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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1958)
Business Outlook Recession Length Worry Cou ntry By WALTER BREED! JR. NEW YORK, Feb. I How long will the recession Uit? That question was uppermott in the minda of'buiiincMinHi, wage earners and houswives this week a most key Indicator itlll point ed lower. Public official! it. too. Top administration leaden con tinued to talk confidently of a probable pickup around the mid dle of the year. Business inventories are shrink' ing and will have to be rebuilt For some months now, business men have been living off their in ventories instead of ordering large quantities of supplies and foods This hat contributed substantially to the buainess downturn. thought about ; Consumers Balky Consumers, who have been balky of late, are., expected to start buying again in the not too distant future. They will want and Administration critics were not j new washing machines, autos to sure. Congress Democrats, pre- nicung a long slump, introduced hills to boost state unemployment payments and create a new WPA. Businessmen betting on an early upturn cited these hopeful factors: Total personal income of Ameri cans, they said, will be higher inn year man last in spite of lac tory layofls and loss of overtime Ousted Pupil Plans Worry To New York NEW YORK, Feb. g (AW The problem of what to do with 444 or more trouble-making pupils ousted from public schools con fronted city official today. No on had come up with a so lution that would keep them from remaining idle at home or roam ing the streets, but state and city officials, were hoping for aa an swer next week. The mass suspensions yesterday stirred a chorus of protests frorrl parent and other organizations, accompanied by a demand for a legislative investigation of the city school system. The pupils were suspended yes terday in a Board of Education crackdown on juvenile delin quency. The 644 total was incom plete, as some schools had not re ported their figures. There was no breakdown of the figures by race or sex. The action followed a series of rapes, knifings and other disor ders involving white and Negro students on or near school prop erty. The principal of a school where a rape occurred commit ted suicide after testifying before grand Jury. A statement by the United Par ents Assn., was typical of the pro tests over the suspension. It said: ' Sending idle delinquents into the streets cannot be considered an answer. This could create a snore serious problem." n j COMPLETE OFFICE ) U , NEEDS AND 1 M SUPPLIES . U COMMERCIAL j) I BOOK STORE j) ttl41 N. Cm1. EM 141 Hi) raw can aef... 11.9 .Iran snarl -teras tlrt mm dee to he sleeveel el. Aaslrtis af din Mcurirr will to mm widi e )-Bsoeri) Kw-mitr ami st The Eeesr Esaorsi Sac mm eollsr. tss4 tou sollar Mere f eh. lick, ssa rscsivs slse hi forcacesaieg OUTITANSINa CANAMAN IKUimit IMS ...ase vfciU rht wpelr Urn wt wUl tlM HKUieS OUT CVTTMt MfMrt, n Saeselefrre Mas (m Tissue reser Stocks lines se die Toroflio ftodt lidmit. afrsuJew 1 mm hxiMI AJrmr wilt is fcnjrrfcW txrtmt Ommimm Fejsisjae, D. C Mill rsvsva wa Bell Je. .. SOtA CANASIAN MARKSniNt susvsys tiMine, u res I I, Ca lead a Mm sbsm M Dept. 11 and clothes Industrial production in some lines is lagging behind demand. The next two months may see an upturn in steel and textiles. A fast-growing U.S. population will require continued building of schools, roads, utilities and house in the years to come. The speculative excesses on Wall Stree that marked the 1929 crash are conspicuously absent. Prominent among the optimists this week was Carrot M. Shanks, president of Prudential Insurance Co., the nation's largest life in surance firm. "We're pretty close to the end of the downgrade' said Shanks. "The real upturn may not come before the middle of the year but 1 believe it will be sooner." Overshadowing all rosy fore casts was one harsh fact that no amount of statistical research could alter. For the time being, at least, the mighty American consumer had lost the urge to splurge. Start Sales Dewa Latest figures on retail trade for January told the story. Depart ment stores sales slipped below the y ear-ago pace. Sales