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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1958)
LVStatesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, Feb. 8, '58 New Russ Envoy Pays Dulles Visit Scouts. Present Gifts to, Governor the daily news conference of Slate Department press chief Lincoln White. This proposal was first made bv Poland's Foreign Minister Adam Rapaclci to the U.N. last October. The immediate American reac- Chief Against WASHINGTON. Feb. 7 -U.S. Soviet relations today took a new and possibly significant twist in volving the travels of two ambas sadors and a once-obscure Polish plan for barring atomic arms in Eastern Europe. It was a day that saw: i. ' U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn ! tion was negative. Thompson brief President F.isen- hewer s taomei on prospects ior . . an East -West summit conference 1 1 I X I rpCljrV this year, then head back by air w.J. I I CO I J to his post in Moscow. I. New Soviet Ambassador Mik- naii Mensnisnv. moving aimosi as fast as the SOO m.p.h. Soviet ) Y" a. I T,vflc airliner which brought him from VU I 111 I OaCj . Moscow yesterday, swap pleasan-t . ,MrTnv s-.i. t ,c tries at the Stale Department with, WASHINGTON. Feb. 7 (-Sec-Secretary Dulles renr of the Treasury Anderson 3 The State Department speak M'd today the current economic ' kindly of Communist Poland s situation "does not warrant' a peaceful intent, but pull back pub-;t cut. , licly from a secret critique cabled: Anderson told the Senate-House its European missions calling the , Ewnomjc Committee that tax Polish proposal extremely dan : changes should be used to stimu gerors ' I la,e tne economy only when "con Thompson s Russian counterpart ditions are sufficiently adverse to a blue -yed blond with a ready warrant it." and. he said: "It is smile lost no time in taking lour judgment that the present con charge of the Soviet Embassy dition of the economy does not here With unprecedented speed, j warrant such action now." he called on Dulles and arranged! Although he said he would not for a formal presentation of ere , be surprised by itrtre "bad news" dentials next week to Eisenhower. from the economic front before The Polish plan for an atom-, things get better, Anderson said free lone was the main topic at he was not even prepared to dis cuss tne possibility ot enacting a standby tax cut bill, to be used if the recession goes beyond a cer tain specified point. Andeson did not use the word "recession" in his prepared state ment. He aid he looks for a "re adjustment" soon and is optimist tic for the years ahead as well as for this year. "Neither inflation nor deflation will be allowed to run a ruinous he said. "In other developments: 1. Both toe Senate and House i I? pi- At ft). V AS. The 48th anniversary week ef Boy Scouts of America jot underway Friday as scouts from throughout Oregon made tbelr annual report to gov. Robert Holmes. Tnese three Mlem boys presented the goveraor with gifts during the ceremony. They are (left to right) Jon Rhodes. Sea Scout Ship 12; Richard Belling, Troop 15, and Donald Chapman, Cub Pack 141. (Statesman Photo) Wasco Man New President Of Wheat Unit SPOKANE. Feb. 7 Floyd Root. Wasco, Ore , was elected ;. .1 iUa Vatinnnl Acn flf i""1"1" course wneat urowers as me roup Its convention here today Theater Time Table tLSINORK "SAYONAKA": 7 0S, I II CAPITOL (Continuous from 1 Jn.) kiddie show": im LXS GIRLS': . I. It S3 'JOKER IS WILD": 4:14, S JO OLLVWOOD Kiddie Show": 1-00 "MAN OF A IHOBIAND FACFS'- I SO QUANTXZ': 7:00, lH Denver was