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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1958)
v Save rr CALL tm Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want ADD1NO MACHINES wTssU, rant service all makes noon, soo i-ourv S.M 31773. SuiXUOiCING BULLDOZING; pay loTum on Job only It nr. EM 1-OMJ or el 1-8721, Sulldoring Roads, Dams, Dt-Dg Carryall Huekey. Eli 1 3144 BUILDNO MATERIAL! "j. W. COPELAND YARDS Bai Wtilaca Rd. EM 1-427 ""Your Frierwtly Lumbar Yard" CAHINKT CABINET SHOP Kitchen Bultt-lns, Built-in Fur niture. Store Fixtures, Kltch- Remodeling, Our Specialty W. J. SULLIVAN KM 4-4138 day IM l-4740Bvs. COSMETICS STUDIO Girl -Ruth L. Smith, 4-2304- Bt. 4. Box 110, CRANB SERVICE SS-TON Loralna mote crana. Sa lem gaud Gravel. EM 1-M4I To PlACO OUulfied A0 Csil EM 44111 700 Rentals 70S rtto tor tent S RM. bsth, , utll. Incl . prlv. In. EM 4-ttOl. CLOSE IN, newly dec. 1 rm. Mm. apt. Utll. pd. 744 N. Church. Inq. Apt. 4. EM 1-4471 sVTWLY redec. upsUlrs. 1 rm". fur, apt. Lights, water and utll: rm. fun, 13. taw jerry St. EM 1-3101. 1 rm., bsm'L apt. Priv. ent. T. ant, 440 bath Union. EM S-M4I. CLOSE 1 rm. (urn. Apt, 127; Utll. TM Marlon. EM 1 5223 i RM. utiL pd. Prlv. bath k ent refrlg. Adults. 7M 8. 13th. r RMS. furn., utU. except best, pvt bath, ent. 14 N. 14th. t RM, bsm'L apt. all utll. (urn. WO union. VERY nice (urn. Apt comfort able, alec, beat., 1 avail, at 154 me, I at IM, en quiet atreet. CaU Rawllna Realty. . EM 4471 or EM 1-4743 eve. eflCELY (urn. apt Ambassador Apt. MO M. Summer. LGE. clean 1 rm. (urn. Gar. 140. 41 N. liberty. EM 2-2860. CLEAN fur. J rms.. 1st dr. utll. Included. EM 3-4243. CLOSE to State Bides, (urn. 1 bedrm. apt. 1232 Center. , CLEAN (urn. Apt. near Hospital k University. 444 8. Summer. rURM. 1 norm, apt aU util. pd. nr. State bldgs. 24 S. llth. EM 1-7078. t RM. (urn. 1st fir. priv. bath A ent gar. 868 8. ltth. CLOSE in, mod. 1 rm. furnished apt sdulUEM 440. CLOSE 1 rm. It 1 rm. furn. prlv. ent. k TV Ant. 170 Union. ItEAS., very nice k nicely (urn. tiny apt, Pert eel (or i. 2211 Brcyman. Wear General Hosp, rRM., pvt. bath. SUTMsia Or. KM 2-4070. 144 H. Com'l. THE LEE t bdrm. unlum. apt. avafl. Feb. 18th, 887.80. Bachelei pie., see n. winter, SENT: If. S rm. run. apt., 2nd fir., fa stove, adults. No CIS. wash, fecit 130 Mo. 1144 spin Ave. EM t-TllT. CLEAN I rm. turn. apt. Prlv, Dautive a. spoilage. FURN. 1 bdrm. apt, (Irani., (lie anwr., gar. us. z-enss. MEW management, dec. 1 k 2 rm., utU. lnci. 197 N. Com'l. Spacious Acacia Apartment FURNISHED 1140 So. 13th St EM 17004 VERY nice close In Apt. Ph. aftesTt p.m. EM 1-4033. CLEAN (urn. S rms. A kitchen ette. UtU. furn. Ladles pfd. Close In. EM 8-0444. 344) Union. ajtM. furtu utll. (urn. '887 H. Liberty. EM 8-74M. Cypress court i bdrm. ua- furn. spt 880. EM 4-4490. aDY'S small, clean, eozy apt. Close In. UtU. pd. 444 Ferry NEAR N. SALEaTRIGR Furn 1 hedrm. Apt I7. 821 N. 14th. EM 1-7434. 1 bdrm. 4l. 1 k i Bdrm. unfurttTSc EM 4-8227 ' CLEAN 2 rm. furn. pt. Prlv. bath. Utll. pd. 418 8. 18th. FURN. I rm.. utU., W. Salem, 828. EM 4-6071. NICE I RM. UKFURN. Ktar Capitol A W.U. EM 1 9524 KICELY Furn. 1 rms., bsth, adulls. 33 S. 14th. KM 4-7141 CLEAN (urn. I rm. apt 833 FERRY i BDRM. (urn. or unfurn. Wert Salem. EM 1-1131 eve. SICILY rum. S rm. apt., prlv, bath. 890 S. Com'l. DEVEREAUX Apis.; Pullman; v dec. 1488 State EM 1-1534. UNFURN. 8 bdrm. spt at 771 Winter St. NE. til per mo. KM 1-3138. ATTRACTIVE f-room furnished apt., private bath A entrance. TV antenna. Beaulyreat bed Garsge. Cloae In (or 840. EM 1-7430. ATTRACTIVE small furn. front apt. ground floor. 1 blks. to r Meier k Frank. 43. EM 1 7430 CAVALIER APTS. 11TT Court St. 1 bedrm. fun. Apt KM a-7888. 706 PtipU4r8 CLEAN well turn. 1 rms.. far. 848. W. Salem. EM t-0881. m BDRM. furn. with f arafea. 890 N, Commercial. iBbRM. (U clec. Frnlc. AdulU. N) pets- 1444) Trade. A-1 . iTTtM. duplex, ranee k refrlf. 8M. 441 N. lth, EM 8-8461. RM. clean, turn, apt., full bam't EM 1-8844. ATTRACTIVE (urn. I rm. Car port Near city library A hosp. em ill J eves. rRMS, Furn. Holywood. CM 8-8441 Inq. 1900 McCoy. itlCK turn. 1 bedrm. couple only, 164 14, BUI. EM 4-107 CLEAN 1 bdrm. Insulated all elec. bus by door . EM 1-7414. 707 Houses For Rtnt MOD. 1 bdrm. home, IM a mo. Adults only. Eve. EM 8-17M. i BEDRM. hdWd. firs. attchT tsr. fsnced-ln yd. 1841 Beacoa M 1-046. 8 Bdrm, eloee In. 7J. t Bdrm., Suburban, Est. 888. Ohmart k Caleb, Realtors. EM 1-4111 MOD. 1 bdrm. Hlfhland Dlst. Nr. Schools. KM 1-798 eve. 4 RM HSE with gar., range and refrlf. funt, 853. KM -4901. ITBDRM.-frple.. ell heatTbam'l clean, 4M, 148 8. 84lh . ; PbDRM, (urn, bee. EM 8 l7f r6RM. house, Salem Hla.. " Phone EM 1-4711. , i BEDRM. hear sch'l, el bus line. N. East. EM tK. RMrhsa. part. fupn. all lei". 