The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1958, Page 18, Image 18

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    av To Presidents and Saints . .
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February Specialties
Planned for Parties
A '. fttatesmaa Wmh'i Edller ,
' February food take on gala look, for it'a the month when
mora special blrlhdayi occur than any other in the year, if jwr
great president had only known what inspiration they would
fee ta fancy cooks, they would be highly pleased with themselves.
Statesman, Salem, Ore., FrL, Feb. 7, '58 (Set IU)-18
, . hL valentine s day too Is a special day for
1 ,ood-
Happy Birthd
U- : J
1-1 ' .11
. 1 Cberrr ole. rafla U wilt, fatf rahlna. fcvarta
and flawers, all lead Ihrmwlvrs to parljr
deceratioes and food. Wt look at several la
our pictures far today. Thoerk yea cant da
mack to a cherry ale ta make It better
I 4 sj M's almost perfect already, yoa eaa give It
Le' a pastry hatchet aad a few cherry decorations
In ma Hi ii km J Lincoln was a rugged fellow but this cake,
Which is reminiscent of split rails or Jog cabins, is delicate and
' beautiful. It starts out with a new lemon chip cake mix (though
you can use a plain or choqnlate angel cake if you prefer!. Bake
It in a flat pan. mil it up with a filling of coco whipped cream,
cover with more filling and garnish with chips of chocolate. It's
handsome, and wonderful to eat! .
Lemon Chip Angel Log Roll
Prepare a package of of lemon chip angel cake mix as direct
ed on package. Spread all but 3 cups of the batter into a 15'ixlO'ix
1-inch jelly roll pan, which has been lined on bottom with paper.
Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees) about 10 minutes, or until
cake springs back when pressed lightly .with, finger.
Cool in pan 10 minutes. Then turn out on towel sprinkled with
sifted confectioners' sugar, remove .paper; roll up. rolling cloth in
cake. Cool thoroughly about IS hours, when cool, unroll, re
move cloth and spread with Cocoa Whipped Cream. Then roll no
again. Frost top and sides with any favorite frosting, and decorate
with shaved chocolate, or sprinkle with confectioners' sugar. Chill.
Makes to 10 servings. .
Spread the remaiaiag 1 caps of batter hit aa aagreased
lack ran ad layer pan or txIxS-laeh at HSxI-inch loaf pan spooa
lata 12 baklag caps set la muffin pans. Bake In moderate avea
itli degrees) aboat ZS minutes. (Bake cupcakes about IS minutes.)
lis plain or frosted for another dessert
Coco Whipped Cream
1 tablespoon cocoa teaspoon salt
S tablespoons sugar 1 cup heavy cream
Mix together cocoa, sugar and salt. Add cream gradually, stir
ring to keep mixture smooth. Chill 1 hour. Then whip until stiff.
Makes 2 cups, or enough to spread between two Unch layers or
to fill jelly roll. - '
The heart bread loaf is easy enough to make, if you get the ,
right twist to the wrist- Use your favorite sweet roll dough or
this one:
Delicate lemon angel cake becomes a delicious Lincoln log roll with a rich cocoa-whipped
cream filling. The dessert begins with a new lemon chip angel cake mix, and ends with
a mixture of cocoa and whipped cream for the filljrtg. An alternate filling is made from
Lemon chiffon pie mix.
Sweet Yeast Dough
i packages yeast
K cup water
I cup milk
H cup sugar
I teaspoons salt
V cup butter or margarine
S cups sifted enriched flour
3 eggs . :,4
Vt cup melted butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon ;
V cup sugar
Soften yeast in water. Scald milk. Add sugar, salt and butter or
margarine. Cool to lukewarm. Add enough flour (about S cups) to
make a thick batter. Mix well. Add softened yeast and eggs. Beat
well. Add enough more flour to make a soft dough. Turn out on
floured board or, cloth and knead until smooth and elastic. Place
in. greased bowl snff let rise until doubled. Punch down. Shape
Into any desired coffee cakes. Let rise until light. Bake in moderate
even (350 degrees) M to 35 minutes. m
Heart Coffee Cake
Use aboot M of doegh. Rail into rectangle about tall laches
and aboat lack thick. Brash with melted better and sprinkle
with eJaaamon, sugar aad about H cop broken pecans. Ron p
tike n Jelly rail, begtaamg with the long side. Seal. Fold hah of
roU ea top of the other end press together- Place on greased Jul
lag sheet. With sharp knife or scissors eat throngh center, of roU,
leering S Inches at open end naeat. Lay eat halves flat. tform
heart. Decorate with cinnamon hearts aad while king. . .