of Sears, Roebuck It Go., biggest of the na tion's retail giants, were nearly 44 per cent below the level of January 1957. Business was off in the auto showrooms, despite mil lions spent by the auto manu facturers on gaudier chrome, longer and lower bodies, higher horsepower, dual headlights and other costly gimmicks. Auto production last month was the smallest for any January since 1954 and down 23 pet cent from a year ago. The steel industry sputtered along at less than M per cent of capacity this week. Republic Steel Corp., shut down most of its Mas- sillon, Ohio, plant. The American Iron and Steel Institute disclosed it has reduced its 195. capital spend ing budget to one billion dollars from last years 14 billion, There were reports of further cutbacks in the aircraft industry Boeing Airplane Co., said employ' ment at its big Wichita, Kans.. plant will be trimmed to around 21,500 by next Christmas. The plant had 24.900 on its payroll last October; current employment is about 28,500. Tax Cat Claaeer It was against this background that some businessmen and con gressional leaders joined in a mighty clamor for a cut in in come taxes. President Eisenhower indicated the administration is studying the possibility of a tax reduction as a business spur but only as a last resort. Treasury Secretary Ander son said taxes should not be cut unless buainess gets much worse. Said he: "The present condition of the economy does not warrant such action now. We continue to believe that growth in our eco nomic system will reassert itself." One of the strongest spots in the business picture this week wax new construction. The Commerce and Labor De partments reported that total out lays for new construction in Jan uary came to nearly 3 1-1 billion dollars a new high for that month. Public spending on roads, and other government projects was up per cent from a year ago: private spending for public utilities, churches, hospitals and office buildings smashed all prior records. Actress Wins Divorce ,, '",,'' ' 'A S :.Y- 4 1 f -4 -t- ' '.. ' .4 i -1' ( l'' LOS ANGELES, Calif, Feb. I Actress Penny Edwards, 27, above, woi a diTorce from Ralph H. Winters, 39, casting director here yesterday on grounds of eraelty. The couple married Oct tl, 1951. (AP) Labor Demands Action To Curb Economy Lag By NORMAN WALKER Igency economic conference in MIAMI BEACH. Fla.. Feb. I on Washington March 11-13 to arouse AFL-CIO leaders said today that the government and Conyress. wttn one-fourth of America s , -Mare Penay-Ptaehiag' proauciive capacity aianaing laie, the government should cut taxes and increase spending to spuf the lagging' economy. -The labor leaders recommend ed boosting the present 1600 in come tax exemption by $100 to leave the little man with more pocket money and "quickly stimu late, mass purchasing power and sales. Expressing concern that spread log unemployment may soon reach the five million mark, the AFL-CIO chiefs called an emer- Salem Salesmen Qualify for Trip To San Diego Two Salem insurance men have qualified for the Tower Club and trips to the San Diego convention Feb. 10-14 of the Northern Life Insurance Co., for sales leader ship, J. C. Long, the firm's state supervisor aaid. The two. J. S. Lochead and C. H. Dean, of the Salem branch office, competed with some 200 others in Oregon and from -600 to 700 na tionally. Over SO representatives from Oregon will attend the education recreation convention Feb. 10 to 14. Embassies Created JERUSALEM, Feb. I on - The Israeli and Swiss governments are raising their mutual legations to embassy level. Counsel for FCC Probe Cries Smear WASHINGTON, Feb. S bft-Ber nam senwam, counsel tor a House subcommittee investigat ing the Federal Communications Commission, charged today that threats and "smears" have been used in an effort to sidetrack the inquiry. Schwarti said the chairman of the special subcommittee, Rep. Moulder (D-Mo) told him several times last month that Moulder was being threatened threat ened in an attempt to coerce him into abandoning this investiga tion." 1 The subcommittee counsel's statements were prompted by in quiries about a published report dealing with his own expenses in connection with the investigation. The Tulsa, Olcla., Tribune said today in a dispatch from Wash ington that Schwartx received $400 in expense money for four week ends in New York, the Tribune said part of the money was ear marked for hotel expenses, al though it said he had his own apartment in New York. One of the allegations made by the subcommitteee against some FCC members is tbat tbey col lected expense money from the government and also from indus try in connection with trips to trade conventions and ceremonies. 