888 m. 184 M. Wintr nESnMS. with garsge, Snuta, Aoastrn (urn, less RN a, sua s Time - Save Money Um Bert Pri AM Ik Bert PresisJ get-rle FLOOR COVERING. NORRIt - WALKER Paint Co. Floor - eovarini Dlv. Quality installations. Lino, carpal', As phalt At Rubber Tile. Wall tile. Fret Estimates. EM 4178. INCOME TAX IEEVICE DON'S Accounting Service, 2124 Bruce St. NE, MM MM Leon's accounting service. 1808 4th N.E. EM Sim. Free pick-up and delivery. Bar ton Service. EM 1-8867, Lowest Legal Tax Guarantee UtU A up. Exper. Tax Auditor. Free pickup a. delly. EM 4-231. Tax forma prepared (or mdf vlduala. Farms, amall busi ness. Ftnnegsn A Hardwlck. EM 4-2084 or EM 4-3320. Bookkeeping, payroll report income tax service, E. J, Church 4k Co. 471 N. Cottage. Selem Ore, EM 4-tWl STAN'S Accountinf Service. 80 8. 14 th. EM 1-6294. METAL KOOF1NO Gslv. or Alum barns, sheds, hses., Mtl. k Labor, terms, tdmond Const. Co. EM 14200. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Ktnt 2 HOUSES (GOOD RENTALS) 2 BLOCKS FROM TOWN These rentals should never be vacant (or long. This property Is In an M l Eone on south Commercial and has a possible future In Industry. Call for more Informstion or to see. Eves. Walt Bradley EM 1-444. OUQHIOH tTtfmsV 320 COURT PH. EM 4 8484 1 BDRM. ha, with ran, refrlf. EM 2-74. U S. I. SURURBAN East mod. 1 bdrm. ADULTS by Mar. I. EM 1-4497. N if In city, 1 bdrm. ranch type noma, tsrge landscaped, fenced lot, pitio. near schools. 883. EM 4 4642 1 BDRM. hue. I blks. State Hous. f blks. te schools. ;. ma EM 2-7541. 1 BDRM. modern boa, stove refrif. $50. i blk. Gen. Hasp. A bus. 4JS1 Jason Et UNFURN 1 bdrm bom, (ml.. gsrsge NE. EM 4-1973. 1 BDRM. AU elec., near school A mkt. lnqlMI 8 13th. 8 BDRM. he. 4 blks from erty etr. Auto nest, rrple m bsmt. 871 mo. EM 2-47M. ATTRAC. S bdrm. auto, heat 171 McGUehrlst EM 4-943. COEY-1 brlrrn., refrif., stove, att far.. EM 2-024. SMALL 8 rm. hous W. Salem. Ill per mo. as 1. EM 4-8441. I BDRM. hs., garage. 1081 N. 14th. EM 1-3430. ATTRACTIVE 1 BDRM. home. Very clean, nice location. Large yard. EM 8-1741. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. hs. at 801 Cottage St., N.E. 860 per mo Ph. EM S-3138. S RM. cottage, eaxport, utility, partly fur a. 130 per tae. KM i-auu. NEW ueifura. 1 bdrm.. TV ant., garage, nr. ben. Hosp. w. Adult. 2331 Bremen. I BDRM. cottars, kitchen furn. Near Salem General Hospital. 861. 432 Catterlln. EM 1-1707. t BDRM. In et Rsnge A refrlg. inq: Arcners in Le aay- time. After 1 p.m. EM 4 1129. 707-41 Furriishotl Housos 1 BDRM. hse., gar., couple only, no pets, w. ssiem. em i-iu or EM 2 1392. 1 BDRM. kit. bath.. Washer- dryer. 1 person. 147 N. 14th. 1 BDRM. House, completely furn sew n. v-um i, cm 4-.i4. FljRN7sHEb hous all electric heal. Cloae in. 1 bedrooap. EM 1-004. MOST UNUSUAL Country home 1 mL from Slate House, I bdrm., attach, gar., frpl., gar den apace, lots of (ruit. EM 1-1MI. WANTED, nice middle aged couple to rent unusual I Bdrm. attach, gar. home on fruit ranch, leaa than 1 ml. from dn. town. All city services. EM 181. ' EM" I bus. 7641 after 11. CLEAN 1 bdrm. Adults, no pets. Gar. 845. -M 4-6IM. 8 RM. furn. house, yard fenced. EM 1418. 1944 Highway. 1 RM. furn. hse., adults. 8L No pets. EM 1-4444. 710 Wo n tod to Root Hses PROFESSIONAL Man wants mooern a or s ncorm, nw. turn, or part (urn. EM 4-4490 714 Business IUwtoIs STUCCO bulldlnr 40' bv Or. IF doors, concrete floor. Paved streets. Inq. 15M 13th St, SE. 1328 STATE. Nr. bank. 20x40 ft. for busineaaEuM 3-4370. Ill SQ. FT. office or store space. Next te Barber Shop in wesx uaie anoprrmsj lsh ter. 840 mo. IM 2-743. 718 Cortvolotetnt Homes ROME (or aged people. Trinity 3-7831, Sllverton. LANSING Nursing Home rm, tor elderly gentlemen, quiet. Suburban, reg. nurse EM 3-4417 780 Merino, Srorogje" Larmer Transfer Storage COMPLETE moving service Also sgeme ior rirriinn n. Uonwld Mover. EM 8-8111. 800 Real Estato 801 8ms! 10)88 Opporttm. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Grocery Store, well established. food location doing 88.000 to 10.000 Grew per month. Fully equipped and storked. Will take home or good contract In trade. For more Information Call Murl Franti Evas. EM 8-8943. 320 COURT PH. EM 44484 ivn MJV, iwa.oui an, iui, residence A cabins, located at Jaffarson, Or Pioneer Trust 'Co. txecutpr,. tssn pr lerms sLM" di-iissTti FOR SALE: Peed mill A seed eleanlnc warehouse, rood val ley town, good business. Warehouse nn prlv. property with RR elding. Good equip, also too line feeds A fertll- Irer. Write bos IM, Gervaia, EXPER Ads Daily! PAINTING PAPtEBANOlHO fainting faperhanging. Free Est EM 4-8811. 