Many Tilts Slated on Local Hoop Front Br AL LIGBTNCR Statesman Sparta Editor dart far the Ire b collegiate Ik TIM scaes f ketballers sicks (kit week. Evea tnaegh mast f Ih actlea falls m the Maal Toes day aaaV Friday at(kto, theft win be at least aa eollag each eitat of Ike week, startlag with the Ceaat Caafereaee elaak tealfbt at Cenrallla, featurtag tk Orefea Mate Beaver aad Uahe Vaadals. Tbll b the full week' sebeuiile, fay ky day: MONDAY Caast Ca(raeei Uahe at Ore fea Mate. TUESDAY Capital Caafereaee t at Serra CatkelU, Gerveis at Mi. Aagel, CaseaO at Staytaa. Sflver- laa at NaHk Marlso. Willamette Valley League: Dallaa at Caaky, MeUlla at Ceatral M Saady at Estaeada. Yawama Leagae ! Must Be Kissing Cousins, .t-rV.-WI; , e . ", " f- !j ' GAINESVILLE, Tcl, Feb. Bob West, of GainetrUle, with ball, appears to be puckering up and getting ready to kits Freddie Wattoa of Sulphur Springs ai he tries for a bas ket during the game between the two high schools. (AP Wlrephoto) . Bearcats Prepare to Face Linfield; Team Stax Told Willamette University' basketballing Bearcat will be hard at it this- week preparing for the crucial two-game serie with Linfield on this coming Friday an Saturday night. Linfield, which i currently out in front of Willamette in the Northwest Conference chase, will (travel to the WU gym for the first Hogan Slates Colonial Golf Tourney Try FORT WORTH. Tex.. Fab. I Ben. Hogan will bo back again to shoot for gold and glory in the Colonial Country Club s 13th an nual National Invitational Tourna ment, the golf event some even call a. "Hogan Benefit." Directors of the exclusive April 10-May 4 event, limited to 48 in vited players, named Bantam Ben today as onei of the first three receiving invitations. The others are Dick Mayer, top winner among the golfing pro last year, and Roberto De Vjeen io, the Argentina sUcwho4Mat U.m. luit at tha HtU hr lcr year. All have accepted. A Colonial delegation will be at the , Texas Open in San Antonio this week ' to extend additional coveted bids. Hogan, an active member at Colonial from the start, has played in all its "national invita tions, winning in 1946. 1947, 1952 and 1953. He never ha finished lower than 11th and has claimed $21,587 in prize money here, or nearly 10 per cent of the $220,000 divided in past years. Hogan has captured more major titles than any other golfer four U.S. Open, two PGA. two Masters and one British Open crown. Chisox Minor Camp Slated CHICAGO, Fob. -The Chicago White Sox minor league - spring training camp will officially open March 12 at Hollywood, Fla., farm director Glen C. Miller announced today. Batterymen of the Indianapolis club in the American Assnr wiU launch the drills under the super vision of Hugh Mulcahy, former National League pitching star who is now mound instructor for White Sox farm clubs, j i The balance of the Indianapolis squad will report March 16 and will not break camp until April 8. Colorado Springs starts training April 1 through April 21; Daven port opens April 4 through April 24; Duluth-Superior from April 7 through April 24, and Dubuque from April 14 through April 29. Among Mulcahy's assistants will be Walker Cooper, new manager of the Indianapolis club, and his coach, Johnny Hutchings. game, but will host the second fray over at McMinnville. A pah of wins b a mast far Ike Jeka Lewi eaached Bear eata If they are t take over tk laeo lead. A apltt wlB leave tk twa least fca Ik same pnHlia. with LhuVld leading: ka Ik per. restart eetaasn. -"Wmaroett to daW'bss a U league mark, wMl Linfield's rec ord ii $-1. On the season the Bear cats arc 15-1. Ed Grasaeakaeker la paetaf the 'Cats ta seerlag aver the ea tire saesaa with ttt palats