Tuna Casserole
Quick Tuna Supper is a meal-ln-one
dish. Vegetables and tuna
blend in a creamy, seasoned
sauce, then" bake under a tender
corn muffin topping.1 You'll appre
ciate the convenience of using
canned white sauce as the starter
in this recipe. Simply turn the
contents of the can into the bak
ing dish; mix in the seasonings,
frozen vegetables and tuna. No
utensils to clean up and a sauce
that's creamy smooth every time.
1 UO-c-unce) package frozen
mixed vegetables
' I (lO'A-ounce) csn white
4 teaspoon Worcestershire
. sauce
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 (7-ounce) can tuna
' 1 (8-eunce) package corn muf-
' fin mix
Cook vegetables according to
package directions. Drain. Turn
white sauce into Itt-inch round
baking dish; and mix with Wor
cestershire sauce and lemon juice.
Mix in vegetables. Break tuna into
chunks sod scatter over dish, pok
ing it down into sauce. Prepare
muffin mix according to package
directions and pour over sauce.
Bake in moderately hot even (375
degrees) about 25 minutes, or until
topping is done. Serve from bak
ing dish. Makes 4 to S servings. .
. ,,,, ,, I I "
Creamfed Eggs ,
On Toast, .Fish
1 Creamed eggs hsvV many uses
as a sauce over fish, to be served
en baked potatoes, or as a break
fast dish w,ith toast. -
I tablespoons butter or mar.
,; garine ... ,
cup flour ,
I cups hot milk
hard-cooked eggs, quartered
e teaspoon salt
Pepper ,
Melt the fat and blend la flour.
Add milk and cook over low heat,
stirring constantly, until thick
ened. Add eggs, season. Heat and
serve wt toast. ' ' . " -'
If desired, add to the fat I tea
spoons Worcestershire sauce or
grated anion or Vi to H teaspoon
curry powder. Makes servings.
With fish, poultry,' meat. Use
only f or 2 eggs, and add 1 to 2
cups faked cooked fish, Chopped
' cookel meat, or cooked poultry, ,
When filling thin pancakes with
creamed chicken for a fancy
lunch, you'll need a cup of cream
sauce and two cups of cubed
chicken for the filling. An extra
cup of the sauce, flavored with
grated Parmesan or Romano
cheese may be used for the topping.
Add chili sauce to the mashed
egg yolks when you're preparing
deviled eggs.
Potatoes Novel
Here's a new wrinkle for an old
favorjtepotatoes. The sweet sour
flavor is novel, and good.
4 slices bacon'
2'4 to 3 cups diced raw potatoes
V cup finely chopped onion
1 tablespoon sugar
teaspoon salt
V cup water
Vi cup vinegar
Cook bacon in a fry pan until
crisp, remove from pan, and chop
Using 2 tablespoons of the bacon
fat." cook the notatoea over medl
um heal, without turning, for IS
to 20 minutes, or until they are
brown on the bottom.
Turn-the potatoes with a wide
spatula. Add onion and cook for S
minutes more. Add sugar, sslt and
water. Cover and simmer for 15
minutes, or until potatoes are ten
der. Remove from heat and pour
vinegar over potatoes. Cover and
let stand for 15 minutes. Add
chopped bacon, and reheat. Makes
4 or I servings.
Winter Favored
Baking Time
Cold winter days are wonderful
for baking, and many women like
to spend a day now and then work
ing up interesting baked, things.
Here we offer several suggestions
for that big day.
Bake a loaf of quick bread with
crisp walnuts and golden dried
apricots. Spread with cream
cheese spread to take the place
of a dessert in lunch boxes, or to
make a delicious between-meal
snack. . .
For an upside-down cake that
rates high with youngsters, ar
range, well-drained canned cling
peach slices in a mixture of but
ter and brown sugar in bottom of
pan. Top with batter made with
orange or lemon flavored cake mix
for special flavor. Best warm, like
all upside-down cakes.