selected as the site k'nriaiinHt mmitt Of next years meeting but the B .dministrstion r date was not set immediately. , .jJ;,: ... Among resolutions approved by ; , , t0 '1 --JorcLm the delegates wm one urging the lesj wVl(riB7.nd former fed-, LedQerSllip Department of Defense to set up , e , of work 1 1 sewt, committM'i action rfprfril AnMil AlV in unusual speedup, taken! . would require a minimum reserve , sfnte 4n 01 WO mUllOn DUSmi? Ol IW , . . . ,yr rwn.rtm.nt -.ffioi.l quality wheat at all times. Thev also urged the government to establish wheat storage faeili- said the money is "needed im 2. The House Ways and Means ties at world markets and went l;Comn,jttee wound up vt wwkj Be Extended HW.HrMH.,Uudi7' .. .... -r0nrim.u, u..,.. i I JJ5THL2JK5.'?irS! m """"" '.'TtSL I f.!l.. Missing at Sea Oreizon State College psychology , bership book and a scout-made- department instructors will com 48th Anniversary of Boy Scouts Launched Explorer Scout Bill Kan;, Post 1 1 paper weight. Salem, represented Cascade Coun-1 Thirty scouts were escorted on cil Friday In ceremonies with Gov. 1 a tour of the Statehouse. Robert D. Holmes that launched : Scouts fn Salem and throughout Scouting's 48th anniversary week. , the council will collect Goodwill Kanz is the son of Mr. and Mrs. used clothing bags today which R. W. Kant. 255 Southview PI., S. they distributed to homes last Cub Don Chapman, Pack 1. son week. of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Chap man, 4370 Tom Ave., N, and Scout ; Richarl Reiling. Troop 15. son of! Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. Reiling, 1295 1 Overlook Ave. NW. and Sea Ex-! plorer Jon Rhodes. Ship 12, son ' of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rhodes, 925 i Cross St., SK, presented the gov ernor with a plaque, a scout mem- Portion of Dead Mans Heart Saves 6-Year-0ld Boy NEW YORK, Feb. 7 - A year-old Queens boy went home today five weeks after a section of a dead man's aorta had been traded on his heart to repla; a diseased area. ' IJm'u'ouirau, David Fleming Jr. was picked : jtut up at St. Francis Hospital in Ros-!Boi lyn. N.Y.. by his parenU and two KS. sisters. Physicians said his con- Cleveland dition was "very good." The operation on David took five hours during which time his heart stopped and had to be mas saged for more than two hours. A team of IS doctors and nurses performed the operation. The Weather Mix. Ml. Pr. Attorla 17 t .ft Rkr . . SJ .01 Bend-Rfdmond ..IS SS .C.I Klamath ralla il at .11 Medford - M 41 .11 Nawnort . . . . . IT 4T .1 I North Band M 4T M .Portland ... M 4.1 .11 Salem .. . i IT 44 .11 By THB ASSOcTrKn PRFS M. Ml Prrlp. on - Young GOP Chief Loses Ballot Spot NEWARK. Ohio. Feb. 7 State Rep. John Ashbrook R Licking), national president of the Young Republican clubs, was dis qualified today from having his name placed on the May ( pri mary election ballot, the Licking County board of elections here announced. Miss Edith Welch, board clerk; said Ashbrook notarized three of his nominating petitions himself, which is not permitted under Ohio election laws. Ashbrook, an attorney and pub lisher of the Johnstown Independ ent. was unopposed for the Re publican nomination. He is serving his first term in the Ohio House, He said he will campaign as a write-in candidate for the pri mary. Write-in votes are not valid in the November general election. Denver Detroit ralrbanki Fargo fort Worth Galveatoa Helena Honolulu Kanaai CHy Lat Vefaa ls Aneelaa Miami Mnpla-St Paul New York Omaha Phoeni Reno Sacramento Salt I.ik City San DlefO San rranrlaro Waahlnf ton M M 41 SI IS M 4T 14 T I 44 M IT T U m M M T M II W M n 4 IT M 40 .14 31 71 II S3 21 ! 