvee prelim inary game, 39-29. I DATTOW (21) rs vest (J): caiewen (t). ci stew, trt (4). O: Waltktr (2); Wrlfkt (1). Keeervet Searlaf; Brewa (2); Baae elat (4)1 Berfta (X). PRILOMAtSl (H) P: Boytit (7); flrtdlt (15). C: Davit (4). a: Ctlkaaa (J): tdwtrdi (It). Battrvat Searlaf; Dmtfila (t); Naff (1); Wllllarai (I). Davtaa . . -.. I t It 4- Phllomatk . II 14 II II- Olflrlalti Warrea tad Rlstleiaa, Siletz Topples Alsea SILETZ. Feb. 11 (Special fil ets turned back Altea. 44-2. In a basketball game hers tonight. Mike Wertin had 11 poinU and Mike Mil ler tea lor tho winners, Mounties in 2nd Place Cincinnati 3rd Seattle U. 16th (Ceailaaed frees eraeedlag paf) Biate retalaad fifth aad. tilth placet, respectively. The pan was based aa gaaaea three gh lalarday. Temple's Owls, on 15-game winning streak, moved up three notches le seventh. Duke alee gained considerable ground, leap ing from 13th the No. I position en the strength of it triumph over North Carolina. Maryland dropped to ninth and North Carolina State to 10th. Wane Kaaaat State aad Weal Virginia ftgara ie have aa easy time af St taia week, Cmelaaatt may have aware treeeia. Otcar Rarberttaa bad eamaaay meet stiff eppaatttM bt Bradley Wed aesday m4 Oklabaata Btate Satarday. The standings with points ea 10-M-7444-1-1-1 basis (first place vote and won-lost records through Saturday, Feb. I. in parenthesee.) 1. Kaaut Mate t. Wm Vlrakala 1. ClMlaaatl 4. Kaaitt i. aaa rraaclaca 4. Oklabaaaa atate 1. Taaialt I. Dakt a. Maniaad tit) (14-1) fit (417 (17-11 (II) (14.11 7Jt (l (IJ-1) SSI (4) (14-1) Stt (1) (IS-II tat 141 lt-l Stt l) (ll-S) l (ill) tat (t (14-1) 4 It. M. CsnHaa ataU SECOND TEN II. Nertk Carat laa (11-4) 144 IL Ktatatky (14-4) lit IX Braelajr (tM) S4 14. Dayua (14-1) II 15. Ttaatiita (IS-1) SI It. atalllt (11-4) 41 17. Natrt Dame (lJ-t) 41 IS. MHiltilaal Stall (1) (lt-4) M It. Mlcktfaa Stat (IM) 17 ft, Oklakma (11-4) S4 Pro Hockey Moore 1st I a Ih rnrinri Ill li,IJ I I I I U " " " " " " " 3 : ! MONTREAL. Feb. II IA This 1 it likely to be a banner financial i VMr Dipki. Moor. Montreal Canadient. The Caaaek winger will get abaal M.0OO If bis learn srlat the prized Staaley Cap. Aad bell pick up aaatber I1.0S0 tbeuld be eaatiaae aa lap la Ibe Nalteaat Haebey Leagae't In dividual aeatiag eampetlUaa. ti i.imi nfrii-tal atatiatiea ahnw Moore with a three-ooint lead over teammate Henri Richard. Dickie k., Mii-rtt as nointa m anal. - - m ,Bj M Mtijn while the pocket rocket has M points, resulting from 22 goals snd 41 assists. The race Is strictly a twe-maa affair. Aady Bathgate af the New York Rangers has came ea fait. He moved past Beam Beam Geeffrlea. Meatreal's Injured ferward. Bathgate has 12 petals aad Caaffrtaa, wbe ia lost far the teasaa, drepped late a faarth place deadlock with Bestea's B react Hervalh. Each bat 30 petals. Jacques Plante, annother mem ber of the Canadiens who leads the league by 23 points, is the ... BMtMMi; , 0P goaltender He his s goals- against average of only 2.M a . game. The scoring leaders: I. Moore. Maatreal 1. N. Rlekard, Mantreal 1. Bat i rale, New Vark 4. naaffrtea. Maatreal 4. Marvata, Baetaa . . 4. Hawe. Detrait I. Staalttk. Baataa n wm I. nelvaechla. Detrait It t t4 41 42: it. Mekea'aer. nattaa ' 2t tt a ,., aAB tt aa Silverton Traps Huskies-, 36-32, AURORA Fan It (Sneciali silverton gained a tie for iourth i the Capital Conference ! here tooight with a 36-32 victory over North Marion. Larry Zetterberg topped the scoring for the winners with 12 points. Silverton had a narrow win In the Junior varsity game, 32-30. SILVERTON (34) F: Reaaaek (t); atawv tt). c: j ... Zetterkert (is). O: ovartiiid (4); The South Salem sophomores ne Ralley (I). Beaervei Scarlat: Mt-;,.., Knr tii c,.imm in . KUlap (f). NOKTt) MARION (12) F: Wetter (7); Dt Araiiad (2). Cl Taratr (4). Ot WenieU (4); MrLarta (t). Rtiervea acenaf: it (II. siiyerton; .. i t it ij Nartk Mtriea: .41 U OtrlrlaJi; TaaM a Millar. Anti-Trust Suit Dtljyed SAN FRANCISCd. Feb. II -The anti-trust suit brought byJrVII liam Radovich. former profes sional football player, against the National Football League, was postponed today from March 10 V. S. Dist. Judge George B. Harris granted the continuance because Bert Bell, league commis sioner, wss too ill to come from his Philadelphia headquarters. O'Brien Takes Up Weightlifting NEW YORK, Feb. II (I) - As U Parry O'Brien doesn't have enough muscles to make modern Goliath blush, the world's greatest shot-putter has taken up -weight-lifting. -Bat It's aO lo keep la eeasV Ilea aad help my tbatpattrag." the tst-peaael Las Aagdles baak aaaaagtr tald the New Terk track writers at their weekly mac bate today. "I think that's the key to staying la feed eea ditUB-welgbtllftleg." O'Brien waa out of shotputting last yesr because ha says ho was mentslly sUle. But that has dis appesred and he's bsck all set to go after his own world's record of 2 (ret. t imrhes. , Farther, he baa (all tateatlaes af trylag far the Olymple leans la IM la heaes af making H hath as a sheipatler and diteaa threwtr. Star Vows jj!.y;)-aa. maa imnm imaaaxaaan P 1 pip V,... . NORMAN. Okla., Feb. 11 Mike MeClellap, 1 Bayier Unlvertity'i boltett football protpectt la yean who Wlei to transfer to Oklahoma, packs and declares hell return to Oklahoma, but be dida't say when. Bayier refuted to write a letter taylag Oklahoma did not recruit Mm and the Stamford, Tex., youth snbaecjiiently was refuted aa athletic scholarship at OU where he enrolled last week. McClellaa was to leave here tomorrow for home. (AP) Gulf stream Draws 49 MIAMI. Fla.. Feb. 11 ( Three o( the (inest S-yenr-olds of 157 : were amonc the 40 nominees announcing today for the March 22 run- : ning of the Gulfstream Park Handicap-richest rsce of the GulUtream (Ca..t. u . .. aid p rt'vd ng page) Partlaad 71. Montana State SJ la Fraactaet II, St. Mary'i tt SinU CUra 44, COP 41 Tela. Tack 14, Baylar 72 nakt tt, Nartb CareUaa tute 41 Korlk Carolina 71, Vlrflala at Furman SS, Davldiaa It Blti 47, Ttaai AAM tl Allrad 47. lUara 41 Braaait Tick 71, CaktlMklH A flei SS CalbaUc V. M, WeUera Mantead It Weal Vlrflala Tarh 121, Merrli Barvey It2 wen virfiaia wet ley aa ia, ami- " t. .. ; at. leal I nrwwwijmi i., wtm M Arktaaai St. tenthera Metkadlet SJ Blrailafham-teataara M, lewanei 0 A Pts Arkaaaai Tech 71. Delta Suit tt M M 44 virtrala Tick 74, Waiklaftaa 22 41 tl Le, at 21 It It Raatolf-Maroa 71, Blekawad Pra tt tl M (eiwaaal laatltule tl St St Baaaakt Callift 44. Baaiyaea tyd ?i !!! Finally iiz. Ainwaa n Mlraal St, Faaa SI Waaatae 14, Wiftera Reaervt 41 Minn U. Naly Cran 7 Calarlaa Trickiri 114, SUapery Back Teaekert St DefUact tt, Okla Northern 17 niafftea St, CtdarvlU 14 noerkala St. Caaltal SI BaUlm 44, Florida Saathera 74 Memphlt SlaU 44, Marrty St Can Te4 St, AUtfRtay CaUett tl Oearfla Taaeaari u, tarsia Tearhere ki.i.H aa Lenoir Bhyae St. illiaUe Ckr- ta u Calirarala Tearkeri 11, Wtat Llk trty Tearbcrt 71 Nikraika Wetleyaa SI. Daaa 44 Lekllk 74, DlrkiBMa U Pklladelpbla TexUla laitltaU St, GlkMfcere lull Teacktrt 44 South Sophs Rap Vikings, 53-38 bssketball game Tuesday after- noon on the North court. Eleven Saxons broke into .the scoring column as the Southsldcrs ,ui ... .,.Jn i. .t.. pulled away steadily in the (inal three periods. Ron Waller was the leading scorer with 17. Albert Elsenrsat paced the los ers with 1. "v r: sntMae (i): sent (t) c: nokki it), ii: Baaakraafk (1); Harvey (t). leaervet aearlas: Waif (4); Ltafk. Ha (2); Brawa (t); Stetaki (I); Hal- ler (17); W'eDl (2). NOBTH SAI.KM (IS) . . F: Hatlaad (I); F.liearaal (II). C: Haaaaa (I). : llaafktry (II: Hevent (t). Rearrvat Searlaf; faaa (2); CtmpbeU (1); NthMa (2). Saatk Salem S It It IS-M Mart taltm IMS 1111 UtlltiaJtt Beaef aad Rtfta. "Of course," ha said, 'It sll de pends on how much time . 