la the 18 ceatests. Vie Baekhad, wka Is seeead la the everal! eeerlag (278). I first far the ata leaga gaaaea wltk It markers. Grasaeakaeker Is seeead wltk 147 poiata. Tm Jeha balds third place m katk the seasaa aad leaga total wKk til aad 114 eeaator. Among the regular Johns holds the best field goal (booting per centage with 477 on 63 for 132. Grossenbacher is second with 114 for 242 and .472 mark. Backlund has .454 on 120 for 265. Bui Wilfert has the best average on the squad with 38 for 70 for .543. but hasn't played as much as the regulars. Jeans lead la total free tkrtw St. Gresaeabacfcer ka tk best FT average with 64 f 7 attempt far aa Jit average. Jeka I eeead with .783. Jake alae pace the re baa ad depart aaeat With a total af ZOZ grab. Backlaad Is seeead wltk 1U. As a team Willamette is shoot ing .442 from the field, as against 336 for its opponents. The 'Cats have tallied 1332 points, while yielding 1094,' and have outre- bounded th foe 745 to 671. Here are the up to date Bearcat statistics: Groulk'r acklaa JahJM Lynn Taylcr Wilfert Sal Hartley Weaver Warton Klearlmaa Raixll WaUMh Harris H l aet. fto It reh. t 11 114 47 1 l H a W Mi It 454 u jsiss ns lem Academy at Baaks, Davtoa at nUamatk. Sheridaa at White soma, njerwd at ASntty. Martoa Leagae Miaeri Deal fekaal at DetraU, Cbrasawa at rails City, Valaeta at Perrydale, St. Paal at Maetoren. Jaaler Hlgh Leagae: Grays vs. Bines at Leslie, 4 .bl. Cards vs. Flaaear at Farrleb. 4 a.m. Ala. Sublimity at Scie aad Jeffersaa at Brawasviile. Oregaa Ce lie (late Caafereaee I OCE at PartlaM State (Llala Hlgk Sekaal). Aha, Meataaa Stat at Partlaad UaiveraHy. WEDNESDAY Meataaa Mate at Partlaad Ual versity. City League: Natiaaal Guard vs. Valley Tractor, First Natiaaal Baak vs. Easing Lam aer, Salem Aato Part vs. Or eutt's Market. THURSDAY Nartfewest Caafereaee: Cellege af Ida at Pacific V. Whltmae at Lewis Clark. Ala, Regie College at Brattle U. City Uagae: Eppiag Lumber v. Valley Trac tor, Natiaaal Gaard vs. First Na tiaaal Baak. . FRIDAY District 8 A-l: Carvalli af Sautk Martoa at Cascade, Staytaa at Gervaia, Yawama League: Dayton at Salem Academy, Sberldaa Pkltoanatk. YambiU at Amity, Saerwaed at Baaka. Winamette .Valley Uagae: Eataeada at Dal laa, Ceatral HI at Saady. Caaby at MaUlla. Martoa B Leagae Ma- Jar: Saattam at Sabilmitv, Jeffer saa at Caltoa. Martoa B Leaga Miaer: Deaf Sekaal at Valaeta. falls City at Perrydale, MacLarea at DetreH. Ckemawa at St. PaaL Jeator Hlgb Leagae: Gray vs. Warrtora, Leslie. S a.m., Blaes vs. Cards, Leslie. 4 p.m.. Golds vs. neaeer, Parrlsh, 4 North west Caafereaee: Liafleld at Wil lamette. Whitman at Pacific. Cel lege af Make at Lewi A Clark. Caast Caafereaee: UCLA at Wask lagtoa State, Santbera Cal at Staafard. Oregaa Callegtato Caa fereaee: Easier Oregaa at OCE, Seathera Oregaa at Partlaad State. SATURDAY Nertkwest Caafereaee: Willam ette at Liafield. Whttmaa at Pa cific, CaUege af Idaka at Lewi k Clark. Caast Caafereaee: Ore gea at Waakiagtaa. UCLA at Ida ka. Saatkera Calaferala at Calif ar- la. Oregaa Ceilegiatc Caafereaee: Salem. Nerth Salem at Albaay, Eastera Oregaa at OCE, Soathera Lebaaaa at Sweet Heme. Capital Oregaa at Partlaad State. Alae, Caafereaee: Sllvertoa at Serra, j Regis College at Partlaad Ualver ML Aagel at Waadlmra, Nartblslty. (JDrcjaohtatesraan Just Wants to Play a Little Leapfrog 7 ' ' J ... w life l .1 I Ik 1j Sutesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., Feb. 10, '58 (Sec II) 9 Bob ( Bowline Ball) Schwartz called to tell n of a new release from Newport, Oregon. Seems the Newport Junior Chamber of Commerce is sUginga big steelheader's breakfast on Sunday, March 2, at 4 o'clock a. m. Early breakfsster will