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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1958)
12-(Sec. II) Statesman, Silan, Ore., Mon., Feb. 10, '58 400 Agriculture 4!0 Merrhantiiiie 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 500 Bun. & Finance DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS '.,1. A Slav Drudtjt Milt from fall M. Prti 11 Exclama tion 11 Kind of soup 14. OpulMt 15. Bom (anaL) It Greek Utter 17. Gold (her.) 1. Epoch 1 Over, hajtr 4. Near 5. Out look! 1 Game of card T. Senior 1 Greek letter I. Hot frai drink 11. Thin itratum 13. The boat builder (Bib.) 11 Weaken 1 Mai sheep 10 River Ga.) 4. ruh 15. Embrace 2t. Irregular II. Olrta nickname 14. Greek Wand SS.Cloa to Latvian river I 17. Steward Recruit (U.S. Navy) U. Keep 40. Session of a court 41 Chieftain (Arab.) 41 Depart 44. Accumu late 41 Kind of telephone 41 Nctlike fabric DOWN 1. Ostenta tioui demonatrt tion Both Parties Wary of Vote In Minnesota - MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. i -Both Democrats and Republicans ware wary of possible upsets as they girded today (or a special congressional primary election in Minnesota's 1st District Tuesday. Both parties have endorsed can didates, but the field of six other Republican aspirants and two outer uemocrais memoes several regarded as capable 01 defeating tbe district convention choices.- The Democrat and the Repub - lican nominated in the pri- mary will fight it out Feb. IS in a special runoli election lor the aeat in Congress vacated by the death of Republican August An dresen, a 31-year veteran. . . .. The. Congressional election, IS being watched as 1 possible sign post potnung the direction iki general elections may take. It may measure tbe strength of farm unrest and the extant to which opposition ta tbe policies of Secretary of Agriculture Ben son may affect Republican party fortunes. The 1st District is made up of 11 southeastern Minnesota counties in a rich farming area where dairy farming is em phasized. MOTICI OP PINAL HEARING Ai executrix of nut of JAMES HENRY OUNCE R. Dereaaed. I have filed in Circuit Court of Oregon. ' Marian County, my final account la aid estate, and 17 March 164, at . IS o'clock, a.m. .and the courtroom of aaid court have boon appointed by aid court for tne koartns of objec tion to aaid final account and the tUonwnt thorooi. AILEEN L CLODFELTEB . Aa Executrix Aforesaid Pwter M. Gunner Richard O. Loo Attorney! tor Executrix 1 fob. 14, 11. 14. starch 1 IMS. CALL roa sins Scaled IMda will bo received by the Board of Education of School Dutnct No. S4CJ, Marwn County. Oregon, up Is S OO o'clock P.M. 001 Tuesday. February IS. its, torn furnishing (tool lockers required (or Judeon and Wei do Junior Hifh achoeli. Bid forme may bo obtained from and bldi shall bo filed with the Die tnci Clark at 1300 Jerry Street. Sa les. Orofon. Th4 Board reserves the right to select any or all bids and to waive Inform sliue in bids. Doted at Salem. Oregon, this 1th day of February. 14. CONNELL C. WARD. District Clerk Moa. a Sat.. Fob. 14. II NOTICE OP HE AWING ON PINAL ACCOUNT Notice i hereby given that the trebv iv of Elsio . Final Account Alma Norton ! as Executrix of the Estate of Thomas Edward Norton, deceased, has been filed la the Circuit Court of Marian County. Oregon, and that Wednes day, the Mth day of February. ISM. at 1:11 a.m. in tho courtroom of aaid court m tho county courthouse Salem. Oreeon haa been set for the bearing of objcctiona, if any, to , uca einai Account. ELSIE ALMA NORTON Executrix of the Estate of Thomas Edward Norton, STEVE ANDERSON Attorney for the Estste S41 Court Street Salem, Oregon. Jan. II. Feb. 'I. IS, IT. 1M. SHERIFF'S NOTICE OP SALR i obtained from the County Engl -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That j Courthouse. Salem Oregon an the 11th day of March. ISU at! Marion County reserves tho right to 10.00 o'clock a.m.. at the front west r,,et nT.or !'