2S II n 41 II 4 I 41 as 4 -J-31 -1 74 41 SI 31 II S3 41 1.S4 anHth nilrai " ?! 'w ! Thir.yne persons are Uking the r:" V. : cu lrom council 01 aute trainin. said Georee Porter, di rector of the Salem adult educa tion program. The conference, which is under direction of the general extension Soup Drink On Alcoholism added. an international growers confer- j chambers of Commerce, ence to aiscuss woria wncai ireue j The association asked that 100 million bushels of surplus Conv nwtitv Credit Corn, wheat be moved into feed use each year and ; II j - that a minimum of 55 million M Af3 IflC Plflnt acres of national acreage allot- 1 ,CI dlUd 1 ljlti ment be retained. Theodore Fiedler of Colorado, who had heen rhairtnan of the associauon'i marketing research' WASHINGTON. Feb. 7 & Prot-j committee, was elected secretary. i cnurcn leaocrs oranie soup, Ilected vice presidenU were: i.tbe rocks- at a luncheon, today Verne Barbe. for Washington :: n1 formed a new Interdenomuia- j C!J A Adrian Nelson, for, Idaho; Jack fo"! Committee on Alcohol Prob-j f lOllUd HUdln Smith, for Oregon; George Brink-,'"? I , . . , ema. for Colorado; Lester MortJ expUined that the. soup.ip.l I nAar tjoo iwnicn was non-aiconouc uiougn . IW w I J WHVIWI served from a champagne foun-! i i i I tain, was a "better-tasting and fA Aa-3fns-l far healthier beverane." VaUIU fTCalllCI The official announcement of the meeting said "'ICAP was glee fully terned 'iccup' by delegates." In more serious vein, the dele gates heard the Rev. John Linton til Toronto a Canadian t mnr. 1 1 C A f Un leader, assert that alcohol st2ie' history- for Nebraska: Patrick Paterson, for Kansas, and Harold Helebaum, for Wyoming. Plea Heard For State to KOAC REDMOND, Feb. 7 t Only silt persons showed up here today at the last of a series of hearings on "whether state-owned Radio Sta tion KOAC should be sold. Migrant Farm Labor Survey Set by County Marion County will make a sur vey of health and sanitation con ditions under which migrant farm laborers live sometime during May and June, Dr. Willard Stone, county health director, said Fri day, Dr. Stone attended a meeting at Portland Friday attended by health direetnr and aanitariana of PORTLAND. Feb. 7 i - Mrs i.r,l ranti.. ... division of Oregon Stale System of ! Frank Eugene Long of Portland ; consider the migrant worker health nigner taucauon, may x t- j was notuiea toaay mat ner nus-, problem. ed to provide seven evening ses- hand, a seaman aboard the S S. I The surveys, which will be car-! sions and college credit, said Por- Peabody, is missing from his ried on by several counties, will ' ter. A minimum of 12 persons is ship and is believed lost at sea. j compile information to be turned j required for the extension, he There were no additional de- over to the Legislative Interim tans except that the ship was near Committee in Migrant Workers as Puerto Rico when Long, 52. fjrst a basis for possible legislative! was reported nussin; action. i The ship left Coos Bay shortly Information will be gathered after Christmas for a trip either by personal interviews of through the Panama Canal to the j migrant workers or wirker-com-1 tast coast, it now is en route pleted forms provided at group I Extension of National Wool Act Backed WASHINGTON. Feb. 7 1- Wool growers, traders and manu facturers joined today in urging an extension of the National Wool Act. Nearly a dozen representatives of the three branches of the in dustry appeared