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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1958)
i Sax is mom Woini North Gets 35-31 Win Springfield Club Is Here Tonight LEBANON, Feb. 7 (Special Lebanon's Warrior tried a "slow 'em up" brand of basketball game here tonight but the result was still the same as North Salem's Vikings racked up their sixth consecutive District A-l victory. 55-31. Saturday night. North Salem will face Springfield Millers in a non conferegce game at the North Sa lem gym The Vikf' via over Lebanon was their l!tk la a raw and Kth galas! one less for the kiui. They bow kave a three-game lead la District A-l. Lebanon's fine effort could well be termed a moral victory. The Warriors were figured to lose this Enger Named Business Manager The Salem Seaalers searrh for a business maaager ended late Friday afternoon wbea the local eaadidale, Joha Eager, was se lected to fill the position. As toea as club president Elmer Berg made the aanouace ment. Eager started plats to pea the Seaators' dowatawa business office. This will be to rated at UM Ceater St.. or aay baseball correspondence is the team eaa be seat to P.O. Box fS. This moraiag the tO-year-eld Salem High School graduate was scheduled to lour Walera Park with Berg. He waats to get a first-hand look at the equipmeal aad facilities available la inven tory what Is sa haad before tak ing aay farther ateps. The Seas tor executive board also has scheduled a meeting Monday moraiag at sevea o'clock at the Marion Hotel. Eager's selection gave the Class B basebaU team here a more torsi flavor. He haa been a resideat of Salem siaec tM7. At Salem High. Eager lettered la football, wreatllag aad track before being graduated la 1SS0. Thea he atteaded Oregon State College where he received a de gree la agricultural engineering la IMS. Eager was also a wres tling lettenaaa with the Beavers, (Continued page I, col. 1) DISTRICT S A-l North Satrm South Soarm Swtet Hon Alkaay CenraUla Laaanan w l Prt. rr pa S S l.OM JM 231 J 3 Set 3B4 2S4 .3 3 SOS t7 311 I 3 .40S 344 24 3 3 .40 3S :S4 1 3 .117 !2i IM rrtOar'i rpinlti: Intt Salraa 51. Iwrrt Horn 3S; North SaJrm 34, Lekaaon 31. Tonifhl's faaaea: Alhaay at CervaUla. one by plenty, but their deliberate style of play kept North Salem from cutting wose . with its run ning game It was la the fourth quarter that the game was at its slowest With North holding a 31-21 lead. Lebaaoa eoatiaaed its deliberate play aad It was four miautes be fore either team collected a field goal la that period. ' Eventually, Lebanon erased six J points of the North Salem margin. largely on free throws. J. W. Phil-1 senior guard Ron Taylor, Starter PIE U '4 above, will be in the start ing YYU lineup tonight when the Bearcats face Lewis & Clark here. Serra Tramples Gervais 8-Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Feb. 8, '58 lips collared six free throws for the Warriors in that period. North Sales'! only four points la that stow fourth chapter were by Dale Drake. He hit a Held goal at about the foar miaute sn'ark la tally the Vikings' first points for the quarter. Lebanon had an early lead, 4-3, with 4.21 left, but then North's Dick Scoggin hit on a field goal attempt to put his team ahead to stay. Harry CsoUdge aad Phillips did a good defease )ob oa North Salem's big Craat Barter, hold lag the Junior ceater to oaly two points oa a pair of free throws. For Lebanon, a sophomore w ho didn't even see action in these two teams' last meeting Glein Clark was top scorer for the War riors with 12 points. Phillips fin ished with 11. Dale Drake was high scorer for the Vikings with 14 points. North Salem had a hot field goal shooting average la the first half, hattlag JOO oa eight of If. The Vflriags finished the game with J33. still better than Lebaa oa's .20. - In the preliminary game, Ron Stickle scored 