get all they can eat for a dollar and local angung experts wui do on nana 10 give on who information on nearvy waters, sue oniy eaten to this thoughtful event is the fact thst the current steelhesd season closes on February 28. Maybe the breakfast will be. sort of s post mortem. Tke carreat steelhesd seasaa has keea ratker a diaaaaoiRtmeal to assay anglers. Meat of tke the weather has been toe high for angling aad thee wkea the water has aopaared right the fish Juit would set . cooperate. Fortunately, meat teelheaders haro mar exeaaes la tnetr tackle aoaec than have they Ashing gear. The water can bo high, it can no name, n am a too tow, asaddy. or too dear. Then wkea every- thing seem Just right the water cast bo just llVf-"a4a- " I iiSy m 1 i - . ft sr!95sSMF?i Oregon SSe-'tel Host ldb.o Tift Is 'Must' for Beavers OREGON STATE COLLEGE. Carvallia. Pah 1 iSnMn Tli Oregon State Beavers, fighting for their lives in the Pacific Coast Conference basketball title rsce, tonight face the tough Idaho Vaa dais in game which is a must wia affair for th locals. - At the moment the Beavers ar i 'is" PHILADELPHIA, Feb. t Paul Artzin (11) of the Philadelphia Warriors appears to be try ing to climb on back of Win WUfong (IS) of the St. Louis Hawks as Wilfong tries to pass off ball during first period action in today's Warriors-Hawks pro-basketball game here. Warriors' Jack George (17) gets a liand In on the act as Hawks' Jack McMahon (1) watches. (AP Wlrephoto) Syracuse Spills Injury Ridden Celts In Pro. Hoop; K nicks Win Close One in si 4ii ii as set 114 s jm i m w in i s S4 SI 17 M , I 1 1 JS S4S Z7 4IS M AM SI .41 4 J34 5 J S 4 .44 1.131 .as is M 11 s II It IS 4t ss t I t 1 1 is : ; win. Opp. Tat Tat US SH .44 4J4 lit 14S 1331 4 411 JM 411 14 (11 MS4 SANFORD SIGNS PACT PHILADELPHIA, Feb. I I - Jack Sanford, National League Rookie of th year in 1957 for his 1S-I pitching record with the fifth place Philadelphia Phillies, has signed his 1851 contract for an estimated tlt.OOO, the club an nounced today. oblt-ofteoUr. This btf eolor" is ometimes eaosed by melting snows In the higher bills. U gives the water a bit of wrong green color plus the fact that it puts the temperature too low. Meet of the tim though, when the water is an off color green. It is duo to the rBBMlAa Jl.MailiM h h.nnW .n Ft 111 Ml.. mA iMAltlntf fish that be suddenly sees "green." This of course, causes the water to take on a peculiar, greenish tinge snd become off-color. Must be a Thousand Excuses . . . Aside from the water being off, there are a theasaad aad a other excuse why the fish wouldn't bite. Soasetisaes, after fishing all day witheat a strike, it wsddenly becosaes apparent that year cluster eggs were to dark. This I especially tree when yon ma Into another angler who ka landed a tub on very pale pink eggs. Then you will run into those days when you see another angler with a nice ten pound fish caught on a "Screaming Meemie". There is not snother likeJt within ten miles snd you csn come home armed with another excuse. "I didn't nave the right lure." Tear line can be too heavy or year rod net sensitive eaougb. The reel caa give yon troable. Tear hooks may be too daU ar year sinker to heavy. The swivel yon use are probably net . the right color and the leader was th wrong shad of green. There arc assay mere excuse, same of them made on the spur of the moment to cover nnasaal conditions. That is as it shoald be. , v s lnn and era can think of excuses, lecitlmste or otherwise. they will never have to admit sround the bouse thst their luck ran out Never will they be forced to admit that some other angler was better fisherman than tney were. Waters Must be Fished Out . . . As a