before a Senate agriculture subcommittee which is considering bills to extend the act, which expires in March of 1959. The measure, under which cer tain wool import revenues are di verted for Incentive payments to domestic wool producers, was called the salvation of the sheep growing industryin this country. iinrrcsis are mrung lanaaiam - ,. " , . "' laws curbing liquor advertising j MW ma,s ! Canadian cold air (daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. J. by beaming "propaganda- from!couJd do- Florida s great winter j Dwight Russell, who suffered fa L.S border cities into Canada. vegetable crops already have , uil injuries in a Friday night high- Elected chairman of the new n vinuauy wipm oui uj u..c;Wav accident on Salem Bypass MIAMI. Fla., Feb. 7 it - More cold weather poured into stricken Florida today, worsening the rec ord of a winter which already has been the most disastrous in the There was , little damage the Ike Okehed for Quail Hunting WASHINGTON. Feb. 7 ufl -President Eisenhower has his doctors' okay to go quail hunting en Today'! forerart ilrom TT R Wea ther Bureau. McNary Field. Salem): Partly rloudy ' with a law ahowen continuing today and tonlaht. Hlih today M: low tonlaht 42. Willamette River: 44 feet. Temp. 11:01 a.m. today: 4S. Saleaa Prerlalutlea Since ttart of weather year Sept. I To date La ft Year Normal 23 M u as Mil Tide Table (Taff, Ore.) (Compiled by U.S. Coart lc Geodetic Survey, Portland, Ore l High Watera Feb 11 it 14 II Si Time Helaht I I am S S 3 21 pm 3 M am 4 iT pm 4 4J am I 44 pm 10 am T II pm 1:41 am I M pm T 45 am 4.1 pm 1:41 am 1:00 am 41 am 11:11 pm 10:31 am 11:54 pm 11:13 am Lew Waters Time Height an 160-7741-tSI tauaui MAY It 11 MAY 22 9 CAHCtt vriio-iMi-rt uo 1 JU.Y 34 U. AUj 31 HA34-37-41-4AI AUG 14 ner '.7? 40-431 447-74 STAR GAZElC B curi. rot-LAN H Yevr Doilr AetiWkr I " Atrerrfiot e $fn. ' To develop metooe tor Solurdoy, rood word cor reiponding to nunabtn of your Zodioc birth sign. I Dnn't J Kho J lf.ah 4 A J SIkmIo 6 (nine 1 Fan4 I St , 10 You 11 13 Vem IJ Co.tM 14 Keen l A 14 Ol 17 togle II GoodwiS I 'or , 71 " 3? Reock 33 Mte 34 Eve 3i Goem 26 Norhtnf 37 Anram 74 3 Up 30 That SI Inventiena 42 Tfndencrtt Il AllKtw )1 Able 32 rriendi 31 MeaK 34 Rotember 44 "tort 15 Setoie i It J On M Your JT ' 7 It 1 Coh 44 Vncwe 34 Dtnicm t Under 40 II 70 A 41 Are 71 TMoy 42 CouM 77 And 43 Could 73 DiKreneo 44 And 74 CoptiMied 45 Youc 75 WeaHb If, Ho 74 'oy 47 Your 77 Come 4S Ot 71 Rtoaoted 49 To 74 Pofulo'ity V) Shortgun) 10 lulhel 51 Foil II Youf 5? Lik 12 Pt'lenol JJ Momwl'te S3 Pwiern 54 Unf aporMdly 14 loiket Si Spendttiritl St N it St 14 Good 7 Bollnw IT D'lMrMd 91 front 14 Wov 5 To S laaooeroted rM) Mev 40 lortune Good ()AdYtnt )N?ril OcVf2 4. 7- MjYCi M-54-71 S- I 73-4741 af k-70)-4l OCT MOV taatmaiui Nov 31 B OK II n-13-l-S5aTi M-7J76 J AOUABIUI IAN 31 HI tn-n-3 vi-i . 4 FII t-lf-17-3iVCH ri3-77-e-OVa More Soccer Players Near Death in Crash Woman Guilty 13 U am 11 M am 11 5S am 13:31 pm 113 am 1 01 pm 1 51 am 1:4T pm S3 am 1:34 pm 14 JT am 10:43 am 12:OS am 1I 3S pm 1 33 pm 13 44am I 31 pm 1 IT am 1:3a pm 10:34 pm 4 34 pm 4:13 am 1 11 pm 1:03 am I M pm 141 am 1:31 pm I 30 am T:03 pm T O am T 34 pm T 47 in ' 1:03 pm 1 14 am I 33 pm back. Crash Victim's Rites Pending sessions, said Dr. Stone. Other counties to take part in the surveys are Multnomah, Hood River, Clackamas, Malheur, Co lumbia, Umatilla, Wasco, Sher man, Washington and Polk. on a forthcoming trip to Georgia, the White House said today. The President is still suffering from a cold and sore throat, and