20 points to pace -North Salem to a 45-37 victory .'"over Lebanon. The Warriors were led in scoring by Dick Bergiel with Zn counters. North Saltm (IS) (31) Ltsanoa Grr-T orri ' UtehfM 3 14 7 Clark S 1 I 13 Scotria 4 1 PhUlipa i 1 411 ' Baric t t 3 Coolidfe 133 , Draho S 4 I 14 Priming 113 -BritM I Taylor 142 Woo t t 3 . Bancs 1 1 1 - Total It II It IS Tout II IS 31 'North Salem 11 1 ) 4 3S UkiM SIS is: Pre throws Blur 4: North Salr-i ", Lahaaea S. Officials: Tosa an "Bates. NORTH SALEM US) P: Baaaoa (3); VanSerheef (4). C: . Mlcklas (2; G: Bttchie (11); BU- i m W .IL. -) " SEATTLE. Feb. .7 (JV-Peppery little George Grant came into - p" Armstrong (); Bersiei (H) cJthe game midway in the second half tonight and sparked the rally ' camper (; G: Braae (); o'Du that carried Washington to a 56-49 racuic coast umierence Dasset - N'ord TlStoS S 11 i4l ' . ' 'Looaaoa 7 s i 1237 wasnington ii trailing oy lour Bearcat Cagers Meet Pioneer Team Tonight The Willamette Bearcats return to the basketball wars tonight at eight o'clock for the first time in 10 days as they play host to Lewis and Clark in one- of two Northwest Conference games. The 'Cats, with their semester examinations behind them, will be trying to keep pace with league-leading Linfield, which is host to cellar-dwelling Pacific in the other game. Willamette, la second place with a -t record, has spUt it first two games with the third place Pioneers (4-3). winning the first (3-7t and losing the second SS-47. Coach John Lewis Us aaaoaaeed he will go with his usual starting Uncap of Vic Back wad aad Dick Hartley at forwards. Tarn Johns at center, aad Ed GraJseabacher aad Roa Taylor at guard. Hartley has bounced back from a poor early season and "meant the difference" in Willamette's two most recent win! over Pacific, according to Lewis. The 6-2 senior from Boise is now leading the league in field goal accuracy with a .too mark, hitting 13 of 25 shots. The visiting Pioneers are led by Royce McDaniel, a freshman guard from Sweet Home who is fifth in league scoring with a 15.0 average. Other starters are expected to be Ron Langos and Bill Stempel at forwards, John Dukes at center, and Cliff Shelton at guard. One other Northwest Conference team. Whitman, win ae action tonight. The Missionaries play Northwest Naxareae. Jerry Kalapus, Pacific's S-5 forward who was ineligible for his team's first four league games, holds the highest scoring aver age in the loop. Kalapus is averaging IS points a game, compared to 17.S for runner-up Jack Riley of Linfield. Backlund, who has more points, 133, than anyone else, is third and last year's champ, Bill Machamer of Linfield is fourth with 1S.2. Sabers Take Fasy 67-27 Capital Win BASKETBALL SCORES BIGN SCHOOL North Salem IS, Uhaaen 31 South Salem Si, Swact Bonw IS Caitao SI, ML Anfol 43 Serra 7, GervaJa 37 WaoOora S. tUvortoa 3 Startoa M, North MarWa 33 Central 77, Canny 47 Molalla St. Bitacada 34 Dallas n, SajMly S SherwooS S4, Philomath 44 Yamhill 7. Wlllunloa S4 Sherieaa SO, Aatty o Dayton 47, Banks 44 Perry aal 47, Ckcauwa 3 Orcson Deaf School S7. MarLarta M Palta City 73. Valuta St. Psul 73. Drtrolt 44 Jefferson 72, St. Boniface 31 Cotton 57. lnUin S3 Mllwaakle 43, HllUhor IS Ontario St, Nyiaa S WaiOport 47, Ptoreae 37 MIHoo-Pmwater S4, La Graaee IS Cooalllo 73, Gold Beach 4 Newport 3, Maptetoa 3S , Mmlrr , Dnfar 34 1 The DaU 41, HormJitsa SI B. U, attmao 31 Vernontn (3, Hooa Klrrr Pcnltoa 4. Bahcr 41 Elmlra SI, WlUamotU (CuseBO) 54 oannof m, jaartion iity si ToloOo 77, Tart S3 Lakrvtew 41, Madrai M McKooa , TrteJUlt Lako S4 (Coatisae page I. eoL 7) South Spills Sweet Home Moore Hits 26 To Pace Victory By ItOB SCHWARTZ Statesman Sports Writer The South Salem Saxons, with Dan Moore hitting on all cylinders. elevated themselves into a second place tie in the District I A-l bas ket !w 1 1 rrco -!t night by do the Sweet