! door of the Courthouse In Salem Marlon County, Oregon. I will sell at public auction In the highest bidder i lor caihi the following described real property: Beginning at "the Southwest corner of Lit Thirty-five (Ml, Copital City Fruit Farm as shown by plat re corded hi Volume 1, Page S3, Record of Town Plau lor Marlon County. Oregon: and running thence Easterly along tho South line of said Lot M. 4 SM chains ta the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northerly along the East line of said Lot 35. 1 00 chains: thence Easterly parallel with the Southerly line of Lot M of aaid Cap ital City Fruit Farm, S3S4 chains; thence Northerly parallel with the Easterly Una of said Lot St. 14 041 chains to the Southerly line of land conveyed to Arthur F. Dalke and wife by dead recorded tat Volume JM, Page MS, Deed Records for Mar lon County. Oregon; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of aaid Dalke land. I M chains to the Westerly line a( sold Lot at: thence Southerly long the Westerly line of said Lot St. ft Ml chains to the point of be- K an ins, and being a portion of Lota and U, CanttaT City Fruit Farms in Section if. Township t South. Rente 1 Wast of UtVWinametM Meridian. Manoa County,- Oregon. Said sale la made under mortgage foreclosure execution Issued out of the Clreult Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Marlon to mo directed. In the rase of JOHN H. CHASTAIN and MILDRED P. CHAS TAIN. husband wife, plaintiff, vs. LARRY L. WAGNER and PAULINE J WAONER huabaid and wife, VALLEY CREDIT SERVICE. Inc.; and MARION COUNTY, a bodv po litic of the State of Oregon, defend ants. , Dated February tih, lNd. DENVER YOUNG iiienff of Mar low County. Oregon. y A. I. Meletmm, Deputy. . ah. 10. It, St, March , list. II. Sea-' toned veal cutlet 21. Elisa beth Retina 31 Shield 23. Guido'a highest note 26. Jewiih month 27. Servile 21 Rune out ( eolloq ) 30. Painful spot 31. Semitic local deity 31 Relieved Seiarday'e Aaewe 33. Palm l Brat.) 31 Covered with flow era, etc. I her I 31 Wine re ceptacle! 41. Yellow bufle 4. Exist : Jt i x ii it. a Zjy J7Z yy. 14 77 i 17 54 , r tihzzzw-- w Wm-W -m Advertising Statesmai Jaaraal Newspapers 2M Church St St. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS ip,,. aay 1114 per Una 40 o 33 . j - TOTAL CHARGES ; (Mia. . ) weekdays , pr line time 40 II OS ' 11 SO SI ' 13 50 line Minimum, when charged, $1.00 LOCALS v p?r liiir a., ( Classified ads will be run in MUCH Sty IIVC 41JtBriIBV(9 Ul .-- vantages of the tremendous mtllini papers to g ,v advertisers the power J7.474 coanblnod ctrcula Uona. Whoa an ad la ordered three six times and a Sunday issue r hided for oxamolo Fridar. day, Sunday) the lower Sunday rates apply because only Toe Statesman publishes Sunday. Classified nda wffl atari In the morning Oregon Statesman, rone hide in the evening Cagltal Journal but aaa win oe accepiao lor axinaay Statoamaa only. The deadline for classified ads Is 1 00 p m. tho day before publication except lor Sunday when deadline la 5 JO p.m. Friday. Emergency ads and small line ads received after 1:0 S.m. weekdays and until 11 noon aturdav (or Sunday may be placed la tho Too Late to Classify column Ads for Monday paperi must bo la by S p m. Saturday. Tho Statesman Journal Newspa pers mono the right to reject ques tionable advertising, ft further re serves the right to place all adver tising under tho proper classifica tion. Tho Statesman Journal Newspa pers assume no financial responsi bility lor errors which may appear In advertisements published in its columns and in esses where this pa per is at fault will reprint that Dart of an advertisement in which typographical aaistake occurs and is responsible for only one incorrect insertion: A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesmen-Journal Newspapers box number lor an address is for the protection of the advertisers and must therefore be answered by let ter. Tho Statesman-Journal Newspa pers are not at liberty to divulge in formation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Ads in other columns which require investment m stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly invasugatad before paying out any money. Advertiser! requiring a cash Investment for samples or merchandise sales aids etc. must so specify in their ads. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to pro tect its readers against fraud, decep tion, or injuries. Readers are cau tioned ta make NO PAYMENTS to get a position advertised in tho help anted columns. All help wanted MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ada must state if the nav ia ut the form of salary, commissions, guarantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide offers ef employment with pay belong to tne Help wanted columns, sumiv report any exception to this rule the classified advertising manager. ADVERTISEMENT FO BIDS Sealed proposals for "Petroleum Products" will be received by the Marion County Court. Room III. Courthouse, Salem. Oregon, until 10:00 A. M . on the 7th day of Feb ruary. IBM and1 then will bo pub licly opened and read. Information and iDeclflcatlons ran !.. abiom luutvty coukt Of" ; 17 Feb. t. FINAL NOTICE KENNETH CLARK, executor of the estate of NONA CLARK, de ceased, hai filed hn final account as such in the Circuit Court of Marlon County. Oregon, and said Court has fixed Vtdnesday, March t. 1M at le.DO o'clock a.m.. In the Court Room of aaid Court aa the time and place far haarlng nhjectlont thereto.. KENNETH CLARK Executor of the Estate of NONA CLARK, deceased. BRUCE W. WILLIAMS OTTO R. 8KOPIL. JR. KEITH D. EVANS 412 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem. Oregon Atlornyi for Executor FS.11T.24.M1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. Probata Depart ment, as executrix of tho estate of RUTH E. BRESSLER, deceased and have ojualUiod as such executrix. All persons having elauna against aaid estate are notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at 41 Pioneer Trust Butldlflg, Salem. Ore goa. la said County, within six months from the date of tht notice. Dated this tlrd day of January, ISM. OATH A "VIOLA RHODES Executrix of the ette of RUTH E. DRESSLER, Deceased BRUCE W WILLIAMS OTTO R 8KOPIL. JR. KEITH D. EVANS 411 Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregan Attorneys lor Exeruirtx Jaa. ST. Feb. J, It, IT, M. T T ' 0 ana. ..K) M 40 Sun I both ad- or ta m Satur the ads to 1. 10 in Want Ads Sold WWtingto vai the lint tnuk brrrtirr ia the I' i., and h iniriicicti his ovencrr, )) fair tax, 10 athcrtiw them fur mIc in a Phtljiiclphu ik pjprr. The lim id cm the mulrs aprxrtd early in I "to. Prior 10 becoming prtAiJtiM, Vk ifStmjFtuo tAKittsiulty ad futKd for terurm to clear, (cote and fir a tut UnJs. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found DID you find 130 in Ladd Bush Bank Thurs. p ni .' EM J H7.Reerd. LONG HAIRED half ron male kitten, brown a grey, black rings on sides. EM 3-5121 LOST: By family man. brown leather billfold, driver lie of I Mrlvin A Old Jr , 5.M Mill EM 4-714 after 4. Reward LOST: Pekinese, blarkAbruun. Vic Water A River Sts. He ward. EM 3-46U alter 3:30. 316 Personal Jary's Flowers k Gills Capitol Shop. Ctr.EM 4-3391 OPAL Kinf Spiritual Reader. EM 4-2701. Need Help? lnronie lax returns, and part time bookkcermg. John W. Bollinger. 1440 Elm. EM 2-3425. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. I S CommerciaL EM 4-1SOS. OPENING of the new manage ment Barber Shop next to inappciiee, lose axissran 91. Tues. Feb. 11th. Gene Boggan. ALCOHOUCS Anonymoua. Manon. EM 4-OM5 400 Agriculture 402 livastock For Sola SELL 1 Jersey calves, wks. Rt. 5. Box 175. I A I Saletir. FOR sale, gentle Jersey cow. Fresh Feb. t with second calf. Price 1150. Rt. 4, Box 4t3 00 Rainbow Dr. EM 2-0294. GOOD green hay. tit ton. Can deliver. EM 2-4437. GREEN Clover A grass hay 120. T. Del. Straw 30c. EM 2-2923. GET greater gains lor 1 a a a money. Use Surepork T3with your jrralna-Lanro Feed Store, 430 Front NE. GOOD clover hay. 13) Del. Straw 1 29 bale. EM 2-rm. GOOD clover hay 128 T All 12 T for 1204 U-Hul. EM 4-1349 GRASS hay ac bale, straw 45c Larro Feed Store 434 Front SL mm MAIL OR PHONE YOUR AD ' TODAY PHONE EM 4-6S11 100 Di4ploy Ckttifiod) SINGER 130 N. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sal TOP quality clover hav not 1 rained on. EM 4-1973 or EM I 4-SM.l. Gerald F. Andresen. 40. livestock Wanted -,' .TI,"".n7. ,,0..7,,:,"" Hd KM 2 i:i45 or KM 2 43MI CATIXS not sen. al E. C. MiCandllsil. vnur tarm em 3 -mat TCP cash prices at your place. Kay Coicl. KM 4-3141 Collect CATTLE buyer A. F. Somrner 53S Dallas Rd. EM 4-B0t7. BUYFR Claud Edwards. Rt. I Boa S8SK. EM 4-1 Hi 405 Pott 4 Pek . cocker pup EM 4-4191 pup Va Colton. Ore. lley 4 2152. BEAUTIFUL Color Bred aries. Met Cbamoaeu. S-43U. Ca XM FOR SALE Boxer dog 1 yr. old with papers. CAS HW. PXXINGXSI puppiea. AKC reg. aiua service. sa Hits. SITREHCAMP doe food: St lbs tt U. 21 lbs. 11 44. Larro Feed store, 43t N. Front. Birds, Cavies. Chipmunks. IttO Lningstaa. EM SI4XS. 412 Food Column DRIED Italian prunes, 15c. tb. Paul Tavlor, KL 4, Box 304, KM 2-1IM. BABY beet for 'your lockers, all weigh ta. EM 2 4403. PASTEURIZED whose aailk, ale. gas. Homogenised, ate. h gal 44c Cleary Dairy EM 8-3038 SPITZ apples 7&c to tlJt. Worm free. S7M Center Ct. BURBANX poutoea M. Murphy. 1 mi. SchL lb. W. Ketxer 414 Poultry Kabbifs OPPORTUNITIES broiler nrn ' s ' . n htrH nrmrrl, turkey 'or.iiects. Larro Feed Store. 430 Front NE BABY chicks, leghorns, par mentors. New Hamps. White Rock Cornish. Ask about free chicks. Valley Farm Store. 420 SeMtds Plants DWARF fruit trees. Flowering trees, shrub. Garden euppUes 2140 MM. EM S-1944. TREES plant now while selec tion la complete. Middle Grove Nursery 4924 Sllverton Rd, We give SAR Green Stamps. SHRUB sellout, less than whole sale. 1215 Wallace Rd. 424 Fortillxat COW FERTILIZER for garden It flowers, tit wad. EM 2-3131. PEAT anoss A chick trays. 75c. ack. Valley Farm Store. MUSHROOM Fertiliser. Now la the time ta put an lawa, also have rich black manure. No weeds. We del. EM 2-0331. FERTILIZER, tit truck load toe ak. EM 4-0343 or EM 4-4541. 100 Pisptay Clottifiod USED r.iAccnnES FEATURING MANY LATE IY10DGI TRADE-INS rVdMstri of our tew mod It 4ft trdin ia t widt vtrity of auukiaet, iacludin maa only t few ytan old tiuj is ttetlsmt epnlin tomtitio. T clear our ttock vt'rt bffortfii a troup of tbeaa totdoiM at vary itmctjvg prioat at tntmm Aratarvtd bsiil. Hen i tvptcai valuat (variout maai) . . . ELECTRIC As Low As ., BEAUTIFUL As Low As V yr cmWca oofr fo tart, SINGER SEWING CENTER COMMERCIAL 434 farm fquiptyont PARTY wanting RUR rail Keystone Co. EM 4-aiil 4-50 Iflerrhanditie 4S1 House) hald GocxK T PIECE chrome set NEW anv color. SHt.M Hob a MM Mart. 170 8. Liberty. EM 4-ail. OponFrl. nights Jil t. tHKirfY: hu UK)D used furniture A single item or a complete household Buy how oa our easy terms. . fairy's Thrifty USED FURNITURE III S Commercial EM 4-U1I I Block South 01 Paper Mill NEW Daveno. Cheap. EM 4-5817. CHILD'S training chair only tl.SO. Bob's Mrtie 170 S. Liberty. EM Open Frl. nights til sale Mart. 4t371. ANTiqUFa marble top table. CaJJanytlme.EM t-(&t: FOR SALE: Platform rocker, like new. em 1-4437. NEW gunc"ab"lnet"with door . place lor T. 135. glass Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S, Liberty. EM 44371. Open Frl. nights ill I. , 130 DN. tit mo. buys complete nauaohoia tine furniture, uien Woodry. 1405 N. Summer. UNFINISHED furniture. H. L Stiff Furniture Co. NEW Daveno with Toto chair tmi M. Glen Woodry, 1405 N. Summer. t PIECE bedroom art. Like new only 18S W. Bob a Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-4371.Open Fri. nights til t. DAVENPORTS, tt.tS St up. H. L. Stiff Used Furniture Store, 175 N. High BU, EM 3-tlM. MAHOC. knee-hole desk. oloc. range, excel, cond. EM 4-1474. USED complete bunk act ttt.SO. Glen Woodry. 1403 N. Summer. MATTRESSES springa. tt A no H. L. Stiff Used furniture Store. 17t N. High. EM 3-tlM. TRANS Oceanic radio - AC A DC. Very good. 179 95 Bob's Mdse. Mart. 274 S. Liberty. F.M 4-4371. Open Fri. Bights til t. ELECTROLUX cleaner, guaran teed, 114. 