The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1958, Page 7, Image 7

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    Snace Traveller Minht Fin A Youth Held After Shootings
Things Unpleasant on Planets
be In a hurry to book space
ship travel reservations to the
planets, Even if you got there
you might find conditions rather
Here's a summary of what you
might expect, as furnished by the
Bureau of Mines:
East Germany
Split Eyed
BERLIN, Feb. I (v-The purge
of three top Fast German Com
munists touched off speculation to
day of a split among Russian poli
cymakers over the puppet state.
K.ast Germany's Stalinist boss
Walter Ulbricht emerged trium
phant yesterday over a powerful
so-called liberal rebel group with
in the Communist jarty hierarchy.
With an obvious .go-ahead from
Soviet Communist party chief
Nikita Khrushchev, Ulbricht down
graded three contenders for his
party overlordship.
Karl Schirdewan, the No. 2 Com
munist, was expelled from the
Pnlitburo and the Central Com
mittee. Dep. Premier Fred
Oclssner, the party's chief ideolo
gist, also was ousted from the
rolitburo. Ex-Security Minister
Ernst Wollweber was fired from
the Central Committee.
The unprecedented outspoken
ness of the rebels in party meet
ings and their bold defiance of Ul
bricht has convinced Western ex
perts that the taction had some
official Russian backing. It was
regarded as inconceivable that a
faithful Moscow adherent such as
Wollweber would rebel without ap
proval from the Soviets,
I Mercury; There Is no "observa
tional evidence" of an atmosphere
on Mercury.
Venus: Observations show con
clusively that Venus possesses an
abundant atmosphere of carbon
dioxide, which ia hardly breath
able. No evidence of free oxygen
or water have been detected.
Not Mich Oiygest
Mars: Observations by the Mt.
Wilson Observatory show that the
Martian atmosphere cannot con
tain much oxygen, but there if
plenty of carbon dioxide.
Jupiter: Pretty cold here, minus
120 degrees centigrade to be ex
ag. The whole planet is encased
in a shell of ice 1S.0O0 miles thick.
The atmosphere contains ammo
nia and methane.
Saturn: It's even colder here
about minus 140 degrees centi
grade, but the ice shell is believed
to be only about ft.000 miles thick.
The ("atmosphere" has a density
about one-third that of water, con
sisting mainly of hydrogen, heli
um, ammonia and methane.
Slill Colder Crams
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto: It's
still colder on Uranus, minus 180
J .1 J '
Degree ana nepjune fr M when i(
u ucktccs mioer wan mm. 11 (0 blgjt ou(
ii s any ncip, astronomers relieve
both planets are "easily capable
of supporting an atmosphere."
There I practically no informa
tion about Pluto.
The Bureau of Mines supplied
this data, which it said comes
from astronomical authorities, to
the House Appropriations Com
mittee. The committee made . it
public today.
TWA Agrees
To Hire Negro
NEW YORK,' Feb. f CP-Charles
Abrams, chairman of the State
Commission Against Discrimina
tion, said today Trans World Air
lines has agreed to hire it first
Negro stewardess within 90 days.
The commission called this ' the
first break in the color line for
flight personnel by a major, inter
"Continental airline.
Mohawk Airlines hired the na
tion's first Negro stewardess,
Ruth Taylor, last December.
Earlier, New York Airways, a
helicopter service, hired Perry
Young, a Negro plot.
The agreement announced to
day, SCAD said, was reached aft
er a conference with Warren Lee
Pierson, TWA's acting president
Negotiation Planned
MANILA, Feb. t UV-An Israeli
trade mission is expected here
Feb. 23 from Tokyo to negotiate
an agreement with the Philippines.
Kremlin Plot
House Group
House Committee on Un-American
Activities said today the
Kremlin ha succeeded in enlist
ing more than a million Ameri
cans in a nationwide campaign of
political subversion.
"Their participation has ranged
from membership In the far-flung
network of Communist-front or
ganization to the siging of Communist-sponsored
petitions, and
ha included (ubstantial financial
contributions," the committee
said in the second section of it
annual report for 1957.