1148 Snipping MND G HAVEL WAULlNCTsAND AND GRAVEL lIf McGUehrlst Crushed quarry rocks and trav el. All size (or roads, drive ways and narking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-deejng, shovel and dragline jffork. EM 1-8243, 8ALEMSAND k GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed round (revel, aand A ton sou, 1401 N. Front EM 1-244, SEPTIC SERVICE MIKE'S Keptie Serv. D' Rooter. clean tanks, earners EM 1-0441. HOW ARDS ""koto-Rooter eewers. Septic tanks ctesaed. EM 2-I327 Warehouses All types, barns, loafing or ma- cnine snens. rrve rsi. maier- lai Labor, term. Const. EM 1-4240. PHONE EM 4-fcSll TO PLACE AD 800 Real Estate 801 iusirtofs Opportw. E In excellent (arming and indus trial community, aiore nanoies Groceries, meats, hardware, feed k aeeda, gas A oU. Va riety and custom food lockers. Lg. concrete building. 4 bdrm. apt on second dr. 1 car ga rage. Price mcludes Vock and fixtures. Would consider some trad. Price 862.000. For par ticulars call EM 3-9234. Eve: Ed Schroder EM 1-7413. P. E -Mirks EM 4-4930. 1. F. Short EM 4-147, Kelly Owen EM 3 464. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 21 Church St. NE EM 1-4238 - FOR LEASE Major oil co. station. Estab., modern a bay. rine locauon. Equip. A utll. (urn. Invest in resalable mdse. only. Finan cial assist. A training avail, to qualified parties. For inform. EM 1-4701 days. EM 1 444 tOl Bu. t Income rop. WHAT HAVE YOU For 134.000 equity in 14 unit apt crt. J. L Sedgwick, Rt 1, The Dalles, Ore. 803 Suburban HOUSE (or sale. 8300 down or trailer. On Sunnyvtew For mora info. ph. EM 2-521. 806 Houses For Sole Here is Just the house (or a newly married couple. It Is lo cated in wonderful Manbrln Garden aad la furaiahed com. nlete with w a s k r. dryer, ranee, refrigerator, rue In front room, has (irenlaca. even has yard equipment Including power newer, this two year eld, wonderful two bedroom home with unfinished upstairs, large yard, fenced In back, you will have to see this one, will take car or house trailer lq trade. Ron's Trailer Sales 404 No. Church EM 8 808 Open Eves. FOR YOUR VALENTINE Let me show you this large 1 ' bedroom home. Nice fireplace, full basemtnt Two baths. Near schools and shopping. Could be the place you nave been looking (or. Low down payment. F H A. terms, til M0 Call George Reed Eves. EM 1-088. v 120 COURT PH. EM 4-8484 NICE AS CAN BE YEAR old 8 Bedrm. home with Birch Kit. A Lg. aeparate din ing Rm. owned by elderly couple who have done nothing but make this place charming in every way, ne sure to see it. We're sure you'll sgree that the price ia very reasonable at 111.600. Well located South. ED LUKINBEAL RLTR. 431 N. HIGH EM 1-4480 NOW FOR ONLY 110.500 11.000 down you can buy this older but good 4 bedrm. home with living rm, fireplace, dining rm, large kitchen, utility rm, basement furnace and 1 lots. Close to School and Hnnnltals. SALEM PROPERTIES JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 17N.Hlgh EMJ S443 WELL kept 1 bdrm. hs. Good loc. Nr. stare A bus. nice yd. Cheerful rooms. EM 1-7913. SELL or trade: New 1 bdrm. So. extra (or 2 bedrm. or trailer ' " cir cr P'ckuP- EM 4-4926. SALE or Tirade: Mod. Mt horn A cabin. 1 lots, Detroit, Ore. 88504. Sts teaman-Journal Box 111. Family Home Comfortable 4 bdrm. home with frpl., separate dining rm., Lot of built ins. Att. gsr., osi heat. Lee. separate work shop for dad. There's whale of value (or M.9M. Call Al Room Eve. EM 4-MI4, or EM 4-7384. . Joe Bourne, Realtor 114 N. Cspltol EM S-811 Immediate sacrifice Lg. 8 bdrm. bom, bsmt Pos sible 3rd bdrm. 4'i pet loan. " La down payment. EM 1-7071 NORTH location. Only 1,4240. Located 210 N. Front Low down payment. I net. tat. Look It over. EM 1-7911 or EM 4-347. fY owner 1 bdrm. Family rm. Din. rm., lovely frpl.. l's bath, dbl. gar., (rent yard In, curb A sidewalk, close to Momlngrtde echi.. 114,800. Good term. EM 1-8978. I BDRM. mod. hse. hdwd. firs., frpl. ta A nr. bus. North EM 8-1708, JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR LET 04 solve your ham need. To buy veil or rent call EM 4-5743, 1111 Edgewtr. EM 4-7474, " nil So. Commercial. BrTtErTThdrm. Nob Hill Dlst dbl. gar. Extra let. 81,000 dn. 2060 S. Summer. , NORTH East Suburban , wen . built 8 bedrm.. I bslhsdble garage. 143.1 Brenner. SM. 1 bdrm. hse.. Oar., St.loiv 8100 dn EM 3-0640. JEMJMIIE fY OWNER Drive by 8061 Sun nwlew, If Interested rail EM 4-5841 er EM 4-AM3. Max ot ter ea dowa payment, GENERAL STOR 800 RptI Estate 806 Hotrset For Sole SPECIAL! $7450 , Owner demand action I Priced to aell quickly. 8 bdrm. Large llv. rm. Roomy kitchen. Inside utility. Trees. Att. garage. Att. garsge. Richmond Dlst. Terms. Call Johnson, Eve. EM 1-38M. 3 BEDROOMS $7800 Lot 101 x IM. busines (rentage. Wired for tier. rang. Home Is modern, Washington Schl. dlst., dbl garage. Bm dn. pvmt., terms. Csll Walter Xost Eve. EM HIM. CARL'S ADD. Don't miss this bargain. 