Steam dried figs a few minutes
and chop fine to stir into cookie
dough. Soft, cake-like cookies taste
better than ever with chewy mor
sels of flavorful figs..
Dinner For
Make culinary history at your
dinner table this month with this
timely Rail Splitter's Kraut Din
ner in honor of Abraham Lincoln.
What could be more appropriate
for a brisk February evening even
just for the family.
Our 16th President was known
as the Rail Splitter in allusion
to his having spent some time
1830 splitting fence rails. Young
stars wilt especially enjoy this in
formal dinner-table history 'lesson.
ifle "rails in this case are
frankfurters split in half length
wise and cooked briefly in a butter
or margarine and mustard mix
ture and then baked atop a mix
hire of seasoned sauerkraut and
apple. The result is a mouth,
watering dish that will have every.
one clamoring for seconds.
To further carry out the rail
theme, we suggest serving French
fried potatoes as an accompani
ment. Get the frown kind and
your meal will be a cinch to pre
Kraut and frankfurters are
natural for winter meals. Just
listen to the family call out, "When
do we eat?" when the appetizing
aroma of kraut wafts through the
(Makes 4 servings)
1 tablespoons butter or
margarine ; .. '
, 1 medium-sited onion, sliced
1 medium-sized sapple, cored
. and sliced
1 teasphon celery seed
2 teaspoons dry muhtard
1 1-pound 11-ounce can'
' sauerkraut, drained
. Vi cup melted butter or '
1 pound frankfurters, cut in
half lengthwise
Melt 2 tablespoons butter
margarine;, add onion and aoDle
and saute until tender. Add celery
seea, l teaspoon mustard aad
kraut; mix lightly and turn onto
lightly greased even-proof serving
platter. Combine hm cup butter or
margarine and remaining 1 tea
spoon mustard: mix well. Add
frankfurters and cook over low
heat I minutes. 4r until frank
You'll fmov; ivhat's nciv
nith Instant ChoGG & Sanborn...
the second you open the Jar I
'. - .ml rw- . if:.:jt
, al I tnttoitt I
The amma-rlch texture la different toej. '
So spoon little leas or a little morn
for the flavor you like beetl
Firti! And on'y with Instant Chase A Sanborn ...
natural eoffu aroma. Now, it's yours, the
aeconM you open a jsr. Jt rises to greet you . . .
tells you there's so much mora flavor in every .
cup, Buy the full-bodied coffee and saw ..-: - i . .:
Give yourself i
Instant Chaso.G Sanborn
-the full-bodied coffee
When you buy ice cream in a
round carton you can serve it in
even slices if you slit the carton
from the firmly-frozen ice cream
wtih a sharp knife and then peel
off the heavy paper. A quart of
the ice cream may be cut into six
furters are lightly browned on both
sides. Top kraut mixture with
frankfurters snd mustard mixture.
Bake in moderate oven (375 de
grees) 45 minutes.
: t
A sweet roll, dolled up a bit, makes appropriate) Vslentiha's
Day food. It takes a twist of the wrist to turn a long cinna
mon roll into this heart shaped loaf, but its worth the try.
A little king decoration with a pastry tub or just a little)
paper funnel will dress it up. ;,.,-
'IS'' f i
y ...
1 SfiS
Special invitation
to taste the most
delicate natural flavor
ever in a margarine
. . . and
'V "V' .:.
. 5lL -W v . . .... , n. A
r i n
a i
when you buy a pound of
in this special carton
Nora's ell yen dot At your store ywiH find
these special cartons that tell yon how u
send in for your 15e Don't mias this special
offer. Limit of 2 pounds per family.
New, New AUsweet
is now mad with (hi new
lor the most delicate natural flavor
ever n a margarine!
Right now you can discover the)
most delicate natural flavor over
and save money, too. For Swift has
found a new way to make
Allsweet with the new Natural
Flavor Formula. This formula
gives you the most delicate
natural flavor ever in a
margarine. Pick up a pound or
two today. Allsweet's m a new
"poo-tot)" box. double foil
wrapped to protect the moat
delicate natural flavor ever!
. - .-4flF? . . hjr I in i rait
t i
0 j
i ' . . . .
"IS JUHUO yHtA. Uaaiffli UitaUsf