95. Terms. EM 3-7047 SMM SPECIAL! REG. tut tt Mew 1244 CoD Box Spring, Innerspring Mattress. Terms. Clan Woodry. 1404 N. Summer. OPEN MON. NITEI I FOR Lower Prices Shop Glen Woodry. 1405 N. Summer. NEW Overnight Sleeper sofa with mnersprwg mattreas I ISO. Glea Woodry. 140 N. Summer. IF yea have one item or a house of furniture to sell, call the Bobl Merchandise Mart, 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-4371. 1137.50 SPECIAL! NEW 1 pc. Bedroom Croup: Inc. aar. at asra. urosser, ruling Mirror, Bookcase Bed. Box Spring. Inawrapring Mattress, S Boudoir Lamps. Easy Terma. Glea Woodry, 1105 N. Summer. SPECIAL BUYS Trash burner 1395 141 50 171.95 II". M til M 149 50 149.95 wood heater wrmXCr WBSnCT Kerosene heater Airtight heater Sewing machine Radio-phono, 4 apeed MONTGOMERY WARD lit N. Liberty EM 3-3111 SPECIAL I NEW pc. Living Room Croup; inc. uareno, ciuo cnair, j ana tables, coffee 'table, 1 table lamp, floor lamp. Easy t Glen Woodry. Itftt N. Sun terms, mmor. t PC. blood dtnine grouD tM. I uphols. chairs tit A ill. EM 1-M74 after 4. 452 Appliancos FRY ALL electric skillet used once, tt. EM 2-4920. DELUXE Youngstown dishwash er, still In shipotng crate. Sat below retail. EM 4-4325. DEXTER washer, wrlnier i pump. Good cond. 140. EM 4-4241. GUAR, used appliances. Yealer Apt. Co. 273 Cbemeketa. Ta Place Cissiied dt Call EM 44IH 100 Ditploy Clottifiod PORTABLES i . . $19.95 CONSOLES a a $39.95 wWaar t4va4arroiti fat? rorwati V 456 T V. 1 Hadla alll'Tri television reconditioned t fully guar some new picture tubes. Low price--easy terms RAH green stampa Master Serv. Sla.. 3SS N. CoroL rOR the best gusranterd TV or Radio service on anv make caU Heider sEM t-aiL CALL anytime for TV or radio aerv Free tube checker. Curtis Radio it TV ServEM 4-37tl. TVs t4t Each'wlth eld TV Ut. KM !-J4et. 451 Musical Intlrumonts SMALL upright piano. A beauty. ss.m mo. raiiman riana wire house, Jut S. 12th, Open Mon., Fri. eves. SPINET Piano Bargain. Like new. Assume pyls. of $14.50 mo. EM S-S707. TRUMPET pd EM 14920. til. Sell for S40. FOR SALE piano, good cond.. 445, em 4-3WU alter a p.m. FOR ouick "aiala. lust reo aesed nearly new Jansaen Solnat Diana with built-in or gan. You can't heal this piano- organ tout in one. runv guar anteed. Save 1AM. Zobel'a HI ano Co, 4M Church St. EM 4-1352. GIBSON ELEC. Keel guitar and ampll. S45 or trade for S speed record player. EM 3-44J1. ELEC. Organ. Demonstrator. Substantial discount, EZ terms Tailmaa Pinna stores, 34 s. 13th, open Mon., Frl.- eves.' LUDWIG upright, wamut case piano. Excel, cona. Itis state. SPINET Planoe. Rent to own, from ft mo. Tollman a, Swt S. 12th. SECOND, pianos, 1 81 up. Dodge rtano service, cais-ieoa. UPRIGHT piano 160. EM 44044 442 Wtrrfod Hthld Goodt MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM 3-4UU4 CASH for RANGES, REFRIG ERATORS, tilsr. EM 3-9413 Glen Woodry 14M N. Summer. CASH for clean used FURNl' TURE. EM 3-5110. Glea Wood ry, IMS N. Summer. 4o3 totring 11 sizes New Johnsons St pet off. vou have a choice now. SALEM BOAT HOUSE lot Chcmehela EM 3-4303 FOR aaat or trade 14' boat, mo- tor a trailer, em 2-7tea eves. 11' BOAT V Bottom 149. 13' Wlitard Fibcrflass 1243. It' Blakecraft comp. line I (with controls and hardwarel. Scott-Atwater Sales tt Service GlassDar it Blake Craft Boats I37t Highland Ave. EM 3-143 GI-ASS boat motor f- trailer aell reas. or trade, EM S-4B05. 1 4tV4 Sporft tqulpmom HVSQVARNA 3-4451. 34-01 Rifle. KM CASH for Ueed Guns and aid coins, all types. Csscede Mere un Broadway. 465 Photography NEW Irg. size Polaroid lend Camera with light meter, flash attrh. with defuser. leather compartment carrvlng cae ll.V) value sell 1117.50. EM 4-3159. 