8 bdrm, sep. din. rm. r bath, built-in appliances, lots of a tor age, dbl. garage, pvd et, curb and walks. Total price 814.788. 8460 dn. plus loan coat. Consider some trede. CaU Lucas. Eva. EM 14384. KEIZER Nest 1 bdrms. lg. lot with lots of shrubs. FHA appra lsed ISAM. SM dn. 441 per month. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 101 High Street N.E. EM 8 9203 CLEVER COLONIAL DID YOU EVER see sue with t real family room complete with a great big, old brick fireplacef Or one with com plete 3 bedrooms and pos sibility of I If needed? Or one ' ' that's lust I year old, Instead of 18 or M yearaf Or one with roomy attached two-car ia- rage Instead of separata single oner As w said Before, this Is a clever house nd 'you should ace it. CALL EM 4-67M Ev.: Keith Lay mo EM 4-857 TED MORRISON, Realtor 240 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-4744 HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY I rm. house with la. yard, many fruit trees, shrub k (lowers. Lg. 80x161 lot, this is real buy (or 1900 dn. M SO0 full price. Call Mr. Miller. Eve. EM 8-0841. CHICKENS OR HORSES That's what these 4.4 Acres are suitable (or. it has a ouuaing 40x108 with rapacity lor 5004 fryers or 120 layers, or could be used to board horses, also hss a very spacious comfort able 8 bdrm. beane surrounded by a lg. vsriety of (ruit, nuts A beautiful shade trees. F.A. oil (urn. hdwd. firs, bdrms. 20 x 14 A III 14. 1571 so. ft. on 1 fir. This lust looks like home A priced at only 811.760. Ask for Jim Preuit. Eves. EM 4-4327 Days EM 4-444. REALTORS 817 COURT STREET PHONE EM 4444 A ROUND FIREPLACE IN THE FAMILY room Is only one of th many little things thst will make you want te own this new borne. There' little cupols ' on th garage, and a staggered ahingle roof to go with the old brick trim. There's built-in oven, rang and dishwssher. and a wains coted family room with wall taper trim. All this In a good oration SOUTH, for only 111.700. (First time advertised) CALL EM 4-6766 Eve.: Bon Cleary EM 1-9939. TED MORRISON, Realtor 144 N. HIGH PHO. EM 4-8788 SOUTH 8 sere Walnut and Cherry orchard. Has good 1 bedroom house that could have two bed room upitslrs. Living room, dtnlng room, fireplace, at tached garage, school bu by door, close in. Very reason ably priced at only 110.800 with 11600 down and 175 per month. You should see this if you are interested in a good acreage. Csll Mel at EM 4-094 NORTH t seres Two bedroom older home, double garag parity finished. 16260, take car or trailer hous in trad. CaU Mr. Vtcary Eves. EM 4-8944. REALTY 4020 N. River Rd. EM 4-09M TRADES A hous with I rentals, total 1141 per mo. income plus owners spt. Well I nested A seldom vacancy. Price 811.890 trad (or 1 bdrm. house up te f7,008. A 1 bdrm., llv. rm.. din. rm., kit, mod. older house North. Nice yard, on bus line. Price 85.160. Wants a amall house mall lot North. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS EM 3-9217, EVES: EM 3-734 or EM 3-3077 MR. OWNER I Glen Woodry will ry top price for your furn. appliances. EM J 5110. BY OWNER 4 bdrm. Csne Cod. 1192 N. 31th. Flreplere. 1 bslhs, F.A. Oil Heat, 112.800. 8100. dn. 191. mo., (Igr. dn. pmt reduce mo. pml.) Con alder trade EM 2-8411. DRIVE bv 2494 S. High. Call EM 44888 lor Information. DUE TO DEATH, owner will aell S bdrm. hse.. osk firs., else, heat, Venetian bl.. att. isr. and workshop. 40x131 lot ee te appreciate. EM 4-0793. Inq. Mr. Mllby. 4690 Lowell. TRADE this mod. sub. horn, 4 bdrm. (or snythlng that I might use. Terms. EM 3-5098. 15700 THIS NEAT HOME Is In excellent condition, nice loca tion, on bus line south, 14x18 liv. rm. 11x15 bedrm., lg. kitchen; utility A bath. lg. lot with trees, MOO down. Geo. Walters. Realtor, KM 1-1714 or EM 4-8388. BRAND new I bdrm. heme, frpl., FA best, close in So., 1190 sq. ft 110.980. EM 4-8107. t BDRM. 848. 134 Cross. Nice utility rm., garage. NEAR new 1 bdrms.. lg. clos ets A rms. Inside utll. Excel lent fir, plan. Lg. lot. Near schools A Shopping III 149 Lew down pvmt. EM 1-4177. MAKE Cash offer on 1 bdrnv hem. 845 Illinois off Csnter St. EM 8-2565. SUNNYSL0PE ACRES New, 1 bdrm. Att. gar. So. ea pvmt' 810,00. Conv. term. Builder KM 1-0108. 800 Ileal Entate 106 Houses For Sale TRADE FOR HE. PORTLAND Lovely 3 bedrm. heme norm, kitchen with nook, 8 yrs. old. Ml heat insulated, plastered Interior Several nice frdrt trees, blk. te bus. Large liv ing room 04.750. Mrs. Well, Ev. EM 8 1738. A'LOT OF HOUSE HERE. Near ly New 3 hedrm. with l's baths, dbl. garsge Inside util ity, lawn A shrub In. Kitchen with nook, dining room. Lg. Living room. ' Only 111. 44. Walt Jonas Ev. EM 44117. 