'These so-called 'charges' are the sheerest nonsense. The pow erful interests who are. afraid of what we are Uncovering will stop at nothing to stop this investigation." Schwartx said he received $400.73 for trips to New York last August on committee business. However, he said his expenses ac tually totaled $1,000 and that he paid the difference out of his own pocket. Portland Junior Symphony to Give Premiere of Work PORTLAND, Feb. S un - A composition by the American con temporary composer David Dia mond will be given its world pre miere at the Portland Junior Symphony mid-winter concert They said that despite growing economic danger signals "empha sis on penny-pinching, and budget balancing is still a major policy" of President Eisenhower's admin istration and that his recent bud get proposals were inadequate. "This is no time for drifting," the AFL-CIO Executive Council said in statement. "It is true that bank credit has belatedly been loosened and a slight in crease in government outlays for national defense and civilian pub lic works is planned. Immediate Aetiea "In spite of President Eisenhow er's reassurances this alone is not stimulus enough. Instead of vainly waiting to see it the situation gets worse in three months or six, vig orous steps must be taken now Immediate action to end this wasteful and unnecessary busi ness slump is essential." ine moor leasers called for a 10-billion-doUar annual boost in defense expenditures over the next two years, federal aid to economically distressed areas, school construction and other aid programs, and a boost in the dol lar minimum wage to $1.25 an hour. They pledged "vigorous collec tive bargaining'' in 195 to raise wages and worker income., Sales, Profits For Safeway At New High PORTLAND, Feb. S Safeway Stores in a preliminary unaudited statement issued by George M. Mangan. Portland division mana ger, reported sales and profits for 1857 at new all-time highs. For 1957 the company's consolidated sales amounted to $2,117,000,000, an increase of 4 percent over the previous year. Net profit for 1957, after provision for all income tax es, amounted to $30,906,870 as com pared to $25,406,310 in 1956-an in crease of 21.65 percent. Safeway's net profit for 1957 after preferred dividends of $1,391,567 amounted to $2.4$ per share, com pared to $2.14 in 1956. Uninsured Drivers Finding It Tough in Canadian Provinces TORONTO. Feb. 8 - Faced with a rising toll from traffic ac cidents, most Canadian provinces are making it harder for unin sured drivers to use the roads. Saskatchewan has the only com pulsory automobile insurance plan, operated by "the provincial government. The Canadian Press, in a nationwide survey, found sup port in almost every one of the other nine provinces for the idea but said apread beyond Saskatch ewan does not appear imminent. All the other provinces except Feb. 15. The work, entitled "The World , Quebec remitr Insurance or other of Paul Wee," will be conducted proof of financial responsibility by Jacob Avshlomov. Howell-Edwjirils Funeral Chapel S45 Capitol St. N. I. Adequate Parking Facilities Phono "IM 34672 Conveniently Situated To All Cemeteriet Conscientious, Dignified Funeral Service Our Servket Are) Prices! to Suit Your Meant from drivers who have accidents They also have unsatisfied-judgment funds to pay damages as sessed in court against drivers I without resources. Quebec has no ; fund and no insurance require 1 ment for private motorists, but suspends a driver's license until he pays accident damages as sessed against him. Sickness Keeps Norblad in Capital WASHINGTON, Feb. t W-Rep. Norblad (R-Ore) Friday said illness will prevent him from attending two Republican Lincoln Day din ners next Wednesday in Portland. Norblad said' he is suffering from influenza. The two fund-raising dinners will he addressed by Secretary of j Interior Seaton. 