Slow-Down Work Charge Dropped by UP PORTLAND. Feb. 7 Of - Un ion Pacific todaf withdrew an in junction complaint against 71 em ployes accused of slowing down work in the firm's Albina yards here. The railroad said that grievanc es between the company and em ployes had been settled and that work had resumed at the normal pace. The dispute, which arose last Saturday, stemmed from the com pany's dismissal of two employes. The company contended the pair had withheld information concern ing injuries prior to employment. UP said .the cases of the two will be processed through DECATUR, Ga.. Feb. 7 OP -Gray-haired Mrs. Margaret Bur ton, apparently semiconscious aft er a fainting spell, heard an all male jury convict her today of stealing SUM, 000 from a prosper- 1 : -1 ..n: MUNICH. Germany, Feb. 7 - VT.r ...LT'w. . . Five injured victims of Britain's' ' 1!L soccer plane crash were believed," ' ' " ,wa to have only a 50-50 chance to 01 llrcny- . live tonight. oil A nine-man British and Ger J Jman commission probed the cause 13 i of the crash of the twin-engined 1 British European Airways plane on a take off a a snowstorm here 13 yesterday that killed 21 persons, J J ' including of Britain's top 0.2 i soccer stars. ? The crinolinf of the champion ship Manchester United team was a national sports disaster to Brit ain. It not only jeopardized Eng land's chances for the world soccer cup. British sportsmen 1 said, but inflicted a blow from) which it may take 10 years to recover. Eight British sportswriters also lost their lives. Only 23 persons among the 44 on the plane sur vived. Soccer fans throughout the world from Russia to South America went into mourning. At thou sands of soccer games this week end all over Europe, players and spectators will stand in silence. Players will wear black mourning bands. -114 11 -IS II -04 10 -A3 I I -4 1 I I .! 1 S 9 I 3 4.1 fault Hit Wttttrn Rhythm Boys Sheridan's Eagles Hall Shoridan, Oregon DANCE Ivory Sat. Nit Dental Survey Set ROSEBURG. Feb. 7 ( - The Umpqua Dental Society next week will conduct a survey to deter mine if Rose burg school children have dental problems. grievance channels provided by the National Railroad Act. CONCOIMA COUICI CHOIR CONCERT Saturday, Fab. 15-1:15 P.M. Fine Arte ArjtUt.-Willaaaarle U. TICKETS NOW ON SALE Al Staveae t tea-$l.S aael S1J4) rtMISa4IIMI4MINIINIM4Maaa : 2 wtKMFOooribo&i organization for a unified AM ileXtltitl nrnklaMMe mi m fla- The strongest plea for the state j " wZZ-.. &-E!to. w" made Wral secretary of the Methodist (SUry also Page 1.) iSllflm A A Unite. Funeral arrangements are nend-' ' w W,,,,J ing at Clough-Barrick Mortuary. T Hnct Ditrirf or Florence 'Bonnie) Russell, II. 1 U 1 ,ual siaintl Groups Tonight by Mrs. Stanley Tornbom She said that she lives on an isolated ranch in the Sisters area. There is no school for her chil dren to attend, so she teaches them. Mrs. Tornbom said. Aad. she said, KOAC programs are a key part of that instruc tion. -In addition, Mrs. Tornbom said she I i k 1 the classical music the station broadcasts. The hearings have been con ducted by the General Extension Division of the Oregon Board of Migner tducstion. Board of Temperance. Crash Damages Four Vehicles taleeaaaa Newt Service BROOKS, Feb. 7 Four cars were extensively damaged in a chain-reaction type collision near here tonight but state police said only minor injuries resulted from snapped necks. Police said the cars were driven by Louis G. L'rbick. Portland in the $:M p.m. accident. Rock Tumbles Freight Truck attack frPIs .n". ils. I The young victim