last resort we caa always come home and report that the water were all fished out. There I not a fish left This excuse I always accepted with a serloas nod of head until another angler come home from the same waters with a nice limit catch. Doat be defeated however, a yon caa always claim that the angler was: (1) telling a little white fish lie or: (2) the Jam commissiea released a truckload of ftsk Just after yon left, not see to It that yon never give in nor ever run out af excuses. Wall run along now to think of a couple of good one to use this spring. We'll need 'cm. SYRACUSE, N.Y., Feb. -a lV The Syracuse Nationals main tained their 24-game grip on sec ond place in the eastern division of the National Basketball Assn. today by whipping the crippled Boston Celtics 123-98. The Celtics appeared with aaly sevea mea. Tarn Helaaeha was seat name after last Bight's game at Racket te wkea he be- NATIONAL BASKETBALL BASTBBN DIVISION W L BMtaa 1 mease U 4 fBllaSelpala S II Naw Yerk XI St wamsuc Division W L t. Leaia " ts , Cladaaalt J Detratt " JS UaaaaawUa J4 41 AM. Pet.Gn .7 .ss 1 MM U PrCGn MX MA SU J4I1 'i oaa earn ill. apaareatly fram feed aetoaalag. Bill Sharmaa aad Fraak Ramsey of the Eastera dlvtstoa leaders already were eat af acttoa with tajaries. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. I If) Paul Arixin sunk 25 points and led th Philadelphia Warrior to a 105-S8 victory over St. Louis Hawks today in a National Bas- Hoop Roundup Blue Devils Hottest Five By ED WILKS The Associated Press No fluke thst Duke! Not when the Blue Devils can count three members of major college basket- Bold Ruler Top Favorite in Widener; Iron Liege Next MIAMI, Fla.. Feb. t Wheat ley Stable's Bold Ruler. "Horse of the Year" in 1957, remained the S to S favorite today for the $100,000 Added Widener Handicap at Hialeah Park Feb. 22 but odds on Calumet Farm's entry dropped to 3 to 1 as a result of Iron Liege's McLennan victory. The 157 Kentucky Derby wia aer "raa bi race" la ceriag by half a leagth ever Mrs, Wal lace GUrey's Oh Joaaay aad ttt leagths aver C T. Ckeaery's Third Brother la tke McLeaaaa. at a mile aad a fsrtoag. Tke Wtdeaer Is a mile aad a aar-ter. Oh Johnny was rated at I to 1 in the Widener, behind Iron Liege and Pintor Lea. another Calumet horse which took fourth money. Third Brother was listed at 10 to 1. Four other behind Iron Liege are expected to raa back ia the Wtdeaer Happy Hill Farm' Kingmaker. F. C Rand Jr.' St. A mew.r tad. Break me ade Sta ble's Oligarchy aad Tartan Sta ble's Meetiag. Mrs. Ada L. Rice's Hoop Band, a lata scratch Saturday, and C. M. Kline'a Lofty Peak are expected to run against Bold Ruler and the others in th Widener after miss ing th McLennan. Lionel Hebert Wns Tucson Open Golf Meet TUCSON. Aril Feb. (AP) Lionel Hebert, . Lafayette, La., went in front on tno second hole todsy and played conservatively from then on to win th $15,000 Tucson open golf tourney with a 72-hole scor of 263, 13 under psr, Hebert blrdled the last tw hole of the S,434-yrd, par-7 El Rio Country Club Course for 4-nnder par aad S3,S0t first saoaey. Although ho I reigning PGA champ, this was hi first vic tory la a medal-played tourney. . Don January of Eaatland, Ttx., had started th final round with a one-stroke lead but becam frightened when be knocked th ball out of bound on th 450 yard No. 3 hoi for a 2-ovr par. Hi 69 today gave him a 72 hol total of 267, 13 under par, and I1.80Q. , , ' "'. Joba r Baraam ' of 7 Grand Rapids, Mich eve re a me aeglei on tw eaaaecativ hole la tk first ala to salvag a 67, a Z6 total sad third place money of $U00. Jay Herbert of Sanford, Fla.. clicked out 8 birdies on the final 9 holes for 63 todsy