1 1 T R ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify 300 Personal 11 IT. trallar hmua. alaapt 4 rtal Mica. 3M down, 4270 Munkan Ava. SS rWDCEfclrprTlOU-Ri-T, Box 17J. Slm. CM 4-41K lI7"BOICK4 dr. hardtop' Spa rial. Ha averythlnf including Dynaflo.w, poar alaaring. low mUtafca. ' In axcat. rood. Prat tiaat car BuH-k make. Pricad -raai. CaU CM S-7SHS. 1S2S 1. Summar. Sun. only. 'S4 CHEVROLET bustnasi roup pauu. t.m -ini. I'', A. cozy 1 bdrm. far., out bldfi., milt. nuts, barrlat. S.WW. 2MO Hollywood Dr. Z OR 3 bdrm. turn, haa, with option to lcaaa. Rait. EM 31 Personal Too Many Bills? Don't let your billi gat you ki Iron bl If you're bahlnd n laymanti. wa ran halp you lo aacurltv or ro-amiara need ed One place to pay all billi ray only what you ran ! lord I I Bonded and licennad lor your protection 1 1 CREDIT CONSULTANTS Oiai Maiem :M J-MM4 lot iior mation OPAL King I EM 4-Z701. Spiritual Readtr. 1 BDRM. kit. bath., Waiher. dryer. 1 person, 147 N. ISIh. SUBURBAN East mod. bdrm ADULTS by Mar. 1. EM 3-41)7 . NX. In city.' a bdrm. ranch type home. Large landscaped, fenced lot. patio, near schools. Ui CM 4-M43. FURN. I bdrm. hse . garage, bsmt.. 175. AdultsEMjl-1190. 3 BDRM. haa. 1 blks. State House. S blks. to schools, f 71. mo. EM S-7S4S. MOD rum. 1 rm. court. S43.fuT 11149 Madison. EM 3-19.13. EXTRA NICE 3 RM. COURT- Furn , far.. Inside utu., S3. -UB17. EM 4-S443. EM U FURN. t rm., bim't. apt. Piiv. bath ft ent. T.V. ant. eo Union. EM 1-S34S. FULL Urn bookkeeper Herb Hunt Pontine Bulck. MA 323. Antique writing desk Good eond. EM 3-3700 ANTIQUE marble top table! Call anytime. EM 3-03SS. FOR sale, fentle Jersey row. Fresh Feb. S with second calf. Price 3130, Rt. 4, Box 4S3 on Rainbow Dr. EM 3-0784 SELL 2 Jersey calves, S ft .wks. Rt. S, Box 179. Salem. Jary's Flowers & Gifts Capitol Shop. Ctr. KM 4-3391 DID you find $30 la Ladd Bush Bank Thura. p.m.? EM 3-S3S7. Reward. LONG-HAIRED half grown male kitten, brown ft frey, black rings on aides. EM 1-1134. 300 Pergonal 312 Lost end found LOST: By family man. brown leather billfold, driver lie. of Melvin A. Old Jr.. SOS Mill St. EM 4-7S4S after 4. Reward. LOST: Pekinese, black ft brown. Vic. Water ft River Sts. Re ward. EM 3-4883 after 3:30. LOST: Lady 'a yellow gold Cro toa wrist watrh, blark cord band, at Parrtah Jr. Hi. Re ward. EM 3-3M. Classified Advertising Statesman . Jan raai Newapapera ! Church St. NX. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES WEEKDAYS Need Help? Income tax returns, and part tune bookkeeping. John W. Zollinger. 1440 Llm. EM 3-3431. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. SM S. Commercial. EM 4-103. OPENING f the new manage ment Barber Shop next to Chapprlle'a. 1R3S Mission St. Tues, Feb. 11th. Gene Roggsn. Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Sun., Feb. 9, '58 (Sec IV)-2a 450 Merchandise 4S1 Household Good TRSH burner cast Iron. Only S29.M. Bob's Mdse. Mart. 270 S Liberty. EM 4-6371. Open Frl. nights til S. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Marion EM 4-OMl 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock For Sale GOOD green hay, IIS ton. Can deliver. EM 3-4437. 33 EWES. 1 reg. 4-3303 after S:30. ram, EM GRASS hay 40c. bale, 3823 D. St Ph. EM 4-2M. GREEN Clover ft grass hay20. T. DcL Straw 30c. IMMM. GET greater (ains for lass money. Use surepork 33 with your graina. Larro read Store, 4.X Front NE. GOOD clover hay. 110. Del. Straw 1 33 bale. EM 1-JS9S. GOOD clover hay 130 T. All 12 T. for SZOO U-Haul. EM 4-1341. GRASS hay (Ac. bale, atraw 4s Larrs Feed Store 430 Front St. 403 Livestock Wanted WANTED: Milk goat. CaU EM 3 Ml after p.m. CATTLE Snathem 410S SUvertoa Rd. EM 1-U4 or EM 3-430 CATTLE horses, at your farm. E. C. McCandlUh. EM 3-411 TCP cash prices at your place. Ray Corel. EM 4-318 Collect. CATTLE buyer A. F. Sommar 38 DaUaa fid. EM 4-07. BUYER Claud Edwarea. Rt 1 Box teec ui 4.J1U. 405 Pete AXC Boxer Stud eerviee. Holly HU1 KM. TR 34223. AKC Chihuahua stud serv. Choice of 3. Puppies aV open or bred matrons for sale. EM 3-7731. AKC 1 lb. re-gold Pomeranian, Stud. aerv. Puppies for salt EM 3-7731. - , WEIMARANER. 