11108 Dn. Only 811.80. 8 bdrm. A FAMILY room with built-in OVEN A RANGE, l's baths. Lots of Knotty Cedar Paneling. Ceramic HI bath. HERE IS A BUY. Mr. Jenea Eve. EM 4 7tn. YOUR REALTOR vnr a. m. mm & mm w . r - wm - a. da T ar aaaejav-eaw sear - ar aaw aa ssaw- m 250 N. HIGH OHMART & CALABA REALTORS 477 COURT BT. EM 2-4118. EM 8-4118 SALEM OREGON In etiMrt ATTRACTIVE. WELL PLANNED HOME WITH ALL the latest built-in. 8 nice bedroom. l' bath. IS x M living-room, separate dining-room, pleasant nook in kitchen and large utility room. Ine garage Is events work shop too. All this on 104 x 130 well landscaped lot for ONLY 817.500. Call Henry Tori end to show you thru Eve. EM TO CLOSE AN ESTATE WE OFFER this good 4 bedroom home. North on corner lot. This home is neat A clean, has basement and oil neat. Price 87500. a good renU-Ak for Louis Loreru Eve EM 8-8840. ' 1 BEDROOMS AND BASEMENT 16500.00 ONLY 7 blocks from down town Salem and ouch low price!! Excellent rental property, wall to wall carpeting, low taxes. Norman Hogemen will 4ww you thru nytlme Eve. EM 2-0904. THE ROUND WINDOW MAKES FOR in extra attractive home. Ttils is a top grade listing In Candalarta and an outstanding home. 4 bedroom, family room is big with fireplace, 1 seta plumbing, basement for storage andT 2 ear garage. Kitchen la quite different, airy A apacious. The brick front make very good looking axterio. Call Ralph. Maddy tor appointment. Ev EM 1-3481. FHA APPRAISED - EASY TERMS AVAILABLE COMFORTABLE horn on Hulaey. near Morningside School. At tractive fireplace In large living-room, 1 bedrooms on 1st floor and extra one with plumbing in basement. Large lot 100 x IM give open room to breathe the good, clean air. Work shop in rear I an extra dividend. Listed 113.50. Msy w have your offer? Call Adrlenne Sercombe Eve EM 4-9088. STATE- FINANCE 167 S. HIGH ST. F.H.A. - CJ. OR LONG TERM CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE LOANS FAIRM0UNT DISTRICT A lovely 3 bdrm. home with full basement Beautiful yard with fireplace, fiah pond and many flowers, ahruba and fruit Living room 13 at M. sua tag room 1 x 13, kitchen, nook. 2 Br. end bsth with full basement You must see this home te appreciate It's value. Priced at 81 1.780. Call Mr. Burg. HIGH ON A HILL But lew on th cost. This 8 bdrm. home is on large haded lot on Cascade Drive in Wast Salem. Large Liv. room with fireplace. Large kitchen. Utility room, covered patio. Also ha extra carport nd outdoor fireplace and CALL ONE OF OUR SALESMEN FOR FULL INFORMATION AND SHOWING W. H. Btevely. EM 4-411T L H. Perlman, EM 4-7581 NORTH CHURCH ST. - Im . mediate possession of 4 bdrm. home. - Out of Iowa Owner. Prtc 8009. BARNES AVENUE 8 bdrra. home with ground 080 ft. deep Price 87250. FHA appraisal. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY Eve. Ph. EM 3-43 71 ACRE FARM EAST 114.800 Apprea. 09 acres cult, with 23 acre prune and filberts. Or chard in goad condition. Has 3 bdrm. home, barn, sheds, etc. This farm Is approx. 11 mile from Salem. CALL O. V. HUME Eve. Ph. KM 1-8308 GRABENHORST IM LIBERTY ST., S E. NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS BASEMENT WORKSHOP WITH STORAGE . Excellent dry cement basement with outside entrance, separate workshop room, storage, etc., ideal for various types of busi ness. Good 8 bedroom home with carpets, drapes Included. Fenced back yard. 84.190. Owner open to offer on down pay ment within reeeoh. Call Chrt Nelson. Ev. EM 1-1360. ' BUJLT TO EXPAND All w can say t that this I dandy buy. Include washer, dry er, stove and refrlg. and out-of-state owner says for us to get FHA apprsisal and sell. Has 1 bedrooms snd u a plsstered 7 yr. old home. Can be easily enlarged. 80x99 lot. In West Salem. 110.600. CaU Dorothy Deal. Eve. EM 4-8431. OWNERS FINANCIAL PREDICAMENT forces sale on this contemporary home. On beautiful 100 x 100 kit. south this home has open beam celling in living rm., paneled walla, fireplace. Could be natched up for a aong. Priced as low as 1 1,900. Make offer. Call Dale Rsyburn. Eve. EM 2-2041. SCENIC VIEW ON SCENIC VIEW DAYLIGHT BASEMENT home with finished party rm. Has 1 bedrooms, 1 fireplaces, double plumbing, wall-to-wall carpet ing. This horn makes good family set-up, near grade school. 1.098 aq. ft. on first door. Owner will sell for 814.760 or tske Portland home In trad. Call Edith Andrews, EM 1-784. 1590 S. COMMERCIAL JACOBSEN & KEENE, REALTORS MOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE OWNERS TAKE NOTE. Our Client has a high quality Irrigated acreage lo cated within Salem achool sys tem and telephone to trade for a motel or apartment house. For details call Clay Jacobscn. EASTMORELAND HOME. This (in horn hss a (ull basement with large party room, 2 gen erous slxed bedrooms. 