was born Feb ine Olg citrus inuuatrj- .rai u., H 1Mb a( Broadvjew Tne hard hit and on the ranches cattle j famiiy Ia(er moved Wejseri jda. are dying by the thousands of pas- ,ho and cam( , Sa,em flbout ,w0 ,elroy'd bf cold- ... , years ago when the father took J. O Pearce Jr., J" of paslorship 8t Westminster lhe , 11 iJ i United Presbyterian Church at 3735 thenert five week, because of jVfff laCK Ol leea. . . arA-T at dUm Uoishta Cs.k1.l "I've never known cattlemen to : . " . ".,.""""""" be in Kh bad shape with worst month of the year sUringntJ 11 a brother. William, them in the face," Pearce said. . "February is always our worst 'Mol en Banknotes round winter month." KAMPALA, Uganda. Feb. 7 Meanwhile a Florida Citrus , Part o( ,he 100000 mnilt Commission official said the De- ,$28O 0oo, worth of Fast AMctn cember freeze caused at least W' banknotes stolen from a London 10 me THE DALLES. Feb. 7 - A large rock today tumbled down onto U.S. Highway .10 in front of a freight truck pulling two trail ers 1 million dollars damage Mate police said the truck hit State's citrus industry- the rock, veered into a flitch, over turned and then caught fire. Its driver. Gerald McCool. 28. Portland, scrambled from t h e truck. Passing motorists extin guished the lire. Police said McCool suffered a back injury and head cuts. Salem Alcoholic Anonymous groups will be hosts to other such organizations of the Mid -Valley area at an open district meeting at I o'clock tonight at Mayflower Hall. Guests will include groups from Albany. Corvallis. Lebanon. Mc Minnville. Sheridan, Sweet Home and Woodburn. The SOS Center, S60 Marion St. NE, will be headquarter! (or out-of-town visitors and state delegates will hold a closed meeting there at 10 a.m. Sunday. Women from Group No. 1, the Industrial Group and Capital City Group will oper ate a coffee and snack bar at the center this afternoon. 1 lLi! .x, Fuchs Two-Thirds ft I VJS Vt tWJ tJVVUW tVIIVI 11 WW' ' - Ut Way on Trek Across Antarctica AUCKLAND, New Zealand, Feb. 7 ur Dr. Vivian Fuchs and hit British party reached Depot 700 today, about two-thirds of the way on their trek across Antarctica via the South Pole. fore noon. But plans still were in the works for the President to visit Thomas ville, Ga., where former Secre tary of the Treasury Humphrey has an estate, around the middle of next week. Suggestion Saves Services Millions DALLAS, Tex., Feo. 7 (-An employe of the Air Force got a $3,700 bonus today because a sug gestion he made has saved the government about five million dol lars in two years. William H. Hermes, engine in spector assigned to the Southwest Airmotive Corp., here, won the cash award for discovering that the Air Force and the Navy had been flying the same type of light bomber for 12 years without realizing that parts of.the planes were interchangeable,' f DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT The Kaiiar Uens Hall 4100 I leek -Skerry Aefewe (to Rahar) "Duffy" Ellis and His Orthestra PateiaararJ br Kahwr lie deal General Manager Homer Hooks said this will be offset in part by higher prices received for the re maining crop. 750 Movies Sold to Video Firemen Plan Ball Tonight The annual Firemen'i Ball with a crowd of 000 to 1,000 persons NEW YORK. Feb. 7 Para-i "P1 10 "cna 'I' " mount Pictures today announced: Crystal Gardens ballroom. Clement Kmeale, Gervais; Bill 0 'he sale of all its pre-1948 movies Advance ticket sales for the Williams. Long Beach. Calif., and 'or million dollari for use on dance have reached about 11,300. Henry H. Hansen of Hubbard. 