and" a total of 272. Tied with him were Stsn Leonard of Vancouver, B .C. Ken Venturi of San Francisco, re cent winner of the Palm Springs snd Phoenix opens, snd Dow Finsterwsld of tequesta, Fla. G reaped with 2735 were Walter Burkem of Franklin Rtls, Mich, and Jim Biggin af Anderson, 8. C Frank Straaahaa of Toledo, Ohio, and Manuel Do La Terr of Milwaukee, who had shared the first rouad lead with Bill Johnston of Prove, Utah, finish ed far back. , . Stranahan earned $14.28, and De La Torre was out of the money. - ' ' Johnston shared the second round lead with Tony Lema of Napa, Calif., but was injured when hit by a club at the start of th third round. Johnston finished in a ti at 278 and earn ed $300. Lema soared to 73 today and a total of 276 for $327.50. era's haw Um top 1 teams In the AsseeUt Prats kwketaaU aoU i UK week. Wen-last ree arts, InclnSinc Sataraay, la par entheses: 1. West Vlrilnls (17-1) neat t Jahns (Bka.) S7-TS. heat Blchmen 11-44. S. Kansas (13-1) lost ta Kansas tats 7S-75 In twa evertlase, heat Mehraska 142-44. 1. ClnclnntU (1S-Z) heat It. Josephs (Pa.) 1S4-1B. 14. Kansas State (IS-D beat Kaa aas 1S-TS In twa evertBes, beat lewa State Tl-ls. S. San rmnclsea (lt-1) beat Presne State 11-S4. S. Oklabaisa State tlS-t) heat Tnlsa 44-4 beat Bradley 44-SJ. 1. North Carolina (11-4) last ta Duke SI-IS. S. MarylaaO (11-S aert Vjrsln la S7-44. beat Wake rarest 14-41. S. M. C. Stats (14-1) beat Vlr jlnU Sl-U, beat enth Carellaa 1. TesnSle (IS-t) beat Dnqaesns TS-4S, boat Sctoa HaU SS-U. ketbaH Assn. game before a fath- er-and-son day crowd of S.28J at Convention HaU. Tke Warrtors brake away fram a S-aaiat lead la tke last 12 minutes with a sport led by Tarn Gala, Weedy SaaMsberry. Benefit Baseball AL Wins in Close Game KEY WEST. Fla., Feb. (ft Mickey Mantle, showing no trace of the leg injury that handicapped him ia the World Series, led group of American Leaguers to a 4-3 victory over the National Leaguers in an all-star exhibition game which delighted a sellout crowd of (.000 at the Key West High School stadium today. The bene (H game, played In Mrprfadagly crisp aad expert .taeniae, braaght approximately $1.M, a major perttoa af which as earmarked far base balls Aid Seciety to needy play, era. The New York slugger, who hadn't swung at a baseball since last October, collected two of the winners' 14 hits, drove in one run and scored another. Mantle, who had keea va eatioalag la St. Petersburg ar rived aaly aa hoar before gam time, a I a a g with teammate Whltey Ford. Billy Martla, af DetraU aad Billy Klaas af Bos ton ia res pease to aa 11th boar emergeacy call fram Bab Feller, president af the Major Leaga Baseball Players Assa. Jim Began of Cleveland and Martin also featured in the Amer ican Leaguers' attack against Jim Konstanty and Nelson King. Hegan rapped two singles and a double and Martin smashed two doubles. ball's top 10 in their seven-game winning streak. The Dukes, fast becoming a threat far aext month's cham pionship toaraameat la the tough (Ceatiaued page It, ceL t) ToskiWinner In Golf Meet SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico. Feb. urv-Bob Toski of Miami. Fla., turned in his second straight par 72 today and won the $7,500 Puerto Rican Open golf tournament with a 72-hole total of 288. Tke victory aver the .S00-yard Barwlnd Caaatry Club course was werth $1.M to the little saarpsheeter, who alsa won the Jamatcaa toaraMeat last week. He picked ap aa additional $1.00 for finishing first la the three tea rnament circuit, which also Includes the Paaama Opea waa by Bab Watsea of Arasley-ee-Hadsea, N. Y. Ernie Vo&sler of Midland. Tex., shot a two-under-par 70 today but wound up second with a 200. Her man Barron and George Bernardi. both of Miami, tied for third with 291s. National Leasaa akr h Slant.!