4 i 31 living room, 2 fireplaces and Is located in a line neighbor hood near achnols and bus. Sell or trade lor 110.000 horn. OFFICE PH. EM 4-1293 Evening Ph. Xigglns. EM 4 tf-aceossa 800 Real Entate 806 Houses For Sole For Call WALT JONES WEST SALEM VIEW FOR TRADE for your 3 bdrm. home near South Salem High. Hera is a home with Full Basement. 4 acre el ground with trees A shrub galore. 8 baths, wall to wall carpet. 1 fireplaces. THE VIEW 18 SEN SATIONAL. 314 50. Mrs. Well Ev. EM 8-373. ARE YOU CANDALARIA BOUND is so Csll Mr. Jones te see her beautiful 3 bedrm. NEW home with center entry, 3 fireplaces, built-in Oven and range, 1 baths, outside patio. Dining rm, FLAGSTONE fire place. It's Rustic. Call her Eve. EM 4-7831. CHAMPAGNE FOR A BEER PRICE. 1 bdrms. FAMILY room, I fireplaces, 2 baths, att shwr , paved sts A curbs. Ige. dining room. Ill 4O0. Mrs. Well, Eve. EM 2-1711. PHONE NITE OR DAY EM 4-0157 REAL ESTATE SINCE 1941 Rady CaJaba CO, REALTORS PH. EM J-3151 fenced back yard. This la a good buy at 18.8M. Call Mr. Steve ly. HAYESVTLLE DISTRICT Mice 8 bdrm. bom with a very nice eettlnr m the tall fir trees. Nearly an sere of good garden soil. This is lust th piece for the kids to have a 1 horse er two. Mom could raise a big garden and Dad could It ia th (had of th tall trees. Call Mr. McGuire for more information on this 810.000 home. 400 SQ. FT. OFFICE SPACE One rental unit in the Perlman Building on North Cottage Street Tine professional suit. Call Dick Schmidt (or full In formation. Harold Burgess. KM 8-8071 E. H. McGuire, EM 8-4172 OUTSTANDING 2 BDRM HOME with full basmt, auto, forced air furnace. Homey liv. rm. with fireplace. Ige. bdrms A bsth. See this for sure. 811.500. CALL J. E. LAW Eve. Ph. EM 3-3113. PRICE SLASHED , OWNER MUST SELL. Make an offer Candalarta District Lg. lot 8 Iwlrm HiMteniaBtic home, lib baths. Unfinished daylight basmt with uaed brick III place, dble. garage. Owner will take smaller heme in trade. CALL MRS. RICHARDSON Eve. Ph. EM 4-484. BROS., REALTORS PH. EM 1-2471 PH. EM I-366S 8 UNIT COURT. Located easy walking distance to Salem Gen. Hospital and the other prof, bldgs. In area. Each unit is actually a separate home with 2 bedrooms, 13 x 18 living room, dining area, (ull bate nd earport An A-l Income property Just listed (or 852.800. 1 ACRES, -Mo blrlga. -An ideal . place to build thai new ham. Instead n( paying 82600 for a amall lot, buy this whole 8 era for 85000. 12SS STATE 544. Bright, EM S-5M2 or 800 Real Estate 806 House For Sale TRADERS SPECIAL 18 acre 8 miles out. fenced, cross (need approx. 70 acres cul tivation. Older I room horn, remodeled A modern. Excel lent barns, k out buildings. Wsnl trade od income prop- - erty, homes or what have you Call Eaatrtdg. v. ph. EM 1-4322. You will have te look for long time to rino (nower goon ouy like this one. it has 3 bed rooms, nice birch kitchen, Irv ing room with corner fire place, family room with fire place. 3 baths, dble. garsge. overhead storage, large view lot. Call Gene PedweU. Ev. Ph. EM 2-7977. Tor l 930 Late built S bdrm. horn in Mansna (iaroens, tile tath, nice kitchen with lots of trch cabinets, has family room, nice utility room, nice big yard A garden. Call Daisy Gamble, eve. pn. cat a- 1-1443. REALTOR 11 N. Church St EM 4-471 o CHOICE o HOME at a bargain price. Nice basement with forced air oil furnace. 1 bedrooms. Dining room. Large kitchen. 2 car ga rage. About 7 vears old. M IS. Little down. Ramsey Realty. KM 4-33(1. CASH OR TRADE. Beautiful 2 acres close In. Two bedrm. heme with wail to wall car pet, fireplace and family alia dining room. Attached garage. Large barn. A goad place te supplement vour income or for retirement. Call Al Agan, EM 4471 or EM 14112 Eves. RAWLINS REALTY 408 Chemeketa Street EM 4-8474 TREES. PATIO FAMILY ROOM This Beautiful NEW residence is located on tree covered lot in delightful neighborhood of Sua fit y homes. Covered patio lull baths, family room, massive corner fireplace with raised hearth. Economical A comfortable baseboard heat Quality everywhere, tile ga lore. On look will tell you NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Csll me day or night I DON BELLINGER, EM 4-8304. Ev. EM 4-0492. P. S. Believe It nr not, the price la only 812,840. 4 BEDROOMS J. FITIJ. RATH 41 This heme baa EVERYTHING! gull eayngni nmnsm wiwi (1 rushed party room. Paneled living room with beamed ceil ings, ultra modem electroni kitchen wrth built-in appli ance. Family bath. Master bdrm. both, Psrty room bath. Its LARGE. It's NEW. and crammed lull of QUALITY! It can be your for ONLY 817. 