Heme Huskies, 51-J. the Saxon maples. Moore had his best sight of the season aa he led Ms teammate la a very convincing victory that firmly establishes the Southend ers as a) distinct threat far the district's aamber two berth la the coming State A-l tournament. At the start of last night's af fair neither team could buy a bucket uhtil nearly three minutes had clasped. Sweet Home's high scoring pivot man, Wayne Roberts, started things off with a basket from underneath. Moore then hit on a long one-hander to tie things up. After the count had run to 9-7 for the locals, Moore took over and hit on a jump shot, a pair of free throws and a driving layin before the Huskies knew what hit them. The Saxons left the floor at the quarter break with a 17-11 lead and were never headed after that. The second q Barter was all Moore. Dashing Dan hit aU bat tw of the Saxons' It la the per iod, while Sweet Home wa get ting 11. Sooth had a Zs-tt bulge at baUtime. The third quarter is what killed Sweet Home. At this time coach Dick Ballantyne's Saxons were ball hawks on defense, as well as finding the basket a pretty easy thing to hit. Sweet Home went over five minutes before adding anything to their total, and then managed only three free throws for the entire eight minutes of play. Sweet Homo oatscered the Saxons la the final chapter, but only after BaUaatyae had emp tied his beach. Moore, who had drawn his fourth personal early la the third period aad aat eat mast of that aad the fourth quarter, re-atered the game la time I rack up the last two Saxoa eoaaters and ran his total for the aight to U points. Bob Bayne hit 13 for South and Roberts had a like amount to lead Sweet Home. As a team South Sa lem hit 21 for 52 and a fine .404 Three Colts SlosH Home At Hialeah GSG 62-37 Crushes Ducks in PCC Tiff -. v . it 7 L '".-.. ': ( imo, a.. 1 v - . 'iff Hlft mill HIALEAH, Fla Feb. 7 Sloshing la fetlock deep Bad at Hialeah Park today Gentleman Al 2), left, captures the first race la a mile aad one eignt rna. la me center is mj rnena who finished second and oa the rail Joaa Berry (A) runs third. Gentleman Al paid t.10; 4.00, aad 320. (AP Wlrephoto) U.S. Skiers Face Last Chance to Be Ranked Among Top Ten Women By STERLING 8 LAPPET BAD GASTEIN. Austria, Feb. 7 ID Linda Meyers of Bishop, Cal if., and Sally Denver of White marsh, Pa., are chief United States hopes of crashing the women's top , Crnr- J J LA 10 tomorrow in the combined stand-1 J ViEf I &vt glaat slatorn after betas; dropped because of poor eandltlaa. Dther who race tomorrow far the L'aK ed State are Misses Meyers aad GERVAIS, Feb. 7 (Special) - Serra completely dominated every thing here tonight in racing to nJ shooting percentage, while the easy tin tnumpn over outciaaseu Gervais in a Capital Conference basketball game. II was Serra's fifth eaafereae wia ha eight starts, aad left the Saber (till three games behind ! Huskies Defeat Vandals 56-49 as Grant Stars 30C Whips OCE 60-57 v ASHLAND, Peb. 7 (Special) 'Oregon College of Education ab- - sor bed its. 14th defeat of the sea .son here tonight, losing 60-57 to Southern Oregon College of Educa tion in an Oregon Collegiate Con ference basketball game. - SOCE was held to a ZS- half " time tie, hat thea broke away J early ia the second half aad with seven minntes left to play had bailt ap a 47-21 advantage as 2 Norma OHva poured ia 10 paints, r The eventual winners continued to bold a comfortable bulge until ' Just a minute and SS seconds were left Then OCE put on a fuD court press which nearly brought them t a victory. " Gary Miltoa collected Hve '.. points, aad Deaay Speaeer aad Jerry Rumbold each added a ; pah-, aad with SO seconds left the - Monmouth five bad aarrowed the margin to S7-M. But from that - point oa, SOCE wa able to stay 1 at of trouble, flaally wiaaiag ; wha that same three potato edge. .CB (17) points