1', years old. male, very affecUonals). Kill make food hunter. Victor Meissner. Mt. Angel. Oregon. Ph. 1231 wk. dayr AUSTRALIAN pups, f wks. Ph Col ton. Ore. Valley 4-31S3. AKC BLACK Pake stud aervkce Will eeU. EM 3-MSS. S3 WILL buy a Lab.-aprtoger puppy. Coma ft aae. EM 4-t774 BEAUTIFUL Color Brad Ca naries. 1340 Chemeketa. EM 3-4385. Days 1 1 Unas M M I J jeu. jo j TOTAL CHARGES par Una 1 time .4 J per Una S times glA as par Una times SIM 1.4 per line 1 mo. SSJS unci. Sun (Mia. 2 lines) xWsekeayi xxSaa, LOCALS ISc per Una per paper. Classified ads will be rua In both papers to five advertis ers the advantage of the tre mendous combined circula tions. When an ad at ordered three or six times and a Sunday issue Is included I for example Friday. Saturday. Sunday the lower Sunday rates apply he rs use only The Statesman pub lishes Sundays. Clssslfied ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesmsn, conclude In the evening Capi tal Journal but ada will be accepted for Sunday States man only. The deadline (or classified sds is 1:00 p.m. the day before publication except for Sunday when deadline is 1 :30 pjn. Friday. Emergency ads and small line ads received after l pm. weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be placed in the "Too Late to Classify" column. Ads far Monday papers mutt urn m oj m pjn. aaturaay. rhe Statesman - Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements fiublished in its columns and n cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake oc curs and la responsible for OnlV one incorrect insertion K "Blind" Ad an ad contain- ine a statesman - Journal Newspsper box number for an address - Is for the pro tection of the advertisers and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Journal Newspapers are not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind'' ad. Ada in ether columns which re quire investment in storks, ssmples, equipment or cash bond should be thoroughly inveatifated before paying out an money. Advertisers re quiring a cash Investment for ssmples or merchandise, sales aids, etc, must so specify in their sds. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect Its readers against fraud, deception, or Injuries. Rrsders are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to art s po sition advertised in the help wsnted columns. All help wsnted ada MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted ads must state If the pay is in the form of salary, commissions, g usrantre. or Include firm nsme. Ada requiring appli rants to buy merchsndise from company and re sell should sppear under "Dealers Agents Wanted" claasificstion. Bons fide offers of employ ment with pav betonf to the "Help Wanted" columns. MOORE PETS Bsby Parakecu. Singing Ca naries, Sm. Psrrots. Corks tels, Tslking Mynah, Ran, for Valentines. Supplies. Birds Boarded, open eves, sous mats FOR SALE with papers, Boxer dog 1 yr. ole SUM -33M. PEKINGESE SHippiee. AKC. rag stud service. MA 3-3704. SUREHCAMP dof food; SO lbs. $5.1. SS lbs. p as. Lsm Feed Store, 430 N. Front Birds, Caries, Chipmunks, SI Lrrmgstoa. EM 3-143. 412 Food Column DRIED Italian prunes, ISc. lb. Psul Taylor. Rt. 4. Box 104, EM 3-11S. ' HOOD RIVER Delicious apples, wrapped ft packed. SI M bp. Pads Pro duce. S230 Portland Bd. BABY beef for your lockers, aU weights. EM 2403. PASTEURIZED whole milk. S2c gal Homogenized Bar u gsi 44e Clearv Dairy CM 1-30.1S SPITZ apples 75c to tile. Worm tree, aim uenur n BURBANK potatoes 2c lb. W, m. ssurpny. l mi. w. sveuer SchL FOR SALE: Phrtform rocker, like new. EM 2-4437. OCCASIONAL- rhalrs from" SlY. Bob a Mam. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. EM 4 4J71. Open Frl. nighlatil . 131) DN tit mo. buys complete household fine furniture. Glen Woodry, 108 N. Summer. NEW armless dsvenns. Very Gma oeiign. svv w. sons dse. Mart 270 S Libert v EM 4-4371. Open Frl. nights til . UNFINISHED furniture. H. L Stiff Furniture Co IF you hsve one item or s house of furniture to sell, csll the Bob's Merchsndise Mart, z?u s. Liberty, im (7i. TABLE lamps frorrf only S3 choice of J Bob's Mdft. Mart. 270 S. Lihertv. EM 4371. Open Freights Jil . NEW Dsveno with roto chair t M. Glen Woodry, lev N. Summer. DA V ixPOKTSTiiti-ft up. H. L. Stiff Used Furniture Store, I7S N. High St.. EM 3-S1SS. GOOD Housekeeping vacuum cleaner and attachments. S3 M Bob's Mdst. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. EM 4371. Open Frl. nights til t. 450 Merchandise 451 Musical Instrumonf BEAUTIFUL studio upright, the kind you have been wanting. Only ,S3t. Used Hsmmond chord orgsn. Save 13M. Usad Arrosonlc piano half price. Stone Pisno Co., 1280 State. LUDWIG upright. wslnutcaae pisno. Excel, cond. lilt State. SPINET Pianos. Rent toown' from SS mo. Tallman's, SOS S. 11th. ' RrcOND. pianos, tot up. Dodge Pisno Service. EM 4-1W. UPRIGHT piano 130. EM 4-004. U.VERAL used elertronir or gsns. from S4M. Wlftsev Weathers Music. 47 M. ..Capitol. 462 Wanted Htnlei (aooj fr.r i i . ' hOuaehnlrf furMUhlna. su... tske to 14(0 30th St. MAHOG. knee-hole desk. elee. range, excel, cond. EM 4-747. USED complete bunk set S4B.$fl. Glen Woodry. 10 N. Summer. MATTRESSES ft springs. S3 ft up. H. L. Stiff Used Furniture Store. 175 N. High. EM 3-S1M ELECTROLUX cleaner, guaran teed, S14.M. Terms. EM 3-707 $09 SO SPECIAL! REG. 13 M New 1340 Coil Box Spring, Innerspring Msttress. Terms. Glen Woodry, 10 N. Summer. OPEN MON. NITEI I FOR Lower Prices Shop Glen Woodry, 1M N.. Summer. CRYSTAL chandelier, 2 plate glass mirror 33', x U'. 34 x ,4S." Grey platform rocker. 1 pair ceiling to floor draperies. Will cover 240 In. area. All in good cond. EM 3-QM3 NEW Overnight Sleeper - sofa witn mnerspnng msttress sisa. Glen Woodry. 10 N. Summer. t PC blond dining group SM. lis ft 2 unhols. chairs EM 3-M7I alter . tit. tlJ7. 9 SPECIAL! NEW 1 pc. Bedroom Group; Inc. Mr. Mrs. uresser,- Tilting Box Mirror. Bookcase Bed. Spring. Innerspring fsttress, 2 Boudoir Lamps. Essy Terms. Glen Woodry, f0t N. Summer. SMALL upright piano. A beauty, tt M mo. Tallman Piano Ware house. 3M S. 12th, Open Mon., Frs. eves. .. SMM 4t.M S7S.S4 S1S.M tll.M 4 SO Trash burner Wood heaur Wringer vssher Kerosene healer Airtight heater Sewing machine Rsdto-phooo, 4 MONTGOMERY WARft 13 N. Liberty EM 3-311 SPINET Pisno Bargain. Like new. Assume pyta. of tlt.M mo. EM 3-9707. 1137.10 SPECIAL! NEW S pc. Living Room Group: inc. Daveno, club chair, t end tables, coffee tabic, 1 table lamps, floor lamp. Easy terms. Glen Woodry, leof N. Summer. $ BE THRIFTY $ BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES $30 Dn. will buy a complete household of furniture. Maple china closet with glass doors $49.95 MISC. Furniture wanted. Cour teous service. Ph. EM S-09. CASH for RANGES. REFRIG- cnniwnfi, smisc. X.M J-lftHS Glen Woodry 0S N. Summer. CASH for rleen used FURNI TURE. EM 1-3110. Glen Wood ry. . l0t N. Summer. 463 Soaring FOR isle or trade 14 boat, mo tor ft trailer. EM 2-70 eves. JUST THE FABULOUS NEW EVINRUDE STARLIGHT 50 SO Horsepower Come in and see the Newest, most beautiful and most wanted outboard in America only at CASCADE MERC Salem 123 Broadway 11' BOAT V Bottom . 13' Wiaxard Fiberglass t24t. 1C Blakecraft com p. Sitae (with controls and hardware). Srott-Atwater Sales ft Service Glaaspar ft Blake Craft Boats 137 Highland Ave. EM S-1431 GLASS boat motor ft trailer, sell ress. or trade, EM 3-400. 450 Merchandise 470 .Mdln MateHeto n AT? ONLY U N for 4xt Oiks, board At's Right 1 II AND . . i, 3x0 Mshng . f t. Birch t il. ts 4x1 Hardboerd SIM. Pouring Insulation 13 sax. Mahog. Doors. Birch too oodles lor your aelarueal OR ... Complete Door Units- EXPERTLY assembled at h prices. AND . . . Plvwaod ts suit your taete Quallty-wtse; rut your aize. price-wia) SO BUT WISE I (Here! You bet!) ALSO . . . Tapered Wooden Legs, Do-videri for book shelves. Plans of all kinds Service with a smile Yss Sir I WITH . . . M Months tn Pay NO DOWN PAYMENT Work Now Pay Later! AT "Your Buildiaf Supply Friends PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3S4S Portland Road EM 4-4431 Opea All Day Saturday 32 gal. else, water heater, See W 11-2 Lomex rolls 17 ft. t" Vent fan 13 J 4" solid fiber pipe 3ec ft. Lighting fixtures ... reduced 30 amp. meter base ... .M 21x33 stainless steel sink . 37 s Elec. Heslsrs, aU make cheap, 4" cast ire Pipe 77e n. Wall thermostat, S3 volt . fie 14-2 Lomex in rolls 2c ft. IS H P Pump Panel IS Gslv. Gutter . 