60. Immediate possession! Call DON BELLING ES, KM 4-3394, Eve. KM 4-442. IMS 1890 FAIRGROUNDS RD. SOLDI SOLD! 8iepitf Listing Needed U4 a. uoerry gas -' ., KM 84018. KM S-SUt, REALTORS 1 A. 1750 DN. Nice A. with good water system, cozy 1 bdrm. hem with frpl., hdwd. floors. Ige. gar. Close in. Location E. en paved Street Immediate posesssioa. Price 39.950. EM 1-3741. RIVER BOTTOM SOIL. 1. acre, very neat one bedrm. home, small guest house, bars, chick house, cow pssture. fruit, NW of Keizer. went offer. Geo. Walters. Realtor, EM S-4714 or KM 4-8384. 164 Lots For Sole RESIDENTIAL LOTS Approved FHA subdivisions. 34' paved streets, concrete curbs, Salem Heights water to lot. Near new Judson Jr. High School. bus transportation available. Lota 70 to 88 feet wide. Prices' 81500 to 82009. Call on of our salesmen. State Finance Co. 187 S. HIGH EM H151 l6 Forms For Sato jSiK'SBBI.BlS YOUR CHOICE Its Acres or 10'j Acre. Best oil. Close-in jhe. some Beau tiful cherry orchard A fir trees, excellent well. Modern 2 bdrm. home with Youngs- .A-.H Irllnkan It'. A fT d95fl or I0i, Acres ' 411,960. Csll Gordon crawiora, eve. pn. SM LIMA AL 1SAAK k CO., REALTORS m m rhtiprh fit Ralem ,PH. EM 4-J3U or EM 3-7820 ACREAGES 12-A. bare land. South, on ac cess Rd. 85O0U. Term. 10-A. 8. bdrm. Hse. A Basmt. South. Ill one. Terms. 2-A. Ideal lor dayllte Baamt. South 81900. Terms. 8-A. Wooded, all Yr. stream. South 16900. Cash. 4-A. S. East Wooded, good deep well A pump. 8690. Cash. 30 A. Wast, bare land, view, 110.000. cash. 8-A. East, M950. Terms. 8-A. Wooded North, 89500. Cash. 3-A. Berries, worm. svn. Terms. F.D I.tTKtNBEAL RLTR. 433 N. HIGH EM S-8AM 80 ACRES Located between Cor- vallis and Newport. Approx. 43 A.' cultivated. Creek, lrrl- Eation rights. 3 bdrm. house, am. chicken . house. Would consider trade (or small home In Salem. Price 81.500. Call EM 3-9234. J. F. Short EM 4-1447. or EM 1-7125, EM 4-4939 or EM 3-8594. 1 A. NE. Sm. 1 bdrm. hse. barn, chichen nse., x macn. bldgs. Swegel schl. 1 blk. Im med. possession. Will take car or (arm mach. or livestock (or equltv. Mortgsge payable semi annually. 1100 A int. Price. 84960. EM 3-7731 23 A.. 21 CULTIVATE!). 4 bdrm. house, ether Dings. i.suo term. Near MrMinnville. Write E. Hardy. 1927 Clacka mas. Portland. m Exert. RoolEiioTT $10,000 INCOME lfx snnuallv. Will trd for Willamette Valley farm nr Income oroperrv, i-m Nelson. Eve. r-i hot, Nelson & Nelson REALTORS 1890 (. Commercial EM S-3888 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive . 900 DIaplay Pis. 61 3 iKthortBO ! 8tgo 832 Usej Core For Sole L"ll ! ""WE FOR trede 85O00 I net. contract IIArir 1 ". I " 1 on email rental. EM 4-1871. Ml UL , 2 . r y , II I f 1 .. I II 1 Wetted1, Heel Estate If iUIAL T i V DlU v I urAniTm RAPOAINQ 9 I All kinds of aeresge lutings. vacsnt land snd with bldgs. WE HAVE BUYERS. CALL C. H. GRABENHORST. JR. E REALTORS -IM Liberty St. I.E. Ph. EM 1-1471 PENSION man wants to buy pc. or lano out as ciiy nmiis. Statesnxan-Jovraal Box 194. ACREAGE listings wanted 1 to 88 A., have s cash Buyers, sev eral buvers with reas. down vmt's. C. W. Reeve Rltr. 14 I lesion St. EM 3-458. 850 Automotive 851 New Con BORGWARD "Pride of Germany" BIG CAR 8 PASSENGER INTERIOR SMALL CAB HANDLING EASK UNEXCELLED GERMAN QUALITY UP TO 81 HONEST M P O. TOP SPEED OVER 12 M P H. THE TOPS IN FOREIGN CARS But Only $2455 SEE A DRIVE-THE ' AT Stan Baker Mtrs. FOREIGN CAR DEPT. 840 No. High EM 8-8448 8)3)2 Used) Con ft Sole '57 Starchief custom Catalin cp. oeaulliui f omnia roue ami White with tM bp. V-8 engine, radio, heater, hydra EZ1 glass, electric antenna, white walla, local owner, only 8600 miles. Sav 14 year'a depre ciation. 1 yr. warranty, 100 pet on part aad -labor. Taggesell ronuac 808 N. Ubertv EM 1-4111 IT So. 12th EM 2-4MI l87 Chev lie, or. - 1958 Pert Coon try da 81694 168 Chev V-8, i dr. fll5 1984 Ford Victor! m IT WE DOS I HAVE 1 WE CAN GET IT as OLDS. 1-dr. radio and hydromatlc, 821I.JIM 3-7QC3. CLEAN '48 Pontlae, 888. See at 110 S. Commercial. M CHEVROLET business coup 8800. EM 1-1271. WHATA BUY ! '57 Ford Custom 308 S DR. edn. this one Is tn like new ronaiuon asm mm mileage, raaoo. neaurr. su-we finish, white walls, aad check thia price ONLY $1695 Capitol Chevrolet Union A Com'l EM 2-1175 WILL trade eautty In 1988 Aus tin ttesiey sor oou EM 8-7070. . '37 FORD Fairlane 4 dr. sod.. e'dr radio, paooea easn, s. belt, hester, 2 new G.Y. sub. now Urea. 81.800. EM 8-7111. "500" MOTORS We Trsde for Anything '91 Dodg sdn, 34,000 mi. - 8341 52 Buiclt 1 dr. 8445 '51 Lincoln sdn. Ilka sew 8495 51 Ford V-S sdn 1226 'It Kaiser sdn 8154 TM No. High St. EM 4-708 Acre from up-sown unw in '57 Ford Fairlane "rV VICTORIA 2 dr. hardtop her la smart Red A white with metching Interior hss only 5,000 one owner miles, and la a local csr, equipped with power steering, radio. Fordomslic. E.Z.I glaaa. full price only 823SS. WILSON'S Chemeketa at Commercial EM 4-3711 48 FORD club coupe V-8. Good cond. 1171. Melvin P, Shew, 3770 Monroe Ave. EM 2-4201. fTBUICK 4 dr. Good cond. Ful ly equip, lea, tai 3-aiaj, 55 CHEV. tudor VS. power park, Snod shape A clean. 