The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 09, 1958, Page 23, Image 23

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    4-(Sec. Ill) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Feb. 9, 58
To Visit
sweet dream
to .your. miMIM with love
I CHEfflSES , .: : g
.. .1
- o
m at aaa ir . v r
1 V BjaK. Cy - MaaMMMa anv . J .-,
V, unfitted silhouette and girlish, lower- t "e T ' -' ' vCV . . . ! . r
,JT ed trims add a beguiling touch of v CI' V . - ' i ' J
Mrs. Grayce Johnson of
Pendleton, state president
of the Eagles Auxiliary,
will make her official visit
to the Salem Aux'liary
Tuesday night.
President to
Visit Eagles
Mrs. Grayce Johnson of Pendle
ton, (lata president of the Frater
nal Order of Eagles Auxiliary, will
make her official visit to the Sa
lem Auxiliary on Tuesday night at
the Eagles Hall at I p.m. Mrs.
Johnson has been active in local
aftd state Eagle work for many
years. She is an accomplished mu
sician, playing the piano and or
Mrs. Johnson will visit the Mc-
Minnville Auxiliary Wednesday
night, accompanied by the Salem
drill team, which has .been asked
by McMmnville la perform the
Door work.
Preceding Mrs. Johnson'i visit
to the Salem auxiliary she win be
honored at a dinner at the Marion
Hotel at 6:30 p.m.
Dr. Burkholder
Guest Speaker
The February meeting of the
Salem Council of the Christian
Business and Professional Women
will be held on Tuesday, February
11 at the Marion Motel at MS p.m.
The speaker will be Or. H. D.
Burkholder, pastor of the Grace
Metmonite Church of Dallas. He
will center his message around the
missionary journeys of the Apostle
Paul World travel color slides
will be ahowa by Dr. Burkholder
bowing the cities of Jerusalem,
Damascus, Irehsra, Athena, Car
hath and Ron.
pedal aanaia a be hreaght by
Pnil MeHarnass. who teaches at
Lathe Junior High. Mr. MeHar
ness hi choir director at the Court
Street Christian Church. All wom
en are invited to attend.
UWW Km Iwlow)
Many firms previously
unconnected with the medi
cal world seek an opportun
ity to maka quick money.
They hira poop I to go from
door-to-doof to sell unknown
brands of vitamins.
Unfortunately, these door-to-door
talesmen hive no
knowledge except what they
memorize from their canned
sales pitches Why gamble?
We pharmacists have the
training to properly answer
your vitamin questions.
Before obtaining any vi
tamins from these door-to-door
opportunists, check
their prices for unknown
makes with whet we charge
for products of the reliable
firms physician endorse.
Despite their glib promises,
our prices are usually muck
less. e
When You Need '
a medicine
Yewr Physician
Can Phone
FM 4-J334 15 8. Liberty SL
EM S-A123 lit Coert SL
EM H137-X44 Grear
Pick up your prescription if
shopping near us, or let us de
liver at 12:30 and 4:00 daily
without extra charge. A great
many people enrtust ui with
the responsibility of filling
their prescriptions. Miy we
compound yours?
Remember: At 15 Sooth
Liberty Street, we are prepar
ed to supply year Drag Store
seeds 24 hours a day, night
aad day.
We are epea at this addrem
dallv from t:M A.M. until
11:M P.M. At anv ether time
yea need us dial EM 4 UK er
EM M123.
Sunday hears are 12:M a
tfl 2:M tnd :N atil :N
P.M. We are pleased te be
able te give this 24-heur serv
ice te the aevple ef ear cens-mrnity.
mm .
Medical Center BHg.
2441 Grear Phoae EM 14157
Cewrt and Ceiaiertlal
Pheae EM t-tl2t x
151 SauU liberty St.
Pheae EM 4-1331
0uetfiee by tdwerd C. tutwtjl
lytHn 1S03-1S7 A
Copyright 1957 ilW$ '
Here's a tie that doesn't bind, for
nothing could be more relaxing than
these bedtime fashions . . . with their
unfitted silhouette and girlish, lower
ed trims add a beguiling touch of
1. 'shimmy' shift; Duchess lace bod
ice trim,- box pleated overlay from
hipline. Pink, blue, yellow; small med
ium, lrge $8.98
2. 'shimmy' doll; styled as the shift;
matching briefs. Pink, blue, yellow;
small, medium large $8.93
3. nylon cotton Decron$ doll che
mise, eyelet embroidery trim, saucy
back ribbon. Mint, coral, yellow; small,
medium, large $5.98
Mail and phone or den
looking for Valentines?
V '
complete selections of famous-name Valen
tines, make-your-own kits, gift wraps, en- Cfj $1
closures, place cards, tallies aef " I
table covers, napkins, hot and eold ftf) CA
cups in matching Valentine motifs. Vv "3U
red end white crepe paper, streamers, lAg) ")Cdi
hearts, red or gold arrows, small and lw "Mm 9
large cupids.
table decorations; small to large
heart boxes, boy and girl figures, Q Aft
large heart centerpieces I W mFjr&
Valentine candles:
red and white tapers; at) AJPt I)
plain; 1 0", 1 2", 1 5", 1 8"Jm for jL3 A
Mail and phoni orders
the best thing
about a skirt
mac sim in:
A MecShore blouse is practically guaran
teed to please her on Valentine's Day.
Marvelous up-to-the-second styling, easy
tare fabrics; sizes 32 to 38.
1. Drip-dry cotton broadcloth with
fucked front; white only $2.98
2. No-iron Decroncotfon blouson
In white, pink or mint .$3.98
3. Leno stripe, drip-dry cotton, roll
sleeve; pink, blue, maize $3.98
Mail and phone orders
OTHER DAYS. 9-40 A.M. TO 130 P.M.
0 '
i w x y mi
n "vj A'iH
39, L
IkhIKw) just landed!
l L- White Stags
mfZM W'n collection
, 1 1 r I Htfw II I V I Just landed , . , see a spanking new cargo ef Sail-
g?tK ' -Jjf Cfty 1 1 J V" J 'r" cloth separatesr-all with a most nautical air. Go-to-
a'fe3L aSVl,-a MV ' VSJ: A ) 0,,h,r in wni,' Wickeklpper, fathom blue, red,
yuS V , T Vfv'"' 1 1 . . gray, sand or seaflower. Sizes 10-20.
JiT . I, If J XjT 1. 'Dock Wallop' tee shirt .:. ..::...... $2.50
AiSJ'SvV f: O.V hiL 'Jsmaica Shorf. $4.95
VfPS .Wi ON I".1 yr 2. "Trim Jolly' te. shirt . $2.98
WlW& ' -: ynJ'U S7.95
III i'0fLUf fcK X Y'jS, Clamdigger' : . $4.95
UteS! th h A" & Middy' $5.95
liJVll A 'Calfskinper' tapered pant -$$.9S
, i . J V ' t net shewn, Hi Tide shirt $3.98
Jr' JSS- " littl. Boy'short, $3.95
WhJJ ( ' ' I ' Mail and phone orders; ,
Vtt'':?-22lZ 3 f rV- . . SPORTS SHOP STREET PIOOR ' ,
1 1 ,v 1
.-1 iv