13"rt. Built-in oven, 4 burners tlM Complete line af elec. nesting. house wiring, plumbing sua pises ft fixture. OPEH FRIDAY IVES. APEX ELECTRIC i PLUMBING HIS BROADWAY EM S-18M 464 Sport tMipmom HUSQVARNA 3-M5I. St-ee Rifle. EM CASH for Used Guns and oM coin all types. Cascade Merc un ssroaoway. 465 Prrsoorapriy NEW Ire stxa Camera with Ui atteh. with light ms asfnser, meter, flaah leather compartment carrying caae tl0 vslue eeU 1111 i. EM s-siaa. 470 tmildinej sVUteriate' 6 ONLY 20 GAL. LAUNDRY TRAYS $16.50 RUBBER BASE PAINT GALLONS .... S3 on QUARTS . " fi 'm Davenport k club chair. U-haul $1S )29.9S S piece bdrm. set Hotpoiot spt. range, 4 burner $69.50 414 Poultry Rabbits OPPORTUNITIES In broiler prelects, layvtf Bird projects, turkey projects. Larro Feed Store, 430 Front NE. BABY chicks, leghorns, par- menters. New Hemps, white Rock Cornish. Ask about free chicks. Valley Farm Store. 41 Lawn ft Garden JO" ROTOTTLLER with trailer JW0. EM 1-1 after t p.m. 420 Seeds A Plants DWARF fruit trees. Flowering trees, shrubs. Garden supplies 310 Mkt. EM 2-104. TREES plant now while selec tion is complete, Middle Grove Nursery 4920 Silverton Rd. We give SftH Green Stamps. SHRUB sellout, leas thsn whole sal. 1215 Wallace Rd. 15.000 LOGANBERRY plants, from new patch, hand tipped. Ray Vollner, 3334 Gervais. 42 Fertilise COW FERTILIZER for garden ft flowers, 310 load. EM 2-ia. PEAT moss ft chick trays. 73c. aack. Valley Farm Store. MUSHROOM Fertilizer. Now li the time to put on lawn, also have rich blark msnure No weeds. We del. EM 2-0331. FF.RTrLIZERril"trurk'load 50c sk. EM 4-033 or EM 4-S5B1. 424 farm Equipment SOO CHICK brooder with 23 gat. propane tank, tubing, fittings. Jio. EM 3-S323. PARTY wanting BUS rail st Keyston Co.EM4-tSS2. L-MODEL John Deere tractor, mower, harrow, spring tooth, plow, t32S. EM 3-7355. Qub reclining chair, brown $39.50 12.5' chest type freezer. 1 $159 Good selection of springs 1 k mattresses. Table model radio, push button tuning $9.95 8293 is3lr.aH4 iLolU 515 S. COM'L PH. EM 4-3319 SLIGHTLY used elec. water . heater, elec. stove, refrlf. ft other household Items. EM 4-1712. tit, N. Cottage. 452 Appl lance DELUXE Young atown dishwash er, atill in shipping crstt, t0 below retail. EM 4-4325. KENMORE wringer wssher, like new. Ph. Fairfax 7-337 Jef ferson. Ore. BENDIX suto washer. Good cond. tM. 430 McClain. SU-verton. DEXTER washer, wringer ft pump. Good cond. 340. EM GUAR, used spplianres. Yeater Appi. vo. ll unemexeta. 456 f.V. I Radio 3 PC. HI-FI. 30 watt amp. Car rara manger, univ. speaker. EM 3-86O0. 100 Display Classified 100 Display Classified 18 O : PUCE YOUR . WW.!1 .'euteus i tlW!-PJIWIMKil:,' THERE IS ONLY ONE. ORIGINAL Mfftfflfc CYCL0 fC J PASSAGE and all units bear the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval and the Underwriters Laboratories Seal of Approval. (Imitations mfy be represented as being similar.) USED televtaton reconditioned ft fully gusr Some new picture tubes. Low prices easy terms. SftH green stamps Master Serv. Sta- 35 W. Com! FOR the best guaranteed TV or Radio service on sny mske call Heldsr i. EM 4-2271. CALL anytime for TV or radio serv .Free tube checker. Curtis Radio ft TV ServEM 4-37S1. TV's 4 Each with old TV S3 EM 3-344. LUMBER YARDS Ml S. 12th EM 3-9606 Steel f arage doors 4t.M Alum, storm doors 3t.i Storm windows 4JS un Folding stairways 40 iriiianon si 30 per sack W alas) install above its me. Gslv. esve troughs. 13c. per ft. Epping Lumber Co. 374(1 Sllvertun Rd EM 4 123 SAVESTYOU money ORDER SPECIFIED Sx4 2x4 2x1 lx SL OLD GROWTH FIR 3-1 Composition FRY ROOFING 2 RL Oak Floorlnf NAMED BRANDS BRUCE k LOUISIANA QUALITY tt SERVICE WE DELIVER T LUMBER CO. 3245 So. Com'! EM -2-71oO KEITH BROWN SPECIALS OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY CASH & CARRY 4xtx'4 Sheetrork tl-33 ea 4xsx's ea ea 4xtx'i ISO ea Pouring Wool 1 S3 sk 43 lb. Smooth Roofing 2 43 rl 3 in 1 AsDhslt Shins es T5 sd lx32x'a Ceil Tile 10', sq It 10 only steel sssh at 11 SO ea Take all at 110 00. DOORS 2nda 3-0x (xlk Ext Mahog 7.00 ea J-0x5xP, Mshog 5 00 es 2-0 to 2-1 x - ft t-t x l'i Mahog all, 34.00 and up. 2-0 to 3-0 x -s lit stain Grade Louver drs. 25 pet. off Bur the BEST Demand the new type m a d by CER. TAIrfTEED BEST WALL with FIBERGLASS--' CORE. Almost twice as strong, kokte nail better. 