"It is fair to aay that many of
these people would be aghast if
they understood the full import of
their activities and the extent to
Reds Claim
They'll Soon
Erase Peaks
LONDON, Feb. t (-The Mot-
cow radio said today the Soviet
Union coon will be able to blast
whole mountains off the face of
the earth.
Flat surfaces would be all (hat
remained on their old sites, it said
in ' broadcasting a Tass dispatch
in English.
"It is already possible to blow
millions - of cubic meters of soil
into the air with a sure knowledge
of where this enormous mass of
soil will land," the broadcast
Further, it said, the day is not
will be possible
a reservoir in the
(teppes with a volume of several
million cubic meters.
Water-bearing strata will open
up and the, water will gush into
the vast pits, it said in describing
what was called "the biggest ex
perimental explosion recently
made in Tagansai near Tashkent."
This report spoke of the pos
sibility of widening the bed of the
Amgara River jn Siberia with a
30.000-ton charge placed under
the river bed.
The broadcast did not say what
explosives would be used, but the
reference to a 30,000-ton charge
could be interpreted a referring
to an atomic blast.
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MBaaWaii I'Wflln' lirBTui fcgajWl
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Morti, Feb. 10, '58 (Sec. I) 7
Captured Reich Documents Reveal
Russ Issue, FDR s Concern for Jews
', , , .,",'
WASHINGTON, Feb. I (J) - A I treatment of the Jews al is 1 sons of state really , remain se-1 visit he made to the United State
tale of Nazi Germany's deterior- chronicled briefly in the docu-' cret." I in May 1933. !
ating relations with Russia, Ger- ment taken from the archives of Hitler promised, however, that One report described luncheon)
man-Polish friction, ' intentions of I the German Foreign Office and he would "try to take into ac- conversation Schact had with
anschluss ' with Austria and Reich Chancellery. count your noble sentiment to the ' President Roosevelt on May I. It
fruitless disarmament ncgotia- The tame report, from former greatest possible extent
tions is told in a new volume of j Reichsbank President Hjalmar Hmdenburg's letter, to 'which
captured German documents pub- j Schacht, abso depicted Roosevelt , Hitler replied, has not been found,
lUhed today. ' ! as indicating "undoubted sympa- j the editors of the volume noted.
Former President Franklin D. .thy for the person' of, Hitler and Included in the volume are aev-
Rooaevelt'i concern over Nan
No Cutbacks
Sighted for
Land4 Bureau
as remarking that such efficient j eral reports from Schact on
government managers as Hitler, i
Mussolini and Roosevelt were not mm . .
to be four everywhere Klamath FaUS
mb uecameau
contained these remark:
"Both at table and afterward,
the President gave indication of
undoubted sympathy for the per
,son of tne Keich Chancellor Hit
ler and stated that he hoped to
see mm some time soon. He once
made use in his conversation of
the expression that when it came
to the speedy execution of (oven
mental measures, there were not
everywhere such efficint man
agers as Mussolini, Hitler, and
But Schacht also reported
Rmi.d.11 kr.i,.ki ... L . .
KLAMATH PAHX F.h ,m 1""". . wwi-
!Ji" doctor and hi, wife died, ap- " LTZ pLIM
aS fire "HlH lull lahnrla nn tkl tkam
The 502 documents, on 929 pages.
were released simultaneously by ;
the State Department here and j
by the British Foreign Office in
They cover the first 10 months
Doctor, Wife
Die in Fire
Ia r.mill'i withrfraaal Irnm lh -i J t , . OIQ IWK
TNiti ,."c'u: "i" l"u "i urdl. would be
Film Director
Guild Awards
Briton Prize
HOLLYWOOD, Feb. I -Brit-ish'
director Dayid Lean was
named the outstanding motion
picture director of. the year by
it. 6jmm niMinr,1 r!uiM !t
which they benefit the Communist ' igh, for his work on ..-rhe Bridge
conspiracy. ! on the River Kwai."