at 37-33 and had a slight attack of late game Jitters when Grant appeared on the scene. The Mooter wha leaked maea (mailer la the com pa ay he was keeping made oaly fire points, bat it wa hi alert defease aad ball stealing tactics that got Washington oa the path to vic tory. In five minutes the Huskies had rolled to a nine point lead at 48-39. Idaho narrowed the margin to three points but could not break up a Washington stall without foul ing and the Huskies got their final margin from the free throw line. The first half wa a tight argo meat from the atari, with neither team getting farther than three potato la fro at The scare had been tied six times aad they had twapped the lead 10 times when the teams went to recess tied at a-all. Idaho (4) Waskiaftoo IS) OPPT OPPT Brsoaai 113 Marpfcy 111 Liwloni 43 Irvio 4 I I I MrBwrn 7114 (mart 733 Colrmaa 1 3 4 4 Crrwa 14 1 Simmons 5 1 3 II tT 134 Srhlfr 324 Crows till Wslte I Parlseaa I Draw 111 ToUlf I 14 Totals It I Tit loaho IS 34 M WahiB(loa 2S Lopes Beats Cuban Boxer CAPITAL CONPCBBNCI W L Pr. PP PA Staysoa 10 371 MS WMOknrn 3 .73 41 37S Sorra t 1 43S 3J 314 Caacaoa t 3 j2S S3 31 Silvertoa 4 4 .10 131 3S North Marloa 1 I J1I 3 377 ML AO(l I 1 .13 MS 374 Cervsls I I MIS 44 PrMay's mailt: CaaraSr SI, Ml. Aasol 43; Serra (7, Oervali 17; Woo horn St, Silvertoa ; Startoa , North Marian JJ. leagae-leadlng Staytoa, which rolled aver North Martoa tonight. Serra had too much height and too much speed, for Gervais. which has yet to win a Capital Confer ence game. Dick Carney and Joe lloormaa had control on both backboards for much of the game, with Carney being especially ef fective. . Deaay Frank, wha finished the game as high seerer with 14 point, hit weB from gUide. He was also an the' pay end of sev eral Serra fast breaks.. Carney collected 12 points for the Sabers, and Kea Neuberger had 10. Serra shot .390 on 27 field foals in t attempts. Gervais had only a .170 average on eight of 4s. Serra also won the Junior varsity game, 31-23. SYRACUSE, N.Y.. Feb. 7 IAV- Tfmwv T strtAst sMgnnv !Urrafnasfttn Calif, lightweight:, overwtelrned o.r p t '"VpTt Cuba's Damaso Collato to score ! noerfter tit iBorstoO 4 a unanimous Unround decision in 1 hV"er J J'JsJIa 34 their nationally televised boxing Frank 7 si Miner 1 e 1 1 bout tonight. Both weighed 1344. The tlrelei Lopes, considered a contender lor the division title, was bothered by a disadvantage ia height bat slowed Ctllaxo with punishing body blow aad loop ing rights aad lefts. Collazo, subbing for injured Pao lo Rosi, suffered his first setback in It fights. In spite of the im pressive record, the Cuban was no match for the fancy little Califor-nian. The victory was the 43rd for the veteraa Lopes. Be baa suf fered 14 losses and fought to three draw. Collai' record Bow la 42-10-1. Referee Joe Palmer scored it six rounds for Lopes, two against and two even. Judge Dick Albino saw it seven rounds for Lopes and three for Collazo, while Judge Har old McGrath gave it to Lopes 0-3-1. Zlrllajkl VahUS 11 McDnaM 3 3 17 Dv.Stalr 1 S I Carney 1 1 1 11 J.Orsaan 111 Maornu 111 L.Grtaan SSI Laf II tPoshoIss Lake t Df . Stair t 0 Totals 37 Hit 47 Totals "sltlSri Sarra I 13 II 14-47 Cenrals S S t 1337 Prs throws saliaeS: Sorrs 13 Ger vais 14. Officials: Nolsoa an BUUsr. Iron Liege to Run MIAMI. Fla.. Feb. 7 W-Eleven capable thoroughbreds, beaded by 1957 Kentucky Derby winner Iron Liege, were entered today for the $50,000 added mile and an eighth McClennan Handicap at Hialeah Park tomorrow. Iron Liege, from the powerful string of Calumet Farm racers, will carry high weight of 124 pounds but was made early choice at 3 to 1 with his stablemate. Pin tor Lea, assigned 110 pounds. Huskies garnered .381 on II for 57. Rebounding told as much of the story as anything, with South grab bing 45 and Sweet Home 30. Bayne led in rebounds with 12, followed by 11 for Moore and f for Keith Burres. Roberts had t for the Huskies. Ia the preliminary game Sweet Home salvaged part at the eve alag by spilliag the baby Sa ion 41-31, with Garden Rice hooping 13 petals to pace thlags. Sweet Boom (3t) Sooth Salons (SI) OPPT OPPT Setter 'lilt Bhosea Miller 114 Moors II 4 4M Bobcrts I I 11 Borrcs 111 Of Icy 114 3 Bayo Sill LaaS 1114 McCmck 111 Gilbert 11 Brohi Jones 1 t 1 Brtltt 111 Old till Wnlf 1 1 Mwares S Brark HuOktas Calaha Swrnsr Totals I (113 Totals 21 13 SI S. HMOS 11 u 1 133 S. Salem .. 