1794. W. i. Hirte, Rt. 1 Box 207. Lyons, 1 mi. E. Gates In Linn Co. 53 FORD 1 dr.. radio, boater, Fordomatic. 8098. EM 4-0434 '55 SUPER M Olds hardtop. Clean. 11460. Fairies 7-34J6, Jefferson. SACRIFICE 1988 Volkswagen. Excel, cond. 81.395. EM 3-9415. wnniiiyni 1-7381 after 4 p.m. SELL equity in 1951 Pontlae Catauna. r-wi inn SELL or trsde '57 Ford atatioa ru 4.0911 FORD CPE. EM 4-9054 900 Display Qaaa. 5 GOOD REASONS It Pays to Shop With Us: 1. We are volume dealers. 2. We have no rent to pay. 3. We offer lowest financing. . 4. We give more for. your trade-in. V , 5. Wf provide a service home for your car. r V , Gene league Chevrolet Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tues., AT BRITISH CAR SALES Used Cars- . New Arrivals ALL AT LOW BOOK OR UNDER '55 Ford Fairlane $1000 '53 Pontlae Chieftain 4 door $410 '50 Mercury 4 dr. sdn... 8200 '4 Mercury 2 dr. 5dn... $225 '51 Olds M 4 dr. 4dn $309 '41 Chev. 2 dr. dn. $7S FOREIGN CARS '5S English Ford Anglia $1195 '53 English Ford Zephyr $525 '52 English Ford Zephyr $495 no trades at these prices BRITISH CAR SALES & SERVICE WHERE Foreign Cars Is Our Business, Not a Sideuoe 2195 N. CAPITOL EM 2-6602 SACRIFICE equity in '87 Old super as, e-aonr tsouaar e-a motor, (ull power equipped, loaded with extras, clean. Best offer takes. EM 1-9544. 17 FORD Semi hardtop. T B en gine. Lots of extres. only 18.. 408 mi. 81788. EM S-874J before or after 4. REAL Good '54 Chev. Bel Air 4 dr. sdn, radio, heater, eta. trans, will trade, a buy al 8941, 841 Marin Dr. (Manbrln Gardens!. 853 Airtej Ports Kopaifs BALES A Brady Used Auto parts.- All manes or car, at bargain prices. See Bob or Ranee at Yard. 8578 Cherry Ave. EM 4-S3g8. ATTENTION HUNTERS New shipment of G.I. Jeep cab. All aluminum. ae. -s e-siet er McMaanvUM 8741. 854 Trucks. Treil. tor sole 8 DODGE pick-up. 8108. Rt. 8. Box 178. Sam. EM 4"4lM. TD14A '88 drum A blade GMC Diesel '85. '47 Chev. Mom. '4 Ford I. '42 Jeep. EM 2-0328 854 Woivtod, Cors, IrwcTts WANT to buy good used ear for worn, reas. x,a vmiv 857 Atrto tooslrHj 4 Koritais AUTO LEASING: MOST 88 MODELS AVAILABLE NOW. CALL UB TUUAI ANU DRIVE A NEW CAR TOMOR ROW. YOU SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU LEASE FROM WORLD WIDE AVIS-RENT -A-ran SYerrH 828 8L COM'L PaL SM 4-8S31 858 v4worcyces J0 DOWN PAYMENT . on a on raved credit 48 Cushman Scooter 818 mo 11 Harley 128 . 8Hi "50 Indian Warrior . 820 mo SHROCK'S CYCLE A MARINE 1375 Highland Ave. EM 8-1421 662 House Trotters WILL trade sny sub. home (or 1st modal UsUer hs. EM 1-5093. SELL er trade (or tractor, IT trsiler hse. EM 2-879. TRAILER TOWING Ore.. Wash.. Calif. JAYBAWK TRAILER CONVOY 2440 Portland Rd. EM 4-4BM 8350. DN. 88' DELUXE MODEL Exc. eona. asee rortisno no. TRAVEL TRAILERS Trailer Homes We hsv ft 13 TO 50 FEET 8' AND 10 WIDE U down. 8 yesrs te pay EARL MALM TRAILER SALES 4038 Sllverton Rd. ' EM 4-7111 900 Display daw. New k Used Trucks & Pickups LOWEST PRICES Valley Motor Co. I Liberty A Center EM 3-3147 900 Display aass. Stayton, Oregon pSarters s FORD 1 Feb. 11, '58 (Sec. H)-15 ' FEB. Bargains AT Loder's 4 DAYS LEFT 5dcars to be sold REMEMBER! If It's from Loder's, IT'S DEPENDABLE , LODER BROS. CO. Open Frl. Eves. TU PM. Ml No. High EM 2-7773 850 AutomotiTe 882 House Tr-iferg TRAILER SALES Pre-Inventory Sale Your Best buy M Mobil Rome. w will trad for aaytluad. Low down payment, 8 year tV aaactng. The Finest Name bk Mobile Homes VENTOURA HOMETTE. i NASHUA- ' TERRY SOONER ( OPEN T DAYS A WEEK , OPEN EVES. TO, 8 PM. 484 No. Church EM 2-4SOS sera from Meter A Frank 36 FT. ELCAR, MOD. 1940 LANA AVE. DELUXE 41 ft. I bedroom trail er. Young stows metal knehen, aU ready to go. ONLY Sond down. JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES S44 Portland Rd. EOU 8T Trailer heme, 'I. Jeep u. 41 ran a. a.s a-ena. ai-FT. trailer house, sissps real nice, azse oown, rr Munkera Ave. 900 Display Gassy SPECIAL '55 DeSoto Hardtop cpe $1795 . LINCOLN MERCURY Center at Com'l. EM 4-41T1 100 FINANCE on Approved Credit 54 WILLYS WON.' .... . 1991 radio, heeler, overdrive. '53 FORD VICTORIA ....$791 radio, heater, overdrive. '53 PONTIAC SDN fTS radio, heater, hydra. '53 BUICK SDN. $598 radio, beater, dynailow, 51 CHEV. SDN I54J radio, heater, powergllde. 51 MERCURY SDN 1341 radio, heater, overdrive. '51 HUDSON SDN $34$ real (harp, overdrtv. ! '50 PONTIAC SDN $295 rsdio. heater, nyora. '50 BUICK SDN. $365 rsdio A beater 51 STUDE. V4 ....'$1I8 radio, beater A ovsrdrlv. Taggesell 50 N. LIBERTY EM 14111 900 DUplay data.