ine Tmmiuee m is year re-
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. Jerry Haynes, 18-year-old Air
Force deserter from Renton, Wash., is shown at City' Pris
on today after hi earlier arrest by San Francisco police
following a leriei of shootings in which three person were
wounded. He was booked for assault' to commit murder
and armed robbery. (AP Wirephoto)
AF Deserter Wounds
3 in Shooting Spree
' J IL. i U fca : i Miaail Rat IT at
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 9 orv-Almen, Chapman in the stomach ' ZTL aSuTif I -
bar room areument started an and thigh. Russell in the thieh and I ?.per!i,0M began earlier in He insisted that Jews must be
18-yearold Air Force deserter on bladder. - bim timated Lt neariv 79
a shooting spree early today. Inj Police said Hayne. deserted his I "criUcallv
30 minute, three men were 'post as a jet mechanic with an H10?,, "f , Jc,;ic,
plans to continue, without cut-j Seizure of power on Jan. 30, 1933. parent) v of uffort'nn
,oacK8, sou ana moisture conser
ivation work in 11 Western tat
dunng the next year. - j disarmament conference on Oct . Falls late last night
f 1 ma wmm ftnwvvwu -v. . t, jam. iv. . ; ; m rt . ,
mk public todjy by . House M wilh t, , in- W. Oldeoberg, S and h Tfe
appropriations subamirnlttee . The Sternal poUtical .ituation tfter for-Jean MS
testimony wa g yen r&entij inittmtion ttie Hitler Cabinet. j F1mM firtl . ...
jupport of BLM wfuest for One of these ta a letter from abt m m
funds for the 12 months Chancellor Adotf Hitler to:rdeanrt,,ha prac.
officials told the subc $SJSttS?t t
mittee the bureau want S3.617.7O0 1933 , 1 , lne P"' year.
for erosion control and other wii! Hjtkr wrot th the PresKi,.. ' dZ?n. cJlZZ '?JZ
and moisture co't'on work, ..ta , generwlI , hufnaBe S Oae, S
during the year. This U about he hwJ uJef, the CUM. tho
same amount to be spent in the 1 r iu. 1 i.u J an A t0,e 01 Klamath
K..,. at one time were forced ta ir-
watersheds is planned
even if its importance,
should not be underestimated."
Treatment for IS community! " .- m?u,eJ'- Mr. T. L.
is planned in the com-jJ" ZZZJ, 7- ' l"T ,s'.um .rtln
fng year. Of these, 3J would be " ine oocior ana nis wife were
IY THI 10th
T enable your dealer to
eoatino year Monthly
charge aeniee
anrt usocuTiai
wounded seriously.
"I never had bad moods before," 1 Ark., went home to Renton, then . A wu J 1
police quoted Airman Jerry Hay- came to San Francisco five day ,h 1959 the w. Dfc,hijrfl turllPC
nes. of Renton, Wash., as saying ago. lowing acreages: OaeDlirg aiUQieS
Idaho 77,000, Montana 36,000. MnHorniT JUIifh
ITIUUbllllUU ITiaitll
removed from positions important
to the state "so that certain
events that cannot be told to the
rest of the world for higher res
iding its annual report in seven
sections. The first, released yes
terday, said that despite the
eruptions in the Communist party
in the United States, "the Com
munist operation today presents
a menace more serious than ever
The second section ssid the ob
jective of the Red campaign of
political subversion is "the de
struction of the entire security
system of tne United States."
The report, continued: "More
immediately, it seeks to cripple
the anti-subversive programs of
the executive department and the
Congress, to shackle or abolish
Runners-up in the competition
were Mark Robson for "Pyeton
Place," Sidney Lumet for "Twelve
Angry Men," Joshua Logan for
"Savonara" and Billy Wilder for
"Witness for the Prosecution."
Director George Stevens ac
cepted the award for Lean, whoi
is currently in England.
Director Don Weis won the
Guild award for the best direction
of a television Film for "The
Loely Wizard Steinmetx."