-) McMll.ii Torgtn.l Mu rial ,m Whltt.c LoncJ CullerJ rsa.lne.1 Klnf ,r-p Kstajr.p-r Aasertcaa Leane abr h S TosU J Kurnn.s 11 Klvt.m-I 1 rrtend.r ( Wrrts.l 1 NelmnJ t MarUn J Z Hfiu.t Seller .p rorS.p Trley.p a-Wyna Kemm.p Jo Graksskl aad) Jack Gaasga far their sixth victory fat sevea games with the Hawks thai sea sea, Arista waa aa of Are Warrlar aceriag ta doable fig ares. SaaMsberry had II. Grab eski IS. Neil Jehastea 12, aad George 1L ' CINCINNATI, Feb. -CinciB-nati's Royals finally got not in the second half tonight and spurt ed' to a runaway 121-104 National Basketball Assn. victory over Min neapolis' Lakers. dydo Lerellette and Jack Twymaa esmhlaed far 2t af the Kayals' SS aausta la a tied for third place in the PCC standings, but Just rest half-a-gamc out of first place behind UCLA and California. .Tonight' action to the last for Slats Gill's eager until February 21-22 when they make a jaunt to Sodthera California to meet USC and UCLA. Make, which has eae af fca sat teams hi years, has had what af a disastrous read trip this past weekend. They were ea the eaM side Friday night and gat aw.nped at Seattle by Washington St-49. Oa Satar day they ewee agala feaad the aeerlag raage aaly to raa an against a red-bat Oregaa team aad agala were aa the short ead of the roaat. this time gt-71. AB of this eeald make far a sfigbtly aagry Vandal fire tonight. Idaho i led by the hard-driving. high scoring Gary Simmons, a 3-11 senior guard who has been pacing th conference point parade. Sim mons has hooped a total of 213 points in his nine loop games for a 23.67 average per game. Oregaa State's answer to Sim mons ia Dave Gam bee. Tee S-7 sealer forward Is net aaly the Beavers' too scorer, bat Is lead lag the leagae la rebaaadlag. Ga-Jihee has pitched la 1(5 paints la alae games for aa 1IJI average. Neither team will be at full strength. Idaho will be without the services of forward Hal Damino who suffered a broken teg in a recent auto accident. Damiano bad been averaging 10 points per game for the Vandals and was one of their best rebounder. Oregon State is missing guard Lee Har mon who received a shouder sepa ration in the Oregon game two weeks ago. Harmon's number one replacement, Bruce Patterson, is also oa the in-artive list due ts an attack of mononucleosis. Here are tonight's probable starting lineup Idaho oaaooif itatb uvelons (S-4) F (S-J) Oi Oranoai (t-t) f (S-4) Mi MeSwea (S-4) C (S-S) Gable caienun (-z o (S-S) AnSersea (S-ll) fl (4-1) Miller tke victory Uvcflette as4 np halt of ah) It patat total far the -night la the last 11 snlawtos while Twymaa was scoring 11 ef his 11 DETROIT. Feb. t tr-With a strong fourth quarter surge, the New York Knickerbockers over came a 10-point deficit and edged the Detroit Pistons. 100-96, before 3,833 in a National Basketball Assn. game hero tonight New York's . Carl Braun, who blocked a last-second attempt by the Pis tons' Gene Shue to tie the game. was high scorer with 20 points. Tk Kakks, making their last appearaae of the seaaaa agalast the Piatews here, held De trait's George Yardley to jnst It palats as they came fram be hind to ea (scare tke Pistons, St-1. la tke final peried. t Willi Naulls added 18 points for New York and Yardley tied for Detroit scoring honors with Harry Gallatin, who also counted 18. Bryan Wins Stock Race PHOENIX. Aril., Feb. I H Jimmy Bryan of Phoenix, last year's national big car champion, today outlasted 167 national stock car champion Jerry Unscr to win the 100-mil late model stock car race at the atata fairground. His time was ono hour, 27:SSJ3 hi the USAC sanctioned