1 have to train. If my time is limited. I'D have to decide between the two. The discus is' a challenge and, after all, I haven't broken the world's record. Still. I like thotpattlng aad aew that BU Nleder (ef Kaasas) bas beea ap area ad a feet, 1 think I night have same - eempeUtiaa. Thai's samethlng I have lacked 111 these years. With Nleder de lag so well, I have seme lace a live to try to break asy own re- O'Brien, who recently returned (ram a tour of Germany where he shattered his own world Indoor re cord with a heave of l feet, S'i Inches, makes his first V. S. in door start Saturday in the New York Athletic Club meet In Madi son Square Garden. , "If that -est they ara talking; to Return niM-l Handicap Nominees season ior oioer inormifnorcaa. The 12th raaalag af the mile aad a eearter featare attracted each perfarfers aa Wheatley Ma Me't Bald Baler, Ralph Lowe's Gallant Maa and the Kerr . ble's Rauad Table. Bold Ruler whipped Gallant Man and Round Table in the Trenton handicap at Garden State Park to clinch honors at the "Horse of the Year." A renewal of the feud be tween those three horses may be forthcoming in the Gulfstrtam han dicap. However, there are aamtreat ether awift berses aaaaed far the race, lacladlag Calaaset Farm's Irea Liege, Keaieeky derby wia aer, aad bis atablemale, BaraV tewa, aba cllmaaed bit winter campaign last March by taklag Ibe Galfslream baadieap. Others eligible include Brook meade Stable's Encore, Ada L. Rice's Hoop Band. Hasty House Farm's pair of Mahan snd Step hanotis, C. T. Chenery's Third Bro ther, Sylvester Rich's Royal Bea con 2nd, Happy Hill Farm's King maker, Mrt. Wallace GUroy'a Oh Johnny, snd the Australian horse, Military Law. Rauad Table, sew raeiag la California, Is eae of fear harees fram the West Ceaet aom lasted. Others are Swirling Abbey, Sh aba aad Uke Magic. Mrs. Rice's Pucker Up, Top More of 1937, also was nominated and may try to become the second of her sex to win the feature. Ram part defeated Armed in the 141 running. Mo la I la Smacks Central, 56-43 MONMOUTH, Feb. 11 (Special) Molalla captured Its sixth victory in seven Willamette Valley League starts here tonight besting Central, 5M3 . Central's Barry Martin gained high point honors with 19 counters. Gerry Parker and Dave Brock bad 13 each (or Molalla. Central captured the Jayvee pre- Ill.. a i- iiiiiinaiy, MOLALLA (M) F: Ltraaa (1); Brawai (7). Cl Parker (IS); O: Brack (II); Martaa '' trvei warraa: Sayder (I). CENTRAL (41) Fl Martin (It); Balleallae (1). Cl lvtlaat (I); Ol Camalat (ll)i Braadt (I). WKIelalii iakairad aad Catk. Ctatral , T 14 t I) tl 'Malaila .....ll It It IS SS a beat with the KaasUss this summer mttatiaMaes, I'd go ta Msaeew as $ shetpatler,'1 bo twldr -"After all I've never ferl stronger. " ' The Russians, who art great admirers of strength, actually hold O'Brien in great swe. Every lima Parry has competed around tho Russians, they have gathered In utile telusters ta admire him. - "I deal ready knew hew far I eaa threw the shet.', O'Briea said. "Bat t certainly at getas; te try le break say own records. , With my welghtwtfUag new, I thiak I have bean, getting tn betler eendlllea thaa ever, raa completely sold ea the weights to keep la eeedlUee." Well, then, how about trying for some sort of record in the weights? "Oh, No." gssped the horrified O'Brien. "1 only lift 120 pounds, strictly for conditioning" " ) r" ..