Electric Plant Built
yiJCNNA, Feb. t UTt-Red-ruled
Hufiearv is building a high-
the FBI and its director, J. dgarJfowered electric plant for Red
Hoover." 'China, Budapest radio reports.
Scientist Ponders Path After Grant of
$587,344 Received to Battle Cancer
while confessing the wild gun
Officers George Jeffery and Joe
Flynn said Haynes shot down Karl
Russell. 10 and Clement Hunt, 59,
at the bar when they intervened
a he tried to rob the half-dozen
customers. Then, the officer said.
Haynes fired five shots during, a
$20 holdup of a hotel clerk, Alex
ander Chapman, 5S, because tne
clerk acted "smart" and "for
"I hate foreign people,
Hunt was wounded in the abdo-
Senator Raps
Steel Industry
Kpfmivpr (D-Tonnl uirf tndav th Oregon Northwest Basin. North-
,aiA Senate Antitrust "and Morwpoly Great Basin, Oregon coastol
sala siihmmmittP "found littl. mrf. 1 and Klamath River sub-basins.
dence of real competition" in the T program will consist mostly
steel industry. 01 "M u-eaimem aiinougn siruc-
The subcommittee, of which Ke- lu WCT 08 mne p
fauver is chairman, investigated i T
pricing practices in the steel in-
Oregon 239,000, (BLM laid only
a small amount of conservation
work will be done on a few
scattered public lands in Wash
ington state.
A breakdown of work planned
OREGON Fourteen community
watersheds are dated for work in
the Snake River, Columbia River,
Hillary Joins
FuchV Party
AUCKLAND, . New Zealand,
Feb. 9 oft Sir Edmund Hillary
flew from Scott Base today and
joined a Commonwealth party
now on the last leg of its long
trek across Antarctica.
The conqueror of Mt. Everest
met Dr. Vivian Fuch' expedition
at the depot Hillary set up 700
miles from Scott Base. Antarctic for fa livelihood.
goal of the expedition. ' I Kefauver, in remarks .recorded
Hillary set up the depot and; for Tennessee television stations.
others on his recent overland trip
(Pic tor wireakete page)
CHICAGO, Feb. 9 I - A bril
liant, personable University of
Chicago scientist, credited by his
associates with spending 70 hours
a week id hi laboratory, took a
day off today to think about a
$587,344 lifetime grant he ha re
ceived from the American Cancer
Announcement of the grant to
Dr. Paul -Talalay. 34. was made
yesterday at a one-day national
meeting of the American Cancer
Society when some 700 leaders in
the field made plans for JO-mil-lion-dollar
fund drive for research
education and service.
Dr. Talalay, who was born to
Germany and educated in Eng
land and the United Mates, told
please. I also am humble, real
a newsman: ''Naturally, I am
pleased. I also am humble, real
izing the responsibilities that go
with the honor. However, the
whole idea is that the money will
be given to the University of Chi
cagd to support me and to pay my
salary for special research.
Wsulda't Knew
"I wouldn't know what to do
with a half a million dollars and
neither would you.
"As far at I know this kind of
thing has never been done before
as far a an individual is con
cerned. However, two previous
grants have been made to the
University of Wisconsin and the
University of Pennsylvania,'?,.,,
The ACS said the grant was the
largest ever made by the organ
ization. 'It includes provisions for
salary for' Dr. Talalay until he
reaches -'retirement age. It was
authorized after a careful study
by the society's panel of advisory
scientists. The research which
won recognition for Dr. Talalay
has to do with the apparent unx
between sex hormone and cer
tain forms of cancer
Nat Ivory Tewer Type
Dr. Talalav ia the onnosil of
an ivory tower type of scientist.
Puffing a pipe and wisecracking
about ordinary things, he is mod
est about possible achievements.
The doctor said he hasn't
enough time for hobbies, but he
enjoys the theater and reading on
a variety of topics for relaxation.