470 Building Matoriats SAVES YOU MONEY ORDER SPECIFIED 1x4 txt - zxt 1x4 SL OLD GROWTH FIR S-l Composition FRY ROOFING 1 RL Oak Flooring; NAMED BRANDS BRUCE It LOUISIANA QUALITY A 8ERV1CX WE DELIVER LUMBER CO. 3245 So. Com'l EM l-7ic0 1 00 Ditploy Clattifiod EM 3-3S12 40 BuUdina Matorialt KEITH BROWN SPECIALS OPEN ALL ' DAY SATURDAY CASH & CARRY 4x4x Sheetrock . . II .33 ea 4xtx-ie 1 44 ea 4xSx'e 190 aa Pouring Wool 1 13 ak 43 Ih. Smooitt Rnnfine 2.45 rl In. 1 Aiphalt Shingle I IS aq iiM4xa .eu ll'V .IV'y sq 11 10 only steel sash at fl.M ea Tana an at ne w. DOORS . indi 3-4xa-axl; Ext Mabog 7 00 ea 1-0x4-4x1', Mahog 1.00 ea 10 to 11 x 4-4 at 41 x : , Mahog all M M and up. 1-4 to M 1 11 x Grade Louver dra. Pi Stain 23 pet. off 1 lot alightly damaged sheetrock 4xa'.T' 120 ea Alum combination Screen A Storm Door, complete w lock hinges a closure 119.80 1. s. uoor .ismn no. 1 .93 ea 71 pea. 4x7tk Plywood I.14 aa Try our saiy Budget Flan, We give I a H Green. .Stamps KEITH LUMBER YARD 1 No Front EM Ml 11 Salem, Oregon WRECKING house at ltnt N. winter St All material fur sale. Call F.M 3-4U2I. 11 ONLY fl.M for 4x1 I I Chlp- board? All Right I AND . . t 1x1 Mahog. It Birch 3 15. fa 4x4 Hardboard 3U0. Pounnt Insulation 120 aax. Mahog. Doors. Birch oodles for your selection I OR . . . Complete Door Units EXPERTLY asacmbied at low prlceo. AND . . . Plywood to cult your taaf QuslHy.wlae: rut your sire, price-wise SO BUY WISKr (Hero! .You bet!) ALSO .' . . Tapered Wooden Legs. Do-vidert lor book shelves. Plana of all kinds Service with a amfle Yet Sirl WITH . . . M Months to Pay NO DOWN PAYMENT-Work now Pay Later! AT. "Your Building SuddIv Frlenda" ' ' PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3M3 Port ami Road EM 4-4433 Open All Day Saturday FOR aale used doors A windows. EM 4-4537 or EM 1-1333. USED BUILDING MATERIALS OF AU KINDS CALL E. S. RITTER & CO. UM Ftrrtland Rd. XM 4-4 1U Open All Da Saturday M gaL elee. water heater, 144 to 11 1 Lomex la roll 3e ft. 1" Vent faa til M 4 aeiHi libsr pip Joe ft. Lighting; fixtures .. reduced 200 amp. motor baa tit 95 21x3 atalnlsss steel sink .. Ut.H a. lec. Heaters, au make cheap, 4" cast iron Pipe Tie ft. Wall thormostat, 220 volt . '$14 14-2 Lomex m rolls 2c ft. It H.P. Pump Panel . ... 1150 usiv. outter . . 13c rt. Built-in oven, 4 burnera tltt Complete line of elec. heating, house wiring, plumbing sup plies as fixtures. OPEN FRIDAY EVES. APEX ELECTRIC & PLUMBING 1410 BROADWAY EM MS66 CERTAINTEED 3-TAB ROOFING Reg. & Sealdown $875 & UP , LUMBER .541 S. 12th St. YARDS EM MoM Buy the BEIT Demand the new type mad by CER TAINTXED BEST-WALL with FIBERGLASS CORE. Almost ' twice aa strong, hold. nail, batter. 4x1 4x4 .. 4x1 . it S3 1 40 Finish your will, with our 21 lb. texture paint. SI M. Choice of It colors latex pqint $2 44 C. G. LONG & SONS I ml. N. of Kelier EM t tntl 14" Thru ls" Widtht AU I It Ungtht ONLY $115 M NO WASTE CARLOAD SUPPLY C & K Lumber Yard 132 N. Lancaster EM 2-ltOO 0PE;N ALL DAY SAT. 474 Floor Covflncj M M YD. IPECIALI REG. S 49 New Tweed Broad- loom carpeting: must: It a u 14. Sum i oiaa woaary, itut N. immer. NEW x II Rug Pads M M. men wooary, iu n Summer. NEW S It Linoleum U N dsn Woodry, 1404 N. Summer. ,410 Foe Salt) Mitwllaftoout IUNRCAM Mlxmaster A attach., fond rhnnper A csn opener, (24 tM S tair . To Place flssslfied Ad CaO CM 4-Ult IB 410 For Sal MltcolUnoout LOS SUELOS HUME DOS CUKSTAN MtCHO In any language wet floor! are coatly. Wo have a new product called DrioHAN. also the ever popular Tidy Trays. When . )uur cloaet tank aweata, call ua for a simple and effective cure. Judaon 1, EM 3-4141. Antioua writing desk Good cond. EM I 3704 COMPLETE used man's riding equipment, saddle, bridles, chaps, rawhide rope a, spurs, etc. EM 3-oiu. USED baby equipment, good cond. Hi-chair, baby tends, stroller, hathinette, platform acales.EM 4-3151. FOR RENT OR SALE Chock with Mr. Miller the low coat or renting a Kitchen Aid Dlthwaaher. You can't loose with a diahwaaher that haa 40 years of experience in the making. Judenn'a, 171 N. Com'!. EM 1-4141. I VACUUM cleaners excel. working order, upright Singer. 2 yrs. old 1.17. 