'television. I The dance, to begin at I p.m.. Hansen was cited with following 1 Barney Balaban, Paramount j wji have a Valentine theme with loo closely, oficers said. All but ' President, said the purchaser of ; m 4 j c Dy the crystal Gardens' one of the cars had to be towed ;,n approximately 730 films island. headed by Jules C. Stein, who also heads Music Com. of America. The films include "Going My Way," with Bing Crotby: "The Lost Weekend," "To Each His Own:" varioui Cecil B. DeMille ?.TJ,!r u"' Genetics Confab Due if 1 iaix:, v o j 1 1 1 j ftatrvea. I rt v notes handed in by an Asian ! MONTREAL, Feb. 7 1 - The trader were spotted by an Mbale International Congress of Genetics bank clerk. I-ondon police recov- reports the Soviet I'nion will send ered IS. 000 pounds of the loot in; delegates to its 10th annual meet -lIs cwX IM ;l U h rt'lM ". '. mc "Joker Is Wild nJUV,AJ chu , . , . gj,. Ixmdon last March. ling here Aug. 20-27. Biggest Dance of the Year! FIREMEN'S BALL IT matte. Crystal Gardens Always a Crtof Crowd Always Good Tim Jehovah's Witnesses Kick Off Convention 1 EUGENE. Feb. 7 - The At , 1 .a - , WW II . Tall IVUal MJ. eWT4llllC f .It! ocular,; and other noted pic I ... r ... rr.: u i lures. Lane County Fairgrounds here lo- aight. 1 A dedication and baptism cere mony are scheduled tomorrow. On Sunday W. C. Cough of Brook lyn. N.Y.. will give the keynote address. "Facing the Future With out Fear." Queen of the ball will be selected ! by vote of the crowd and a bou-! quet of roses will go to the oldest woman present, chairman Glenn ! Shedeck said. Proceeds are used for the an nual toy repair project sponsored by firemen each Christmas. YOU CAN GET IT ir:h.'- AT Munkrn rhrHtwlf , . , at-IOi-lS Variety ' Nam a. Irhkaaa'a-M. fnet. 94. fO4M f la 4r H 1 1 day Larry's Cascade Rangt Riders Saturday Nights Ladies Admitted Free 'Til 9:00 P. M. - Adm. 90e Dial 1430 - KCAY - hi, 4:00 P. M. AUMSVILL PAVILLION 12 Kkort Miles Frktm Sslem oa flantlam Highway KIDS SATURDAY FUNHOUSE" Today I t 4 f. M. Eve. Show :4S Fads Taaitet . "MAN OP 1000 PACES" "QIMNTEZ" Starts Tomarrow Cent. I P. M. t Big Htt an One Program i !!iw..n,.jljtj,J1jj T&D HuriTERa Natauc Wood TUtlattH tcffjl TUI Istel Mtott I Catst' gtll ii if; al WMIN tM I IS rum S4... a.. "V TMI IXCnIMINf NSeNSI air. 1 a cmuMau etcrvai GLENN FORD VAN HEfUN FCUCIA FARR I I'AI feaei Reeervaal Saaaieterl By I SAIIM IUTHIIAN CMUtCMIl I DANCE TONIGHT ffcDAYT0N 1 ll a I II 11 Music by 4! I 13 WESTERNAIRES I III f I V l:M M U:M I II I 1 I i Urn. IMffialM.) I I II S1 ' Cottonwoods Every Sat. Nite Tommy Kizziah andHii West Coast Ramblers Now sound in music Latest Tunas, new members to en tertain you. Cactus Jack, George Gunderson, Harvey VYattenburger, Clint Pulton, John Reese, Eddia Zunk and Tommy. On KSLM Sat. Eva. Adm. 1.00 tax inc. 7 Miles last of Albany STARTS 2 GREAT TOMORROW FEATURES 1 KCeV TIE SUES KM AS NEVEI lEFUntL 0 4 A KllZUKSXTVflXllXUUSlJi. ZZi JT tio COMIT CORNEL WILDE JEAN WALLA CI AITMUS FKANZ TECHNICOLOR Today's Mat. Doors Open 12:45 P.M. Ono Hour, of Cartoons and "CONGO Bill" in Addition to Our Regular Scroti. Program! Apicture we cant laveenoudh about!& Pontwait to see it! 60 now! MSf SMMIIfrTSt Mm t- :rj l 1ANOAM a nouisnt n f JAMNCSt STal m f SAromn 1. fcftO 11 ill 1 Mail in -"--J f itlISfcMaC TtCHNICOLOt "SHOW BIZ BUGS" Brilliant Color Scretrv play A itory of Love and adventure, of bloodshed and Re demption. Prr4juca4j by ' 1 1 101 jones UNivmrnr FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Marion I Liberty Sra. . . Feb, 8lh 7:30 P.M. . mi mi ' ' ' 1 ' a.