"I specialize in bio-chemistry,"
he said, "but today, for the first
time in years, I'm going to
specialise in hiving a pleasant
day with my family." The doctor
has a boy. 4, and a girl, 1. His
scientist friends say he normally
spends (even day a week in' the
iu tii 9 Any
1rn. in J"4IojTime
l-fc ,
Why should yqp go to a
Stauffer salon to get slim?
If you're overweight
now - if you've waged a
one-woman battle against
pounds and inches all of
your life, you should be
coming to Stauffer!
Stauffer people re
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they will never give up until
you walk out the door
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klongs on your figure!
Specialists in Reducing
for 20 Years
Why not call today
for your professional
figure analysis
IM 4-0161
Hour! Man. through Frl. -fafurdayi 1-4
Patricia Tallman
In the steel in- f ! C!
dustry last year and is expected JiedmSnip rlim
to make a formal report on its'p t j
findings late this month. The sub- J3VS InOOnCSIflnS
committee it now making a simi- r ; i i
lar inquiry in the automoble in- beiZCu YeSSCI
dustry. .
"What happens to the automo- SINGAPORE, Feb. The
ble industry is of transcending , Straits . Steamship Co., charged
importance to all of us." Kefauver that an Indonesian gunboat inter
said, "because one out of every icepted one of it vessel on the
seven persons in the United States I high seas today and forced it into
depends, either directly or indi-ioort on the Riouw Archipelago.
rectly, on the automobile industry, The company protested to Indo
nesian consular officials.
The vessel, the Segamat, wa
reported en route to Singapore
said the subcommittee was trying from Palembang, Sumatra, with
to find out if antitrust laws are 200 tons of wax from the Stanvac
"really working In a way which refinery there. A company spokes-
the base. If the expedition reaches will encourage full production, full 1 man said the master radioed a
the depot, it will be the first to employment, the full flowering of report of seizure and said the
cross the frozen crn''""nt over- our productive free enterprise ; Segamat was being escorted to
to the South Pole from Scott Base.
He will guide the expedition to
Science Programs
ROSEBURG. Feb. u - The
Roseburg School Board is consid
ering modernizing the science and
mathematics programs to Roseburg-'
schools next year.
The board hired aa architect to
investigate the possibility of re
modeling the chemistry and phys
ics laboratories at the high school.
The board also ia considering
adding another grade to the cur
riculum of the Junior hieb school.
IIG, 116
land via the South Pole.
I economy.
jy Sin
fhjffg A T through I
""fHv) N:. February R
reg. $1.65
Dubbtlif Ml fuhiontd
oVtlt thr itrtlch
Dutyful ihr ttrttch
drui ihttr run-ruin mmicM rlch
drtM thtar, pUto
reg. $1.35
trtch drtu ih ttH-SMm
dfiu lhr rgulr Hllwn
drtu lhr Mtmlest rtinlorced hl,
stocking sale
Wonderful wvinst m wendtrM stockinet
... Ill th ftmtut nclusiv fMhrrn Bur
mil CifflM . . . yowrt thM ftbulou anu-a-yr
stretch sizes:
A-l-v'i; s-fvi-iofii C-lO'i-ll'i
regular sizes:
hart, V-10; medium, IVl-ll; long, V,-1 1
9. 1.J0 M.mltii J
rtg. $1.13 Dutyful (Hmt Ml
lriiend ... . .SL'jyj
3 $3.15
Mail and phone orders
1:30 AJA. TO 9 P.M.
OTHER DAYS: :30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M.
ft ' ""V I
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And Mamas appreciate their wonder fabric carefree way!
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1. embossed everglaze butcher girl et; snap crotch
pant in pink or blue; cobbler top in white with pink or
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2. red, blue or tan plaid poplin overalls; white shirt with
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Closed crotch toddlers' pants; sizes 2, 2, 4 $39S
Choose from a selection of styles of carefree wonderalls
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the Street Floor.
Mail and phone orders'
9:30 AM. TO t P-M.
OTHER DAYS: 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.J
a .. . jrrkTT. I i-afi.