5(1. Tank style Kenmor with attclt. tit. EM 4-3159. FOR SALE; 4 large gas floor furnaces, tit each. EM 1-4510. BR1TANNICA Junior, I9M edi tion, never used, em 1-4440. ' EM 4-4747 PIT-RUN GRAVEL SALEM'S Loweat Price on Has- aocxs, lamps, end tables, fire screens, folding chaira alwaya a bargain at Glen Woodry, 140t N. Summer. in worn turn, or car uptiol. when rustonilred bv Louies L'pkol. Shop. Fascinating fab ncf auperior workmanslnn Free eat., pickup, del. KM 4-1351. NEW Lg. Garbage Cans 14 44. N. Summer. uien wooary, 1404 TYPEWRITERS. Adders, Safe. ueixs. uiaira, rilea. Duplica tors a Supplies. Expert repair service. Boon, 4S4 Court. M 3-4771. 214" FORD tractor wheels. 1 platform, scale. Ell 3-2032. NEW cement mixer A boat trail- r. CM 1-2924. OPT. N MON NITEI I For Lower Prices Shop Glen woodry. 1005 N. Summer. USED toilet. 110. Ueed wash bowls, S3 ex It. EM 3-4401 411 For Rant Mitcollanaoua HOSPITAL bed! It rollaway beds. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co.. 4M Court St. EM J-9115. 413 Wantod Mitnaneou4 1 SET A F. blues, n" 1 lb. Will pay 15. EM 2 4933. WANTED Twin baby stroller in good condition. EM J-44Vt. 414 MiMotl anoows DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLXR. Dentist, Adolph tMdg. State A Cora l. St. Salem. h. EM 3-3311. 4o Machinary t, Tools COMPLETX garage eaulp. and tooli. Elec. It acct. weldera, sjw, drills, tools, mach. tools, vices, compressor. Everything you i Eve. ou need. Sllverton Tr. 3-4243 SFVERAL used welders. See at I90 Steward St. Ph4-7J44. USKDWelders, all makes, reaa tot Illinois em s-asta. 4li WantoeJ Mach. i Tosrl. CHAIN saw wanted. EM 1 7t. a, 40 Puol OKI aid trrowth alah. Lg. r am, six per faro, ury lg. Maple alab lt cord. Dry Oak wood lg. or am. $1T omt EM 1-74M. PLYWOOD core. Old fir wood. Mlt Garden Rd CM HIM HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST A WOOD. EM 1 4444 rnoMPT del riywd. core. Heavy planar ends. Heavy aim. uia its. nnavinga. EM 4-5633 CAPITOL ILCCClr4Cr Sawdust, Chip mix Slab Wood MILL wood, plywood cores, as sorted hardwood, planer-ends. EM 1-7721 or EM 1-4024 142a BR0ADWA1 SHAVINGS del. Mulching A bed ding. SKylina 7-1722 Monmouth FERN FUEL 20J E. Salem Rd., Dallas S Unit load alab wood tit; also dry alab 1 units 124. MA 1244S MA 11213 collect ANDERSON'S Slab Wood. I cord i dry, tat del. EM 1-7711. DRY oak any length, 17 M cord del. EM 4;19SJ. E. Simmons. OREGON FUEL CO Old Growth Fir 1J Cord DRY AND GREEN WOOD S4H GREEN STAMPS Eat 1M33 20W Broadway WEST SALEM FUEL Old Growth Fir $12 Cord Choice Block It Slabwood SAWDUST A SHAVINGS PH. EM 1-4031. OAK atumpage Ervin Simmona at. I, Box 404. Ea4 4-ltsi. 500 Bun. & Finance 510 Monoy to Looii MONEY for 1st mtg. loans up in on nomas, acre, ages, farm now MV.M Stat Fmanc 1ST H ah St. g.E. KM ::U5! LOANS to ii too n Buy Whet You Need Oansnltdat Your Bill, Finance Through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY lti. Church St. EM 1HS1 PETER Getter FHA and con ventional wan. EM 4-4701. PRIVATE money to loan 4 pet, interest, ra. CM 1-0794. CASH for Mtaa. A Contracts, Private money to loan. B. M Mason, W. B. Minler, S41 Chemeketa. EM 14441. CONSOLIDATE Your Bills $30 $3,000 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS ua a. Liberty EM 4-2203 COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property Loans, contract Pur chased. 487 Court. EM 4-2243. if09 Commiition Work AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN OVER 40 PREFERRED FOR PROTECTED TERRITORY - HIGH EARNINGS AAl manufacturer xpandlng and commercial sales program to include building supply construction field. Ssles plan attractlv to auta, couaty and municipal government. Earn llo-llt.OOo per year la eom IN COLO n new proces. make, poaalble colored aluminum eoatln. Product guaranteed. Etithuslaetle. experienced young executives Insure close home af fire cooperation: active promotion and advertising program. Loader In the Industry, with complete line, provides financial. yar'rmind security, for capable talesman or experienced Butlnaaaman. s Our sales In. January Ittt hv uary or ivsi. Personal Interview will be arranged promptly. ' Writti Vie President. 40M West lioth Slreet, CUvaland U, ObM. 310 Mon ay to Loan T H A. 34 yr, l pet. mid. ' loans to buy. build, refinance your home. Low loan coats. State Finance Co.. 147 High St I E., Salem. Ph. EM ! 