17 13 13 t SI Pre throw nalssoS: S. Boos S, S. Salem 7. Officials: Wtcksrt aaa Bra a. S. ION! JT (41) P: Carawcn ( Boteasrlieea (1). C: KyrlM (12); O: Btca (11); Gmr if). Bcmrves seoriag: McCullnm (1). i. SALEM JV (31) P: BsUcislo (It; Knickerbocker (3). C: Kins (); Covert (1); Ksrklins (S). Bessrves scoring: Malta (4); Joaes (1); Glocksc 3). S. Hons JV 1 It 14 S 41 S. Salass JV 4 I 0 S 31 Officials: Ivans, Wlckart Bos. ings of the World Alpine skiing championships. la the men's division, which will he completed with the down hill race Sunday. Wallace (Bad) Werner, aa Army private from Steamboat Springs, Cola., has a goad ckaace to finish as high as third. Carrtntly he Is m fourth place behind the redoahUhl Ass trtaas, TsoJ Sailer aad Jeal Rei der, aad Japan's Chick Igaya. "With a little hick and good wax, Werner can win the downhill.'' said the American coach. Othmar Sch neider. Six waves of tepid ground fog and warm air swept into Bad Gas- tein Valley today, blocking sight. thawing snow and disrupting prac tice. Most of the contestants re mained indoors. The final race of the women's program is tomorrow's giant slal om. Neaie Foley, tiny aee from Heagbtoa, Mich., wa returned to the American Uae-ap for the IS) SOCK OPPT o r r r - MUtoa 1 14 D'Ollv t 3 I Browa I'll oilva 1141 Yoong 1114 Hlfiwth 1 t It - Shark 11 Maorer 1 I 4 S GooSnua Sill McAbeo 13 War I Sriiit I 5: to. the nation's leading scorer, BomboM S S 7 Tennoy - Willisana 111 Loco 4 - tttt 01 Crnaan 1 4 Seattle Raps Gonzaga Club, 83-67 SEATTLE. Feb. 7 Uh Elgin Bay- 11 21 U 17 Total 34111 .11 33 S7 Total OCS "tocl ...... ........ IS Pre throws salasoO: OCB , SOCB m 1. Offtelalsi Swsaaoa aa Warren. Z FINALS REACHED Z PALM BEACH. Fla.. Feb. 7 on- padded his point bankroll a little more tonight, geting 42 points as the Seattle University Chief tiarts scalped Gonzaga of Spokane 33-07.. Baylor saw has seared Ml point to 17 games far aa aver' age point output of S3 a eMtest. Gonzaga' ski-high Gaul, Jean Lefebvre, played one of his best games since enrolling at Gonzaga night. As a Seattle University player put it: "He kills yea fctst by staading still; H takes yea losg te get aroaad him.H Baylor picked off at hit team's It reboousd. Goaaaga, even with J eaa CJjaad patrwUlng the skyways, eaa Id ataaage la get only 31 Seattle hit on 32 of 76 shots from the field tor s .421 shooting per centage. Gonzaga hit 23 of 01 for J09. Goasaga (7) u r r t Bealtla 1 OPPT Davis 111 Prtssoa S 0 til Vrsailea S 1 S II Browa 8 4 S Lfovre II 4 IS Baylor 11 4 41 wiiiiama I i i t aawoors a l lilaM I S Husqr 1 S I 4 " , " ' . . iGoroon SSI Osorck SSI The Chieftain look charge riaht Tornor l s p(aarkl 1 i 'off Ihe reel and rallMl im a M-js VoU I t I Naapbri Sill . i ..,.i .1 i - . . " . . ;. - r. . r.iuow i i z n o o o rira.i o ) u saroora mciniirw, -snooung ner i even tnougn ne was oversnaoowed advantage by the time Intermit- Morrtaa wail ess rmoirrh tail nioom - oes gou m use tournament, ana oy Baylor, i ne raris. t ranee, im-' sion came around. Their last ! " hmntii t rryr 2 Mary Patton Janssen, continuing port poured in 26 points. break was too much for the Zagt stowrsa ' ner sona piay, reacnea tne nnauj ine nig rrenenmarr. using his in the second half and the visiting -todsy In the women's champion- 7 foot 4 inch height to full