4s 4x1 . ...j-... tl.3 tt Fmlak your walls with our SB lb. texture paint. St.. Choice of 1 color lata nsint ys.M al. C.G. 1 mi. Jf. ef Ketxae EM 4-tOH P.NEPANELING 1x4 ' Thru lxf Widths AO I Ft Lenfths ONLY $115-M NO WASTE CARLOAD SUPPLY C & K Lumber Yard US M. Lancaster EM S-llOt OPEN ALL DAY SAT. TO, sale nssd sWrs ft wtnOow. EM 4-t5JI er KM 2 U33. 474 Hoor CarvewVtej S4 tt YD. SPECIALI REG. SI N New Tweed .Bread loom csrpeting: Ilhwt: 12 x II ts. cm woodry, 10 N. Summer, ' NEW S X It Rue Pks SS I ', sous n. Glen Woodry, , Summer. NEW x It Linoleum tl Laiew weonry, ieus. n. summer. 4te For Sale MifKllaiwotja MAN. DID THEY MOVE BETTER hurry to get in sat thia one). 1 Disposers, both Cast, era! Electric and for only tsa.SS. JUDSON'S. EM 3-4141. 27B N. COM'L. Don't forget we also have a "free All Tool" for use esi disposers, for 14 M. save ea service calls. LADIES' fur -coat: elec. stove rorng.: neater, a. as a-ei. COMPLETE used man's riding equipment, s a m a I e. ss-teuee, chape, rswhtde ropes, spsirs, etc. EM 5110. 451 Musical Instruments IONS! FOR SALE piano, good cond., ! ttSJEM 4-301 after t p.m. 1 FOR Quirk sale, lust reoon sesseti nearly new Jsnssen Spinet pisno with built-in or gsn. You csn't beat this pisno organ both in one. Fully guar anteed. Save tU0. Zobel's Pi sno Co. 4M Church St. EM 4-S252 t GIBSON . ELEC steel guitar and ampll. 63 or trade for 3 speed record player. EM 3-422; NOW is ths time to buy I Wur lltzer pianos like new up to too off original price. Sta Piano Co. 1380 State St. NIAGARA OF SALEM 1124 CENTER ST. PHONE: EM 4-2890 SALEM. OREGON s ELEC. Organ. Demonstrator. Substantial discount, EZ terms Tallman Piano Stores, 305 S 12th, open Mon., Frl. eves. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-6311 ; 1 lot slightly damaged sheetrork A luf-i combination Screen ft Siorm Door, complete w.lock hinges ft closure . S.79.50 1 1. S. Door Jambs No. 2 95 ea 75 prs. 4x7x1, Plywood 2 34 es Try our easy Budget Flsn. Ws give SftH Green Stsmps KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD 233 No Front EM 3 0111 Salem, Oregon WRECKING house at 1(30 N. Winter St. All material for ssle. Call EM 3-8021 USED BUILDING MATERIALS Or ALL KINDS CALL E. S. RinER&CO. I (LIU, Sl.rf SM ' (U S-Ol&l Open All Dajf iaturdajf 1 SUNBEAM Mlxmaater ft attach, food chopper ft caa opener, fza EM a-nifc JIG-SAW with motor, also pow er saw. lis a. Rural Eat 4-0572. PICKET Fence SIO in f aeo tiona complete so. cas range S25. Dining rm. table. 4 chair ft- buff. IM. 35 S. 14th. EM 3-0454. W FORD , T. flat bed. srwty lene sets. 190 amp. welder. EM 4-30M. TILTING arbor table taw, if blades, bait ',, H P. Cesi. Elee. utility motor, S5t complete, Wk. ends, ttt N. CommercUl. DIAMOND Ring, ladies beauts ful modern setting vslue f45o. will sacrifice tag. EM 40345. USED baby equipment, foosl cond. Kl-chalr, baby tend a, stroller, bsihlnette, platform acaiee. e-aaov. t VACUUM cleaners excel, working order, upright Singer, 2 yrs. old W7.50. Tank stvl Kssimort with attch. lit. EM 4-3lf. ; FOR SALE: 4 large gas floor furnaciL 15 each. J)M t-451. WANT chiffonier or chest of dwers. EM 2-4BM3. BRITANNICA Junior, 1M4 edi tion. Never used. EM EM 4-4747 PIT-RUN GRAVEL SMITH ft Davis Hosp. bed matt, with tide rails. Arrow wheel chair. EM t-321 Eve. GOOD used Rso mower 4 5. The Tiller Shop lit Commer cial S:E SALEM'S Lowest Price en Haa. sorks. Ismps, end tables, fire). screens, folding chairs shvay a bargain at Glen Woodry, 105 N. Summer. j TH ORE'S hidden life ft beauty in worn turn, or esr vphoL when customiMcJ by Louie UphoL Shop. Fascinating fab rics' superior workmaaahip. Free est, pickup. dsL, EM 4-e3sa. . SEARS power mower 53 to. The tiiier snop sine umimf cial I t. rTEW Lge. Gsrbsge Cans $4 44. Clan woeary, isue sa. summer t TYPEWBITERS, Adders, (afae. Desks, tnairs, ruee, uupista tor at Supplie. Expert repair service. Rose, 45 Court Zhf 3-773. t-U" FORD tractor wnseta. 1 platform srale. EM t-3032. NEW cement mixer ft boat tra3 er. EM j-sW4. " ""OPEN MON. RITt! I For Lower Price Shop Glsat WeodJjr, tM M.