31SL nvattmanrt 1S1 A 2ND mortgages to high est bidder. Ph, EM 44433. 600 -Employment &02 Hatp WanUd PAGENSTECHER'S Since 1444 Spaclallsta . In Office Placements 411 Oregon Building F-Bkpr lull cyclt-out of Bium . . IWt F BIrpr knowledge Burroughs niecnuie . . S22B F-Burroughs Banslmatlc post In 2t St Ut hr. M-Bkpr-Burrougha Bkp machine 21-21 ajjg A MlDDLE-aged. eoupla or older to manage 10 apts. Apt, 41 utll. furn. Give ago A ret, Statesman-Journal Boa 117. CAPITOL . EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel. 174 Cotlago St. Sal EM 2 043d o04 Help Wanton1, M fan PRUDENTIAL has opening for man In new ordinary of lire. Ages 21-40. Complete training urogram, salary open. IH y 1IU 02 for interview. 600 Help Wanfod, LoJf COUNTER girl wanted ds shin. Lebold'a lea Cresm, 1271 Stat St. FULL time bookkeeper. Herb Hunt Pontine Buica, MA 2X. JUVENILE Worker I, must hav College degree, preferably with ma or in Sociology or Psyche, ogy. Hlllcrest School of Ore Son, 2194 Strong Rd., Salem. jrEMJKM2I. EXP. pastry cook A bsker. NohC grans. 440 State SI . AVON Cosmetics has opening in naiem ana asarion county i or neprsnttlvs. pa. S-4133 or EM 4-2244. WANTED: mlddleaaed for general boueework to mod em home. Live ia. Phone Fairfax 7-2112. Comminion RETAIL BAKERY ROUTE 15 per week during break-in. Must be married, between agea 24-31. Pleasing peraonalltv and food rels Must be able to ob in , T panel truck attar training. EM 4-i4t4. CONSULTANTS FOR lucrative growing business in Salem A aurroundlng area. Previous aajei experience ua necessary. For appointment caU EM 4-244, t .24 a m. I p.m. 610 Solos Http Warrfadl EXPANDING AAA representa tion m Sales Department. Need 1 additional men to aim in covering McMlnnville, Sllverton. and Woodburn area. Salary, commissions and Inns benefits. Car nccesssrv. Ao 5 referred S9 to SO. Call EM 1741 lor appointment Inter view. Per Month SALARY Plus weekly bonus bated aa production. You must hav car, be fro ta travel Monday to Friday. Saws Experience not absolute necessity but vou must present a good personal appearance and hav high acnooi eoucaunn or equivalent. Writ ta Box 150 Salem. Or. Civ your name, address A are. EXPERIENCED sales maa or woman. Ramsey Realty. 42T ferry. EM 4-0044. 21 to 50 Immediate opening available with well established Wester and Mid-Western Company ia thla area of tho state. Experience ia not necessary. Ful ull office and field training are given each maa ae lee ted. Requirement are: Good char. acter. Neat aooearanre Sin. cere dsn re to meet end talk with people, Able to be (way from horn five dsys a week. Own car. and readv ta com menee Immediately after ac ceptance. The Position la special interview no sales work following aa Intensive local publicity cam. paign in connection with medi cs! and hospital and Incem protection plana. Salary of 7t per week begins at one with training plus weekly bonus. Permanent po anion Apply in person to Personnel Manager at the Oregon State Employment Service Office, TI4 Ferry, Salem. Oregon-. Tuesday, Feb. 11th (only) a.m. to 4:20 p m. MAN for salea A service. E!e trolux Corp. 107t Broadway. EM 4-2234. flop ..WEEKLY guar to .tart. Fuller Bruah Ca.. EM 1 1217. 612 Work Wontad, Ma EXPER. strawberry plant packers wanted now. EM M31. FLOOR laying. TrlmTninalauV lng by contract EM 2-4404. Carpenter It Repair Work-" EM 2-&40 NON-union carpenter A cabinet maker wanta work by hour or contract. EM 2-1675. EXP. cat skbiMrTtruck driver wants work. EM jl-4143. CARPENTER repair, roof, aalnt reas. refer. Bllvrtw. TR 1-494. BUiLDING k REMODELlNd EM 4-7S77 MALL carpenter ton, work, raa. EM 4-1424. WOOD rutting with cbala aaw. EMK74t, PEN. Carp, work, porch, rm. Real. Chas. McLesa JEM Mtsf "custom tree'serviciT Spraying a "Pruning EM 1-04M PAINTING EM 1-7191. Dirt chean price. Paintlnf, Paperinf, Texturing Nelson, EM 1-441. Free Est. 609 Commlition Word aggressive, eaublished Industrial missions aslllna ALUMA NATION Increased 21 over sale In Jaa '(