adv an-j team found itself falling further " owjr va a muu mub - Mi, woo a wvuivu va uctcuao v oou swuict In lllinl. USC Blasts Cal, 58-48 LOS ANGELES. Feb. 7 iaV-The Southern California Trojans knock ed California out of a first-place tie in the Coast Conference to night by tripping up the Bears Stv 41 in a deliberately played basket ball game. The Trajaas' victory lasts lied their arch rival, UCLA, at the top af the, conference standings. UCLA defeated Wasalagtea State earlier tonight to run Ha record to 0-1. Cal now Is S-z, Southern California held the lead through most of the first half, but couldn't get more than a few points ahead until the last three minutes. Cal tied ft at 21-21 with 3:45 left, then came unglued mom entarily and was trailing 28-23 at the hair. The Trojaa. led by Moat Gaasales, stepped away early nt the neeoad half aad were hi treat 4043 with about niae salaates gone. They jtxteaded the lead to 47-30 before the aggressive Bears started a raUy that left them eery four potato back, 40-44. with Stt asiaates left Three miawte later, however, the Trajaas wer safely kt front again. U-44. Gonzales dropped in 10 points, 10 of them in the second half, but Southern Cal's Jim White was high man for the game with 17. Don Mcintosh scored 1 for California. California (4t) (M) Soother Cal. 0PT OPPT Storting 1 S I 4 Path S I 4 1 Dattoa S t 4 S White S T 17 Mcintosh 7114 Maaaa 1 4 Barb 14 11 MoomI 111 BeehMoa 11 t Gnsalos S 1 1 111 Pvo 114 til (Wrrhns III Kemp Tsui 331313 Tauia Is I It 4 Totals nMUM ... 31 4-7 California 13 134 jlBC . IS Two Share Links Lead TUCSON, Aril., Feb. 7 (JV-Tony Lema. Napa. Calif., and Bill Johnston, Provo, Utah, put togeth er the best two rounds of their circuit careers to share the sec ond round lead of the Tucson Open today with 0-under-par 131s. Jim Rlggias, A ad era, 8. C, another outsider, was la sale pos session af second place with 132. He said he played Um best M holes of his Uls te get tier. Manuel De La Torre, Milwau kee, and Frank Stranahan, TolerJo, Ohio, had shared the first-round lead with Johnston with 04s. Both shot 09 today for a total of 133 and a tie with Lionel Hebert, Lafay ette, La., reigning PGA champ, and Stan Leonard, Vancouver, B. C. A group f Ave wa tied with 134. Kea Veaturi. winner af the recent Paha Sprlags aad Phoe nix Opeas, is far behind with SS-70 Ul. The simple 1,434-yard El Rio layout continued to bold little mys tery for the touring pros with 40 of them bettering par for 30 boles. Players going more than two over par were eliminated. It took a 142 to qualify for the final two rounds. Bruins Rip Cougar '5' LOS ANGELES, Feb. 7 (! - UCLA's favored Bruins could do no better than stay even In the first 20 minutes, but they swiftly took command in the second half and dropped Washington State 7244 in a Coast Conference basketball game tonight, Wasafagtoa State, led ia the first scried by the 10-peiat per formance af Jim Ross, held a lead of from oa to five point through the first seven Bilmtes aad wa never more thaa three paints behind before halftlme. But tbe Bruins csme on with a fast break at the start of the second half and were in front by 10 points after only five minutes. Little Bob Kennedy directed a spirited WSC rally midway through the period, and the Cou gars trailed by only a point, S3-52, with a little less than 10 minutes left. Two minutes later, however. the Bruins were comfortably ahead again, S9-S2. Kennedy, held to only 4 potato la the first half, damped ia 13 la the second period aad led all scorers. Rase finished with 11 for the Cougars. UCLA's top man was Walt Tor rance, who popped in 15. Denny Crumm scored 13 for the Bruins and Ben Rogers 11. WSC (4) College of Idaho Dumps Whitman, . ' CALDWELL Idaho, Feb. 7 -Reserve Roger Judd came off the bench in tbe first half and sparked the College of Idaho Coyotes to their