run. PCC Race I , i i .J :- fcf ,a - Wide Open Six Teams Still S After Hoop Titl By THE ASSOCIATED PRES?' Passing the half-wav po'nt ItS still anybody's race lor the V cific Coast onference Basketball championship. ZH Well, maybe not anybodyX Washington SUte, Stanford aad Oregon appear out of the runnhg. But the other six members art still in contention with the top four only a half-game apart. The Soathera California Tr" Jaa mad tk biggest stride aver tke weekend, bracking CsV Herata eat af a tie far the lead-' Friday Bight, at-48. and mevtitg; taemaelvea to wUhia lay -a dis tance af the top by dawalnf Washlastoa State S4-4S Satoniay,-: Pete Newell' poised Cilifc-r.ia Bears bounced right back, how ever and shot down the high-Taring UCLA Bruins Saturday night 61-58 to get back their share of first place. It's now UCLA and Cal with 6-2 records. USC aad Oregon State at 6-3, Idaho, after a disastrous weekend, $-4. andh fast-closing Washington 4-5. Ore goo State and Idaho play tooightr. Tap gam aa tap far thir" weokead ia the USC-Cal snatch, set far Satarday alghtj; (Cantiaaed page 16, eat 6) IT People 60 to 8$ i . eajsn Tear Out This Atf . . . nd mail it today to JT - find out how you caa still apply for a $1,000 life insur snce policy to help take care of final expenses without burdening your family. ' You handle the entire - tranaction by mail with OLD -AMERICAN of KANSAS- CITY. No obligation. No one.T. : :n 1. . . wui cjui on youi (;,,.. . Write todsy. simply giving -your name, addross and year -of birth. Mail to Old Ameri- can Inmsraneo Co 1 Wost Stb, Dept. LZ36B, :-City, Mo. . X 1 ToUli IS 11114 Totals M 4 14 XI a llnile for Turley In Sth. National Leasue 11 ses American Leasae SI 111 B MarUn, Caller, Hefan. BBS Klaus. (MarUn srore on Culler's er ror), Mnilal. Nelman, Manlle, Wjrnn, Toraesoa. iO-rMartln (S), Hrn. IB Klaus. MB Klaus, sr Nelmaa, Torseson. DP Kins. McMillan and Torscion. Left Nationals 14. Amer icans S. BB Off Turlrjr I. SO Kon stanty . Klnf 1, Turley I. HO Kon stanty 1? In f Kins t a 1, reUcr 2 In I, For 4 in S, Turley I la t. Kemmerer 4 In I. K-EB KoniUnty 4-1. Klnf 4-4. Seller 1-1. For I-l. Turley -. Kemmerer 1-1. WP Klnf.. W Turley, L Konstanty. V Bchurts. Kodrisues. Vlllareal an Doasinlch. T 1:34. (est.). Basilio Training For Robinson Go MIAMI BEACH. Fla., Feb. 6 UP, 'Carmen Basilio worked three rounds today in preparation for his title fight with Sugar Ray Robinson in Chicago March 25 and his handlers said it was his best work out to date.' Basilio sparred three rounds with Leo Owens, his regular sparmate. and ran three miles at Flamingo Park. He now has worked a total of 1 rounds. I OVERHAUL ) ff special n (ls.oi A50 Vbl J Virrtttiai AU SlfMrfll llap Mid V Higher If ( Capitol Chevrolet 8 Get the money you need on Signature , 1 only, auto or furniture. wj.l I aw a wsBtlaW VA9II LUMNa $25 to $2000 W. H. "Bill" Ashbsngh. Mgr. 375 N. Liberty SL Phone: EM. 4-3396, Salem HoMTt: Uon.-FH. -S:30; Sot 1.30-M Open eveainya by Sfmoinrment leant eoe ia miOaott at eeoray m mm w. m k 2L X Uat Yonr's SALMON EGGS Jor Chinoo)! Hy-Groda, ate. TROUT LURES Voloes to 79c Choice 24c Rfl. 64.50 9k UM3RELLA TENTS 39.95 4 Only Last Tear's Floor, Metal Fale, etc. CASTIKG OUITIT 5' Gloss tool .....2.95 Level Windl Reel . .3.95 ' Total Value 6.90 Only 20 Uft 399 TUES., WED., THURS. ONLY , ) FOR THE REAL "SPORT" Bamboo Lawn Rakes . OPEN 9-9 SUNDAY 94-. close- lAfrrcTC JMUiLlbl OUT Reg. UM FARKA Reg. 19.95 FARKA 18.88 14.88 Reg. 1S.95 B-1S Wltk For Collar 10.95 Reg. 12.95 Tanker . . 10.88 Limited Siies Terrific Frico OPEN 9-9 SUNDAY 9-4 Open Sunday From 9 to 6 P.M. 1983 N." Capitol Street Phono EM 4-5007 One Weekdays Til 9 P.M. FREE PARKING V, -