fifth straight Northwest Con ference victory, ob47, over whit man College tonight JudtTs sudden scoring spurt of seven points came as part, of s 12-point spree by the Coyotes that shot them into a 11-17 lead. The' College of Idaho led the Missionaries 33-23 at the half and widened the gap to 20 points in the second half. Colleg of IdarMy shot at a 41 per cent pace. Whitman hit 27 per cent of their field-shots. Cllea of 1 I Sams ( Rcrtlao (I), Perkins (II). Orach (11, Moor (I), Short (k JimM (), Arkcmwn (3). Mrrrttt (4), Boaaant (). Mam mrtt (0). ' Whitman (47) Beb (7). lohasoo (I), Chrlama (I). Braltan (t), aV ar (14), Graahla (), Or ran (1), Cal has (), Aaaortaa (2, Mataoa (I). (71) UCLA OPPT OPPT Aselseo 1 I S S Balstaa 4 1 GaJbralth IIS SBurk 111 Maens 4 4 13 Bafan 4 1411 KaaaoOy S 1 1 17 Taraara 1 I 1 II situ crumm s i is Baah 1 1 VnUrhUI I 1 S Asia ( 1 (Millar 11 Raoolftr 114 SJohnaaa Baker 11 Archer 1 (111 1 1 Boobaar Mile Total WSC UCLA , .11 .11 4171 Race Draws 12 Entries ARCADIA. Calif., Feb. 7 tit Twelve mares and fillies today were named to battle it out for the mythical championship of tbe distaff division in the 130,000 added Santa Margarita Handicap at San ta Anita tomorrow. Heading the field was Mrs. Con nie M. Ring's Market Basket, the high-weight at 123 pounds, includ ing Jockey Ray York. ' Nest fat lto U Mrs. Leslie Featoe' Noergss, year -eld daughter of the Irish stakes star, Near. Noeraa, at 111 pound tor the lanta Margarita, picks ap three pounds off her photo-wla over the Triple K Stable's Myr- L tie la the Saata Maria Handicap two week age. RID ttound again win rlaV Noorgaa. Myrtle ear. rte 111 tomorrow. Rex C. Ellsworth tries with Bal let Khal, with Willie Shoemaker up. Ballet Khal raa third in the blanket finish of the Santa Maria, while Market Basket trailed a poor fifth.' . f . - -Other aaaned for the soil aad one-eighth feature were Triple Jay. s m an e r story, Omelia, Paaltla, Bora Rich, Royal Rath er, Sons Rae aad Cold Haad.' If all 12 start, the 21st running of the race will be worth o gross 137 joo, with . 34,7M net to the winnerr ", ' i Madi Spriager-Miller f Stowe Vt. Miss Foley lost interest in skiing after the deatn of ner lamer ana failed to reach top shape for the first two women s races, the slal om and the downhill. However, she is now back in form. The women s race will be run over a 5,904-foot course dotted with stratigically-placed gates. It will have a drop of 1.490 feet. Frieda Daeaser of Swltierlaad b leading fee the combined till with 3.21 penalty petals. Fatd Fraadl af Aattria Is second with 3.30 foDewed by Canada's r prialag Lecille Wheeler, wiaaer af the downhill yesterday, with 4.JJ. Miss Meyers tops tbe Americans, in 10th place with 1.54 points, miss Denver is 12th with 11.17. The Fabulous Sailer, triple Olym pic champion, and hit Austrian teammate, Rieder, are favored for the men's combined championship, with the daredovil Sailer a heavy choice. Sailer, winner af the glaat alal am after flalthlag second to Rie der In the slalom. Is at hi best to the dawahUI, which Is eaaea ttalty a straightaway race with gate used oaly as barrier. Sailer leads with the low score of .30 penalty points, followed by Rieder with 2.90. Igays, former Dartmouth College student now living in New York, is third with 5.T9 and Werner is fourth with 6.27. Seattle After NFL Team Second Half Fatal to UO .. " b Gambee, Nanson Each Score 19 CORVALLIS, Ore., Feb. 7 Cf- Ken Nanson and towering Da ye Gambee each scored II points ia leading Oregon State to a OS-IT Pacific Coast Conferenco basket ball victory over Oregon here to night. Oregon State needed .the victory to remain a contender for the PCC PAC1PIC COAST CONPf ntlfCB W L Pet. PP PA UCtA .... I .117 4 ' California S S .714 34 33 OrafM Stats 1 ,M7 SJ 4 Make ... s j 43S Ml S2S VSC a 4t sit la Waahlosts 4 t .444 41 Sal Oreea S J31 43 13 StaaforS ... 1 I iU to lie Wsahtaftoa SUto 1 1 J3S 44S SI grMay's molU: Orafso. Mat . Oresoa 17; Waahmttea M, Idaho 4t; VSC SS. California 41; UCLA 1., Waabiastea I la to 4. SEATTLE, Feb. 7 OB A syndi cats of Seattle businessmen said today it has 1200,000 st hand to launch professional football hero- it a stadium and a National Foot ball League franchise csn be ob tained. Numbering at least 20, the group includes Willsry Rhodes, local gro cer and owner of the speedboat, "Miss Thriftwsy;" Arthur H. Van- nuts 4 Total tiaiSMhlecamp, bakery executive; L. Ev- erett La noon of Tacoma, president of a food company; and William Herb of Bellingham, paper null ex ecutive. A spokesman said the group would attempt to rent the Univer sity of Washington stadium, which seats 55,000. University regents have turned down previous at tempts by private, promoters to rent tbe stadium. If the stadium can be made avail able, the spokesman said. "W will approach the National Football League about a franchise." At a recent league meeting a committee was appointed to study cities with the possibility of expanding the league to 14 teams. ' Cash Is In If ; The Bag 11 q fSdlVinthI Statesman- III ; Journal II . Classified VI crown. The Beavers now nave a 13 record. Oregon is 34. OSC gt its crushing margla of victory la the second half, wbea the Beavers oatseared Oregon 30-ls. At halftlme, OSC held aaly a 29-10 lead, la the Second half, however, Oregea Stat shredded Oregon's maa to - man defease and coos latently broke thraagh far easy lay-la shots. A crowd of I.3M watched as Ore gon crept to within five points of OSC, at r;-23. as Bud Kuykendatl sod Hal Duffy dropped in field goals in tbe second half's early moments. Nanson. s 0-foot senior, thea dropped in five strsight points and the 0-7 Gambee added a field goal to push OSC safely out ia front 35-23. Fran that paint en, Oregea State gradually Increased Its lead aad railed easily to victory. Oregea kad aaly a .230 hoot ing per re stage from th Held. lakiag 11 of 02 attempts. OSC shot at a aeat .MS pace, hlttlag bstf af M SO field goal trie. uregon state is iais tomorrow night, while Oregon meets Idaho in nearby Eugene. Oregon State will go back into action Monday night in a game here with Idaho. Oregon head its only lead of tbe game in the contest's early mo ments when the Ducks scooted ahead 5-1 on field goals by Stu Robertson and Hal Duffy and a free throw by Charlie Franklin. In that period, OSC s only point came when Nanson dropped in a free throw. Tbe Beavers, however, began clicking right after thst. Nanson shoved in six points and Gambee three, while holding Oregon score less! to vsult the Staters into a 10-5 lead. Nanson also was instrumental in nipping Oregon's brief rally early in tbe second half. After tbe Ducks had closed the gap to 20-23, Nanson hit three free throws and dashed for a lay-in. Gambee then twirled in a hook shot and the Beavers were off. Ortgoa (17) f) Orstoa auto G P P f OPPT Prankhs 1 1 1 Gamhe till Bahrtaa lit) Naaaoa 1 S SIS Daffy 11ST GeMe 1 t S 4 kaik 4 t 1 S J Ana 1 1 S 1 Kykaen 1 I I S Millar 1111 Barren 114 Moaa I t 1 Pstfovaa 1 1 S Coppl ISIS O.ASraa t 0 SehroSr 111 Davis . Critecr 1 0 t t 1 fatal il IT 14 41 . I IS St It Tschrt 1 t S Haynat I I I I Batjuiue l 9 l Tatua Total 1 114 37 Orea Oregon State Boosters After A-2 Meet Help The Salem Exchange Club is now in th process of lining up the Booster Club which it to help ia the promotion of the State A-l basketball tournament here March 17-llj. Over 50 have already subscribed to the Booster Club and it is the siro of Exchange Club president Stu McElhinny to sign up at least 400. The Booster Club is formed in order to I tin sufficient funds to pay for tournament expenses. Membership ia the club costs fS, IptAT WITH V MODERN Ya. FplML f!f' 2 - Sol N. COAUSMCtAl . PH. EM 3-4163x1X1 rr